2 minute read


By Lucie Winborne

• Christopher Havens, a high school dropout and convicted murderer, taught himself advanced mathematics and solved a decades-old math puzzle involving “continued fractions” while in prison. He then published his findings in an international advanced math journal in January 2020. • The Grand Canyon is so big that it creates its own weather. • In August 1971, the Pittsburgh Pirates became the first professional team to have all nine players in the lineup be of Black or Latino descent. • World War II German interrogator Hanns Scharff’s unusual techniques for extracting information — which included sharing his wife’s homemade baked goods, cracking jokes, unsupervised nature walks and afternoon tea — were so successful that the U.S. military later incorporated them into their own interrogation schools. • The blood in that infamous “Psycho” shower scene was actually chocolate syrup. • Because it turns yellow when fully ripe, the Persian lime is not commonly found in markets, as it gets confused for lemons, but is used for most commercial purposes. • Hungarian composer Franz Liszt received so many requests for locks of his hair that he bought a dog and sent fur clippings instead. • The Bible is the most commonly stolen book in the world. • Pill bugs, also known as roly-polys, are not insects but rather crustaceans. They breathe through gills and are more closely related to shrimp and lobsters than other bugs. • The moon is not round, but shaped like an egg. • Brunettes are more likely than anyone else to become hooked on nicotine. The high levels of the pigment melanin in their hair also make it difficult for the liver to metabolize the nicotine, keeping it in the system longer and making it easier to become addicted. ***

Thought for the Day: “The vacation we often need is freedom from our own mind.” — Jack Adam Weber © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

Don’t JUST Recycle, Recycle right! King Features Weekly ServiceSeptember 6, 2021


No Plastic Bags


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