Urban Design Portfolio

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Jiaqi Wang

I am Jiaqi, a young urbanist from China. I am a creative thinker and team player who wants to contribute more to a more sustainable built environment. Having been trained in three countries, I am wellequipped with the skills to conduct complex urban design, spatial planning, and regional development projects. Here I selected 5 pieces of academic work to share my ideas about our future cities.

2 Jiaqi Wang Tel: (+44) 7551297285 (+86) 15801798057 Email: jw2272@cam.ac.uk Mphil Planning, Growth and Regeneration - University of Camrbridge MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences - TU Delft Bachelor of Architecture - Tongji University Adobe Photoshop ●●●●● Adobe Illustrator ●●●●● Microsoft Office ●●●●● Adobe Indesign ●●●● Adobe Premier ●●● Autocad CAD● ●●●●● Sketchup● ●●●●● GIS(QGIS/Arcgis)● ●●●● Rhino+Grasshopper ●●● Space Syntax(DepthMap,sDNA) ●●● Data Analysis (STATA/Excel) ●●● Coding Language(Python/VB) ●●
3 Content 01 Live with Water A sustainable water-oriented urban development pattern 02 Lif/ve Transition Towards a circular livestock farming sector in South Holland 03 Inside Out Recalibrating the Munich Metropolitan Region 04 Back to Back Campus Redevelopment of TU Delft Energy Centre Area 05 Boundless Zhang Garden Redevelopment of West Nanjing Road Historical District

A sustainable water-oriented urban development pattern Live with Water 01

Master Thesis, TU Delft | Individual Project |Sep.2021-July. 2022, Trans-scalar Urban Planning and Strategies, Supervisor: Kristel Aalbers, Remon Rooij

Key words: Flood Risk,Circular Economy, Urban Water Ecology.


The Lake Chao Basin, Anhui Province, China.


The Lake Chao Basin has witnessed rapid urbanisation and industrialization in the past few decades. Though people's living standard has been improved, it brings about a series of water-related issues, namely drinking water scarcity, flooding and water pollution. Thus, to address these problems, this graduation project proposes 108 patterns to support a water-oriented urban development. The implementation of these patterns forms a transscalar planning framework that could engage the participation of multiple stakeholders to build a circular, water-sensitive and ecologically-sound city.

Polder Agriculture Protective Forest Urban before 1986 Urban after 1986

The limitations of current urbanisation mode

The Structure of New Water-Oriented Framework

5 Agriculture 1986 1986

A systemic solution: The Patterns

The pattern set contains 108 patterns which includes 'Principles','Actions ','Leverages', 'Programmes' and other 64 'Measures' (which are not included in the pages) that allows the decision makers, urban designers and investors to consider in the future urban development process.






Especially, the 'Leverage' and 'Programmes' not only aim at attracting more stakeholders but also focus on triggering a behavioural change and self-organization of among citizens and different sectors to appreciate the role of water in their daily production and consumption.



A Water-oriented Future: The implementation of the Patterns

A sample neighourhood

With the joint effort from different stakeholders, the way we live with water will be more sustainable and resilient in the future: Urban Farming Education Centre
Experimental Paddy Field Park Student Rainwater Plaza

Lif/ve Transition

Towards a circular livestock farming sector in South Holland 02

Studio Project: Circular South-Holland, TU Delft | Feb.2021-April. 2021

Supervisor: Diego Sepulveda Carmona, D.A. Luisa Calabrese, Marcin Dąbrowski Group Project with Jannine de Jong, Max Corbeek, Carmen Jansen op de Haar, Ohad Shapiro,

Spatial Strategies for the Global Metropolis

Key words: Agricultural, Sustainable transition, Circular Economy, Value Change.


South-holland Province, the Netherlands.


The Dutch livestock sector receives much domestic criticism due to the current manner of exhausting the quality of both air and soil and being wasteful in the land, water and energy. However, such criticism together with the unjust environmental policy leads to the protest from the local farmers. To address this dilemma in the livestock farming sector and promote a just and resilient transition to sustainability, the project proposes a spatial framework and a transition pathway to remove the boundary between urban and rural life and bridge the producer and consumer and subsequently promote a value change toward circular production and consumption.

'Ring's of Transition:Building a sustainable food chain Food Production: Diet Transition Attitude Transition: Distribution and consumption Technical Transition Waste management
The Transition Zone between the three 'Ring's

Vision: South-Holland 2050

Stage I: 2021-2025 Testing and preparation

Stage II: 2030-2050 Merging and Synergy

Stage II: 2025-2030 Demonstration and Growth



12 Typologies: Relinking production and consumptionp bf of d g w a b n i p way p ud o op s op u n em o i p INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF LANO YT CONDITIONS 1 3 0 apub waa m doo do d y aw e pe ba d c o u p icd r g n rp c o ae ol pa e INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF LANO YT CONDITIONS 2 3 0p bf of d g w a b p way p ud o op p op u n nem o i p c INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1 3 0 fp bf of d g w a b n p way p d o op s p op u n nem i p c INFRASTRUCTURE LANOITCNUF YT CONDITIONS 0 C Community Garden Driving market Festival/Event Square Co-Cooking Neighbourhood Private Reuse Soup kitchen with surplus food Energy bio-fueled logistic system Energy bio-fueled logistic system Collectives farmers markets Collectives farmers markets Collectives consumer cooperatives Collectives consumer cooperatives Collectives consumer cooperatives Direct Sales local delivery Visibility Chain visibility Visibility Chain visibility Visibility Chain visibility Education school program Community production rooftop gardening Community production urban farming Agrotourism food event Education Knowledge popularization Community Consumption community based co-cooking Bringing local food into the neighborhood and minimizing the waste. Moving market bringing local food into neighborhoods. Growing your own food and learning for social cohesion. Event location to learn about, eat and buy local food. Stimulate food. Nutients organic waste to fertilizerp blc w n a p w p INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONSubi w eu m d f d n g saw e g pea ub d r np w y p cu n op e g o p ou a m o o INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF LANO YT CONDITIONS 1 2 3 0p b wae do f d e yge ay p ba i d e a sp w n do p s i m p INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF LANO YT CONDITIONS 1p b w t in a p w p INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONSp blc w t a p w p INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONSp blc w t a p w p INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONSub w euo m d f g saw e w g pea ub d np w y p u op e i g p o p ou a m o o INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1 2 3 0 fub w eu m d f d n g saw e g pea ub d np w y p c n op e g p p ou a m o INFRASTRUCTURE LANOITCNUF YT CONDITIONS 0 C Community Garden Housing with Rooftop Greenhouse Waterfront distribution New Housing at highway distribution Transit oriented development near distribution Driving market Festival/Event Square Co-Cooking Neighbourhood Petting Private Reuse Soup kitchen with surplus food Energy bio-fueled logistic system Energy bio-fueled logistic system Collectives farmers markets Collectives farmers markets Collectives consumer cooperatives Collectives consumer cooperatives Collectives consumer cooperatives Direct Sales local delivery Visibility Chain visibility Visibility Chain visibility Visibility Chain visibility Education school program Community production rooftop gardening Community production urban farming Agrotourism food event Education Knowledge popularization Community Consumption community based co-cooking Bringing local food into the neighborhood and minimizing the waste. Multifunctional landuse with housing and production on the roof. Using waterways as distribution and selling point with densification. Selling and distributing with densification at transit knodes. Selling and distributing with densification near highways. Connecting production. Moving market bringing local food into neighborhoods. Growing your own food and learning for social cohesion. Event location to learn about, eat and buy local food. Stimulate food. Nutients organic waste to fertilizer


via six pathway that can relink producers and consumers has been put forward, followed by a toolkit composed of 21 different typologies that could fit in different situations. Extra income is generated for farmers with the introduction of new programmes, while citizens also are likely to change their attitude towards farming with the agricultural production process being reintegrated into their daily life.



Technical Transtion

Diet Transtion


13 fp bf of d g w a b n p way p d o op s p op u n nem i p c INFRASTRUCTURE LANOITCNUF YT CONDITIONS Private Garden Self-production utilize garden Agrotourism cow cuddling Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Community production urban farming Stimulate using ones own garden for growing Direct sales roadside stands Community public Agrotourism help on the farm Direct Sales self-harvest Direct Sales self-harvest Agrotourism cow cuddling Education school program Practical school incorporating farming into the curriculum. Diverse program for people at the location where food is produced. Activities on the farm as options for a holiday. Public greenhouses to learn about new crops and taste them directly. Food forest open to the public to pick their own food and help on site. Agrotourism help on the farm Agrotourism help on the farm Community production urban farming Agrotourism greenhouse gastronomy Agrotourism recreation facilities Agrotourism recreation facilities Agrotourism gastronomy new crops Education Knowledge popularization Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Farm hotel Market isle greenhouses Farm recreation Farming school test sitep b wf d o d e yge y n a p way n do o p p o n nem n p c INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1p b wf d o d e yge y n a p way n do o p p o em p c INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1 Foodforestpubi wa em o d do d n y aw e pea ub d npo w p icd n p e gn p o a ol spa e 2 3 0 INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF YTILANO CONDITIONSp blc waa do d e yge w ay p ba d ta p a do c c m p 3 INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF YTILANO CONDITIONSp blc wae m do d d e yge w ay p rba d e ta sp t d i e m p INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF YTILANO CONDITIONS Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Energy manure to energy Reuse organic waste as raw material Energy bio-fueled logistic system Energy residual heat to Greenhouses Energy residual heat to Greenhouses Education school program Education knowledge sharing Education knowledge sharing Recycling waste from the cities and energy from the factories in the greenhouses. Supplying the factories with organic waste as raw materials. Showing where peoples waste goes in the chain. Nutients sewage as fertilizer Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Visibility Chain visibility Energy manure to energy Greenhouses Recycling Waste & sewage treatment Biobased Industry Technical Transitionp b wao do d d e yge w y p ba d e a sp n do c i e m s p INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1p bl wf d o d e yge ay n a p way n do o p p o n nem n p c INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1pubi wa em doo do d n y aw w pea ub d n o w p icd n p g p ot t a ol spa e INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 2 3 0 fub w eu m d f d n g saw e g pea ub d np w y p c n op e g p p ou a m o INFRASTRUCTURE LANOITCNUF YT CONDITIONS Petting zoo Private Gardenubi w ep a ub d np w y o e INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONS 2 3 Self-production utilize garden Agrotourism cow cuddling Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Community production urban farming Connecting with animals and livestock production. Stimulate using ones own garden for growing Direct sales roadside stands Community public Agrotourism help on the farm Direct Sales self-harvest Direct Sales self-harvest Agrotourism cow cuddling Education school program Practical school incorporating farming into the curriculum. Diverse program for people at the location where food is produced. Activities on the farm as options for a holiday. Public greenhouses to learn about new crops and taste them directly. Food forest open to the public to pick their own food and help on site. Agrotourism help on the farm Agrotourism help on the farm Community production urban farming Agrotourism greenhouse gastronomy Agrotourism recreation facilities Agrotourism recreation facilities Agrotourism gastronomy new crops Education Knowledge popularization Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Farm hotel Market isle greenhouses Farm recreation Farming school test sitep bm f o d g w k on d a b n d p way p ud o op p op u n em o p c INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1 3 0p bm f o d g w k on d a b n d p way p ud o op p op u em o i p c INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1 3 0 Foodforest ap wam o d do d y aw e y pe ba d o u p cd g n p c oi ae ol pa 2 3 INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF YTILANO CONDITIONSp bl wf d of d e yge ay t a p way a do o p p o m n n p c 1 INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF YTILANO CONDITIONSp bl wf d of d e yge ay t n a p way n d o p p o m n o p c INFRASTRUCTURE TCNUF YTILANO CONDITIONS Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Energy manure to energy Reuse organic waste as raw material Energy bio-fueled logistic system Energy residual heat to Greenhouses Energy residual heat to Greenhouses Education school program Education knowledge sharing Education knowledge sharing A centre for people to learn about biofuel and research its properties. Recycling waste from the cities and energy from the factories in the greenhouses. Supplying the factories with organic waste as raw materials. Showing where peoples waste goes in the chain. Production of clean energy from manure on site of the farm. Business incubator and school for a transition to biobased materials. Nutients sewage as fertilizer Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Visibility Chain visibility Energy manure to energy Energy innovation centre Green Energy Station Greenhouses Recycling Waste & sewage treatment Biobased Industry Biobase Start-up Centre Technical Transition nfbe m d f d g w k d a b d p way p ud o p p op u n em o i p INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1 2 3 0 fub w eu m d f d n g saw e g pea ub d np w y p c n op e g p p ou a m o INFRASTRUCTURE LANOITCNUF YT CONDITIONSp blc waa o m doo d e yg w y p ba d u e a po a do c g m p c e m s l p n INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONS 2 3 a ap lc waa m doo do y w w c y pe ba d o p do g n p c ae s l pa INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONS 2 3p blc waea do f d e yge w ay p ba d ta sp w a do t p c i m p INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS 1p be m f of d g w k d a b n d p way p ud o op p op u n m o i p c INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONS 1 3 0 Direct sales roadside stands Community production public food forests Agrotourism help on the farm Direct Sales self-harvest Direct Sales self-harvest Agrotourism cow cuddling Education school program Practical school incorporating farming into the curriculum. Diverse program for people at the location where food is produced. Activities on the farm as options for a holiday. Public greenhouses to learn about new crops and taste them directly. Food forest open to the public to pick their own food and help on site. Agrotourism help on the farm Agrotourism help on the farm Community production urban farming Agrotourism greenhouse gastronomy Agrotourism recreation facilities Agrotourism recreation facilities Agrotourism gastronomy new crops Education Knowledge popularization Nutients organic waste to fertilizer Farm hotel
Farm recreation Farming school test sitep blc waa o m do d d yge w ay p ba d u e a p a do c c e m s p
Market isle greenhouses
YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONSp blc wao m do d d e yge w y p ba d u e a p t a do c c e m s p INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS Foodforest nbi ec o m d d n g w k o d g p a ub n d u np way p u o op g p op nou em o oi 1 2 3 0 INFRASTRUCTURE YTILANOITCNUF CONDITIONS fapubl wam doo do y aw e pe ba d o w p d i g p c o ae ol pa e o 2 3 0
apub wam doo do d y aw e pe ba d c o w p icd n r g p c o ae ol spa e o 2 3 0
Nutients organic waste to fertilizer

Studio Project, TU Munich|Apr.2019-Aug. 2019

Research part: Group work

Urban Design part: Individual work

Key words: Transit Oriented Development, Decentralization, Airport City

Location: Munich Metropolitan Region,Germany


As one of the most densely populated areas in Germany, the Munich Metropolitan Region(MMR) is equipped with a well-connected regional rail network to support its growing urban size. However, this does not mitigate the commuting stress due to the unbalanced distribution of service facilities and job opportunities. Based on the Node-Place theory by Bertolini(1999) the research establishes a new assessment framework to evaluate the catchment areas of 512 railway stations in the MMR so as to understand how to reach a healthy transit-oriented development and facilitate the decentralization process in the region following the coming of the new rail trunkline project in 2028.

with Khoi Anh Dang, Alessandro Pedrazzoli | Supervisor: Fabian Wenner
Inside Out
Public Transportantion Network Plan by 2028
Offer residential service functions.
Transport Network In Munich Metropolitan Region
Commercial places (n=4) Rural areas (n=145) Inner-c ty tuat ons (n=88) Boundary places (n=105) (n=5 D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P 10 D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P
+ + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R)

Protected Area

Using the new quantitative evaluation framework, 7 clusters of nodes are identified, each of them given a guideline for future development.

15 + 2028 2019
D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) Δρ ΔS ΔN B(P:N) Δρ ΔS + + + + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS New Building Potential Densification Potential Diversity Place Value D B ΔN P ΔS ΔP Balance
Change D(C:R) Δρ ΔS + + D(C:R) Δρ ΔS D(C:R) Δρ ΔS D(C:R) Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS + + + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) ΔS ΔN B(P:N) ΔN B(P:N) Δρ ΔS + + + + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) Δρ ΔS D(C:R) Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS Residential Surplus Commercial Surplus Place Value Residential Commercial & Industrial Services Place of Interst Shopping and Leisure New Building Potential Densification Potential Uncovered Area Mining & Other Industial Place Traffic & Other Infrastructure Public Space Buildings Metromap Node Value 2019 Node Value 2028 Node Value Change Diversity Node Surplus Place Surplus Balance Index Node-Place Evaluation Diagram by Bertolini(1999) New TOD Evaluation Framework Node Typologies: 7 Clusters and Guidelines ) D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS Commerc al places (n=4) Rural areas n=145 ty (n=88 Boundary places (n=105) t hubs (n=5 Suburban places n=130 S ations n ran on n=35
+ + + + + + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) + + + + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS + + + D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS
Commercial places Rural Areas Boundary Places Transit Hubs
Places Stations in Transition Relocate the station. Add bus services. Create new railway lines. Establish a new More daily activities opportunities. Densify around the station residential and functions.
Index: Node/Place Node Value
B(P:N) P
B(P:N) P
D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R)
B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS
B(P:N) P
B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS
+ + + + D(C:R)
B(P:N) P
B(P:N) P
D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R)
B(P:N) P
B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS + + + + D(C:R)
B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R)
B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS

The New Airport City: Hallbergmoos

Among the previous 7 Clusters of Node, Hallbergmoos, as a 'transit hub', is selected to visualize the urban design strategy on lower scale. As a node with increasing accessibility via both railway and airplane, Hallbergmoos is designed to be a second urban core for the Munich Metropolitan Region as a new airport city with the introduction of various new programmes.

Medical Appliances MICE Music Companies Annual Musical Festival Biological Pharmacy NEW GATE HALLBERGMOOS New EngINE SCI-TECH ADVANTAGES INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS Innovation Institudes NEW GROWTH POINTS COHESIVE MUSICAL SOCIETIES Federations of Musicians GLOBAL IMPACT CULTURAL INDUSTRY International Cooperation Cultural Communication Symphony Hall 2019 CURRENT
S1 national Business ParK old town Munich International Airport Sports centre 500 m 1000m Pedestrian- Friendly Street Aerotropolis Highway
Highway To Munich To Newfahrn Financial
Light Railway/Subway Public Service Parking Lot Convention Centre Culture Music Village Hotel Office Research Institute Housing Factory Commercial Transit Hubs 0 0 0 0 D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS 2 D(C:R) ΔN B(P:N) P Δρ ΔS ΔN P Δρ New Programmes Phasing New programmes with the Transportation
Regional Express Subway/Light Railway Station
Regional Express
Newfahrn Financial District Research Culture and Sports Business
Public Service Office Research Department World Class Concert Hall Office
500 m 700 m 500 m 700 m 500 m 700 m ±0.00 +6.00 -15.00 +12.00 -6.00 ±0.00
The transit hub of Hallbergmoos Transportation system

Campus Redevelopment of TU Delft Energy Centre Area Back to Back 04

Design Urban Environment Studio, TU Delft| Nov.2020-Jan. 2021

Urban Design Project Individual

Key words: Urban climate, Densification, Awareness Creation


TU Delft Campus, Delft, the Netherland


The site is an in-between area of the TU Campus and the surrounding industrial zone, which is currently regarded as the backside by people either from the campus or the nearby commercial zone. The new development scheme centres around creating people’s awareness of the energy transition by integrating the passive energy system and active energy system into a new community centre.

With the TU power plant equipped with a new educational and innovative exhibition space, innovations and collaborations are also encouraged to support people’s long-run commitment to a sustainable energy system.

SITE IndustrialArea Mekelweg Leeghwaterstraat Rotterdamseweg CornelisDrebbelweg Densification Urban Climate Synergy ENERGY Interactions Visualization Materialization Programmes Awareness Wind Sunshine Biodiversity Open Water Solar energy Smart control Sewage treatment Geothermal Charging station Waste and Biomass Innovation Cooperation Life Style Education Rainwater Soil

Densification Strategy and New programmes

TU power plant and Energy Expo

Seeing Energy in Public Space

Living Labs with Green Energy

Smart Irregation System

Lighting/LED screen linked with solar panel

Pipes as Pergola

Daily food stand Stage for Event

Pipes and Flexible event place

Producing Energy by yourself?


Noise into Energy

Interactive Playground

Interactive Floor

Interactive Fitness Facilities

Energy Swings




A series of interactive energy installations are proposed to help people get close to energy in their daily life. From seeing energy pipes, learning about the latest innovations in green energy, to producing energy by yourself, people will bump into energy intentionally or not in their daily life.

CO O 2 2
CO O 2 2

Boundless Zhang Garden

Redevelopment of West Nanjing Road Historical District

Urban Design and Architecture

Key words: Historical District, Cultural Economy and Drama Education, Urban Regeneration Excerpt Individual part under a larger group work with Xiyan Yang, Xiaohan Ren, Tian Tian, Jiawei Hu,Xiaofei Hong, Xinrong Que,Yinsong Bai, Sihan Chen, Xing Hao.

Supervisor: Yi Dong, Zhendong Wang

Location West Nanjing Road District, Shanghai, China.


Located in the inner city of Shanghai, Zhang Garden used to be the most famous cultural and entertainment centre in the 20th century, which witnessed the modernization of this metropolis. There used to be dynamic public activities, ranging from drama performance, and magic show to public speech, deemed as the birthplace of Shanghai’s local culture. However, entering the 21st century, with the expansion of the city, people’s changing lifestyles and the outdated building structure, the whole district seems to be out of place. How to regenerate this district while protecting the historical building, revitalizing the dynamic atmosphere and creating new added value from it become the assignment for the graduation project.

Historical Painting and Photos of Zhang Garden
The Folding Historical District: (Concept of the whole group)

Personal Design: How Drama be Merged into Metropolitan Life:

Drama College

Drama College

Space: How Drama be merged into metropolitan life Experience gaining

Knowledge sharing

Knowledge sharing

New Cultural Space: How Drama be merged into metropolitan life Experience gaining New Cultural Space Advertising

Theatre Practitioners

Theatre Practitioners




New Cultural Space Advertising Intangible Cultural Heritage Institution

Commercial Public Space

Protective Historical Buildings Downward and Upward Densification

Protective Historical Buildings Downward and Upward Densification New Programmes RESIDE -NTIAL RESIDE -NTIAL OFFICE OFFICE RETAIL RETAIL





社区居民 戏外人

In order to avoid overcommercialization of the core of this historical area, the development focuses on the surrounding plot and underground space between the 2 metro stations. The historical building will be renovated and equipped with new programmes such as an intangible cultural centre, drama workshop, performance art museum, and WeWork space for cultural-related startups. In this way, it stimulates further interaction between drama colleges, theatre practitioners, online influencers and heritage institutions to create a fertile zone for producing new culture and at the same time provide the developer with commercial opportunities. Citizens can also have more chances to get to know about local culture and create a new place image and sense of belonging for this district.

日常 文化生产 社区居民 戏外人

Online Influencer Education 相互渗透 中间态

Intangible Cultural Heritage Institution
Commercial Public Space
Online Influencer Education 日常
Design: Drama and Theatre Centre

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