Woosh 2.3

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Because play is an intrinsic human need. In fact,

in life and one of the fundamentally most important aspects of being human. Children are experts at play. Most of us unlearn how to play as we grow up and focus on occupations of productivity and self-care. However, I would argue that play is too often not made a priority in our lives as parents, professionals, and people “trying to make a living.” My new mantra for this year is to focus on not only making play a priority in my weekly schedule but also changing my perspective on productivity and self-care by discovering the “playful” aspects in all of my occupations. After all, if I am able to have more fun in life and allow myself to play, I can be a kid and not just make a living doing what I love, but I can honestly allow myself to love myself and create a life that keeps me young until the end of my days on this planet. Why? Because life is worth celebrating. Woosh! Jonathan Rivero BScOT, OT (c) CEO & Founder Qi Creative

WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3


Jackie Andersen BEd, BPE, MScOT, OT (c) Occupational Therapist & Coach Ahhh…time to relax. As the days continue to get shorter and the fresh snow reminds us that with friends, family and by myself. Some of my favourite winter time leisure activities: hot yoga, where I can get my sweat on and feel warm when it’s cold out, listening to music, trying out new recipes, drinking tea and reading, talking with friends near and far, skating, coffee dates, bubble baths, burning scented candles (pine tree is my favourite!), knitting (well, trying), winter walks and puppy cuddles. Hmm, I’m getting excited for these cozy wintertime energizers. What about you? Paula Audrey Rivero MSW, RSW “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” - L.P. Jacks 4

Melissa Mo BEd, BScOT, OT (c) Occupational Therapist & Coach Leisure helps me think clearly. It gives me energy! I love so many things but sleeping is probably my most favorite thing to do! I also enjoy traveling and spending my free time with family and friends singing karaoke and eating good food! Heather Sherwood MScSLP, R.SLP, S-LP (c) Speech Language Pathologist & Coach Rock climbing, squash, and curling, oh my! I do these sports and hope I don’t tie! Video games to play To brighten my day Luis Ballester BScOT, OT (c) Occupational Therapist & Coach I love leisure time so much that I schedule it to make sure I get breaks to recharge my body and soul. Daily, I make sure I play a musical instrument. Weekly, I enjoy an outdoor activity, like walking in the ravine, either by myself or with my son or a friend. Monthly, I take time to catch live music or a theatre performance. Yearly, I go canoe camping, visit a new place and learn a new skill. There are lots of other things that I enjoy and do spontaneously because that is fun too! Bronwen Black BA, MScOT, OT (c) Occupational Therapist & Coach and able to do something just for myself and just for fun. Some of my favorites are snuggling cats, skateboarding, snowboarding, playing the ukulele and playing Lego! Make time for fun!

WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3


Sam Pathirana BScOT, OT (c) Practice Coordinator & Coach I’m an avid hockey and football fan, an aspiring yogi and musician, a weekend warrior, a video game dabbler,a loquacious wordsmith, an obstinate haggler, a tenacious debater, a foodie and a practitioner of (some) culinary art. I like a lot of things, and what I spend my time doing has changed over the years. These days, I spend my spare time writing WOOSH articles and bios, playing with my daughter, and watching the Canadian Men’s hockey team play conservatively (but effectively) at the Olympics. I also like fun. That is all. Michael Schwake BSc, BEd Technology Director & Coach “Leisure: Do what you love and love what you do. Say yes to whatever pleases you. Do something that makes you great and keeps everyone on their feet.” Lucero Vargas R. SLP Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist & Coach Life is not always easy; work and family seems to take all my time and energy. However, through all my years of experience as a mother and worker I have slowly learned to take care of myself by doing things like cook, dance, watch movies, do yoga and have coffee with friends that help me to re-energize and relax; things that make me feel better physically, mentally and spiritually. Brennan Black BA Communications Director & Designer Charles Eames said “Take your pleasure seriously.” I respond by making intentional space in my week for reading, drawing, dreaming, working on my motorcycle and playing my banjo. 6


grew up loving hockey. I had hockey pajamas, hockey bed sheets, every Mighty Ducks movie made; I even had a table hockey game! The one thing I did not have was the money to afford the gear, and the registration fee so I could play on a team. So, I turned to playing street hockey with the kids at my mom’s day home, shooting pucks at my garage for hours on end. When my mom could afford to buy me a video game console, I added hours of playing hockey in video game form, and while these replacements offered me some satisfaction, nothing could truly beat the real thing. So I kept ‘practicing’ away, dreaming every night of being on the ice and scoring the game winning goal, all the while realizing that every year I got older, my dream was slipping away. Eventually, I grew up. The kids at my mom’s day home grew up. And so, over the years, every once in a while my mind would drift away, to those childhood dreams of breakaways, one-timers, and no look passes. Until recently, my love of hockey was only expressed through following the Edmonton Oilers (what an up and down road that’s been!) and playing EA Sports games on my PlayStation. Things turned around when my wonderful wife came into the WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3


place to play, and most importantly, I was a terrible skater), with her support and coaxing, as well as a serendipitous invitation from time. Hockey provides what, for me, is the ultimate form of leisure, these are needs that show up in my practice at Qi Creative every day as well. part of a community. who were welcoming, didn’t mind that I was a terrible skater, and appreciated that no matter how many times I fell down, I always had a smile on my face. The other thing that hockey provided me from day one was a great exercise. I couldn’t believe how much weight I lost playing hockey once or twice a week, compared to going to the gym three or four times in a week. That leads me to my next point: the reason that hockey was such a great way for me to lose weight was I pushed myself harder, and for longer, than I ever would in the gym. Because when I am on the ice, I am in and the ‘burn’ disappears when the puck comes my way. Lastly, hockey provided me with a just right challenge. Although I was a terrible skater, all those years of ‘practicing’ out on my garage pad meant I had some skill with the puck, and this allowed me to focus all my energy on getting better at just one thing. So, I took a month of power skating lessons to learn the basics, and for two years, I practiced. And I got better. And while I still wouldn’t say I am a great skater, I’m probably at least an average one, and most importantly, I’m getting better every day. Today, I am lucky enough to play hockey two or three times a week. The game times are terrible (10:30pm or later), many of the opposing teams are full of jerks (don’t ask me why, I thought we were all just there to make friends and have fun!), and the equipment (and consequently the back of my car where I leave it 8

to dry) smells awful, but I am grateful for every second on that ice. Frankly, just talking about playing hockey makes me happy, and every time I step on that ice, I’m transported back to my childhood. It is a feeling that I hope everyone has a chance to experience. What’s great is so many of the elements that make hockey rewarding for me, can be found in a multitude of different activities. Video games have them, that is why the video game industry is bigger than Hollywood. But so do puzzles, cooking, yoga and music. Even curling! So while I will still consider Hockey the best game you can name, perhaps the best game you can name is truly just that. The best game YOU can name. What’s yours? Game on. - Sam Pathirana WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3


A time A time for me. for me. A time A time to breathe. to breathe. I amI here am here to to embrace embrace serenity. serenity.

My yoga My yoga practice practice is where is where I go I go to unwind to unwind and and



My place My place for leisure. for leisure. My space My space of struggle. of struggle. I amI here am here to explore, to explore, my playground my playground galore. galore.

Potential Potential forseen, forseen, I canI succeed. can succeed.

WOOSHWOOSH VolumeVolume 2, Issue2,3Issue 3

ThisThis placeplace for me for me is my is cup my cup of tea. of tea.

- Paula - Paula Audrey Audrey Rivero Rivero




I am a wife, a mom, a farmer, a homeschool teacher, an aide trainer, a house seventeen...a teenager. My husband works away. hygiene. I never get all of my responsibilities done. I am so busy with meetings with OTs, SLPs, etc, busy helping my son with every little task and trying to understand my daughter’s needs. How is it possible to make time for leisure? What do I like to do? I like to sleep. I like to relax. What would I do if I had free time? Hmmmm...I like to read, make cards, scrapbook, paint rocks, laugh, garden, connect with friends and family, go camping, have a vacation! Because my son needs help with every basic need it is extra challenging for me to take any time to myself. I am learning to plan in times to enjoy myself so I can keep my sanity. It is essential for me to realize how important it is to do this without feeling guilty. I have to take time to enjoy myself so I can do and Dalence has been sleeping better and I recently decided it is okay to relax in the morning, with a cup of tea, instead of feeling guilty about all of the things I have to do. I take the time to read, connect with friends and family on Facebook or call my husband at work. It has been lovely having that time to rest and enjoy myself. I don’t always have enough time to get every thing done that I need to do. So, often when I have respite I need to catch up on my responsibilities. I am I want to do–spend much needed quality time with my daughter, visit my husband at work, make cards, have a bubble bath, have a friendship supper–and then I look at the calendar and see when I have time or respite and then I write it down. Sometimes things get cancelled but sometimes I get to do them! AND, I still do more leisure activities this way than when I do not schedule them on the calendar! Mommy!

- Tanya Stockwell 12


I have come to love yoga as a way to

quiet the thoughts racing through my mind. Although I love making in at home too. These are some of my favourite postures, some revitalizing, some calming. If this speaks to you, or piques your curiosity, give it a try and see what you think! I challenge you to stay mindful of your breathing, keeping your breath calm and steady throughout the postures. Namaste. Mountain Pose Although it may appear simple, the mountain pose is one of the most important yoga postures. It is a starting pose, and a foundation for all other standing postures. This pose provides time to quiet the mind and keep the body strong and still, like a mountain. It develops strength and circulation, and increases energy. Try to stay in this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deep and easy. To intensify the posture, trying it with eyes closed. Warrior II This powerful pose strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles, as well as stretching the chest, shoulders and groin. It is know to stimulate the abdominal organs and is great for increasing stamina and endurance! WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3


Tree Pose This balancing pose is great for strengthening the legs, calves, core and spine, and stretching the thighs and shoulders. Tree pose helps to develop balance, increases body awareness and calms the mind and central nervous system. It can also help to relieve strengthening the muscles of the feet! Try it out, and if you fall out, try, try again. Upward Facing Dog This is a great pose for so many reasons! It helps improve posture and ensures a

the rib cage and increases breath capacity, making it a great choice if you experience asthma. Upward dog is also therapeutic for depression and fatigue. Pigeon Pose This pose is a hip opener, which is important to improve posture, knees. Our bodies often store stress and tension in the hips, so this hip opening pose can also release negative feelings and energy from the body. In addition to opening the hips, pigeon also elongates the back, relieving pressure on the lower back, while simultaneously stimulating the internal organs. 1



Savasana tension in the body. Its’ purpose is to relax the entire psychophysiological system, slow the heart and pulse and develop body may notice how challenging it can be to let go of all tension and

minutes if you can. - Jackie Andersen

We invite you to draw or write in the space below. Share your picture or story with us: paularivero@qicreative.com

WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3



I have a new found love.

Don’t tell my husband, but, I am super in love with curling. I know! I was surprised too! Curling is a sport for old people. Curling is a sport for people who don’t like to actually play sports, asport for my mom! It turns out I’m wrong. Curling is actually just the sport for me! Just this last month my friend pulled a ligament in her leg. As a result she needed a sub to play for her on her curling team. Now I haven’t curled since high school, many moons ago, and I was worried about how I would do. I generally like to play sports where the attention is never really on me at any given moment. Though curling is a team sport, when you have to throw your two rocks, all eyes are on you. I spent the whole week fretting and thinking by the end of the game, my team would hate me. So you can imagine my apprehension as I pull on my mom’s old slider (I wasn’t kidding about this being a sport for my mom) and gloves and hoist the broom over my shoulder. I step onto the ice, and lo and behold do not fall on my face–a constant fear of mine. I step into the hack, pull the yellow rock over to myself, then slide it back to its spot, because we are actually the red team this time. Uh-oh, not a great start. My skip then places his broom and I lean back in the hack and then push forward with my right leg. Once again I am surprised I do not fall on my face as the rock and I slide down the ice. I let go and the sweepers get to work because my rock does not come even close to going over the hog line to be in play. But! I improve as the game goes on, and more surprisingly, I am having a blast doing it! The rock actually goes where I want it to, about half the time. Then, before I know it, I am starting to actually 16

understand why the skip asks me to put a rock in a certain place. The game ends with hand shakes all around and everyone heads upstairs to watch the last of the games and eat some super salty popcorn and have a drink. Little do they know, they’ve just created a convert. - Heather Sherwood

- Jackie Andersen

WOOSH Volume 2, Issue 3


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