2019 Architecutre Part2 Course Y4 Design Realisation Report

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DESIGN REALISATION REPORT Chinese Idol Fesitival Unit 12 Qiuyu Jiang


Content Part A - Site Analysis (Context, Opportunities and Constraints) Survey - Project & Site Introduction 01. Project Overview 02. Programs in Project 03. Site Location in London 04. Jubilee Gardens & Site Photos 05. Jubilee Gardens History 06. Temporary Festival 07. Tourists 08. Chinese Community - Site Context 09. Building Height 10. Surrounding Buildings Function 11. Southbank Entertainments - Planning Opportunities & Contraints 12. Conservation Area & Listed Buildings 13. Protected Vistas 14. Local Protected Views 15. Greenery - Park & Garden 16. Easements - Right to Way & Right to Light - Physical Opportunities & Contraints 17. Flood 18. Soil & Topography 19. Trees 20. Trees Planting 21. Species 22. Key Routes & Transportation Stops

Part B - Professional Strategy

Part B - Professional Strategy

- Client 01. Client Ambitions & Risks About the ProjectAbout the Project 02. Client Team 03. Project Financing 04. Ownership

- Risk 27. Potential Risks & Risk Management

- Procurements Routes 05. Design Team 06. Procurements 07. Project Procedure - Step 1 08. Project Procedure - Step 2 09. Step 1 - Design and Build Contract 10. Step 2 - Traditional Landscape Contract

- Health & Safety 29. Health & Safety

- Planning Permission & Arguments 11. Planning Arguments 12. Planning Arguments - Culture 13. Planning Arguments - Economy 14. Planning Arguments - Social 15. Planning Arguments - Environment 16. Planning Permission Application 17. Required Documents for Planning Permission - Programs 18. Case Study 19. Prefabrication 20. Kit of Parts 21. Shipping from China to UK 22. Shipping Containers 23. Port of Tilbury to Site 24. Transport - HGV 25. Services 26. RIBA Plan of Work

- Cost 28. Project Cost


Content Section 2 - Building Materials , Construction and Peformance

Section 2 - Building Materials , Construction and Peformance

- General Arrangements 01. Masterplan Ground Floor 02. Masterplan First Floor 03. Amphitheatre Plan 04. Daily Housing Plans 05. Section AA' 06. Section BB'

- Building Performance 28. Site Orientation & Shadow Study 29. Wind Diagram & Ventilation 30. Energy & Sanitation Strategy 31. Lighting Strategy 32. Heating Strategy 33. Cooling Strategy 34. Acoustic & Drainage Strategy

- Material 07. Structural Material 08. Material 09. Fiberglass Panel Making & Clips - Structure & Construction 10. Structure Overview 11. Structure Strategy 12. Primary Structure 13. Secondary Structure 14. Amphitheatre Structure 15. Floor Base Structure 16. Hanging Structure 17. Holding Structure 18. Structure Forces 19. Pod Detail 20. Key Detail 1 21. Key Detail 2 22. Key Detail 3 23. Key Detail 4 24. Key Detail 5 & 6 25. Case Study 26. Timetable for Construction 27. Construction Sequence

- Building Regulation 35. Building Regulation Overview 36. Fire Safety (Part B) 37. Access (Part M) 38. Fuel & Power (Part L)


Part A - Site Analysis (Context, Opportunities and Constraints) Survey

Project & Site Introduction 5

Project Overview

- This project is an Chinese Idol Festival for fans to meet their idols. It is selling Chinese idol group SNH48 to UK, bringing the idol culture arising from east Asia to UK, and creating a fantasy for people here. Fans here enjoy idols' performance, watch their life and make decisions for them. It also aims at revealing the dark side of the commodification of idols and the outcome from technology development, warning people to value the realistic life. The selling method is to cover the idol group with Beatles psychedelic style to create familiarity. - It is a world pop touring project. UK is one of the stops. Therefore, all elements will be prefabricated in China and shipped to UK. And it means the festival is a temporary project lasting for no more than 3 months in summer. - The culture value: The design will be a hybridity of Beatles and Chinese culture. It sells the Chinese culture and recall the Beatles memory. - Events: The most important events in the festival are the performance by the Chinese idol group and the opportunities to see the idols life in real life. And there will be Chinese market in the project, therefore, people can buy relative goods in this project. - Site: The festival team will choose different sites in different countries. Because the design is consisted of a dominant element together with some fragmental booths. Therefore, it allows for the flexibility of assembly on site.

Project & Site Introduction 6

Programs in Project

This page is to help people understand what is going on in the project and what kind of services are required for the project.

Programs in this Idol Festival Project:

1. Idols House - Bedroom - Kitchen - Living room - Dining room - Bathroom 2. Idols Practing Room - Recording studio - Photo studio - Dancing studio 3. Amphitheater - Perfomance stage - Audience seats - VIP room for clients - Backstage for make-up area, dressing up area, storage - Monitor room - Merchandise - Food and beverage 4. Personal Theater 5. Group Meeting Room for idols and fans 6. Cafe for Personal Meeting 7. Auction House for the chance to meet idols 8. Archives for collecting the history files of idols 9. Jury House to make judge of idols 10. Video Making Room for supporting idols 11. Dressing up as idols Room 12. Comments Area for fans leaving notes and see idols' notes 13. Chinese Market for selling Chinese goods and idols relative goods 14. Services - Toilets - Screen for advertising - Screen for performing - Computers for making videos - Computers for monitoring performance - PA system - CCTV system - Lighting system - Power and Water

Project & Site Introduction 7

Site Location in London

The site is in Jubilee Gardens in South Bank area in London. The reasons for choosing this site are: - It is in central London near a major international interchange - Waterloo Station, easily accessible. - South Bank area is the major cultural center in London. As a riverside entertainment area, it is famous for its culture value. My project is a temporary Chinese Idol Festival and it can show Chinese culture meeting the cultural atmosphere in this area. - Jubilee Gardens was for holding temporary festival before. - The project also requires lots of tourists and London has lots of tourists and Chinese communitiy.




Character area

Waterloo opportunity area

My project is located in Lambeth, central London. It is located in Southbank area belonging to Waterloo which is regarded as an opportunity area. The policies for opportunity area and Times River policies suit. According to Lambeth Local Plan 2015, Waterloo opportunity area is a key part developing tourists economy, establishing culture and art brand, and enhancing social communication. Especially the Southbank, should be a culture and business meeting point to encrouge the development of riverside. Because there is also Chinese market and shopping area in this project, it can help with the business. Additionally, as a temporary project, it needs lots of temporary labors helping with the job opportinities, which is also the requirement in this area.

Residential character area Riverside character area

Railway character area Lower Marsh character area



Fig.1 - Fig.4 from Waterloo Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) April 2013. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/supplementary-planningdocuments-and-other-policy

Project & Site Introduction 8

Jubilee Gardens & Site Photos

Site Boundary


Jubilee Gardens is the specific site for the project arriving in UK. From the site plan and photos, the context can be observed. The arrangement of different components of the project should consider the context. - It is a garden rising higher than the ground. The topography of the garden is important for later detailed landscape design. - There are fairgrounds and London Eye around Jubilee Gardens drawing some visitors. It is suitable for my project which has a joyful experience. - The roads in and around Jubilee Gardens are demonstrated in site plan and photos. Therefore, the arrangement of different parts of this project should consider people' circulation. - There are lots of trees in Jubilee Gardens which should also be considered in planning argument and landscape design (a base floor will be built on the top of Jubilee Gardens). - The buildings around the site are shown in the photos. The project should adjust its building height according to surrounding buildings. Type of site: Public Park Site ownership: Arts Council of England leased to Jubilee Gardens Trust Site management: Jubilee Gardens Trust Construction time: 2012 Design team: West 8 urban design and landscape architects It is open 24 hours for 365 days a year. The irrigation system works from 10pm to 6am in spring and summer. Fig.5 Fig.5 from Jubilee Gardens, London. Landscape Design & Construct Document for Tender Purposes. 19 May 2011. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFYWdNbXdxVmhRRzg/view Photos are from myself

Project & Site Introduction 9 Fig.6

View 1

View 2

View 3

View 4

View 7

View 8

View 10


View 5

View 4

View 9

View 6 View 10

View 7

View 3 View 8 View 2 View 1

View 5

View 9

View 6

Photos are from myself Fig.6 from Google maps of Jubilee Gardens Fig.7 from Jubilee Gardens Trust. Available at: https://jubileegardens.org.uk/

Project & Site Introduction 10 1850s

Jubilee Gardens History Opportunity:

From the history of Jubilee Gardens and its surrounding area, temporary structures and festivals were popular there. The Idol Festival project is also a temporary project, catering to the site history. This is one of the reasons of the client choosing this site. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, the south bank experienced industrial development. The map of 1870s shows the industrial use of a flour mill, iron foundry and builders' yards. The Jubilee Gardens itself is a yard. The map of 1950s shows that Jubilee Gardens area is a former backland of the Dome of Discovery as a temporary festival. The map of 1970s shows that Jubilee Gardens' first design and being built. After the Festival these temporary structures were removed and the land was used as a car park until 1977, when the area was transformed into a park for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. In 1990s, the Jubilee Gardens was closed for 5 years. The redevelopment of Jubilee Gardens was in 2012, for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations and London Olympic Games. In 2012, the gardens were completely re-landscaped for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Beside the Jubilee Gardens, the most iconic attraction in South Bank - The London Eye was built to celebrate the new millennium in 2000. And The London Eye was meant to be kept till 2005. But it is so popolar with tourists and locals. Therefore, it will stay until at least 2025.







Fig.12 Fig.8 - Fig.12 from London Eye Entrance Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment

Project & Site Introduction 11

Temporary Festival


The site itself has the history of temporary festival and iconic structure. It is one of planning arguements to build the Chinese Idol Festival in Jubilee Gardens.


The most famous temporary festival in Jubilee Gardens is The Festival of Britain. It was a national exhibition and fair in 1951 summer. The centerpiece was on the Southbank area. The Dome of Discovery was a temporay exhibition building for the festival. The vertical Skylon and the dome are the iconic structure for the public. The site of it was in Jubilee Gardens land.


Fig.14 Fig.12 from https://www.dwell.com/article/prefab-icon-dome-of-discovery-by-ralph-tubbs-6a095e25 Fig.13 from https://www.dwell.com/article/prefab-icon-dome-of-discovery-by-ralph-tubbs-6a095e25 Fig.14 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skylon_(Festival_of_Britain)

Project & Site Introduction 12 Weekend tourists

Weekday tourists



Tourists Opportunity:

-Because there are so many tourists around, it is economical good for the idol festival project. This is one of the reason of choosing this area for site. -It can help South bank to attract more visitors to boost the economy around this area. This is one of my planning argument. South bank area attracts lots of visitors every year and weekends have more visitors than weekdays. Additionally, Summer from July to September has more visitors than other months. And the Southbank area has more visitors than other areas showing its great capacity of tourists. The Chinese Idol Festival as a temporary structure for tourists should be set during these months.

2016 Weeknds tourists to London Eye relative to June

Fig.15 2016 Weekday tourists to London Eye relative to June


Fig.15 - Fig.16 from South Bank Public Realm Framework. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFRTI1ekpZQl9wSEU/view Fig.17 - Fig.18 from Queen's Walk/London Eye Entry Modification Transport Statement Merlin Entertainments

Project & Site Introduction 13

Chinese Community Oppotunity:

- As a Chinese Idol Festival, Chinese community is also my target user. According to this figure, South Bank area has great Chinese Community capicity. It can bring Chinese to this project. - And my site is close to China town costing 20 minutes by walking. It can also bring lots of visitors and Chinese people. - It is culturally good for my project which can be a planning argument. - This is one of the reasons choosing this area as site.

20 minuter by walking

Fig.20 Fig.19 Fig.19 from https://www.google.co.uk/search?sa=G&hl=en-GB&q=chinatown+in+japan+tokyo&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSkwEJTQB55XJ-ZAIahwELEKjU2AQaAAwLELCMpwgaYgpgCAMSKLwXuxfNF70Xzhe6F-QWox7jFqQLuSq7K7gqviqqObortyv RIrcqsTkaMEt9L_1ihlKwyN093M_11ZWwhplu2YfJ9FUeDLWVfVS2QpVo5SVsIQ6oi-FM4AtcjVCSAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIES36ahQw&ved=0ahUKEwj-0qO7vrnhAhWFTBUIHbaeDBQQwg4IMCgA&biw=1920&bih=1089#imgrc=YM5LyVJEgtP6kM: Fig.20 from Ethnic groups in London. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_London

Site Context 14 Weekend tourists

Weekday tourists

Building Height Constranit:

Jubilee Gardens is in the area which is not suitable for building tall constructions. According to the Lambeth Local Plan, the structure on my site should follow the building line. The height of buildings around is between 20 meters to 40 meters. This constrant will be a planning issue. So the project won't exceed this height.

Site 5-10 meters 10-20 meters 20-40 meters Not for tall buildings

40-60 meters

For tall buildings

>60 meters


Fig.22 Fig.21 - Fig.22 from Waterloo Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) April 2013. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/supplementary-planningdocuments-and-other-policy

Site Context 15

Surrounding Buildings Function

The function of this area is quite mixed. Public buildings (museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas, etc.), residential and commercial buildings show diverse user resources. And South bank area is quite famous for these public building as the leisure and culture machines attracting lots of people. Therefore, this area is culturally good for my project.


- The project aims at attracting visitors and Chinese community. It is helpful if there are residential buildings and public buildings (museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas, etc.). It can help with their encounter with the Chinese Idol Festival. - There are some parks around and even my site. People would like to stay in this kind of public realm. - There is a transportation hub around showing the accessbility to the site.

Mixed used







Residenial Retail

Residenial Retail Public Buildings Transportation


Fig.23 from South Bank Public Realm Framework. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFRTI1ekpZQl9wSEU/view

Site Context 16

Southbank Entertainments Fig.25



- There are lots of entertainments in Southbank area near my site. These buildings show the cultural value of Southbank, which is also the key point in Lambeth Local Plan 2015. The entertainments are for exihibition, music, plays and literatures. This area is culturally good for my project. - This area is full of visitors which is economically good for my project. The London Party Boat offers visitors a place to enjoy their meels. The National Theatre is an internationally renowned arts center presengting diverse plays. The Southbank Center is the biggest art centre in UK. It holds over 5000 events every year of art, theatre, dance, music, literature and debate. Nearby there is a food market with lots of tourists. The Royal Festival Hall has lots of shows and exihibitions and it is famous for free music and events. The odeon BFI IMAX is famous for its shows and movies experience. Near my site, there are some playful structures, such as London Eye. The County Hall is a mixed used building with aquarium and dungeon. And there are also some fairground constructions around my site.





Fig.28 Fig.33

Fig.29 Fig.34




Fig.24 Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015. Available at: http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Viewers/Html5Viewer_2_4_1/Index.html?configBase=http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Essentials/431/REST/sites/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/viewers/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/virtualdirectory/Resources/Config/ Default / Fig. 25 from https://www.atex.com.br/blog/design-e-arquitetura/laje-nervurada-pelo-mundo-royal-national-theare / Fig.26 from https://www.thamesluxurycharters.co.uk/why-tlc/how-to-book-a-london-party-boat / Fig.27 from https://www.maxfordham.com/ / Fig.28 from https://www.mgukis.co.uk/ / Fig.29 from https:// theculturetrip.com/europe/united-kingdom/england/london/articles/the-history-of-the-barbican-centre-in-1-minute/ / Fig.30 from http://www.ccdy.cn/jiaoliu/201809/t20180925_1394162.htm / Fig.31 from https://www.eventbooker.com/venue/bfi-imax / Fig.32 from https://www.gaytravel.com/gay-guides/london / Fig.33 from Google maps / Fig.34 from https://www.london-se1.co.uk/places/movieum / Fig.35 from https://place.fliggy.com/newguide/2016120310314306417 / Fig.36 from https://misssacrilege.wordpress.com/category/divertissements/

Planning Opportunities & Constraints


Conservation Area & Listed Buildings

The site for the Chinese Idol Festival is located in the conservation area and near County Hall as a listed building. But it won't do any change to the listed buildings.


- Building a structure in conservation area is strict with the planning policies. According to Lambeth policy, a temporary structure over 28 days needs planning permission. Therefore, the planning permission should be fully prepared. - Additionally, it can not harm the public place and park in conservation area according to Lambeth authority. And the policies about trees are also strict in this area. This will be a planning issue for the project. The Chinese Idol Festival is a temporary event, therefore, it won't hurt the park and trees with carefully consideration about trees.

Site Listed Building Grade I Listed Building Grade II* Listed Building Grade II Fig.36 Fig.36 from Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015. Available at: http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Viewers/Html5Viewer_2_4_1/Index.html?configBase=http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/ Geocortex/Essentials/431/REST/sites/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/viewers/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/virtualdirectory/Resources/Config/Default

Planning Opportunities & Constraints

18 Protected Vistas

Protected Vistas

View 1

There are some protected vista and protected local views around.


My project will influence the view from Westerminister pier to St. Paul Cathedral which is a protected vista. However, my project is a temporary building only for three months. So to large extent, it won't cause planning issue.

View 1

View from Westerminister pier to St. Paul Cathedral


View 2

View 2 Fig.38

Site Fig.39

Fig.37 from https://magazine.trivago.com/london-hotels/ Fig.38 from https://www.museumslondon.org/museum/48/st-pauls-cathedral-the-crypt / Fig.39 from Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015. Available at: http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Viewers/ Html5Viewer_2_4_1/Index.html?configBase=http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Essentials/431/REST/sites/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/viewers/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/virtualdirectory/Resources/Config/Default

Planning Opportunities & Constraints

Local Protected Views

19 Local Protected Views As for the local view, my project won't cause problems to it. And it won't hurt the local protected views. Therefore, it won't casue planning issue.

Fig.40 Fig.40 from Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015. Available at: http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Viewers/Html5Viewer_2_4_1/Index. html?configBase=http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Essentials/431/REST/sites/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/viewers/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/virtualdirectory/ Resources/Config/Default


Planning Opportunities & Constraints


Greenery - Park & Garden

My site is in the Open Land area and Park overlapping area. The waterfront along South Bank is the consevated nature area.


- Many tourists and residents would like to stay in this area. - My project will bring more people to the park and reinforce the park use as a regeneration.


- The policy for Open Land in Lambeth is that the constructions cannot change its original use. - And no permanent constructions can occupy Open Land in Lambeth. -The Greenery in Open Land and Park area should be protected. - This will be a planning issue for this project. A planning arguement should be submited to planners about the benefits of construction.


The Chinese Idol Festival is a temporarystructure. So after the use of Jubilee Gardens, the park will be returned to the original stage.

Site Nature Conservation Fig.41

Fig.42 Fig.41 from Waterloo Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) April 2013. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/supplementary-planningdocuments-and-other-policy / Fig.42 from Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015. Available at: http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Viewers/Html5Viewer_2_4_1/Index.html?configBase=http:// maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Essentials/431/REST/sites/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/viewers/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/virtualdirectory/Resources/Config/Default

Planning Opportunities & Constraints

21 After 2012

Before 2012

Easements - Right to Way & Right to Light Right to way definition:

Rights of way is one of the easements that make sure the pedestrian access across someone's land.

The definition of right to light:

If a building (with windows) owners have received natural sunlight for more than 20 years, the owner does not allow any constructions to block the daylight.


The right to way in Jubilee Gardens is to protect the route from the Belvedere Road to the County Hall. In the design of 2012 Jubilee Gardens redevelopment, the right to way is still there. It will be a land constraint for the project. The Chinese Idol Festival should provide the route from the Belvedere Road to the County Hall. The project won't occupy the whole Jubilee Gardens, therefore, it will leave the route for the public.


-The Chinese Idol Festival will start in summer and it has no shadow problem from other buildings because of the sun positions. -And the construction of it will not influence the right to light. Because it won't cast shadow to County Hall and the South bank Places are newly built constructions which do not have the easement of right to light. The site is a garden, therefore, there is no party wall issue.

Right to way Without right to way


Belvere Road

County Hall

Physical Opportunities & Constraints


Flood Contraint:

The drainage system and defence walls should be considered in the construction. But my project is a temporary structure not lasting over 3 months. Therefore, the flood would not cause much problems to my project. The site belongs to the Flood Risk Zone 3 areas which is considered to be at high risk with a tidal risk of flooding of greater than 0.5% a year, inside the 200 year flood extent. But the flood depth of my site is below 0.3 meters and less and it does not have the risk of surface water problem. Because it is higher than the ground. Moreover, the flood walls along the River Thames is at good condition. These walls are constructed of solid masonry blocks. Therefore, this area will have a lower risk of floodings than these maps show.

Site Fig.45



Fig.46 Flood Defence Wall at County Hall and north of County Hall towards the Royal Festival Hall

Fig.45 - Fig.47 from Environment Agency Flood Map. Available at :https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/long-term-flood-risk/map Fig.43 - Fig.44 from Flood Risk Assessment. London Eye Entrance Enhancements County Hall, London SE1 7PB. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/search/content?search=flood


Physical Opportunities & Constraints


Soil & Topography According to soil map, the main soil in Jubilee Gardens is clay. Depending on moisture content, clay is subject to movement due to the expansion and shrinkage. As for the topography, the landscape design (a base floor will be built on the top of Jubilee Gardens) should consider it.


- Needs communication with structural engineers to discuss foundations. Better to dig foundations to a depth where the moisture status of the clay is stable. A minimum depth of 1 meters of foundation and 3 meters when trees are nearby. Fig.48 Fig.49 Fig.50 Fig.51


Fig.48 - Fig.49 from Geology of Britain. http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain3d/index.html? Fig.50 - Fig.52 from Jubilee Gardens Design Report and Access Statement. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFT2VPS2hiSTRzQkU/view

Physical Opportunities & Constraints


Trees There are 68 mature trees having been planted, the species including English and pin oak, common beech, sweet gum, bald cypress and large-leaved liden.


Bald Cypress


- Although these trees are not under TPO, it is in the conservation area. So it is a planning issue. - It needs the permission from Lambeth council to do some tree works. The project needs to remove some trees. - But after the project, these trees will be replanted according to its height and category. And the site will be recovered.

Common Beech

English Oak (6-8m) English Oak



English Oak (5-6m) Pin Oak (8-12m) Pin Oak (5-6m) Pin Oak


Common Beech (10-12m) Bald Cypress (10-12m) Bald Cypress (5-6m) Sweetgum (8-10m)

Large-leaved Lime


Sweetgum (5-6m) Large-leaved Lime (10-12m)




Fig. 53 from Jubilee Gardens, London. Landscape Design & Construct Document for Tender Purposes. 19 May 2011. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFYWdNbXdxVmhRRzg/view / Fig. 54 from http://laneforest.com/dig-deeper/glenwood-corner-store/rain-garden-plants / Fig.55 from https://www. gardenandoutdoor.nl/c-3456788/bomen-d-f / Fig.56 from https://www.treeguideuk.co.uk/english-and-sessile-oak / Fig.57 from https://www.plantmegreen.com/collections/shade-trees/products/oak-pin / Fig.58 from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tilia_tomentosa.jpg / Fig.59 from https://airfreshener.club/quotes/namegum-sweet-scientific.html

Physical Opportunities & Constraints


Trees Planting

The way how these trees were planted in Jubilee Garden and their drainage system are figured out. Some trees need to be removed for the project. After the fesitival, trees will be replanted according to it.

Small rootball trees

Large rootball trees


- Because these trees are in consevation areas which is a planning issue, the project have to give 6 weeks' notice to Lambeth authority before carrying out work to trees. - Need to submit planning argument to planners about the reasons of doing it and how it benefits this area. - The project should work with arboriculturalist and landscape designer to removing and replanting these tree carefully. - It has impact on programme and cost.


Drainage system

Fig.60 from Jubilee Gardens, London. Landscape Design & Construct Document for Tender Purposes. 19 May 2011. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFYWdNbXdxVmhRRzg/view

Physical Opportunities & Constraints

26 Fig.61



There are not many species in Jubilee Gardens and these species are not under national protection.


When doing construction work on site, be careful not to chase species way. The project needs to speak to ecologist to make sure not disturbing the species. And the project is a temporary building, it won't have long term impact.

Chrysolina americana



Corylus amellana


P. x hispanica


T.x europaea

Tyto alba


Fig. 61 - Fig.62 from Naba species data. Available at: https://spatial.nbnatlas.org/# / Fig.63 fromhttps://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chrysomelidae_-_Chrysolina_americana.JPG/ Fig.64 from https://shop.lve-baumschule.de/en/deciduous-species/1433/photinia-villosa Fig.65 from https://shop.lve-baumschule.de/en/deciduous-species/1433/photinia-villosa / Fig.66 from https://www.vdberk.se/trad/tilia-europaea/ Fig.67 from https://frontporch.club/galleries/birds-snow-pretty.html

Physical Opportunities & Constraints


Key Routes & Transportation Stops As a project requiring to attract visitors, accessibility is quite important. My site is near Waterloo Station as an international exchange. And other public transportation is also available, such as bus and ship. Jubilee Gardens is on the key route in this area and it is closed to the bridges connecting two banks.


- There will be a huge amount of people using surrounding transportation links and coming to this area. The access of the Chinese Idol Festival is quite convenient. It can bring lots of tourists and it is easy for Chinese community to come over. - Because of the transportation links, the project is economically viable. - The richness of public transportations is good for sustainability. People will use public transportations instead of using cars. Site

Boat Stops


Metro Station

Key Routes

Railway Station

Key Connections of riversiedes


Fig.69 Fig.68 from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/354377064413720214/ Fig.69 from Waterloo Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) April 2013. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/supplementary-planning-documents-and-other-policy


Blank intentionally


Part B - Professional Strategy

Client 30

Client Ambitions About the Project Time:

It is a world pop touring project, therefore it has time restrictions. - The clients want to save transporting time from China to UK and from UK to other countries. - The clients want to save time on transporting form port to the site. It is because that transporting by trucks need to occupy roads, which will cause trouble to pedestrians. - The clients want to save time of constructing on site. It is because that the temporary labour, lease of constructing devices (such as cranes), lease of trucks and lease of land all need money. More time wasting on construction, more cost it will cause. - The clients want to save time on dismantling all components. Responding: The different components of the project, such as structure and services, should be easily transporated, constructed and dismantled.


This is a world tour project, so it has budget on each stop. - The clients want to save money on shipping from UK to China. - The clients want to save money on transporting from port to the site. - The clients want to save money on construction. The cost on construction are mainly from daily larbour and lease of equipments (such as cranes). - The clients want to save money on dismantling. - The income of the project can be equal to the cost of the project. Responding: - The cost of transportation, construction and dismantling depend on the time. Therefore, the project should be designed to easily transporting, constructing and dismantling. - Using prefabrication to cut down on the cost. - There should be some advertising places in the project and it can sell the tickets and relating goods to make money.


- The design should have a pop sensibility. - The design should sell the Chinese idol group. - The design should be logically viable to suit different site. - The design should have spare components for suiting other site in other countries and in case of damage. - The design should meet the building regulations in different countries. - The design should gain planning permissions from different countries. - The project should meet the laws from different countries. Responding: - Before submitting the planning permission, the project should involve consultants from different touring countries.

Client Risks About the Project Time:

- There are social or political issues in some of the countries to stop the touring, which will waste time on negotiating local consultants and producing relative components. - The prefabrication in factory is delayed. - The shiping from countries to countries is delayed. - The transportation within each countries is delayed. - The construction on site is delayed. - The dismantle in each country is delayed. - Have to negotiate with different consultants, design teams and contractors from different countries. - If the planning permissions are rejected, more time has to be contributed to make the project work.


- The financing is withdrawn by their financing companies. - There are not enough companies that would like to have advertising places in the project. - There are not enough visitors to buy the festival tickets and goods. - The communication with different consulatants, design teams and contractors from different countries will increase the cost. - If the planning permissions are rejected, more money has to be used for making the project work. - The components of the project might be damaged during transportation or construction or dismantling, which will increase the cost. - There are social or political issues in some countries to stop the touring, which will waste money on hiring local consultants, design team, construction team and producing relative components.


- Because the components are prefabricated, therefore the quality of productions can not be guaranteed. - The design cannot suit all different site in different countries. - The design cannot meet all builing regulations.


Because it is a world touring project and its main aim is to promote the idol group and Chinese culture, so it needs to save cost and time on transportation and construction. But it still needs a fair quality of the design and construction, otherwise it cannot promote the idol group.

Client 31 Forming a new business entity

Client team

Main client

Secondary client

The Shanghai Star48 and the X Factor will form a new business entity to run the project.

Shanghai Star48:


Shanghai Star48 culture media group co.LTD was founded in 2010 and it is the running company of the Chinese Idol Group (SNH48) of the Idol Festival project .

- Have 9 different shareholders, 7 of them are companies and the rest are individuals.


The X Factor is an UK reality TV music competition to find new singing talent. It is created by Simon Cowell. The show is produced by SYCO Entertainment and Thames belonging to the Fremantle company.


Ambitions of Shanghai Star48:

Production company

- Promoting the Chinese idol group. - Selling Chinese culture to the world.

Shanghai Xingche venture investment partnership Fig.71

The X Factor:

The X Factor as a reality TV show is produced by two companies - Thames and SYCO. These two companies are famous britain's leading entertainment TV companies. The X Factor will change its season theme every year for atractting audiences.


CMB growth land investment (shenzhen) partnership

Ambitions of The X Factor:

Thames, part of Fremantle in the UK, is Britain’s leading producer of quality entertainment TV, and is home to the UK’s biggest and best entertainment programmes.

Fig.77 SYCO Entertainment, is a British entertainment company established by British entertainment mogul Simon Cowell, and currently owned by Sony.

Fig.72 Belonging to

- The Chinese idol group live in the project and there is a competition between them. Therefore, their life and competition will be the new season theme for The X Factor. - The promotion of SNH48 can lead to the transformation of idol culture in world and The X Factor can take a market share of it in UK.

Shenzhen China merchants bank win-win equity investment partnership Fig.76


Shanghai Sishang Asset Management Partnership

Individual: Qi Shi & Wang Jing

Fremantle Limited is an UK international television content and production/distribution subsidiary. It is founded in 2001 becoming Europe's largest radio, TV and production company.

Fig.70 from https://twitter.com/Star48Family_RP / Fig.71 from https://www.ubs.com/microsites/private-funds-group/en/news-and-events.html / Fig.72 from http://www.innovation-ark.com/index.php?g= home&m=article&a=index&id=42 / Fig.73 from http://www.gsfcap.com/node/979 / Fig.74 from https://blog.ticketmaster.co.uk/music/the-x-factor-live-tour-40980/ Fig.75 from https://blog.ticketmaster.co.uk/music/the-x-factor-live-tour-40980/ Fig.76 from https://www.themuse.com/profiles/fremantle / Fig. 77 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syco

Client 32

How the Project Make Money

Project Financing

The CMB International is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Merchants Bank and it is a financial services institution.

The project needs to make money by itself as Shanghai Star48 and The X Factor form a new business entity.

How the new business entity makes money:

- Earning money from festival tickets selling. - Offering advertising places for brands in the project (there are billboards places in the project). - Offering goods selling booths for different Chinese companies in the project (there is a Chinese market in the project). - It will turn the festival into a reality TV show by installing CCTV. So they can sell its right of broadcasting to televisions and websites.(There are CCTV and monitor rooms in the project.) - It can sell the advertising space on T V and websites.

Tickets Selling

Chinese Market in the project

Relative Goods Selling in project

Fig.78 Reality Show of the Project

Fig.82 The CMC Capital Partners is a Chinese cultural investiment trust supported by Chinese national department. It would like to finance the promotion of Chinese idol group to UK.

Legend Capital is an independent professional venture capital company under Lenovo company. It focuses on investing in innovative, growing companies operating in China and in markets related to China

The listed three companies on the right are usually the financing resources of Shanghai Star48. Therefore, besides Shanghai Star48 itself, these three companies would like to fund this idol festival.


Fig.78 Fig.78

Fig.79 Billboard and Advertisements in Project


These two production companies would like to finance this idol festival for the X Factor new season.

Thames and SYCO E nte r ta i n m e nt b o t h h ave several shareholders. Themselves and relative interests will be the resources of funding. The theme of the X Factor new season is about this Chinese I d o l g ro u p ' s c o m p e t i t i o n and life. The two production companies have the broadcasting right and can sell it to televisions or websites. Additionally, it can also earn money from the advertising s p a c e o f t h e s h o w. T h e contribution of the X Factor is not limited to money, but can also involves devices for stage.

Fig.81 Fig.78 from https://wpmisc.com/wallpaper-671626 / Fig.79 from https://shop.48.cn/Goods/index/ Fig.80 from http://otevrenyvsetin.cz/tvbeskyd/ / Fig. 81 from http://vdjadeja.blogspot.com/2011/10/advertising-ka-kamaal-history-of-apple.html / Fig. 82 from http://kuaibao.qq.com/ s/20180718A06MPZ00?refer=spider / Fig. 83 from https://itw01.com/GKZMEG6.html

Client 33

Ownership Because the Idol Festival needs to use Jubilee Gardens as a site, the project needs to pay lease fees to Jubilee Gardens Trust. Because the Trust would like to provide facilities for the public and promote Jubilee Gardens itself, the trust will be the stakeholder of the project and cut down on the rents for the project. The Jubilee Gardens Trust is a registered charity which brings neighbouring landowners, local businesses and community together to manage and maintain Jubilee Gardens. The Jubilee Gardens Trust was formed in 2008. The Trustees comprises of local residents, local business, neighboring landowners and individuals. The Trustees are: Appointed by Landowner Members (4) Appointed by Local Enterprise Members (4) Appointed by Residents Members (4) The ambitions of the Trust are: - Provide a open park for public use - Provide facilities for recreation and leisure for public use - Promote and protect the physical and natural environment of the area - Educatepublic the history of Jubilee Gardens - Promote residents participation in healthy recreation Fig.84

Fig.84 from Jubilee Gardens Trust. https://jubileegardens.org.uk/

Procurements 34

Design Team

The designer will be selected through competition. The design team will be formed by clients and be novated to the mian contractor who are in charge of prefabrication and installation of all components on site. But the landscape designer will not be novated to the main contractor. Instead, the client will sign the contract with the landscape designers from each countries. It is for making sure the quality of site works and recovery of site.

Alulu Architects


Stufish Architects Landscape Designers from country A, country B....country N

Role Descriptions:

- They need to do all site study from different countries. - Achieve clients' ambitions for the project. - The landscape designers should design the base floor according to the site. - They need to work together to do the conceptual design. And Alulu Architects and Landscape designers need to work on the detailed design later.

Role Descriptions:

Structure engineers M & E engineers Planning consultants


Transport consultants

- The structure engineers need to make sure the technical drawings of prefabrication and installations on site. They need to communicate with designers to make sure all components can easily and quickly installated and dimantled. - The M&E engineers need to make sure the machanical and electrical functions in the project. They need to work with lighting and sound consultants. - The Planning consultants will help work on the planning arguments in different countries

Quantity surveyors

- The transporting consultants will give the reseach result of transportation time and cost. They need to give advice of touring routes and transportation modes.

Lighting and sound consultants

- The quantity surveyors will give advices on health and safety issues.


- The lighting and sound consultants will make sure the lighing system and PA system can work in the project. They will work with the electrical engineers. - The arboriculturalist will help to know how to remove the trees ans recover the site as original.

Procurements 35


This project has these steps: Site Work in each country, Prefabrication of all elements, Transporting, Installing all components, Installing all services, Dismantling all components, Recovering the site. This page is about the contract suiting different procedure.



Sub-contractor for Transportation The joint clients


Design Team

Novate +Contract

Main Contractor for Prefabrication & Installation all components & Dismantling


Quality Sub-contractor for Installing Services

Landscape Designer in Country A

The joint clients


Landscape Designer in Country B

Landscape Designer in Country C

Contract with client

Contract with client

Contract with client

Design and Build Cost

Why Design & Build: In order to save time and cost, the main contract is Design & Build Contract involing prefabrication of all elements, transporting, installing all componnets, installing all services and dismantling components.

Contractor for removing and replanting trees (recovering site as original)

Time Traditional

Contractor for removing and replanting trees (recovering site as original)

Contractor for removing and replanting trees (recovering site as original)



Why Traditional: This project is a worlding touring project, some sites in some countries might need to remove trees and replant them after the project. Taking UK for example, the site is in conservation area which is strict with site work. So the site work has to have high quality and save cost. In this case, traditional contract suits the site work of removing and replanting trees.

Procurements 36


This page is about the basic contrac principles and how they suit the project according to time, cost and quality. And some advantages are in the contracts which need to be noticed.

Design and Build



Principles of Design and Build: Design and build is for describing a procurement route in which the main contractor has the most liability of design and contraction. Generally, the main contractor takes the charge of planning, desigan, management and construction according to clients' requirements. The main contractor signs contract with client directly while other involving parts, such as design team, sign the contracts with the main contractor. In this procurement route, time and cost are the most significant and controllable elements. Generally, the main contractor takes more liability. Benefits: Time: The project will travel to different countries, therefore the time schedule is quite strict. The time of prefabrication in China, transportation, installation of all components and services and dismantling all are time issue. - It can save the time of the overall project because it can overlap the design and construction. - It can reduce the trouble of management and communication of clients because they only need to communicate with the main contractor. Cost: As a touring project, it has to be constructed and dismantled many times and it needs transportation. There are also some risks of unexpecting cost, which might be from damage of components. So cost is a issue for the project. -The main contractor needs to offer the certain cost to the client. Therefore, the client has less burden on financial risks. Quality: Because the prefabricaition and installation contractor is the main contract for the project, the prefabrication process is under controlled. So it will have a fair quality. Disanvantages: - It requires the client giving a specific and detailed brief to the main contractor. Otherwise, the main contractor might choose the cheapest solutions in the sacrifice of quality. - And the flexibility is at a low level if any changes from client are mentioned. It will increase the cost and time.

Priciples of Traditional: In the traditional procurement route, the client needs to appoint the design team to design the project in detail firstly. Later, the client will prepare the tender decuments including drawings and schedules. Then, the contractors will submit tenders for the construction. In this case, contractors are not responsible for the design. During the construction process, usually the design will keep in touch with the contractors to make sure the time and cost. Fully developing the design before the tender will help the client with the certainty of quality and cost. Generally, the client takes more responsiblity. Benefits: Running this project in UK also requires the site work, such as removing trees. After the festival, the site needs to be recovered and the trees are required to be replanted as where they were. Cost: As a touring project, it has to be constructed and dismantled many times and it needs transportation. There are also some risks of unexpecting cost, which might be from damage of components. So cost is a issue for the project. -It has great certainty of cost and quality because the design and cost have been considered before the tender. There barely is unexpected cost. Quality: The site is in a conservation area and it has strict rule of protecting the garden for its greenery. And the construction team needs to recover the site and put all trees back. Only if the quality is guaranteed, the planning permission can be agreed by the local authority. Otherwise, there will be lots of fines adding the cost. -The client can speculate all process increasing the certainty of the project. Disadvantages: - The flexibility of design work is a problem. - In order to achieve the design with acceptable cost, the time can be slow. - The client takes more responsiblity in managing.

Fig. 85 from https://www.tollebild.com/bilden/hydraulic-tree-spade-21.html

Procurements 37

Project Procedure - Step 1 Clients form team - Star48 & the X Factor


Form design team


Site survey of different chosen site in different countries

Tender process & Contract

Main contractor - Prefabrication and installation all components

Conceptial design Novate consultants team to main contractor including design team


Developed design by design team

Pre-planning application

Installation of services from lease companies

Installation components on site by main contractor

Project opens

Delivery to site

Shipping to next place


Dismantle the project by main contractor

Local authority - Lambeth authority

Shipping from China to UK

Factory prefabrication by main contractor

- Preparing for the planning application submission to different countries

Planning permission from different countries - taking UK for example

Detailed design and technical design confirmed

Procurements 38

Project Procedure - Step 2 Contract

Clients form team - Star48 & the X Factor




Landscape designer from different countries - follow conceptual design

Detailed and technical design about base floor

Factory prefabrication of base floor by main contractor A

Choose contractor B - site work contractor

Site work - Remove trees by contractor B

After the project, recover the site as before by contractor B

Procurements 39

Step 1 - Design and Build Contract Client Client - Star48 the X factor

Alulu Architect

Client team

Stufish Architect Consultants

Concept design Main Contractor A

Client team - Star48 & the X Factor Role of client: - The two clients need to form a new business entity and negotiate the business model for the project in the beginning. - Approach the design team in advance in this project to produce the detailed and specific brief and concept design. - Fully prepare the tender process for confirming the main contractor. - The clients also need to financial this project.

Role of Architect: The Alulu Architect needs to cooperate with Stufish Architect in the beginning. - They need to develop the concept design and detailed brief with clients under the help of consultants. -After the main contractor is confirmed, the Alulu Architect will be novated to the main contractor and fully develop the design and negotiate with all consultants to make sure the design is acceptable in all aspects.

Main Contractor A - Prefabrication contractor

Architects - Alulu Architects



Stufish Architects

Shipping contractor

Prefabrication consultants

Services contractor

Structure engineers

In-site construction contractor

M&E engineers

Role of contractors: - The main contractor is the prefabrication and installation contractor and it will go through the tender process according to the requirements of clients. - It will need to sign the contract with client, design team, sub-contractors and consultants. It will approach different sub-contractors, consultants and suppliers. The sub-contractors include shipping contractor, services contractor and in-site construction contractor. The shipping contractor will be responsible for transporting from China to UK. The services contractor will be responsible for the services lease, such as PA system. The in-site construction contractor will be in charge of installation of all prefabricated elements.

Contract end

Working relationship

Role of consultants: There will be variable consultants, such as structure engineers, M&E engineers, planning consultants, transport consultants, qualityty surveyors and lighting & sound consultants. They sign the contract with the main contractor and offer advice to the design team and construction team.

Planning consultants Transport consultants Contract relationship Working relationship

Quantity surveyors

Working relationship Contract relationship

Lighting & Sound Consultants

Procurements 40

Step 2 - Traditional Landscape Contract Client Client - Star48 the X factor

Client team

Alulu Architect

Stufish Architect Consultants

Role of client: The client team needs to get in touch with the landscape designers after the conceptual design is achieved by the Alulu Architect and Stufish Architect. And the client team needs to sign the contracts with landscape designer and landscape contractor and relative consultants in step 2.

Client team - Star48 & the X Factor

Landscape designers Concept design Contractor Landscape B designers

Role of landscape designer: The landscape designer needs to develop the landscape design according to the concept design set by architect team. And they also need to communicate with consultants to make sure the landscape design is acceptable, especially for the local authority. They need to finish the detail design before the client sign the contract with landscape contractor. The designer also needs to report the working status to clients.

Contract end

Working relationship



Quantity surveyors

Role of contractor: The contractor is responsible for the site work: remove trees, recover the site and put the trees back. They need to do the work carefully because the site is in conservation area which has strict rules of protecting greenery. And the contractor needs to follow the advice from consultants to make sure the work.

Role of consultants: The consultants need to sign contract with the client team and consultants are arboriculturalist and quantity surveyors. They need to communicate and offer advice for landscape designers and thecontractor to make sure the work.

Contractor B - Site work contractor

Contract relationship Working relationship Working relationship Contract relationship

Planning Permission & Arguments 41

Planning Arguments

Planning constraint:

- The site is on the Open Land area and park area. The policy for Open Land in Lambeth is that the constructions cannot change its original use. And no permanent constructions can occupy Open Land in Lambeth. The trees in Open Land and Park area should be protected.

Planning permission:

Planning permission is the legal procedure of telling whether proposed developments should be permitted. Responsibility for planning is with local planning authorities - the planning department of the district or borough council. Because the idol festival project is a over 28 days temporary structure, it needs planning permission from local authority. Because it is a touring project, it needs to have planning permissions from different countries. Therefore, comprehensive planning applications with strong planning arguments should be submitted to the local authority. The planning arguments will take UK as example.

Planning argument towards planning constraint:

- The project is not a permanent construction on Open Land. - Jubilee Gardens is a park for people to relax and there are fairground and kids' play area around. The idol festival does not change the original use, but rich the site's facilities and joyful atmosphere. - Although the trees will be removed, it will be replanted after the festival. - It can help promote Gubilee Gardens.

General planning arguments:

- Culturally, Jubilee Gardens is in the South Bank area. This area is in Waterloo opportunity area. This area should develop its culture value according to Lambeth Local Plan. The idol Festival project represents Chinese culture, because the design of it has Chinese elements. And the design also has pop culture - Beatles elements. Additionally, the project has theater as entertainment. So it can rich the culture value in this area. - Economically, the Lambeth Local Plan policy wants to develop the business in Waterloo opportunity area. The idol festival project involves Chinese market. Additionally, it can bring more tourists to the site. So it is good for the economic value in this area. - Socially, the site is on the Open Land and Park area. The Lambeth Local Plan requires the social engagement in Open Land and Park area. It means the Lambeth authority wants more people to stay in parks and use park facilities. The idol festival project is built on Jubilee Gardens, so it can promote the park and more people will stay in the park. Besides, the project can help mix people from different communities and mix local and tourists. Generally, it is good for social value. - Environmentally, the Lambeth Local Plan requires to protect trees in park. The idol festival project is a temporary project. Although it will remove trees, it also will replant these trees. And it is near the Waterloo Station, which can encrouge people to use more public transportation and be sustainable.

Planning Permission & Arguments 42

Planning Arguments - Culture

This page is about the detailed policies about culture in Lambeth Local Plan. This page is going to explain why the project is good culturally for Lambeth in detail.



Policy Q4 Public Art The council will encourage the provision of new public art in: landmark sites and public parks/public spaces (especially the South Bank). Public art and historic street furniture play an important role in enriching Lambeth’s environment. New work can include high-quality ornamentation/ decoration integrated into the building architecture.

Policy Q4 The Chinese Idol Festival will be a high-quality ornamentation intergrated architecture, which can be regarded as the public art to assembly on Jubilee Gardens. Policy Q2 - The project won't harm visual amenity, in verse, it can rich the visual amenity as it is a ornamented architecture. - The arrangement of the project is like an amusement park, so it leaves enough outdoor public space. - It is a festival project instead of industry project, so it barely has pollution or odour. - The noise might be an issue, but the surrounding area is not residential building. And the project will deal with noise by wall layers or devices. - The project has no overshadowing problem. Policy ED11 (a) The Jubilee Gardens is located in the Waterloo Opportunity area which needs the development of leisure, recreation, arts and cultural facilities. The design of the Chinese Idol Festival is with lots of Chinese elements and Beatles elements. It can be the cultural attraction of visitors. And there is a theater as cultural activities. (d) As a temporary building with stage, it also caters to the policy that the temporary use of open space for performance from Chinese Idol group is highly supported. (a) There will be lots of events showing Chinese culture in the Festival to promote culture communication between China and UK. Policy PN1 (d) There is theater in the project which can be the cultural activities and it can enhance South Bank as an international cultural and leisure center. (e) It uses Jubilee Gardens, so it can promote the public realm there. More people would like to stay in here.

Policy Q2 Quality of the Built Environment Amenity Visual amenity from adjoining sites and from the public realm is not unacceptably compromised; adequate outdoor amenity space is provided free from excessive noise or disturbance, pollution or odour, oppressive enclosure, wind/downdraught and overshadowing. Policy ED11 Visitor attractions, leisure, arts and culture uses The council wishes to promote, safeguard and improve leisure, recreation, arts and cultural facilities in the borough where they meet local and wider needs, especially in the Central Activities Zone, Vauxhall and Waterloo London Plan Opportunity Areas and in town centres. (a) Visitor attractions and major leisure and cultural activities located in the Central Activities Zone, Vauxhall and Waterloo London Plan Opportunity Areas and Brixton and Streatham major town centres will be supported. Planning obligations may be sought to address any additional public service provision required as a result of the development. This may include improvements to the public realm, especially on routes to and from public transport nodes. Requirements for the nature of planning obligations will be appropriately benchmarked. (d) Temporary use of vacant commercial premises, open space and public realm for performance and creative work will be supported, subject to the nature of the proposed activity and the requirements ofother policies. Policy PN1 Waterloo The council will support and enhance Waterloo as a key part of central London and Lambeth and its economy in its various roles as: an international centre for culture and arts as part of the London Plan South Bank/Bankside Strategic Cultural Area; a pre-eminent international, domestic and local tourist, leisure and entertainment area; a major location for offices, hotels, healthcare and higher education; a mixed residential area with appropriate supporting community, service and shopping facilities; its valued historic character; and its role as being one of London’s most important transport hubs. (d) Promoting expansion of arts and cultural activities throughout Waterloo and enhancing the South Bank (Riverside) in its role as an international cultural and leisure centre and a London tourist destination through supporting the development of arts and cultural facilities, associated and supporting uses as well as visitor related facilities. (e) Promotion of a public realm that is high quality, durable, well designed and maintained to reinforce Waterloo’s status as a world class place. The combination of the riverfront, streetscapes, piazzas, squares and green spaces contribute to the broader public realm and are places for people to meet, socialise, gather for events as well as move through. Development and uses recognise and add value to this important asset through the inclusion of flexible places for people and events, and actively contribute to the enhancement of the collective public realm. To supplement the urban character of the public realm, green spaces will be protected and expanded, specifically Jubilee Gardens. Development at the Hungerford car park, of which two-thirds is protected as Metropolitan Open Land, will only be considered acceptable if it enables the extension of Jubilee Gardens with the remaining area promoting the expansion of the arts and cultural activities of Waterloo.

These policies are from the Lambeth Local Plan 2015. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015_0.pdf

Planning Permission & Arguments 43

Planning Arguments - Economy

This page is about the detailed policies about economy in Lambeth Local Plan. This page is going to explain why the project is good in economy for Lambeth in detail.

Policies Policy ED11 Visitor attractions, leisure, arts and culture uses The council wishes to promote, safeguard and improve leisure, recreation, arts and cultural facilities in the borough where they meet local and wider needs, especially in the Central Activities Zone, Vauxhall and Waterloo London Plan Opportunity Areas and in town centres. (a) Visitor attractions and major leisure and cultural activities located in the Central Activities Zone, Vauxhall and Waterloo London Plan Opportunity Areas and Brixton and Streatham major town centres will be supported. Planning obligations may be sought to address any additional public service provision required as a result of the development. This may include improvements to the public realm, especially on routes to and from public transport nodes. Requirements for the nature of planning obligations will be appropriately benchmarked. (c) Commercial development related to cultural facilities on the South Bank and in Waterloo will be supported where it is associated with arts and cultural uses or is ancillary and complementary to the arts and cultural uses and where it can be demonstrated that:

These policies are from the Lambeth Local Plan 2015. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015_0.pdf

Responce Policy ED11 (a) And the project will become a visitor attraction. If many tourists come here, then other cultrural attractions will be exposed to visitors more often. So the visitors will spend money on this entertainment area. (b) The project has the shopping area and Chinese market. It caters to the policy of cultural related commercial development. The project itself will sell the tickets and make advertisement places for other brands. Besides, as a temporary festival, it will need lots of temporary labors, such as security. This will enhance the job opportunities to improve the economy.

Planning Permission & Arguments 44

Planning Arguments - Social



Policy Q6 Urban design: public realm (ii) attractive, uncluttered, co-ordinated public realm that enhances the setting of and spaces between buildings; (iii) improved legibility, permeability and convenient access via direct routes for all users (but avoiding alleyways and back lanes); (iv) a building line that maintains or improves upon the prevailing building line (forward encroachment of established building lines will only be supported where it is fully justified and where no harm to amenity or local character will result);

Policy Q6 (ii) The Lambeth has the desire to develop public realm to enhance the social engagement. The Chinese Idol Fetival will provide the entertainment facilities and activities on a public place. It can enhance the open space for holding events there. (iii) It is near Waterloo Station which is a convenient transportation for users. And all access to the site is kept (iv) The project itself will follow the building line not causing amenity problems. Moreover, the Chinese community will meet other communities here to enhance social connections of residents and visitors. Policy 04 - It won't hurt the biodiversity and wildlife since it is a temporary structure and the site will be recovered after the festival. - It is on the Jubilee Gardens, so it can promote the park and more people would like to stay in the park. Policy Q24 (i) The Site is in Jubilee Gardens, near river Thames. It will attract more visitors and they will use the riverside walkways. Therefore, the character of river can be enhanced. (iii) The project does not block the publicly accessible spaces routes along the river. (iv) And the prject will leave a good view for people on the other riverside.

Policy 04 Delivering the Vision and Objectives Ensure that development proposals provide or fund local improvements to mitigate the impact of the development and/or additional facilities and requirements made necessary by the development. This may include: local public realm improvements including streetscape, local public open space, play facilities and community safety; other sustainability measures, including mitigation of impacts on and/or enhancement of biodiversity and wildlife habitats. Policy Q24 River Thames (i) enhance the character of the river frontage, views from the river and from the opposite bank; (iii) maintain and create publicly accessible spaces routes along the river for a continuous riverside walkway; (iv) should not impede views across the river from the river, the riverside and the bridges, particularly of landmark buildings, especially between Westminster World Heritage Site and Lambeth Palace, and should be in scale with the river scene;

These policies are from the Lambeth Local Plan 2015. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015_0.pdf

Planning Permission & Arguments 45

Planning Arguments - Environment Policies Policy Q9 Landscaping (ii) retains and enhances existing planting and landscape features of value and protects them during construction; (iii) protects and enhances existing designated habitats and creates new habitats/areas of nature conservation interest and biodiversity value; Policy Q10 Trees (b) Development will not be permitted that would result in the loss of trees of significant amenity, historic or ecological/habitat conservation value, or give rise to a threat, immediate or long term, to the continued wellbeing of such trees. Policy Q14 Development in gardens and on backland sites (a) The council does not consider gardens to be potential development sites and will resist proposals which would result in the loss of biodiversity, soft landscaping/permeable drainage or openness. Policy Q21 Registered parks and gardens (i) Sustain and enhance the significance of landscape and its features of interest (including structures); (iii) promote greater accessibility; and Policy EN1 Open space and biodiversity (a) Protecting and maintaining open spaces and their function. Development which would involve the loss of existing public or private open space will not be supported unless at least one of the following tests is met: (iii) It is for the provision of facilities directly related to the use of open space including ecology centres, indoor sports facilities, changing rooms, toilets or cafes as long as these are appropriate in scale and form to the size and character of the open space and acceptable in terms of impact on openness and do not harm the function and operation of the open space.

These policies are from the Lambeth Local Plan 2015. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015_0.pdf

Responce Policy Q9 (ii)(iii) Although the landscape and tree works and gardens policies in Lambeth are strict, my project is a temporary construction and the site will be recorved and trees will be replanted as original. Policy Q10 (b) The project is a temporary construction and the site will be recorved and trees will be replanted as original. Policy Q14 (a) It won't hurt the biodiversity and wildlife since it is a temporary structure and the site will be recovered after the festival. Policy Q21 (i) Some areas of Jubilee Gardens will be kept. So when people come the festival, they will feel the beauty of Jubilee Gardens and the significance of landscape will be enhanced. The project will hold some events there to attract people to the open and green lands. (iii) Before Jubilee Gardens has great accessiblity. The project will build a base floor on the top of the park improving the accessiblity. Policy EN1 (a) Jubilee Gardens is a park for people to relax and there are fairground and kids' play area around. The idol festival does not change the original use, but rich the site's facilities and joyful atmosphere. Although the trees will be removed, it will be replanted after the festival.It can help promote Gubilee Gardens. (iii) As an idol festival, there will be cafe and toilets to provide facilities.

Planning Permission & Arguments 46 Pre-application period - 3 days

Planning Permission Application


Pre-Application engagement


Taking UK for example, although the project is temporary structure, it is over 28 days. Therefore it still needs to get planning permission. This page is about how the main contractor of prefabrication and installation prepare for the planning permission application.

Need Planning Permission The Chinese Idol Festival is temporary construction exceeding 28 days, therefore it needs Planning Permission.

Planning System is operated by central government and three tiers of local governments: 1. County councils 2. District, borough or city councils 3. Parish or town councils

Is the proposal belonging to permitted developments?


Permitted developments do not require approval from the local planning authority as permission is granted by the The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted D e v e l o p m e n t ) O rd e r 1995 Order.

Checking with the local planning authority with integrated design team (main contractor, designer, sub-contractor, supplier, facility manager) about: 1. The form of application 2. Dates of the planning committee meetings 3. Committee procedures 4. Possible planning conditions 5. Possible planning obligations 6. Community infrastructure levy and the requirements in order to undertake an external consultation process 7. Cost effect, abnormal cost in particular The intergrated supply team has the responsibility to coordinate with clients.

Examples of permitted developments are: 1.Certain enlargements or alterations to houses (not exceeding 50% of the curtilage). 2.Provision of certain pet enclosures, sheds and fuel storage containers (not exceeding 50% of the curtilage). 3.Certain porches, doors and windows. 4.Installation of antenna and satellite dishes (up to specified sizes). 5.Gates, fences, walls and other enclosures (no more than 2 m high). 6.The provision of certain hard surfaces and means of access to a highway. 7.Installation and alterations to certain chimneys. 8.The installation of CCTV for security purposes. 9.Exterior painting (other than advertisements). 10.Internal alterations. 11.Certain microgeneration equipment. 12.Certain changes of use class. 13.Temporary structures and plant for construction purposes. 14.Temporary structures remaining for no more than 28 days. 15.Works by certain statutory authorities. 16.Building operations consisting of the demolition of a building.

What is special in the planning application of this Idol Festival? The proposal is in a Conservation Area, then the project needs to get permission from council before doing any maintenance work on the tree, or remove the tree. Therefore, the planning application should involve the tree work proposal and arguments particularly with other required documents.

Planning committee meetings are public meetings where elected councillors decide whether planning applications whether should be approved. Planning Applications Committee meets every three or four weeks and they are open to the public. Planning committee are established by local planning authorities to determine applications for Planning Permission. The final decision on an application can be made either: under delegated powers senior planning officers, or by the Planning Applications Committee.

Planning Permission & Arguments 47 Validation period - 5 days

Determination period - 8 weeks Next step

Submitting application The main Contractor of prefabrication and installation of all components needs to prepare all the documents and fees for application.

Approved Consultation on application by local planning authorities

Major development

Assessing application by planning committee The Idol Festival is a major development that will be assessed by planning committee

Before starting work, it xshould also get building regulations approval. Building regulations are separate from planning permission and for ensuring the health and safety, energy conservation, and for access and facilities for disabled people.

Minor development

Validation of application

Assessed by senior planning officers

Waits for five days for validation.

Once the application is received, it will be checked by officers to make sure council has enough information to properly assess it. The validation process will normally happen within five days after receiving your application.

Ways of consultation: Individual letters to neighbours A site notice Local newspaper advets Council may also consult specialist teams within the council such as; conservation and design, policy, transport or environmental health, or ask external organisations.

Refused The officer will do the evaluation of the application assessing it against all relevant planning policies in the local development plan, assessing issues such as: 1.Land use 2.Design and layout 3.Ex ternal appearance and materials 4.Impact on neighbours (for example, loss of daylight) 5.Transport and parking issues Sustainability 6.Access for disabled people The case officer will also consider other material considerations such as: 7.The advice and comments received in the consultation period 8.Observations from visiting the site 9.Historic England and Transport for London for their views on a development

Next step If planning permission is refused, the main contractor may lodge a planning appeal for the Secretary of State.

The statutory determination period for validated planning applications is 8 weeks for simple planning applications and 13 weeks for complex applications, and 16 weeks if the application needs an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

https://www.designingbuildings. co.uk/wiki/Permitted_development https://www.designingbuildings. co.uk/wiki/Planning_permission https://www.designingbuildings. co.uk/wiki/Community_ infrastructure_levy_CIL https://www.designingbuildings. co.uk/wiki/Public_project:_ planning_permission

Planning Permission & Arguments 48

Required Documents for Planning Permission


There are two levels of mandatory documents, national and local. The Local Application Requirements lists the items towards different application. Therefore it requires to figure out the application type. The type for this project is the full planning permission application involving tree works arguments. These images are the documents that need to be prepared for the local application requirements.

Documents available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/LAR_Final_22.07.2016.pdf

Planning Permission & Arguments 49

Programs 50

Case Study


Material weights

65,000 square metres

1000 tonnes of steel (110m wide x 26m high main stage)

2727 square metres (51 metres high)

220T of steel structure and 176T of services ( PA , l i g h t t i n g , 5 2 tonnes of screen, the cigar, winches and automation)

Truck numbers

Construction & dismantle days

18 days

Estimated construction time

Construction time: 3600sqm per day

Fig.86 Parookaville (PV) is a three-day-long Music festival, playing Electronic dance music. Its debut in 2015 attracted 25,000 people to the town of Weeze.


50T for productions, 38T for each of steel systems of leg(superstructure and towers), and 9 truckloads of field protection.

4 days for structure and 1 day for production and 3 days for dismantling

Construction time: 681sqm per day

The U2 360° Tour was a worldwide concert tour by rock band U2 and the tour visited stadiums from 2009 through 2011.

The main stage, 18m W x 17.8m D x 25m H. The B stage is 12m wide x 2m high with a 7.8m high mechanical elephant.

20 trucks

3 days

Construction time: 896sqm per day

2.5 days

Construction time: 561sqm per day


This page is a research of similar pop touring project about its size, material weights, trucks, construction and dismantling time. It is for me to estimate the time of installation all components on site.


It can be estimated that the Chinese Idol Festival will need around 14 days to installation everyting including the services. The dismantle time will be around 7 days.

Fig.88 Take That Present: The Circus Live was the seventh concert tour by British pop group, Take That. The stage design is by Brilliant Stages.

Main stage: 61 metre Wx 23 metre L x 26 metre H

600 tonnes steel

Fig.89 Take That - Progress Tour 2011. Stageco created the bespoke stage that supported That That's record-breaking UK and European Progress Tour, 27th may - 29 july, 2011.

Fig.86 - Fig.89 from TAIT. Available at: http://www.taittowers.com/portfolio/tait-u2s-experience-innocence-tour/

28 trucks

Figures from http://www. stageco.com/references/u23600-world-tour-2009-2011/1

Programs 51

Prefabrication Prefabrication advantages

The term 'prefabrication' is for describing manufacture under factory. Prefabrication disadvantages

Features are to be considered

High quality productions

Components of prefab construction Flooring and Roofing

Easy availability Labor savings Beams Time savings

Need to take more care of all components

Light weight for easy transport and installationon site Columns

Overall efficiency is great

Easier and fast for mass production

Thermal insulation Walls The joints of each components should be careful, otherwise the whole structure will fail.

Easy workability

Production environment is controlled

Staircases Durability in all weather conditions

Savings in costs


Higher transportation costs No influenced by climate

Economy in cost

No influenced by traffic Sound insulation Health and safety can be ensured

The prefabrication is for the project concept and easy transportation. The main advantages of prefabricaiton are that clients can save money and time about construction. And the contractor can make sure the design quality because it is produced in factory. Additionally, the thermal insulation and sound insulation will be considered during this time. When doing the prefabrication, the contractor also realise how to install these elements on site. So the technical drawings for prefabrication can help with prefabrication and also installation.

Programs 52 Architectural objects

Kit of Parts Reception



Living units

Structures and cladding panels

Programs 53

Shipping from China to UK

Introduction: This page is for understanding shipping time, cost and contraints. There are only 3 sizes shipping containers and the transporting time is around a month. So the clients need to save time and the design should consider the container size. The tax is expensive in importing construction elements from China. However, the duty relief schemes show that the temporary admissions for short time use can apply for tax or duty relief. The short time restriction is not to exceed 3 years. Therefore, the Idol Festival can apply for the duty relief to save the cost.

A major factor when deciding the method of importing your products to the UK is usually the import charges. Sea freight is usually 4-6 times cheaper than air freight. If the project is importing heavy cargo via air freight, the cost difference between the two options will widen to much more than usual 4-6 fold. Therefore, in order to save cost, the sea freight is chosen. The containers with construction elements will departure from the Port of Shanghai which is the company location of COSCO Shipping. And it will arrive at Port of London, within which Port of Tilbury is famous for shipping containers. The container type, sea freight type, sea freight price and time have been researched. It needs the quantity surveyor and cost surveyor and transporting consultants to decide.


Under 800 TEU

The COSCO shipping is a containerized marine shipping company, based in Shanghai, China. It is the top 3 shipping company in the world. Fig.90

800-2000 TEU


Price per sea freight

Transit Times

20ft shipping container

618 GBP - 851GBP

19 - 23 days

40ft shipping container

1159 GBP - 1446 GBP

19 - 23 days

40ft HC container

1310 GBP - 1747 GBP

19 - 23 days 2000-4500 TEU

Port of Tilbury

Port of Shanghai

4500-10000 TEU

Over 10000 TEU

Fig. 90 -Fig.91 from http://lines.coscoshipping.com/home/Services/ship/4

Programs 54

Shipping Containers Size






Rental price each per week

Max Gross Weight

Tare Weight

8.75 GBP



12 GBP



Total Volume: 33 cubic meters


- The shipping will need the containers. Therefore, producing prefabricated elements should not exceed the size limitation of these contrainers. - And these containers ca n b e u s e d a s t h e temporary offices or services for the Chinese Idol Festival. - The chosen of containers requires cost surveyors. These three containers listed are both for shipping and land transportation.

Total Volume: 67 cubic meters


>= 12 GBP



Fig.92 - Fig.97 from https://www.shippo.co.uk/faqs/what-container-s-right-for-me/#top Fig.98 - Fig.99 from https://www.mrbox.co.uk/

Total Volume: 76 cubic meters




Programs 55 Hungerford car park

51 Minutes

Port of Tilbury

Port of Tilbury to Site Introduction:

-This page is about which port will the sea freights stop - The port of Tilbury. The reason of choosing it is that it is in London and mainly for container shipping. - This page also estimate the time of a truck driving from port to site - around 51 minutes.


The Port of Tilbury will unload the containers from sea freights and load them on lorries. The lorry will carries these containers to Jubilee Gardens. Beside Jubilee Gardens, there is Hungerford car park. So these lorries can stop in the car park if they need time to wait. This car park also belongs to Jubilee Gardens Trust. In this case, it will not occupy the Belvedere Road for too long. This distance from the Port of Tilbury to Site is 51 minutes driving. It is not long. To be estimated, all containers can be transported to site from port within a day.



Fig.100 from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/360569513902481744/ Fig. 101 from http://tott.org.uk/attention-to-logistics/port-of-tilbury/ Fig. 102 from http://portoflondonhandbook.com/fact-files/terminal-location-map

Programs 56

Transport - HGV

Introduction: This page is for understanding the truck size and cost. And where these trucks can stop during construction and the parking fees. And it is also about the road limitations of trucks.

HGV/LGVs cannot exceed 44 tonnes weight or 18.75 metres in length.


Size(Max L*W*H)


Max Rental Price each per day

Small 2-axle lorries

?*2.55*4.95 metres

3.5-7.5 tonnes

140 GBP

Bigger 2-axle lorries

12*2.55*4.95 metres

7.5-18 tonness

250 GBP

3-axle rigid

12*2.55*4.95 metres

25-26 tonnes

300 GBP

Parking Issues There is no parking on the Gardens. The closest car parking is Hungerford car park, which is located adjacent to the Gardens and is charged. The Trust will occasionally park vehicles on the Gardens for maintenance purposes only.

Parking Fees 4-axle rigid

12*2.55*4.95 metres


1-6 hours - 1.1 GBP per hour Up to 7 hours - 7 GBP Up to 10 hours - 7.5 GBP

30-32 tonnes

Road limitation for HGV Vehicle and draw-bar trailer 4 axles

18.75*2.55*4.95 metres

30-36 tonnes

4-axle arctic

12*2.55*4.95 metres

36-38 tonnes

Vehicle and draw-bar trailer 5 axles

18.75*2.55*4.95 metres

40 tonnes

6 axles draw-bar

18.75*2.55*4.95 metres

44 tonnes

The London Lorry Route Approver suggests the restricted hours. Monday - Friday: 9pm - 7am and Saturday 1pm to Monday 7am. There is also lorry limitation for different roads. The Maximum height for the Belvedere Road is 6.1 meters. The chosen of lorries should follow it.

300 GBP


Fig.102 from A simple guide to lorry types and weights / Fig.103 from Google maps Fig.104 from http://www.freightjourneyplanner.co.uk/blog/view/Although-still-in-development-our-software-is-being-so-well-received-that-we-ve-been-featured-in-the-Times-the-Register-and-also-interviewed-on-Radio-5Live-over-the-last-few-weeks-


Programs 57

Services Sanitation



Portable bathroom


In order to save money for designing and buying and producing services and the cost for transporting them, the Idol Festival will lease services from local relative companies. The lease of these services will increase cost and installation time. But it can save transportation cost. The portable sanitation is for visitors and the permanent sanitation is designed and produced according to the method of motor homes in advance in China. The electricity and production, such as PA, lighting, CCTV and scrren, will also be leased. The client X Factor has this kind of facilities and will be responsible for providing them to save money. The lorries and machines for the construction works will also be leased. These require the service sub-contractors.

Motor home bathroom (will be prefabricated)






PA system


CCTV system


Lighting system


Screen system







Tree truck


Crane truck

Fig.105 from https://bedroomfurniture.club/search/bathrooms-portable-mobile.html / Fig. 106 from http://campingbus1.rssing.com/chan-11762746/all_p1.html / Fig.107 from https://cellcode.us/quotes/sulfur-generator-electrostatic.html / Fig.108 from https://youville.org/yamaha-portable-pa-system-stagepas-600i.html / Fig. 109 from https://domar.com/hikvision-8-channel-dvr-5-eagle-eye-unibody-professional-cctv-system.html / Fig.110 from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/285415695117822259/ Fig.111 from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/285415695117822259/ Fig.112 from https://www.royalihc.com/en/products/motion-control-and-automation/ winches-and-reels / Fig.113 from https://kbw-investments.com/2018/06/19/raimondi-cranes-appoints-first-official-italian-agent-overseeing-various-territories/olympus-digital-camera-3/ Fig. 114 from https://www.topsimages.com/images/tree-spade-e1.html / Fig. 115 from https://www.ricochetfuel.com/blog/2019/02/supplying-dyeddiesel-for-nas-largest-crawler-crane/

Programs 58

RIBA Plan of Work

Introduction: This page is the programme according to the RIBA PLAN of Work. It listed the time and what to do in each stage. From this timetable, the project will cost around 2 years from forming the client team to finishing the festival in UK.

Client team identifies business case and project program Looking for joint financial and form client team with the X Factor Consultants team form, especially architect appointed Feasibility studies and risk asessment Basic site information collection from chosen countries Initial project brief Final project brief Concept design Client meeting Meeting between architects and landscape designer Appoint and build contract with main contractor Appoint consultants and hold meeting Pre-planning application meeting Developed design of building and landscape Appoint landscape contractor Planning application submission Technical design - Architects and main contractor of prefabrication Technical design - Landscape designer and landscape designer Technical design - Architects and structure engineer Technical design - Architects and service consultants Off-site prefabrication Shipping and transporting of all prefabrication elements Remove trees Foudation works Ground works Installation all kit of parts Service lease and installation System testing and refinement Handover In use Dismantle structures & return services back Recover site and put trees back Shipping to next country 0 months

2 months

Stage 0 Strategic Definition

4 months

6 months

Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

8 months

10 months

Stage 2 Concept Design

12 months

14 months

Stage 3 Developed Design It should be noticed that after the developed design of landscape, the landscape contractor will be appointed.

16 months

Stage 4 Technical Design

18 months

20 months

Stage 5 Construction

22 months

24 months

Stage 6 Handover and Close out Generally, the contract will end in this stage. However, this project requires dismantle and recovering site.

Stage 7 In Use In this case, contract still goes on. The contract will end until the tour ends. It is different from normal project.

Risks 59

Potential Risks & Risk Management Stage 0

Introduction: This page is about the risks and potential responce in each stage in RIBA PLAN of WORK. The stage division follows the RIBA PLAN of Work diagram in previous page.

Stage 1

Risks: 1.The business model is not fully researched and the cooperation details between these two clients have not been properly negotiated. 2 .T h e f i n a n c e s a r e mainly from the clients themselves. Therefore, they are under the risk of not making ends meets.

Risks: 1.The site information has not been properly studied. 2.The initial brief is not p ro p e r l y d e v e l o p e d to cause the trouble for next stage. If the initial preparation is not enough, it will cause more time in next stage. The project may not start on time.

Responce: 1. -Organising the research team for the project and arranging enough meetings with consultants between two clients to study the business model. -Hiring the law team to discuss the cooperation between clients. 2.Looking for the financial support from other companies to share the burden.

Responce: 1.Setting a team for site visiting and research. 2.For doing the initial brief, the appropriate consultants from different countries and design team should be appointed. Meetings should be held efficiently with the client team.

Stage 2

Risks: 1.The final brief is not prepared fully detailed and specific. It will cause cost increase and time lag for next stage. If the main contractor does not fully understand the brief, the management and negotiation b e t w e e n c o n t ra c t o r and client will increase causing more cost and time. 2. The concept design does not cater to clients' needs. Responce: Regular meetings should be held between clients, clients with the design team under the help of consultants.


Stage 3

1. The main contractor does not fully understand the requirements from clients causing time increase and time lag later. 2 .T h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n between the concept design team and the main contractors or landscape designer is not well. The design cannot be finished on time. 3.The planning permissions have been rejected. It will cause the cost and time. 4.Without the involvement of clients, the developed design does not cater to the clients. The main contractor may sacrifice the design quality for the the needs of cost and time. Responce: Because this step is full of management and negotiation, proper c o m m u n i c at i o n syste m s should be set. 1.Arrange meeting between the main contractor and clients. 2.Regular meeting between the design team and the main contractors and landscape designer. 3.Preparing the planning permission carefully with the experts from relative countries. 4.Clients can send a design adviser to the main contractor to make sure the design.

Stage 4

Risks: The contractors sacrifice the construction quality to save time and cost. Responce: Detailed tender should be prepared before. And the client can send the supervisior to the contractors.

Stage 5

Risks: 1.Different countries may have different requirements for design and constructions. It requires the prefabrication to produce more elements according to different requirements. It will increase the time and cost. 2. The shipping transportation is lag and the tax is high. 3. The site work hurt the site. 4. The construction is lag due to climate issue. 5. Service lease lags or the price of them are high. 6. The structure in-house sanitation have problems. Responce: 1. Choosing site carefully and considering design building u n i t s rat h e r t h a n s i n g l e objects when doing the design work. It can help save money. 2 .Ta k i n g r i s k s i n t o consideration before transportation. Time schedule should be flexible to some extent. Apllying for the reduced tax before. 3&4&5. Taking the cost risk into consideration before. Being careful budget. 6. Doing construction test when doing prefabrication. And producing more elements that it should be to avoid the break of some elements.

Stage 6

Risks: 1.If the time lag due to the reasons listed above, the openning time is not correct for the public. I t w i l l i nf l u e n c e t h e promotion. 2 . T h e co st i s m u c h higher than expected. Responce: 1.Hiring PR team for this issue. 2.Contacting more companies to give them advertisement space.

Stage 7

Risks: Site recovering meets problems and services are broken. Responce: Taking the risks before in to cost estimation.

Cost 60

Project Cost Consultants fees Site visit fees

Architects fees till concept design

Planning permission fees

Contractors fees Architects and Landscape designers fees Consultants fees

Prefabrication cost Transportation cost Land lease cost Site work cost Construction on site cost Service lease cost Quality check by government departments fees Dismantle work cost Site recover cost

Stage 0 Strategic Definition

Stage 1 Preparation and Brief

Stage 2 Concept Design

Stage 3 Developed Design

Stage 4 Technical Design

Stage 5 Construction

Stage 6 Handover and Close out

Stage 7 In Use

Health & Safety 61

Health & Safety

Normal routes for public Hoarding line Vehicle accessbility Tenant entrance

The health and safety is a significant issue during the design and construction period. During the design period, the principle designer is responsible for the health and safety issue. When the construction is going on, the appointed contractor will take the responsibility. The Idol Festival project runs two procurements, therefore, the active contractor will be in charge of this issue. During the construction phase, it requires: 1. The site is well protected and no public can enter. It is essential because there are lots of tourists around. 2. There should be signs on the vehicle routes to ensure the security. 3. When removing or replanting the trees, the area should be cleared. 4. Workers should wear proper suits to protect themselves. 5. When doing work at heights, protections should be wore. 6. When moving and lifting heavy stuff, machines should be used. 7. The flood can be a issue, therefore it requires building defenses. 8. Each contractor should do the health and safety checks during construction phase and hand over the check to next contractor. 9. The health and safety officer, traffic coordinator and site security should be assigned. There are specific health and safety issues about: - Prefabrication in factory - Installation of all components - Installation of all services - Dismantling all components - Transportation - Removing and replanting trees

Parking lot


Blank intentionally


Section 2 - Building Materials, Construction and Peformance

General Arrangements

Masterplan Ground Floor Box office Chinese Market Chinese Market & Merchandise Dressing up as idols room Monitor Room

Box office Amphitheatre


Disabled toilets Portable toilets Message Board

The main part of the project. The following document will focus on this part. Other parts run the same strategy as the main part.

N Scale: 1 to 500


General Arrangements

Masterplan First Floor Archives Jury House for managing idols Auction House

Workshop for Fans making videos

Idols Studios

VIP room for clients

Personal meeting and cafe

Sign Sale - group meeting

The main part of the project. The following document will focus on this part. Other parts run the same strategy as the main part.

N Scale: 1 to 500


General Arrangements 66


Amphitheatre Plan Bar Monitor Room and upstairs for VIP Portable escaping stairs and construction lifts

Only for Idols use (Stairs and construction lifts)from daily living house to stage

Backstage (dressing and makeup and storage) - only accessible for idols

Portable public toilet

The most important part of this project is the daily house and the amphitheatre. The document is going to focus on this part to introduce structure, construction, building performance, etc. Other parts of the project run the same strategy as this part.

Scale: 1 to 200

General Arrangements 67

Daily Housing Plans

The Daily House is over the amphitheatre and it is for idols daily living. The main user is the idol group. Passageners can view idols' life from outside.





Outdoor stairs and construction lifts (for idol use)

Napping area

Living room

Scale: 1 to 200

Scale: 1 to 200

Fist Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Outdoor stairs and construction lifts (for idol and fans use)

Fans Bridge (fans no chance to enter the daily house)

General Arrangements 68

Section AA'

Scale: 1 to 200

Detail 6 showed in the following document

Section AA' of the amphitheatre and daily house.

General Arrangements 69

Section BB'

Scale: 1 to 200

Pod detail (in the following document)

Section BB' of the amphitheatre and daily house.

Material 70

Structural Material Because this project is a travelling and temporary project, the structure should be straight forward and the material should be simple, cheap and light for easy assembly. Therefore, for structure, steel is adopted for structure due to its lightness and strength. But the steel structure will be covered by cladding material. The foundation of the floor base is using recycled plastics. The foundation for the main structure is concrete.


Steel for overall structure


Recycled plastics for floor base foundation


Concrete for main structure foundation Fig.116 from https://www.rivercityss.com/price_list / Fig.117 from https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/30188259982153545/ Fig. 118 from https://www.fairbanksmaterials.com/product/square-concrete-pads/

Material 71 Because this project is a travelling and temporary project, the material should be simple, cheap and light for easy assembly. The fiberglass is applied as the cladding material due to its cheap price and lightweitht. The amphitheatre is open roof. Therefore, the tensile fabric is adopted for canopy material for shading and rain protection. Moreover, the holding structure is covered by the tensile fabric. The material for the finishing of floor base is rubber.



Fiberglass for cladding of all pods


Tensile fabric (PVC glass) for canopy


Tensile fabric (Woven fabric) for canopy


Rubber for floor base finishing Fig.117 from https://imgur.com/r/retrofuturism/yn6Sx / Fig.118 from http://www.global-ag.com/service/tensile-membrane/ Fig.119 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpk8wRhoRnQ / Fig.120 from http://www.harveymaria.com/Floor-Range/mountain-grey

Material 72

Fiberglass Panel Making & Clips

The project is going to be prefabricated. The way producing the cladding material - fiberglass, follows the car panel production process. The mould is required to produce the fiberglass panels. And different panels will be connected by clips. These panels can also be attached to some other panels, such as insulation materials.

All figures from https://www.modelairplanenews.com/create-a-perfect-fiberglass-finish-part-2/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEI4tPvolrM

Structure & Construction 73

Structure Overview

Because it is a traveling project, the structure and construction should be simple and straight forward. This page shows the overall structure of amphitheatre and daily house. It can be seen that it has several different structure system putting together. The way of doing seperated structure is easy for a temporary project.

Structure & Construction 74

Structure Strategy

This is the exploded axo of the main part of the project. The structures will come as different componets. Enclosed rooms will come as pods, such as the daily house, vip room and monitor room.

Main structure

Primary structure

Secondary structure - daily house structure

Amphitheatre structure

Pods cladding

Exterior staircase and construction lifts

Hanging structure

Floor base structure Vip and monitor room structure Vip and monitor room are also arriving as pods, so the structure strategy is the same as the daily house structure.

Structure & Construction 75

Primary Structure

Typical cable connection Primary structure is tall (36 meters) and wide (diameter is 34 meters) and it will take the wind force, so the bridge structure is applied to it making it stronger. The wheel on the primary structure will use cable to be connected to the central column and the connection of it is typical cable connection. The backets will be welded to the central column.

34 meters

36 meters Structure unit - outer: 5.5 by 4 meters/inner: 1.6 by 1.6 meters

200mm I-beam (should be calculated by engineer)

Typical I-beam joints - angle cleat

200mm RHC (should be calculated by engineer)

Typical bracing connetion

-The main structure is a normal column and beam structure. The column is RHC (rectangular hollow column) and the beam is I beam. It aslo needs several cross bracing to keep it stand. -The connection of column and beam is using angle cleat and bolts. - The bracing connection is using bracing bracket, cable and bolts. Concrete pile foundation: 9 by 9 meters Pad: 1 meter

Concrete pile foundation

Foundation connection - anchor bolted to unstiffened plate and concrete

Because the width of the wheel is large, the whole structure needs large pile foundation. The columns will be bolted to the plate and concrete pad. The pile foundation will be kept on site as a permanent foundation, but it will be covered by grass. The reason for keeping it is for later temporary events.

Piles: 4 meters

Structure & Construction 76

Secondary Structure Connecting to primary structure

Bracing between primary and secondary structure Besides the primary structure itself, the primary structure also needs to help hold the daily house structure as the secondary structure. The secondary structure needs to be connected to the primary structure. - Firstly, the secondary structure needs bracing element to support. The bracing element is welded to the plate. One side of bracing is bolted to the primary column while the other is bolted to the secondary structure. Connection betwwen bracing and primary column

The bracing needs to be anchor bolted to the primary column.

Connection between primary structure column and secondary structure beam

The connection is for connecting the primary column and secondary beam.

Structure & Construction 77

Secondary Structure

The detail construction of this structure will be showed in detail drawings in the following document.

Ring beam (200 by 200 mm) prefabricated in factory

Curved and normal I beam - 200mm by 200 mm

This axo shows the relationship between the secondary structure and its cladding. The secondary structure also uses beam and columns and it will be connected to the primary structure.


Fig. 121 from http://www.jlsdnbhd.com/productsandservices.html

Structure & Construction 78

Amphitheatre Structure

Cladding wall of amphitheatre

Case: 2012 London waterpolo avenue - Temporary - Using screw pile foundation - The span is 44 meters by truss and columns with bracing.


Truss Amphitheatre needs to be free of columns in order not to block audience views. So truss and bracing clomuns are applied to the theatre.

10 meters

Column with screw pile foundation

25 meters Screw pile foundation This foundation is easy to dig hole and easy to be removed. So it is often applied to temporary structure.


Fig.122 from https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/home/first-look-david-morley-architects-opens-doors-to-olympic-water-polo-arena/8630076.article Fig.123 from https://hci-hyderabad.org/piling-foundation-house-plans/piling-foundation-house-plans-helifix-dixie-micro-piles/

30 meters

Structure & Construction 79

Floor Base Structure

Because the whole project will be on the top of Jubilee Gardens and the design has some psychedelic pattern painted on the floor, so a floor base should be adopted and each components of the project will sit on the floor base.


The Jack Pad foundation is applied to the floor base structure.

Fig.124 from https://jackpad.co.uk/

The foundation base is using recycled plastics and it is connectied the timber floor.

Structure & Construction 80

Hanging Structure

There is a hanging structure on the top of the amphitheatre for shading, rain protection and lighting facility assembly. Canopy connection to the hanging structure Fig.125


Tensile fabric as canopy

Tensile fabric as a cover of structure

Case: O2 tensile fabric Structure detail for hanging canopy and lighting

Case: 70s Osaka Expo The connection of round beam to the I beam


People can walking on this structure to assembly lighting and canopy

Structure for hanging canopy and lighting

Fig.125 from https://sangyongseok.wordpress.com/2016/11/28/responsive-module-fabric-tension-structure/ Fig.126 from https://www.daverbarandcable.co.uk/projects/fabric-structures-projects/up-the-o2-london-uk/ fIG.127 from https://matcha-jp.com/en/1776

Structure & Construction 81

Holding Structure

This structure is for holding the hanging structure. It is arranged each 4 meters. So it has enough strength to hold the hanging structure. But because the structure might be fallen, so the temporary ballast with water will be connected to the structure by cable to help holding this structure. The using of this ballast is flexible.

Cable connection to the beam and it is also applied to the other side of the hanging structure.

Temporary ballast with water


Fig.128 from https://shop.coolcontrol.at/demineralisiertes-heizungswasser-10000-liter.html

Structure & Construction 82

Structure Forces

Wind load

- From the diagram of structure forces, the structure is fair of standing itself because it has enough tension and compression to offset each other. - Dead load: 1. The structure itself - Live load 1. People walking on it 2. Furnitures and services - Wind load The biggest problem of this structure is its wind load. So it adopts the bridge structure to help it. But it still has the risk of falling down, so the healty and safety should take care of this risk. - From the section, the foundation is big and deep for holding this structure.



Structure & Construction 83

Pod Detail Because the primary and secondary struction need connection, so the insulation cannot be fully embraced the pod. The heat will be leaked from these connection parts.

Scale: 1 to 50 Detail 3 Cold Bridge Location Detail


It uses thermal insulation material to help it


Detail 5

Armatherm thermal bridging solutions

Detail 4

Detail 1


Sleeve solution of cold bridging This sleeve solution is applied to these joints. The connection looks like a exposed steel components, but it is well insulated inside. So if the heat is going to transfer between inside and outside, it needs some time to transfer through insulation. Therefere, the cold bridge won't cause much impact on the interior envoronment. Fig.129 from https://www.buildinggreen.com/blog/structural-thermal-breaks-steel-framing Fig.130 from https://www.amazon.co.uk/Grey-Pipe-Insulation-Foam-Length/dp/B071HNPGF1

Detail 2

Structure & Construction 84

Key Detail 1

Scale: 1 to 10

50 mm fiberglass insulation panel 200mm EPS insulation Soft wood 18mm plywood Anchor

Cold press steel

Fiberglass 18mm plywood 200mm I beam 200mm I beam Angle cleat

15mm metal floor

200mm I beam Armatherm thermal bridging solutions

10mm 18mm 200mm Soft rubber floor plywood ring beam wood

200mm EPS insulation

50mm fiberglass Cold press insulation panel steel

Structure & Construction 85

Key Detail 2

Scale: 1 to 10 Fiberglass

Soft wood 18mm plywood 200mm EPS insulation 18mm plywood 50mm fiberglass insulation panel

10mm rubber floor

18mm 200mm plywood ring beam

200mm I beam

Angle cleat

200mm EPS insulation

50mm fiberglass insulation panel

Soft wood

Insulated Sleeve

Structure & Construction 86

Key Detail 3

Scale: 1 to 10

50mm fiberglass insulation panel

18mm plywood

200mm EPS insulation

Cold press steel

Soft wood

200mm ring beam

Insulated Sleeve

Angle cleat

18mm plywood


Structure & Construction 87

Key Detail 4

Soft wood

Scale: 1 to 10

200mm EPS insulation 18mm plywood Fiberglass 10mm rubber floor

18mm 200mm plywood I beam

Angle cleat

200mm ring beam

Cold press steel 18mm plywood 50mm fiberglass insulation panel

18mm plywood


Insulated Sleeve

Structure & Construction 88

Key Detail 5&6

50mm 50mm box fiberglass insulation section Fiberglass panel

Scale: 1 to 10

18mm Plywood

Angle cleat

18mm Plywood 200mm I beam

Cold press steel

18mm Fiberglass Plywood

Double glazing Door

50mm box section

10mm rubber floor

18mm Plywood

200mm EPS insulation

200mm ring beam

Fiberglass 18mm plywood 200mm EPS insulation

Detail 6 Detail 5

50mm fiberglass insulation panel

Soft wood

Structure & Construction 89

Case Study



This page is the study of the construction sequence of similar pop touring project. Materials for the project are strong woven fabric and steel. From the construction vedio: There are lorries going into the site. They built the steel structure first on the ground. Then installing the fabric covering it. Then the whole structure is lifted to de designed height. Then building the stage itself on the ground and intalling the service. The dismantle work is reverse of this process. My project can follow the construction sequence. Their devices such as PA system and LED screen are designed. But the Chinese Idol Festival will lease relative services because this Idol group requires less about stage. And designing services and transporting them will cost a lot. The prefabrication team will only produce some elements to cover the leased services.

Fig.133 Fig.131-134 from Stufish http://stufish. com.hyssop.arvixe.com/project/360 The rest figures from screenshot: htt p s : / / w w w.yo u t u b e . co m / watch?v=mpk8wRhoRnQ htt p s : / / w w w.yo u t u b e . co m / watch?v=9FVC86amzGc http://www.wicreations.com/assets/2031 htt p s : / / w w w.yo u t u b e . co m / watch?v=Iktb4bXL6NE Fig.134

Structure & Construction 90

Timetable for Construction

Introduction: This page is the detailed time only for construction parts from prefabrication to dismantling the festival. The installation of all components and services will need 14 days and the dismantling of the festival will cost 6 days.

Off-site prefabrication

Transport from China (Port of Shanghai) to UK (Port of Tilbury)

Site work - Remove trees

Transport from Port of Tilbury to Jubilee Gardens

Site work - Ground floor

Installation of prefabricated elements

Installation of services

System testing & site refinement Project in use Dismantle the project including services and recover the site 3 months

4 months

4 months + 5 days

4 months + 10 days

4 months +12.5 days

The prefabrication should be well designed to make sure the installation is quick and easy. Additionally, the dismantling process should also be easy and quick. The necessary services should take the space as less as possible on site. And it needs to be covered by designed prefabricated elements. Different countries may require different structure design, therefore the prefabrication may be longer than listed above.

7 months + 12.5 days

7 months +15 days

Structure & Construction 91

Construction Sequence

1. The tree truck comes to site dealint with tree work 2. Assembly Pile foundation and screw pile foundation

1. Assembly the compenents of the umbrella 2. Assembly the component of the daily house

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people The reason of assembly them on the ground is to avoid working in high space

Assembly the primary structure layer by layer Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people Control group for working in high space

Structure & Construction 92

Construction Sequence

1.Connecting the secondary structure with the primary structure 2. Assembly column and beam for the amphitheater Health & Safety: Control group for working in high space Control group for vehicle and people

1. Cladding of the daily house structure 2. Assembly the structure for hanging fabric on stage Health & Safety: Control group for working in high space Control group for vehicle and people

Assembly the unbrella to the primary structure Health & Safety: Control group for working in high space Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down

Structure & Construction 93

Construction Sequence

Assembly jack pad foundation for the floor base

Assembly the pods of VIP and monitor room

Assembly the cladding of the amphitheatre

Health & Safety: Control group for working in high space Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down

Structure & Construction 94

Construction Sequence

Assembly the holding structure on site

Assembly the hanging structure on site

Assembly the tensile fabric and mask on the structure

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down

Health & Safety: Control group for vehicle and people Control group for things fallling down


Building Performance

Building Performance Strategy 96

Site Orientation & Shadow Study

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice Shadow

- From the solar path diagram and surrounding building photos, we can see that the tall buildings are on the east side of Jubilee Gardens. Therefore, the site will not under the shadow of surrounding buildings. The project needs to consider shading instead of gaining enough daylight. - From the shadow study of the overall project, the open roof theatre is shaded by the umbrella and the shading fabric also help. - The shadow study shows that the project won't influence surrounding buildings by shading.

Winter Solstice


Fig.135 from https://londonist.com/2013/07/shell-centre-redevelopment-to-begin-this-year

Winter Solstice Shadow

Building Performance Strategy 97

Wind Diagram & Ventilation - From the wind diagram, we can see the prevailing wind of my site is from Southwest. So the arrangement of different components of the project should consider the wind force. - For ventilation, the cross ventilation is adopted for the inner environment of the pods and open theater for cooling. - The length of cross ventilation is around 7 meters, the daily house's width is 8 meters. So it is fair to use cross ventilation for cooling. - And the cross ventilation can also happen from door to window in the daily house, the distance of which is 4 meters. - The amphitheatre is open roof, so it has enough ventilation.

8 meters

Building Performance Strategy 98

Energy & Sanitation Strategy Water Resource

- Portable water supply lorry for the public use, such as drinking water. - Portalble basin with small water tank for the daily house use for idols. It will be replaced everyday after events. Fig.136






The project is a travelling project, it needs portable services instead of permanent services. The principle of the service is: - Being portable for easy assembly - C a n b e l e a s e d f ro m l o c a l companies for helping local economy and avoiding transportation - Try to save the cost spent on transportation and assembly. - Can be easily removed after the event - Being simple, easy and obvious

Sanitation Strategy

Incinerating toilet - Turning all waste into ash - No need for large tank - No need for lorry to come every two weeks. - It is adopted both for public toilet and personel toilet in the daily house.

Energy Strategy

Portable power station - Portable power station is for the electricity for the whole project. - The portable power can be charged before coming to site, and it can also use the solar energy.


Fig.136 from https://www.purplewave.com/auction/160512/item/K5110 / Fig.137 from https://paylateralligator.com.au/outdoor/camping/shower-accessories-toilet/weisshorn-portable-camping-wash-basin-43l/ Fig.138 - Fig.139 from http://thegolfclub.info/related/cinderella-incinerator-toilets.html / Fig.140 from https://www.amazon. com/DEWALT-DCB1800B-FLEXVOLT-Portable-Station/dp/B01H41SDGU / Fig.141 from https://airfreshener.club/quotes/trailers-solar-mobile-generator.html / Fig.142 from http://www.solarcontroller-inverter.com/products/solar-charge-controllers-40a-solar-controller-for-home-solar-system.html

Building Performance Strategy 99

Lighting Strategy - The energy of lighting is coming from the portable power station (using solar panel or already charged power). - LED lighting for the inner space, such as the daily house, backstage, VIP and monitor room. - LED event lighting and self-charged portable lighting for the amphitheatre.


LED lighting



LED event lighting

Self-charged portable lighting

Portable power station using solar panel Charged portable power

Fig.143 from https://www.hazmasters.com/Air-Systems-Air-Light-II-LED-Portable-Lighting-System / Fig.144 from https://www.arnoldsboatshop.com.au/36-led-marine-duraled-aftermarket-blister.html / Fig.145 from https://www.pssl.com/Eliminator-Mini-Par-UV-LED-ParLight-8-Pack-w-Controller-Accessories

Building Performance Strategy 100

Heating Strategy 1. Inner space - Air source heat pump - Using air is cheap the environmental friendly - The enerygy will go for portable radiator - The enerygy can be used for hot water needs - Easy to assembly 2. Inner space - Radiator using portable power station - In case of not enough air for producing energy in the air source heat pump 3. Amphitheatre - Radiant plague heater - Assembly on top to blow hot air - Not as much heat loss as the electric fan heater - Using the electricity form the portable power station. - Blanket can also help for this pop event .


Radiant plague heater

Air source heat pump Blanket


Portable radiator


Fig.146 from https://www.ti-soft.com/el/support/help/epacad/project/systhmata_paragwghs/thermansi/bathmos/nero / Fig. 147 from http://www.sandipointe.com/im/appliances/electric-heaters-energy-efficient-3.jpg / Fig.148 from http://www.diyful.com/radiantgarage-heater/entity/5123/heat-storm-tradesman-infrared-heater-281506-garage/

Building Performance Strategy 101

Cooling Strategy

capillary cooling mesh Fig.149


Besides cross ventilation, using capillary cooling mesh for cooling strategy. - Very portable, light and thin - Easy assembly - Connecting to the air source heating system - Running water in the mesh to make room cool - Assembly on roof because cold air goes down

Connecting to heat system


Fig.149 from http://herbst-technik.com/Capillary_Tubes_Technique_benefits.html / Fig.150 from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Author's-personal-copy-Experimental-study-and-of-Diaz-Lebrun/72afd547dd973fd7fced53a58d6cbbee586184a0/figure/0 Fig. 151 from https://hydrosol.com.au/capillary-mat-cooling-system

Building Performance Strategy 102

Acoustic & Drainage Strategy Because this project also has other functional buildings, so the acoustic barrier should be considered.

Acoustic Strategy

- Directional speaker on the stage and around the amphitheatre - Accoustic barrier around the amphitheatre - Accoustic tensile fabric called PVC glass for reflecting sound and absorbing sound

Accoustic barrier Fig.155 Fig.156

Drainage Strategy

- The drain chain is applied to the whole project - The drain chain is easy, flexible and cheap



Accoustic tensile fabric called PVC glass - It can also help with shading and rain protection

Directional speaker


Fig.152 from https://www.matrixproaudio.no/products/wildtronics-pro-mini-parabolic / Fig.153 from http://www.basestructures.com/portfolio/projects-case-studies/wwt-barnes/ / Fig.154 from https://www.pinterest.at/pin/289356344803671335/ / Fig.155 from https://www.enoisecontrol.com/applications/construction-site-sound-blanket-fence/ / Fig.156 from http://perlitakustik.com/real-state

Building Regulation 103

Building Regulation

Building regulation is set up by the UK government to approve the construction of the building. It has many documents from Part A to Part R. When designing the builidng, the building should follow the regulation. The regulation documents can be found on the planning portal.

Part K

Part F

- Insulation - U-value - Air tight - DPM - Vapour barrier

Part L

Part H

Part B&M

Part E

Part G

Part M Fig.157

Fig.157 from Planning Portal https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200135/approved_documents

Part A

Part L

Building Regulation 104

Fire Safety (Part B) The fire safety is fair for the amphitheatre. The travel distance, widths of routes and exits and the number of exits and staircase requirements all have been considered.

15 meters 10 meters

13 meters

15 meters

13 meters

15 meters

Amiphitheatre (218 people accommodation)

-The widths of escape routes and exits: 1050mm -The minimum number of escape routes and exits: 2 -Limitations on travel distance: 35 meters

VIP and Monitor Room (Around 10 people accommodation)

-The widths of escape routes and exits: 750mm -The minimum number of escape routes and exits: 1 -Limitations on travel distance: 18 meters -The minimum stair width: 800mm

B a c ksta ge ( A ro u n d 6 0 p e o p l e maximum accommodation)

-The widths of escape routes and exits: 750mm -The minimum number of escape routes and exits: 1 -Limitations on travel distance: 18 meters

6 meters

15 meters 13 meters 6 meters

Building Regulation 105

Fire Safety (Part B) The fire safety is fair for the daily house. All the staircase are the exterior stair escape and they are flexible.

12 meters

7 meters

7 meters 16 meters Staircase for idols use Staircase for idols and fans use Staircase for fans use

Daily Living House (Around 24 people accommodation)

-The widths of escape routes and exits: 750mm -The minimum number of escape routes and exits: 1 -Limitations on travel distance: 18 meters -The minimum stair width: 1000mm

Building Regulation 106

Access (Part M) - The disabled people can access to the amphitheatre - The disabled people can access to the public toilets. - The disabled people have seating area in amphitheatre - The lifts are all accessible and cater to the reauirements.



Accessible disabled people toilet

Accessible lifts

Wheel chair seating

Not for public use area

Fig.158 - Fig.160 Approved Docoments M. https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200135/approved_documents/80/part_m_-_access_to_and_use_of_buildings


Building Regulation 107

Fuel & Power (Part L) The building should fulfill the requirement from part L, because the 2012 London waterpolo avenue also cater to the requirements. - The pods of the project is well insulated by the fiberglass insulation panel and EPS insulation. - The cold bridge is solved by the thermal material and sleeve. - The building should achieve the U-value showed in the diagram. - The DMP and Vapour barrier should be well assembled.

Roof: 0.25W/(m2.k)

Wall: 0.35W/(m2.k)

Window: 2.2W/(m2.k)


Floor: 0.25W/(m2.k) Fig.162

Fiberglass insulation panel

Waterproofing Vapour barrier Fig.161 from https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/223843043955798148/ Fig 162 from http://bedalarmwell235bedroomgoyangpenabur.healthylivingconsultant.info/28-gauge-sheet-steel-metal


Bibliography 1. Waterloo Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) April 2013. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/supplementaryplanning-documents-and-other-policy 2. Jubilee Gardens, London. Landscape Design & Construct Document for Tender Purposes. 19 May 2011. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFYWdNbXdxVmhRRzg/view 3. Wikipedia of the Dome of Discovery. Availabel at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dome_of_Discovery 4. South Bank Public Realm Framework. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFRTI1ekpZQl9wSEU/view 5. Queen’s Walk/London Eye Entry Modification Transport Statement Merlin Entertainments 6. Ethnic groups in London. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_London 7.Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015 map. Available at: http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/Geocortex/Viewers/Html5Viewer_2_4_1/Index.html?configBase=http://maps.lambeth.gov.uk/ Geocortex/Essentials/431/ REST/sites/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/viewers/Planning_Policy_Map_2015/virtualdirectory/Resources/Config/Default 8. Lambeth Local Plan Adopted September 2015. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015_0.pdf 9. Environment Agency Flood Map. Available at :https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/long-term-flood-risk/map 10. Flood Risk Assessment. London Eye Entrance Enhancements County Hall, London SE1 7PB. Available at: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/search/content?search=flood 11. Geology of Britain. http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain3d/index.html? 12. Jubilee Gardens Design Report and Access Statement. Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B73NeJMiMfaFT2VPS2hiSTRzQkU/view 13. Naba species data. Available at: https://spatial.nbnatlas.org/# 14. Jubilee Gardens Trust. Available at: https://jubileegardens.org.uk/ 15. Shippo Container. Available at: https://www.shippo.co.uk/faqs/what-container-s-right-for-me/#top 16. Shippo Duty Relief Scheme. Available at: https://www.shippo.co.uk/tips-and-tricks/duty-relief-schemes-what-are-they-how-do-i-use-them/ 17. International Freight Rate Calculator. Available at: https://www.freightos.com/freight-resources/freight-rate-calculator-free-tool/ 18. Forthports. Available at: https://www.forthports.co.uk/containers/ 19. Heavy goods vehicle (HGV) and trailer test fees. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/heavy-goods-vehicle-fees/heavy-goods-vehicle-hgv-and-trailer-test-fees#notes 20. Terminal Location Map. Available at: http://portoflondonhandbook.com/fact-files/terminal-location-map 21. Department of Transport. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-transport 22. Freight Jouney Planner. Available at: http://www.freightjourneyplanner.co.uk/blog/view/Although-still-in-development-our-software-is-being-so-well-received-that-we-ve-been-featured-in-the-Times-the-Register-andalso-interviewed-on-Radio-5Live-over-the-last-few-weeks23. Jack Pad. Available at: https://jackpad.co.uk/ 24. Policy and Guidance. Available at: https://www.planningportal.co.uk/directory/3/policy_and_legislation/category/8 25. SNH 48. Available at: http://www.snh48.com/ 26. Approved ducuments A - R. Available at: https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200135/approved_documents 27. Planning Permission. Available at: https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Planning_permission

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