Architecture Portfolio 2

Page 1

Thesis project:

My Summer as an architect not in Beijing


Project 2:

Standing in a forum; Listening to the mute surface of architecture- the deaf educational center in Christchurch

Judy Cockeram



Ben Lloyd Judy Cockeram Mike Hartley


Project 3:

The papers' vessels Supervisor:

Nat Cheshire Pip Cheshire Sarosh Mulla


Name: Qin Kai Email:

Interactive/responsive project:

The interactive prototype


Working experience (Intern):

model making Facade design

Uwe Rieger



Atelier Alter INC. Beijing Office

Table of Contents

p44-47 23 Table of Contents


Judy Cockeram

45 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing

My Summer as an architect not in Beijing Spatial intelligence, one of the seven acknowledged human capabilities, is the result of millions of years of evolution. It enables us to celebrate the complexity of space. Just as the linguistic, mathematical, kinetic, natural and musical intelligences, spatial intelligence is distributed through the organism and linked together by the nervous system. The Arrowsmith School in Canada has issued 19 neuron deficits of our brain to identify the weakness of human cognition for participating the world. The modernism tower in China with its over-simplified spatial structure disregards the social arrangements and formations of the local. The sterile nature of the spatial organization of the Modern apartment leaves the human neurons un-stimulated and limits the development of human capabilities. The proposed contemporary apartment, which is situated in a University campus in Nanning, South-east of China, privileges the polyvalence of the space. The polyvalence of space informs a spatial structure with complex relations and meanings both with the local narrative and the kinesthetic experiences of the author in Auckland. The project investigates the relations based on Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang and the Radical Relations proposed by Bruce Wexler in contemporary western thought.

The process of making the building and the articulation of the complex relations of the apartment ecology is aided by the computational design. Computational design, identified by Jane Burry, allows designer’s spatial intuition to freely oscillat between the space of constructing the representation, her potentially turbulent ocean of different states, and the imagined experience of possible realizations in physical space.3 By constructing the dynamic system models, relations between different subjects are explored and reconciled before any final statement of building. This is primarily design thesis sets out to comprehend the complex relationships between the cultural informed economic landscape of China and its current obsession with the un-stimulating world of convention building stock. It looks to re-stimulate apartment living by understanding how the modernist block captured the body in a machine, so that contemporary engagement with Cognitive Architecture might inform a new community in China.

The project aims to improve human cognitive capabilities by stimulating the body's neurons in acceptance of the reality of neuroplasticity. The stimulation is the everyday experiences of the encounters as residents encounter the relations proffered by the spatial complexity of the apartment.

The site

67 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing


Isometric view of original Kinesthetics

Context considerations




Isometric view of Vertical spired Kinesthetics

The orange lines manefest the spiral contour lines; The black lines are the spiral-up ramping contour lines Each lines represents 200mm different in height

Isometric view of 3 Cones

89 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing

1:500 at A3 .Foundations .Vertical shear walls

1:500 at A3 .Foundations .Vertical shear walls .Horizontal shear walls

1:500 at A3

Annual Illuminance level Software: Diva, grasshopper, rhino

.Foundations .Vertical shear walls .Horizontal shear walls .Floor diaphragms

Isometric view of primary structures

1:500 at A3

1:500 at A3

.Foundations .Vertical shear walls .Cantilever arms

.Foundations .Vertical shear walls .Horizontal shear walls .Floor diaphragms

1:500 at A3 .Secondary floors .Funnel ramps

Isometric view of Cone 3 primary structures

10 11 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing


5 5






5 5

3 3

3 5





3 3


5 5

3 5 5



3 3





5 5






1 九

1 1


Top plan diagram



3 3







1:500 at A3



Typical middle plan diagram


1:500 at A3 十

Bottom plan diagram




1:1500 at A3



一 一

1 1

1 九

九 一 一

4 4

3 5








4 2




Typical floor plan diagram

3 3

5 5

3 3

5 5



5 3


2 5




3 3

3 3



3 3

3 3


筒一 3 3

3 3



1. Lift 2. Atrium Ramp 3. Apartment Units 4. Shops 5. Sightseeing 6, Highway 1: 500






Ground plan diagram

Ground plan diagram 一. Lift

一. Lift

二. Atrium Ramp 三. Apartment Units

四. Shops 二. Atrium Ramp

五. Sightseeing

三. Apartment Units 六, Highway 四. Shops

七, University gate 八, University Campus

五. Sightseeing

九, Entrance

六, Highway十, Lake

七, University gate 1: 500 八, University Campus 九, Entrance 十, Lake 1: 500

Landscape reconfiguration diagram

Landscape reconfiguration diagram

12 13 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing




2 1

Complex relations as stimulation The rendering on the left shows two different curvatures drawn by the funnel wall (as boundaries) and funnel ramps (as supporter), but with the views capturing ecstasy in beyond.

The funnel ramp (left)

The representative Elevation (lines)

Isometric Views for five typical apartment units

The representative Elevation (rendering) The apartment units continuously spiraling up (not at the same level). It is an attempt to reconcile the relationships between neighbors.

Funnel ramps as kinesthetic journeys with 3d curvature design The design of funnel ramps has two major considerations: stimulating neurons and dividing spaces.

to i m p ro ve t h e a b i l i t y stimulates neurons in areas t o i n t e r p r e t s e n s o r y like Hippocampi, cortical information from their own and subcortical areas. bodies.

The design of curvature for the funnel ramps associates the kinesthetic memory of Auckland landscape.The funnel ramps are designed in a 3D way. They functions as 3d cur ving journeys circulating between two spaces. The funnel ramps are curved both in elevation and plan.

The 3d curvature journeys are also the architectural responds to the Object Recognition and Spatial Reasoning deficits which are the Neuron Deficits that identified by the Arrowsmith school.

T h e e n r i c h e d j o u r n eys help residents to break the reference of frames. It also The subtle differences in improves their abilities to the combination of two perceive static visual cues curvatures help residents and motion-based cues. It



3d curvature funnel ramps in apartment units

14 15 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing

Associations: the Bowing space as polite space Bowing ( 鞠躬 ) Bowing is one of the oldest social ceremonies in Chinese cultures. It can be founded in the book of < 礼仪 . 聘礼 >. The original sentence is that :” 执 圭, 入门,鞠躬焉,如恐失之 ”. “ 执 ” m e a n s “ h o l d s ”. “ 圭 ” refers to the jade wares used by the ancient emperors. “ 执 圭 ” when putting together becomes a metaphor. It uses the jade ware to represent the guest. “ 入 门 ” means entering someone’s home through the doors. “ 鞠 躬 焉 ” means bowing. “ 如 恐 失 之 ” emphasize the worries of the host that “afraid of missing the best opportunities to salute.” The architectural relations in this sentence are summarized in two words” 入 门 ”—enters threshold. “ 入 门 ” is both the architectural context and prerequisite of “ 鞠 躬 ” (bowing). I n m o d e r n i s m t o w e r, the darkness of the corridors captures all the preoccupations before one landing the threshold of apartment.

Bowing — respects (top) The sterile Corridors in Beijing's apartment (above) The bowing space– the polite space (left)

B' 9







A' 5

Type 1 Level 3










Semi-Outdoor Space 10


5 4


6 10


Semi-Outdoor Space

Type 1 Level 2





13 A 6




Type 1 Level 1 12







Plan for particular type 1 apartment unit (middle) Cross Section B-B' for particular type 1 apartment unit (above) 1:50 at A4

16 17 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing

The Bowing space Since the funnel ramp only goes down 1.5 meters from above, the bowing space is created. The bowing space is utilized to blur the boundary between interior and exterior. Also at the same time,it is the architectural elements to mediate the correlations between private and public.

The semi-private space

Long Section A-A' for particular type 1 apartment unit

18 19 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing

Landing and departing stimulates human cognition The shifting relations between the public and private involves a process of empowering on human's affect. By comparing the beauty with affect, the former is related to human senses, t h e l a t e r i s re l a t e d t o cognition. Therefore, the processes of departing and landing in this project are not the processes to appeal human senses. Instead, they are the processes stimulating human cognitions.

Landing at the entrance

Social interaction between neighbors for neuron stimulations Instead of using the solid wall and glass, semioutdoor volumes are used between two apartment units. This is the radical architectural response to one of the neuron deficits that identified by the Arrowsmith School. The Artifactual Thinking relates to the capacity to interpret emotions and modify behavior accordingly. It involves the right side of the brain and specifically the prefrontal cortex. With the Artifactual Thinking deficits, people cannot grasp complete information that most of it performs in a relatively mute realm. For example, the social blindness is the inability to grasp culture differences that beyond naming or numbering.

The semi-outdoor spaces are the volumetric borders between neighbors.

20 21 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing



Flipbook 1—

ecstasies of the sky

Flipbook 2— Landing



Flipbook 3— Departing

Flipbook 4—

3d curving funnel ramp (Show during the interviewed)



Flipbook 5— The overlapping architectonics

Flipbook 6—

Reversals of associations of the atrium exterior and the world exterior



Flipbook 7—

The spiral journeys

Flipbook 8—

the stretching views through Cones (Show during the interviewed)

22 23 My Summer as an architect not in Beijing

Project 2

Standing in a forum; Listening to the mute surface of architecture- the deaf educational center in Christchurch Supervisor:

Ben Lloyd Judy Cockeram Mike Hartley Different design process

Different from the conventional design process, architecture in this project has been explored in a 3D interactive environment (The Second Life). The space creation involves time-to-time experiential dialogues between the building and designer.

Brief This project investigates mute culture inhabiting a lively Cathedral Square in Christchurch which suffered an earthquake on the 22th February 2011 . The proposal involves a tertiary education school for the deaf people. The school incorporates series of platform design to create a theatre-like teaching space.

24 25 Standing in a forum; Listening to the mute surface of architecture

Culture converge The forum spaces are linked by two combined circulation systems. They are ramps and stairs. Rather than keeping the disabled people away, this circulation system can bring the people by allowing them to rub shoulders together. This co-existing culture therefore can be experienced by both the foreign visitors and people from Christchurch on an everyday basis.

26 27 Standing in a forum; Listening to the mute surface of architecture

Material pallete The black and lightness colour are picked as the architectural language for the building to further bark out the deaf community’s unique character: “Mute�. The major building materials used here are photoengraved concrete and etched glasses which

are formed by two images. One is the sign-language for clapping which contributes to the notion of figurative motif. The other image used here with its crystal pallete contributes to the applause- the sound of clapping.

Roof and facade details: the photoengraved concrete

28 29 Standing in a forum; Listening to the mute surface of architecture

The shared volume The school as a whole behaves as a biographical sculpture to convey an educational identity to the city. Those small narrative sculpted moments are the deaf students who perform their daily lives on those platform-landscapes. The thought behind the platform design is to

augment the teaching and learning process with t h e h e l p o f i n n ovat i ve technology. Performing as a whole, the school intervenes in the city like a big biographical sculpture with narrative sculpted moments being visible to the public.

30 31 Standing in a forum; Listening to the mute surface of architecture

Project 3

The papers' vessels Supervisor:

Nat Cheshire Pip Cheshire Sarosh Mulla Brief

The project is initiated by the investigation of two different kinds of paper as architectural materials. Through the Japanese paper and the corrugated cardboard (which acts as screen), privacy is either projective or translucent. Privacy that embodied in this way, is treated as both positive and active design element to inform new spatial and social structures.

32 33 The papers' vessels

Isometric view for Level 2

Isometric view for Level 4

Isometric view for Level 9

Isometric view for Level 6

The vessels Two Ferris wheels are introduced as elevators rotate the traffics in the middle of the building. Space that adjacent the circular traffics continuously shifts its nature between semiprivate and semi-public as the vessels arrive and depart.

34 35 The papers' vessels

A Child and the interstitial space The design of the suspended bridge, like t h e fe r r i s w h e e l , d o e s not only carry functional considerations. The suspended bridge divides the space into two realms both vertically and horizontally. The interstitial spaces are informed by the articulated relations b e t w e e n i n te r w e av i n g things: the child who walks on the bridge, or either experiencing the dynamic slowness of the vessels; or confronting things with different scales; or sensing the differences in different materials; or being unnoticed the distinct narratives of the world above.

Places to cut the section for the drawing

36 37 The papers' vessels

38 39 The interactive prototype

Interactive/responsive project:

The interactive prototype Supervisor:

Uwe Rieger

Brief This project aims to provide participator experiences with an attempt to separating human consciousness with human sensations. The participator is asked to cover one of his finger with an extended finger tip. With the fake finger tip moving closer to the distant

sensors, the movement of are considered as perceived the interactive prototype is in sub-consciousness (not triggered. consciousness). Instead of directly using the finger The process takes both to trigger the interactive s i g h t a n d t o u c h i n t o m ove m e nt , t h e fa ke d a c c o u n t s . W h i l e t h e finger tip is utilized to consciousness is seized by allow the sensations can be the triggered movements transferred to cognition. of the prototype, the sensations that passed from the faked finger tip

40 41 The interactive prototype

42 43 The interactive prototype

Conceptual facade design for the project in Nanning (above)

Working experience (Intern):

model making Facade design


Atelier Alter INC. Beijing Office

44 45 The working experiences (Intern)

Models for the XingLong project in Hai Nan Facade design for mosque in Gui lin scheme 1

Facade design for mosque in Gui lin scheme 2

46 47 The working experiences (Intern)

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