2006 - 2007
Queensland Institute of Medical Research Director Professor Michael Good Deputy Director Professor Adèle Green
Our Vision To be a world renowned medical research institution
Our Mission Better health through medical research
Our Philosophy QIMR supports scientists who perform world-class medical research aimed at improving the health and well-being of all people
Our Logo The QIMR logo is comprised of superimposed benzene rings which symbolise one of the fundamental molecular arrangements of the chemicals which make up living things For further copies of this report, phone 3362 0222, email enquiries@qimr.edu.au or download from www.qimr.edu.au
Contents Corporate Structure
Chairman’s Report
Council Members
From the Director
Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Cancer and Cell Biology
Population Studies and Human Genetics
Therapeutic Development and Clinical Trials
Joint Research
Corporate Division
Postgraduate Training
Education Program
Grants and Funding
Invited Lectures and Presentations
Trust Report
Trust Members
Donors to the Institute
Research Students
Corporate Structure Minister for Health
Infectious Infectious Diseases Diseases and and Immunology Immunology
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Translational Research (Andrew Boyd)
Cancer Infectious Diseases and and Cell Immunology Biology
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Development (Michelle Lagana)
Infectious Population Diseases Studies andand Immunology Human Genetics
Therapeutic Development and Clinical Research
Indigenous Health Research Program
Chairman’s Report The highlight of the year has been the provision of funding by the Commonwealth and State Governments for a new building to be located on the site of the Queensland Radium Institute. The building will link the existing Bancroft Centre and Clive Berghofer Cancer Research Centre and provide much needed research space. QIMR is very appreciative of this support. The Institute is fortunate to be supported by the Queensland Institute of Medical Research Trust which, because of its excellent fundraising, has been able to increase its annual grants. World class research requires state-of-the -art research equipment and top scientists can only be attracted to the Institute if their scientific needs are met. This is an area where the Institute faces significant ongoing expenditure. The Council reviews performance of the Institute against a strategic plan which covers all aspects of its work and needs. Two measures concern scientific publications and commercial contracts. It is pleasing to report that the number of scientific papers published in highly regarded technical publications has increased rapidly and a number of patent applications have been submitted and granted. It is also pleasing to note that a number of commercial contracts which could
lead to products of considerable commercial importance have been signed. Successful development of these contracts will lead to clinical trials which if successful would lead to actual products. QIMR is endeavouring to significantly increase its translational medicine programmes. Mention must also be made of progress towards clinical trials of vaccines to treat nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a significant problem in south east China, in conjunction with the University of Hong Kong. It is anticipated that these trials will begin during 2007. A further measure of QIMR’s progress is the grants received. Over the past 5 years competitive grants received from NHMRC have increased from approximately $11.8M to $15M, and grants from NIH have increased from approximately $5M to $8M. QIMR has strategic alliances both nationally and internationally with other medical research institutes, hospitals, universities, charitable foundations and commercial parties. The Council congratulates all our people on the excellent progress being made to improve health care for all mankind.
Sir Bruce Watson AC Chair
The highlight of the year has been the provision of funding by the Commonwealth and State Governments for a new building to be located on the site of the Queensland Radium Institute. The building will link the existing Bancroft Centre and Clive Berghofer Cancer Research Centre and provide much needed research space. QIMR is very appreciative of this support.
Council Members Sir Bruce Watson AC BE (Elec) BCom (Chair)
Sir Bruce Watson AC Chair
Sir Bruce Watson was born in Queensland in 1928. In 1956 he joined MIM Holdings Limited and became General Manager of the Agnew Nickel Mining Joint Venture in Western Australia in 1975. In 1977, he returned to Brisbane as a Director and later as CEO and Chairman of MIM Holdings Limited. Sir Bruce has been a Member of the Supervisory Board of Metallgesellschaft AG, a Director of Boral Limited, ASARCO Inc, National Australia Bank Limited and Chairman of the Gas Corporation of Queensland Limited. From 1992 to 1995 Sir Bruce served as National President of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and in 1992 as President of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. In June 1985 he was knighted in recognition of his most distinguished service to Queensland industry and in 2004 Sir Bruce was made a Companion of the Order of Australia.
Mr Paul Wright AM FAIM FAICD (Deputy Chair)
Paul has combined banking, health, hospitality and consulting into a career which has encompassed over twenty-five years in senior executive management with a breadth and depth in leadership roles. He has been General Manager Queensland and Northern Territory of Medical Benefits Fund of Australia Limited and provided executive services as General Manager to The Brisbane Club.
Mr Paul Wright AM Deputy Chair
Paul has also been a company director for more than twenty years and has served as Chairman/President of The Australian Institute of Management and The Royal Flying Doctor Service. He is currently the Chairman of The Queensland Institute of Medical Research Trust, Phoenix Eagle Company Pty Ltd, BSES Limited and is serving a second term as Chairman of The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section). Other current Board appointments include PQ Lifestyles Pty Ltd and Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers Limited.
Professor Peter Brooks MD FRACP FRCP Edin FAFRM FAFPHM MD Lund (Hon Causa)
Professor Peter Brooks
Professor Brooks was Foundation Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Sydney prior to becoming Professor of Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney in 1992. He was appointed Executive Dean of Health Sciences at the University of Queensland in 1998, has extensive research experience in basic inflammation and treatment of rheumatic diseases and has been a member of the Fellowships Committee and Partnerships Committee of the NHMRC.
Professor Bryan Campbell AM MB BS (Hons) MD (Qld) FRACP FRACMA
Professor Campbell was formerly Chief Health Officer Queensland and Head of The University of Queensland Medical School. He has been a Councillor of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators and a member of the National Health and Medical Research Council. He was Deputy Chair of the Australian Health Ethics Committee and a member of the NHMRC Embryo Research Licensing Committee until June 2006.
Professor Bryan Campbell AM
Prof Judith Clements BAppSc MAppSc PhD
Professor Clements has over 20 years experience as a basic researcher in biomedical research, primarily in the general field of molecular endocrinology. Her current research seeks understanding of the molecular basis of hormone dependent and urogenital cancers such as prostate, breast, ovarian and endometrial carcinoma. She is currently Program Leader of the HormoneDependent Cancer Program within the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation at the Queensland University of Technology and also an NHMRC Principal Research Fellow. Professor Judith Clements
Mr Christopher Coyne LLB
Christopher Coyne is a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland, specialising in insurance law, health law, corporate government and risk management. He was admitted as a solicitor in 1979 and was a partner in the national law firm Clayton Utz from 1984 to 2002. He is an Adjunct Professor at The University of Queensland School of Law. He is Chair of the Mater Health Services Human Research Committee, a member of the Australian Health Ethics Committee and the former NHMRC Gene Related Therapy Research Advisory Panel. Chris is Chairman of the Queensland Law Society’s captive insurer, Lexon, a director of the Heart Research Institute (Queensland) and the Incorporated Council for Law reporting for the state of Queensland. He is a sitting member of the Queensland Commercial and Consumer Tribunal. Mr Chris Coyne
Mr Paul Fennelly BA LLB
Mr Fennelly has wide experience in financial management, business and public administration. He is currently a Director with Westpac Institutional Bank where his focus is on major equity investments, primarily in the area of alternative asset classes, including infrastructure, public private partnerships, property and private equity. From January 2002 - 2006 Mr Fennelly was Director-General of the Department of State Development; concurrently he served as the Co-ordinator-General from 2002 -2005. Prior to joining the Queensland Government he was Victorian Director of the Australian Industry Group which is the nation’s largest industry association.
Professor Lyn Griffiths BSc (Hons) PhD
Professor Griffiths is Director of the Genomics Research Centre at Griffith University Gold Coast, Head of the GU School of Medical Science, and a past Director of the Australian Society of Medical Research (ASMR) from 1999 to 2001. She has authored 131 peer-reviewed publications to date in molecular genetics international journals, and is Chair of the Scientific Program Committee for the next International Congress of Human Genetics. She was awarded the Centenary Medal for Distinguished Service to Education and Medical Research.
Mr Paul Fennelly
Professor Lynn Griffiths
Professor Alan Lopez BSc (Hons), MS PhD, HonFAFPHM
Professor Lopez is Professor of Medical Statistics and Population Health and Head of the School of Population Health at the University of Queensland. Prior to joining the University in January 2003, he worked at the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland, for 22 years where he held a series of technical and senior managerial posts including Chief epidemiologist in WHO’s Tobacco Control Program (1992-95), Manager of WHO’s Program on Substance Abuse (1996-98), Director of the Epidemiology and Burden of Disease Unit (1999-2001), Senior Science Advisor to the Director – General (2002) and adjunct professor at Harvard University since 2005. Professor Alan Lopez
He has published widely on mortality analysis and causes of death, including the impact of the global tobacco epidemic, and on the global descriptive epidemiology of major diseases, injuries and risk factors. He is the co-author of the seminal Global Burden of Disease Study (1996) which has greatly influenced debates about priority setting and resource allocation in health. He has been awarded major research grants in epidemiology, health services research and population health, chairs the Health and Medical Research Council of Queensland, and is an honorary fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine.
Dr Paula Marlton MB BS (Hons) FRACP FRACPA
Dr Paula Marlton
Paula Marlton is the Head of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Services at the Princess Alexandra Hospital where she is also Deputy Director of Haematology. Her previous appointments included 3 years at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston Texas. She has extensive experience in clinical research including the role of principal investigator for national trials and an ongoing involvement in translational research in haematologic malignancies. She was the founding Chair of the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group Laboratory Science Committee and has established and continues to direct the PWC Leukaemia and Lymphoma Tissue Bank. Her other professional activities include serving on the Board of the Leukaemia Foundation, Drug Advisory Boards, Government and College Advisory Committees as well as a wide range of academic and clinical service activities.
Dr Jeanette Young
Dr Young has been the Chief Health Officer for Queensland since August 2005. In her previous position she was the Executive Director of Medical Services at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane for six years where she was responsible for the provision of Medical services across the Hospital and a member of the Executive team. She came to the position following four years as the Director of Medical Services at the Rockhampton Base Hospital. Prior to that she spent nine years at Westmead Hospital in Sydney working, initially, in the area of Emergency Medicine followed by responsibility for medico-legal issues and management of junior medical staff. As the Chief Health Officer she is responsible for Mental Health policy and legislation, Population Health services policy and regulation, Disaster planning and Private facility licensing. She is a member of the Queensland Medical Board, the Radiation Advisory Council, the Queensland Institute of Medical Research Council, co-chairs the Queensland Emergency Medical System Advisory Committee, chairs the Queensland Blood Advisory Committee and is Queensland’s representative on the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Health Protection Committee and the AHMAC Clinical, Technical and Ethical Principal Committee.
From the Director The past twelve months have been a reflective time for the Institute, with a number of reviews undertaken during the period. The Queensland Institute of Medical Research Act 1945 is currently under review by Government with a number of different models proposed for future operations of the Institute. QIMR’s organisational resources were independently reviewed by Mr Ken Roberts AM. The review looked at the existing structure of the Institute, its performance in a general sense, and impediments to success. A number of recommendations were made, resulting in a change in organisational structure in September 2006 and initiation of a strategic planning process for the period 2007 to 2011 in April 2007. In October 2006, a review of QIMR research activities was undertaken by a panel led by Professor Graham Brown, Head of the Department of Medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. The panel included Professors Graham Colditz, Michelle Haber, Richard Smallwood, Joe Trapani and Bob Williamson. It offered a number of suggestions for improving QIMR’s scientific quality and output.
The Smart State Research Centre
Plans for construction of a third building to house a Smart State Research Centre came to fruition during the year. Total funding for the project was achieved in May 2007 with the announcement of $55 million for QIMR in the Federal Budget. This complemented similar amounts from the Queensland Government and an independent donor. Construction will begin following demolition of the building currently on site, which is planned for the end of 2008.
People and Events
The Chairs of the four research Divisions changed during the year. Thanks to the outgoing Chairs and welcome to the new ones. Dr Geoff Hill replaced Associate Professor James McCarthy as head of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Dr Amanda Spurdle took over from Dr Kum Kum Khanna as head of Cancer and Cell Biology, Professor Emma Whitelaw assumed Associate Professor Greg Anderson’s role as head of Population Studies and Human Genetics and Dr Chris Schmidt replaced Professor Denis Moss as head of the Therapeutic Development and Clinical Research Division.
Outgoing and incoming Division Heads from left – Top: Dr Geoff Hill, Assoc Prof James McCarthy, Dr Amanda Spurdle, Dr Kum Kum Khanna. Bottom: Professor Emma Whitelaw, Assoc Prof Greg Anderson, Dr Chris Schmidt and Professor Denis Moss
Professor Michael Good Director
The Institute has experienced a reflective year, with a number of different reviews undertaken. Two new laboratories have been established and the Australian Centre for Vaccine Development was launched with an Inaugural Symposium. An important clinical trial evaluating an experimental treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma was initiated in Hong Kong, and opened by the Queensland Premier, Mr Peter Beattie in May 2007.
Two new laboratories were established during the year, both headed by scientists already working at QIMR. Dr Maher Gandhi now leads the Immunohaematology Laboratory, and Dr Joanne Young, the Familial Cancer Laboratory. The Institute launched the Australian Centre for Vaccine Development (ACVD) with an Inaugural Symposium in May 2007. Vaccine research requires expertise in immunology, pathogenesis, molecular and structural biology and clinical trials methodology. The ACVD harnesses this varied expertise into one cohesive unit to advance the science of vaccine development. I was delighted to appoint Associate Professor Rajiv Khanna as inaugural Director of the ACVD. QIMR hosted two important events during the year. The Premier Peter Beattie QIMR Lecture was presented at Parliament House in February 2007 by Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty on “The Science Culture”. A major international conference, The 4th Indo-Australian Conference on Biotechnology was held at the Institute in May.
Research Highlights
Molecular cancer epidemiologists discovered five possible genetic links in breast cancer development, after pooling together data from more than 20 groups around the world. The Cancer Genetics Laboratory confirmed a common variant of the gene Caspase 8, carried by 25 percent of people of European descent, actually reduces the risk of breast cancer. Researchers from the Population Studies and Cancer group announced a link between consumption of leafy green vegetables and a reduction in the risk of skin cancer, particularly among those with a previous history of the disease.
Two new population-based studies began during the year, one on the causes of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (disorders that affect up to one in every 200 Australians), and the other on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which affects up to one in ten Australian children. Another study was initiated on pancreatic cancer which is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in western countries.
Professor Anne Kelso, Senior Principal Research Fellow at QIMR, was awarded the Honour in recognition of her service to science, particularly in the field of immunology and vaccine research, through contributions to a range of scientific organisations and as an academic and mentor. Anne left QIMR early 2007 to lead the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in Melbourne.
A cutting edge paper from the
The Derrick-Mackerras Memorial
Assoc Prof Rajiv Khanna
Sister Regis Dunn AO
Professor Anne Kelso AO
Immunology and Infection group, defining the role of dendritic cell subsets in cerebral malaria was published. The Bone Marrow Transplantation Laboratory also published a number of articles describing the ability of various cell subsets to modulate transplant outcome.
Lecture was delivered by former Victorian Premier Mr Jeff Kennett, in his role as founder and Chairman for beyondblue, the national depression initiative. The lecture struck a chord with every member of the audience and provided further impetus for the establishment of the Institute’s planned Mental Health Division.
Awards and Achievements
At the same event, QIMR’s high achievement awards were presented by the Queensland Minister for Health, The Honourable Stephen Robertson. Two Bancroft Medals were bestowed – one to Mr Michael Staley, Chief Operating Officer, for over seven years dedication to QIMR’s infrastructure development and stable financial growth planning, and the other to Dr Helen Leonard for her years of commitment to workplace health and safety at the Institute.
QIMR scientists continued to receive prestigious honours and awards during the year. Two QIMR associates received the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2007 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Sister Regis Dunn, long serving member of the Institute’s Ethics Committee, received the award for her significant service to medicine, particularly through promotion and support of bioethics in medical research, and as a researcher in the field of genetics.
The Ralph Doherty Prize for Outstanding Achievement and Leadership in Medical Research for 2006 went to Dr Alex Loukas,
a QIMR parasitologist who also won the Bancroft Mackerras Medal from the Australian Society of Parasitology and was runner up in the Eureka Prize in the same year. Dr Scott Burrows and Dr Jacqueline Upcroft each received Long Service Awards and special new Humanitarian Awards were given to Kath Rose, Roy Prosser and Dean Duncan. Mr David Lyons was made a QIMR Fellow.
Grants and Funding Success
New NHMRC awards for 2007 included 16 Project Grants, one Program Grant, and an AustralianEuropean (EU) Collaborative Grant. QIMR scientists also won seven Research Fellowships, two Career Development Awards and eight Postdoctoral Training Fellowships to bring total NHMRC funding for the year to approximately $18.3 million, including infrastructure support. Five new grants were awarded by the US National Institutes of Health, with a total value of approximately US$5 million, covering areas as diverse as malaria, genetic epidemiology and cancer. New grants awarded by the Cancer Council Queensland included eight Project Grants, one Senior Research Fellowship and one Postgraduate
Scholarship. Cancer Council Queensland support for the year was approximately $1.48 million.
after 13 years service to QIMR, and the Institute wishes her well in her future endeavours.
The Ian Potter Foundation Foundation provided $100,000 towards the purchase of an HPLCMass Spectrometer to be used for drug discovery and development and the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland provided significant ongoing support for the Leukaemia Foundation Laboratory headed by Professor Andrew Boyd of The University of Queensland.
As always, the Institute is extremely grateful to its visionary sponsors, The Atlantic Philanthropies, Mr Clive Berghofer and the many other donors both small and large who contribute so generously to the continued development of medical research in Queensland.
The Development and Marketing Department continued to elicit funding from a range of other sources including donations, bequests and corporate sponsorship. Ms Michelle Lagana, Director of the department was instrumental in securing an important Phase I clinical trial in Hong Kong, to evaluate an experimental treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, one of the most common cancers in people of Chinese descent. The trial is being conducted in collaboration with Hong Kong’s Queen Mary Hospital and the University of Hong Kong, and was launched by Queensland Premier, Mr Peter Beattie. Ms Lagana resigned from her post at the end of the year
Michael Good Director
From left – Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty, Deputy Premier of Queensland The Honourable Anna Bligh and Professor Good at the Premier Peter Beattie QIMR Lecture
Research is conducted in 40 separate laboratories under four separate Divisions, each with a major focus. Important research collaborations take place within and between the laboratories, as well as with external entitities. The Infectious Diseases and Immunology Division focuses on improved understanding of viruses, bacteria and parasites, and how they interact with the immune system with the aim of developing new tools to diagnose, treat and prevent infection. The Cancer and Cell Biology Division integrates research on the cellular, molecular and genetic basis of a wide range of cancers, including melanoma, leukaemia, breast, ovarian, endometrial and colorectal cancer, to develop screening tools for early detection and devise strategies for the treatment and prevention of disease. The Population Studies and Human Genetics Division utilises a wide range of contemporary epidemiological, genetic and molecular techniques to investigate a spectrum of diseases relevant to the Australian population, aimed at understanding the mechanisms of disease and identifying potential therapeutic targets. The Division includes the Indigenous Health Research Program which carries out collaborative research projects for the improvement of the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Therapeutic Development and Clinical Research Division develops and tests immunotherapeutics manufactured within the Q-Gen laboratory at QIMR. Currently, it oversees clinical research and trials using cell-based therapeutics that target post-transplant lymphoma, malignant melanoma, prostate cancer and cytomegalovirus infection.
Infectious Diseases and Immunology The focus of the Infectious Diseases and Immunology Division is improved understanding of the immune system and its interplay with infectious agents and neoplastic cells. By expanding this knowledge base the ultimate aim of the Division is to provide improved ability to diagnose and treat infectious diseases and malignancies. The Division has had a very successful year with a number of landmark studies published in high impact journals across a wide breadth of fields. Sadly the Division bids farewell to one of its long term icons this year. Professor Anne Kelso has moved back to her home city of Melbourne to lead the WHO effort on influenza control. Professor Kelso’s enormous experience and intellectual insight will be greatly missed by QIMR. There have been two new groups to the Division. Dr Denise Doolan, a new Pfizer Fellow, has returned from the USA to lead the Translational and Vaccine Immunology group and provides expertise in the new field of “immunomics”. Dr Maher Gandhi leads the recently formed Clinical Immunohaematology group, which focuses on viral and immune biomarkers and cellular immunotherapies.
Division Chair: Dr Geoff Hill
Bacterial Pathogenesis Bone Marrow Transplantation Cellular Immunology
Highlights of this year have included:
Clinical Tropical Medicine
Alex Loukas’s group described the ability of tetraspanins on the surface of Schistosoma mansoni to act as protective antigens against schistosomiasis, published in Nature Medicine.
EBV Biology
Work in the laboratory of Rajiv Khanna demonstrated the influence of translation efficiency of homologous viral proteins on the endogenous presentation of CD8+ T cell epitopes, published in The Journal of Experimental Medicine. Peter and Jacqui Upcroft of the Molecular Genetics group contribute to the description of the genome sequence of Trachomonas vaginalis, published in Science this year. Scott Burrows’s group contributed to the description of a T cell receptor that induces conformational changes in peptide presented within MHC, published in Nature Immunology. The Bone Marrow Transplantation Laboratory published a number of articles in Blood describing the ability of various APC subsets and transcription factors within to modulate transplant outcome. Christian Engwerda’s laboratory defined the role of dendritic cell subsets in cerebral malaria, published as a “cutting edge” paper in The Journal of Immunology.
EBV Immunology EBV Molecular Biology Helminth Biology HIV Molecular Virology Immunology and Infection Immunoregulation Immunovirology Malaria and Scabies Malaria Biology Malaria Drug Resistance and Chemotherapy Molecular Genetics Molecular Immunology Molecular Parasitology Mosquito Control Tumor Immunology
Bacterial Pathogenesis This laboratory undertakes research into Groups A (GAS), B (GBS) and G (GGS) Streptococci, bacteria which cause a wide range of potentially fatal diseases in humans.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Kadaba Sriprakash
Research Highlights Undertook the first comprehensive analysis of the virulence gene repertoire of Group G Streptococcus. Produced the first complete genetic characterisation of a bacteriophage in Group G Streptococcus. Produced the first complete genetic characterisation of a transposon in Group G Streptococcus. Redesigned the J14 vaccine construct for expression by a live vaccine delivery system.
Traditionally defined as a commensal organism or opportunistic pathogen, GGS/GCS is emerging as significant human pathogen in its own right that causes a spectrum of disease similar to GAS. However, compared to GAS, there is very little known about GGS. A comparative genetic analysis of this organism has therefore been undertaken, using a targeted microarray containing known GAS virulence factors and genes encoding extracellular proteins. This work demonstrated that individual GGS isolates possess approximately half of the known GAS virulence gene repertoire. There was also no congruence between and GGS/GCS lineage and disease suggesting that host and/ or non-linear evolutionary factors are important aspects of disease propensity and outcome. Josephine Shera in the Bacterial Pathogenesis Laboratory
Research directly comparing a single GGS pathovar and non-pathovar has also highlighted the importance of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) in generating genetic diversity in streptococci. MGEs are agents that enable DNA to be transferred between two separate strains, and even between species. Such exchanges may change the ability of individual strains to cause disease. This work has provided the first full genetic characterisation of two MGEs, a bacteriophage (ÎŚ3396) and integrative conjugative element (ICESde3396), in GGS. ÎŚ3396 is also found in some, but not all, GAS isolates. ICESde3396 is found in some but not all GBS isolates. ICESde3396 also contained DNA whose closest relative was found in non-streptococcal species. These results highlight the role MGEs can play in the rapid evolution of new bacterial pathovars. In collaboration with Professor Michael Good, this laboratory continues to provide a detailed evaluation the J8 and J14 GAS vaccine constructs on a number of fronts. Bioinformatic analysis was used to predict that J8/J14 are highly unlikely to induce cross-reactive immune response in humans. With international collaborators, the usefulness of J8 is being studied on isolates recovered from the Indian population. The current J8 and J14 vaccine formulations are also synthetic peptide constructs requiring a carrier molecule. J14 has been redesigned for expression in a recombinant system that does not require a carrier molecule. This new construct (JJopt) has subsequently been demonstrated to induce immune responses similar to the peptide construct. The next step will be to clone and express JJopt in a live vaccine delivery system.
Bone Marrow Transplantation The Bone Marrow Transplantation Laboratory works towards understanding the mechanisms by which transplant recipients eradicate leukaemia but also develop lifethreatening complications, particularly Graft-versus-Host disease. Although antigen presenting cells (APC) are known to be critical for the induction of Graft-versusHost disease (GVHD), the role of specific APC populations in GVHD has remained unclear, due predominantly to the lack of effective reagents to specifically deplete APC subsets (i.e. dendritic cell (DC) subsets, B cells and macrophages). Even more elusive has been an understanding of the important transcription pathways within APC that determine the induction of immunity versus tolerance. Over the past year the group has provided two important studies that suggest that unlike donor B cells, host B cells play an important anti-inflammatory role after bone marrow transplant (BMT) and attenuate acute GVHD. This is due to their generation of IL-10 following total body irradiation used within transplant conditioning. In a second study it was shown that the NF-kB transcription factor, RelB within DC, plays a critical role in inducing pathogenic Th1 responses after BMT but is not required for the expansion and function of regulatory function. This provides an important pharmacologic target for the induction of transplant tolerance. In a third unrelated study we have shown that the generation of interferon-gamma by donor T cells plays a critical role in preventing the devastating and universally fatal transplant complication, idiopathic pneumonia syndrome. Paradoxically, this protective effect is mediated through the lung epithelia and opposing pathogenic effects are exerted by the same cytokine on the gastro-intestinal tract. These studies suggest that donors and/or recipients with polymorphisms in the interferon-gamma and interferon-gamma receptor genes
respectively may be the group of patients who develop this transplant complication. This hypothesis is currently being tested. Overall these studies, published in Blood in the last twelve months significantly increase understanding of GVHD and provide exciting platforms for translational clinical studies.
Laboratory Head: Dr Geoff Hill
Research Highlights Completed delineation of the transcription pathways within dendritic cells responsible for the induction of acute GVHD. Defined the ability and mechanisms by which recipient B cells can attenuate acute GVHD. Resolved the paradoxical positive and negative effects of interferon-gamma on acute GVHD.
Bone Marrow Transplantation researchers – from left: Kelli MacDonald and Stuart Olver
Described novel reagents to deplete dendritic cells that have enabled studies dissecting the role of dendritic cell subsets in cerebral malaria.
Cellular Immunology The main focus of the Cellular Immunology Laboratory is the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and factors controlling its primary function in recognising and killing virus-infected cells.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Scott Burrows
Research Highlights Disproved the dogma that all human leukocyte antigens prefer to bind peptides of 8-10 residues in length. Showed that peptide mobility does not necessarily disturb the immunogenicity of an MHCbound peptide. Discovered that the MHC restriction of T cell can be controlled exclusively by T cell receptor Îą-chain usage. Found that a T cell receptor can flatten a bulged antigenic peptide.
Crystal structure of a T cell receptor bound to a class I human leukocyte antigen presenting an unusually long 11-mer viral peptide. Note that the peptide bulge is flattened at the interface.
Foreign peptide epitopes are present on the surface of virus-infected cells and some tumour cells. These are recognised by the cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) of the immune system only when bound to cell surface molecules called histocompatibility antigens (HLAs) in humans. These HLAs are a highly polymorphic class of molecules, with each different HLA capable of binding a distinct set of antigenic peptides.
The Cellular Immunology Laboratory is interested in unusually long viral CTL epitopes. It is assumed by most immunologists that the most important viral peptides targeted by the CTL response are of a very limited length, from 8-10 amino acids. However, this laboratory has recently shown that viral peptides of 11-13 amino acids in length can have a major role as target epitopes for the CTL response. This year, work has focused on why such unusually long viral peptides are sometimes recognised by CTLs in preference to overlapping viral peptides of more conventional length. This research has shown that the mechanism involves superior binding by the longer peptides to the HLAs, an observation which corrects a very basic but apparently invalid assumption that has been taught to immunology undergraduate students for over 10 years (i.e. that HLA class I molecules generally present epitopes of 8-10 residues in length because they preferentially bind peptides of this length.) Investigations into how such long peptides are recognised by the CTL response also continued. In collaboration with researchers in Melbourne, it was shown that unusually long viral peptides are presented on the cell surface with an irregular bulging conformation which is sometimes crumpled upon binding of a T cell receptor (TCR), thereby allowing the TCR to maximize HLA contacts essential for HLA restriction of T cell recognition (see figure).
Clinical Immunohaematology The major research interests in this laboratory involve viral and immune biomarkers, immuno-evasion, viral microRNA expression and optimisation of cellular immunotherapies for virus associated lymphomas. The Clinical Immunohaematology Laboratory was established in November 2006. Staff were recruited in the early months of 2007, and during the same time, equipment for the laboratory arrived. Funding was secured from a variety of different sources, ethics and safety approvals were put in place, and new projects have commenced. Currently, there are several distinct but linked projects occurring. One project is to optimise a cellular immunotherapeutic protocol for the generation of EBV-specific allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). In collaboration with overseas groups, the safety and efficacy of this approach for treatment of relapsed and refractory EBV-positive lymphomas has been previously demonstrated. This has been the subject of two publications from the group this year. The laboratory now wishes to streamline the process of product generation, and generate allogeneic CTL that are skewed towards a broader range of relevant tumour-associated viral antigens, but with minimal alloreactivity. The long-term aim is to translate this technology into GMP-grade manufacture of a bank of EBVspecific allogeneic CTL, for use in a clinical trial. Another project builds on previous work by the group with the central hypothesis contending that immune and viral biomarkers can be used as powerful tools in the clinical management of patients with EBVpositive lymphomas. In collaboration with 11 Australian hospitals from four States, a highly detailed profile of the kinetics of these biomarkers is being performed whilst patients undergo chemotherapy for their lymphoma. Data generated will
determine whether these biomarkers have clinical utility, and may also provide data regarding the pathogenesis of the disease process itself.
Laboratory Head: Dr Maher Gandhi
MicroRNAs are single-stranded RNA molecules, about 21-23 nucleotides in length, which are not translated into proteins. Instead, their principal function is to down-regulate geneexpression. There are at least 17 EBV microRNAs, which co-segregate into two clusters: those located within the introns of the BART and BHRF1 viral genes respectively. The various histological subtypes of EBV-positive lymphomas each have distinct viral latent gene expression profiles. A study is examining whether EBV microRNAs are implicated in the regulation of viral latent genes, and whether specific viral microRNAs associate with particular latency profiles.
Research Highlights Gained an insight into the mechanisms by which Hodgkin’s Lymphoma tumour cells suppress the host immune system. Demonstrated that EBVspecific allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocytes are capable of localising to and lysing tumour cells in vivo.
The Clinical Immunohaematology group from left: Kimberley Jones, Jamie Nourse, Suman Kumar Yekollu, Maher Gandhi and Ujjwal Dua
Clinical Tropical Medicine This laboratory researches how malaria and other parasites cause disease, how parasites become resistant to drugs used to treat them. The group also identificaties new drugs and drug targets, and develops novel diagnostic techniques.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor James McCarthy Joint appointment with the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation
Research Highlights Commenced a qualitative research project in the Solomon Islands on malaria in pregnancy. Commenced high throughput screening of natural product extracts for antimalarial activity. Demonstrated that HIV protease inhibitors show antimalarial activity in a rodent malaria model and that the blood from people taking these drugs inhibits the growth of malaria parasites. Demonstrated drug resistance in hookworms from dogs in Brisbane, and applied this as a model for drug resistance in human hookworm. Work on enzymatic mechanisms of acaricide resistance likely to have practical relevance to detection and management of resistance in scabies endemic communities.
In collaboration with Dr Tina Skinner-Adams and Dr Don Gardiner, previous work on the antimalarial activity of HIV protease inhibitors has been extended, showing that they have in vivo activity in a rodent malaria model, that they demonstrate synergistic antimalarial interactions with other antimalarials, and that the blood from humans taking these drugs inhibits the growth of malaria parasites. Work in this area may contribute to policy on antiretroviral deployment in HIV-malaria coendemic settings.
AIDS TB and Malaria. Employing a qualitative research methodology, this work aims to provide data that will be used to inform public health policy on malaria treatment in the Solomon Islands.
With funding from the Medicines for Malaria Venture, Dr Kathy Andrews has begun a project to identify natural products with antimalarial activity using a high throughput screening approach in collaboration with Dr Vicky Avery at the Natural Product Development Unit of Griffith University. In the Solomon Islands, PhD student Bridget Appleyard, is focusing on the problem of malaria in pregnancy, working with the Solomon Island Tropical Research Institute and WHO, funded by AusAid and the Global Fund for
Work in collaboration with Dr Qin Cheng of the Australian Army Malaria Institute by PhD student Nelson Lee has led to a better understanding of the factors that may result in inaccurate results of rapid tests to diagnose malaria. This research, supported by WHO will lead to improvements in the reliability of these tests.
Work by PhD student, Steven Kopp, in collaboration with Dr Glen Coleman of the Veterinary School of UQ and Dr Andrew Kotze of CSIRO, has demonstrated drug resistance in hookworms from dogs in Brisbane. This system will be used as a model for drug resistance in human hookworm.
Members of the Clinical Tropical Medicine Laboratory in Canberra – from left: Nelson Lee, Ranbir Sarai, Cielo Pasay, Tim McDonald, Lewis Melville, Kathy Andrews, Thanh Tran, James McCarthy, Liza Fernandez and Zainab Dost
EBV Biology This laboratory is committed to understanding the biology and immunology of two clinically important human pathogens, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and vaccinia virus. EBV laboratory findings are captured for use in human clinical trials. Evaluating a formulation to control nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC)
The laboratory has designed a new formulation that includes all of the possible immunogenic determinants of proteins expressed within NPC biopsies. This formulation (referred to as SAVINE) is undergoing pre-clinical testing. The results indicate that this formulation, when delivered in a replicationdeficient adenovirus, is capable of activating immune responses from both healthy individuals and NPC patients. These results provide a platform for future clinical trials.
A peptide-based clinical trial for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
A method for detecting subdominant specificities
A live-cell sorting method has been developed, based on CD107 detection to remove CD8(+) T cells recognising dominant EBV epitopes and demonstrate that this allows enrichment of subdominant-specific CD8(+) T cells in subsequent cultures. This work shows that immunodomination in vitro suppresses the outgrowth of subdominant-specific CD8(+) T cells in culture. The method may have broad applications for finding subdominant targets for immunotherapy and vaccines.
Laboratory Head: Professor Denis Moss
Research Highlights Began clinical trial in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients in collaboration with Princess Alexandra Hospital. Defined the immune response in healthy individuals and NPC patients using the SAVINE vaccine encoded within adenovirus.
A clinical trial has begun using NPC patients recruited from the Head and Neck Clinic at Princess Alexandra Hospital in collaboration with Professor Bill Coman and colleagues. This trial involves adoptive transfer of in vitro activated T cells from NPC patients. Activation of T cells involves the use of a peptide encoded within a protein associated with NPC. This procedure is conducted within the Q-Gen Pty Ltd facility of QIMR.
EBV Biology staff – from left: Leanne Morrison, Denis Moss and Simone Cross
EBV Molecular Biology Research in the EBV Molecular Biology Laboratory focuses on how the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is able to transform normal cells into cancer cells and how the immune system combats these transformed cells.
Laboratory Head: Dr Tom Sculley
Research Highlights
Identified site of SUMOylation in the EBNA-3B protein. Identified HIPK2 as a novel binding partner of EBNA-3C. Demonstrated a role for the Sin1 protein in regulating the mTOR complex.
EBV molecular biology researcher Anita Burgess
The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is able to infect and transform human B lymphocytes into continuously growing lymphoblastoid cells. The EBVnuclear antigen 3C (EBNA3C) is one of only six viral proteins essential for EBV-induced transformation of primary human B cells in vitro. Viral proteins, such as EBNA3C, are able to interact with cellular proteins and manipulate various biochemical and signalling pathways to initiate and maintain the transformed state of infected cells. Researchers in this laboratory have used confocal microscopy, immunoprecipitation, cell cycle analysis and apoptotic assays to determine whether EBNA-3C may prevent apoptosis by binding to homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2), a serine/threonine kinase involved in transcriptional regulation, growth control and apoptosis. Results show that when overexpressed, HIPK2 and EBNA3C co-localise to nuclear bodies while immunoprecipitations have shown that these proteins are able
to interact, with EBNA-3C binding to both the SUMOylated and unSUMOylated forms of HIPK2. The region of interaction in HIPK2 has been localised to the N-terminus, while the region in EBNA-3C appears to be at the C-terminus. The interaction of EBNA-3C and HIPK2 may be a mechanism by which EBNA-3C is able to interfere with the apoptotic pathways in cells. Also, a comprehensive study using blocking antibodies against vital molecules involved in the activation, costimulation and clonal expansion of memory CD8+ T cells has shown that the recall response to EBV-associated, immunodominant peptide epitopes in certain healthy virus carriers is strictly interleukin2-dependent. This finding supports cutting edge advances in mouse models regarding programming events involved in the generation of robust memory T cell responses, and are potentially important in future therapeutic vaccine design.
Helminth Biology The Helminth Biology Laboratory explores the molecular basis of host-parasite interactions, with a particular emphasis on the proteins secreted by parasitic helminths and their efficacy as vaccines.
The laboratory has developed and refined recombinant vaccines for the two major blood-feeding helminth parasites of humans – schistosomes and hookworms. Researchers showed that a membrane spanning protein (the tetraspanin, Sm-TSP2) from Schisostosoma mansoni is expressed on the outer tegument of the worm and is uniquey recognised by antibodies from naturally resistant but not chronically infected subjects. Moreover, the vaccine protected mice against challenge infection with S. mansoni. The functions of tetraspanins on the schistosome surface are now being explored using monoclonal antibodies and gene silencing technologies.
Blood loss and hookworm burdens can be reduced by vaccinating laboratory animals with proteases that digest blood in the gut of these nematodes.
Antibodies to Na-APR-1 are ingested by feeding worms where they bind to the gut and neutralise the enzymatic activity of APR-1. This antigen is a lead candidate for a recombinant hookworm vaccine and methods are being developed to express the recombinant protein at high yield and low cost. To ensure a continual pipeline of antigen discovery, the laboratory is exploring the transcriptomes and proteomes of hookworms to identify molecules that are critical for feeding, development and immune evasion.
Liver fluke and cholangiocarcinoma
The liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, is a major cause of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) in southeast Asia, particularly northeast Thailand. The molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis are being explored, with a particular focus on molecules secreted by the parasite that induce proliferation of the biliary epithelial cells.
Laboratory Head: Dr Alex Loukas
Research Highlights Identified a promising recombinant vaccine antigen for schistosomiasis. Identified genes associated with the transition of hookworms from free-living to parasitic larvae. Completed the first gene survey for the carcinogenic human liver fluke.
Danielle Smyth in the Helminth Biology Laboratory
HIV Molecular Virology The principal focus in this laboratory is detailed analysis of a step in HIV replication called reverse transcription, during which process, HIV is able to convert its genetic material composed of RNA into a form compatible with human DNA
Laboratory Head: Dr David Harrich
Research Highlights Revealed that an HIV protein called Tat directly stimulates reverse transcriptase activity. Experiments suggested TAR forms a unique ribonucleoprotein complex, and additional critical RNA elements regulating reverse transcription have been identified. Showed, for the first time, that protein kinase C regulated an early event during HIV-1 but not through cellular receptors. Demonstrated that protein methylation is critical for HIV-1 infectivity. Cellular factors that are important for reverse transcription are being characterised.
HIV Virology researchers from left – Ann Apolloni and Haran Sivakumaran
Over the last several years, research in this laboratory, and that of others world wide, has revealed complex interactions between viral proteins, unexpected roles for virus RNA, and requirements for cell factors to support virus growth. HIV is, in most respects, a typical retrovirus. The virus particle is 100 nm in diameter and surrounded by a cell-derived lipid membrane. Within the virus are the structural proteins including reverse transcriptase, and the genomic RNA. Reverse transcriptase is a viral enzyme and its role is to convert the viral
genomic RNA into DNA so that the genomic material is compatible with the cell. Studies by other laboratories, and confirmed by this one, have shown that virions contain very little if any DNA. Given that the virus machinery is designed to convert RNA to DNA using reverse transcriptase, it has been puzzling why reverse transcription is repressed in virions. A clear understanding of how HIV regulates reverse transcription, and how cellular factors impact this process have potential to identify novel antiviral strategies.
Immunology and Infection This laboratory studies the host immune response during malaria and leishmaniasis, and aims to distinguish host immune responses to parasites that lead to control of disease and those that contribute to tissue pathology.
Protozoan parasites cause a wide range of human diseases, including malaria and visceral leishmaniasis. Very often, disease results from tissue damage caused by the host immune response to parasites, rather than the pathogens themselves. Work in this laboratory on experimental models of cerebral malaria caused by Plasmodium berghei and visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani aims to identify the key molecules and cells that cause tissue pathology associated with infection. Interestingly, many of the molecules and cells identified to date also play important roles in protection against infection, indicating they are either produced in excessive amounts or in inappropriate tissue locations. Studies on experimental cerebral malaria in the laboratory have identified a key role for dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of this disease. These cells play an important role in activating T cells that control parasite growth. However, these same T cells can also produce pro-inflammatory cytokines that contribute to the induction of cerebral pathology during severe malaria. Because dendritic cells are critical for presenting vaccine antigens to the immune system, understanding how they direct T cell responses to control pathogens without causing tissue damage is critical. Current work is aimed at defining the cellular and
molecular interactions that occur after infection that will allow for the generation of effective anti-parasitic immunity without disease. Research on visceral leishmaniasis has revealed important, but distinct, roles for lymphotoxin alpha and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in the host immune response during experimental visceral leishmaniasis. These studies have now been extended and it has been found that LIGHT, a closely related member of the TNF family, plays a critical role in controlling parasite growth. LIGHT appears to be important in generating anti-parasitic mechanisms in innate immune cells. These results have important implications for understanding the evolution of immune responses during visceral leishmaniasis. The laboratory has also been involved in a research program to identify cysteine proteases from pineapple stems with immunomodulatory properties. Researchers have now demonstrated that these molecules can modulate immune responses in animals. They have some evidence that the cysteine proteases, extracted from pineapple stems for control of cancer cell growth, reduce inflammation both in autoimmune disease and following tissue transplant, and prevent disease caused by parasites that involves inflammation.
Laboratory Head: Dr Christian Engwerda
Research Highlights Identified a dendritic cell sub-population that plays a key role in cerebral malaria pathogenesis. Identified gene polymorphisms associated with development of severe malaria in people living in malaria endemic regions. Discovered an important role for the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family member LIGHT in the host immune response during cerebral malaria and visceral leishmaniasis.
VCAM-1 expression in the spleen (green). Marginal metallophilic macrophages were stained with the MOMA1 mAb (red) allowing visualisation of red pulp (RP), white pulp (WP) and marginal zone (MZ) regions of the spleen, as indicated (x 100) The tissue section was mounted in media containing DAPI to stain cell nuclei (blue).
Immunoregulation This laboratory investigates how CD8+ T lymphocytes acquire and memorise the ability to kill infected cells and tumours so that these processes can be controlled through improved vaccine design or immunotherapy
CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) control pathogen-infected cells and tumours by releasing cytotoxic molecules (perforin and granzymes A and B) and regulatory cytokines. Once the challenge has been overcome, these effector CTL give rise to memory cells that can be reactivated if the pathogen or tumour returns. This laboratory is examining the development of effector and memory CTL to learn how their activities can be controlled.
Laboratory Head: Professor Anne Kelso
Research Highlights Showed that CD8+ T cells activated in vivo in the presence of IL-4 can develop into poorly cytolytic, type 2-polarised CD8low cells with reduced ability to eliminate tumours.
The laboratory previously reported that exposure to the cytokine interleukin-4 (IL-4) in vitro drives CD8+ T cells to develop into an unusual CD8low effector cell which produces IL-4, is poorly cytolytic and shows reduced ability to eliminate tumours. During this year, for the first time, conditions in which these cells develop in vivo were identified. Transgenic ovalbumin (OVA)specific CD8low cells generated in vivo faithfully recapitulated the phenotype and function of those generated in vitro, including poor control of OVA-expressing tumour growth in vivo. These studies have provided novel insights into the regulation of expression of the CD8
Showed that resting memory CD8+ T cells are not irreversibly programmed during priming but instead have the potential to express new functions when exposed to new stimuli on reactivation.
CD8+ T cells activated in vivo in an IL-4-rich environment have reduced ability to control tumour growth
Tumour Weight (mg)
Na誰ve transgenic CD8+ T cells were activated in vivo with tumour cells that do or do not express IL-4. The T cells were then recovered, transferred into a new host and challenged with the IL-4-negative tumour. Tumours were measured ten days later.
Priming tumour type 22
co-receptor and key molecules responsible for cytolytic function. Whereas IL-4 inhibits the expression of perforin and granzyme B in CTL, the laboratory has found that it can markedly enhance granzyme A expression. This effect on granzyme A depends on cell-cell contact. Experiments with CD8+ T cells that lack the IL-4 receptor suggest that IL-4 induces a second signal which is then responsible for the elevation of granzyme A levels. Some years ago, the group established that individual na誰ve CD8+ T cells are multipotential, i.e. they can develop into effector cells with different functions depending on signals they received during activation. Effector cells, by contrast, exhibit much reduced flexibility. Work in the past year has shown that memory CD8+ T cell populations contain significant numbers of multipotential cells. Progress has been made in defining the surface phenotype of these flexible memory cells and the requirements for expression of their multipotentiality. Immunoregulation researchers from left: Back: Adriana Baz, Simon Apte. Front: Kathy Buttigieg and Penny Groves
Immunovirology The Immunovirology Laboratory is exploiting new knowledge about interactions between viruses and the immune system to develop novel anti-viral and anti-cancer strategies.
A major effort to understand the role of SerpinB2, a serine protease inhibitor strongly induced during nearly all types of inflammation, has seen the award of two NHMRC Project grants this year. Researchers in this laboratory have shown that SerpinB2 is potently induced by HIV-1 infection and enhances HIV-1 transcription, raising the question of whether polymorphisms in the SerpinB2 gene play a role in the progression to AIDS. The laboratory is now trying to unravel the role of the highly abundant cytoplasmic SerpinB2 with the help of SerpinB2 knockout mice.
work with Peplin Ltd. A patent has been filed illustrating the ability of PEP005 to synergise with other anticancer treatments.
Ongoing collaboration with Peplin Ltd and Dr P Parsons has further unravelled the method of action of their new topical anti-cancer compound PEP005. Relapse free cure of cancers with this compound was shown to involve induction of anti-cancer antibodies and the elimination of residual disease by neutrophil-mediated antibodydependent cellular cytotoxicity. An Industry Fellowship was awarded to Dr S-J Cozzi to continue the
A major new ACITH initiative has been initiated to work on the immune pathology of chikungunya virus disease. This year has seen the re-emergence of chikungunya virus disease with over 260,000 cases in Reunion Island (France), and 1.2 million cases in India. The virus and disease are closely related to Ross River virus, although chikungunya virus disease has been associated with over 200 fatalities.
The company Replikun Ltd, which is developing the joint intellectual property generated by QIMR, UQ and Queensland Health has undertaken contract research at QIMR and UQ, with Assoc Profs Suhrbier and Khromykh (UQ) as consultants to the company. The Kunjin replicon technology is likely to find utility in mammalian cellbased protein production, vaccine and gene therapy applications.
Wayne Schroder and Joy Gardner in the Immunovirology Laboratory
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Andreas Suhrbier
Research Highlights Found that HIV induces the expression of SerpinB2 in macrophages which results in increased replication of HIV. Helped illustrate the mechanism of action of the new topical anti-cancer compound.
Large infiltration of neutrophils into a tumour site following treatment with PEP005
Malaria and Scabies Work in this laboratory concentrates on the control of diseases caused by the scabies mites Sarcoptes scabiei and on malaria, which is transmitted by mosquitos of the Plasmodium genus.
Laboratory Head: Professor David Kemp
Research Highlights Produced the crystal structure of first SMIPP (1.85 Angstrom resolution). Determined the substrate specificity of Sar s 3. Discovered that SMIPPs inhibit complement.
Above: the scabies mite, Sarcoptes scabiei (630 x magnification) Right: Structure of first SMIPP at 1.85 Angstroms resolution reveals that while it has a typical serine protease structure, the active site cleft is highly impeded by Tyr200, indicating alternative site of interaction with other proteins.
Scabies is a disease caused by burrowing of the ectoparasitic mite Sarcoptes scabiei into the lower stratum corneum. Until recently there were no molecular studies on scabies because of the difficulty of obtaining mites. The laboratory has solved this problem by constructing a library of expressed S. scabiei sequences from mites obtained from skin shed into the bedding of patients with the severe form of the disease, crusted scabies. Over 40,000 of these clones have now been sequenced and searched for homologues of a major allergen of house dust mites, the group 3 serine protease. Unexpectedly, a multigene family was identified which have the amino acids essential for catalysis mutated and thus cannot function as active proteases by any known mechanism (Scabies Mite Inactivated Protease Paralogues,SMIPPs). This data suggests that the genes for SMIPPs have been amplified in the scabies mite to mediate novel host defence evasion strategies that the parasite has evolved as an adaptation
to parasitism of the epidermis. This may present unanticipated approaches to protective intervention. In collaboration with Ashley Buckle, James Whisstock and Rob Pike of Monash University, a high resolution structure for one SMIPP has been determined and binding properties studied. All SMIPPs tested have been shown to inhibit complement, and as demonstrated, that the gut of the mite contains plasma, complement may be the central target of SMIPPs. Sar s 3 is the only member of the multigene family with a functional catalytic triad exhibiting proteolytic activity. Its substrate specificity was determined using a bacteriophage peptide display library to reveal a preference for substrates containing a RSG/A sequence. The group searched a human proteome database with the phage display data using the Prediction of Protease Specificity (PoPS) program. This work predicted several epidermal proteins within the top 4% of potential targets, with profilaggrin and keratin 1 scoring highest as predicted substrates of Sar s 3.
The work of the Malaria section of the laboratory covers a number of broad areas in collaboration with the Malaria Biology Laboratory. These include gametocytogenesis which is a poorly understood stage of the parasite lifecycle essential for transmission of the parasite from the human to the mosquito host. This stage is being explored as a potential focus for intervention strategies and researchers are also looking for new potential targets in the malaria parasite for which novel antimalarial drugs could be developed.
Malaria Biology This laboratory uses transgenic approaches to investigate targets, action, and mechanisms of antimalarial drug resistance, essential work in this era of multi-drug resistant (MDR) malaria.
Malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with at least one to two million deaths per annum directly attributable to this disease. The Malaria Biology Laboratory has a number of ongoing projects with a focusing on rational drug targeting and novel intervention strategies.
Gametocytogenesis studies
Asexual blood-stage malaria parasites must undergo commitment to sexual development to allow transmission of the malaria parasite through the mosquito vector. Very little is known about what causes the parasite to stop reproducing asexually and start producing gametocytes (the sexual stage of the parasite) which are taken up by the mosquito. The laboratory is exploring this basic biology of this life cycle stage with a view to its being a potential focus for intervention strategies.
Malaria biology researcher Karen Anderson
Anitretrovirals protease inhibitors as antimalarial agents
Investigations continue into the antimalarial activity of the antiretroviral protease inhibitors under the current hypothesis that these drugs kill malaria parasites by inhibiting a non-digestive vacuole aspartic protease. These enzymes are being examined in detail. Studies of their stage-specific activity and their interactions with other drugs currently used to treat both malaria and HIV are also underway.
Are Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase enzymes good antimalarial targets?
In collaboration with colleagues at UTS, the group has determined that the aminopetidase enzymes of P. falciparum are promising drug targets and the group is currently characterising these enzymes in detail and investigating the activity of specifically designed inhibitors in vitro and in vivo.
Laboratory Head: Dr Don Gardiner
Research Highlights Developed a FACS based assay system to measure sexual commitment in Plasmodium falciparum. Increased understanding of the genetic basis for sexual gene expression in P. falciparum. Identified novel phosphinic dipeptides as antimalarial agents. Used antisense inhibition to identify a new drug target within the malaria parasite.
Malaria Drug Resistance and Chemotherapy This laboratory studies the mechanisms and factors influencing the development and spread of drug resistance in malaria parasites, and investigates ways to improve the diagnosis and treatment of malaria.
Laboratory Head: Dr Qin Cheng In collaboration with the Australian Army Malaria Institute
Research Highlights Analysed the origin of Plasmodium falciparum wild type pfcrt alleles re-emerging in Hainan, China following highlevel Chloroquine resistance and found no genetic bottle-neck. Established real-time RT-PCR assays for the quantitation of P. falciparum var gene transcripts. Demonstrated that the transcription of the P. falciparum var genes in vitro is sensitive to stress conditions. Investigated the global variation in P. falciparum HRP2 gene that encodes for the antigen used in rapid diagnostic tests for malaria and its effect on the sensitivity of the tests. Developed a computer simulation model that mimics malaria and parasite transmission within communities.
Chloroquine resistance (CQR) is widespread, but emerging field data indicates that sensitive parasites can return after cessation of drug usage. The speed of reversal provides important insight into the evolution of drug resistance. This laboratory has investigated the Plasmodium falciparum pfcrt genotypes in Hainan, China where CQR was almost at fixation in the 1970s. The prevalence of the sensitive pfcrt allele was found to have risen to 36% in 2002 and the returning sensitive parasites have a diverse origin indicating there was no genetic bottle-neck caused by the high level of CQR.
This indicates that the parasites have a sensitive feedback mechanism allowing them to quickly adapt to environmental changes.
Antigenic variation of the surface protein PfEMP1 in P. falciparum is responsible for immune evasion and pathogenesis. Transcriptional changes from var genes that encode PfEMP1 using a quantitative realtime RT-PCR were investigated. It was found that parasites rapidly down-regulate var transcription during adaptation to in vitro culture, and up-regulate var transcription following exposure to several antimalarial drugs and antibodies.
A P. falciparum within-host dynamics model has recently been extended that simulates infections in human hosts to include mosquito transmission. The model can be used to explore factors influencing malaria prevalence, morbidity, drug resistance and impact of intervention strategies in different transmission settings. The model provides an invaluable tool to investigate issues where field data can not be obtained due to logistical, ethical or time restraints.
Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) offer a great potential to improve the accuracy of malaria diagnosis. In collaboration with WHO, the laboratory has investigated the variation in the pfhrp2 gene which encodes for the target antigen of most malaria RDTs in over 300 parasite isolates originating from 38 countries. An extensive diversity in this gene was revealed, which affects the detection sensitivity of parasites by RDTs.
Dr Darren Krause prepares slides of Plasmodium faciparum malaria for flourescent microscopy
Molecular Genetics This laboratory works on the two most common protozoan parasites of medical importance, the sexually transmitted Trichomonas vaginalis and the intestinal parasite Giardia duodenalis.
This laboratory has continued development of new drugs for the anaerobic protozoan parasites Giardia and Trichomonas in collaboration with Professor Patrice Vanelle in Marseille, Professor Zygmunt Kazimierczuk in Warsaw, and Drs Lars Eckmann and Fran Gillin at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), USA. The new drugs are based on the 5nitroimidazole compounds which have been very successful antiparasitic and anti-bacterial drugs Work has continued on the genome structure of Giardia and more recently Trichomonas vaginalis, particularly the genome sequencing project with Jane Carlton, previously of TIGR and Professor Patricia Johnson at the Univesity of Californis UCLA, all long term collaborators. This work culminated in an article in the journal Science which was featured on the front cover of the magazine.
Cover of Science, 12 Jan 2007, featuring the article: Carlton et al. Draft Genome Sequence of the Sexually Transmitted Pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis. The SEM photograph shows Trichomonas vaginalis parasites (grey-green) adhering to vaginal epitheleal cells (pink). Attached parasites are flattened and amoebalike; parasites that do not adhere are pear-shaped.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Peter Upcroft
Research Highlights Compiled a grant proposal with Dr Lars Eckmann and Dr Fran Gillin of UCSD on new drugs for the Category B biodefense microorganisms Giardia and Entamoeba.
Image: Antonio Periera-Neves and Marlene Benchimol, Santa Ursula University, Rio de Janeiro.
Molecular Immunology The Molecular Immunology Laboratory studies the immune response to pathogens with the goals of understanding pathogenesis and developing vaccines.
Laboratory Head: Professor Michael Good
Research Highlights A Phase I vaccine study of low dose whole malaria parasite extract with CpG in humans is being designed. Signed a research contract with Merck and Co for continued development of a vaccine for Group A Streptococcus.
Malaria Pathogenesis Research by the immunopathogenesis group within the Molecular Immunology Laboratory has predominantly focused on dendritic cell (DC) function during malaria. Two papers have been published which compared DC function during lethal and nonlethal infections in mice. These studies found that while DCs are functional during non-lethal infections and mediate survival by IL-12, DC are non-functional during lethal infections. Moreover, systemic Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) secreted during lethal infections contributes to impaired DC function. Whole parasite malaria vaccine development Over the past year the laboratory has been investigating the feasibility of a vaccine based on killed malaria parasites at very low doses adjuvanted in CpG. Preclinical data indicate that immunisations with very low doses of antigen (1000 parasites) protect 100% of animals and ultra-low doses (100 parasites) still attain 60% protection. Results suggest that low dose immunisations can engender longterm protection (>12 weeks, 100% survival) as well as vigorous and long-lived T cell responses against homologous and heterologous malaria parasites. While, historically, most successful vaccines are known to have worked by eliciting longlived humoral responses, this data indicate that broad and prolonged protection against malaria could be achieved by repetitive exposure to low doses of parasite in CpG through the generation of cellmediated immunity.
A candidate based on low doses of parasite antigen, if effective, would facilitate poly-specific immunity and assure antigen procurement for vaccine manufacture. Planning of a Phase I clinical study is underway.
Group A Streptococcus vaccine development
The laboratory has made significant progress over the last 12 months in defining the mechanism of immunity induced by its vaccine candidate (J8-DT) designed to prevent Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infection and associated diseases such as rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. This vaccine is scheduled to enter phase I clinical trials in the near future. The importance of J8-specific IgG in protecting against GAS infection has been demonstrated through a series of passive transfer experiments where antisera from mice or rabbits immunised with J8-DT/alum was transferred to naive animals which were protected from subsequent bacterial challenge. Moreover, purified J8-specific IgG was also shown to protect naive animals from bacterial challenge. In addition, large numbers of clinical isolates from GAS endemic regions have been screened to determine if the vaccine target in the bacteria is conserved across a variety of GAS strains. The amino terminal end of the M-protein in these GAS endemic regions is highly variable compared to the vaccine target which is conserved. These data highlight the potential of the vaccine candidate to be efficacious in different geographical locations around the world.
Staff from the Molecular Immunology Laboratory (from left) Back Row: Manisha Pandey, Graham Magor, Michael Batzloff. Middle row: Meru Sheel, Xuequin Liu, Michelle Wykes, Yawalak Panpisutchai. Front row: Natalie Rosenzweig, Michelle Yong
Staff from the Molecular Parasitology Laboratory (from left) Back row: Wenbao Zhang, Malcolm Jones, Patrick Driquez, Don McManus (Laboratory Head), Amber Glanfield, Geoffrey Gobert. Middle row: Ling Kuang, Magda Ellis, Melissa Burke, Sili Chen, Giovanna Raso. Front row: Luke Moertel, Mary Duke.
Molecular Parasitology This laboratory researches the biology and epidemiology of parasitic worms of humans and on developing new interventions and diagnostic procedures that will lead to their elimination.
Laboratory Head: Professor Don McManus
Research Highlights Showed high T CD4+ T cell counts, CD4+/CD8+ T cell count ratios and antibody levels in migrant fishermen infected with Schistosoma japonicum in the Dongting Lake region, China. Established familial aggregation of human susceptibility to coand multiple helminth infections in a population from the Poyang Lake region, China. Predicted the impact of large water management projects on schistosomiasis transmission and control in the Dongting Lake Region, China. Described the fate of iron in the early development of human blood flukes. Determined the prevalence, intensity and associated morbidity of Schistosoma japonicum infection in the Dongting Lake region, China. Described the importance of the lung stage schistosomulum in the biology of schistosomes.
Schistosomiasis and echinococcosis are two major diseases caused by parasitic worms. This laboratory’s work on schistosomiasis is focused in China and is aimed at: 1. Providing new insights into the prophylactic effects of the drug artemether against acute Shistosoma japonicum infection and determining the effectiveness of combined Artemether and Praziquantel treatment as an adjunct to control; 2. Increasing knowledge of the environmental and genetic factors involved in predisposition to infection, and analysing the molecular and cellular mechanisms leading to formation of fibrotic hepatic lesions, the major contributing source of the chronic disease of schistosomiasis; 3. Determining the importance of buffalo reservoirs in the persistence of human schistosomiasis transmission. This work has major implications for future integrated schistosomiasis control including the use of animal chemotherapy and which underpins the rationale for development and implementation of a veterinarybased vaccine being developing for use in buffaloes; 4. Pursuing genomics and postgenomics research on existing and newly discovered S. japonicum molecules that are candidate vaccine and diagnostic targets; 5. Developing a validated mathematical model for improved and sustainable
schistosomiasis morbidity control that will be of significant value to China and the Chinese people. With commercial partner Agilent, the laboratory has constructed a microarray that contains the majority of the schistosome transcriptome. Along with proteomics analysis, this is being used to investigate differential gene expression during different stages of the schistosome lifecycle, strain variation and the effect of drugs and vaccines on schistosome worms. Schistosome iron metabolism, dyneins, secreted enzymes and surface molecules, including receptors, which are potential novel targets for drugs and vaccines, are also focused upon. Work on echinococcosis includes major field and epidemiological studies in China, and the further development of a highly sensitive and specific blood test (based on a recombinant antigen, EpC1) for diagnosis of patients infected with hydatid disease and its application for detection of the disease in sheep and marsupials. Successful vaccination trials have been undertaken in China against echinococcosis in dog definitive hosts using recombinant antigens expressed by the mature adult worm. This work is important because it provides proof of principle that vaccination of the dog host against Echinococcus granulosus is feasible using recombinantly-derived proteins. Several company partners have indicated interest in pursuing the commercial development of the vaccine.
Mosquito Control Research in the Mosquito Control Laboratory focuses on the biology and control of mosquito-borne viruses such as dengue, Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus.
The community based dengue control program in Vietnam in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Australian Foundation for Peoples of Asia and the Pacific, has now expanded to include activities in four provinces in southern Vietnam (Long An, Ben Tre, Vinh Long and Hau Giang). These programs utilise naturally occurring predators (Mesocyclops) of dengue mosquito immatures to control mosquitoes breeding in jars and tanks that are used for water storage. Using these predators and a range of other control methods, community health workers in Long An and Hau Giang provinces have reduced dengue mosquito numbers by more than 98 percent, protecting some 35,000 people from dengue. Sustainability evaluations of Phase 1 (1998-2000) projects sites in Nam Dinh province in northern Vietnam were also undertaken in collaboration with the School of Population Health at The University of Queensland.
to monitor household water supply infrastructure and its impact on dengue transmission. In Vinh Long province, the installation of new water tanks resulted in a 230% increase in the numbers of dengue mosquito immatures at recipient households. Another QIMR PhD student, Dr Le Anh Nguyen, has also used contemporary surveillance tools including global positioning and geographic information systems to generate georeferenced maps of rural communities that will be targeted for control interventions. Entomological and household attributes such as dengue mosquito abundance, water storage and water usage patterns will be used to guide and monitor the dengue control interventions in these high risk areas.
QIMR PhD Student, Tessa Knox, surveying water storage containers in Vietnam for dengue mosquito (Aaedes aegypti) immatures
Laboratory Head: Dr Peter Ryan
Research Highlights Achieved >98 percent reduction in dengue vector abundance in two rural communities (total population 35,000 people) in southern Vietnam. Developed a transcriptional profiling method to predict Aedes aegypti adult mosquito age under field conditions. Developed and field tested a range of quantitative sampling methods for dengue vectors in rural areas in Vietnam. Characterised the feeding patterns of medically important arbovirus disease vectors in urban areas of south east Queensland.
Control activities were found to be maintained some 7 years later, and no Aedes aegypti were found in the villages. These community based dengue control programs represent sustainable, cost effective (less than US$ 0.04 per person per year) models for dengue control in rural areas in Vietnam. The Mosquito Control Laboratory has also established broad inter-sectoral collaboration to monitor the impact of water supply infrastructure on dengue transmission. Dr Hau Tran, a QIMR PhD student, has used health impact assessment methodologies
Protein Discovery Centre The Protein Discovery Centre aims to discover the identities of proteins involved in or affected by physiological and disease processes and the influence of post-translational modifications on the ways proteins function and interact.
Laboratory Head: Professor Jeff Gorman
Research Highlights Identified novel post-translational modifications, including dimethylation of lysine, on the dioxin receptor. Developed new protocols for analysis of protein phosphorylation. Identified two sites of hydroxylation in the transcription factor, Notch. Became a node of the DEST funded NCRIS initiative in relation to Emerging Biomolecular Platforms. Identified proteins that interact with respiratory syncytial virus non-structural proteins NS1 and NS2 of relevance to the innate immunity blockade by this virus. Identified 60 proteins in the secretomes of both bovine canine hookworm and Opisthorchis viverrini.
Marcus Hastie at work in the Protein Discovery Centre
Major research activities in the Centre over the past year have involved analysis of posttranslational modifications that regulate signal-activated transcription factors, determination of the mechnaisms by which the medically significant respiratory syncytial virus interferes with the ability of infected cells to mount an innate immune response and development of methodologies for analysis and quantitation of protein phosphorylation (a very important post-translational modification). Another line of research involves identification of proteins secreted by helmiths. Consequently the laboratory has been able to identify previously uncontemplated modifications of the dioxin receptor transcription factor which functions to respond to xenobiotic exposure and in developmental processes. The laboratory has used the very high sensitivity its MALD-TOF/ TOF-MS/MS to identify putative modifications and the very high mass accuracy and resolution capabilities of the OrbiTrap mass
spectrometer to firmly establish the identities of the modifications. This same combination of mass spectrometry technologies was also vital in identifying sites of hydroxylation of the Notch transcription factor by the enzyme (FIH) that regulates the activity of another transcription factor that is involved in hypoxic responses, Hypoxia inducible factor. These findings have been integrated into a collaboration with the University of Adelaide and the Karolinska in Sweden to determine the impact of hypoxia on the stem cell regulating activity of Notch. The laboratory has also demonstrated that the nonstructural proteins of respiratory syncytial virus are posttranslationally modified and has detected cellular proteins that interact with NS1 and NS2. The intention is to deploy these new protocols for post-translational modification analysis to a range of biological systems, including via collaboration with QIMR and external scientists.
Tumour Immunology This laboratory seeks a deeper understanding of the mechanisms by which an immune response to tumors may be generated, augmented and applied to the inhibition of tumour growth.
Development of vaccine strategies for EBV-associated cancers nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) is a major focus in this laboratory. One such strategy currently under consideration is based on specifically enhancing human immune response to EBV proteins expressed in these cancers. Since both these cancers express identical viral proteins, it is anticipated that a common immunotherapeutic protocol may provide curative benefit to patients with cancer. The laboratory has successfully identified immunogenic determinants from the EBV proteins expressed in NPC and Hodgkin’s Disease and laboratory tests have shown that killer T cells specific for these determinants can efficiently kill these cancer cells. Using these viral determinants, a therapeutic vaccine has been designed (referred to as E1-LMPpolyTM) which has been extensively tested in preclinical studies and shown very promising results. It is anticipated that by mid 2007, a series of Phase I clinical trials will be initiated to test the efficacy of this therapeutic vaccine in NPC and HL patients. Various hospitals in Australia (e.g. Peter McCallam Cancer Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital) and overseas (e.g. University of Hong Kong) will be participating in these multicentre clinical studies. Another major focus in the laboratory is Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), one of the most significant microbial causes of birth defects, including brain damage and deafness, in developed nations. There is a compelling argument that a reduction in HCMV load would provide significant benefit in improving human health and reducing health care costs.
Vaccination is the most practical way to achieve such a reduction in HCMV load. There are two important clinical settings where vaccination will have a significant impact on health outcome. The first is the prevention of the sequelae of congenital HCMV infection. A prophylactic vaccine to prevent congenital HCMV infection would provide major public good and economic contributions by reducing the incidence of birth defects. The second setting is the prevention of HCMV-related complications in organ transplantation. HCMV is a major pathogen in both solid organ and bone marrow transplant recipients. Researchers in this laboratory have identified a large number of cytotoxic T cell epitopes from a variety of HCMV antigens. A subset of epitopes from this group has been nominated for inclusion in a HCMV vaccine on the basis of human immune responsiveness and population coverage. These epitopes form an important component of a prophylactic vaccine for HCMV.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Rajiv Khanna
Using the QIMR polyepitope technology, a model prophylactic vaccine has been developed which is currently undergoing preclinical testing. Preliminary studies indicate that each of the components of this vaccine is efficiently processed by human cells for display to the immune system and that strong T cell responses are induced when HLA class I transgenic mice are immunised with this vaccine. The HCMV program has also been successful in establishing collaborative links with several biotechnology companies to develop HCMV diagnostic applications. Tumour Immunology staff from top Diem Hoang-Le, Leone Beagley and Jie Zhong
Cancer and Cell Biology
Division Head: Dr Amanda Spurdle
Cancer Genetics Cancer Immunotherapy Dendritic Cells and Cancer Familial Cancer Oncogenomics Leukaemia Foundation Membrane Transport Molecular Cancer Epidemiology Molecular Pathology QCF Transgenics Radiation Biology and Oncology RBWH Gastroenterology Signal Transduction
The Cancer and Cell Biology Division consists of 12 laboratories with strong collaborative links with other QIMR divisions, notably the Population Studies and Human Genetics Division. It encompasses research interactions with the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and The University of Queensland Medical School. Individual laboratories also have important research collaborations with various hospitals to assist in the translation of research findings into clinical outcomes. Research carried out in the Division covers a variety of topics from the environmental and molecular epidemiology of cancers to specific investigations of the cellular, molecular and genetic aberrations associated with a variety of cancers, including melanoma, leukaemia, breast, ovarian, endometrial and colorectal. Research themes include the normal mechanisms that control cell growth and stable inheritance of genetic information, identification of cancer susceptibility genes, development of mouse models to study in vitro functions of cancer genes, developing screening tools for early detection and devising normal strategies for the treatment and prevention of cancer, and identification of environmental and genetic risk factors to predict causes of cancer. Highlights of this year have included: Identification of genes contributing to susceptibility of breast cancer in the general population as well as genes which modify risk in carriers of known breast cancer mutations. Demonstration that dendritic cell therapy improves clinical response in hormone-refractory prostate cancer and at least three other cancers. Identification of an association between decreased circulating dendritic and breast cancer disease progression. Observation that a considerable proportion of early-onset endometrial cancer cases are likely to be due to mutations in known high-risk endometrial cancer genes. Identification of a link between low EphA1 and poor survival in colorectal carcinogenesis. Generation and use of a liver-specific transferrin receptor 2 gene deletion mouse to show the importance of this gene in iron metabolism. Discovery that some BRCA1 breast cancer gene variants identified in breast cancer families have only partially compromised function. Identification of a panel of genes associated with brain metastases from breast cancer. Demonstration that the PAK1 gene is a key mediator of uveal melanoma invasiveness. Identification of a novel protein, SmcHD1, in the X chromosome inactivation process. Demonstration that the novel candidate tumour suppressor genes THBS4 and BMP3 both exhibit growth suppressive activity in vitro. Identification of a novel protein hSSB1 critical for maintenance of genomic stability.
Cancer Genetics This laboratory investigates why some people get cancer, and how these cancers develop from a normal cell, particularly breast and ovarian cancer which are often found together in the same families and share many similar characteristics. The previously known breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM and CHEK2, account for only about 2 percent of all breast cancers, mainly those in women with a strong family history of the disease. The failure of researchers to find evidence of additional high penetrance genes by linkage analysis, suggests that families without a mutation in one of these known genes are probably genetically heterogeneous. For a long time researchers have thought that many other polygenes, each with a small effect, might account for many sporadic breast cancers occurring in women with no affected relatives, and even in cases in families with a strong family history of disease. During the last year, with the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), this laboratory has
identified six such polygenes to give a very good understanding of the best way to find such low risk genes for other cancers and complex diseases. The method is to conduct genome wide association studies in which thousands of variants in the genome are interrogated, instead of the previous candidate gene approach which was limited to just a few variants. Interestingly, one of the newly identified breast cancer susceptibility regions is in a region of the genome that does not appear to contain any genes i.e. a gene desert, and none are in genes involved in DNA repair or estrogen metabolism. The Cancer Genetics Laboratory has also led a new consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 (CIMBA) and has identified one clear modifier of BRCA2, a polymorphism in the RAD51 gene.
Laboratory Head: Professor Georgia Chenevix-Trench
Research Highlights With the Breast Cancer Association Consortium, identified six new breast cancer susceptibility loci. Completed a large breast cancer linkage study with the Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium suggesting there is no single, unidentified, high penetrance gene that accounts for a large proportion of breast cancer families. Showed the ATM V2424G mutation to be clearly associated with breast cancer risk in a large case-control study. The ATM V2424G mutation was shown by expression profiling to act as a dominant negative mutation.
Researchers (from left) Xiaoqing Chen, Georgia Chenevix-Trench, Jonathan Beesley work on breast cancer susceptibility genes (Photograph: Š Newspix / Nathan Richter)
Confirmed that a polymorphism in the RAD51 gene can modify BRCA2 mutations.
Cancer Immunotherapy Understanding how the immune system succeeds in its fight against malignancies is central to the future development of cancer immunotherapies, and the focus of research in this laboratory.
Laboratory Head: Dr Chris Schmidt
Research Highlights Completed a randomised, controlled clinical trial for patients with hormonerefractory prostate cancer. Undertook the first detailed examination of the hierarchy of antigens targeted by a successful immune attack on an advanced malignancy.
This laboratory believes that the immune system can kill cancers, but that malignancies prevent its effective activation in most cases. By culturing key stimulators of the immune system, dendritic cells, outside of a cancer patient’s body, researchers hope to relieve them from that suppression, so that when re-injected their function will be restored. Proof-of-principle has now been achieved in four clinical trials for advanced melanoma, prostate cancer, and glioblastoma, in each of which complete clinical responses have been observed. This year, a randomised, controlled trial using dendritic cells against hormone-refractory prostate cancer was completed, with Professor Frank Gardiner of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and UQ as Principal Clinical Investigator
Several patients have survived for longer than three years, considerably longer than expected at this stage of disease. A second trial for more advanced prostate cancer is nearing completion. More than half of a total one hundred patients have now been accrued to a Phase III clinical trial for patients with resected, regional metastatic melanoma, to test a vaccine based on a combination of patient’s cultured blood (dendritic) cells and irradiated tumour cells. This trial is a collaboration with Professor Michael O’Rourke (Mater Hospital), Professor Mark Smithers (Princess Alexandra Hospital), and Dr Ian Hermans (Malaghan Institute, New Zealand). Manufacture under GMP is performed by Q-Gen Pty Ltd at QIMR. The Depot Cytokine Group, headed by Emeritus Professor Kay Ellem, successfully developed novel technologies for the encapsulation in an inert, biocompatible matrix of genetically engineered cells capable of resisting the intratumoural environment and producing cytokines with anti-cancer activities. The capsules can eliminate cancers in mice when injected straight into tumours. A clinical trial for dogs with spontaneous cancers will commence shortly, in collaboration with Dr Rod Straw, Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre, Brisbane. If successful, the treatment will potentially be applied in both veterinary and human cancer.
Cancer immunotherapy researcher Linda O’Connor in the laboratory
Dendritic Cells and Cancer This laboratory explores the function of dendritic cells (DC) in patients with breast cancer and in healthy donors and studies the role of DC in the response to cancer as the basis for optimised DC-based immunotherapy clinical trials.
In the process of evaluating the performance of DC in patients with breast cancer, researchers in this laboratory have completed a large longitudinal study of patients with breast cancer and identified that the circulating numbers of DC in blood is decreased. Importantly, it has been demonstrated that disease progression aggravates the availability of DC in the blood.
A thorough study on the standardisation of loading DC with RNA has been completed. Using various antigen models, this laboratory has now established the best conditions to incorporate RNA into DC and has demonstrated that antigen loaded DC could be recognised by antigen specific T cells. In collaboration with Professor Brent Reynolds from the Queensland Brain Institute, the laboratory is actively investigating the conditions for isolating and maintaining breast cancer stem cells. Breast cancer stem-cell-like lines have now been generated from samples obtained from patients with breast cancer. Furthermore, cells with stem-cell-like characteristics have been isolated from the established breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-435. Breast cancer stem-cell-like cells (spheres), Q-168 derived from a sample of a brain metastasis in a patient with breast cancer. (20x contrast phase microscopy)
Laboratory Head: Dr Alejandro L贸pez
Research Highlights Defined abnormalities in cell numbers in longitudinal studies of patients with breast cancer. Established optimal conditions for the loading of dendritic cells with RNA. Established long-term lasting breast cancer stem-cell-like lines.
Staff from the Dendritic Cells and Cancer Laboratory from left: Brian Morrison, Alejandro L贸pez, Imogen Gillions and Kamilla Laut
Familial Cancer The Familial Cancer Laboratory seeks to understand the genetic changes that make some families more susceptible to either colonic or endometrial cancer, both of which are associated with methylation of the DNA.
Laboratory Head: Dr Joanne Young
Research Highlights Described the link between DNA methylation in cancer and polycomb action in stem cells. Found that 18 percent of endometrial cancer patients under 50 are likely to have Lynch syndrome. Discovered that most cases of hyperplastic polyposis occur in Europeans. Identified Anglo-Celtic individuals as those most at risk for serrated pathway cancers. Highlighted a significant disadvantage to truncated routine Lynch syndrome screening.
This laboratory was established in April 2007 with funding from the National Cancer Institute, NHMRC and Cancer Council Queensland to study the genetics of serrated neoplasia. In some families cancer of the colon occurs when small growths called serrated polyps become malignant. If the genes for this DNA methylation type of cancer can be identified, researchers will be better able to prevent and treat these cancers. During the past few months, this group has been able to further develop their model for the genetics of serrated neoplasia in the colon by proposing that individuals with hyperplastic polyposis syndrome (HPS), a condition associated with multiple serrated polyps throughout the colon, are carriers of two alleles which when co-inherited give rise to this prominent phenotype which carries a 50% risk of developing colorectal cancer. The laboratory has also proposed that those who carry one allele of HPS are more likely to develop a serrated pathway cancer, and may account for a proportion of the serrated pathway cancers in the population. Studies on both HPS patients and population-based serrated pathway cancer patients suggest that Europeans, particularly those of Anglo-Celtic ancestry, are most likely to develop these tumours. These findings remained significant when diet, alcohol,
smoking, education, age, and sex were taken into account. Two multi-case colorectal cancer families with serrated polyps have undergone linkage analysis with significant LOD scores obtained on chromosomes 2q and 22q respectively. Interestingly, families with serrated neoplasia have also been found to be more susceptible to cancers outside the colon, in particular, breast, pancreas, stomach, brain, lung and melanoma. Other research involves the molecular pathways that lead to cancer of the endometrium, and this year work has focused upon the identification of young-onset endometrial cancer patients who are likely carriers of mutations in mismatch repair genes. Such patients have Lynch syndrome, and approximately half of their firstdegree relatives will be predisposed to cancers of the endometrium, colon, renal pelvis, ovary, stomach and small bowel. One in five patients with endometrial cancer under 50 years have been shown as likely to have Lynch syndrome, and these can be identified using robust tumour staining techniques available in major clinical pathology laboratories. The laboratory has also described pathology features that are more likely to be present in Lynch syndrome endometrial cancers such as a deeper invasive margin, and higher grade histology.
Leukaemia Foundation The Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland laboratory is seeking to understand the role of critical cellular proteins in the causation and evolution of leukaemia and other cancers.
Eph and ephrin membrane proteins in cancer
When Eph and ephrin proteins on adjacent cells bind together, they initiate bi-directional signals which affect the cytoskeleton and adhesion proteins, generally resulting in de-adhesion and contactrepulsion. These interactions have critical roles during embryonic development and in pathological states, notably in cancer. Studies in this laboratory have paved the way for the development of antibodies and antagonists of Eph and ephrin proteins. Antibodies and antagonists of EphA3, a protein expressed on a high proportion of metastatic melanomas and other human tumours including leukaemias, have been tested as potential cancer therapeutics. In a leukaemic model an EphA3 antibody has been shown to be very effective in preventing spread of leukaemic cells.
EphA4 in spinal cord injury
A mouse knockout of the EphA4 gene was developed earlier in this laboratory and showed to have a defect in spinal cord development. It has now been shown that these mice, unlike normal animals, recover completely after spinal injury. Inhibitors of EphA4 have been used to show that these can promote healing in normal mice after spinal cord injury.
EphA1 in genital tract development
A mouse knockout of the EphA1 gene developed in this laboratory showed a failure of vaginal canalisation. The imperforate vagina phenotype is specifically associated with defects in apoptotic pathways, suggesting that EphA1 may play a key role in apoptosis.
Laboratory Head: Professor Andrew Boyd In collaboration with The University of Queensland
Research Highlights Developed inhibitors of Eph/ ephrin interaction as therapies for leukaemia and other cancers. Used inhibitors of EphA4 as potential therapeutics for spinal cord injury. Discovered a potential role for EphA1 in genital tractl development. Identified a link between low EphA1 and poor survival in colorectal carcinogenesis.
Nirmitha Herath in the Leukaemia Foundation Laboratory
Membrane Transport This laboratory studies how the liver regulates iron metabolism. Identification of the molecules involved in iron metabolism, and defining the way they work has major implications for iron-related disorders such as hereditary haemochromatosis and anaemia. Laboratory Head: Dr Nathan Subramaniam
Research Highlights Generated and characterised the first transferrin receptor 2 liver-specific knockout mouse. Demonstrated that deletion of the transferrin receptor 2 gene in the liver is sufficient to cause severe iron loading. Demonstrated that the liver is the primary site for transferrin receptor 2 expression. Established that liverexpressed TfR2 is required for the regulation of the ironregulatory hormone hepcidin. Identified a novel mutation in ferroportin leading to the iron overload disorder ferroportin disease. Determined that subjects with the compound heterozygous HFE mutations, C282Y/H63D, had a high prevalence of increased iron indices.
Membrane researchers from left – Emily Dunner, Lesa Summerville, Denny Muslim and Daniel Wallace
Researchers in this laboratory have recently shown that many of the proteins involved in the regulation of body iron metabolism are expressed at very high levels in the liver. Changes which affect protein structure, function or their levels in the cell and body are responsible for a variety of iron-related disorders. In the past year, an animal model with a liver-specific deletion of the transferrin receptor 2 gene has been developed. This protein is mutated in patients with type 3 hereditary haemochromatosis. The mice develop significant iron loading similar to that observed in patients with the iron overload disorder. They also have inappropriately low levels of the peptide hepcidin which this laboratory, and others have shown to be important in the regulation of iron levels in the body. These studies show that the liver plays a central role in regulating iron absorption and recycling in the body.
These studies confirm the importance of the transferrin receptor 2 molecule in the regulation of hepcidin. Results were recently published in the prestigious journal Gastroenterology. The group has a long standing interest in studying atypical iron overload and hereditary haemochromatosis in the Australian population. They have recently identified a novel genetic change which results in the iron overload disorder ferroportin disease. This form of haemochromatosis is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion and results from mutations in the iron exporter ferroportin. In collaborative studies, with the Hepatic Fibrosis and Iron Metabolism groups at QIMR, it has been shown that subjects with the compound heterozygous HFE mutations, C282Y/H63D, have a high prevalence of increased iron indices.
Molecular Cancer Epidemiology This Laboratory studies breast and ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer, with a focus on identifying molecular signatures of normal and tumour tissue that can point to the genetic and environmental causes of these cancers. This laboratory has continued establishing a national endometrial cancer case-control family study in collaboration with Dr Penny Webb of the Cancer and Population Studies Laboratory. Preliminary results from this study show that cases are more likely to report a family history of any cancer compared to controls, irrespective of degree of relationship to the participant. Cases report significantly more first or second degree family history of endometrial cancer alone (10 percent vs 4 percent in controls), colorectal/endometrial cancer (34 percent vs 24 percent in controls), and surprisingly, increased breast/ovarian/endometrial cancer (40 percent vs 27 percent in controls). Mutations or likely mutations in the mismatch repair genes have been found to account for a higher
proportion of endometrial cancer than previously reported. Cases with mutations have varied family history of cancer, and the family history profiles are generally not those classically associated with mutations in these genes – particularly the type of cancers reported in relatives. This has important implications for recognition of likely mutation carriers and genetic counselling of families.
Found that there is a genetic basis to a significant proportion of endometrial cancer in the population.
Work has continued assessing the cancer-causing potential of subtle variants of the breast cancer predisposition genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Discovered that family history of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer defines familial clusters not commonly recognised for endometrial cancer.
The laboratory has shown that some BRCA1 variants do not have the characteristics of classical highrisk mutations in these genes, but nevertheless have at least partially compromised function. This leads to the suggestion that these may be associated with low-moderate risk of cancer.
Showed that mutations in mismatch repair genes may cause more cancer types than previously recognised.
Continued assessment of RNA expression in long-lived cells from blood of patients with known mutations in these genes has shown that the profile differs depending on the effect of the mutation on the protein. This implies that assays assessing the clinical significance of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants must take into consideration whether the variant is likely to result in destruction of the protein in the cell or not.
Laboratory Head: Dr Amanda Spurdle
Research Highlights
Found that a subset of BRCA1 variants identified in breast cancer families have partially compromised function. Found that RNA expression of variants of BRCA1 and BRCA2 differs depending on the effect of the mutation.
Left: Kaltin Ferguson at work in the Molecular Cancer Laboratory Below: Unsupervised hierarchical cluster of expression array differences between BRCA1, BRCA2 and other familial breast cancer (BRCAX) samples
Molecular Pathology The focus in this laboratory is the genetics, molecular pathology and cell biology of breast cancer with the goal of improving the classification and diagnosis of this disease.
Laboratory Head: Professor Sunil Lakhani In collaboration with The University of Queensland
Research Highlights Started to grow cells from a brain metastasis using mammosphere technique. Identified differential gene signature for brain metastases from breast cancer. Performed gene expression profiling on RNA from formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues.
Janani Mahalinga-lyer and Leonard Da Silva and in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory
The Molecular Pathology Laboratory has established a collection of reduction mammoplasty specimens and is using cell sorting methods to isolate populations of luminal and myoepithelial cells. The aim is to understand genetic alterations in normal cells and the plasticity of cells in switching phenotype as this may demonstrate whether particular cells give rise to particular tumour subtypes. The tissue bank continues to expand with the collection of fresh-frozen tumours and blood samples. Brain metastasis from breast cancer is also being studied, using morphological, molecular and cell biology techniques. As the metastatic process is a multistep pathway, the hypothesis is that molecular changes will be found at the genetic or protein level
which could provide insights into this process. To do this, analysis has already been performed on a set of ~70 brain metastases alongside the matched primary breast cancer in ~30 of these cases. Analysis involved creation of a tissue microarray (TMA), immunohistochemical staining of TMA sections and gene expression profiling using the DASL assay (Illumina). A panel of 27 genes has been identified that are differentially expressed between the primary tumours and the metastases. This data is currently being validated. Projects have begun looking at lobular cancers in the sporadic and familial setting and investigations are underway to see if those cancers that are mammographically occult are biologically different to those that present as a discrete mass.
Oncogenomics This laboratory identifies novel cancer genes and studies the way in which defects in these genes are associated with cancer predisposition or development.
Much of the research in this laboratory over the past year has centred on microarray gene expression profiling to identify genes and pathways dysregulated in cancer. Using a panel of melanoma cell lines, researchers have found robust signatures that are correlated with the mutation status of the BRAF, PTEN and p14ARF genes. This has led to the identification of key mediators of the signalling pathways downstream of these important cellular oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes. These findings have been augmented by a genome-wide analysis of gene copy
number changes in the same series of melanoma cell lines, from which several novel genes involved in the genesis of melanoma have been characterised. Studies of multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN1) have led to the generation of accurate mouse models of the disease through creation of total and tissue-specific knockouts of the Men1 gene. It has also been shown that concomitant loss of Rb1 does not increase the penetrance or severity of the disease, which suggests that it may operate in the same cellular pathway as the Men1 gene product.
Laboratory Head: Professor Nicholas Hayward
Research Highlights Identified a low frequency of PIK3CA mutations in melanoma. Showed that PAK1 is a key mediator of uveal melanoma invasiveness. Carried out a comprehensive allelotyping and genomewide copy number analysis of melanoma. Defined gene expression profiles associated with loss of PTEN and p14 ARF function, as well as BRAF activation. Developed a mouse model of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and showed that loss of pRb did not exacerbate the phenotype.
Professor Nicholas Hayward at work in the Oncogenomics Laboratory
QCF Transgenics The research focus in the QCF Transgenics Laboratory is developmental biology, cell biology and epigenetics with particular emphasis on using transgenic and knockout mice as model systems.
Laboratory Head: Dr Graham Kay
Research Highlights Found that a combined loss of Rb1 and p130, either alone or in combination with other tumour suppressor genes, does not predispose to spontaneous melanoma development. Discovered that VEGF-B signaling through VEGFR-1 is involved in the early development of arthritis in mice but may not be required for maintenance or progression of established disease. Found that SmcHD1 may play a role in inducing or maintaining the inactive X chromosome.
The three main research areas of the laboratory aimed to further understand basic developmental biology and diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Melanoma is the most lethal human skin cancer and its incidence is increasing worldwide. Melanomas metastasise early and are then intractable to treatment. It is suspected that neoplastic transformation of the melanocyte may ultimately function at the level of pocket protein function.This hypothesis is being tested directly using animal models generated in this laboratory. In these models, researchers can knockout specific combinations of pocket proteins to determine the in vivo and in vitro effects on melanocyte development and melanoma. This is essential since the pocket proteins can have redundant function, but also have opposing roles during development and homeostasis. Since the pocket protein family bind and regulate a functionally diverse array of molecules, this may allow identification of potential target molecules and novel therapeutic strategies for melanoma that can be tailored to an unprecedented degree. Mounting evidence supports a major contribution of the VEGFR-1 signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of arthritis. Over-expression of the soluble form of this receptor suppresses collagen-induced arthritis in mice, thus identifying a requirement for VEGFR-1 ligands in the maintenance and progressive inflammatory pathology leading to joint destruction. Consequently, interrupting VEGFR-1 signaling by
Diane Carrie at work in the QCF Transgenics Laboratory
inhibiting the binding of VEGFR-1 ligands may be a potential therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. The laboratory has shown that treatment with a monoclonal antibody that neutralises the binding of VEGF-B to VEGFR-1 exhibits prophylactic but not therapeutic actions in a mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis. This data indicates that while VEGF-B/ VEGFR-1 signaling is involved in the early development of arthritis it may not be required for maintenance or progression of established disease. Gene expression is controlled by both the interaction of transcription factors with cisacting gene elements and by epigenetic modifications that modulate chromatin structure. Epigenetic modifications include covalent modifications to DNA (CpG methylation) and histones (methylation, acetylation, etc), and the proteins that catalyse or recognise these modifications. X inactivation is an epigenetic mechanism operating in female mammals to silence one of the two X chromosomes to achieve dosage equivalence for expressed X-linked genes between males and females. It is one of the best characterised mammalian epigenetic gene silencing mechanisms and many of the paradigms of epigenetic silencing initially identified in X inactivation have subsequently been found to apply to autosomal genes. In this project a novel protein, (SmcHD1) that is involved in X chromosome inactivation, is being studied. Preliminary analysis suggests that SmcHD1 may play a role in inducing or maintaining the inactive X. This project provides a unique opportunity to understand proteins involved in chromosome structure and function that modulate gene expression.
Radiation Biology and Oncology DNA damage response and its role in maintaining the integrity of DNA to minimise the risk of cancer and neurodegeneration are the major focus of research activities in this laboratory.
A defective response to DNA damage is observed in several human autosomal recessive ataxias with oculomotor apraxia (AOA), including ataxia-telangiectasia. The gene defective in this syndrome (ATM) plays a central role in recognising DNA double strand breaks which leads to ATM activation to control cell cycle checkpoints and facilitate DNA repair. Work is in progress to define the functional roles of ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Mre11 and Rad50, members of the complex that senses breaks in DNA and assists in the activation of ATM. Other disorders in this group include A-T-like syndrome (A-TLD), defective in Mre11, AOA type 1 (AOA1), defective in aprataxin and AOA type 2 (AOA2), defective in senataxin. It is now evident that all of these syndromes are defective in some aspect of the cellular response to DNA damage. The laboratory recently showed that senataxin, is a nuclear protein involved in the DNA damage response. AOA2 cells are sensitive to H2O2, camptothecin, and mitomycin C, but not to ionising radiation, and sensitivity was rescued with full-length SETX cDNA. AOA2 cells exhibited constitutive oxidative DNA damage and enhanced chromosomal instability in response to H2O2. Rejoining of H2O2-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) was significantly reduced in AOA2 cells compared to controls, and there was no evidence for a defect in DNA single-strand break repair. This defect in DSB repair was corrected by full-length SETX cDNA. These results provide evidence that an additional member of the autosomal recessive AOA is also characterised by a defective response to DNA damage, which may contribute to
the neurodegeneration seen in this syndrome. Australian elapid snakes are among the most venomous in the world. Their venoms contain multiple components that target blood hemostasis, neuromuscular signaling, and the cardiovascular system. The laboratory has described a comprehensive approach to separation and identification of the venom proteins from 18 of these snake species, representing nine genera. The venom protein components were separated by two-dimensional PAGE and identified using mass spectrometry and de novo peptide sequencing. The venoms are complex mixtures showing up to 200 protein spots. These include many proteins identified previously in Australian snake venoms, homologs identified in other snake species, and some novel proteins. In the lower molecular weight range, several proteins were identified, but the predominant species were phospholipase A2 and alpha-neurotoxins, both represented by different sequence variants. The higher molecular weight range contained proteases, nucleotidases, oxidases, and homologs of mammalian coagulation factors. This information together with the identification of several novel proteins (metalloproteinases, vespryns, phospholipase A2 inhibitors, protein-disulfide isomerase, 5’-nucleotidases, cysteine-rich secreted proteins, C-type lectins, and acetylcholinesterases) aids in understanding the lethal mechanisms of elapid snake venoms and represents a valuable resource for future development of novel human therapeutics.
Laboratory Head: Professor Martin Lavin In collaboration with The University of Queensland
Research Highlights First description of the characteristics of senataxin, the protein defective in ataxia oculomotor apraxia (AOA) type 2. Described a novel form of AOA featuring oxidative stress and apoptosis resistance. Completed a comprehensive proteomic analysis of Australian snake venom proteins. Identified additional autophosphorylation sites on the ATM gene. Developed a new detection assay for prostate cancer.
RBWH Gastroenterology This laboratory identifies genetic changes which define distinct subtypes of colon cancers and premalignant polyps with the aim of predicting the clinical behaviour of these tumours.
Laboratory Head: Professor Barbara Leggett In collaboration with the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation
Research Highlights Identified a link between the MLH1 -93G>A promoter polymorphism and development of microsatellite unstable colorectal cancers, both in the hereditary and sporadic setting. Demonstrated that the novel candidate tumour suppressor genes THBS4 and BMP3 both exhibit growth suppressive activity in vitro. Established a collaboration in Japan to investigate molecular differences in colorectal polyp and cancer subtypes in relation to ethnicity.
RBWH Gastroenterology researchers from left – Sonia Greco, Ingunn Ramsnes and Darryn Rowsell
In an important subset of colorectal cancers, gene silencing by promoter hypermethylation plays the predominant role in cancer development. Half of these cancers methylate the mismatch repair gene MLH1 and consequently develop high level microsatellite instability (MSI). These cancers have an excellent prognosis compared to heavily methylated cancers without MSI, which are not well understood and result in a poor patient outcome. This laboratory has demonstrated a very strong association between methylation and activating mutation of the BRAF oncogene in serrated polyps and cancers, and has therefor concluded that these polyps are the precursors of heavily methylated cancers. This finding has major implications for clinical practice and serrated polyps are now regarded as important to remove during surveillance bowel examinations. To further understand the synergy between BRAF mutations and methylation, a mouse model in which BRAF mutations will be induced selectively in the adult colon, is in the final
stages. This will allow study of the interaction between BRAF mutation and methylating carcinogens, APC mutation and other genetic changes. Methylation changes can occur very early during tumour initiation and may be a valuable biomarker of risk and useful surveillance guide. The laboratory has collected normal mucosa samples from over 200 patients undergoing colonoscopy and is using realtime methylation specific PCR to quantitate methylation changes as compared with age, gender, anatomical location, smoking history and colonoscopic findings. Researchers are also quantitating methylation changes in all samples of a large tumour bank using panels of markers established during previous work with Professor Peter Laird. This will be correlated with MSI and BRAF mutation to further define the molecular and clinicopathogical characteristics of the subgroups described above. Methylation microarrays are also being developed as a tool to better understand the spectrum of methylation changes occurring in cancers and precursor polyps.
Signal Transduction This laboratory researches signal transduction pathways involved in the detection, signalling or repair of DNA damage and seeks other genes in these pathways which might have similar involvement in cancer susceptibility by preventing the generation of mutations in DNA.
Laboratory Head: Dr Kum Kum Khanna
Research Highlights Identified and characterised a novel ssDNA binding protein critical for maintenance of genomic stability. Characterised BcoR-L1 as a regulator of chromatin structure. Identified TLK1 as a novel target of Cdk1. Characterised a new centrosomal protein, centrobin, as a crucial regulator of microtubule dynamics.
Localisation of BCoR-L1 during mitosis. GFP-BCoR-L1 localises to the condensing chromatin during prophase and segregates with condensing chromatin during anaphase. METAPHASE
The laboratory recently identified a novel co-repressor protein, BCoR-L1, that is able to repress transcription in a CtBP- and HDACdependent manner. Fitting with its
role as a co-repressor protein, its overexpression causes a decrease in chromatin marks associated with active chromatin and vice versa. Its depletion by siRNA also results in an overall increase in marks associated with open chromatin. Thus, BCoR-L1 appears to regulate global chromatin structure. Cytologically, mitosis is the most dramatic chromatin remodelling event where the cell converts an amorphous mass of chromatin into discrete rod-shaped chromosomes. The laboratory found that BCoR-L1 is phosphorylated during mitosis. At this stage, BCoRL1 is found associated with the condensing chromosomes. Cells depleted of BCoR-L1 by siRNA display a reduced phosphorylation of the mitosis-specific chromatinmark, phosphohistone-H3 Serine10, which is correlated with chromosome condensation. When BCoR-L1 is depleted from cells, chromosomes do not align properly at the metaphase plate. The laboratory hypothesis is that BCoRL1 is required for the regulation of chromatin structure required for proper chromosome segregation and thus proper inheritance of the genome.
A novel single stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein, hSSB1, has been functionally identified and characterised,which is more closely related to both the bacterial and archaeal SSB proteins than to the major SSB in eukaryotes, RPA. SsDNA binding proteins are ubiquitous to life. They bind to ssDNA regions, protecting them from further damage and are involved in the recruitment of other repair proteins to sites of DNA damage. The laboratory has provided evidence that hSSB1 is critical for maintenance of genomic stability. Depletion of hSSB1 abrogates the cellular response to DSBs, including activation of ATM and phosphorylation of ATM targets after ionizing radiation exposure. Furthermore, cells deficient in hSSB1 exhibit increased radiation sensitivity, chromosomal aberrations and a diminished capacity to repair DNA damage, supporting the argument that loss of hSSB1 impairs the DNA damage response. A knockout mouse model of hSSB1 is currently being generated to understand its in vivo physiological functions.
Population Studies and Human Genetics
Division Chair: Professor Emma Whitelawi
Cancer and Population Studies Indigenous Health Research Program Drug Discovery Group Epigenetics Genetic Epidemiology Hepatic Fibrosis Iron Metabolism Molecular Psychiatry Molecular Epidemiology Louisa Gordon, Justin Scott.,
The underlying theme of the Divison is to understand more about both the genetic and environmental causes of human disease. Some laboratories are approaching the problem from a classic epidemiological viewpoint and others from a more molecular perspective. Arguably the most interesting findings are emerging from the studies that encompass both approaches. Indeed it is this combination that sets QIMR apart from many other research institutes around the world and bodes well for its future. New technologies are being developed which allow an epidemiologist to become a geneticist, and vice versa. The Institute, through its continued acquisition of new technologies in these areas, is facilitating these transitions. Of course, one must not forget the power of animal models to help elucidate underlying molecular pathways. A number of the groups in the Division use mice or rats to verify causative links between genetic (or environmental) factors and disease state. These links have, in some cases, been identified first in association studies carried out in human populations. Again, the Institute supported this process by funding the expansion and upgrading of the animal house. This year the Division welcomed Gail Garvey to coordinate a program in Indigenous Health Research. This group is currently establishing collaborative links with other centres around Australia that are investigating various aspects of the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Another new group, Molecular Psychiatry, headed by Corinne Lendon, has also joined the Division. This group aims to identify the genetic and environmental factors involved in dementia and schizophrenia. Both groups fit well with the main thrust of the Division and we look forward to working together with them in the future.
Cancer and Population Studies The Cancer and Population Studies Group investigates the causes of cancer and other chronic diseases, factors that influence their prognosis and avenues for their prevention.
With respect to cancer, the Cancer and Population Studies Group currently focuses research on five general types: cancers of the ovary, endometrium, oesophagus, pancreas and skin. The group aims to firstly identify the role of environmental factors in causing these diseases and how genes may modify the effect of the environment. Through collaborations with colleagues, the mechanisms leading to cancer causation by analyses of molecular markers in biological samples obtained from study participants are also being studied. As well, the group examines the prognosis and quality of life of patients with cancers of the ovary and oesophagus. Research into Indigenous Health and related training and education, continues to increase and diversify under the new leadership of Associate Professor Gail Garvey. Research includes asthma, bronchiectasis, diabetes in youth,
and health service care of adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer patients in Queensland along with preliminary studies in dementia. The Cancer and Population Studies Laboratory is also the base for the QIMR-RBWH Statistics Unit staffed by Dr Peter O’Rourke, Dr James Doecke , Kylie-Ann Mallitt and Justin Scott, with the latter two funded by the Australian Centre for International Tropical Health program and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Research Foundation, respectively. The responsibilities of the Unit are twofold: to provide a statistical consultancy service to QIMR and RBWH, providing advice on planning, design, sampling, data analysis and interpretation; and to collaborate in research with scientists and clinicians from these two institutions. A series of introductory statistics seminars and workshops has been well attended.
The Nambour Skin Cancer Study Team (21st anniversary and final year of data collection) From left. Back row: Patricia Valery, Val Logan, Adele Taylor, Naomi Richmond, Front row: Adèle Green, Kiri Ibiebele, Penny McBride, Jolieke van der Pols Insets: Above: Maricel Hughes, Louisa Gordon. Below: Simin Arabshahi
Laboratory Head: Professor Adèle Green AC
Research Highlights Identified that people with both obesity and acid reflux are at substantially increased risk of adenocarcinomas of the oesophagus compared to risk in people with neither factor, and that these factors act synergistically. Challenged the role of physical effects of ovulation in the causation of serous ovarian cancers by showing similar patterns of risk for serous ovarian and fallopian tube cancers but not for primary peritoneal cancer. Produced evidence that high consumption of certain foodgroups and dietary patterns overall can significantly determine risk of squamous cell skin cancers in those with past skin cancer. Showed that regular sunscreen application can lead to the prolonged prevention of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
Indigenous Health Research Program The Indigenous Health Research Group investigates Indigenous Health across a broad range of topics including cancer, healthy skin, Group A Streptococcus, dementia, bronchiectasis and type 2 diabetes.
Program Coordinator Associate Professor Gail Garvey
Research Highlights Associate Professor Gail Garvey commenced as the new Indigenous Health Research Program Coordinator. Established a multi-disciplinary dementia research team with collaborative links to the CRC Dementia, the Dalby Aboriginal Health Service, the Toowoomba Centre for Rural and Remote Health, Alzheimer’s Australia Indigenous Dementia Program, The Universities of Queensland, Toowoomba and QUT.
Asthma Education Intervention Study
The aim of this study is to examine the additional benefits of Indigenous health worker education intervention on childhood asthma outcomes using a randomised controlled trial in the Torres Strait. The study hypothesis is that children who receive additional asthma education by local Indigenous health care worker have better asthma outcomes. Seven clinic visits have occurred over a 2-year period from April 2005 to April 2007. The children (<18 years) are clinically assessed by two paediatric respiratory physicians, using a standardised protocol. To date, 113 Indigenous children have been enrolled in the study. Six asthma educational workshops have been conducted with the purpose of providing health workers with a better understanding of asthma in children, its treatment and management. This project is designed to be sustainable as it provides training for health care workers and produced culturally appropriate asthma educational
resources that are owned by the community and will hopefully be used in the community after the project has been completed. This study is in it last year of operation.
Wuchopperen Skin Study
This study has concluded. Its aims were to determine the prevalence of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) and community-acquired methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMRSA) in skin sores of Indigenous people living urban settings. 209 patients were included in the study and there was significant diversity of emm-types of Group A Streptococcus associated with skin lesions in Indigenous patients (29 emm-types identified). A high prevalence of CA-MRSA in patients was identified observed (18 of 106 were CA-MRSA positive). Both GAS and S. aureus were isolated in 77 swabs. Of the 18 CA-MRSA positive lesions, 12 also had Group A Streptococcus isolated. This has implications in for future changes of antibiotic policies for the treatment of skin infections in this population.
Multi-centre Bronchiectasis
This will be the first study to document the clinical course of chronic moist cough and bronchiectasis in Indigenous children. The observational arm of the study has commenced with 59 children enrolled to date. In Alaska, most enrolled children have chronic moist cough with infiltrates and high rates of nasopharyngeal carriage with pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenzae, and or Moraxella catarrhalis. In Australia, about one third of enrolled children have bronchiectasis and two thirds chronic moist cough with infiltrates.
Drug Discovery Group This laboratory combines expertise in cancer biology with genomics and drug discovery. Cell communication networks in sun-induced cancers, cancers of the head and neck, and ovarian cancer reveal responses that address important issues of prevention and treatment. Laboratory Head: Professor Peter Parsons
Research Highlights Found that expression of the MIC-1 cytokine is regulated by a melanocyte-specific factor in melanoma. Identified a novel adhesion molecule involved in melanoma migration and tumourigenicity. Found that gain of expression of a Wnt factor leads to ovarian cancer cell invasion. Discovered small molecules that regulate pigmentation in human melanoma cells.
Professor Peter Parsons in his laboratory
The overall theme of the Drug Discovery Group is to identify and study the function of genes that are important in the development and treatment of certain cancers, with the longer term aim of discovering agents that can be aimed at specific targets. Several such genes have been identified in melanoma, ovarian cancer, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, and breast cancer, which are being followed up at the functional level. Application of the above approaches has led to reagents for both overexpression or knock-down of targets being developed. It has also been applied to several gene candidates for the progression of melanoma, ovarian cancer and head and neck cancer. One of the lead genes identified in ovarian cancer has been successfully over-expressed in a tumour cell line, and in vitro evidence was obtained for the gene to be involved with invasion of this disease. Further expression work has been carried out with squamous cell carcinoma cell lines derived from head and neck tumours, and
immunohistochemistry has been conducted on a larger number of tumours to confirm the association of several candidate genes with poor prognosis of these tumours. The response of the transfected cells lines to current anticancer drugs was also examined. Similarly, the role of a novel cytokine that the laboratory found to be highly expressed in melanoma progression has also been further shown to be necessary for tumuorigenicity in a mouse model, and controlled by a melanocytespecific factor. The drug discovery program has expanded from anticancer screening to a range of other assays including a search for small molecule regulators of pigmentation. The chemical library was sourced from a variety of natural products, as a collaborative arrangement with an Australian company. Several human tumour cell lines were made resistant to 3 current anticancer agents, as a resource for preclinical profiling of novel agents.
Epigenetics The Epigenetics Laboratory aims at understanding the role of epigenetics in the determination of phenotype in mammals, both mice and humans.
There is increasing evidence that epigenetic information can be inherited across generations in mammals, despite extensive reprogramming both in the gametes and the early developing embryo. One corollary to this is that disruption of the establishment of epigenetic state in the gametes of a parent, as a result of heterozygosity for mutations in genes involved in reprogramming, could affect the phenotype of offspring that do not inherit the mutant allele.
This laboratory has shown that such effects do occur following paternal inheritance in the mouse and their work has detected changes to transcription and chromosome ploidy in adult animals. Paternal effects of this type have not been reported previously in mammals and suggest that the untransmitted genotype of male parents can influence the phenotype of their offspring.
Laboratory Head: Professor Emma Whitelaw
Research Highlights Produced a new mouse model of Williamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s syndrome, a dominant disorder with a distinct craniofacial appearance and a specific cognitive profile. Found that, during ENU mutagenesis screening for modifiers of epigenetic reprogramming: â&#x20AC;˘
One strain, Momme D7, showed a hematopoietic defect that results in a switch in cell fate, decreasing numbers of myeloid cells and leading to a proliferation of lymphoid cells.
Another strain, Momme D9, shows female-specific obesity and reproductive failure.
Genetic Epidemiology This group investigates the pattern of disease in families, particularly identical and nonidentical twins, to assess the relative importance of genes and environment in a variety of important health problems and to locate the genes responsible using genetic linkage and association analysis. Laboratory Head: Professor Nick Martin
Research Highlights Elucidated the genetic basis of blue eye colour associated with melanoma risk. Used chromosome-wide IBD sharing analysis to show the genetic influences on height are spread evenly across all chromosomes. Showed that the association of PLNX2A with anxious depression supports role of adult neurogenesis in depression. Genomewide association scan for nicotine dependence identified the alpha-5 nicotinic receptor as a major risk factor. Genomewide linkage scan for moliness identified 2p, 9p, 9q and 17p as major linkage regions for flat mole density. The first three regions are confirmed in a parallel UK scan.
Alcohol consumption is associated with many medical and social variables. Genetic factors account for about two thirds of the susceptibility to alcoholism in both women and men in Australia. The alcohol dehydrogenase gene complex on chromosome 4 has a significant effect on risk of alcoholism. Researchers in this laboratory have fine mapped a major effect on alcohol metabolism to the ADH7 gene. These ADH7 SNPs are now being typed in 4,500 twins assessed for alcoholism to see if the effect on metabolism carries through to alcoholism per se. Another research focus is the way melanoma runs in families. Much of the year has been spent investigating the role of the OCA2 gene as a melanoma risk factor, to find that separate SNPs in the gene account for blue eye colour and melanoma risk. It is clear that moles (melanocytic naevi) are a major risk factor for melanoma. It is therefore important that more is known about the factors responsible for development and change of moles. Moles are being counted and mapped in over
1000 pairs of Brisbane 12 year old twins who are then followed up at their fourteenth birthday. This research recently showed that individual differences in moliness in this sample are largely genetic. A genome scan that indicates a number of chromosomal regions of major effect has recently been completed. One region of major interest is the ANRIL gene close to CDKN2A, which also contains SNPs associated with type 2 diabetes and myocardial infarction. A major innovation in this laboratory is the advent of genomewide association scans (GWAS) and these are being invested in heavily, for both adolescent and adult twin family study collections for which hundreds of diverse phenotypes are available.
Hepatic Fibrosis This laboratory investigates the role of a population of liver cells called hepatic stellate cells, in the fibrosis and cirrhosis (liver scar tissue formation), which accompanies serious liver diseases of adults and children.
Iron-induced hepatic injury
In this project, the mechanisms of liver tissue injury in the iron overload disease hereditary haemochromatosis are being investigated. Recent research has identified a number of signalling molecules within hepatic stellate cells, which are activated in the presence of an iron-binding protein called ferritin. The laboratory has also shown that this signalling results in the increased expression of genes involved in inflammation and liver fibrosis. Researchers are now investigating whether a newly identified protein called TIM-2 may be the receptor responsible for eliciting the ferritininduced effects on inflammation and fibrogenesis in hepatic stellate cells through the use of RNAi technology and mutagenesis studies. Heptic Fibrosis staff from left: Louise Ramm, Richard Ruddell, Grant Ramm, Marie Bertrand-Philippe, Cassandra Lane, Marnie Wood and Thibauld Girard (front)
Paediatric cholestatic liver disease
The potential mechanisms responsible for paediatric cholestatic liver diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and extrahepatic biliary atresia are being researched. Diseasespecific markers in the liver and blood are being investigated to enable more accurate and earlier diagnosis of infants with biliary atresia so that they may progress to surgical correction rather than be subject to liver transplantation in future years. Researchers are also interested in identifying genes which may predispose some infants to developing serious liver disease. These studies have focused on the role of single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes which encode for chemokine proteins â&#x20AC;&#x201C; these are molecules produced by damaged liver cells which cause the recruitment of inflammatory cells and hepatic stellate cells to the injured liver, resulting in exacerbated liver scarring.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Grant Ramm
Research Highlights Showed that hepatic stellate cells express key regulatory components of the neurotransmitter serotonin which enables them to store and release serotonin and to respond in a profibrogenic manner. Demonstrated that the hepatic progenitor cell response to a choline and ethionine-deficient diet is inhibited in mice lacking Th1 immune signalling and further showed that this inhibition is associated with reduced liver fibrosis.
Iron Metabolism The Iron Metabolism Laboratory focuses on understanding the homeostasis of the essential trace element iron in the body and the natural history of disorders of iron metabolism such as the iron loading disease haemochromatosis.
Laboratory Head: Associate Professor Greg Anderson
Research Highlights Defined the mechanism of iron absorption in neonates at the molecular level. Identified key factors involved in the modulating expression of the iron regulatory peptide hepcidin. Demonstrated changes in gastrin expression in the iron loading disease haemochromatosis. Defined the natural history of haemochromatosis and identified factors relevant to the clinical expression of iron overload and liver fibrosis in this disease.
Iron Metabolism researchers from left â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cameron McDonald, Deepak Darshan, David Raffelt, Teressa Steele and Sarah Wilkins
Iron is essential for a large number of critical cellular processes but its concentration in the body must be kept within defined limits. Too little iron can result in anaemia while too much can cause damage to vital organs such as the liver and heart. A central goal of the Iron Metabolism Laboratory is to understand the mechanisms of cellular iron transport and the way in which these processes are regulated. A particular theme is to describe the pathways of intestinal iron absorption and to understand how absorption is altered in disorders of iron metabolism such as haemochromatosis and thalassaemia. Much of the recent efforts in this laboratory have been directed towards understanding physiological variations in iron absorption at the molecular level. This work has helped define the mechanism by which the liver-derived regulatory peptide hepcidin alters the expression of key iron transport molecules in the intestine, and thus iron absorption, and also how the
body directs hepcidin to bring about these effects. Key recent studies have examined the molecular basis of the extremely high intestinal iron absorption in neonates, investigated the mechanisms by which hepcidin expression responds to proinflammatory cytokines, and studied the relationship between various liver diseases (notably alcoholic liver disease and fatty liver disease) and iron homeostasis. A major focus of the laboratory has been on intestinal haem iron absorption. This work continues to examine the role played by the haem-degrading enzyme, haem oxygenase, in this process. In addition to these molecular and physiological studies, the group maintains a strong interest in the pathogenesis, penetrance and genetics of the iron loading disorder haemochromatosis. In the last year the group continued to examine the natural history of this common disorder and to define genetic and environmental factors responsible for variations in presentation of the disease.
Molecular Epidemiology The Molecular Epidemiology Group investigates complex diseases in families using high throughput genomics platforms to identify genes and pathways contributing to disease risk.
The theme of this laboratory is the analysis of genes and gene pathways contributing to risk for common human diseases. Research focuses on factors affecting womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health with projects on the genetics of endometriosis and dizygotic twinning. The laboratory collaborates with a number of groups and works on a range of other diseases including migraine, melanoma, asthma, alcohol and drug dependence. One aim is to identify genes that influence risk for endometriosis and the group has assembled a large collection of affected sister pair families and triad families (a case and two parents). This includes 3,900 women with clinically diagnosed endometriosis. A genome wide scan found significant evidence for a region on chromosome 10 linked to disease. Recently, another region on chromosome 7 significantly linked to endometriosis was indentified in collaboration with colleagues in Oxford. The Illumina Bead Station is being used to genotype markers under linkage peaks to find the gene or genes predisposing to endometriosis. A number of candidate genes previously implicated in
endometriosis risk have been tested, but none have shown association in any of the families. Another project is trying to understand why twins run in some families. The tendency to conceive spontaneous dizygotic twins is complex and influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Finding the gene(s) responsible for twinning is likely to provide insights into mechanisms of female fertility and may have practical implications for controlling fertility and infertility. Mutations in the ovarian growth factor gene GDF9 were identified in a small number of families that significantly increase the chance of having twins. The laboratory supports a range of studies in genetic epidemiology by maintaining the large biobank of samples held by the Genetic Epidemiology and Molecular Epidemiology Laboratories for twin and family studies. The laboratory uses Sequenom MassARRAY and Illumina Bead Station genomics platforms for high throughput genotyping and gene expression analyses and provides genotyping services (zygosity testing and SNP
Laboratory Head: Dr Grant Montgomery
Research Highlights Demonstrated genetic linkage to endometriosis in a new region on chromosome 7 in families with a high number of endometriosis cases. Identified rare mutations in the ovarian growth factor gene GDF9 in some families that significantly increase the chance of having twins. Demonstrated that a rare case of semi-identical twins arose from an unusual mechanism where two sperm cells fused with a single egg. Identified a combination of genetic variants in the OCA2 gene responsible for most of the variation in blue/brown eye colour.
Leanne McNeill operating the Tecan robot to process SNP chips generating up to 1 million genotypes per DNA sample
Molecular Psychiatry This laboratory comprises two groups, one which seeks to identify the genetic and environmental factors involved in dementia and cognitive ability, and the other which researches the genetics of schizophrenia.
Laboratory Head: Dr Corinne Lendon
Research Highlights Acquired and set up ABI Taqman for RealTime quantitative allele measurement and SNP genotyping. Set up and validated allele dependent SNaPshot assay. Established patient and participant cohorts for human and clinical studies, with appropriate ethical approval. Developed a collaboration with Griffith Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s drug discovery initiative. Completed neuropsychiatric gene studies.
The main focus this year has been the completion of genotype association studies in 460 Alzheimer patients to look for genes that predispose to behavioural and psychological symptoms. The group published findings with the dopamine 3 receptor and serotonin receptor 5HT2A. The latter is the larger study and appears to confirm findings in several other reports. The focus of new work this year was to establish a method to measure the differential expression of alleles of the APOE and COMT genes. This method has been adapted to be highly reproducible and reliable and so enables study both between patients, and where subtle differences in expression are induced experimentally. The method incorporated the SNaPshot technique using allele specific primer extension with gene specific primers. A technical paper on COMT is being
prepared. These assays provide a tool that has allowed measurement of blood and brain cell allele levels. The group has shown these to be influenced by endogenous and exogenous estrogen levels. Laboratory adaptations of an ELISA to achieve a high throughput technique to differentially detect isoforms is currently being optimised. Three neuronal and glial cell lines have been identified from human brains of suitable genotype for the screening of agents that alter differential allele and isoform expression.
The main focus is to identify chromosomal regions that contain genes that predispose to schizophrenia. Whole genome wide single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping is carried out in large cohorts of patients and controls using the Illumina platform.
Researchers in the Molecular Psychiatry Laboratory from left â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Antonia Pritchard, Cheryl Filippich, Corinne Lendon, Bryan Mowry and Heather Smith
Therapeutic Development and Clinical Research Laboratories within the Therapeutic Development and Clinical Research Division have a focus on translating their basic research into the therapies of tomorrow. This pathway includes conducting Phase I â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Phase III trials in conjunction with clinical partners at major hospitals in Brisbane, interstate, and overseas. Included in the Division are the Epstein Barr Virus Biology, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Clinical Immunohaematology, Cancer Immunotherapy, Dendritic Cells and Cancer, Leukaemia Foundation, Translation Research and Tumour Immunology laboratories. QIMR has sponsored five cell-based clinical trials over the period covered by this report. These were aimed at testing cell-based therapeutics against prostate cancer, melanoma, and nasopharyngeal cancer. Funding for the development and conduct of trials is derived from peer-reviewed grants, from the Leukemia Foundation, Queensland Cancer Fund, National Health and Medical Research Council, and particularly from The Atlantic Philanthropies. The latter has underpinned the continued growth of Q-Gen, which has specialised facilities for manufacturing cell and protein based therapies, under GMP where necessary. Investigator initiated clinical trials are partnerships of medical researchers with sponsors, clinical investigators, manufacturers, and regulators. Improved treatments for cancer and other complex diseases depends on a productive dialogue between these groups, which the Therapeutic Development and Clinical Research Division seeks to foster. Although complex, time consuming and expensive, investigator driven clinical trials are critical to QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to translational research.
Division Chair: Dr Chris Schmidt
EBV Biology Bone Marrow Transplantation Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Immunohaematology Dendritic Cells and Cancer Leukaemia Foundation Translation Research Tumour Immunology Louisa Gordon, Justin Scott.,
Translational Research The Translational Research Laboratory is developing research programs around an understanding of the biology of breast cancer, the impact of a diagnosis of breast cancer and its treatment on the nature and quality of survival, and the involvement of women with breast cancer in research Laboratory Head: Dr Geoff Beadle
Research Highlights
Over 150 women have completed detailed cognitive assessments before chemotherapy, at completion of chemotherapy and six months afterwards. Approximately half this number have completed an assessment 18 months afterwards.
Significant improvements in survival after a diagnosis of breast cancer are the result of early detection and more intensive treatment. Cognitive impairment has been reported by women after treatment for breast cancer and the Cognition in Breast Cancer Study is investigating the nature and extent of cognitive change after chemotherapy, as well as the impact of cognitive change on daily living. More than 150 women are participating in this project. All have completed detailed cognitive assessments before commencement of chemotherapy, at the completion of chemotherapy and six months after chemotherapy. Approximately half the participants have now completed an assessment at 18 months after chemotherapy. Early results indicate a measurable change in memory after treatment, with some evidence of recovery by six months. However, longer followup is necessary to fully identify the range of cognitive changes after treatment, and to assess the patterns of recovery. The final results of this study will provide important information about the long-term functional and social outcomes for women with breast cancer. The Cognition in Breast Cancer Project is one of the largest in the world. The study was presented in October 2006 at an international workshop evaluating the cognitive outcomes after a prior cancer diagnosis. The selection of tests and the number of participants makes it highly likely that this study will be able to substantially refine knowledge in this emerging area of outcomes research.
Another important concern for longterm survivors of breast cancer is the development of acute myeloid leukaemia. A collaborative study is currently underway that compares the incidence of acute myeloid leukaemia, after a diagnosis of breast cancer, with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) after a diagnosis of other cancers. Early results indicate that women with breast cancer have an increased risk of acute myeloid leukaemia compared with the age matched population of healthy women, but it is unlikely that this increase is explained solely by the effect of chemotherapy. This project continues to extend the database to provide further information about the magnitude of AML risk after a prior cancer diagnosis. The Translational Research Laboratory continues to accumulate a large number of breast cancer pathology specimens in order to provide a database for future development of biomarker assays to predict outcome and response to treatments. Projects in this area include an on-going assessment of the role of the HER 2 receptor on outcomes and a collaborative study that is further characterising the molecular phenotypes of basal-like carcinomas. The laboratory is also currently undertaking an important research project to evaluate the understanding of women with breast cancer about participation in clinical trials and molecular research. This project continues to recruit women with a history of breast cancer to the study.
QIMR Sponsored Clinical Trials 2006-2007 Clinical Trial
Current Trials Dendritic cell vaccination trial for hormone refractory prostate cancer with autologous tumour as the antigen (NRQ03J1)
Prof Kay Ellem(QIMR), Dr Christopher Schmidt (QIMR), Ms Linda O’Connor (QIMR), Prof Frank Gardiner (UQ, RBH), Dr David Yaxley (RBWH) and Dr David Nicol (PA).
Phase III trial of an immunotherapy for Stage III (AJCC) melanoma based on cultured autologous dendritic cells presenting autologous tumor cell antigens (MRPQ0161)
Prof Kay Ellem (QIMR), Dr Christopher Schmidt (QIMR), Prof Michael O’Rourke (MAH), Dr Barry O’Loughlin (RBH), A/Prof Mark Smithers (PA), Dr J Lickliter (RBH) and Dr Ian Hermans (Malaghan Institute, New Zealand)
Phase I trial to assess the safety of adoptive transfer of cytotoxic T cells specific for EBV latent membrane proteins LMP 1 and 2, in patients with Stage III and IV nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Dr David Chin (PA), Dr David Hall (PA), Dr Sandro Porceddu (PA), Dr Ben Panizza (PA), Professor William Coman (UQ), Dr Suzanne Elliott (QPharm), Dr Mark Smith, Dr Joanne Davis (QIMR), Professor Denis Moss (QIMR)
Completed Trials Prostate cancer: An internal solidmalignancy model for vaccine therapy (NUQM00J1)
Prof Kay Ellem (QIMR), Dr Christopher Schmidt (QIMR), Mrs Linda O’Connor (QIMR), Prof Frank Gardiner (UQ, RBH), Mrs Betty Scells (RBH), Prof Greg Seymour (UQ), Prof Derek Hart (MMRI), Dr David Yaxley (RBWH) and Dr David Nicol (PA).
Adoptive immunotherapy for the prevention of human cytomegalovirus (HVMV) reactivation and disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (QR-2002-CMV1)
Investigators: Dr Rajiv Khanna (QIMR), Dr Geoff Hill (QIMR, RBH), Dr Simon Durant (RBH), Dr James Morton (RBH), Dr Liane Lockwood (RBCH) and Dr Suzanne Elliott (Q-Pharm)
Phase I trial of the safety, the effect on immune parameters, and clinical efficacy of an immunotherapy for glioma, based on cultured autologous dendritic cells presenting autologous tumour antigens (RMQ0331)
Investigators: Dr Christopher Schmidt (QIMR), Prof Kay Ellem (QIMR), Dr Richard Laherty (RBH), Dr David Walker (RBH), Dr Frank Tomlinson (RBH) and Prof Michael O’Rourke (MAH)
MAH = Mater Adult Hospital, MMRI = Mater Medical Research Institute, RBCH = Royal Brisbane Children’s Hospital, RBH = Royal Brisbane Hospital, RBWH = Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, PA = Princess Alexandra Hospital, UQ = The University of Queensland
Joint Research Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health (ACITH) (with The University of Queensland) The fourth phase of the Public Health Education and Research Program (2006-2010) is designed to enhance public health nationally and regionally. It has three major priorities, built on a framework of competencies in biostatistics and epidemiology, for delivery of evidence based health management: 1. Improvement of biosecurity and emergency response. 2. Improvement of Indigenous health training and education and research capabilities in order to establish Indigenous health leadership and ownership 3. Chronic disease, including burden of disease, estimations. QIMR will work towards upgrading priorities 1 and 2 over the next five years, as these have already established the Institute’s identity with the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. However, there are also important chronic disease studies being undertaken by QIMR, and by the partnering UQ Faculty of Health Sciences.
The new building planned, the Smart State Medical Research Centre, will contain an Australiian Biosecurity Response Facility (ABRF) comprising PC3 animal and insectary facilities and a new Tropical Health floor. Prior to this, space for the Mosquito Control Laboratory will increase to encompass current work with dengue, innovative mosquito control strategies using bacterial and fungal agents and noninfectious aspects of chikungunya virus research and other emerging infectious diseases. ACITH/QIMR is well placed to take a leading role in knowledge, skills and technology transfer for regional health security in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. The proposed ABRF will build on ACITH’s strategic alliances with regional agencies such as the World Health Organisation/ Western Pacific Regional Office and the South East Asian Ministers Education Office for Tropical Medicine. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently funded a projectt, focused on designing new drugs, deliveries and treatments for
parasitic diseases. Besides Giardia and Trichomonas, this work is applicable to other parasites such as Entamoeba where drug options remain limited. A recently published Science article (Carlton et al, 2007) relates to identifying new drug targets and design of new antiTrichomonas drugs. ACITH/QIMR has successfully increased the number of Indigenous postgraduate students since 2000. A strong collaboration with various Indigenous groups, the CRC for Aboriginal Health and the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin will be continued actively. In January 2007, Ms Gail Garvey took over the role of Coordinator of the QIMR Indigenous Health Research Program. The QIMR/RBWH Statistics Unit was established in 2006 as a joint initiative funded by the two institutions. Staffed by three statisticians, Dr Peter O’Rourke (Head), James Doecke and Justin Scott, the unit provides a statistical consultancy to scientists and clinicians, in an endeavour designed to build capacity.
Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health (CRCAH) The Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health (CRCAH) is a virtual organisation that brings together the Aboriginal health sector, government health agencies and research institutions. It was established in 2003 and is governed by an Aboriginal-majority board with representation from all its 12 core partners of which QIMR is one. It’s vision is one of sustained improvements in Aboriginal health through strategic research and development. QIMR is an active partner through its in-kind contributions to research, research transfer activities, student research, education and training activities, capacity development activities, administration and meetings.Projects in which QIMR is particularly involved includes: research towards vaccines in tropical health, cancer in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Group A Streptococcus and its associated diseases – rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease – and scabies vaccines. The CRCAH contributes to supporting Aboriginal students studying at QIMR by scholarships and QIMR is an important part of the Centre’s Educational and Training Program.
Q-Pharm Pty Limited (with The University of Queensland) Q-Pharm Pty Limited specialises in the conduct of early Phase I and II clinical trials and bioequivalence and bioavailability studies. The company conducts trials on pharmaceutical, biotechnology and complementary medicine products spanning the areas of therapeutic, diagnostic and prophylactic agents. Facilities include a dedicated recruitment and outpatient clinic, a specialised 12-bed clinic for the conduct of the most medically demanding trials and an open plan 36 bed facility for larger healthy volunteer trials. The Q-Pharm drug analysis laboratory is currently the best equipped and most experienced drug assay laboratory in Australia. The company concluded its fifth year of trading as a private company on 30 June 2007 and has continued the very satisfactory growth shown in the previous year.
Highlights •
Gross revenue from operations has exceeded the budget forecasts and the company continues to trade profitably.
Growth has continued in all areas of the business but most importantly in Phase I/II clinical trials which now account for approximately 45 percent of revenue. Bioequivalence studies remain a strong contributor to company operations.
A healthy diversification of the client base has continued in accordance with the business plan. Over 60 percent of Q-Pharm’s dealings are now with international clients. The company has most of the top ten Pharma companies on its client list as well as a growing number of drug development companies from the USA.
Q-Pharm Pty Limited continues to play a leading role as a member of the Queensland Clinical Trials Network and has been actively involved in promoting both the company’s and Queensland’s capabilities at various national and international conferences.
Healthy employment growth has continued in the company and we now number around 65 full-time-equivalent positions.
Q-Pharm Pty Limited staff – numbers reached the equivalent of 65 full time positions during 2007
Q-Gen Pty Ltd
The last year has seen continued development of Q-Gen services to both QIMR and external clients. A review of the business was undertaken to further develop the facility’s capabilities and presence in the commercial market place. This included an update to the website and production of marketing material for distribution at conferences and to clients. Two business development staff were appointed to bring in external contracts from biotechnology companies both in Australia and overseas. Q-Gen’s capabilities continue to grow. The year has seen several important activities, including successful delivery to a client of a clinical grade antibody to be used in a Phase I clinical trial. In addition, a fully automated aseptic fill and finish line has been installed to complete the biological manufacturing service from master bank to dosage form. Q-Gen has recently submitted applications to the Therapeutic Goods Administration to upgrade manufacturing licences to reflect these new capabilities.
Highlights •
Clients and partners included: Incitive Ltd, Phoenix Eagle Company Pty Ltd, Replikun Biotech Pty Limited, Mater Medical Research Institute, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Aradigm Corporation and Implicit Bioscience Pty Ltd.
Q-Gen celebrated vaccine manufacture for the 100th patient enrolled in QIMR’s Phase III Melanoma Clinical Trial. Over 1000 vaccines have been manufactured and delivered to patients during the trial.
Actively involved with BioPharmaceutical Australia in the State Government’s bid for a Federally-funded purpose built mammalian cell facility.
Staff continue to offer and provide consultancy advice to both QIMR and commercial clients to ensure they experience a smooth transition of their products through the drug development pipeline.
immunotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, additional processes for Incitive Limited, Phoenix Eagle Company and a number of other domestic and international companies.
During the coming year, QGen plans a number of projects in-house including a Group A Streptococcal vaccine, whole blood malaria vaccine, an adoptive
Q-Gen Pty Ltd staff
The world class research undertaken by QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scientists requires high quality scientific and administrative support. The Corporate Division provides this support through departments covering finance and administration, human resources, scientific services, information technology, building services, regulatory affairs, business development and safety. As part of management restructuring during 2006-2007, development and marketing and science communication now also operate as part of the Corporate Division. The Division welcomed a new Chief Operating Officer in December 2006 when Dr Steve Clark assumed the role following the departure of Mr Michael Staley who had held the position for the previous seven years.
Dr Stephen Clark Dr Clark has 15 years experience as a Chief Executive, more recently in Canberra where he spent six years as CEO of the Australian Divisions of General Practice representing Australians 18,000 General Practitioners. He has led national leadership programs, chaired a number of high profile national organisations and run a commercial business in the UK. He was based in north Queensland for many years as Director of a large, multi-site training facility for health professionals. Steve holds his degrees in education.
Corporate Managers: (from left) Back row: Dr Stephen Clark (COO), Dr Gerald Haaima (Head, Business Development), Andrew van der Beek (Deputy Director, Development and Marketing) Middle row: Chris Ward (IT Manager), Marlene Cornell (Chief Financial Officer), Juan Cooper (Scientific Services Manager) Front row: Dr Helen Leonard (Safety Manager), Dr Agnieszka Mitchell (Regualtory Affairs Manager), Nicole Green (Human Resources Manager), Missing: Alan Stockman (Building Services Manager)
The Finance team has continued to develop strategies to enhance and support the integration of financial information and reporting both for internal users and external stakeholders. This has included an upgrade of the financial management system, the integration of the processing of fundraising receipts in collaboration with the Marketing and Development Department to improve internal controls and streamline functionality, and the provision of financial and auditing services for Q-Gen Pty Ltd, a wholly controlled entity of QIMR. The team has also responded to increasing compliance requirements, particularly in the area of audit of project grants, and has successfully completed a number of comprehensive internal audits including a systems appraisal, audit of fundraising revenue streams and follow-up on previous audit recommendations. A program of succession planning commenced during the year with the appointment of a Finance Manager whose primary focus is systems administration, in addition to management and financial accounting, but who now also shares supervisory responsibilities of the Finance team with the Chief Financial Officer.
Records Management
A comprehensive records management system is being introduced throughout the Institute beginning with the Corporate Division. To facilitate this change, a new Records Manager has been appointed who will begin early next financial year
Information Technology
Information Technology successfully managed a major migration to a new mail system which provides much greater functionality including the ability to access
the same mailbox both internally and remotely. E-mail can now be delivered instantly to PDAs and smart phones using direct push technology. The installation of additional network infrastructure and servers enabled significant upgrades of our Storage Access Network (with substantial increases in capacity), the finance system, mail servers, E-forms and Intranet servers. The installation of a new EDRMs (Electronic Document and Records Management system) and an enterprise-wide tape backup system were other major projects successfully completed. The comprehensive backup system will provide sufficient capacity to backup the ever increasing amount of data being generated by scientific equipment at QIMR.
Human Resources
Significant progress has been made towards finalising a new workplace agreement, with negotiations close to a successful conclusion. In conjunction with this process, QIMR has been required to make a transition from the state to federal industrial jurisdiction following the State Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s determination that QIMR would remain under the recently introduced federal Work Choices legislation. As a consequence, a comprehensive review of all QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s employment conditions and policies to identify areas of non compliance with the federal Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Work Choices legislation has also been required and measures taken to introduce any necessary changes.
Scientific Services
The Scientific Services group continues to provide QIMR researchers with core scientific support and access to core research infrastructure. The high level of support is key to the success of our researchers and encompasses operational areas such as stores,
purchasing and freight, glassware services, the animal facility as well as facilities specialising in histotechnology, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, and DNA and peptide analysis. Many of these facilities also involve work with imported quarantine material. Recent changes in AQIS regulations involving our Quarantine Approved Premises (QAP) required an independent Third Party Assessment which was completed in July 2007 with successful registration of all of our QAP facilities. In addition, all users of our quarantine laboratories, animal facility, insectary and aquaria have completed QAP Accredited Person training, a requirement of QIMR conditions of approval. The QIMR Equipment Committee is responsible for allocation of scientific equipment required to support the high quality research of our scientists. The growth in demand for access to instrumentation for gene expression analysis has necessitated upgrades to the Illumina platform and Real-Time PCR equipment to increase sample throughput. These acquisitions were funded by the NHMRC and will benefit research groups working on genetic epidemiology, cancer and immunotherapy projects. A major acquisition in the flow cytometry facility, will for the first time, enable high speed sorting of potentially infectious human samples at a high level of safety and biological containment. The BD FACSAria instrument was funded from core funds and will be used by researchers involved in transplantation biology, immunotherapy and vaccine studies.
Building Services
All general services and equipment have been maintained to a high standard and are fully functional. Additional water treatment has been installed to condenser water in the cooling towers to further decrease the risk of legionella growth and
water management policies have been initiated resulting in significant reduction in water consumption. New air conditioning has been installed in the Bancroft computer frame room to increase the cooling capacity required to adequately maintain safe temperature conditions. Bancroft Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s central compressed air plant has been completely updated with the latest breed of scroll compressors which provides a more stable air supply and therefore a better vacuum system within the building as the compressed air is used to provide venturi suction throughout the laboratory areas. A new fume extract system has been installed within the glassware section to reduce the risk of operator exposure to noxious fumes from autoclaved products containing non desirable chemicals. Additional security measures have been installed in the Bancroft Centre to comply with State Governments guidelines for counter terrorism measures.
A new full time Safety Officer was employed in February 2007, and audits for workplace health and safety compliance were conducted in all laboratory areas, workshops and office areas. The Safety Committee reviewed a large numbers of e-form projects and there are now 638 current projects. The committee also submitted
reports to the OGTR on changes to the Gene Technology Act, amendments to the Regulations and Guidelines for Certification. This was followed by changes to the legislation in all three areas which were then implemented. Certifications were renewed for 19 PC2 containment facilities and 4 PC3 facilities under these changes. 27 new protocols for isotope work have been approved with 93 staff now actively using isotopes and a further 28 staff have been trained to use the irradiator bringing the total trained to 184. QIMR has 35 certified isotope facilities.
Regulatory Affairs
The Regulatory Affairs team continued to provide QIMR researchers and external clients with access to high quality and efficient ethics review services, assisted with the administration and management of QIMR sponsored clinical trials, and with maintaining QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s compliance with relevant regulatory requirements. Mrs Rebecca Lacey joined the team in May 2007 as the secretary to the QIMR HREC and its two scientific subcommittees. The QIMR Human Research Committee (QIMR HREC) Executive approved 81% of minor protocol amendments between meetings. The QIMR Animal Ethics Committee (QIMR AEC) Executive approved 45% of minor protocol amendments out of session.
This assists researchers in avoiding delays in implementing modifications to approved protocols that may became necessary while research is in progress. Approximately 30% of QIMR HREC workload was associated with review of commercially sponsored clinical trials undertaken by Q-Pharm. To assist Q-Pharm in maintaining a competitive edge the QIMR HREC and the HREC secretariat consistently delivered excellent turnaround times: 94% of Q-Pharm projects submitted for review by the QIMR HREC were approved within 4-5 weeks from the time of submission and 55% of minor amendments to previously approved Q-Pharm trial protocols were executively approved between meetings. Four members of the QIMR AEC attended scientific meetings of the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching and the of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Laboratory Animal Science. Chairs of the QIMR AEC and the University of Queensland AEC facilitated the formation of the QLD AEC Chairs Group, an informal forum which meets several times per year to facilitate exchange of ideas to improve welfare of animals and to liaise with regulatory agencies.
Business Development The Business Development Office develops collaborations with biotech and pharmaceutical partners and academic organisations to translate QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s research findings into new treatments and better health outcomes. Business and commercialisation services provided include the identification of intellectual property and subsequent development and management of the portfolio, through to the negotiation of commercial contracts and licensing deals. The office also handles a substantial volume of Non Disclosure Agreements and Materials Transfer Agreements which facilitate technology transfer and are an integral part of the translational research process.
Intellectual Property
With a portfolio of 15 patent families, management of QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Intellectual Property is an important function of the office. Over the past year a significant portfolio inherited from the CRC for Vaccine Technology was incorporated. In all, the combined portfolio comprises 28 patent families with over 110 separate filings. During the same period, a number of new provisional patent applications were also filed. The current family of patents protect vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics.
Connecting to Industry
A major objective of the office is to introduce technologies developed at the institute to the marketplace so these innovations can benefit the public. This role involves finding the most appropriate home for each technology, and in doing so, working closely with inventors to identify potential commercial opportunities. Inventions are then marketed to companies best positioned to make these innovations commercial realities. Once a strong candidate for licensing is identified, a license agreement that works for both sides is negotiated to enable transfer of
During the year, the Business Office also attended Bio 2007 in Boston and AusBiotech 2006 at Sydney to promote QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facilities and research capacity to both the global and Australian biotechnology industry.
vaccine and immunotherapy opportunities including RPK-739, an immunotherapy for head and neck cancer; and RPK-8129, a therapeutic vaccine for HIV/AIDS. The company has passed critical milestones this year, including successful discussions with the FDA regarding the cGMP manufacture and safety of Kunjin-derived vaccine products.
Contract Research
Vaccine Solutions Pty Ltd
the technology. Two important new license agreements were negotiated during 2006-2007.
The BDO is also the point of contact for commercial contract research. Currently, the Institute has contracts with over 20 national and international biotechnology and pharamaceutical companies. Contract research carried out in QIMR has resulted in the discovery and development of cancer therapeutic agents and other commercial products.
Spin-off Companies Replikun Biotech Pty Limited
Specialist Australian vaccine player Replikun Biotech continued its push to commercialise the Kunjin Replicon technology for persistent vaccine development. Kunjin Replicons allow the design of selfamplifying vaccines that persist in cells, providing antigen expression over an extended period. The company has used the technology to build a pipeline of pre-clinical
Vaccine Solutions is a joint venture between the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) and CSL Limited, each of whom have equal shares. Vaccine Solutions was established by the CRC for Vaccine Technology to commercialise the intellectual property developed in CRC programs.
Adipogen Pty Ltd
Adipogen is a company that was established by the University of Queensland using intellectual property that was developed by staff of The University of Queensland and the Queensland Department of Health. The Queensland Institute of Medical Research manages the interests of Queensland Health in the commercialisation of the intellectual property and is a minor shareholder in Adipogen.
Business Office staff Gerald Haaima, Head and Janet Fox, Associate
Patents Patent Families managed by QIMR Patent Novel Molecules Immunogenic Agent and Pharmaceutical Composition for use against homologous and heterologous pathogens G-CSF Derivative for inducing immunological tolerance Helminth Antigen and Immunotherapy Polytope Vaccines Synthetic peptides and vaccines comprising the same Cytotoxic T-cell epitopes EBV CTL epitopes CTL epitopes from EBV EBV peptide epitopes, polyepitopes and delivery system therefor Novel hCMV cytotoxic T cell epitopes, polyepitopes, composition comprising same and diagnostic and prophylactic and therapeutics uses therefor Human cytomegalovirus immunotherapy Anchored MAP
Inventor Toni Antalis Michael Good
Number PCT/AU1995/00085 PCT/AU2004/00080
Geoff Hill Alex Loukas Andreas Suhrbier Michael Good Denis Moss Rajiv Khanna Scott Burrows Rajiv Khanna Rajiv Khanna
PCT/AU2004/00116 PCT/AU2006/00087 PCT/AU1995/00461 PCT/AU1995/00681 PCT/AU1995/00140 PCT/AU1997/00328 PCT/AU1998/00531 PCT/AU2003/01451 PCT/AU/2002/0089
Rajiv Khanna Istvan Toth
PCT/AU2005/00178 PCT/AU199347154
Inventor Catherine Hyland Andrew Boyd Andrew Boyd Andreas Suhrbier Andreas Suhrbier Alex Khromykh Andreas Suhrbier Andrew Boyd Johannes Prins Geoff Hill Denis Moss Michael Batzloff Chris Schmidt
Number PCT/AU1994/00506 USA 7,037,662 PCT/AU2004/000142 PCT/AU02/01598 PCT/AU2004/000752 PCT/AU98/00993 PCT/AU2006/000198 PCT/AU1999/00931 PCT/AU2005/000008 PCT/AU02/01512 PCT/AU2006/001854 US 10/706,275 PCT/EP2006/008533
Andrew Boyd
Patent Families managed outside QIMR Patent Detection of Genes Receptor Ligand System and Assay Modulation of Cell Adhesion and Tumour Cell Metastasis Flavivirus Vaccine Delivery System Flavivirus Replicon Packaging System Flavivirus Replicon Delivery System Flaviviral Replicon constructs for Tumour Therapy A Method for Treatment Differentiation modulating agents and uses therefore A Method of treatment and agents useful for same Treatment for EBV associated disease Vaccine Melanoma-Associated MHC Class 1 Associated Oligopeptide and its use A Novel Receptor-Type Tyrosine Kinase and use therefor
Patent Families resulting from contract research performed at QIMR Patent Use of angeloyl-substituted ingenones in combination with other agents to treat cancer Treatment of solid tumours Chaperonin 10 modulators of toll-like receptors inducible cytokine and cytokine secretion Therapeutic Agents I Therapeutic Agents II Therapeutic Agents III
Inventor Andreas Suhrbier
Number PCT/AU2006/001700
Andreas Suhrbier Andreas Suhrbier
PCT/AU2005/001827 PCT/AU2005/000041
Peter Parsons Peter Parsons Peter Parsons
PCT/AU2001/00679 PCT/AU2001/00680 PCT/AU2001/00678
Patent Families administered by QIMR as Trustee for the CRC for Vaccine Technology Patent T helper epitopes Antigen targeting Mannose Binding Lectin and Uses Thereof Expression of hydrophobic proteins Novel immunogenic lipopepties comprising T-helper and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope Novel immunogenic lipopeptides comprising T-helper and B-cell epitopes Truncated LHRH formulations Relay vaccine Immunogenic Molecules
Inventors David Jackson Andrew Lew Grace Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien Elizabeth Webb David Jackson
Number PCT/AU00/00070 PCT/AU02/00661 PCT AU03/00489 PCT/AU03/00910 PCT/AU03/01019
David Jackson
David Jackson Andrew Lew David Jackson
PCT/AU05/001383 US 11/004961 Provisional 2005900571
Development and Marketing Since its establishment in 1994, the Development and Marketing Department has gone from strength to strength in raising awareness and funds for QIMR. The Department is responsible for a wide range of activities including fundraising campaigns, public relations, public awareness programs, bequests and production of a range of marketing materials. QIMR scientists collaborate with colleagues nationally and internationally in their quests to find prevention methods for a wide range of diseases and conditions. Of equal importance however, is engaging QIMR with the wider community. The role of the Development and Marketing Department is to share the research progress with the community at large and inform them of advances in health and medical research. One of the fundamental activities of the Department is to disseminate research findings to numerous community groups and associations. This practice is undertaken primarily through external speaking presentations and providing tours of QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s laboratories and facilities. The Department continues to build valued relationships with individuals including Clive Berghofer and companies such as Suncorp, and is also now
fostering productive philanthropic relationships with a number of businesses and individuals in Hong Kong. Collaborative work with Hong Kong University, testing the use of immunotherapy to treat nasopharyngeal carcinoma, has increased awareness of QIMR within Asia and a number of important business people in the region have offered financial support to the initiative. These names, as well as those of many others, are honoured at the end of this publication. Their generosity contributes greatly to providing the resources needed to enhance QIMR research. A quarterly newsletter, LifeLab and no-cost media articles, are also vital in communicating QIMR research to donors and in generating significant donations to ensure that medical research continues. However, it is through face-toface activities that the breadth and scope of the research conducted at the Institute is best communicated. Since 1995, more than 10,000 people were educated about medical research and how this impacts on health, life and longevity via these community initiatives. QIMR receives support from a wide range of sources. There are people who attend the Development and Marketing Departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s various fund-raising events, those who
make donations or provide giftsin-kind, sponsors and word-ofmouth supporters who spread the word about QIMR through their networks. Finally there are those who are so impassioned about the work undertaken by QIMR that they see fit to leave provisions in their wills. QIMR exists as a vehicle to provide resources to scientists who are determined to make a change to the standard of public health both in Australia and overseas. The relationship the Department enjoys with its supporters is for mutual benefit â&#x20AC;&#x201C; QIMR requires their support to make research goals a reality while the results will ultimately be to the benefit of all. It is thanks to all these people that QIMR continues confidently on the path to medical discovery. The Department welcomed Mr Andrew van der Beek, their new Deputy Director in March 2007.
Australian and Chinese representatives at the Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Clinical Trial launched by Queensland Premier The Hon Peter Beattie in Hong Kong during May 2007
Official Committees 2006-2007 QIMR COUNCIL Sir Bruce Watson (Chair) Mr Paul Wright (Deputy Chair) Prof Bryan Campbell Prof Peter Brooks Mr Christopher Coyne Prof Judith Clements Mr Paul Fennelly Prof Lyn Griffiths Prof Alan Lopez Dr Paula Marlton Dr Jeannette Young Committees reporting to Council: Finance and Audit Committee Sir Bruce Watson (Chair) Prof Bryan Campbell Mr Bruce Phillips (to Dec 06) Mr Rod Wylie Appointments and Promotions Committee Prof Peter Brooks (Chair) Prof Graham Brown Prof Julie Campbell Prof Judith Clements Dr Andrew Cuthbertson Prof Lyn Griffiths Prof Alan Lopez Prof James McCluskey Prof Joe Trapani Prof Michael Good (ex officio) Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) Scientific Sub-Committee (AEC) Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) Dr Ian Wilkey (Chair) Dr Roger Allison Sr Regis Dunne Mr Angus Edmonds Ms Clare Endicott Ms Patricia Johnson Ms Claire Riethmuller Mr David Russell Dr Christopher Schmidt Dr Greg Lawrence Dr Katharine Trenholme (fr May 07) Dr Tom Sculley from May 2007 Mr Michael Staley (ex officio) to November 2006 Dr Stephen Clark (ex officio) from February 2007 Dr Agnieszka Mitchell (ex officio) Ms Jo Chow – Secretary
Scientific Sub-Committee (HREC) Dr Peter Parsons (Chair) Dr Ian Wilkey (Deputy Chair) Dr Greg Lawrence Dr Alex Loukas Dr Christopher Schmidt Ms Dixie Statham Dr Agnieszka Mitchell Dr Helen Leonard Dr Kadaba Sriprakash Dr Marion Woods Dr Susan Jordan Ms Donalee O’Brien – Secretary Clinical Trial Protocol Committee (CTPC) Dr Peter Roeser (Chair) Dr Jason Lickliter (Deputy Chair) Dr Agnieszka Mitchell Prof Andrew Boyd Dr Suzanne Elliott Dr Greg Lawrence A/Prof James McCarthy Prof Denis Moss Dr Michael Rudd Dr Christopher Schmidt Ms Allison McLean Dr Lesley Ross-Lee Dr Geoff Beadle Dr Michael Moore Ms Donalee O’Brien – Secretary Council Personnel Administration Committee Sir Bruce Watson (Chair) Ms Patricia McCormack Mr Rod Wylie Mr Paul Wright Committees reporting to the Director: Management Advisory Committee (MAC) (to August 06) Prof Michael Good (Chair) Prof Adèle Green Prof Andrew Boyd Prof Martin Lavin Prof Denis Moss Mr Michael Staley Dr Kum Kum Khanna A/Prof James McCarthy A/Prof Greg Anderson Ms Janelle Stirling Ms Nerida Fox – Secretary
Senior Executive Team (fr Nov 06) Prof Michael Good (Chair) Prof Adèle Green Prof Andrew Boyd Prof Martin Lavin Ms Michelle Lagana Dr Stephen Clark Dr Michele Sheumack Ms Nerida Fox - Secretary Biosafety Committee Dr Helen Leonard (Chair) Dr Glen Boyle (Deputy Chair) A/Prof Peter Upcroft Mr Paul Collins Dr Juan Cooper Dr Geoff Gobert Dr Therese Murphy (to Feb 07) Ms Michelle Down (fr Feb 07) Mr Michael Staley (to Oct 06) Dr Stephen Clark (fr Dec 06) Mr Alan Stockman Dr Christine Rzepczyk Mr Andrew King Prof Denis Moss Dr Michael Batzloff Mr Ron Buttenshaw Ms Jo Chow - Secretary Equipment Committee Prof Andrew Boyd (Chair) Dr Juan Cooper Ms Allison McLean Mr Chris Ward Dr Kum Kum Khanna (to Aug 06) A/Prof James McCarthy (to Aug 06) Prof Denis Moss (to Aug 06) Dr Amanda Spurdle (fr Aug 06) Dr Emma Whitelaw (fr Aug 06) Dr Chris Schmidt (fr Aug 06) Dr Geoff Hill (fr Aug 06) Higher Degrees Committee Dr Tom Sculley (Chair) Prof Michael Good Dr Nathan Subramaniam Dr Sergei Kozlov Dr Kevin Spring Dr Peter Ryan Dr Katherine Trenholme Dr Malcolm Jones Dr Kelli MacDonald Dr Sue Treloar Dr Margie Wright Dr Patricia Valery Dr Grant Montgomery Mr Matt Dixon
Ms Michelle Neller Ms Nicci Wayte Ms Simone Cross Prof Joy Cumming Dr Terry Walsh A/Prof Geoff Marks A/Prof Alan Lawson Dr Judith Greer Joint Consultative Committee Ms Nicole Green (Chair) Dr Grant Ramm Dr Penny Webb Dr David McMillan Prof Michael Good Mr Michael Staley (to Oct 06) Dr Stephen Clark (fr Dec 06) Dr Kum Kum Khanna Mr Paul Collins Ms Pauline Donnelly QPSU Representative QNU Representative Medical Advisory Board Prof Peter Brooks (Chair) Prof Andrew Boyd (Deputy Chair) Dr Paul Bartley Dr Geoff Beadle Dr Ian Bunce Dr Don Cameron Prof Adèle Green Prof Michael Good Dr Barbara Leggett Dr Joseph McCormack Dr Paul Sandstrom Dr Mark Smithers Dr John Varghese Dr Michael O’Rourke Mentoring Committee Dr Grant Ramm (Chair) Dr David Whiteman Dr Nick Hayward Dr Georgia Chenevix-Trench Dr Rajiv Khanna Scientific Advisory Board Prof Graham Brown (Chair) Prof Beth Newman Prof Nicos Nicola Prof Joe Trapani Seminars Committee Prof Martin Lavin (Chair) Prof Michael Good Dr Grant Montgomery Dr Katharine Trenholme (to May 07) Prof Emma Whitelaw (fr Jun 07) Dr Geoff Hill (fr Jun 07) 74 Ms Jann O’Keefe
Consumer and Community Participation Committee Prof Adèle Green (Chair) Dr Geoff Beadle Dr Amanda Spurdle Prof Denis Moss Ms Janelle Stirling Dr Glen Boyle Ms Simone Cross Ms Jann O’Keefe Ms Michelle Lagana Mr Felipe Beltran Dr Arne Mould Dr Darren Krause Dr Vicki Whitehall Ms Melina Georgousakis Mr Sri Shekar Committees reporting to the Chief Operating Officer: IT Committee Dr Tom Sculley (Chair) Mr Christopher Ward Mr Michael Staley (to Oct 06) Dr Stephen Clark (fr Dec 06) A/Prof Scott Burrows Mr Mark Feodoroff Ms Michelle Gatton Ms Heather Matthews Ms Nirmala Pandeya Prof Peter Upcroft Dr Nathan Subramaniam Dr David Smyth Dr Glen Boyle Mr Mark Spanevello Dr Nuri Gueven Dr Agnieszka Mitchell Dr Juan Cooper Ms Jann O’Keefe
QIMR TRUST Mr Paul Wright (Chair) Ms Jane Bell (fr Dec 06 to Jun 07) Mr John Garnsey Mr Ian Manly Mr Rod Wylie Mr Bruce Phillips Ms Margot de Groot Ms Patricia McCormack Ms Uschi Schreiber (fr Dec 06) Ms Jane Seawright Mr David Stirling (fr Dec 06) Committees reporting to Trust/ Council: Investment Committee Mr Rod Wylie (Chair) Ms Jane Bell (fr Feb to Jun 07) Mr Paul Wright Mr Ian Manly (to Feb 07) Mr Bruce Phillips Mr David Stirling (fr Feb 07) Marketing Committee Mr John Garnsey (Chair) Ms Margot de Groot Ms Jane Seawright Mr Ian Manly (fr Feb 07) Ms Michelle Lagana
Postgraduate Training QIMR offers an excellent environment for higher training in biomedical research at an international level through the quality of its scientists, its extensive network of international and national research collaborations, as well as outstanding research facilities and support services.
QIMR students from left: Teong Chuah, Kelly Landers, Stephen Earl and Anita Burgess
Postgraduate students embody an important part of the health and medical research efforts at QIMR. The Institute seeks to impart them with a solid grounding and advanced training in health and medical research for subsequent careers in Australia and internationally.
QIMR students from left: Janelle Hancock and Haran Sivakumaran
In the last year QIMR has admitted 36 new higher degree students and 45 visiting students. The student body at QIMR comprises 83 PhD, six Research Masters and seven Honours students. In addition to the cohort of postgraduate students working towards their higher degrees, the Institute has an active Summer Vacation Scholarship Program which enables undergraduate students to work in a research environment, to learn new techniques and to participate in a defined research project with supervision. QIMR also has a vibrant work experience program which enables local high school students in Year 11 and 12 to experience the inner workings of a Research Institute. While most of the students at QIMR are enrolled though The University of Queensland, with the traditionally strong links with both the Schools
travel award to conduct three months of research at the Marie Curie Research Institute in London.
of Medicine and Population Health, the Institute is increasingly receiving students from the Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University and the University of the Sunshine Coast. QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s postgraduate students have continued to make an impression in the wider scientific community this year and have received a number of significant accolades. These include; Simon Apte who received the Basil Shaw Fellowship from the Australian Rotary Health Research Fund; Alyson Ashe who was runner-up in the Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) Queensland Premierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Award Postgraduate Student category; Charlene Willis who received a Smart State Award from the Queensland Government; Tammy Maxwell who won an award for the best poster at the Brisbane Immunology Group meeting and Elke Hacker who won an ASMR
The Higher Degrees Committee (HDC) continues to oversee student activities at QIMR. As part of its charge, the committee evaluates students prior to their acceptance as candidates at the Institute, monitors student progress, provides education programs for students, establishes policy on student-related issues, and assesses applicants for travel awards, Honours scholarships and PhD top-up scholarships. With the increased emphasis on the timely completion of research higher degrees, the monitoring of student progress has become an ever more important activity and members of the HDC devote considerable time to the rigorous review of students during their study program. This year the HDC has undertaken over 30 reviews of students. Nathan Subramaniam, Chair HDC
Student Award Recipients
Simon Apte
Alyson Ashe
Enda Byrne
Melina Georgousakis
Elke Hacker
Susan Jordan
Elizabeth Leddy
Tammy Maxwell
Michelle Neller
Leisl Packer
David Raffelt
Najju Ranjit
Shahram Sadeghi
Meru Sheel
Charlene Willis
Student Awards Recipient
Simon Apte
Australian Rotary Health Research Fund
Basil Shaw Fellowship, Jan 2007
Queensland Premier’s Awards - Postgraduate Student category Runner Up, Jun 2006
International Congress of Human Genetics
Best Student Oral Presentation, Aug 2006
The Genome Conference
Promega Student Award, Feb 2007
UQ Scholarship
Endeavour IPRS Award, Jan 2007
UQILS (University of Queensland International Living Allowance Scholarship)
UQILAS, Jan 2007
Australian Twin Registry (ATR)
Research Travel Grant to attend the 20th International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, USA, Apr 2007
Travel Scholarship, Jun 2007
Government House
Invited lunch with governor of Queensland, Apr 2007
COSMOS Science Magazine
Young Scientist Profile Article, Apr 2007
Travel Award to conduct 3 months research at the Marie Curie Research Institute in London, Dec 2007
CJ Martin Training Fellowship, May 2007
Cure Cancer Australia
Finalist in predoctoral category of National Research Awards, Mar 2007
Honours Scholarship, Jul 2006
International Travel Award, Aug 2006
Professional Development Scholarship, Aug 2006
Brisbane Immunology Group
Best Poster, Aug 2006
Australasian Society for Immunology
Travel Bursary, Annual ASI Meeting, Dec 2006
Research and Travel Awards for Research at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, Sep 2006, Dec 2006, Jan 2007, Dec
Queensland Premier’s Awards - Postgraduate Student category Runner Up, Jan 2007
Dean’s Award for Excellence, Highest overall GPA in BApplSci/BIT Course, May 2007
ARC/NHMRC Research Network for Parasitology
Woods Hole Molecular Parasitology Course Award for fees and travel, Aug 2006
Cancer Council Queensland
QCF Travel Award to attend AACR Cancer Prevention Conference in Boston, Jul 2007
Meru Sheel
Research Capacity Building Award, Nov 2006
Charlene Willis
Queensland Government
Smart State Award, Jan 2007
Brendan Zietsch
Australian Twin Registry (ATR)
Research Travel Grant to attend the 20th International Workshop on Methodology of Twin and Family Studies, Boulder, USA, Jan 2007
Alyson Ashe
Enda Byrne
Melina Georgousakis
Elke Hacker
Susan Jordan Elizabeth Leddy Tammy Maxwell
Michelle Neller
Leisl Packer David Raffelt Najju Ranjit Shahram Sadeghi
Completed Students 2006-2007 Student
University* and QIMR Supervisor
PhD Carl Anderson Beben Benyamin Wendy Chung Mark Davies Tegan Don Shannon Duffy Elke Hacker Lisa Hall Paula Hawthorne Tammy Maxwell Allan McRae Melissa Merritt Luke Moertel Nathan Oates Leisl Packer Julia Pagan Laura Papp Tanya Russell
UE, PM Visscher UE, PM Visscher UQ, K Trenholme D Gardiner UQ, K Sriprakash, D McMillan UQ, A Loukas UQ, A Boyd UQ, G Walker, N Hayward UQ, A Green, R Neale UQ, D Gardiner QUT, JA Lopez UE, PM Visscher UQ, P Parsons CQU, D McManus, G Gobert US, E Whitelaw UQ, N Hayward UQ, KK Khanna GU, KK Khanna UQ, B Kay
Genetic analyses of age at onset traits Genetic analyses of quantitative traits in human twins Red Cell Polymorphisms and Plasmodium falciparum Genetic variation in Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis: Virulence profiling and lateral gene transfer Pore-forming and saposin-like proteins from the gut of blood-feeding helminths The role of the EphA1 receptor tyrosine kinase during embryogenesis and cancer The role of ultraviolet radiation in molecular pathways to melanoma The Association Between HPV, SK and SCC of the Skin Investigations of Ring Exported Proteins in Plasmodium falciparum Dendritic cell mRNA delivery strategies for ovarian cancer immunotherapy Quantitative genetics in complex pedigrees Ovarian cancer: gene expression patterns and aetiological factors Microarray analysis of the schistosome transcriptome
UQ, DL Duffy UQ, M Wright
Studies on the variation in DNA methylation in humans A functional genomics approach to understanding melanoma development Functional characterisation of BcoR-L1, a novel co-repressor protein Multiple levels of regulation of SECIS-binding protein 2 Biologically-based insecticides for mosquito control and environmental conservation in south-east Queensland Genetics of Type 2 hyperaldosteronism Genetic and environmental sources of covariation among cognitive abilities
UQ, M Lavin
Composition and enzymatic activities of ATM
QUT, P Valery, K Sriprakash, J Stirling
A study of Group B Streptococcus in Brisbane: The epidemiology, detection by PCR Assay and serovar prevalence Functional consequences of disease causing mutations of hemojuvelin
Jennifer McCarron
QUT, N Subramaniam QUT, A Boyd
Tim MacDonald
GU, K Andrews
Chris Peatey Neil Raffelt
UQ, K Trenholme UQ, D Gardiner
Albertina So Mark Wainwright MLit Masroor Shariff MAppSci Karen Taylor BSc(Hns) Elizabeth Leddy
BApplSci Hons David Raffelt Diploma Guillaume Bach
Involvement of the Eph/ephrin signalling system and ADAM proteases in prostate cancer Investigation of Plasmodium falciparum aspartic proteases and aspartic protease inhibitors Commitment to gametocytogenesis in Plasmodium falciparum Investigation of the membrane Alanyl Aminopeptidase involved in regulating the pool of amino acids in Plasmodium falciparum
QUT, G Anderson
Expression and function of the iron regulatory protein hemojuvelin in muscle
ULP, JA Lopez
IL12- Secretion by dendritic cells: Influence of genetic polymorphisms and impact on cancer immunotherapy
* CQU = Central Queensland University, GU = Griffith University, QUT = Queensland University of Technology, UE = University of Edinburgh, ULP = UniversitĂŠ Louis Pasteur, France, UM = The University of Melbourne, UQ = The University of Queensland, US = University of Sydney
Education Program A considerable part of QIMR’s science education program focuses on stimulating, attracting, training and mentoring students in their progression towards a career in science. Students are engaged at three critical stages: at senior high school in biology, physics and chemistry, as undergraduate science or medicine students, and during their postgraduate science or medical degree. This year, the Institute continued a partnership with the Queensland Biotechnology Education Network (QBEN) group of senior biology teachers providing professional development that translates to science classrooms. Encouraged by the Queensland Department of Education and Peter Andrews, Chief Scientist of Queensland a partnership is being formed in the US with similar teacher/student science development programs (BioQuest, SBRI). This is supported by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Queensland Government with Washington State to share and develop biotechnology at all levels. Continued interaction with a bioresource cooperative, the Queensland Washington Advancement Group (QWAG) aims to form practical links and share resources both locally and internationally. QIMR is
in the process of compiling a comprehensive science-related resource directory, Life Science Education Advancement Partnership (LEAP), for teachers in Queensland. 350 senior biology students and their teachers attended the Institute’s biannual High School seminars held in the Westpac auditorium in October 2006 and July 2007. The October lectures were open to senior and subsenior classes. A third workshop in the series “Hands-on-Science: Application to health and disease” teacher- and -assistant professional development was held in the EBV Molecular Biology Laboratory of QIMR. Other education activities with high school groups include tours of QIMR by physics, chemistry and biology students and the High School Work Experience program which has almost doubled in number since 2004.
Many postgraduate students and postdocs are increasingly participating in science outreach within and outside of QIMR by visiting schools to give presentations, mentor biology students and interact with them during school science fairs. These activities meet the NHMRC requirement for community and consumer participation by science institutions.
“I’m in year 11 at Mt. Alvernia College and I recently attended one of the high school seminar days run by QIMR. I really enjoyed the day as I am really interested in science and medical research and I found all of the topics fascinating, especially the genetic epidemiology as being one of triplets, I am actually part of one of the studies.”
Awards Derrick-Mackerras Memorial Lecture Each year, an eminent person is invited to deliver the Derrick-Mackerras Memorial Lecture, named after the Founding Director and the Founding Deputy Director of QIMR. As Founder and Chairman of the national depression initiative beyondblue, Mr Jeff Kennett delivered the lecture for 2006, Presenting other QIMR Awards on the evening was Queensland Health Minister The Hon Stephen Robinson. Edward Derrick
Ian Mackerras
Mr Jeff Kennett delivers the 2006 Derrick-Macherras Memorial Lecture
Queensland Minister for Health, The Honourable Stephen Robinson
Mr Jeff Kennett
Advocacy can change priorities
Dr Stephen L. Hoffman
Rationale and plans for moving from modern genomics, immunology, and molecular biology to basic parasitology and entomology to develop an effective Malaria vaccine
Dr James Watson
B2B – from bone to B cells
Professor Bob Williamson
Human genes and cloning people: The medical realities and the public fears
Professor Fiona Stanley
Public health, human rights and the development of civil societies. What has health and medical research got to do with social justice?
Sir Gustav Nossal
The genomics revolution to prove a new model for Spaceship Earth
John M Vierling MD
Human organ transplantation in the new millennium: Understanding and controlling the immune response
Professor Frank Fenner
Disease eradication and bioterrorism: Opposite ends of a public health spectrum
Dr Lois “Lowitja” O’Donoghue
Indigenous health: Monitoring the vital signs
Professor Peter Doherty
Killer cells and the control of viral infections
Professor Bridget M Ogilvie
The support of medical research: People, programs and policies
Professor C Thomas Caskey
Genetics and the future
Dr Baruch Blumberg
Evolution, sex and the Hepatitis B virus
Professor M Ferguson-Smith
Modern genetics research and its consequences for society
Professor J J Owen
Life and death of cells in the immune system: Implications for susceptibility to infections and disorders of the immune response
Professor Chev Kidson
Genes, galaxies and ghosts! Science, medicine and the future of man
Paul Ehrlich
Ecology and the human future: Ecosystems health and public health
The Honourable Mike Ahern
Overview of the history of the struggles and the successes in the development of science and technology policy in Queensland
Dr Louis H Miller
Parasites and mankind: The challenge of Malaria in human history
Dr Steven Jay Gould
Evolution beyond Darwin
Dr Robyn Williams
The future of medicine: Five nightmares
Dr Carleton Gajdusek
Unravelling causes of human disease: Lessons from adventures in East Asia and the Western Pacific
Professor Ralph Doherty
Major contributions by Australians to medical science
QIMR Bancroft Medallists 2006
2001 2000
Phillip Desbrow (dec) William O’Sullivan Lawrie Powell, Tom Veivers
The name Bancroft is synonymous with excellence in scientific and medical endeavour and is an enduring memorial to the family whose efforts did so much to shape the direction of biomedical scholarship in Queensland.
Michael Barry, Kay Ellem, IanTaylor
Michael O’Rourke
Bancroft Medallists
Peter Doherty, Paul Korner, Stephen Lynch
No Awards
The QIMR Bancroft Medal is awarded to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the Institute. This year, two medals were bestowed – one to the Chief Operating Officer, Mr Michael Staley and the other to the Health and Safety Officer, Dr Helen Leonard.
Ted Brown
Mervyn Eadie, Ian Wilkey, Bryan Emmerson
Graham Mitchell
Michael Alpers, Rod Wylie
Chamlong Harinasuta, Chev Kidson, Peter Livingstone No Awards
2006: Michael Staley, Helen Leonard 2005: Mark Weaver 2004: Sue Cassidy 2003: Peter Parsons, Suzanne Elliott, Mrs Beth Dawe, Mrs Verien Conley 2002: Christine Borthwick, Peter Upcroft 2001: Erin Fleay, Heather Matthews 2000: Brian Kay, Alan Stockman Christopher Ward 1999: Sullivan and Nicolaides, QML 1997: Michelle Lagana 1996: Lee Casey
Other QIMR Awards
1990 1989
Sir Edward Sterwart, Tao Yixun
Mike Ahern, Sir Gustav Nossal, Neville McCarthy, Des O’Callaghan (posth), Frank Schofield
No Awards
Sir Bruce Watson AC, Natth Bhamarapravati, Sir Eric Saint, Louis Miller, Robert Shope
Neville Davis, Robert Porter, Brian Wilson
No Awards
QIMR Fellows
Douglas Gordon, Elizabeth Marks, Sir Anthony Epstein
Outstanding individuals are named as Fellows of the Institute each year. This year, the Award went to Mr David Lyons.
Carleton Gajdusek, David Henderson, Owen Powell, Julie Sulianti Saroso, Edwin Westaway, Vincent Zigas
Mr David Lyons
Paul Wright, John Kerr
Peter Wills
Bryan Campbell, Sam Coco, Clive Berghofer
Sir McFarlane Burnet (dec) Ralph Doherty, Eric French, Frank Fenner, Douglas Lee, Sir Abraham Fryberg, Margaret Macgregor, Aubrey Pye (dec), William Reeves, John Spent, Harry Standfast, George Taylor, John Tonge
A number of other important QIMR Awards are given each year. The prestigious Ralph Doherty Science Prize for outstanding achievement and leadership in medical research went to Dr Alex Loukas. Both Dr Jacquline Upcroft and Dr Scott Burrows received Long Service Awards following 20 years at the Institution. A special Humanitarian Award initiated this year, was presented to three individuals – Kath Rose, Roy Prosser and Dean Duncan.
Diana Cavaye (dec) Sister Regis Mary Dunne
Mr Michael Staley (above) and Dr Helen Leonard (below) receive their Bancroft Medals from Queensland Minister for Health, The Honourable Stephen Robinson
Other Awards Assoc Prof Scott Burrows
Long Service Award, Oct 2006 Senior Research Fellowship, Oct 2006
Dr Georgia Chenevix-Trench
Human Genetics Society of Australia
Sutherland Oration, Aug 2006
Dr Qin Cheng
Queenslander of the Year Finalist, Jun 2007
Dr Suyinn Chong
Australian Society for Medical Research
Qld Premier’s Award for Medical Research – Senior Postdoctoral Scientist, Jun 2007
Dr Sarah-Jane Cozzi
Young Investigator Award, Oct 2006
Christian Engwerda
Faculty of Medicine, J. J. Strossmayer Univeristy, Osijek, Croatia
Visiting Professor, May 2007
Dr Katja Fischer
International Symposium on Proteinase Inhibitors and Biological control
Poster Award, Jun 2007
NHMRC American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Appointed Chair, NHMRC (Australia), Jun 2006 Appointed Honorary Member, Nov 2006
Professor Michael Good, Dr Michael Batzloff, Dr Michelle Wykes and Dr Manisha Pandey
National Heart Foundation
2006 Ross Hohnen Award for Research Excellence – Most outstanding and innovative grant, Apr 2007
Ms Sonia Greco
QLD Gastroenterology Society
Young Investigator Award Finalist, Jun 2007
Ms Narelle Hansell
Travel Award to attend and present at BGA Amsterdam and ISTS Ghent, Mar 2007
Assoc Prof Alejandro López
Adjunct Associate Professor, Jun 2006
Ralph Doherty QIMR Prize for leadership and excellence in medical research, Oct 2006 Bancroft-Mackerras medal for contributions to parasitology research, Jul 2006
Professor Michael Good
Dr Alex Loukas
Dr Malcolm Jones
Australian Society for Parasitology
Elected President of Society, Jul 2007
Dr Stuart McGregor
Queensland Premier’s Award/ASMR
ASMR Research Week Postdoctoral Award Finalist, Jun 2007
Professor Anne Kelso
Australian Government
Officer of the Order of Australia, Jun 2007
Dr Helen Leonard
Bancroft Medal, Oct 2006
Dr Michelle Luciano
Australian Twin Registry (ATR) QIMR
Research Travel Grant to attend and present at BGA Amsterdam, Jan 2007 and ISTS Ghent, Feb 2007
World Health Organisation
Re-elected Member of WHO Steering Committee on Schistosomiasis, Jan 2007 Editorial Board Membership, Jan 2007 Editorial Board Membership, Feb 2007 Editorial Board Membership, May 2007
Professor Don McManus
Australian Society for Parasitology
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Molecular and Cellular Probes The Open Parasitology Journal
Dr Dale Nyholt
Queensland Premier’s Award/ASMR
ASMR Research Week Senior Post-doctoral Award, June 2007
Dr Alberto Pinzon-Charry
NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship, Nov 2006
Assoc Prof Grant Ramm
International BioIron Society
Elected to Board of Directors, Sep 2006
Mr Ingunn Ramsnes
QLD Gastroenterology Society
Young Investigator Award Finalist, Jun 2007
Dr Wayne Schroder
Toll Like Receptor (TLR) Conference 2007
Poster Prize, May 2007
Ms Josephine Shera
Aust-India Biotech Conference
Best Poster Prize, May 2007
Research Career Development Award, Oct 2006 QCF Travel Award to attend Conference in Boston, USA, Apr 2007 Qld Premier’s Award for Medical Research Finalist, Jun 2007
Dr Kevin Spring
Queensland Premier’s Award/ASMR Mr Michael Staley
Bancroft Medal, Oct 2006
Dr Mai Tran
Fulbright Society ARC/NHMRC Research Network for Parasitology
Fulbright 1 yr Postdoc fellowship in USA, Mar 2007 Six weeks Travel Award to USA, Feb 2007
Dr Sue Treloar
Travel Award to attend and present at ISTS Ghent, Feb 2007
Dr Jacqueline Upcroft
Long Service Award, Oct 2006
Professor Emma Whitelaw
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
Institute Medal for contribution to the Institute, Jun 2006
Dr Naomi Wray
Australian Twin Registry (ATR) QIMR
Research Travel Grant to attend and present at ISPG, Cagliari, Italy, Jul/Aug 2006
NHMRC Queensland Health and Medical Research Conference European Association for the Study of the Liver Biochemical Society, UK
NHMRC RD Wright Fellowship, Jan 2007 Best presentation Basic Research Section, Nov 2006
Cancer Council Queensland
Senior Research Fellowship, Jan 2007
Dr Daniel Wallace
Dr Joanne Young
Young Investigator Bursary to attend Conference, Apr 2007 Travel Award, Apr 2007
Dr Alex Loukas (left) receives the Ralph Doherty Science Prize and Dr Jacquline Upcroft (centre) and Assoc Prof Scott Burrows (bottom) receve Long Service Awards from the Queensland Minister for Health, The Hon Stephen Robinson
Grants and Funding NHMRC Grants Awarded (Excluding Equipment Grants, Fellowships and Scholarships)
Calendar Year : Project Grants - Standard Project Grants - Genomics Program Grants Transitional Institute Grant (TIG) Transitional Block Grant (TBG) Development Grants International Collaborative Grants
NHMRC Fellowships and Scholarships Awarded Calendar Year : Postgraduate Scholarships Training Fellowships Career Development Awards Research Fellowships
Major New Grants Awarded 2006-2007 (over $100,000) Source ACH2 ARC
Chief Investigators and Project Title HARRICH D : “Towards novel inhibitors of Tat-enhanced reverse transcription.” VISSCHER P, GODDARD M : “Maximising knowledge from dense SNP data using multii-locus analysis.” (Administered by The University of Queensland) GANDHI M, GILL D : “Immuno-regulatory and viral biomarkers as tools to assist clinical outcome in patients with EBV-positive lymphomas.” WALKER G : Molecular markers for UVR-induced melanoma development.” SPRING K, LEGGETT B, YOUNG G : “Oncogenic BRAF and serrated neoplastic pathway to colorectal cancer.” TONKS I, KAY G : “The role of pocket proteins in melanocyte homeostasis and transformation to melanoma.” HILL G : “Rationalizing anti-TNF therapy in stem cell transplantation.” GARDINER R et al. : “A randomised vaccine trial of men at very high risk of metastases following radical prostatectomy.” MACDONALD G et al. : “Clinical measures of obesity and risk of Barrett’s oesophagus.” SRIPRAKASH K et al. : “A shield and sword approach to control streptococcal infections.” HILL G, MACDONALD K : “Understanding how stem cell transplantation cures leukaemia.” GOOD M, PANDEY M, BATZLOFF M, WYKES M : “Evaluation of the protective potential of J8-specific T and B cells in protection against Streptococcus pyogenes infection.” OLIVE C, GOOD M, TOTH I, GUZMAN C : “The development of a novel and totally synthetic broad-spectrum Group A streptococcal vaccine to prevent rheumatic heart disease.” BOYLE G, PARSONS P, STRUTTON G : “A lineage-specific pathway for progression of melanoma.” BURROWS S, SILINS S : “The genetics governing the specificity of T cell receptors for peptide-MHC.” GREEN A, WILLIAMS G, NEALE R, van der POLS J, VALERY P : “20 year study of skin cancer in a Queensland community.” JONES M, LOUKAS A, McMANUS D : “Transport pathways of hostderived iron in schistosome parasites.” LOUKAS A, JONES M : “Roles of tetraspanins in the schistosome tegument,” MARTIN N, JAMES M, VISSCHER P, EAVES L : “Genotype X environment interaction for depression.” McMANUS D, GOBERT G, BRINDLEY P : “Transcriptome profiling of the human pathogen Schistosoma japonicum.” NYHOLT D, MONTGOMERY G : “Association screen of high priority positional candidate genes for migraine.” SPURDLE A, GRIMMOND S, BROWN M, CLARKE C : “Evaluation of unclassified variants of BRCA1 and BRCA2 using a multifactorial approach.” SUHRBIER A, DARNELL G : “Serpin-B2 is an inducible host factor involved in enhancing HIV-1 transcription and replication.”
Total Funds or QIMR Component of Funds
1 yr
3 yrs
2 yrs
2 yrs
2 yrs
2 yrs
3 yrs 2 yrs
2007-09 2007-08
$275,766 $156,000
2 yrs
3 yrs
1 yr
2 yrs
2 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
2 yrs
3 yrs
3 yrs
SUHRBIER A, DARNELL G : “New insights into the function of serpinB2.” WHITEHALL V, LEGGETT B : “The CpG island methylator phenotype in colorectal cancer - pathways and precursors.” WHITEMAN D, GREEN A : “Exploring the causal pathways to cutaneous melanoma.” WYKES M, GOOD M, PIERCE S : “Malaria and long term immunity.” YOUNG J, JASS J : “Studies of genetic predisposition to develop serrated neoplasia in the colorectum.” LAVIN M, GUEVEN N : “Senataxin, a novel protein involved in the DNA damage response. (Administered by The University of Queensland) LAVIN M, MASCI P, de JERSEY J : “Evaluation of factor Va from the venom of the Australian Brown snake as a topical and systemic antibleeding agent.” (Administered by The University of Queensland) HAYWARD N : Genetic and environmental risk factors for melanoma: translation into behavioural change.” NEALE R et al. : “Case-control study of genetic and environmental risk factors for pancreatic carcinoma.” WHITELAW M, GORMAN J : “Deciphering post-translational codes of the dioxin receptor.” (Administered University of Adelaide; QIMR Investigator: J GORMAN) CHENEVIX-TRENCH G, LAKHANI S, KHANNA K : “Beyond BRCA1 and BRCA2: pathways to breast cancer.” MONTGOMERY G : “Identifying susceptibility genes for endometriosis.” KYLE D : “Artemisinin-induced dormancy and malaria treatment failure.” (Administered by University of South Florida; QIMR Investigator: Q CHENG) JAMES M : “Genetic variation in microRNA targets in candidate genes for mental disorders.” WRIGHT M : “Genetic influences on the brain: A twin imaging study.” YOUNG J : “Genetics of serrated neoplasia.” GOOD M : “Purchase of an HPLC-Mass Spectrometer for drug discovery and development.” LEWINDON P, RAMM G : “The utility of serum markers in the diagnosis of Biliary Atresia.” LOUKAS A : Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative.”
3 yrs
3 yrs
5 yrs
3 yrs 3 yrs
2007-09 2007-09
$342,750 $296,750
3 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
3 yrs
5 yrs
4 yrs
2 yrs
3 yrs
5 yrs
3 yrs 1 yr
2007-10 2007
US$909,665 $100,000
3 yrs
4 yrs
1 yr
Publications Adams Y, Freeman C, Schwartz-Albiez R, Ferro V, Parish CR and Andrews KT. Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth in vitro and adhesion to chondroitin-4-sulfate A by the heparan sulfate mimetic PI-88 and other sulfated oligosaccharides. Antimicrob Agents chemother 50: 2850-2, 2006 Adams Y, Schwartz-Albiez R, McCarthy JS and Andrews KT. Effect of cytokine treatment on the in vitro expression of P. falciparum adhesion receptors chondroitin-4-sulphate on the surface of human choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells. Parasitol Res 101: 479-83, 2007 Agrawal A, Lynskey MT, Bucholz KK, Martin NG, Madden PA and Heath AC. Contrasting models of genetic comorbidity for cannabis and other illicit drugs in adult Australian twins. Psychol Med 37: 49-60, 2007 Anderson GJ, Darshan D, Wilkins SJ and Frazer DM. Regulation of systemic iron homeostasis: How the body responds to changes in iron demand. Biometals 20: 665-74, 2007 Andrews KT, Gatton ML, SkinnerAdams TS, McCarthy JS and Gardiner DL. HIV-malaria interactions: don’t forget the drugs. Science 315: 1791, 2007 Archbold JK, Macdonald WA, Miles JJ, Brennan RM, Kjer-Nielsen L, McCluskey J, Burrows SR, and Rossjohn J. Alloreactivity between disparate cognate and allogeneic pMHC-I complexes is the result of highly focused, peptide-dependent structural mimicry. J Biol Chem 281: 34324-32, 2006 Ashe A and Whitelaw E. Another role for RNA: a messenger across generations. Trends Genet 23: 8-10, 2007 Auliff A, Wilson DW, Russell B, Gao Q, Chen N, Anh le N, Maquire J, Bell D, O’Neil MT and Cheng Q. Amino acid mutations in Plasmodium vivax DHFR and DHPS from several geographical regions and susceptibility to antifolate drugs. AM J Trop Med Hyg 75: 617-21, 2006 Baker, J, McCarthy, J, Gatton, M, Lee, N, Bell, D, Peters, J and Cheng, Q. Rapid diagnostic tests for malaria: are they sufficiently reliable? ADF Health 8: 12-7, 2007
Balen J, Zhao ZY, Williams GM, McManus DP, Raso G, Utzinger J, Zhou J and Li YS. Prevalence, intensity and associated morbidity of Schistosoma japonicum infection in the Dongting Lake region, China. Bull World Health Organ 85: 519–26, 2007 Balen J, Stothard JR, Kabatereine NB, Tukahebwa EM, Kazibwe F, Whawell S, Webster JP, Utzinger J and Fenwick A. Morbidity due to Schistosoma mansoni: an epidemiological assessment of distended abdomen syndrome in Ugandan school children with observations before and 1-year after anthelminthic chemotherapy. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 100: 1039-48, 2006 Bartley PB, Ramm GA, Jones MK, Ruddell RG, Li YS and McManus DP. A contributory role for activated hepatic stellate cells in the dynamics of Schistosoma japonicum egg-induced fibrosis. Int J Parasitol 36: 993-1001, 2006 Bates TC, Castles A, Luciano M, Wright MJ, Coltheart M and Martin NG. Genetic and environmental bases of reading and spelling: a unified genetic dual route model. Reading and Writing 20: 147-71, 2007 Bates TC, Luciano M, Castles A, Coltheart M, Wright MJ and Martin NG. Replication of reported linkages for dyslexia and spelling and suggestive evidence for novel regions on chromosomes 4 and 17. Eur J Hum Genet 15: 194-203, 2007 Batzloff MR, Hartas J, Zeng W, Jackson DC and Good MF. Intranasal vaccination with a lipopeptide containing a conformationally constrained conserved minimal peptide, a universal T-cell epitope, and a selfadjuvanting lipid protects mice from group A streptococcus challenge and reduces throat colonization. J Infect Dis 194: 325-30, 2006 Batzloff MR, Pandey M, Olive C and Good MF. Advances in potential M-protein peptide-based vaccines for preventing rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. Immunol Res 35: 233-48, 2006 Beattie L, Engwerda CR, Wykes M and Good MF. CD8+ T lymphocytemediated loss of marginal metallophilic macrophages following infection with Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi AS. J Immunol 177: 2518-26, 2006
Becherel OJ, Gueven N, Birrell GW, Schreiber V, Suraweera A, Jakob B, Taucher-Scholz G and Lavin MF. Nucleolar localization of aprataxin is dependent on interaction with nucleolin and on active ribosomal DNA transcription. Hum Mol Genet 15: 223949, 2006 Beeson JG, Andrews KT, Boyle M, Duffy MF, Choong EK, Byrne TJ, Chesson JM, Lawson AM and Chai W. Structural basis for binding of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 to chondroitin sulfate and placental tissue and the influence of protein polymorphisms on binding specificity. J Biol Chem 282: 22426-36, 2007 Belluoccio D, Wilson R, Thornton DJ, Wallis TP, Gorman JJ and Bateman JF. Proteomic analysis of mouse growth plate cartilage. Proteomics 24: 6549-53, 2006 Bensemain F, Chapuis J, Tian J, Shi J, Thaker U, Lendon C, Iwatsubo T, Amouyel P, Mann D and Lambert JC. Association study of the Ubiquilin gene with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol Dis 22: 691-3, 2006 Benyamin B, Deary IJ and Visscher PM. Precision and bias of a normal finite mixture distribution model to analyse twin data when zygosity is unknown: simulations and application to IQ phenotypes on a large number of twin pairs. Behav Genet 36: 935-46, 2006 Benyamin B, Martin IC, Cheung CC, Buckley MF, Thomson PC, Visscher PM and Moran C. Bodyweight QTL on mouse chromosomes 4 and 11 by selective genotyping: regression v. maximum likelihood. Aust J Exp Agric 47: 677-82, 2007 Beraldi D, McRae A, Gratten J, Slate J, Visscher PM and Pemberton JM. Mapping quantitative trait Loci underlying fitness-related traits in a freeliving sheep population. Evolution Int J Org Evolution 61: 1403-16, 2007 Beraldi D, McRae AF, Gratten J, Pilkington JG, Slate J, Visscher PM and Pemberton JM. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of resistance to strongyles and coccidia in the free-living Soay sheep (Ovis aries). Int J Parasitol 37: 121-9, 2007
Bernstein JL, Teraoka S, Southey MC, Jenkins MA, Andrulis IL, Knight JA, John EM, Lapinski R, Wolitzer AL, Whittemore AS, West D, Seminara D, Olson ER, Spurdle AB, ChenevixTrench G, Giles GG, Hopper JL and Concannon P. Population-based estimates of breast cancer risks associated with the ATM gene variants 7271T>G and c.1066-6T>G(IVS106T>G) from the Breast Cancer Family Registry. Hum Mutat 27: 1122-8, 2006 Bethony JM, Loukas A, Hotez PJ and Knox DP. Vaccines against bloodfeeding nematodes of humans and livestock. Parasitology 133 Suppl: S6379, Review, 2006 Bierut LJ, Madden PA, Breslau N, Johnson EO, Hatsukami D, Pomerleau OF, Swan GE, Rutter J, Bertelsen S, Fox L, Fugman D, Goate AM, Hinrichs AL, Konvicka K, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Saccone NL, Saccone SF, Wang JC, Chase GA, Rice JP and Ballinger DG. Novel genes identified in a high-density genome wide association study for nicotine dependence. Hum Mol Genet 16: 2435, 2007 Birrell GW, Earl ST, Wallis TP, Masci PP, de Jersey J, Gorman JJ and Lavin MF. The diversity of bioactive proteins in Australian Snake Venoms. Mol Cell Proteomics 6: 973-86, 2007 Brennan RM, Miles JJ, Silins SL, Bell, MJ, Burrows JM and Burrows SR. Predictable {alpha} {beta} Tcell receptor selection toward an HLA-B*3501-restricted, human cytomegalovirus epitope. J Virol 81: 7269-73, 2007 Brookes MJ, Hughes S, Turner FE, Reynolds G, Sharma N, Ismail T, Berx G, McKie AT, Hotchin N, Anderson GJ, Iqbal T and Tselepis C. Modulation of iron transport proteins in human colorectal carcinogenesis. Gut 55: 144960, 2006 Bruno T, De Nicola F, Iezzi S, Lecis D, D’Angelo C, Di Padova M, Corbi N, Dimiziani L, Zannini L, Jekimovs C, Scarsella M, Porrello A, Chersi A, Crescenzi M, Leonetti C, Khanna KK, Soddu S, Floridi A, Passananti C, Delia D and Fanciulli M. Che-1 phosphorylation by ATM/ATR and CHK2 kinase activates p53 transcription and G2/M checkpoint. Cancer Cell 10: 47386, 2006
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Willis C, Fischer K, Walton SF, Currie BJ and Kemp DJ. Scabies mite inactivated serine protease paralogues are present both internally in the mite gut and externally in faeces. Am J Trop Med Hyg 75: 683-7, 2006 Wood IA, Visscher PM and Mengersen KL. Classification based upon gene expression data: bias and precision of error rates. Bioinformatics 23: 1363-70, 2007 Wray NR, James MR, Mah SP, Nelson M, Andrews G, Sullivan PF, Montgomery GW, Bieley AJ, Braun A and Martin NG. Anxiety and comorbid measures associated with PLXNA2. Arch Gen Psychiatry 64:318-26, 2007 Wykes M and Good MF. A case for whole-parasite malaria vaccines. Int J Parasitol 37: 705-12, 2007 Wykes M, Keighley C, Pinzon-Charry A and Good MF. Dendritic cell biology during malaria. Cell Microbiol 9: 300-5, 2007 Wykes M, Pinzon-Charry A and Good MF. Immunological impediments to developing a blood stage malaria vaccine. Curr Immunol Rev 2: 371-6, 2006 Yang YR, Craig PS, Ito A, Vuitton DA, Giraudoux P, Sun T, Williams GM, Huang Z, Li Z, Wang Y, Teng J, Y Li, Huang L, Wen H, Jones MK and McManus DP. A correlative study of ultrasound with serology in an area in China co-endemic for human alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Trop Med Int Health 12: 637-46, 2007 Yoonim N, Olive C, Pruksachatkunakorn C and
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Invited Lectures and Presentations
Professor Emma Whitelaw Dr Nuri Gueven Dr Geoff Hill Dr Geoff Birrell Dr Katja Fischer Dr Allison McLean
Dr Alex Loukas Assoc Prof Scott Burrows Dr Kellie MacDonald
Assoc Prof Greg Anderson The global regulation of iron homeostasis in mammals: the roles of heme and relevance to heme acquisition Regulation of systemic iron homeostasis: how the body responds to changes in iron demand Pathways of hepatic iron metabolism Mechanisms of iron loading and toxicity Coordinating body iron homeostasis: interactions between the liver, gut and other organs Dr Kathy Andrews P. falciparum histone deacetylases: enzymes involved in gene regulation as new antimalarial drug targets Dr Michael Batzloff A conserved region peptide derived from the M-protein of streptococcus pyogenes can induce protection in a mice model when administered mucosally A mucosally-administered peptide derived from the conserved region of the M-protein of streptococcus pyogenes can induce protection in a mice model when formulated with the lipid Pam2Cys Dr Adriana Baz Generation of multipotential memory CD8+ T cells Dr Geoffrey Beadle Cognitive research in breast cancer Dr Georgia Chenevix-Trench Sutherland Oration Using population genetics to understand the behaviour of genes involved in DNA repair The role of inherited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 in ovarian cancer Dr Qin Cheng Diversity in HRP2 and its effect on RDT performance Antigenic variation and its effect on RDT performance Dr Suyinn Chong Sex chromosome instability in the mouse Dr David Duffy Genetic analysis Dr Christian Engwerda Balancing immunity and pathology in experimental cerebral malaria Balancing immunity and pathology in experimental visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani The role of dendritic cells in immunity and pathology during infectious diseases Dr Katja Fischer Arthropods and Human Health - Scabies Specificities and functions of scabies mite active and inactivated serine protease paralogues
Gordon Research Conference. Chemistry and Biology of Tetrapyrroles, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, Jul 2006 Biometals 2006 Fifth International Biometals Symposium, Welches, Oregon, USA, Aug 2006 Asia Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, Kyoto, Japan, Mar 2007 World Congress on Iron Metabolism - Bioiron 2007, Kyoto, Japan, Apr 2007 Centre for Metals in Biology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Apr 2007 Institute for Glycomics Seminar Series, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Mar 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM), Gold Coast, Jul 2006 Brisbane Immunology Group (BIG) Annual Retreat, Gold Coast, Aug 2006
Pasteur Institute of Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay, May 2007 Wesley Clinical Week - Wesley Hospital, Auchenflower, Nov 2006 International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Aug 2006 Australian Health and Medical Research, Melbourne, Nov 2006 ANZ Gynaecology Oncology Group, Noosa, Mar 2007
Australian Red Cross Blood Services, Brisbane, Jul 2006 55th Annual Meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, USA, Nov 2006 Queensland Premierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Awards, Brisbane, May 2007 Genetic Analysis Workshop, Seoul, Korea, Dec 2006 Division of Immunology, John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU, Canberra, Aug 2006 Department of Tropical and Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK Nov 2006 Department of Biology, York University, York, UK, Nov 2006 Faculty of Medicine, J. J. Strossmayer Univeristy, Osijek, Croatia, May 2007 School of Integrative Biology, UQ, Brisbane, Mar 2007 4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 ACVD Inaugural Symposium; Vaccines and Immunotherapies, Brisbane, May 2007
Dr Maher Gandhi Growing EBV-specific T-cells EBV-targeted therapies for lymphoma Allogeneic EBV-specific T-cell therapy Post-Transplant Lympho-proliferative Disorders Professor Michael Good Encouraging medical students to undertake research Toward development of a vaccine to prevent group A streptococcus infection and rheumatic fever Careers in Science Malaria Welcome Address Challenges for malaria vaccine development Professor Jeff Gorman Post-Translational Regulation of Signal Activated Transcription Factors Professor Adèle Green 24-7 and a research career Research Career Development Prevention of Cancers of the Skin Sunscreens and actinic keratoses Dr David Harrich Molecular analysis of early steps during cell infection. HIV-1 TAR RNA: a regulator of Multiple steps in HIV-1 replication. Investigations of Tat-enhanced reverse transcription: Towards a Tat –RT Inhibitor. Dr Nicholas Hayward Melanoma genetics: progress towards identifying the repertoire of high penetrance and low penetrance predisposition genes Integrative functional genomics of melanoma Pathways to melanoma: lessons from mouse models Dr Geoff Hill Enhancing GVL effects through donor NKT cell activation after allogeneic SCT. Flow cytometry and iNKT cells in Transplantation Prospects for improving GVL effects post transplant. Emerging concepts in GVHD and GVL. iNKT cell – APC interactions in anti-leukaemic responses after transplantation. American Society of Hematology 2006 update. Dr Tim Hurst Mosquito control in Australia Contemporary mosquito control
International Society for Cellular Therapy, Sydney, Jun 2007 Prince Charles Hospital, Grand Rounds, Brisbane, Jun 2007 Haematology Oncology Targeted Therapies Symposium, Sydney, May 2007 Princess Alexandra Hospital, Renal Rounds, Brisbane, Aug 2007 RBWH Health Care Symposium, Brisbane, Oct 2006 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA, Nov 2006 Mt St Michael’s College Foundation Father Daughter Breakfast, Brisbane, Feb 2007 Travel Bugs Public Seminar, QIMR, Mar 2007 4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 Address to Hamilton Rotary Club, QIMR, Brisbane, Jun 2007 Pediatrics Harvard Medical School,Division of Respiratory Diseases, Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA, Mar 2007 Women In Science Career Progression Workshop, Brisbane, Jul 2006 UQ Centre for Diabetes and Endocrine Research, Brisbane, Aug 2006 11th World Congress on Cancers of the Skin, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun 2006 EDEN Symposium on Actinic Keratoses, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun 2006 McGill University, The Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Montreal, Canada, Jul 2006 Australian Society for Microbiology, Gold Coast, Jul 2006 Australian Society for HIV Medicine, Melbourne, Oct 2006
Combio 2006, Brisbane, Sep 2006
4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine, Brisbane, Dec 2006 11th Congress of the Asia Pacific Bone Marrow Transplantation, Nagoya, Japan, Oct 2006 International Society of Cellular Therapy, Sydney, Jun 2007 Haematology Society of Australia and NZ Annual Meeting, Hobart, Oct 2006 Haematology Society of NZ Annual Meeting, Christchurch, NZ, May 2007 The Australian Health and Medical Research Congress, Melbourne, Nov 2006 Amgen update lecture, Melbourne, Feb 2007 4th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, St Augustine, Florida, USA, Mar 2007 Federation of Asian and Oceania Pest Managers Associations PestCert Training Course, Redcliffe, Jul 2006 Mosquito Control Association of Australia MOZ01 Training Course, Gold Coast, Oct 2006
Dr Jason Jeffery Mosquito morphology, biology and vector status Dr Malcolm Jones How do schistosomes escape from their hosts in Ten things you didn’t know about parasites Professor Brian Kay 1) Dengue and water; 2) Water resources, disease and social upheaval Effective partnerships with the travel industry for early warning and containment of disease threats Professor Anne Kelso Vaccine development in a Cooperative Research Centre: challenges and opportunities Development of cytolytic function in T cells The CRC for Vaccine Technology, with the benefit of hindsight Dr Norbert Kienzle Deviation of tumour immunity by interleukin 4 Choices in cellular differentiation, a microscopic and macroscopic perspective Choices in the cellular differentiation of CD8 T cells Dr Kum Kum Khanna Evolutionary conserved Single Stranded DNA binding protein critical for maintenance of genomic stability Assoc Prof Rajiv Khanna Technology Transfer: Vaccine, Diagnostic and Therapeutics Immunotherapeutic Strategies for EBV-associated Malignancies Infection of immunocompromised patients with EBV and tumourgenesis Immunogenomics Session Chair Immune response in transplanted or immunocompromised patients, immunotherapy perspective Translating virus immunology from bench to Bedside: Sommonium Anemadeverto Adoptive immunotherapy in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Ms Tessa Knox Contemporary surveillance methodologies for dengue vectors Professor Sunil Lakhani LCIS versus DCIS Mimics of malignancy Molecular path of breast cancer Arrays and basal cancers Professor Martin Lavin Involvement of novel autophosphorylation in ATM activation Ataxia-telangiectasia as a model system for the development of countermeasures against radiation (oxidative) damage DNA damage response: A barrier to malignancy and neurodegeneration
Mosquito Control Association of Australia MOZ01 Training course, Gold Coast, Oct 2006 Australian Society for Parasitology Conference, Gold Coast, Jul 2006
Workshop on Health Impact Assessment in Dengue, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jul 2006 Joint International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Malaria and Asia Pacific Society of Travel Health, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov 2006 AusBiotech 2006 National Biotechnology Conference, Sydney, Nov 2006 Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, , Melbourne, May 2007 Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Apr 2007 Max-Delbrueck-Centrum, Berlin, Germany, Aug 2006 QIMR Immunology Seminar Series, Brisbane, Mar 2007 Immunet 2007 Meeting, Wellington, NZ, Jun 2007 12th International workshop on ataxia-telangiectasia and ATM, Banff Spring, Canada, Sep 2006 Annual Scientific meeting of Australian Society for Microbiology, Gold Coast, Jul 2006 6th International Conference on Progress in Vaccination Against Cancer, Granada, Spain, Sep 2006 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia’s Pathology Update 2007,Sydney, Mar 2007 4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 11th International CMV and Betaherpes Virus Workshop, Toulouse, France, May 2007 The Westmead Millennium Institute, Sydney, May 2007 International Society of Cell Therapy Meeting, Sydney, Jun 2007 Contemporary surveillance methodologies for dengue vectors
XX International Congress of the InternationaI Academy of Pathology, Sept 2006 InternationaI Academy of Pathology, Sydney, Jun 2007 12th International Workshop on A-T and ATM, Banff, Canada, Sep 2006 UCLA Symposium on Countermeasures against Radiation Damage, Riverside, California, USA, Oct 2006 1st Australia-China Biomedical Research Conference, Melbourne, Feb 2007
ATM, the gene defective in ataxia-telangiectasia plays a central role in DNA damage response DNA damage-induced signalling in Ataxia-telangiectasia and related syndromes Professor Barbara Leggett Pathways of tumourigenesis in colorectal cancer The diagnosis and management of HNPCC – from bench to bedside and back again Prevalence and significance of sessile serrated adenomas Dr Corinne Lendon Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders Assoc Prof Alejandro López A Growing Hope for Breast Cancer: Dendritic Cells Dendritic Cells and Breast Cancer. The Road Ahead. Dr Alex Loukas Helminths – friend or foe? Vaccines against blood-feeding hookworms Human helminths – genes, vaccines and cancer Recombinant vaccines for human helminths Professor Nick Martin Genes and Intelligence Genes for alcohol metabolism and alcohol dependence Genotype x environment interaction for risk of depression Linkage analysis for migraine What do we know about the genetics of depression? New results in gene mapping Genetics of Personality and Cognition in Adolescents Hunting QTLs The Search for the Genes Behind Anxious Depression Finding genes for common diseases – Valedictory Lecture Are methylation patterns heritable Twin family studies of moliness, a major melanoma risk factor Genome wide linkage and associated studies for nevus density Dr Kelli MacDonald G-CSF induces regulatory T cells via the induction of IL-10 from non-haematopoietic tissue. Dendritic cell biology, state of the art in 2006. Assoc Prof James McCarthy Rapid diagnostic Tests for diagnosis of Malaria
4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 10th International Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation, Wolfsberg, Switzerland, May 2007 Combio2006, Brisbane, Sep 2006 RBWH Pathology Grand Rounds, Brisbane, Mar 2007 Townsville Gut Club, Townsville, Jun 2007 National Health Service Mental Health Consultants, Birmingham, UK, Jul 2006 and UQ, Brisbane, Oct 2006 Australian Health and Medical Research Congress, Melbourne, Nov 2006 Inaugural Symposium of the Australian Centre for Vaccine Development (ACVD), Brisbane, 2007 Bancroft Mackerras Medal oration of the Australian Society for Parasitology Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Jul 2006 Keynote address for International Congress of Parasitology, Glasgow, UK Sandler Program in Parasitic Diseases, UCSF, San Francisco, USA, Apr 2007 Australian Centre for Vaccine Development, Brisbane, May 2007 11th International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Aug 2006 ISBRA 2006 World Congress on Alcohol Research, Sydney, Sep 2006 XIV World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG), Cagliari, Italy, Oct 2006 GenomEUtwin Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Paris, France, Nov 2006 Australasian Society of Psychiatric Research Annual Meeting (ASPR), Sydney, Dec 2006 GenomEUtwin Scientific Meeting, Rome, Italy, Dec 2006 American Psychopathology Association 97th Annual Meeting, New York, USA, Mar 2007 20th International Workshop on Methodology of Twin & Family Studies, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Mar 2007 Royal ANZ College of Psychiatry Annual Conference, Gold Coast, May 2007 4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 Behavior Genetics Association 37th Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun 2007 12th International Congress of Twin Studies, Ghent, Belgium, Jun 2007 GenoMEL – the Melonoma Genetics Consortium – Annual Meeting, Lund, Sweden, Jun 2007 European Bone Marrow Transplant Society Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, Apr 2007 Brisbane Immunology Group Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Aug 2006 Australian Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting, Gold Coast, Jul 2006
Dr Stuart McGregor Genetic association analysis Genome-wide association analysis using DNA pooling Statistical methods for gene mapping Professor Don McManus Sustainable control of schistosomiasis in China Schistosome infections in humans and livestock in China
Dr David McMillan Unlocking the secrets of streptococci Dr Grant Montgomery Identifying susceptibility genes in complex genetic traits Gene mapping studies in endometriosis families Novel variants in human GDF9 in mothers of dizygotic twins Mapping genes for common human diseases Genetic marker analysis in common and rare cases of twinning Professor Denis Moss Are we reaching a clinical application era after 40 years of basic EBV research? Immunotherapeutic options for EBV-associated disease Treatment options for nasopharyngeal carcinoma Emerging Challenges in Translation How close are we to treating NPC with a patient’s own immune cells? Dr Peter O’Rourke Statistical issues in grant applications Professor Lawrie Powell New aspects of haemochromatosis Iron overload in the Asian-Pacific region Assoc Prof Grant Ramm Iron and fibrosis Dr Richard Ruddell From hepatic injury to regeneration: The role of the misunderstood hepatic stellate cell Dr Peter Ryan Partnerships in dengue control in Vietnam Dr Chris Schmidt Determinants of clinical response to DC-based immunotherapy Cancer Immunotherapy: a response model The Australasian Biospecimen Network DC trials for melanoma and prostate cancer
Genetics for Epidemiology Workshop, Melbourne, Sep 2006 Indo-Australian Conference on Human Variations and Pharmacogenomics, Manipal, India, Mar 2007 AMBeR Scientific meeting, Canberra, Apr 2007 11th International Congress of Parasitology, Glasgow, UK, Aug 2006 Animal Health Research: Recent Developments and Future Directions, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK, Jan 2007 Meeting of the Queensland Branch of ASM, North Stradbroke Island, Oct 2006 Monash Institute of Medical Research Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Jul 2006 11th International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Aug 2006 8th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis, Hong Kong, Sept 2006 New Zealand Molecular Mapping Meeting, Palmerston North, NZ, Oct 2006 12th International Congress of Twin Studies, Belgium, Jun 2007
Henle Lecture, International EBV Scientific Meeting, Boston, USA, Sep 2006 Australian Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Jul 2006 Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Surgery Conference, Brisbane, Jul 2007 Australian Centre for Vaccine Development, Brisbane, May 2007 Australian and New Zealand Society for Otorhinogology, Gold Coast, Aug 2006 RBWH Grand Rounds, Brisbane, May 2007 Children’s Hospital of Oakland Research Institute, California, USA, Nov 2006 Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver, Kyoto, Japan, Mar 2007 World Congress on Iron Metabolism - BioIron 2007, Kyoto, Japan, Apr 2007 Griffith University, Brisbane, Sep 2006
Queensland Vietnam Partnership for Development Forum, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Mar 2007 Max Delbrück Centre, Berlin, Germany, Feb 2007 Royal Society for Medicine, London, UK, Feb 2007 Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research, Brisbane, Jun 2007 MMRI 9th Annual DC Symposium, Brisbane, Jun 2007
Update on melanoma research in Australia An immunological insight into effective dendritic cell immunotherapy of metastatic melanoma Dr Peter Simpson Molecular pathology of breast cancer Dr Amanda Spurdle Evaluation of unclassified variants of BRCA1 and BRCA2 – multifactorial likelihood analysis, functional analysis or global expression assays? Assoc Prof Kabada Sriprakash Group A streptococcus and host innate immunity Lateral genetic transfers in Streptococci Unlocking the secrets of streptococci Dr Nathan Subramaniam Non-HFE Haemochromatosis in the Asia-Pacific Region Dr Hau Phuc Tran Relationship between dengue vector abundance, household water storage practices and new water supply infrastructure in Southern Vietnam Dr Mai Tran Tetraspanins – new vaccine candidates for schistosomiasis Dr Sue Treloar Genetics for epidemiologists and epidemiology for geneticists Generalisability of twin studies Genetics for epidemiologists and epidemiology for geneticists (with Dr Grant Montgomery) Dr Peter Visscher The genetics of gene expression Dr Daniel Wallace Non-HFE haemochromatosis: genetic, molecular and cellular studies Dr Penny Webb Molecular epidemiology Dr Vicki Whitehall Colorectal cancer – pathways and precursors Bowel cancer – prevention to cure Bowel cancer awareness Molecular pathways to colorectal cancer Hereditary vs sporadic microsatellite unstable colorectal cancers – Molecular testing to improve patient management Pathways of colorectal tumourigenesis Professor Emma Whitelaw Epigenetics of mental health Epigenetics, a way of studying the environmental history of a complex organism Epigenetics and complex disease The role of epigenetics in human disease
Skin Cancer Conference 2007, Gold Coast, Mar 2007 9th International Conference- Dendritic cells, Edinburgh, UK, Dec 2006 School of Pharmacy, UQ, Brisbane, May 2007 Genetic Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, May 2007
Australian Society for Microbiology, Gold Coast, Jul 2006 GS Medical College, Mumbai, India, Sep 2006 Meeting of the Queensland Branch of ASM, North Stradbroke Island, Oct 2006 Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association for the Study of The Liver, Kyoto, Japan, Mar 2007 Workshop on Health Impact Assessment in Dengue, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Jul 2006
Queensland Premier’s Awards for Medical Research Finals ATR & AMBeR Workshop University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Sep 2006 Twins and Child Health Research seminar, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Apr 2007 Information seminar for Endometriosis Association (QLD) Inc, Brisbane Private Hospital, Brisbane, Mar 2007 Gordon Research Conference in Quantitative Genetics & Genomics 2007, Ventura, California, USA, Apr 2007 Fremantle Hospital, University of Western Australia, Perth, Jun 2007
QUT Undergraduates, QUT, Brisbane, May 2007 RBWH Medical Grand Rounds, Brisbane, Jul 2006 Cleveland Rotary Club, Brisbane, Feb 2007 Redlands Rotary Bowel Screen Launch, Brisbane, Feb 2007 Mater Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Mar 2007 RBWH Pathology Grand Rounds, Brisbane, Mar 2007
John Hopkins, Baltimore, USA, Apr 2007 ConnectingMinds conference, Brisbane, Aug 2006 John Curtin School of Medical Research, Canberra, Aug 2006 International Congress on Obesity, Sydney, Sept 2006 Embryo DownUnder, Gold Coast, Aug 2006
An ENU screen for modifiers of epigenetic reprogramming
The role of epigenetics in complex disease Epigenetics Dr David Whiteman Obesity, smoking and acid (fat, fags and acid). A triad of risks for cancers of the oesophagus
Risk factors for cancers of the oesophagus: Early results from the Australian Cancer Study. Divergent causal pathways to cutaneous melanoma Recent developments in skin cancer research Genetics and epidemiology: has the marriage been fruitful Sunlight, skin cancer and melanoma Modifiers of epigenetic reprogramming Dr Joanne Young Genetics of Serrated Neoplasia in the colorectum Serrated Neoplasia update Serrated pathway in familial cancer Dr Michelle Wykes Immunological Impediments to developing a blood stage malaria vaccine Malaria infection ablates immunological memory Malaria vs Immunity Co-Chair of Immunogenomics session
International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Aug 2006 2nd International X-inactivation meeting, Paris, France, Sep 2006 Gene expression and Chromatin Symposium, NZ, Sep 2006 The Genome Conference, Lorne, Feb 2007 Twin and Child Health Research, Melbourne, Apr 2007 Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007 Griffith Medical College retreat, Brisbane, Nov 2006 Human Genome Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2007 British Columbia Cancer Registry, Vancouver, USA, Sept 2006 US National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA, Ict 2006 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA, Oct 2006 Perth Epidemiology Group Annual Conf, Perth, May 2007 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington Cancer Consortium, Seattle, USA, Sep 2006 Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA, Oct 2006 Skin Cancer Conference 2007, Gold Coast, Mar 2007 Perth Epidemiology Group Annual Conference, Perth, May 2007 Western Australian Dept of Health, Perth, May 2007 Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney, Jun 2007 International Congress of Human Genetics, Brisbane, Aug 2006 National Cancer Institute Colon CFR, Seattle, Washington, USA, Feb 2007 Griffith University Post-Graduate Seminar Series, Brisbane, Jul 2007 International Symposium on Therapies for Parasitic Diseases, Gold Coast, July 2006 Australian society of Immunology, Auckland, NZ, Dec 2006 Mater Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, May 2007 4th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane, May 2007
Trust Report I am proud to say that this is my seventh year as Chairman of The Queensland Institute of Medical Research Trust. In that time the advances made by our dedicated group of scientists have been nothing short of remarkable.
Mr Paul Wright AM Chair
QIMR is one of Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest medical research institutes, with more than 700 scientists researching 30 diseases and conditions, including most forms of cancer, clinical diseases, indigenous health, mental health and tropical and infectious diseases. While QIMR is based in Brisbane, the extent of our research impacts on and provides pathways to people throughout Australia and communities globally. For example, the introduction of the human immunotherapy cancer trials project into China, an innovative use of a non-invasive and nontoxic therapy. This treatment was officially launched by the Premier of Queensland in Hong Kong in May 2007 to the international media and communities at large. This announcement was the culmination of 30 years of research specialising in the virus (EBV - the direct catalyst of this nose and throat cancer) which has a major impact on people, including children, of Asian descent and is the fourth biggest cancer killer in China. Through a collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Vietnam, QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dengue control programs have now been expanded to include activities in four provinces in southern part of that country. QIMR scientists and community health workers in Long An and Hau Giang provinces have reduced dengue mosquito numbers by more than 98% and protected some 35,000 people from dengue. Sustainability evaluations of QIMRâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s earlier project sites in northern Vietnam have found that these interventions are cost effective models for dengue control in rural areas in Vietnam.
In total, these programs have now protected 498,000 people from dengue. Our work in Asia has been highly rewarding and our successes have also opened a wealth of new opportunities for QIMR to form relationaships with new research and philanthropic partners alike. Locally, our partnerships with individuals like Mr Clive Berghofer and companies like Suncorp are testimony to the generosity of the people and businesses in Queensland. In addition, recognition and support from such esteemed partners gives due credit to the extraordinary work being undertaken in our laboratories. I greatly enjoy every opportunity I have to visit QIMR. The enthusiasm and passion exhibited by our proud team of intrepid scientists whose dedication is leading to dramatic changes in public health globally, always fills me with a sense of pride. I know that our many supporters share that pride - and it is your donations and support that inspire our scientists to find vaccines, treatments and diagnostic tests to enable better health and longer lives for us all. QIMR is greatly indebted to our many friends who are listed on pages 114-120 of this report, who through individual contributions, fundraising events and bequests have assisted our scientists in the daily battle to defeat disease. We offer our sincerest thanks to each and every one of you. Finally I must extend special thanks to those of you who give willingly of your time and inspiration to guide the future of QIMR and in particular my fellow Trust members. I hope you will all join with me in continuing to work with and support the brilliant minds and passionate hearts at QIMR in the future. Paul Wright AM Chairman
QIMR Trust Members 2006-2007 Mr Paul Wright AM FAIM F Fin FAICD (Chairman, QIMR Trust and Deputy Chairman, QIMR Council)
Paul has combined banking, health, hospitality and consulting into a career which has encompassed over twenty-five years in senior executive management with a breadth and depth in leadership roles. He has been General Manager Queensland and Northern Territory of Medical Benefits Fund of Australia Limited and provided executive services as General Manager to The Brisbane Club. Paul has also been a company director for more than twenty years and has served as Chairman/President of The Australian Institute of Management and The Royal Flying Doctor Service. He is currently the Deputy Chairman of The Queensland Institute of Medical Research Council, Phoenix Eagle Company Pty Ltd, BSES Limited and is serving a second term as Chairman of The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section). Other current Board appointments include PQ Lifestyles Pty Ltd and Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers Limited.
Ms Jane Bell (December 2006 to June 2007)
Jane Bell is a banking and finance lawyer with over 20 years experience in financial services and corporate treasury operations gained living in Melbourne, London, Toronto, San Francisco and Brisbane. She currently works as a Solicitor at Coles Group Limited and serves on various boards. Jane holds a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Economics and Master of Laws (London). During her time on the Trust Jane was a member of the QIMR Investment Committee.
Ms Jane Bell
Mrs Margot de Groot LLB GradDip (Legal Practice)
Margot de Groot is the Managing Partner of de Groots Wills and Estate Lawyers, a Notary Public and former Director of Energex Retail Pty Ltd and Queensland Law Foundation Limited. Mrs de Groot is a member of the QIMR Marketing Committee.
Mrs Margot de Groot
Mr John Garnsey FAIA (Dip)
The Trust benefits immeasurably from Mr John Garnseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s accomplishments in strategic marketing and his knowledge of both national and international advertising campaign development. He is former Chairman and Managing Director of Garnsey Clemenger Advertising Agency and past Chairman of the Advertising Federation of Australia. Mr Garnsey chairs the QIMR Marketing Committee.
Mr John Garnsey
Mr Ian Manly MBA FAIM
Ian Manly has extensive experience in business management and corporate development. He is the Managing Director of First 5 Minutes Pty Ltd, a company providing fire and emergency procedures and training to the property industry throughout Australia. Mr Manly is a member of the QIMR Marketing Committee.
Mr Ian Manly
Ms Patricia McCormack BA (Psych and IR)
Patricia McCormack is a highly regarded People Management professional with extensive experience in all facets of Human Resource Management. She established People Focus in 2002 with the aim of providing HR services specialising in organisation development and human resources management. Ms McCormack is a member of the QIMR Personal Administration Committee.
Mrs Patricia McCormack
Mr Bruce Phillips Dip COM (to December 2006)
Bruce Phillips has extensive experience in the field of investment advice with some 40 years of active involvement in the Securities Industry. He is a former member of the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd, a past Chairman of the Brisbane Stock Exchange and is a Fellow of The Securities Institute of Australia. He has been a Director of The Bank of Queensland Limited since November 1996 and is a consultant to ABN AMRO Morgans Limited. Mr Phillips is a member of the QIMR Investment Committee
Mr Bruce Phillips
Ms Ushi Schreiber (From December 2006)
As Director-General of Queensland Health, Uschi Schreiber is responsible for the effective administration of a budget of $7.1 billion per annum and for the strategic and corporate directions of the Department. She also leads a large scale reform process focussing on quality and safety, service improvement and significant culture change. As Director-General, Ms Schreiber provides senior advice on major policy issues to the Minister for Health.
Ms Ushi Schreiber
Prior to her appointment in July 2005, Ms Schreiber was in senior roles in the Queensland Government, including Deputy Director-General and Cabinet Secretary in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
Ms Jane Seawright BA LLB(Hons) MBus (Marketing)
Jane Seawright is a lawyer with extensive experience in marketing and strategy. She established a freelance marketing consultancy, Seawright Consulting, in 2000, and held the position of Independent Chair of the Queensland Furnishing Industry Superannuation Trust for 13 years. She is presently Special Counsel in the Corporate & Financial Services team at Phillips Fox, and is also a Law Society-accredited mediator and registered adjudicator, pursuant to the Building & Construction Industry Payments Act 2004. Jane Seawright is a member of the QIMR Marketing Committee. Ms Jane Seawright
Mr David Stirling
David Stirling has had extensive commercial experience over the past 40 years in the areas of Banking, Merchant Banking & Investments. Before joining the QIMR Trust Board, David was Managing Director of a financial services firm and a Partner of an international Chartered Accounting firm. He has been a member of a considerable number of professional organizations including the Institute of Engineers, Commercial Law Association, Institute of Chartered Accounts affiliate, F.P.A. ,Securities Institute of Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. David is a member of the QIMR Investment Committee.â&#x20AC;? David is a member of the QIMR Investment Committee.
Mr David Stirling
Mr Rodney Wylie OBE B Comm BA FCA FAICD
Rod Wylie is a Brisbane-based Chartered Accountant with substantial experience in investment, company management and corporate governance issues across a wide range of organisations, in many cases with nationwide and international activities. He has been involved through Board/Council membership in the administration of a number of professional and community non-profit groups. Mr Wylie chairs the QIMR Investment Committee and is a member of the QIMR Finance and Audit Committee and QIMR Personnel Administration Committee. Mr Rodney Wylie
Donors to the Institute 2006-2007 Visionary (over $50,000)
AMAQ VMO Committee Blackburne Developments Pty Ltd Cheng Yu Tung Foundation De Groots Wills & Estate Lawyers Jeteld Pty Ltd Lee, Irene Oriental Daily News Charitable Fund Owton - Dr Chow Stacks & Gray Murphy Suncorp Metway The Iris Welham Estate
Platinum Friend Supporter ($20,000-$49,999) ANZ Trustees BT Investment Management Pty Ltd Cheng, Patrick Clipsal Australia Pty Ltd Fok Ho Yi Wah Eliza Hayes, Kevin & Elsie Hui, Cindy Kan, Billy Lau, Linda Mitchell, Ivan Perpetual Trustees Pong, Edward Poon Dak Bong Daniel Public Trustee of Queensland Thynne & Macartney Solicitors and Notaries Trust Company of Australia Ltd Tung, Benson Wallace Davies Solicitors Witchery Yeung Tien Yuen
Benefactor ($10,000-$19,999)
Clayton Utz Foundation Clinton, Ern & Sue Coles, Mary Dagg, Arthur & Frances English, John & Dora Fitton Charity Stallion Tender Gow, Helen Happy Face Cent Auction High Fashion Charitable Foundation Limited Jennings, Noel Macquarie Bank Foundation McIntyre, Doug & Elva NOVA 106.9 Parker, Peg Rotary Club of Kowloon Smiley, James Spaceframe Buildings Pty Ltd Stanton, Anne Stevenson, Barry Stewart, Jim Suncoast Social Dancers Association The Workforce of The Burdekin Pipeline Project Theodore Unmack Lodge No. 60 Thiess Pty Ltd
Gold Friend Supporter ($5,000-$9,999)
ABC Learning Centres Ackerie, S All British Classic Car Club Aylward, J Bachelor Auction 2007 Barrett, J Broad, R & J Comino, G & M Cowlishaw, D O Currie & Brown (Australia) Daniel, H & J Efron Family Foundation Ltd Esklaw Pty Ltd Francis, G D & I A Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd Gates, J Gibson, M J Hancock, R Hicks, B Hornibrook Bus Lines Indooroopilly Golf Club Ladies Committee Investment Flexiplus Mortgage Jak Pty Ltd John Goss Projects Pty Ltd Jordan, J & H J McKay, B Miller, K Mullen, C Murray Fox Golf Day Parmalat Reid, T & K Reuben Pelerman Benevolent Foundation Rotary Club of Noosa Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association Tattersallâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s Club The Breast Cancer Association of Queensland Inc The Cory Charitable Foundation The Domain Residents Association Thomas, J Watson, B & L Wylie, R
Silver Friend Supporter ($1,000-$4,999)
4BC Aarts, M Action Shopfitters Pty Ltd Acton CMA, C Adam, G Adolph Hertzberg Lodge No. 225 U.G.L.Q. All German Day All Sydney Auto Radiators Allan Langer Clothing Company Pty Ltd Argent, D J & S M Austin, S Axiom Human Resources Aztec Coffee Co 145 Eagle Street Baird, D & N Bambrick Investments Pty Ltd
Bank of Queensland Barnett, L R Bauer, I J BB Capital Finance BCI Duells Lawers Blackwell, E & J Blake, C Bosher, E Bowden, C & J M Brady, K Brenley Jarrett Insurance Services Pty Ltd Brisbane Lions Built (QLD) Pty Ltd Burtenshaw-Smith, K CAF Community Fund Calash Pty Ltd T/as Surepower Callow, M Cameron, I Campbell, T Chermside Meals on Wheels Inc Chiverall, C Clayton Utz Cognos Pty Ltd Connelly, W Constable, E A Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers Corish, C Cottell, P J & A C Cox, C Cox, G & E Craft Group - Chancellor Park Retirement Village Crawford Curnow, R B D & F Plumbing Pty Ltd Dahl, D Davies, T Day, N de Groot, M Development Consultants International QLD Downing Teal Pty Ltd Doyle, E Duckwitz, G & L EDS Loan Centre Fairholme College Fairweather, F Farrell, S Fisher Adams Kelly Formula Interiors Fowles Auction Group Pty Ltd Fursman, N Gabba Collision Repairs Centre Gaythwaite, W GHD Pty Ltd Gilshenan & Luton Lawyers GIO Insurance Glamuzina, L Gold, K & G Grigg, B Group Administration Australia Pty Ltd Hair Raising Challenge Hale, J A Hallett, K & M Hamill, L Hancock, A B Hardworx Pty Ltd
Harris, S & J Heck, B & P Henselien, K Herron, K & J Hill, K Holmes, D Horwath Brisbane Howe, R A Hughes, M Hume, B & P Huybers, E F Hyper Car Wash Independent Fire Systems Pty Ltd Inside Mobile Pty Ltd Intech Pty Ltd Interact Club - Toowoomba Grammar School Interface Floor Investa Property Group Jacob, E Jamie Myer Fight Promotions Johnstone, P Jones Lang LaSalle JS McMillan Pty Ltd Jurd, J W Kedron Wavell Ladies Auxiliary Kreis, B Ladies in Business Luncheon Lam & Yau, S & Y Lauder, J & P Laurentian Pty Ltd Leahy, G Leighton Properties Lendal Pty Ltd Lendich, V & A Leonard, C & S Lincolne & Colley, J & S Lions Club of Brisbane Macgregor Loughnan, A & J Loveday, D Lovell, W T & N B Low, H Macquarie Financial Services Group Magoffin, G Maher, P Marrable, H Marsh Pty Ltd Martin, K Maryborough City Council Masel, A Masel, M Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd McDonald, C & Family McDonald, K McDonalds Family Restaurant Bracken Ridge McFadden, A McGarvey, B & T McIntosh, J McLarens Young International Medcalf, S Meehan, A M MFS Diversified Group Minter Ellison Mt Coolum Golf Club Mt Sullivan and Co Mulder Investments Pty Ltd
Nambour Golf Club Inc. National Seniors Association - Cleveland National Seniors Association - Redcliffe Nichols, M J & P M Noel Matthew Insurance & Financial Services Pty Ltd Nous Company Pty Ltd Ohye, J & B Opiat, R P & C Bramley Transport Pty Ltd Paradise Point Bowls Club Inc Peacock, R L Perel, I D Perpetual Investment Management Peter J Fitzhenry Coach Painting Pty Ltd Peter Senior Australian Golf Tours Petrie, M Phillips, S Pisasale, P Pollock, J Polyplas Pty Ltd Potter, P Potts, J G & P M P Prescott, K J & R Pressler Pty Ltd Price, J B Purcell, P Queensland Rail Queensland Sawmills Pty Ltd Quest Community Newspapers Quinn, D Quota International of Beenleigh Inc Ranbury Management Group Rawson, J Redman, J Reed, F C Reinvention Roberts, H Robinson, B Robinson, D Roslin Builders Pty Ltd Rotary Club of Blackwater Rotary Club of Brisbane Mid-City Inc Rotary Club of Burleigh Heads Inc Rowen, M Rowland, P R Russell Pastoral Company - Jimbour Wines Rutherford, L G Ryan & Bosscher Lawyers S Clinton Family Trust Sanderson, P W Schramm, M Schwarz, N Seton College Sexton, K Siganto, W Silhouette Smash Repairs Services Pty Ltd Sinclair Knight Merz Sit Down Comedy Productions Pty Ltd Slaughter, J Smart, D Smith, S SMS Management & Tech Southport Worker‘s Club Stacy Investments Pty Ltd
Steadfast Stendrup, S & K Stoney, H M Sullivan, J Sunnybank Masonic Lodge No 264 UGLQ Surf City Coaches Pty Ltd Swain Motor Body Repairs Synergy Executive Sourcing Pty Ltd Syphers, P Tara Singers Tarrant, G & J Taylor, P The ACMA Foundation The Maleny Contract Bridge Club The Sheik Holdings Pty Ltd ATF A Barakat No2 Trust The Tweed Links Music Club The White Foundation Limited Thompson, C Thompson, K & D Throp, E Transpacific Industries Pty Ltd Traprock Wool Association Inc Trojan Investment Management Pty Ltd Turner, Y Van Klinken, A Waldock, C Walker Pender Group Walsh, C Wan, M Ward, N M Webb, P G Wheeler, E Whitney, A I Whittaker, P Wilgarning Trust Williamson, B & B Willing, P & C Wong, M C WorldTourism Travel Centre Pty Ltd Wynn, R G Young, I Zaccari, F Zamykal, A Zhang, J
Bronze Friend Supporter ($500-$999)
A.H. Knowles & Co A77 Inner Wheel District Committee Inc Abgal Pty Ltd Abigroup Contractors Pty Ltd ABN AMRO Morgans Adams, D Adcorp ADF Group Aileen Marshall Hair & Beauty Aitchison, D & N All About Shopfitting Pty Ltd Allcorp Property Services Pty Ltd Alm, B Altoft, D AMP Andrews, P Angela’s Silver Scissors
ANZ Banking Group ANZ Business Banking AR Knight Armstrong, Y C Ascot Catering Atlantis Consulting Pty Ltd B.J Millar Constructions Back, R Badke, A Ball, P Barry & Nilsson Social Club Basei, G & N Baylis, A M Belman Medical Pty Ltd Benson, E P Berry, K BGB Electric Pty Ltd Bhp Billiton, Mistubishi, Alliance Boult, L Brisbane Lions Brown Consulting QLD Pty Ltd Brown, W Californian Smash Repairs Callaghan Collission Centre Campbell, I G & R Campbell, R Carrillo, Z Catalano, L & A City Pacific Finance - Gatton Clarke, V Clarkson, T Clendinnen, F Coastal Equipment Sales Comserv (No 1643) Pty Ltd Conroy, B & J Cope, G Corporate Property (QLD) Pty Ltd Cowan, D Cowled, L Cramp, W Crombie, M Crowther, D Cummins, A Davis, G Day, G L Deloitte Dupont, P Dwyer, M E & S Powter Trust Eagleson, A Eastcoast Accounting Easton, N Egan, R Eggar, R C & J G Egglesfield, R & M Electrical Data Communications Elite Corporate Training Australia Ellis, A Enchelmaier, K Evans, C B Everart, C Famous Pacific Shipping QLD Pty Ltd Fawcett, W Ferguson, M & L Financialline UMG Pty Ltd Fitzgerald, B D Fitzgibbon, A
Flanagan, P Flannery, D Flecker, M Fletcher, J Francis, N Freeman, I B Fry, J Future Floor Services Gac, M Gac, M Galluzzo, S Gaskin, J Geisler, K A Genter, L Gerry Mussen Family Trust Gill, J & M Gillinder, L W Goals Office Solutions Pty Ltd Good, M Goodwin, A H & A D Goodwin, A H & B P Graham, V M Grimmer, K Habitare P/L Hair Dynamics Hanson, D Harkin, S Harwood, R Haseler, J Hawken, B Hayes-St Clair, P Hayman, K & J Heart Support Australia - Ipswich Branch Heck, P Hengstberger, H Herron Todd White Hill, M & L Hines, M Hobbs, G Hoehnke, K & P Hoey, M Holmes, A Hooper, K Horton Park Golf Club Maroochydore Inc Hot 91 Pty Ltd Hudson, L Hunter, A Hyne Timber Inner Wheel Club of Brisbane Inc Intelligent Risks Pty Ltd Interior Engineering J J Richards & Sons Pty Ltd J M Schultz Pty Ltd Jackson, P Jaenke, W James, B Jameson Charitable Foundation Jelich, R Jfe Shoji Trade Jones, L & L Kane, A Kedron-Wavell Ex-Service Women‘s Assoc Kerrison, C Kone Elevators Ladies In Business Luncheon
Ladlow, C Lancaster, V Lawrence AM, J M Lawson, E J Leighton Holdings Limited Lions Club of Sunnybank Llewellyn, J Madonna Delle Grazie Committee Mann, J & B McClure, R McConville, P McDonnell, R McEvoy, J McGuigan, M McLaughlin, M McLeod, C McMahon, J Mileham Pty Ltd Miller, E Miller, J Milliner, M Mitchell & Partners Pty Ltd Morgan, L Morningside Neighbourhood Watch Group 3 Morris, A Moseley, K Moses, P Moss, R & G Murchison, B Murray, J Murray, P Murray, P National Seniors - Calamvale National Seniors Association Stanthorpe National Servicemen‘s Assoc Caboolture & District Branch Nexus East Pty Ltd Noel Whittaker Holdings Pty Ltd Nutting, W F O‘Gorman, P Olm, I Olsen, D Onetest Pty Ltd Ord Minnett Limited Order of the Eastern Star - Coolangatta Chapter Parsons Brinckerhoff Pathfinder Solutions Patrick, H Peachester District Horticultural Society Inc Peter C Torlach (Surveys) Pty Ltd Phillips, R Pittorino, C PJ Ward Smash Repairs Pollack, C Poplawski, A Power, P Prangnell, M Prendergast, C & K Prowse, J QCWA - Inglestone Branch Quaid, D Queensland Country Women‘s Association
Quinn, A Rabshawl Pty Ltd Rainbow Beach Hotel Rankin, L Redcliffe District Rugby League Football Club Inc Reraetllab Pty Ltd Reynolds Trezone & Lista Richardson, G Rolscar Rosa Properties Pty Ltd Rose, C Rotary Club of Acacia Ridge Rotary Club of Mitchelton Schulte, M Schurmann, S Sciaccas Lawyers & Consultants Scissor Magik Scott, D & A Selwood, R M Shafston Nursing Pty Ltd Sharp, R Shaw, E Shaw, M Sheeran, L Shepherd, A Shortt, J Signmanager Silkstone State School - 50th School Reunion Slater, G Smashmaster Pty Ltd Smith, A Smith, K Smith, L Soroptimist International of Brisbane South Inc Special FX Hair Studio Springfield Land Corporation Pty Limited St Lukes Chapter No 100 Order Of The Eastern Star St Lukes Lutheran Church Crows Nest Nazarene St Luke‘s Theatre Society Stanthorpe Ulysses Club Staunton-Smith, G & M E Stegeman, G A J Steinberg, D Stephenson, D Stewart, M R Stormonth, M Strathlea Pty Ltd Strelow, M Strophair, P Tainton, P Templeton, R The Coffee Club The Packett Family Trust The Vandeleur Family Trust The Wright Family Trust Thespian Lodge No 268 Thorpe, G Toohey, A B & J W Toowoomba Golf Club Women Members Trundle, D J Turner, G F & J E
van den Boog, N Van Dorssen, M van Rijn, W Vazey, P Venzke, N Villa World Ltd Wanke, C Wassman, R C Waters, S Webb, K Wentford, R Werder, S West, N R Whitby, D & B Whitehouse, T R & J A Whittaker, N & G Wilkins, S Wilkinson, I Williamson, P Wilson Parking Wilson, K J H Wingate Properties Woodhead, R WOW Sight and Sound Zinns, A
Friends ($200-$499)
Abel, K ABN AMRO MORGANS Limited Ace Locksmiths Acker & Polanski, F & G Ackland, G & H Adermann, J AIA Foundation Aird, N T Alberts, V Alcorn, N Allen, B Allpass, J G Anderson, M G Annon, M Anstey, J Anthony John Group ANZ Banking Group Ltd Apel, J Apex Club of Caboolture Appleton, J Arncliffe Car Repairs Arthur, G & J Aspiri Financial Services Pty Ltd Astbrink, E G Austin, C N AVG Powder Coating Axiom Accounting Recruitment Baker, M Balance Hair Bannister, J Barkell, S Barnes, G Baronio, E Bartlett, D Batt, E A Baumber, G G & J M Beardmore, H & J Beaudesert State Primary School Bechly, C Becht, T
Belford, D Bell, A & S Bendigo Bank Limited Benefield, A Bennett, D Benny, M P Bernays, R A & H M Berry, E Bettess, D Bettson, P Bevan, E F Bidgood, L Billing, W Bingford Pty Ltd T/as Southside Holiday Village Birch, C D Bird, V Bitcon, R Bjorklund, D Blairville Pty Ltd Bloxsom Chippindall & Associates Pty Ltd Blue Nursing Service - Springwood Both, G Bourke, K Bowman, P Box, B D Boyle, R Brady‘s Body Works Brain, E Brereton, D Brewster, J D Brisbane Prestige Property Developments Pty Ltd Brodribb, T R Brooks, E L Brown, R Brown, R Browne, M J Bruderlin, K Bruggy, W A Bryan, G Bryant, R Bryen Bentley Pty Ltd Bucarizza, M Burgess, R J Burgess, V F Burkhart, R Burleigh Heads Bowls Club Inc Burrell Stockbroking Pty Ltd Bushell, L Butterfield, J Caloundra RSL Services Club Inc Cameron, A Cameron, M S Campbell, B & G Campbell, J W & L R Campbell, N Carlyon, C Carr, P Carseldine, M L Carter, G & K Carter, J L & M M Carter, M Carter, R & L Caslick, M Catholic Womens League - Banyo
Catholic Womens League - Kawana Waters Centenary Hire Chatterton, B Chen, L Y Childs, R Choong, Y Christie, H S Christopher, B Clan Campbell Society QLD Inc. Clark, A Clark, K Clark, W B Clarke, E Clarke, F Clarke, I W N Clarke, L Clear Vision Decisions Pty Ltd - Moura Hairdressing Salon Cloherty, L Closter, L Coates Hire Cock, W J Cockram, F & J Coleman, J Colenso, A L & G D Collins, J Colvin, M Colvin, W B Comerford, J Comino, C Compton Garden Indoor Bowls Compton Gardens Activity Committee Compton Gardens Craft Group Compton Gardens Shoot & Shuffle Group Cooper, E Cotter, A C Court, E Court, P Cousens, I & K Cowley, H Creative Worx Crisp, A Crombie, M Curran, J Currie, S Cusworth &Thistleton, N & C A Cutler, J D.W.E Consulting Pty Ltd Dalley, H E Data #3 Limited Davies, A S de Bie, V Deslandes, I DFS Financial Services DiBella, C Didou, J Dillon, J Dinnis, S & K Donnan, D Dore Brothers Garage Doust, C Dowbury Pty Ltd Dowling, R Downs Banana Ripeners Dredge, G M J & D H
Duguid, E Duke, P & B Dunlops Moorooka Services Trust Duval, D Dwyer, E M Dyamond Developments Earl, B Eaton, D Edbrooke, B Edgerton, R Edmeades, R & A Edwards, G R Eeles, G A Ellis, M Elson, R Eltherington, A Entertainment Publications Enviro Filters Pty Ltd Evans and Hearn Evins Stores Pty Ltd Ewan, J Ex-Servicemen & Women Welfare Association Inc F F T B Pty Ltd Fadden, J Farley, P Faulkner, B Feltham, G Felu, R Ferguson, D Finn, P Fischle, J Fisher Financial Solutions Fitts, B & L Fitzgerald, W J & N Fitzpatrick, E Flynn, R Foo, P Fookes, A J Foote, E M Foote, G M Fortescue, D Fox, J Foxton, H A B & A M Francis, B M Fraser, E H Freer, A & T Frew, J & S Fritz, G & A Fuery, T E Fugie, A Gallagher, M Gallois, C Gardner, R Garrelts, P Garson, C W Gartshore, B Gauld, I Geebung Zillmere RSL and Services Memorial Club Inc Geebung/Zillmere Legacy Group General Rentals (Aust) Pty Ltd Gerlach, W Gerrard, M J & G Gesch, T Gibson, M Gilbert, E
Goangra Pastoral Company Pty Ltd Godwin, J A Gol, A Gold Coast Show Society Incorporated Gollschewski, R Goode, L & I Goodhew, K Gordon, F Gouldsmith, E N Graham, R Grant, J Granville, P Gray, M Gray, R Grayson, J Green, R D Grigg, F GTH Accounting Group Pty Ltd Guest, F J Guy, A J Gynther, M Hacker, J B & J L F Hadwen‘s Prestige Collission Repairs Hair Razing Hair Designs Halcyon Parks Halcyon Waters Homes Pty Ltd Hamer, K Hand, M Harrington, J Harris, K Harrison, B J Harrison, D Hartkopf, L V & J M Harvey Ross, A Harvey, H L Hatcher, B Hawes, R Hawthorne, P Hay, V Hayes, G M Hayward, N & A Heatley, F A H Heeney, F Helen‘s European Cuisine Henderson, L & R Herron Todd White (Darling Downs) P/L Heseltine, S Hickey, P Hill, D & M Hill, M Hinds, J Hobbins, D Hockings, V Hodda, C Hodda, J Hoey, A & L Hogan, J Hogan, P Holdway, M Holdway, R A Hollamby, J Holloway, V Holmes, C Holmes, J Holt, A C Honeywell Limited Hughes, J & J
Hughes, R E Hunter, J R Huntley, D Hurd, S Hutchins, J Hyde, B Hyne, P Ilett, G B & M K Imagine Hair & Body IMC Consultants PL Inglis, G Innes, J InterFinancial Limited International Management Group of America PL Ipswich Hospital Nurses Assoc Inc ITC Group (QLD) Pty Ltd Ivers, G J & M Site Servies - JG & Mc Barnett JA Mcaully Smash Repairs Jakab, M James L Williams Pty Ltd Jellinbah Mining Pty Ltd Jemal Pty Ltd Jenkinson, N A & P E Jensen, R E Jobling, W J John Murphy Insurances Pty Ltd Johnsson, D K Johnston, I Jones, P B & M G Jones, W Joppich, E T & B A Jordan, K E Joyce, K & N K & C Fisher (Dental) Pty Ltd K M M Investments (QLD) Pty Ltd Kane, D Kelly Lawyers Kelly, W Kempnich, T Kempton, G Ken Spain & Associates Kenny, J W Kentish, E Killoran, P King, P Kingston, M Kirby, A Kowitz, G & S Kube, W S Kuhn Steel Fab Pty Ltd Labrador Investments Pty Ltd Larsen, P Lavery, M A Lawson, C Lazdins, B L’estrange, D Lewis, R Ley, J Lindoni’s Ristorante Italiano Lions Club Chinchilla Lions Club of Bluff Lip, L Lipscombe, P Lithgow, D Little, J E
Living Faith Lutheran Church LJ Hooker Dee Why Lockwood, B Lockwood, J & R Logan, I Long, A Love, A J Low, B Low, D Lowien, A W Lyndon, F R Lyons, P J Mac Ginley, P Macdonald, J MacIntosh, L Mackay, D MacKellar, M Mackenzie, J Macquarie Bank Major League Corporate Marketing Mandrakes Paint & Panel Pty Ltd Manly Concrete Marshall, J Mason, M Massey, J Mathieson, N D Mathison, J Mattner, S & S Maughan, P McBryde, A McCready, S P McCulloch, R K & J E McCutchan, A McDaniel, D McDonald, S McGavin, M H McIvor, R Mckay, R McLaren, D & L MCM Security Services McMillan, L McNamara, J & R McNee, M D McPhee, E L McPherson, F Medlen, L Meredith, D Mezru Pty Ltd Mickan, R C Miller, G L & N Miller, N Minns, A Mogg, R & J Molenaar, L Molton, C Money Mentors Moore, B Moorooka Legacy Care Group Moppett, C Morris, K Moulton, D Moxey, M Muddle, J & M Mulcahy, J Muller, C Muller, M A Munro, D & M
Murray, G & A Musgrave, K I & E W Nalder, H Nanette Lilley Property Centre National Homes Pty Ltd National Seniors - Tewantin-Noosa Branch National Seniors Association - Gympie National Seniors Association Hervey Bay Branch National Seniors Association Roma Branch Inc Newman, D Nichol & Morgan, G & A Nicholsons Solicitors Nicklin, J Nicol Foundation Nilsson, D No. Thirteen Hair Pty Ltd Noel Arnold & Associates PL Nosskar Investments Pty Ltd as Trustee for Rixon Family Trust Nundah Industries Pty Ltd O‘Brien, H O‘Brien, S OBT Accounting & Tax O‘Connor, J O‘Dwyer, T O‘Neill, L Order Of The Eastern Star - Dayboro Chapter No 147 Orthotech Pty Ltd Our Saviour‘s Lutheran Womens Guild Pacific Properties Parise, E M Parmac Property Pty Ltd Parsons AM, M Pascoe, B Paula‘s Hairstylists Paull, G E Paynter, B Peachester Community Uniting Church Peake, J Pearl, R Pearson, E Penberthy, A & B Peterson, P Pettigrove, L Pitkanen, A Poidevin, S Poole, D Pound, M Powell, A N Power Electrical Switchboards Pty Ltd Pratt, L Premis Solutions Pty Ltd Price, B Price, H D & A Prien, D Probus Club - Nambour Probus Club Of Redlands Ladies Incorporated Probus Club of Toowoomba City Psaros, T Pukall, D & K Purvis, P H Pyle, J G
Queensland Cardiovascular Group Queensland Country Credit Union Ltd Queensland Country Women Association of Glamorganvale Queensland Country Women’s Association Border Division Quest Community Newspaper Quirk, K J Radtronics Pty Ltd Rainbow Beach Sports & Rec Club Rains, C & M J Ray White Asset Leasing Red Mountain Pty Ltd Redlands Engines Pty Ltd Reid, M Reilly, E Reilly, P Reiter, G Reordan, R Reuter, P Richardson Excavations Richardson, K Riddel, G Rimmington, M Riverjazz Riverside Newsagency Roberts, N Robertson, H F Rocklea Carrying Co Rollason, B M & D R Rose, E Rosenblatt, G Rosengren, M Rosenthal, M Ross Anderson & Associates Pty Ltd Ross Ewan Mylrea Family Trust Ross, G M Ross, K Rowland Pty Ltd Rudder, M Rushton, L Russell & Houghton, A & L A Russell, I & A Russell, R Ryan, R Scanlan, G J Schonfeld, D Scott MP, D Scott, A M Scott, I Scott, P Scott, R W Seccombe, J B & V E Secret Service Artist Management Sellars, R L Shepherdson, T F Shields, R & J Shinners, R Shipstone Accident Repair Specialists Shorncliffe Investments Siganto, R Simmons, V R Sinclair, A B Slater, A Smallcombe, S Smith, B P & B L Smith, C
Smith, C Smith, Captain Ian Smith, G Smith, G E Smith, P Smith, S Smith, V Smith-Pomeroy, K Solley, E Spiller, S St Paul‘s Ladies Guild Anglican Church Cleveland Staley, T Statham, H Steele Corporation Steele, A Steele, J A Stening, S Stevenson, C Stewart, A Stocker & Valentine, B T & K A Stocks, M Stuart, M Surtees, A & D Sutton, J Tan, A Taylor Byrne Taylor, M Templo, A & C Tempo Services The Bachmann Group The Caxton Hotel - Farquhar Corporation The Diplomat The Friendship Force of Brisbane The Gap/Ashgrove National Seniors Inc The Group Architects The Lions Club of Brisbane Hellenic Inc The Men‘s Probus Club of Burleigh Heads The Tuesday Club Thomas, A A & S I Thomson, I & D Thomson, J & E Top End Partnership Townsend, I & I Transmax Pty Ltd Trappett, C Trend Projects Pty Ltd Tronc, G Tucker AO MBE, J Tulloch, J U3A Maryborough Inc U3A Sunshine Coast Classes in Music Appreciation U3A University Of The Third Age Maryborough Unwin, M Vanchief Pty Ltd Vanlu Nominees Veivers, D Verity, N & M Vietnam Veterans Assoc of Aust Gympie Sub Branch Vignal, C E W.G Nutting Investements Pty Ltd Wade Oldham Finance Pty Ltd
Walker, J Wantima Thursday Ladies Social Golf Club Ward, B J & M J Watson, A Watson, K & D Watson, P Weatherstone, J Webber, B R & J C Webley, C Webster, C Wellingham, T Wenck, C Wenck, W N Wesfarmers Curragh Pty Ltd White, N L & P R White, P & J Whybird, D Williams & Partners SCI Pty Ltd Willox, J Wilson, C & K Wilson, G Wilton, D Wimberley, J Wolski, M Wolstenholme, R & G Woodcock, A & I Woolcock, J Woollam, P A Woolley, A Wright, G & D Wyborn, G Wylie, E M Xi Eta Chapter X7069 of Beta Sigma Phi Yarrabee Coal Company Pty Ltd Young, T Zabarauskas, P Zimmermann, D
QIMR Staff 2006-2007 Director M F Good
Deputy Director A C Green AC MBBS MSc PhD Secretary and Chief Operating Officer S Clark DipTeaching BAPsych GradDip Counselling MAICD PhD M J Staley MSc GMQ MBA MAACB MACS FAIM MAICD (to Mar 07) Assistant Directors A W Boyd BMedSc(Hons) MBBS PhD FRACP The University of Queensland M F Lavin BSc(Hons) PhD The University of Queensland M Lagana BBus(PR) AssocDipSocSc Executive Secretary to Director J Black Administrative Support T Checkley Executive Support Officer M Quince DipBus Executive Officer M Sheumack BSc MSc DipLegalStudies PhD Communications Officer J Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Keefe BAppSc DipBusComm INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND IMMUNOLOGY DIVISION Division Chair : G Hill Bacterial Pathogenesis K S Sriprakash BPharm MPharm PhD BSc (to Feb 07) M Binks D McMillan BSc(Hons) PhD J Shera BSc(Hons) Bone Marrow Transplantation G Hill BHB MBChB FRCPA FRACP MD T Banovic MD MMedSc H Bofinger BAppSc(Hons) (to Sep 06) P Bunn (to Jun 06) A Burman BSc PhD (to Dec 06) A Don BSc(Hons) R Kuns BSc(Hons) K S MacDonald BSc(Hons) MSc PhD E Morris MBChB (to Jul 06) N Odorico BSc(Hons) MBBS (to Oct 06) N Raffelt BSc(Hons) V Rowe TechCertAnimal LabSc AdvCertAppSc R Skoczylas CertLabAnimalTech CertKennel CatteryPrac BSc (to Apr 07) Cellular Immunology S R Burrows BSc PhD BSc(Hons) M Bell R Brennan BSc(Hons) J Burrows BSc GradDipTeach J Miles BSc(Hons) S Silins BSc(Hons) PhD Clinical ImmunoHaematology M Gandhi MBChB MRCP MRC Path PhD
U Dua BSc MBiotech K Jones BSc J Nourse DipSc BSc MSc Clinical Tropical Medicine J S McCarthy MBBS FRACP MD The University of Queensland K Andrews BSc(Hons) PhD L Melville BSc BA C Pasay BS MSc PhD R Sarai BSc(Hons) EBV Biology D J Moss BSc PhD BBiol MBiol M Corban P Crooks BSc(Hons) S Cross BSc(Hons) MSc DipEd J Davis BSc(Hons) PhD (to Dec 06) K Harej RN (to Sep 06) V Lutzky MSS PhD M Martinez DipAssSc L Morrison CBLT N Stevens BScBiotech EBV Molecular Biology T B Sculley BSc(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) PhD I S Misko Helminth Biology A C Loukas BSc(Hons) PhD BAppSc L Cooper T Don BSc(Hons) (to Feb 07) S Gaze BSc MSc PhD C Johnson BBus(PR) (to May 07) M Pearson BSc MSc PhD D Pickering BAppSc D Smyth BSc(Hons) PhD M Tran BSc PhD GradDipClinBioChem L Tribolet BAppSc PostGradDipBiotech HIV Molecular Virology D A Harrich BSc PhD BSc PhD A Apolloni C Harrich RN BSc(Nurs) D Warrilow BSc(Hons) PhD N Willemsen BAppSc(Hons) (to Feb 07) Immunology and Infection C R Engwerda BAgrSc PhD BSc(Hons) PhD F Amante F De Labastida MSc Rivera A Haque BSc(Hons) PhD K McSweeney BSc(Hons) (to Apr 07) A Stanley BSc(Hons) PhD Y Zhou BMed DipAppSc Immunoregulation A Kelso AO BSc(Hons) PhD (to Feb 07) A Baz BChem PhD K Buttigieg BBioTech P Groves BAppSc N Kienzle BSc PhD (to Mar 07) S Olver BSc(Hons) Immunovirology A Suhrbier BA(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) PhD I Anraku S Cozzi BAppSc(Hons) PhD G Darnell BAppSc GradDipBiotech MAppSc PhD J Gardner BAppSc D Hoang-Le BSc(Hons)
E Lambley T Le
BSc(Hons) BAppSc GradDipBiotech MBBS PhD BSc(Hons) PhD
M Linn W Schroder Malaria and Scabies D J Kemp BSc(Hons) PhD BSc (to Mar 07) S Beckham L Fischer PhD M F Ho BSc(Hons) S Reynolds BSc(Hons) K Trenholme BSc MSc PhD Malaria Biology D L Gardiner BAppSc PhD K Anderson CBLT F Teuscher BPharm PhD Molecular Genetics P Upcroft BSc(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) PhD L Dunn J Upcroft BSc(Hons) PhD Molecular Immunology M F Good MD PhD DSc FASM FAFPHM FAIM FRACP (Hon) R Anderson V Anderson BSc(Hons) M Batzloff BSc(Hons) PhD A Caudron BSc Mphil J Hartas BAppSc S Khan BSc MSc MPhil PhD DipEd X Liu BMed MMedSc G Magor BSc(Hons) V McPhun BSc MSc C Olive BSc(Hons) PhD M Pandey BSc MSc PhD A Pinzon-Charry MD PhD N Rosenzweig BBioSc M Wykes BSc(Hons) PhD H Xu BMed MMed PhD M Yong BBiotech(Hons) Molecular Parasitology D P McManus BSc(Hons) PhD DSc AssocDipFarmMngmt M Duke G Gobert BSc(Hons) PhD M Jones BSc(Hons) PhD Y Li MD PhD L Moertel S Nawaratna MBBS MPhil W Zhang BSc PhD Mosquito Control P Ryan BSc(Hons) PhD DipBiotech C Cheah BBiotech(Hons) P Fraley T Hurst BSc(Hons) PhD J Jeffery BSc (Hons) BA PhD B H Kay AM BSc(Hons) PhD FAA K Marshall L Perkins BSc(Hons) PhD (to Jul 06) T Russell BAppSc(Hons) (to Dec 06) Protein Discovery Centre J Gorman BSc PhD (to May 07) U Cuffe B Hamilton BSc(Hons) PhD M Headlam BSc PhD J Mulvenna BComm BSc(Hons) PhD T Wallis BSc(Hons) PhD
Tumour Immunology R Khanna BSc MSc PhD BSc L Beagley G Connolly BSc(Hons) (to Feb 07) L Jones M Rist BSc(Hons) PhD C Smith BSc(Hons) PhD J Tellam BSc MSc PhD S Walker BAppSc N Webb BSc GradDipClinBioChem (to Jun 07) J Zhong BSc PhD CANCER AND CELL BIOLOGY DIVISION Division Chair: A Spurdle Cancer Genetics G Trench BSc(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) PhD J Arnold J Beesley BSc(Hons) PhD X Chen BMed S Healey BSc DipEd BAppSc H Holland BHlthSc(Hons) BA S Johnatty MSc PhD S Manu BSc MMicroBio A Marsh BSc(Hons) N Waddell BSc(Hons) PhD Cancer Immunotherapy C W Schmidt BSc(Hons) PhD AO BSc(Med) MBBS K Ellem PhD X Huang BMed PhD C Lanagan BBiomedSc(Hons) L O’Connor AssocDegAppSc K Patel BSc(Hons) Dendritic Cells and Cancer J A Lopez MD Familial Cancer J Young GradDipBiotech MAppSc PhD BSc(Hons) S Arnold M Barker BAppSc MSc (to Dec 06) G Birney BSc (Hons) (to Oct 06) D Buchanan BSc(Hons) R Byrnes BSc (to Oct 06) L Jaskowski ADCLT D McKeone AssDip LabTechniques M McKeone A Rehrl BSc (to Apr 07) A Roberts BSc(Hons) M Walsh BSc R Walters BAppSc Leukaemia Foundation A W Boyd BMedSc(Hons) MBBS PhD FRACP The University of Queensland J Carter BAppSc(Hons) (to Dec 06) K Chen BSc(Med) C De Bock BSc MSc PhD S Duffy BSc(Hons) PhD N Herath BSc(Hons) PhD J Lickliter MBBS PhD F Smith BAppSc M Spanevello BAppSc(Hons) PhD B Stringer BMedSc MBBS PhD C Stylianou BSc(Hons) PhD (to Dec 06) L Wilkinson BSc (to May 07) T Yeadon BSc(Hons) PhD Membrane Transport N Subramaniam BSc MSc PhD
BSc(Hons) BSc GradDipClinBiochem D Wallace BSc(Hons) PhD Molecular Cancer Epidemiology A B Spurdle BSc MSc PhD K Ferguson P Lovelock BSc(Hons) PhD (to Dec 06) M O’Brien P Schultz L Walker BSc Oncogenomics N K Hayward BSc MScQual PhD BA BEngineer L Aoude (to Dec 06) M Auret BSc(Hons) PhD V Bonazzi PhD R Duncan BAppSc(Hons) (to Jul 06) E Hacker BSc(Hons) PhD H Handoko BSc MSc PhD P Johansson MS PhD (to Oct 06) D Nancarrow BSc MScQual PhD L Packer BSc(Hons) PhD J Palmer RN S Pavey BAppSc(Hons) PhD (to Mar 07) P Schultz (to Dec 06) M Stark BAppSc(Hons) G Walker BSc GradDipClinBiochem MScQual PhD QCF Transgenics G F Kay BSc(Hons) PhD BSc D Carrie A Mould BSc(Hons) PhD J Pang BBiotech MBiotech I Tonks BSc(Hons) PhD A Zournazi BSc MAppSc (to Feb 07) Radiation Biology and Oncology M F Lavin BSc(Hons) PhD The University of Queensland O Becherel PhD G Birrell CBT MMedSc PhD M Buck DipMedTech P Chen BSc MSc PhD A Farrell NCEA CertAppBiol M Gatei BSc PhD N Guven BSc MSc PhD A Kijas BBiotech PhD S Koecher BEng (to Jul 06) S Kozlov MSc PhD J Luff CVetNurs/AnCare C Peng MMed PhD (to Oct 06) R Stirling BSc(Hons) M Tanudji BSc(Hons) PhD M Trabi BSc(Hons) PhD R Woods BSc(Hons) PhD J Xu BMed MMed (to Apr 07) Z Yameen BSc PhD RBWH Gastroenterology B A Leggett MBBS(Hons) MD FRACP Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital J Chia BBiotech(Hons) (to Jan 07) S Greco BSc E Dunner L Summerville
E Pelzer
BA BAppSc (to Jan 07) BBusInfoSys BSc BSc(Hons) PhD BSc PhD BSc(Hons) PhD
I Ramsnes J Robinson K Spring V Whitehall Signal Transduction K K Khanna BSc MSc PhD E Bolderson BSc(Hons) PhD K Hobson BSc(Hons) J Pagan BSc(Hons) PhD L Papp BSc(Hons) PhD D Richard BSc(Hons) PhD M Shariff BSc (Hons) Mphil S Tsvetanov MSc PhD A Urquhart BSc(Hons) PhD POPULATION STUDIES AND HUMAN GENETICS DIVISION Division Chair: E Whitelaw Cancer and Population Studies A Green AC MBBS MSc PhD RN BNursing B Alexander D Ayers BInfoTech (to Nov 06) J Bain C Baxter BA V Beesley BHlthSc (Hons) PhD L Braatvedt BSc MSpeechPath S Brown RN BA R Cicero BA M Connard BSc(Hons) (to Dec 06) T Corish RN H Croy BSc BNursing PostGradDipNursing M Davis MPH MD J Doecke BSc(Hons) PhD B Dziedzic BA BEng(Hons) BMed (to May 07) S Foley MBBS (to May 07) L Gordon BEcon MPhil PhD L Green RN J Griffith E Herron RN DipOccHlthNursing C Hill BN M Hughes BS MMedSc K Ibiebele BScClinDiet MPHSocSc PhD L Jackman BSc(BusAdmin) S Jordan GradDipClin Epidemiology MBBS(Hons) V Logan C Loos BAppSc (to Feb 07) T Luong AssocDipArts/ Photography K Mallitt BSc(Hons) M Malt BBus EN K Martin RN BHlthAdmin J Mayhew RN P McBride BMedSc MBBS A McMurtrie RN BNurs F Millar BNursing E Minehan RN S Moore RN BHlthSc MPH P Moser (to Aug 06) C Nagle BAppSc PhD R Neale BVSc PhD S O’Brien BNurs MPH S O’Keeffe BAppSc RN
C Olsen P Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Rourke S Perry
H Rangappa B Ranieri D Roffe S Sadeghi T Sadkowski J Scott H Shirley V Siskind K Sriprakash
BSc(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) BA(Hons) PhD DipAppScNurs BAppScNurs MEnivirCommHlth BEnvirHlthSc MBBS MPH (to Dec 06)
RN MD GDPH BIT BSc (to May 07) DipSc MSc DipNurs BSc BSc PhD BSc(Hons) MBBS (to May 07) M Steele RN ATaylor BHlthSc P Valery BMed MPH J Velkovic BEng (Med)(Hons) (to May 07) A Ward RN P Webb MA PhD S Webb BNursing J White RN D Whiteman BMedSc MBBS(Hons) PhD C Williams BMechanicalSpaceEn g(Hons) H Wyeth BA BAppSc C Xu BMed MSc PhD (to May 07) Drug Discovery Group P Parsons BSc(Hons) PhD BA Bengineer L Aoude G Boyle BSc(Hons) PhD B Ferguson J Johns BSc(Hons) A Martyn BSc(Hons) L Maslovskaya PhD S Mason BAppSc(Hons) (to Dec 06) M Merritt BSc(Hons) (to Feb 07) J Pedley BSc C Pierce BBiomedSc(Hons) Epigenetics E Whitelaw BSc(Hons) PhD BSc BSc(Hons) A Ashe S Chong BAppSc(Hons) Phd N Oates BSc(Hons) (to Feb 07) J Van Vliet BSc(Hons) PhD (to Jan 07) N Vickaryous BSc MSc PhD (to Oct 06) N Youngson BSc(Hons) PhD Genetic Epidemiology N Martin BSc(Hons) PhD FASSA BA(Hons) L Anderson (to May 07) P Barton A Baxter BAppSc (to Mar 07) A Beaty (to Mar 07) H Beeby BSc(Hons) B Benyamin BAgSc(Hons) MAgriculture A Birley BSc MSc PhD (to Dec 06) S Brimstone BA(Hons) MBus Med (to Sep 06) J Brodie
K Bunch A Burgis M Caffrey A Casal S Clark H Clarke J Clifford J Cochrane L Connelly N Cross T De Dassel M De Nooyer D Duffy T Dumenil R Dunn H Egan A Eldridge M Ferguson M Ferreira M Furlong N Gillespie S Gordon M Grace C Gray K Gray M Grimmer T Gunasekera N Hansell D Hickey J Higgins N Huang F Husband M James S James K King J Kitson C Laizans M Luciano S MacGregor E Mallon M Maxmillion K McAloney S McCoombe J McPhee A McRae S Medland J Moir L Nunn D Nyholt D Park H Park R Parker C Pink C Pretsel F Price I Putnoki C Redfern L Ryan
BPsych(Hons) (to Oct 06) BPsych(Hons) (to Aug 06) (to Dec 06) CertChildServ CertDisabilityServ (to Mar 07) BBus BA BA(Hons) (to Dec 06) BSc(Hons) (to May 07) BPsych(Hons) MBBS PhD BAppSc BPsychSc(Hons) (to Dec 06) DipBusMngmt (to Aug 06) RN BA(Psych)(Hons) PhD BA(Hons) MCP (to Aug 06) BA(Hons) PhD BEng(Hons) PhD RN BSc BPsych(Hons) (to Apr 07) BScPubHlth BSc(Psych)(Hons) MSc(OccPsych) BSc(Biotech)(Hons) BSc(Hons) PhD AssocDipArts BHlthSc BAgSc DipHortSc MAppSc MAppSc BSc(Hons) MSc PhD CertInfoTech AssocDipAppSc (to Aug 06) BSc MSc (to Dec 06) (to Apr 07) BPsych(Hons) PhD BSc MSc PhD CertCustomerContact CerWorkplaceTraining (to Apr 07) BCommerce AssocDipComm Recreation BSc(Hons) PhD BA(Psych)(Hons) PhD BSc BA DipTeaching BSc PhD GradDipRehab BA(Psych)(Hons) BA (to May 07) (to Dec 06) BA(Psych)(Hons) BSc(Hons)
V Sellin P Shertock L Simms D Smyth A Somerville K Sorensen J Sorley D Statham L Sullivan J Symmons H Taylor A Toivanen S Treloar P Visscher K Watson K White N Whiteman J Whitfield L Winkler J Wood N Wray M Wright O Zheng G Zhu Hepatic Fibrosis G Ramm M BertrandPhilippe C Lane T Pereira L Ramm R Ruddell Iron Metabolism G Anderson T Amos J Cornock D Darshan J Dixon J Dodemaide D Frazer J Ghazali P Hawthorne E Hay C McDonald K Millard T Murphy L Powell P Shah
(to Nov 06) BSc(Hons) BSc BEngineer BA BPsych(Hons) BBus (to Jul 07) BA(Psych)(Hons) MClinPsych BA BBus BPsych(Hons) BSocSc MSc MSocWk PhD BSc MSc PhD AdvCertArts BA BSc(Hons) MSc PhD FRC Path FRACB BSc(Hons) MSc Phd BSc(Hons) PhD DipInfoTech MPH BSc BSc(Hons) PhD MSc PhD BSc(Hons) BSc(Hons) PhD BSc BSc(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) MSc PhD (to Dec 06) MBBS MAppSc PhD RN BA(Hons) BSc (to Mar 07) BAppSc(Hons) PhD BNursing BSc(Hons GradCertJournalism PhD (to Dec 06) BSc(Hons) (to Dec 06) BBiomedSc(Hons) BSc(Hons) (to Nov 06) BSc MSc (to Jun 07) AC FTSE MBBS MD PhD D Univ(Griff) FRCP FRACP BAppSc(Hons) (to Jun 07)
V Shaw T Steele BSc(Hons) S Wilkins BSc(Hons) Molecular Epidemiology G Montgomery BAgrSc(Hons) PhD BAppSc A Ali L Bardsley BAppSc M Campbell BAppSc A Caracella BSc S Crooks BSc GradDipClinMicrobiol M Davey BAppSc A Henders BSc(Hons) L Le BSc(Hons) MSc
P Lind L McNeill
BSc(Hons) PhD GradDipGeneticCouns BBiomedSc S Thomas BSc S Thompson BSc (to Jul 06) Z Zhao MDentSc PhD Molecular Psychiatry BSc(Hons) PhD C Lendon A Pritchard BMedSc(Hons) PhD THERAPEUTIC DEVELOPMENT AND CLINICAL RESEARCH DIVISION Divisional Chair: C Schmidt Therapeutic Development (Q-GEN) A Boyd BMedSc(Hons) MBBS PhD FRACP The University of Queensland A McLean BAppSc(Biotech) (Hons) K Aliabadi Zadeh PhD J Andrews BSc M Bleasdale BSc(Hons) N Bleasdale BTechMngmt K Bouyer BAppSc B Butcher DipElectronics CertBioMedEngTech G Butterworth BSc(Hons) S Chilcott BSc (to Jan 07) W Chung BSc(Hons) PhD J Condren BSc GradDipFood DrugAnalysis J Crowley RN A Day BAppSc (to Jul 06) K Galan LabTech S Gould BAppSc MBiotech (to May 07) S Hodgson (to Mar 07) V Huynh BScBiotech A Jordan BAppSc P Kearns BAppSc(Hons) PhD F Khan BA BSc MSc M Leaf M Lin BMed MSc A Linville BBiotech(Hons) L Liu BMed MSc (to Jun 07) N Martinez BSc(Hons) PhD M McIntyre AssocDipAppSc E Milne BAppSc M Muroa M O’Hara N Quirk S Sekuloski BSc(Hons) PhD M Sheridan BSc I Steinhardt AssocDipCLT BAppSc GradDipMktMng J Talbot BBiotech(Hons) (to Jan 07) P Toh BSc A Tolstoff BAppSc J UksanovicDipVetFoodSc Barnjak DipLabTech J Williamson L Wilson K Windle BBiotech(Hons) Translational Research MBBS FRACP FRACR G Beadle Wesley Hospital S Stein BAppSc Indigenous Health Research Program G Garvey BEd MEd
DipTeach MPrimHlthCare (to Feb 07) V Harrhy BSc Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health Joint with The University of Queensland B H Kay BSc(Hons) PhD AM FAA P Fraley Army Malaria Institute Q Cheng MBBS MSc PhD BSc(Hons) PhD M Gatton K Gresty BSc(Hons) D Krause BSc(Hons) PhD S McLeodADCLT Robertson J Peters BAppSc CORPORATE DIVISION Secretary and Chief Operating Officer MSc GMQ MBA M J Staley MAACB MACS FAIM MAIDC (to Mar 07) S Clark DipTeaching BAPsych GradDipCounselling MAICD PhD Assistant Secretary N Fox Executive Secretary to Secretary / COO B Wanrooy Administrative Support R Caperon (to Jul 06) C Green O Griffiths D Gunn J Ho M Kervella AssDipArts (to Sep 06) T Laing BA R Meaclem I Pritchard (to Dec 06) M Randle CertAdminFinance DipBasicOperations DipBasicManagement G Sriprakash V Torres Finance Chief Financial Officer BBus M Cornell Accountant K Laza AssocDipBus BBus(Accountancy) (to Apr 07) C Cunningham BEcon G Cunningham BBus(Acc) Grants Officers L Casey BSc GDTh F Khaya BA MAPublicPolicy Accounts R Gray M Hanly (to Nov 06) L Leong BCommerce (to Jul 06) Y Marcinkus C McNally K Moran M Stromberg Payroll Officer M Weaver AdvDipBus(Acct) Assistant Payroll Officer P Buratowski Human Resources J Stirling
HR Executive BBus(HRM) MBA N Green HR Officer L Lane CertBus HR Assistant M Anderson Business Development Head, Business Development BSc(Hons) PhD MBA G Haaima T Mynott BAgrSc PhD (to Oct 06) Business Development Associate J Fox BSc PhD D Cann BSc (to Jul 06) Regulatory Affairs Executive BSc(Hons) PhD A Mitchell Administrative Officers J Chow BA BSc MPH M Griffiths RN BPsych (to Feb 07) R Lacey G Lawrence MBBS FRACP MD FAFPHM D O’Brien RN Scientific Services Manager BSc MSc PhD J A Cooper GCertMgt Sequencing and Synthesis P Collins BSc(Hons) M Edmundson BSc MSc Flow Cytometry G Chojnowski BAppSc P Hall BSc Histotechnology S H Park DipClinPath R Collins CertBioLabTech G Rees CertDiagnostic Cytology AssDipClinLab Techniques DipOccHlthSfty K Rothery BScAppBiol C Winterford AssDipAppBiol Animal Services S Cassidy CLabAnCare N Felder C Groennou CertAnimalTech C Kerwick BVSc MACVS (Animal Welfare) (to Jun 07) R Lee BBus CertAnimalTech M McInnes CertAnimalCare E Skevos (to May 07) M Vandeleur C Dickfos CertLabCare AssDipAppSc A Hale S James Cert Companion Animal Services Cert Childrens Services A O’Regan Cert Companion AnimalServices J Sutton CertCompanion AnimalServices K Nurse H Platt CertCompanion AnimalServices B Snook-Higgison (to May 07) Media S Gregg CertAnimalTech Glassware
G Cuthbert BNurs V Matthews L Thompson S Watkins Store S Wood M Eaton A Girle T Kent M McDade L Saran Building and Security Manager HND (Elec Eng) HTC A Stockman (Plant) Workshop M Bugden TradeCert(Refrig) J P Fahrner CKennel/CatPrac G Madders ElectricMechanic/ Fitter A McKee AssocDipElectEngineer M Meyers (to Sep 06) D Patrick AssocDipElecEngineer R Tyrrell EngFitter Safety Safety Manager BSc MSc PhD H Leonard Safety Officers M Down BSc T Murphy BSc MSc (to Jan 07) Information Technology Chief Information Technology Officer ADAB C Ward GradDipCommComp MACS Computing Services M Feodoroff BInf MCSE HP AIS D James S Jaremczuk BBiolSc MCP CAN D Johnstone DipInfoTech (to Sep 06) P Kaim BAppSc M Kersting BFA Medical Illustration X Lin GradDipIT BEng MEng PhD V Mar COBC CCSA CSA HP-UX H Matthews BA CertPhotography A Nutley-Govaerts BAppSc MCP L Ward BInfoTech Marketing and Development Director BBus(PR) M Lagana AssocDipSocSc Deputy Director A Van Der Beek BBusComm Development and Marketing Officers M Elliott S Millman DipMktg BBusAdvMktg K Laurenson BACa MMktMgt Events Officer S Givney DipEventMngmt E Waites (to Oct 06) Media Relations Officer F Beltran BBusMktPR PA to Director of Development D Krha (to Apr 07) Office Manager
H Carroll (to Dec 06) K Plumbley CertBusAdmin Bequest Officers A Dignan J Stockman M Gray RN (to Sep 06) B Hein (to Oct 06) Corporate Development Hong Kong A McGaw
VISITING SCIENTISTS Infectious Diseases and Immunology Bartley BMedSc MBBS MSc Chavchich Croese MBBS MD Doolan BSc(Hons) MPhil PhD Green BBiomedSc Hastie BAppSc(Hons) PhD Hugo BSc(Hons) PhD Hyland BSc MSc Jiang BSc MSc Ketheesan GradCertEduc MSc PhD MD Khromykh BSc PhD Lenarczyk BSc(Hons) PhD Mynott BAgrSc PhD Nordstrom MSc PhD Pender MBBS FRACP PhD MD Raso MSc PhD Rickinson BA MA PhD Shanks BSc MD MPH Skinner-Adams BSc(Hons) PhD Spann AssDipMusic BSc(Hons) PhD Stemberger Thompson BSc PhD Ulett DipSc BSc(Hons) Waters BSc PhD Wilks GradDip Legal Practice LLB(Hons) Cert Int Travel & Tourism GradDip Tourism Law Williams BSc(Hons) MSc PhD Yang BMed MMed Yoshizaki MD PhD Cancer and Cell Biology Bloethner BEng PhD BSc(Hons) Brooke Burger BSc(Hons) Buttenshaw CertChem Catto MB ChB FRCS Clark BSc(Hons) Clarke BA(Hons) PhD Cook BSc(Hons) PhD Da Silva MD Fabbro BSc(Hons) PhD Filippich BAppSc Fleming PhD Gardiner MBBS FRCS FRACS MD Goldgar BA MD PhD Hamilton MBChB MRCGP MRCP Ishii MBBS PhD Keith BSc MPhil Lakhani BSc(Hons) MBBS MRCP MD FRCP Larsen BSc(Hons) Masci BSc MBiochem
Matigan Mowry Pakkiri Parry Rajandram Ramuz Roper Simpson Smith St Pierre Teng Tomlinson Van Der Horst Walker
BSc(Hons) MBBS BA(Hons) FRANZP MD MMedPath MBChB(Hons) BSc(Hons) BiomedSc MSc BSc(Hons) BSc BMed PhD MD BSc BSc PhD BSc BAppSc(Hons) PhD BSc(Hons) DipBiotech PhD MD FRACS (Neurosurgery) PhD BMedSc MBBS(Hons) PhD
White Population Studies and Human Genetics Alati GradDip BD(Hons) MAppSc PhD BSc MSc PhD Aylward Bain BSc MBBS MPH MS Beaton BSc(Hons) MD Blackson BA MA Chen BSc MAppSc Chen BMed MDermatology Clavarino BA(Hons) PhD Coventry BAgSc GradDipSocSc BA(Hons) PhD Fletcher BSc(Hons) PhD Griffin GradDipStat BSc BComEng(Hons) PhD Hall MBBS FRCPA FC Heath BA PhD Heritage BBiomedSc(Hons) PhD Hewitt DipSc BSc(Hons) Holliday BSc(Hons) Kedda BSc(Hons) Keith BMath(Hons) PhD Kuphal DipBiol PhD Lewindon MBBS MRCP FRACP Lynskey BSc(Hons) MSc PhD MacDonald MBBS FRACP Mackey MBBS MD FRACS FRANZCO Madden BS MS PhD Nelson BA MD NighswanderBSc Rempel Ogbourne BSc(Hons) PhD Pereira Da Veves BBiol MBiolSc PhD Leite Radford-Smith BAMedSc MBBCh PhD Reed BSc Smith BSc PhD Sturm BSc(Hons) PhD Todd BA PhD Van der Pols BSc MSc DipScComm PhD Wood BSc BE(Hons) Phd Wood MBBS(Hons) Therapeutic Dev and Clinical Research Bosman BSc DipHlthSc Dumevska Harrison BAgSc Kravets BSc Peura PhD
Research Students at QIMR as at 30 June 2007 PhD Scholars A Abdel-Aal
QIMR Supervisor
PhD Scholars
M Good
N Lee
QIMR Supervisor BBiotech(Hons)
J McCarthy
N Abdul Murad
M Lavin
K Lee
P Ryan
B Andrew
N Martin
K Lim
S Lakhani
B Appleyard
BSc(Hons) MPH
J McCarthy
K Loh
BAppSc MBiotech
B Leggett
S Apte
A Kelso
L Major
A Suhrbier
S Arabshahi
BSc GradDipPubHlth MSPh
A Green
K Markey
G Hill
J Balen
D McManus
P McBride
A Green
T Barnes
D McManus
C Bond
GradDipBiol MSc
B Leggett
J Brown
M Lavin
T Bruxner
BSc (Hons)
E Whitelaw
A Burgess
T Sculley
M Burke
E Byrne
N Martin
D Chin
P Parsons
T Chuah
M Lavin
B Cornes
BA BSc(Hons)
N Martin
M Coulthard
A Boyd
J McCarron
A Boyd
N McDougall
P Parsons
L Merredith
D Harrich
R Middleberg
N Martin
S Moore
A Green
D Morgan
E Whitelaw
K Morley
N Martin
B Morrison
MSc BABiology
A Lopez
M Neller
C Schmidt
P Nguyen
P Ryan
N Pandeya
BSc MMedSc GradDipAppSc
A Green
T Crough
R Khanna
Y Panpisutchai
M Good
K Dave
J Gorman
C Peatey
D Gardiner
B Day
A Boyd
L Randall
C Engwerda
M Dixon
D Gardiner
N Ranjit
A Loukas
S Earl
M Lavin
P Rattanasena
A Suhrbier
M Ellis
BSc(Hons) MSc
D McManus
M Reiter
C Schmidt
L Fenandez
J McCarthy
N Richmond
A Green
M Georgousakis
K Sriprakash
D Roberts
N Hayward
A Glanfield
D McManus
S Shekar
N Martin
D Hall
BSc(Hons) MBBS
P Parsons
D Sivakumaran
D Harrich
J Hancock
M Lavin
K Smith
A Green
J Hansen
BSc/BBusMgt BSc(Hons)
N Martin
M Smout
A Loukas
C Jekimovs
K Khanna
A Suraweera
M Lavin
J Johnson
BSc(Hons) BBusMan
G Trench
M Ting
A Boyd
M Jones
K Khanna
T Tran
J McCarthy
J Jonnalagadda
K Khanna
S Jordan
MBBS(Hons) GradDip Epidem
A Green
J Kelly
K Khanna
T Knox
B Kay
F Kolahdooz
A Green
S Kopp
J McCarthy
M Lai
C Schmidt
K Landers
M Lavin
P Tran
P Ryan
A Twist
DipTeach MCommNut
A Green
N Wayte
G Trench
N Whitelaw
E Whitelaw
E Williams
M Lavin
C Willis
D Kemp
D Worthley
B Leggett
K Wynn
R Khanna
B Zietsch
N Martin
MAppEpiSc Scholar V Clements
QIMR Supervisor BAppSc
A Green
H Goswami
J Gorman
N Patel
J Gorman
BIntStudies BEng
P Ryan
D Muslim
BSc(Hons) BBioSc
N Subramaniam
M Sheel
M Good
Z Dost
J McCarthy
I Fang
A Loukas
I Gillions
A Lopez
Y Lim
M Lavin
B Polkinghorne
A Loukas
D Raffelt
G Anderson
D Rowsell
B Leggett
A Green
MBiotech Scholars
MPH Scholar H Nguyen MSc Scholars
Honours Scholars
BAppSc Scholars L Whop
Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health Australian Centre for Vaccine Development Australian Health Minister’s Advisory Council Australian National University Antigen presenting cells Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service Australian Research Council Australian Society for Medical Research Breast Cancer Association Consortium Bone marrow transplantation Cancer Council Queensland (formerly Queensland Cancer Fund) Chloroquine resistance Central Queensland University Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Cytotoxic T lymphocyte or cytolytic T lymphocyte Datapoint’s advanced system language Dendritic cells Department of Education, Science and Training Epstein-Barr virus Electronic document and records management system Food and Drug Adminstration Good manufacturing practice Griffith University Graft versus host disease Genome wide association scans Human Cytomegalovirus Human Immunodeficiency virus Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Histocompatibility antigen High performance liquid chromatography Life Science Education Advancement Partnership mobile genetic elements Major histocompatibility complex Microsatellite instability National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy National Health and Medical Research Council Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Office of the Gene Technology Regulator Personal digital assistant Pricewaterhouse Coopers Quarantine Approved Premises Queensland Biotechnology Education Network Queensland University of Technology Queensland Washington Advancement Group Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Rapid diagnostic test Scabies mite inactivated protease paralogue Tissue microarray Tumour necrosis factor University of California Los Angeles University of California San Diego University of Edinburgh Université Louis Pasteur The University of Queensland World Health Organisation
Our Location
Compilation and Design Jann Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Keefe Staff photographs Heather Matthews Madeleine Kersting Printing IPG Print
Queensland Institute of Medical Research
2006 - 2007 The Bancroft Centre 300 Herston Road Herston QLD 4006 Australia Postal Address Post Office Royal Brisbane Hospital QLD 4029 Australia (+61) 7 3362 0222 P (+61) 7 3362 0111 F www.qimr.edu.au W enquiries@qimr.edu.au E