Qi Jing's Portfolio
Qi Jing's Portfolio
Personal Information
Name: Gender: Age: Email: Home Address:
QI Jing Female 23 qi77524@gmail.com Room 2-1-4, Xinxin East Village, Quanshan, Tianjia’an District, Huainan, 232038, Anhui, China
Experiences 2010.07
2011.05 2011.06 2012.10
Volunteer teacher in Zhongxin Primary School, Huangnan Village, Yongjia County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Third Prize in the Colored Painting Competition on Audi Model.
Project 1 The Sun Public Foundation Project 2 One Stroke at a time Project 3 I see
Art Editor in Around China Magazine Principal for university practice project
Project 4 point Project 5 diplopia Artwork
2012.12 2012---2013
2013.05 2013.10 2013---2014 2014.06 2014.07
Design assistant in Hefei Qinhai Culture Media Company Sishelly Display Designer Assistant in Sishelly Concept Store of Life Dress Buyers Volunteer teacher in Zhongxin Primary School, Zhuyuan Town, Guangyuan, Sichuan Clothing Chief Inspector in the 80th anniversary evening party. Scenario for campus advertising video for the 4g network China Mobile Designer, Vivisisi Advanced Customization Workshop First Prize in Graduate Design Outstanding Graduate Design in Zhejiang Province
The Sun Public Foundation
Project 1
The Sun Public Foundation VI System and peripherals (website / shop / products) for Sun Public Foundation Time: Tutor:
2013.08 Caoto Huang
Project Background The rapid development of China’s economics impresses people all over the world and wins us rising status on the international arena. However, the development of philanthropy is badly lagged behind, unequally matched in the development situation of China’s economics and society. Statistics shows that average donation of Chinese people is 0.92 Yuan RMB and the total amount is 1 billion, which is one in a million of GDP (102,398 trillion) in 2002.
The Sun Public Foundation is the charity foundation sponsored by Guangzhou Bank of Agriculture and Commerce, which is devoted to giving financial help to the poor and the needy, relieving the people in disasters, and funding fo r e d u c a t i o n , c u l t u r e , h e a l t h , environmental protection career. It also leads the public to pay more attention on charity for such works as earthquake relief, lonely elderly people assistant and dropout student relief.
The Sun Public Foundation
Source of Inspiration
T h e d e s i g n o f LO G O c h o s e t h r e e elements of sun, smiling face and sunflower. The sunshine represents the light and the heat, which means that non-profit foundation can influence the public. The smiling face represents the happiness of infecting people and passing the charity. And the sunflower represents vitality, prosperousness and hope,
The Sun Public Foundation
Patterns are extracted from these three elements, being combined and deformation.
The Sun Public Foundation
The Sun Public Foundation
Standard font Chinese Font:
Han Yi Xi Zhong Yuan
English Font:
Standard color C:6 M:23 Y:89 K:0
The Sun Public Foundation
The Sun Public Foundation
There are millions of underprivileged children needed to be relieving all over the world. Apart from economic reasons resulting in dropping out, most of them are on short commons and have no one to take care of.
While, on the other hand, urban children face the problems of continuing rising obesity rate caused by eating snacks, dietary bias or over nutrition.
On one hand, underprivileged children demand food imperiously. On the other hand, urban children face various healthy hazards. Both of them are caused by one key word:
No one to take care of.
The Sun Public Foundation
The Sun Public Foundation
This set of posters are created on the basis of these, choosing photos of underprivileged children and obese children to call for the help to underprivileged children by sharp contrast.
The Sun Public Foundation
Donation Shop
The Sun Public Foundation
Concept Elaboration
The donation shop, sponsored by the Sun Public Foundation, is a charity shop operating both in online store and physical store. The main products are divided into two parts. One is the creative office supplies, such as notebook, postcard and reusable bags. When consumers buy office supplies, the children in donated schools will also get the same product (for example, you buy a notebook in the shop and then the underprivileged children will get one as well). The other part is the employable second-hand goods free donated by all sectors of society, such as books, living goods, sport equipments and so on. All the profit, deducted the operating costs, will be used to support various public benefit activities by the Sun Non-profit Foundation. In this way, profits are gained by public selling and re-use into public welfares.
Blue pencil, green eco-mark, yellow hamburger and red cross represent respectively for education, environmental protection, diet and medical treatment.
The Sun Public Foundation
The Sun Public Foundation
The package of products in the donation shop is as simple as possible. It uses regeneration paper bag and paper box to save costs and to promote environmental awareness as well.
Reusable bags
Reusable bags use canvas materials, and design d i f fe r e n t s i ze t o m e e t different requirements. And it can be used recycling.
The Sun Public Foundation
The Sun Public Foundation
Online shop
S t i c ke r s a n d d r o p s a r e applied in the package. S t i c ke r s c a n a l s o s e l l independently.
Reusable bags divide into folder bags and bind bags with the size of small, medium and large, which are suitable for different products in the shop.
Donation shop divides into two parts, online and offline, which can be used for charity activities. People can visit recent charity activities through online shop, or APPs, or websites, and apply to be volunteer, to buy charity products or to donate.
One Stroke at a time
One Stroke at a time
Project 2
One Stroke at a time Research Project on Chinese Characters Time: Tutor:
2014.05 Tim Fang
Project Elaboration
Strokes are lines written unremittingly when writing Chinese c ha r acters. S trokes are t h e mi n i mu m u n i ts fo r C h i n e s e characters, including horizontal stroke (一), vertical stroke ( 丨),leftfalling stroke (丿) and dot (丶) etc. Strokes in Chinese characters, as well as alphabets in English, are the basic units of writing system. Therefore, I emerged an idea of comparison between Chinese strokes and English alphabets. I split strokes of Chinese character components to compare with English alphabets so as to recombine them. I concentrate to find their generality in different cultures and linguistics and to discover any possibilities after the collisions in order to create something new.
In my investigation, I cutting out Chinese characters and English words from the magazines to compare their generality and differences.
One Stroke at a time
One Stroke at a time
Comparison Table between Chinese and English.
The corresponding of strokes and alphabets in characters.
One Stroke at a time
According to the comparison table, I further split, disorganize and recombine strokes of Chinese character components.
One Stroke at a time
One Stroke at a time
One Stroke at a time
Application Chinese characters are evolved from hieroglyphics, many of which represent the meaning of the characters. For example, characters with‘ ’normally mean the words related to our foot, such as the proper names, the activities or the status. After grasping this characteristics, I detached the component of Chinese characters and combined them with pictures of people in daily life, in which way can give more visual understanding for people having less understanding of Chinese characters, and can also raise their interest.
One Stroke at a time
One Stroke at a time
Project 5
Diplopia Research on Visual Disturbance Crowd Time: Tutor:
2014.11 Tim Fang
Project Elaboration
People, as well as animals, perceive the size, the light and shade, the color and the movement of outer objects by visual sense. 80% of outer information are gained by visual sense, which is the most important sense.
In the precondition of normal retina, one image lands up on the too much separate non-corresponding points of retina cannot form the binocular single vision. It will regard one object as two objects, which will cause the slur, the diplopia
There are lots of reasons caused diplopia. Most of them cause by eye diseases, by nervi cerebrals diseases, or by brain diseases. People having diplopia suffer a lot in everyday life. This project selects this for the entry point. In modern life, people face the computer and the mobile phones for a long time. Fast rhythm and high pressure life and work tire people’s eyes a lot. Through investigation, I collect a series of diseases caused by diplopia and try to simulate the experiences of patients in order to call for attention for them and to make more people understand their feelings.
The world in their eyes are like this, blurry friends, blurry street, unascertainable object amounts. All of these cause trouble for diplopia patients.
Four Points of Worth Medically, they are used to diagnose diplopia.
Brain CT, cervical vertebra CT and some brain diseases can cause diplopia for some circumstance.
When testing, to wear special glasses
When watching with two eyes simultaneously, you can see four points in correct position, one red point, two green points and one white point, which means both eyes are normal. Just as Picture 1.
When watching with two eyes simultaneously, you can only see two red points, which means your left eye is diplopia. Just as Picture 2.
When watching with two eyes simultaneously, you can only see three green points, which means your right eye is diplopia. Just as Picture 3
When watching with two eyes simultaneously, you can see three green points and two red points, which means your eyes are double vision.
Use double images and degraded images to simulate the feeling of diplopia patientsHowever, the content of posters is diseases caused diplopia. On one hand, we can simulate the feeling of patients to normal people. And on the other hand, it introduce diplopia to more people.
I See -Collage
Project 3
I See -Collage Time: Tutor:
2014.10 Xiaoyu Lv
Project Elaboration Is this the same world in different people’s eyes? What will be the differences of the worlds in the eyes of people in different careers, different ages and different groups? This project selects three persons from three different groups to simulate the world in their eyes with the method of collage.
I See -Collage
I See -Collage
I See -Collage
Series 1 What I am thinking determines what I can see.
If we hang over our camouflage temporarily and accept our mind without pretending, what will be our life? No matter what others think, we should face ourselves honestly.
What I am thinking determines what I can see. All my true ideas and desires is the signet of our life.
I See -Collage Series 2
Sanitation worker
Concept: With the increase of population, cities are surrounded by garbage, which pollute air and soil and influence city landscape, especially after holidays. In the view of a sanitation worker, this is the normal world. It is not only the city that needs clean, but also the whole universe and people create garbage.
I See -Collage
I See -Collage
I See -Collage
I See -Collage
Series 3
Fashion disaster
Concept: Ev e r y o n e t a l k s a b o u t fashion and spends lots of time and money to be more fashionable, to adapt surrounding environment and our friends. Our life are stuck in fashion. Ironically , it doesn’t matter what you like or whether you like. The thing that really matter is dropping into ‘fashion’ all at once.
I See -Collage
Project 4
VI System for Fashion Brand
S.Jin chengyi
Concept: Brand Title: Point Key words: simple, feature extraction, symbol Crowd: fashion women with economic capability
My major in my undergraduate programme is costume design. Hence, I proceed with clothing, draw up my brand, and to practice from costume design, production, VI and so on.
U s u a l l y, w e m e m o r i ze p e o p l e through their characteristics. For example, nevus in the face will make people more impressive. In this project, I selected very typical people. I tried to restore c o m p l i c a t e d t h i n g s i n l i fe b y simplifying, extracting, and signifying representational characters and by transferring to bright outer contour and simply dots.
Chairman Mao Zedong
Marilyn Monroe
John Winston Lennon
Zaha Hadid
(December 26, 1893 September 9, 1976)
(June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962)
(October 9, 1940 – December 8,
(Born 31 October 1950)
Communist revolutionary and the founding father of the People's Republic of China, which he governed as Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976.
W as
an American
actress, model, and singer, who became a major sex symbol, starring in a number of commercially successful motion pictures during the 1950s and early 1960s
W as an English musician, singer and songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as a founder member of the rock band the Beatles, the most commercially successful band in the history of popular music.
Is an Iraqi-British architect. She received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004—the first woman to do so—and the Stirling Prize in 2010 and 2011.
Simplify human face to the outer contour to remain the nevus. So we can clearly recognize this person. Therefore, I wish to apply this simple outline into clothing design.
Use human facial outer contour to make clothing outer contour. So we can recognize human from the silhouette of clothing.
When clothing is simplified to the outline and nevus, I choose roundness to represent human face, for roundness is the perfect graph. It is closed, as well as full of flexibility .
LOGO Design Description In logo design, I use golden cut rules to find the position for the points by calculation.
Design process
Hand tag design
VI design follow the minimalism of the brand. Mainly, I use different gray level in color and match a little bright color.
Letter paper
Business card
Design process
Apply four characters' outer contour in postcard.
In this project, I tried to closely grip poster part with fashion style. Firstly, it should be attractive visually. The original intention of this set of clothing is to simplify the complicated things in life and to restore its original appearance. Therefore, in the process of poster design, I also base on the principle of minimalism.
Poster design
In design element, I repeatedly used human outer contour, logo and lines, simple but not monotonous. I believe design should be interest, single-mindedness but not meaningless repetition.
Art work
Kousa Dogwood Time: May 2014
Concept: Bionics is the combination of Bion- (representing life) and –ics (representing technology). Plant bionics is the imitation for the nature. Based on the ecological phenomenon of Kousa Dogwood, I imitate its growing sculpt, color and texture, which is also my design inspiration.
Fingerprint Concept: Normal people feel this world by eyes. However, to blind people, they feel this world by hands. Things they touched will leave unique marks, the fingerprint. As to me, this is not only the fingerprints, but also the trace they feel this world. Fingerprints have the characteristics of unique, invariable and identifiable. This series of production focuses on this special group to extract their fingerprints as the design inspiration .
Time: Dec, 2013
Shadow Time: Oct., 2013 Concept: For most people, the understanding of clothes stays in the level that clothes are human’s decoration and protection, which is superficial, figurative and substantial. As for me, clothes are far from these. Clothes represent the spiritual outlook, the inward world and the emotional appeal of the wearers, which is the reveal of their spirit. Clothes are not just materials, but the shadow of human beings. The relationships between clothes and the wearers are not only dressing, but the reflection of inner ideas as well. This series use shadow as the pattern of manifestation to narrate the relationship between human beings and clothes.
Modern Times: use filmstrip and paperboard.
Three-dimensional Cutting
Fashionable Dress Painting
Girl July, 2013
Shaoxing Opera: Shuang Yu Yan Oct., 2013
Painting: Sunset, Outside the B a l c o n y, A n c i e n t Architecture, Haystack
Youth Market April, 2014
Experiment: Pink dream. (application of dress patterns in other fields) Materials: hair felt, paper, cloth
Poster design
Amibition: Recruitment Poster. In Chinese, ‘ 志 ’ represents ambition. So I focus on this in the hope of recruiting ambitious talents.
Goodbye: Poster Design: 2013 Graduate Evening Party.
Thanks for watching.