Resume of Qicheng Wu, 2021

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QI C H E N G WU 315 W 33rd St #18G, New York, NY, 10001 (206) 566-8145

ED UC AT I O N THE COOPER UNION The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture M.Arch II, December 2020, 3.85 GPA U N I V E RS I T Y O F WAS H I N G TO N College of Built Environments M.Arch, May 2018, 3.5 GPA T I A N J I N U N I V E RS I T Y School of Architecture B.A. In Environmental Design, June 2014, 3.63 GPA

AC HI EV EMEN T S The Cooper Union Merit Scholarship, 2019 Selected Work Enters Student Achive, Cooper Union, 2019-20 C. Richard Meyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship, UW, 2017 Academic Honors of Tianjin University, Merit Student, 2014 Pocket Square Design Competition Award of Excellence, 2013

I NVO LV EM ENT S Venice Biennale of Architecture, "Microcosms and Schisms", The Cooper Union, 2021 EOYS, Exhibition Design & Fabrication, The Cooper Union, 2020 Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture Hiding From the Eyes of the City, 2019 The Scan Design Studio with COBE Seattle, USA, 2017 Autumn 2017 Architecture in Rome program Rome, Italy, 2017 Politecnico di Torino Exchange Program Torino, Italy, 2012 International Design Workshop: "THE ART BOX" Cardiff and Tianjin, 2012

SKILL S Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / Indesign / Premiere AutoCAD / Revit / Fusion 360 Rhino / SketchUp / Grasshopper Unreal Engine Maxwell Rendering Sketching / Hand Drafting Photography / Fliming Woodwork / Metal Fabrication Chinese (native) / English (proficient)

E XPE RIE N CE K E N G O K UM A & AS S O C I AT ES Tokyo, JAPAN, Summer 2019, Architectural Design Intern Worked on the Qingdao Ahnluh Hotel project in its DD phase. The tasks includes building both digital model and physical model, drawing detailed plans and renderings. AT E L I E R L I U Y U YA N G A RC H I T E C T S Shanghai, CHINA, Summer 2017, Architectural Design Intern Worked as full time designer and aided project teams mostly in SD phase but in various scales, from M50 Art District Renovation, Jinhai Lake Vacation Hotel Design to Minsheng harbor landscape design. Tasks at ALYA includes site investigation, concept development, graphic production, 3D modeling with Rhino and marketing. I N T E G RUS A RC H I T E C T U R E Seattle, WA, USA, Summer 2016, Architectural Design Intern Helped with McGilvra Elementary School project and Ingraham High School Addition project. Tasks includes physical and digital modeling, hand sketching, photoshop renderings, material study and proposal organization/submittal. D N A _ D ES I G N A N D A RC H I T E C T U R E Beijing, CHINA, Summer 2014 - Spring 2015, Landscape Design Intern Worked as architectural designer assistant and got involved in publications and documantations as well as landscape diagrams and renderings making.

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