Eye Spy Intelligence Ma

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What readers can expect to find in Eye Spy Intelligence Magazine EYE SPY INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE is the world’s only dedicated newsstand magazine providing deep insight into the world of intelligence, espionage and related subjects. Available in 36 countries and subscribed to by many of the world’s leading intelligence and security services, Eye Spy is regarded as essential reading by those who work in this fascinating subject. However, its editorial bridges the gap between officialdom and the public, it “demystifies” the subject making it hugely popular to people in all walks of life. From significant world events to the latest developments in space espionage and equipment used in the ‘trade’, readers are assured they will find something of interest.

Reporting and Commentary The magazine dissects and issues comment on intelligence and covert operations. Using former intelligence officers, agents and military trainers, readers can be assured of the ‘news behind the news’ and what may occur in the future. The attacks on America in September 2001 and the Headquarters MI6 - Britain’s Secret controversial invasion of Iraq are just two events Intelligence Service - London deemed “likely” before they occurred. For connoisseurs of espionage, code-breaking and historical events, Eye Spy is a must.

Major Reports and Imagery Exclusives are nothing new to the magazine. In the past we have carried significant reports on hitherto unknown operations by MI6, to the warnings missed by the intelligence world prior to 9/11. Our photo selections are impressive and highly rated. Working in conjunction with quality firms such as the Law Enforcement Picture Library, Eye Spy has carried fantastic images and features ranging from the ‘Kremlin Guard’ to the United States Secret Service and undercover officers at Scotland Yard.

Editors, Consultants and Sources Each edition of Eye Spy carries important features with credible and reliable commentary and easy-to-understand analysis. Using Eye Spy’s impeccable sources, and our unique plain editorial style, readers will discover information simply unavailable through normal media outlets. Using the experience of journalists such as former Sunday Times senior investigator Nick Exclusive images: Former British Army sniper Mark Fielding and Michael Smith, former Spicer shows FBI specialists how gunmen in the defence editor of the Sunday infamous ‘Washington Beltway Sniper Shootings’ hid in their vehicle and still managed to fire Telegraph, Eye Spy is noted for its reliable and informed reporting. Editors and writers in various countries keep Eye Spy fully informed of events; from spy’s in the White House, to the undercover work taking place to tackle such groups such as Osama bin-Laden’s ‘al-Qaida’.

Specialist Associate Editors The magazine regularly publishes unique features allowing readers to learn many of the tricks of the trade associated with espionage and the world’s premier intelligence services. Our consultants in this area have a direct association with intelligence and security. Many have worked and operated around the world, from Afghanistan to Northern Ireland, and our reporting and expertise on surveillance and counterintelligence is highly acclaimed. Surveillance is covered by former Royal Marine Commando Peter Jenkins, author of the world famous book Advanced Surveillance.

Intelligence Services and Operations Eye Spy is very educational and readers will discover just how many intelligence agencies and their subsidiaries operate today. From America’s enormous intelligence structure, to the world’s elite organisations, such as MI6

Eye Spy graphic explaining the workings of the ECHELON spy system

(Secret Intelligence Service) and Israel’s Mossad, Eye Spy reports on their activities and offers acquired unbiased opinion. From intelligence gathering in space, to the power of ECHELON - a huge spy system capable of intercepting 100,000 telephone calls a second, readers will become familiar with the shadowy world of espionage and intelligence gathering.

The Use of Intelligence Major decisions made by world governments are often based on information gathered by their respective intelligence and security agencies: be it a spy in a dusty village in Africa, to a fully operational spy ring in Washington, intelligence is power and at the very least gives nations the ability to make judgements. However, when that intelligence is flawed, errors occur - Iraq’s illusory weapons of mass destruction is a good example of poor intelligence.

Trade Secrets The magazine is noted for its unravelling of ‘trade secrets’. From learning what to do if you believe your telephone is tapped, to choosing the safest room in a hotel, Eye Spy provides a plethora of security information for everyone, including helpful tips on travel and personal data protection. Our interactive series on intelligence devised by Kevin Coleman a leading intelligence expert based in the United States, gives readers the opportunity to test their skills in intelligence - from money laundering to specialist equipment making and, of course, the ‘art of espionage’. Previous magazines contain everything you need to know on the use of ‘dead letter drops’, codemaking, concealment and disguises, not to mention using bugs and other spy-related equipment.

Installing a KeyKatcher bug on a computer takes seconds

Spy Products Eye Spy’s product review section is very popular with readers looking for the latest equipment on the market. Major companies send our analysts interesting devices and materials once only available to officers and agents actually working in the intelligence business. From a device that can read every single call made from a cell phone (including all calls deleted), to tiny hand-held machines that can locate covert video cameras and ‘dead bugs’ attached to your computer!

Rare Intelligence Features Eye Spy is always first to reveal the latest releases Product Reviews: A popular Eye Spy from the National Archives and other government feature. Here a new multi-functional torch for police officers is tested bodies. With a dedicated and watchful staff, the magazine selects some quite breathtaking stories. In the past we have published exclusive features on Tito’s secret tunnels, the facts behind Rudolf Hess’s journey to the UK, and the MI6 operation that resulted in the assassination of Rasputin. Eye Spy’s reputation for publishing notable and controversial articles is well known in the media world. Leading authors regularly make guest appearances to promote their work, thus enabling our readers to be the very first to digest the Bletchley Park, England. Once home to many leading scientists involved with the cracking of German WWII results of lengthy and meticulous codes, now an important museum research. Historical features on the famous codebreaking site at Bletchley Park, Camp-X, the WWII secret agent training site, SOE and SOE, codemaking and the history behind the world’s leading intelligence services regularly appear.

Undercover Another popular section is ‘Undercover’ - a review of the very latest books pertaining to intelligence, espionage and security. The magazine also features a wide variety of specialist books on topics such as home and personal security, travel awareness and protection, computer technology and spycraft manuals!

Eye Spy Professional Equipment As a leading supplier of equipment to the trade, Eye Spy readers can select from hundreds of products associated with the world of espionage and intelligence, from the very latest miniaturized transmitter, to invisible ink and covert cameras smaller than a thumbnail.

Summary Since its launch in May 2001, Eye Spy has established itself as a firm favourite with both the public and those working in this very interesting and absorbing subject. A one-year subscription is just £25.00 UK (USA $48.00 £30.00 Europe) for eight issues - 84 full colour pages - highly illustrated and packed with hundreds of photographs, diagrams and illustrations. Each edition is highly collectable and can be safely stored and displayed in Eye Spy’s very attractive binders. Most back issues are available as single issues or come in complete yearly sets. Espionage may be world’s second oldest profession, but intelligence and the need to understand it, is now a priority for many people. Eye Spy offers ordinary people a unique opportunity to enter the world of intelligence. For those employed in the ‘industry’, it is essential reading. Mark Ian Birdsall Managing Editor

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