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THE RAW TRUTH WITH KENYA TEMPLETON Viva Raw’s market manager on family traditions, cycling and her fav CLT foods


Kenya Templeton is a force of wonder. You may know her face from Viva Raw, a raw bites juicerey located in 7th Street Public Market. After being an employee there for a few months, she was recently promoted to customer care and market manager.

This is the thing: Kenya knows her shit. I should


PHOTO BY CHADWICK CARTWRIGHT know after working under her as my manager at Healthy Home Market on South Boulevard circa 2011. She was the manager of the vitamin department there, which, as in most health-food stores, carried the whole establishment. Former employee Elisha Covington credits Templeton with teaching her “pretty much everything I know about health.“

Since my working with her in a formal setting, I’ve come to know Kenya in another way: the go-to international food expert of the city. Kenya knows food in a way I’ve never seen. Not just a purveyor of plates, she cooks her ass off with ease. She rattles off multilingual names of dishes with sheer beauty, leaving you curious, intrigued and starving.

I sat down with her to know more.

You ever met someone, stayed in touch for 10 years, watched them do amazing things, only to realize you know nothing about them?

I wanted to be learned so I asked about her upbringing, cycling, natural health and, well — we talked about a lot. In fact, you’re going to have to go to qcnerve.com to catch the full version of our convo.

Jasiatic Anderson: You’ve got a long resume. What are the things people around Charlotte know you for?

Kenya Templeton: “Vitamin Lady” at Healthy Home Market on South Boulevard or Central Avenue, Sprouts or Earth Fare Concord; former organizer of Charlotte Natural Hair Meetup Group; founder of Charlotte Natural Hair Education

Week; that big girl that be dancing and sanging at Soulful Noel (see Lifewave); co-founder and organizer, Queen City EZ Riders

Slow Biking Gang; the Black lady that bikes all over Charlotte and is car-free by choice; designer of the sashiko and patchwork coat that won the first Repurposed Fashion

Show; and Urban Girl Granola

World, my former brand name and

IG account.

How would you describe yourself?

Citified country gal with crunchy granola tendencies and world travel dreams always looking for an adventure involving food, cycling, music, dancing learning, educating, and healing.

Child molestation and rape thriver. I am beyond surviving that shit now.

My nephew says that I am the auntie with a house that is cool like an upscale drug den, cooking crazy food, scolding you, and loving on you at the same time. I feel that is the most accurate description anyone has ever said about me.

What’s your favorite thing to make from a garden?

Anything soup. I eat soups all year. My favorites are West African mafe (peanut stew) and any southeast Asian curry, especially massaman.

What’s your favorite place to eat vegetables in Charlotte?

My house. I find that most menus in Charlotte are limited with vegan and vegetarian options that are not redundant with other restaurants in the area. Plus, I like spices. I eat little American food, so vegan restaurants often bore me and do not have enough seasoning. I have over three shelves of spices in my spice cabinet and grow herbs in my flower beds. With COVID, Freshlist and The Produce Box have been delivering local organic produce and foodstuffs


FOOD PHOTOS BY KENYA TEMPLETON to me. I pick stuff I have not ever had when possible so I can explore.

If I had to pick a restaurant, I would say Enat Ethiopian, Jimmy Pearls, or Kebab-Je. Those are my go-to spots for plant-based meals with soul and seasoning. Both Enat and Kebab-Je have huge veggie platters that are so good I usually dance and hum when I eat them.

What are three places to eat in the Charlotte area that people probably don’t know, but should?

Lam’s Kitchen in Matthews is my favorite place for authentic Chinese food. It reminds me of late nights and holidays I spent eating in Chinatown, NYC. Plenty of vegetables for those that are plantbased. I do not cook a lot of meat at home, so I look forward to places that cook meat well. This is one of the only places I eat pork other than bacon. I normally get long beans, soft-shell crab, and tender greens.

Thai Tamarind in Monroe is the freshest tasting Thai in the area. Their naam kao — crispy rice with spicy lime pork and veggies — is one of my favorite dishes in the area. I also love their Pat Thai and panang curry in the veggie version. I wish they were closer to my home because I would go several times a month.

Grand Asia Market in Stallings was my go-to for Asian food shopping and authentic cuisine. I am a sucker for Hong Kong-style pastries like moon cake, egg tart, tuna bun, wife cake, red bean bun, taro bun, sachima, jian deui/sesame balls, and curry bun. Pick up a bubble tea, smoothie, milk tea, dim sum (on Saturday and Sunday). Then head around the corner for a full array of Chinese meat and veggie dishes and one of my favorites, Peking duck. If you go around the back of the bakery case, a view window is in place to watch sweet and savory goodies be made. I think it is one of the singularly most magical places in the Charlotte area. Umph, all the places I love the best are not in Charlotte. I never thought about it until now. What does that say about Charlotte?

How important is family tradition and ancestry with foods you prepare?

I am the black sheep of my family. Therefore, I am estranged from most of them. In addition, I am the only non-Christian in my family. I converted to Judaism at a conservative synagogue in Brooklyn, NY, in 2005. In Black families, if you are not Christian or Muslim, they do not have a clue as to what your religious traditions are and will not make a point to learn them.

My family hosted bid whist nights, parties, fish fries, and cookouts. When I was in NY, I hosted many a Shabbos meal before going to Friday night service. Grilling and smoking is not limited to special events. My father will smoke a whole fillet of salmon and I will make the vegetables. This is dinner on Tuesday. My mother is the best cook I know. She cooks different cuisines. She bakes. She is very experimental. I do the same. If you come for dinner or a party at my house, you need to have an adventurous palette. Do not expect chips, meatballs, crudite, or seven-layer dip. My cheese boards have vegan cheese with fennel, lime, chipotle cashew cheese. They ain’t ready.

FOOD & DRINK FEATURE especially when I forage and gather evergreens to make smudge sticks. For the past two summers I activities. In addition, I was tired of kids picking on me on the school bus. I told my mother I did not I dated a guy that biked and started back into cycling for transportation in Brooklyn. When I moved back have been going car camping several times a month. want to ride the bus anymore and she told me I still to NC, I lost my job and turned in my car to save

So, I guess I am continuing the family tradition I need that for my sanity. I am in therapy weekly. Dry had to get to school knowing she could not take me money. I biked as my main transportation for eight of not being a stereotypical Black Southern family. brushing keeps my hidradenitis suppurativa (slow as she left for work as a teacher before we caught years in Davidson and Charlotte. I got a car in 2019, We do not allow limitations. I cook and eat what I lymphatic circulation). the bus. So, I took her 10-speed bike and started but there was always a bicycle in or on it. My car died want when I want it. biking to school and riding to piano lessons, Thanksgiving week, so I am back on my bike. Just like my favorite track practice, choir rehearsal, and work. I It is different since I had COVID back in March Thanksgiving meal was had a freedom the other kids did not have. and have gained weight. I had planned to take a when we had Chinese In addition, I was being molested by a train and bicycle trip cross country in July, but the ginger chicken stir fry family member that lived in our home and pandemic hit. I will be biking more to prepare for with rice and veggies, helped with transporting us to activities. the rescheduled trip. Plus, I am writing a book about orange broccoli, fried Riding my bike made me less dependent how cycling has saved my life from depression, apple wontons, egg and distant from him. molestation, financial devastation, and health rolls, and ginger lemon Cycling provided freedom. My mother issues. The bicycle is a highly underrated form iced tea. did not care what I did if it was not a crime of transportation and we take it for granted in

I have been learning and did not embarrass her. I would go to the American society. The bicycle could be part of the to make the traditional music store, Riddle’s, the tennis courts, the plan to rid [our country of] homelessness, classism, foods of my childhood. I library, the arcade, and the swimming pool gentrification, and other societal ills. The problem is am going to make corn to learn and be free. that politicians and corporate America will not make pudding for Chanukah After my bicycle was stolen in college any money off that, so they think. as an ode to my and I had a car, I got away from cycling. maternal grandmother, When I moved to Long Island, I wanted to To find about more about what Kenya’s up to you Zelma Johnson. My bike the trails along the beaches, so I got a can find her on Instagram at @Kenya_Templeton_ paternal grandmother, STEWED MUSTARD AND TURNIP GREENS WITH TOMATOES AND SPECKLED LIMA BEANS. Specialized Hardrock. Then I discovered the Does and @KenyaTempletonPerforms. Katie, makes cherry forests in Orange County, NY, and would take yum-yum, persimmon My daily supplement regimen consists of an my bike when I shopped Woodbury Commons. Then INFO@QCNERVE.COM pudding, and chow-chow. I made a few jars of a adaptagenic herb, CBD oil, essential fatty acids, deconstructed version of her chow-chow and it was vitamin D drops, and something for immunity. I have fire. not used an over-the-counter or pharmaceutical

Each year I make vegan mafe (West African drug in over 15 years. groundnut/peanut stew) on New Year’s Day. I drink 32 ounces of hot tea daily. Next year I am I incorporate the classic Southern New Year’s getting back into lifting weights, off-road cycling, traditions of black-eyed peas, greens, and cornbread and tennis drills for exercise. into a non-traditional version.

For Chanukah I make stewed apples and sweet Tell me about your relationship and love potato latkes. Deviled eggs, chicken bone, stewed for bikes. apples, and turnip/crissy greens are on my Passover My dad is a bicycle mechanic among a list of Seder plate instead of the usual suspects. This other things he knows how to do. Like father, like merges Jewish and Southern Black tradition. daughter. My sister and I are daddy’s girls. I am

What are your most important health so I would help him build things out of wood, do regimens? electrical work, trim hedges, fix car/bicycles, and

I have been a certified natural health repair appliances. practitioner for almost 20 years and working in the We always had the best Schwinn bikes from natural products industry for over 25 years. I follow Riddles Schwinn Shop in Statesville. My dad would an Ayurvedic practice and keep in tune with my body. I only eat certain foods during certain seasons based on my dosha — forces that create your see an old bike, take it apart, clean the parts, paint the frame and reassemble it. Other Black families also had great Schwinn bikes from Riddle’s, and we Connect with free virtual arts, science, and history experiences for all ages.physical body. would often do multi-family rides on Sundays. It In addition, I meditate, journal, eat approximately 85-95% plant-based foods in my diet, ride my bicycles for exercise, pray, and keep crystals on me daily. I do a 30-day cleanse each was nothing for my dad to ride his bike to work or to the mall. When my parents divorced, this meant there was only one parent to take me to extracurricular CULTURE BLOCKS Find upcoming events at ArtsAndScience.org/CultureBlocks spring and fall. I do a lot of grounding in the woods, about the mechanical and creative stuff he does,




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PG.18 PUZZLE ANSWERS TRIVIA TEST BY FIFI RODRIGUEZ 1. MEASUREMENTS: How many tablespoons are in 1 fluid ounce? 2. LITERATURE: Which famous gothic novel features the beginning sentence, “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again”? 3. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of New Zealand? 4. BUSINESS: When was the first iPhone released? 5. TELEVISION: What was the name of Norm Peterson’s unseen wife in the sitcom “Cheers”? 6. PERSONALITIES: Which former pro football player earned the nickname “Broadway Joe”? 7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a female donkey called? 8. MEDICAL: A deficiency of vitamin A causes what condition? 9. MUSIC: Which 1980s pop hit starts with the line, “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to get through this thing called life”? 10. MOVIES: What was the name of Charles Foster Kane’s estate in “Citizen Kane”? CROSSWORD ACROSS 81 Directs 1 Dreamworld 82 Cantata kin 9 Pa 85 Dirt clump 12 Incline 87 Ph.D. or MBA 16 Big -- whale 88 Allergic reaction? 19 Person copying another 93 City’s main business section 20 Straight-ahead view during a tornado? [1982, 1967, 22 Dandy sort 1965] 23 “That raving guy is lying!”? 98 The Everly Brothers’ “-- Clown” [1958, 1999, 1983] 101 Bovine cry 25 Regret a lot 102 Old Fords 26 Mythical ship 103 Rigg made Rooney go 27 Plane-related “Wow!”? [1957, 2000, 1982] 28 Compass dir. 110 Many a seized car 29 Growing field 111 Honest prez 30 Franklin brought a certain 112 Revered sort continent’s nations back together? 113 Messy stack [1972, 1979, 1983] 117 Bitter brew 36 Very reactive element 118 This puzzle’s long answers 40 Actor Ely each consist of three of these 41 Inflexible 124 Actor Gulager 42 Assist an unwise fugitive? 125 Extolling [1965, 2002, 1961] 126 Analgesics 49 Like cold fish 127 “Keystone” lawman 50 Muscular jerk 128 Move upward 51 Organic compound 129 Heckling cry 52 Castle encirclers 130 Fresh beginning 56 Join others in the attack DOWN 59 Poetic foot 1 Mother of Helen of Troy 61 -- long way 2 Love deity 62 Effortless progress with zero 3 Chest organ snags? [2017, 1999, 1980] 4 Choir voice 69 Certain scroll key on PC 5 Test facility 70 -- Dhabi (emirate) 6 Gobbled up 71 Mr. -- (“Fantasy Island” host) 7 Actor Lloyd 72 Kings and queens hold agave 8 Less sweet, as wine liquor dear? [2013, 1966, 1958] 9 Gobbles up 79 High peak 10 In-favor vote 80 Revered sort 11 JFK, e.g. 12 High-strung 13 Vine-covered 14 Grassy area 15 Mom’s skill, in brief 16 Fright-filled 17 Wellspring 18 Epithet for Tarzan 21 Most recent 24 Before 29 Sorbet alternative, for short 30 Shine up 31 Broody rock genre 32 Japanese dance-drama 33 Concerning 34 “So cute!” 35 Beer bubbles 36 “-- -ching!” 37 Slim fish 38 -- -Blo fuse 39 NYSE debut 43 Of ears 44 Jaunty tune 45 Frosts 46 Modular part 47 Ark-itect? 48 Charity 53 Katy Perry’s “I Kissed --” 54 Toy truck maker 55 Wise guy 56 Cola biggie 57 Actor Epps of “Shooter” 58 “Ora pro --” (“Pray for us”) 60 Root beer brand 62 Filmmaker Pier -- Pasolini 63 Nile’s home 64 Stephen of “Ondine” 65 Suffix with play or faith 66 Kick out 67 Debt slip 68 Chou En- -69 Soho stroller 73 Roman 350 74 Consecrated 75 Sufficient, in poetry 76 Lamarr of “Comrade X” 77 Ticked (off) 78 Accordingly 83 Prefix with botany or biology 84 “-- Little Tenderness” 86 Lightest coin 88 Actor Griffith 89 Dol. parts 90 Farming tool 91 Barn percher 92 Slip- -- (mules, e.g.) 94 D.C.’s land 95 Silent “OK” 96 Santo -97 Diminutive 98 Audiophile’s storage item 99 Danny of “Ruby” 100 Wrap, as a weak wrist 104 Papas’ partners 105 Activist Hoffman 106 Final letters 107 Chemical suffix 108 “Over There” composer 109 Kevin of “Silverado” 113 Pitcher -- Wilhelm 114 Central Sicilian city 115 Golden -- (senior) 116 “Hey ... over this way!” 118 “Car Talk” network 119 “Mystifier” Geller 120 Chest bone 121 Artist Yoko 122 Job for AAA 123 1960s univ. radicals


A CRYSTAL CLEAR EVENING Enjoying a taste of something new at the historic Poplar Tapas location


‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all through the house/

A hangover was stirring, I was quiet as a mouse;

With Netflix in the background, I sat in a chair/

In hopes that PTO would send tidings of nightlife happenings there;

As I laid down my head my phone produced a sound/

A text from my editor coming inbound;

An invite to a tasting menu? Don’t mind if I do/

A Q.C. holiday miracle suddenly came true…

And that’s how I found myself at a one-of-a-kind Crystals & Cocktails event at Poplar Tapas, Wine & Spirits in the historic Fourth Ward. A quick glance on Instagram revealed that the night ahead would be truly magical. My eyes sparkled watching a glittering display of amethyst candleholders surrounding a purple cocktail of what appeared to be liquid crystals being stirred with a dazzling stick of purple rock candy to the sprightly tune of “Tapas Y Sol.”

The caption uncovered what I had in store: five courses paired with five dreamy cocktails in one of the coziest crannies of Charlotte. The perfect recipe for a gem-loving gypsy who’s constantly on the hunt for tasty small plates and cocktails.

“Wow is this a restaurant?” my Uber driver exclaimed as I steadied my heeled ankles for the dismount out of his tall SUV. Once safely on the ground, I smiled, regaining confidence, and assured him it was. I turned to see the beautiful display of twinkling lights on the front patio and the warm invitation from the entryway. Despite the fact that I’ve passed this familiar house many times, just like my Uber driver I had never taken the time to find out what was going on inside.

An historic landmark, the Morrison House is named after the Morrison family, who owned the property from 1906 to 1949. The house was owned and occupied by descendants of Dr. Robert Hall Morrison, founder and first president of Davidson College and an early Presbyterian pastor.

In the dark of night, you may mistake this beautiful piece of Charlotte history, located at the corner of West 10th and North Poplar streets, as just another piece of real estate. If you made the same mistake I did, you’re missing out on an adventure to Peru and Spain by way of tapas, wine and cocktails.

As I stepped through the door, I felt the coziness and excitement of entering a home that I’d ogled from afar. My curious eyes swept from left to right admiring the tasteful decor, the dark gray walls, the mysterious artwork, and the stairs laced with string lights as if I was stealing decorating inspiration before the hostess could stop me. I let my fears of “what I wouldn’t see” fall by the wayside as the secrets, history, and nooks of the home were soon shared with me by the “Magical Mistress of Ceremonies.”

My nosy heart rejoiced as Trish Ellington explained the history of The Morrison House and how Poplar Tapas’ vision was brought to life by Lucia Zapata Griffith, a Charlotte architect, and executive chef Bruno Macchiavello, both influenced by their upbringing in Peru.

After the tour, I sat down at my table in the corner of the room and anticipated the libations, eats and people-watching to come. As the other guests arrived, I rejoiced at each awkward, curious glance from strangers wondering my purpose in the room as I was attending sans a partner in crime. (Though later their curiosity would subside because I was joined by Kathy Chandler, a member of the Poplar Tapas family.)

I simply returned the favor by glancing curiously back when the same strangers were ordering cocktails before the cocktails…

The intimate experience began with an introduction of the star players, then the mood was set by Mystical Mixologist Jenni Holloway as she walked through the room burning sage and swinging a Koshi chime side to side. What may have been a step outside of some’s comfort zone — based on the raised brows and pinched lips — felt to me like just the kind of eccentricity that spells home.

What followed was three hours of pure bliss. Before each course, our Mystical Mixologist explained the cocktail, outlining the ingredients and highlighting the infused stone — the mystical properties and benefits of each one — making it easier for me to attribute my “mood” to energy transfer versus a cozy buzz. After each plate was placed, guest chef Edwin Cruz explained the intricacies of the dishes, spotlighting their organic and pure nature, which I can honestly say rang true with each bite.

Along the way, guests were encouraged to ask questions, adding to the atmosphere of having a decadent dining experience in the comfort of one’s home.

Course 1:

Ceviche two ways — Peruvian and Mexican.

Paired with a fluorite-infused cocktail; Jenni’s Pisco Rainbow featured peach schnapps, lime juice, Sprite, blue ice, and purple rock candy to garnish.

Course 2:

Tacos three ways — al pastor, grilled marinated chicken, vegan carnitas, with a small slice of perfectly grilled corn and an edible (and absolutely divine) nopal leaf on the side.

Paired with an Obsidian-infused cocktail; Edwin’s Authentica Jarritos, in clay cups from Mexico rimmed with chamoy and chili powder. This is the cocktail my dreams are made of.

Course 3:

Prawns with chorizo and ajillo sauce on a bed of mashed potatoes and rice paper crisp.

Paired with Butternut Bliss infused with citrine, dark rum, orange liqueur, and yes, butternut squash!

Course 4:

Seared scallop served in shell with sweet potato and carrot puree, white wine, and homemade garlic butter sauce.

Paired with Rosé Frappe infused with pink quartz, raspberry vodka, coconut rum, Rosé Cava and grated nutmeg.

Course 5:

The most “mystical” end to the evening touted grilled oysters two ways and served over dry ice, which offered a visual exclamation point to bookend the night’s tasting menu.

Paired with a jade-fused Frozen Jade Julip that featured bourbon with coconut creme, creme de banana, mint garnish and flambeed bananas.

After experiencing the carefully curated menu and night fostered upon collaboration between Mystical Mixologist Jenni, guest chef Edwin, and the staff, it’s safe to say that Crystals & Cocktails conjured a truly organic experience through flavors, stones and vibes.

There’s a rich, savory history to experience at Poplar Tapas, and you don’t have to wait for a tasting event; it’s happening daily. Events like this just highlight the team’s ability to turn what already feels like an intimate dining experience into one that can’t be found anywhere else.


By Lucie Winborne

• Doc Martens come in all different colors and sizes now, but the first pair was created using old tires. • There actually aren’t “57 varieties” of Heinz ketchup, and never were. Company founder H.J. Heinz thought his product should have a number, and he just happened to like 57. • March 3 is known as “What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day.” • The number of permutations within a deck of cards is mind-bogglingly large: an 8 with 67 zeroes after it. That means there are more card combinations than stars in the Milky Way, which amount to as many as 400 billion! • Cataract surgery was possible as early as the 6th century B.C. • Barbie’s physical appearance was inspired by a German doll named Bild Lilli, created in 1952 and based on a high-end call girl named Lilli who was featured in the comic strip “Bild-Zeitung.” She was sold as an adult novelty in bars and tobacco shops — definitely not as a children’s toy. Barbie inventor Ruth Handler saw the doll while vacationing in Europe and brought it home. • Sunsets on Mars are blue. • The Gate Tower Building in Osaka, Japan, has a highway that passes through the building, between the fifth and seventh floors. • A Paris morgue needed help identifying bodies in the 1860s, so decided to open its doors to the public. They probably underestimated people’s morbid curiosity, though, as soon 40,000 people a day were coming to look at corpses. • Mob boss Vincent Gigante would wander around New York in his bathrobe to convince the police he was insane, and thus avoid capture. ***

Thought for the Day: “Life is mostly froth and bubble. Two things stand like stone. Kindness in another’s trouble, courage in your own.” — Adam Lindsay Gordon

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