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From the Intentional Interim

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In 2019, the Annual Assembly set six Priorities to guide our QB Movement for the next 5 years. These priorities will be reflected in our QB Movement Strategic Plan that will be presented to the 2020 Annual Assembly. To whet your appetite, I thought I would write a series of short articles that give my perspective on the present state of affairs for each of these Priorities and where God is possibly calling us to go.



The truth of Scripture centred in Jesus is fundamental to all our beliefs and practices. We study the Bible, we teach and preach the Bible, we submit to Scripture and we live its truth. We expect Scripture to direct and change our hearts and minds as it is enlivened by the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim. 3:16; John 16:13)

The inspiration of Scripture is remarkable. In a series of discipleship studies for new Christians that I have been preparing (more on this at some later stage), I write, “It’s incredible really. Not only has God revealed himself in human form (through Jesus), but He has breathed out a very special book that speaks of God in language we can read and understand. The Bible is not just another book about God. It is actually God’s book. He has especially inspired authors to write down His ideas. As Paul said, “It’s all been God-breathed.” Yes, people wrote it, but God’s power breathed it and lives in it. The Bible is one of God’s incredible gifts to us.”

As a QB Movement, I believe that we are quite passionate about biblical authority. Our training Colleges take the Scripture very seriously, we use the Bible as our guide in decisions on theology and practice, we predominantly preach from Scripture every Sunday, and 52% of our members say that they spend time in prayer, Bible reading and meditation on most days. Our acceptance of biblical authority and our genuine desire to live as biblical people is one of the strengths of our Movement. This is so important. We are a people moored to biblical truth.

I would give us an 8/10 on this Priority.

But we can’t rest on our laurels. As our culture moves further away from Christian foundations, it is vital that we are guided by God’s revelation,

4 FEB/MAR 20 QB.ORG.AU not the latest ideas or trends. To do this we have to be studying Scripture consistently (2 Tim. 2:15) and doing what it says (under the leading and power of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13).

Some ideas we have on enhancing the priority of biblical authority in the QB Movement over the next 5 years include:

• Encouraging bible reading programs through our churches. • Building a biblical engagement component into the professional development program of registered pastors. • Pouring more resources into the equipping of biblical preachers. • Offering a 4 week, biblically based sermon/small group series across the QB Movement. • Developing biblically-based discipling resources.

I’m very interested in your feedback. Please email john.sweetman@qb.org. au.

John Sweetman Intentional Interim Director of QB Movement john.sweetman@qb.org.au


With the New Year has come the much-anticipated finalization of our Qld Baptists Review recommendations. The implementation of these recommendations, along with a restructure of QB Office Administration has resulted in a number of staff role changes for the QB Services team:

• Ann Armour has concluded as Personal Assistant to Rev Stewart Pieper in his role as Director of QB Services (DoS). Mrs Susan Harris is now the Administrative Support Officer directly assisting Stewart as DoS and Rev John Sweetman as Intentional Interim Director

of QB Movement (IIDoM). • Rev David Elvery will be commencing his role as Director of Pastoral Services in early February. Mrs Ann Armour is now the Administrative Support Officer for David in his role as Director of Pastoral Services. • Rev Mark Westhuyzen will also be commencing his role as Director of Church Health Services in early February 2020. • Rev Stephen Ball will be continuing in a part time capacity from February as the Assistant to the DoS. • Mrs Liz McFarland has commenced in the new QB Services Office Manager position. Liz is in transition from her previous role assisting the manager of Baplink and will be coordinating the combined QB services administration team as well coordinating Church Safety Services from March 2020.

It is a blessing to be working with such a wonderfully gifted team of godly and experienced men and women who are committed to serving the Lord Jesus and Queensland Baptists.

Stewart Pieper Director of QB Services stewart.pieper@qb.org.au

It has been a difficult start to the new decade, with parts of Australia devasted by bushfires and drought. There have been calls to prayer and other ways to help, both financially and in volunteering roles. We have a special feature this issue (Prayers for Australia in the Bushfire crisis). As Christians, we are grateful that God is in control, and He listens to our prayers and petitions.

The QB Youth and Young Adults team, in conjunction with QCCC, hosted the annual State Youth Camp for 2020. This is the third year of the camp, and the first year using the Kidcaff Farm and mud pit, which was a great success! We have pages of photos from the camp and will post more on the QB magazine blog – www.qbmagazine.org.au in the future. QCCC have some amazing facilities, and to celebrate the addition of the Noosa Outdoor Education Centre (NOEC) to QCCC’s site list, The QB Magazine and QCCC have combined to offer a great competition—a chance to enjoy a self-catered family camp for a QB Church at NOEC in the second half of 2020, for up to 200 people! See the QCCC article on page 19 for more details.

I pray that God blesses you and your loved ones, and I hope you enjoy this first edition for 2020.

God Bless,

Linda Nevell Editor, the qb marketing@qb.org.au

The QB is a member of the Australasian Religious Press Association, published bi-monthly by Queensland Baptist Services Group in February, April, June, August, October and December.

Editor: Linda Nevell Design: Shell Graphix Print: Printcraft

This magazine is printed with soy based inks and paper from sustainable forest plantations.

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Copyright © 2019 by Queensland Baptists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture verses appearing in The qb are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® , NIV ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

ISSN: 11323-7829

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