Qianhui Shi portfolio

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Qianhui Shi qs2192@columbia.edu 9299907552 521 W 111th St 62A New York NY 10025


Dongguan Museum of History and Culture


Dialogue Between Human and History

Moon in The Sea


Brain Labyrinth


Home Farm


City Promenade between Old and New


Slow Happy Journey


Immersive Theater Zoo




Dialogue Between Human and Nature

DIALOGUE Architecture is a language that helps people with communication. The earliest architecture's main function was to shelter people from rain and windďźŒas time goes by, architecture has been given more spiritual significance. Architecture takes an important role in helping people understand each other in the human world.This portfolio mainly discusses dialogues between human and history, human and nature, human and himself, human and modernity, human and public, journey and city, landscaep and architecure, in which architecture works as a medium.

Dialogue Between Human and Himself

Dialogue Between Human and Modernity

Dialogue Between Human and Public

Dialogue Between Journey and City

Dialogue Between Landscape and Architecture

Building Surveying and Mapping; Model Making

Dongguan Museum of History and Culture Dialogue Between Human and History Dongguan Street History Museum Design Instructor A/Prof. Yu Hui Individual Work Spring 2016

The site is located at the entrance of Dongguan Street in the historical district of Dalian. Dongguan Street used to be very prosperous, but now has been depressed, and even face with the plight of demolition. It will be invaluable to keep this area reserved as a Historic site and build a history museum at the entrance. The museum uses the same bricks from the old blocks as materials, and utilizes the slope roof as elements. The height of the museum matches the block perfectly. The sunken plaza brings more vitality to the museum. The design focuses on the reproduction of the Dongguan Street texture. The corridor around the outskirt of the atrium and overlapping courtyards allow visitors to get the same emotional experience as when they stroll in the blocks. Moreover, the design extracts the most interesting and commonest point in the courtyard " The Scene Which Looked and be Looked ", so that visitors produce different emotional exchanges with space from different perspectives anywhere in the museum. The museum connects visitors and history, that is, visitors and memories. I hope that when visitors stroll in the museum, they will feel like having a time-travel. They can dialogue with history. In the museum, the memory can be touched and felt.

Informal Box





















Corner Building



Street Memory

Views Along The Street

Silhouette and Perspective

Site Plan

Site Picture




Narrow Yard

Add-in Box


Open Platform

Corridor Connection




First-floor Plan

Sunken Plaza Garden Lounge

Basement One Plan


Basement Two Plan

view from the hole

view from the hole

view from the garden

view from the stairs

view from platforms

view from platforms

view from the garden

view from the hole

view from the hole

Moon in The Sea Dialogue Between Human and Nature Resort Hotel Design Instructor A/Prof. Ju Wei Individual Work Spring 2016

Chinese ancient poets are very fond of the images of the sea, mountain and the moon. Since ancient times there are countless ancient Chinese poems describe the beauty of the moonlight on the sea. The moon above the sea often evokes the feelings of the poets. This resort hotel is located in an island which has not yet been developed completely. There is only a small fishing village which is sparsely populated. When I went to this site to do research, a full moon rose from the sea. It was beautiful and left me a profound impression. Nature often creates curves, and people tend to pursue straight. The round shape of the design perfectly fits between the mountains and the sea. The building extends from the shore to the sea, as if a full moon is rising from the sea to the sky. At this point it is difficult to distinguish the sea and the sky. As if you steer a boat, you will be able to start from the foot of the mountain, and drive directly to the sky. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. The design has the shapes of both the full moon and the new moon. This design and the surrounding sea, mountains, and months are all in conversation. The curved surface can maximize the visitors’ appreciation of the surrounding natural landscape. The use of simple lines and natural simple materials such as glass and concrete make this design elegant and perfectly insert into this natural scene. There is no sense of violation. At the same time, the design of the aquarium in the sea makes people feel like walking in the sea. Visitors here to the maximum communicate with the mountains, the sea and the moon mentally.

望月怀远 唐


海上生明月,天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。 灭烛怜光满,披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠,还寝梦佳期。


Zhang Jiuling

As the bright moon shines over the sea, From far away you share this moment with me. For parted lovers lonely nights are the worst to be. All night long I think of no one but thee. To enjoy the moon I blow out the candle stick. Please put on your nightgown for the dew is thick. I try to offer you the moonlight so hard to pick, Hoping a reunion in my dream will come quick.

Site Plan

First Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

South Elevation in Winter

North Elevation in Summer

East Elevation in Autumnt

West Elevation in Spring

Second Floor Plan


Section 1-1

Brain Labyrinth Dialogue Between Human and Himself Meditation Space Design Instructor Prof. Wang Shiyuan Individual Work Fall 2017

A person understands the world through five senses, namely sound, smell, sight, touch and taste. Different sensory experiences can bring people different experiences and emotions. In the complicated urban life, there is too much interference from the outside. People are lost in a variety of sensory experiences. It is easy to feel spiritual emptiness after a short period of enrichment. Nowadays it's hard for people to have a suitable environment to communicate with themselves. This design mainly guides people from three aspects: sound, sight and smell. This design not only lets visitors into a suitable space for meditation, but also adjusts their mood to get ready for a talk with themselves.. The meditation space is located at the scenic area of Erdaobaihe Town, near Changbai Mountain, facing a meandering river with groves on both sides of the river. This design is located on a hillside. When visitors first enter the space, they will feel like be in a maze. With the deepening of the visitors, the space gradually becomes dim and narrow. Visitors will feel nervous and depressed, while their attention will also focus on the spatial composition. When the visitors arrive at meditation space, the space will suddenly be open and clear. At the same time, circular skylights, and cross-shaped windows in the arc space create a suitable atmosphere for meditation. When people come out of the meditation space, they will see the river and the other side of the grove, suddenly.

sound smell


Site Plan touch


M e d i tat i o n s pa c e c a n c h a n g e people's mood in different ways.

space sequence

light sequence

space concentrate

space concentrate

light concentrate

space sequence



Through the sequence of space and lighting, visitors will gradually feel the rhythm and order in the architecture.

Visitors walk through concentrated s pa c e , s pa c e w h i c h g r a d u a l ly changes size, smell the flowers, of hear the sound of beautiful music, will obtain peace of mind. They are more likely to self-reflect and meditate in these peaceful environments.


entrance entrance

exit Light

meditation space











Home Farm Dialogue Between Human and Modernity High-rise Housing Design Instructor Prof. Lu Wei Individual Work Fall 2015

With the rapid development of the city, there are more and more people who are tired of living under the increasing pressure of daily life and severe contamination. Many people struggle in the city for a lifetime, but their last wish is to stay away from the city back to the countryside. They prefer to have a few acres of land, raise a few sheep, and enjoy the sun to sun life. And Home Farm provides people who are living in the city the possibility to get their dreams come true. At the same time, the vertical farm is a new type of indoor planting. It appears to solve the resource shortage and make full use of space. Crops grow without soil in hydroponic trays. Sewage can be converted into electricity, which can greatly reduce energy costs. Moreover, the vertical farm can also providing more food with less land. There is a relatively long patio in the middle of the Home Farm and the interior walls are planted with all kinds of plants. Around the patio there are many small balconies, usually people can chat and relax here. The bottom of the patio is a small garden with good ventilation and residents have lots of fun in this center. Home Farm has four main functional areas, farms, resident activity centre, dwelling and organic supermarkets. Farm and residential dwellings are evenly distributed throughout the building. The activity center and rooftop garden are concentrated in the upper area, and the organic market is on the ground floor. It is also convenient for other people who are not from Home Farm to come here to buy organic food.


















Water Circulation






Different Component

Different Species

As an old Chinese saying says, a plant is a world. A bonsai can on on behalf of a tree, and a tree is a complete ecosystem. A tree has its own circulatory system and there are lots of different organisms living around this system.

Courtyard Light Ventilation

Cut Transportation

Roof Garden


Resident activity centre

Save Water

Improve Marketability


Height of Trees

Aquaponic Vertical Farm

Soil-Based Linear Farm

Vegetables and Fruits



Crop Variety

Organic Market

Parking Lot

Soil-Based Linear Farm


Aquaponic Vertical

Organic Market

Cattle Farm

Resident Centre Pasture



Organic Market


Public Rest Chair The plants in front of the door can help you to relax yourself with the fresh air them produce. In Farm Home you can easily forget that you are actually in a modern city.


Home Farm Communal Vegetable Patch

Spiral stairs which is surrounded by plants is like a green circle. When you go upstairs, taking a fresh breath is the first thing you will do. The balcony is surrounded by plants too.

Tree House



The most important area of this design is the home farm district and courtyard district. When people go out of their homes, they will always be in the ocean of trees and flowers. They can work and relax in these areas.

The rainfall will be gathered in a big pool and will be purified in the canister purge line. The canister purge line are placed in the roof of vertical plant farm. Rainfall will also be used to water plants and fish farming.

City Corridor between Old and New Dialogue Between Human and Public Urban Design Instructor A/Prof. Liu Changzhou Teamwork with Ding Junyi, Individually Reworked Spring 2017

The site is on the boundary of the old blocks and the new building in Dalian. The north and east sides of the site were encroached by Russian in the past, and they are in radioactive city texture. Russians carried out Dalian urban planning by imitation of the Paris-like continuous square. And the origin of the south and west sides of the Japanese occupation of Dalian period left behind the chessboard city texture. This design conforms to the city texture to establish an air corridor. In the urban design, the north side retains the original site of the street profile and the original commercial and residential mixed mode of residence, and according to the road network texture, the design increases an air corridor. The design creates a lot of public areas for people to communicate and gain entertainment. The air corridor connects the residential area and the commercial and cultural district, so that the whole area is no longer divided into two parts, and become a whole. The design connects the whole area through the three-dimensional bridge, creating a lot of public space. What’s more, it not only respects the old neighborhood but also enhance the activity of the entire region.

traffic network

northeast China


building height

Liaoning province

activity zoning

corridor site

urban design

corridor begining

Site Plan

satellite map


garden original block form gather

leisure city grid analysis

preliminary reform

city silhouette

second reform

urban renewal

Spot A

Spot B

Spot C

Spot D

Spot E

Slow Happy Journey Dialogue Between Journey and City Interim Urbanism Design Instructor Nahyun Hwang, David Eugin Moon TA Seda Oznal Teamwork with Liang Mengxi, Liu Ruxiao Summer 2018

This program focuses on the temporary habitation. In some situations permanence and belonging are suspended and pursued at once in the architecture of the stay, in other situations the spaces of the stay are disposable but necessary. This design begins with two researches. The first one is about Spring Festival travel rush. This is the basic of this program. The second research is about air pollution in Shijiazhuang. In this program we redesigned one of the oldest and busiest railway routes in China. This program has five distinctive train stations for five different cities. Each train station has different topic and function. This route does not serve as a fastest way for people to go back home but offers a slow and happy option for people to get away from boring and crowded journey. P.S. All drawings are individual work, except for those specially marked.

The Spring Festival Travel Rush, also known as “Chunyun� in Chinese, or Chinese New Year Travel Rush is the largest annual migration on earth. This rush usually begins 15 days ahead of the Chinese New Year, lasting for 40 days. Spring festival is the most important festival in China and almost everyone out of their hometowns is eager to reunite with family, others may want to seize this opportunity to travel around country. So China, especially its railway system, faces an extremely high traffic load, which results in great difficulties obtaining tickets and long waiting time during the Spring Festival. This journey is anything but a relaxing trip. This research describes a trip from Beijing to Qishan Town. People usually spend a lot of time on road and need to change different transportation to get home.

Team work by Liang Mengxi and Liu Ruxiao

This city is Shijiazhuang, which is my hometown. It is suffering from really serious air pollution. From the newest data it is the thirteenth polluted city in the world. People wear masks most time in a year. You may know the Snow day, but in my city, we have the Fog Day, which means the days when the air quality is not good for human to have outdoor activities. The government will send a message to your phone on the morning of fog day. And kids will not have school on Fog Day. What’s more, every home will have at least one air purifier. And There is a chart shows different air qualities in different seasons, you can see that winter is the worst season for people in Shijiazhuang. You can even smell the fog in the air. Many people choose to take the winter vacation to Sanya, a very beautiful island in the south of China. And they will stay as long as they can in Sanya. Some people will prefer to celebrate the Spring Festival, which is the longest vacation for most people, in Sanya rather then in their own hometown. So now the trend is that people in Shijiazhuang are really interested in buying houses in Sanya. People flee away from Shijiazhuang in the most serious day of air pollution to Sanya.

Shijiazhuang Topic: Air Pollution

Fuyuanzhuang Topic: Eduation Center

Mengzhuang Topic: Elderly Care and Farming

Miluo Topic: Sport

Beijing-Guangzhou Line is the oldest and busiest train route in China. This program is based on this route and creates five different train stations in five different provinces. Leiyang Topic: Hand-making Team work by Shi Qianhui, Liang Mengxi and Liu Ruxiao

Shijiazhuang 1. Shelter 2. Museum 3. Underground Garden 4. Hotel 5. Experience Hall

This city is Shijiazhuang, which is my hometown. It is suffering from really serious air pollution. From the newest data it is the thirteenth polluted city in the world. People wear masks most time in a year. You may know the Snow day, but in my city, we have the Fog Day, which means the days when the air quality is not good for human to have outdoor activities. The government will send a message to your phone on the morning of fog day. And kids will not have school on Fog Day. What’s more, every home will have at least one air purifier. And There is a chart shows different air qualities in different seasons, you can see that winter is the worst season for people in Shijiazhuang. You can even smell the fog in the air. Many people choose to take the winter vacation to Sanya, a very beautiful island in the south of China. And they will stay as long as they can in Sanya. Some people will prefer to celebrate the Spring Festival, which is the longest vacation for most people, in Sanya rather then in their own hometown. So now the trend is that people in Shijiazhuang are really interested in buying houses in Sanya. People flee away from Shijiazhuang in the most serious day of air pollution to Sanya.

Miluo 1. Hotel 2. Festival Museum 3. Platform

Miluo is the birthplace for a famous traditional festival in China, Duanwu festival, also called Dragon Boat festival. This festival commemorates the death of a very famous poet Qu Yuan during. Qu Yuan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River. It is said that the local people, who admired him, raced out in their boats to save him. This is the origin of dragon boat races. The railway just across the river, so we put the station on the river to let people feel more involved in Dragon boat festival. They can have some interactions with the boats by going downstairs to the river and they can also watch how local people prepare for the festival, like making drums, making traditional food zongzi, and so on. The passengers will know more about the origin of the dragon boat festival and have novel experiences in this station.

Immersive Theater Zoo Dialogue Between Landscape and Architecture Zoo Design Instructor Phu Hoang, Rachely Rotem TA Julie Pedtke Teamwork with Tong Ouyang Fall 2018

This project started with those red chairs and benches on Governor’s island, a little island near Manhattan. We record all of their arrangement and locations on the island and catalog them. Those red chairs and benches represent the last group of people who used them and show the frozen moment of their interaction. That is the interaction between human and human, we started to think about: what the interaction relationship between human and animals could be? We try to change the relationship between people and animals in the traditional zoo, no longer caging them, providing more freedom to animals. we immse landscape in architecture and immerse architecture in landscape. Overturn the concept of zoo from social aspect and environmental aspect. Here is our immersive theater zoo proposal, in our zoo, People and animals are connected but at the same time separated to some degree. We use landscape to seperate people and human, not walls in a traditional zoo. In our zoo, walls are more symbolic. By kinda transferring those red chairs in the island into walls, we try to create several different interaction types between animals and people. And In this situation, when people walk around this zoo, they are the audience who can not only see those performs but also literally touch and feel different stages, like in an immersive theater. This zoo connects west and east part of governors island and form a big “u” in the south of the island. We keep the original park and two highest hills in the island and make it part of our zoo. Walls do not function as protection for human in these situations, landscape will do that. Walls are for people’s perception. People feel like in the same place with a moose even can’t approach.

This project started with those red chairs and benches on Governor’s island. We recorded all of their arrangement and locations on the island and catalog them. Those red chairs and benches represent the last group of people who used them and show the frozen moment of their interaction. Chairs in Governors Island

*These 12 diagrams are work by teammate Tong Ouyang

Canada Lynx

Gray Fox



River Otter


Food Chain

Inspired by the “frozen moment” that the chairs kept in the island, there are mainly five kinds of animals which lived naturally in New York 100 years ago in this program.

Traditional Zoo In traditional zoo, animals are kept in cages and there are always fences between animals and human beings. At the same time, architecture and landscape is separated from each other.

Immersive Theater Zoo

This project started with those red chairs and benches on Governor’s island, a little island near Manhattan. We record all of their arrangement and locations on the island and catalog them. Those red chairs and benches represent the last group of people who used them and show the frozen moment of their interaction. That is the interaction between human and human, we started to think about: what the interaction relationship between human and animals could be? We try to change the relationship between people and animals in the traditional zoo, no longer caging them, providing more freedom to animals. we immse landscape in architecture and immerse architecture in landscape. Overturn the concept of zoo from social aspect and environmental aspect. Here is our immersive theater zoo proposal, in our zoo, People and animals are connected but at the same time separated to some degree. We use landscape to seperate people and human, not walls in a traditional zoo. In our zoo, walls are more symbolic. By kinda transferring those red chairs in the island into walls, we try to create several different interaction types between animals and people. And In this situation, when people walk around this zoo, they are the audience who can not only see those performs but also literally touch and feel different stages, like in an immersive theater. This is how we arrange our site. This zoo connects west and east part of governors island and form a big “u” in the south of the island. We keep the original park and two highest hills in the island and make it part of our zoo.

In Immersive theater zoo, we try to change the relationship between people and animals in the traditional zoo, no longer caging them, providing more freedom to animals. we immse landscape in architecture and immerse architecture in landscape. Overturn the concept of zoo from social aspect and environmental aspect.

Zoo in black and white vision moose's eyes *Moose can hardly see the things exactly in front of its head.

Site Plan

Other Works Material Construction 2014/04

Gymnasium Design 2017/03

We designed and b u i lt a s h o r t brick wall with aesthetic feeling in person. We mixed cement ourselves. Different groups designed and built different walls.

The design stadium base is located in Suzhou. Suzhou is a national historical and scenic tourist city. The base is located on the bank of the east side of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal with beautiful natural scenery.

Construction cartographic 2015/07 We used l aser mapper equipment, tape measure and other tools in the building surveying and mapping.

Construct Model Making 2013-2015 Dougong fabrication 2016/01 We had a clear division of labor. The steps are: Model cutting, c o m p o n e n t c l a s s i f i c at i o n , c o m p o n e n t bonding, tenon and component edge grinding, c o m p o n e n t registration, and refine the overall reinforcement model of Dougong

Working 2015-2017

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