QLA Fall Term 2012

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Qatar Leadership Academy News Fall Term 2012

Message from the Head of Academics: James Steckart Important News

Dear QLA Community: Winter break is rapidly approaching; I want to extend my thanks to the

Academic Intervention Program:

parents, faculty, staff, and students who made this term exciting and

Details were sent home with cadets,

educational. There have been many improvements undertaken at QLA this

and emailed to all parents.

term. Perhaps one of the greatest steps forward is our commitment to better communication with parents and the community. We have

American Diploma Program: Last Spring QLA received accreditation from Middle States Association. Details

launched our blog site at Qatar Leadership Academy. In addition our Facebook account is located at Qatar Leadership Academy and our

regarding this program were sent

Twitter Account is @QLA1. Important messages will be sent via SMS to all

home with cadets and sent via email.

parents that have given the school their mobile accounts. If you want to make sure we have your number contact Mr. Monzer, Student Affairs

Please contact: Mr. Muad, Academy Secretary at mmakhool@qf.org.qa if you did not receive these updates

Secretary at 4454 2238 or at maaishi@qf.org.qa Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions or concerns.

What’s Happening in Academics at Qatar Leadership Academy

Project Based Learning Updates

Road to Doha: Our school has

questions during these discussion

been selected to participate in this

and gained the respect and

Project sponsored by Global

acclaim from professional

Nomads and QFI. This program

international journalists. They also

engages students in Qatar, U.S.,

had the opportunity in small groups

and Brazil around the climate

of 2 or 3 to have one on one

change debate through exploring

interviews with directors.

critical environmental issues via

PBL Defined

project-based learning that includes standards-based

Project Based Learning is a method of teaching that increases the

curriculum, hands-on collaboration, and virtual

engagement of learners. Through

exchanges. Young people from

PBL students solve real world

these countries will explore the

problems across the disciplines much

science and policy behind climate

like professional engineers, scientists, and business leaders face through out the world. PBL through its approach develops critical thinking, analytical, creative problem solving skills

change and learn about each other’s cultures in the process.

Grade 10 House Project: Students in grade 10 have been examining similarities and differences between Great Depression and the economic downfall of the 21st century. In English, students examined War and Depression era poetry. The guiding question behind the study of poetry was "Why is poetry so emotional?".

Doha Tribeca Film Festival: The

Students completed a joint project

cadets attended the DTFF for 7

that compared depression in the

days, they watched and

'20s to the depression today

More information on PBL can be

participated in press only events

through images and poetry. The

found at the following websites:

during the week; these included

project was two-fold. They

panel discussions about film

selected images wrote captions

making and producing in the

and created a presentation using


region, with the discussions

Prezi software. More information


between award winning directors

about Prezi can be found at

and actors. The boys asked



pertinent and thought provoking


Fall Term 2012

QLA Leadership Course

Every aspect of life at the Qatar Leadership Academy is orientated around the cultivation and enhancement of leadership attributes of the cadets. The direct leadership instruction for the Gr 7 – 10 cadets in the first few months has focused on physical training and conditioning in preparation for the rigors of the program and in keeping with the school mission statement to develop excellence in leadership and athletics. Most recently the Gr 7 – 10 cadets have been tackling sections of the obstacle course, developing the agility and strategies to move through the course with confidence.

Leadership is not just a word at QLA. Our focus is to help boys become men for the future. Mohammad Military College. Through this unique collaboration, we were able

The Gr 11/12 cadets have been developing instructional techniques and

to offer cadets a series of Lectures from

confidence in public speaking. In addition we have organized this group

Officers at the College. In addition,

of cadets to lead the formation of a Student Council.

cadets were provided with opportunity for monthly military field exercises,

The Student Council provides an important leadership template for leadership in governance, an area of leadership that is very important for

including Civil Defense and First Aid Workshops

the students of QLA, which does not get emphasized with a military leadership structure. The additional advantage is that this framework

This year we implemented after school

provides additional leadership opportunities for Cadets in the school, and

activities for all students. Collaboration

staff supervisors are readily available amongst the teaching staff. This fall

between Academics/Student

we have begun forming an executive council of students to put in place

Affairs/Military made this program

the structure of governance by students.

possible. Teachers, TACs, Military Sport Federation and Military Contacts,

QAF/Academic Collaboration: Drill Exercises: covering all grades. Leadership training aims to develop the personal leadership character of cadets as well as providing them with the essential skills to become effective leaders in their companies, school, families and

supplied a wide range of activities for students. All students were required to sign up each day for either a club or sport activity.

society. The military instructors are delegated from Ahmad Bin


Fall Term 2012

‫‪ -‬توظيف إستراتيجيات تعليم حديثه كان لھا أثر واضح‬

‫‪Arabic Department‬‬

‫في تفاعل الطلبة مع المدرس ‪.‬‬ ‫أكاديمية قطر للقادة‬ ‫ سيلتزم القسم بتنفيذ الخطة الدراسية المخطط لھا‬‫قسم اللغة العربية والدراسات اإلسالمية‬

‫بكل تفاصيلھا حيث ينوي القيام بمجموعة من الفعاليات‬ ‫واألنشطة ‪ ،‬منھا ‪ :‬أسبوع اللغة العربية بفعالياته‬

‫اإلنجازات والمشاريع المستقبلية لقسم اللغة العربية‬

‫المختلفة من استضافة إعالميين وأدباء وروائيين‬

‫والدراسات اإلسالمية للعام الدراسي ‪٢٠١٣ / ٢٠١٢‬‬

‫‪More news‬‬ ‫‪from the‬‬ ‫‪classroom.‬‬

‫وشعراء ومسرحيين وتراثيين‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى مشروع‬ ‫"القيادات المبدعة في اللغة العربية " ھدفه رفع شأن‬ ‫اللغة العربية لدى طالبنا في المدارس وتوثيق العالقة‬ ‫مع المدارس األخرى بھذا الشأن ‪ ،‬وكذلك تقديم‬ ‫مجموعة من دروس المشاھدة النموذجية أمام‬ ‫مجموعة من معلمي مدارس قطر فونديشن ‪ .‬باإلضافة‬ ‫إلى تصميم فيلم خاص بعنوان "أين العربية" يھدف‬ ‫إلى تسليط الضوء على لوحات اإلعالن واإلرشاد في‬ ‫شوارعنا التي تغيبت العربية عنھا وأصبحت العربية‬ ‫نوعا من العامية المدسوسة في لباس الفصحى‪ ،‬كذلك‬ ‫االھتمام بالحوار المسرحي الذي يھدف من خالل تبادل‬ ‫وجھات النظر فيما بين المشاركين إلى تأكيد فكرة أن‬

‫**********************************‬ ‫ سعى قسم اللغة العربية إلى تكوين فريق متجانس‬‫بھدف تحقيق أھداف األكاديمية ‪ ،‬فقد حرص القسم‬ ‫على‬

‫التواصل مع أولياء أمور الطلبة حتى يجني‬

‫الطالب ثمار ھذا التواصل الدائم ووضعنا مجموعة من‬ ‫اإلرشادات المھمة في كيفية متابعة التلميذ الضعيف‬ ‫علميا ‪ ،‬وأھم األساليب الفاعلة لالرتقاء به ‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫حرصنا على الرد على جميع استفسارات أولياء األمور‬

‫‪8th Grade: Teaming with English.‬‬

‫حول الموضوعات التي يدرسھا الطالب وحول طرق‬

‫‪This has been a six-week project‬‬

‫التدريس والواجبات واالختبارات‬

‫‪that we're calling "Marketing for‬‬ ‫‪15th century Florence." The driving‬‬

‫للعربية رونقا وحضارة وتاريخا يجعلنا فخورين بھا‬

‫‪ -‬شارك القسم بفاعلية في األنشطة المخصصة‬

‫ونتمنى اإلبحار بھا أكثر وأكثر ‪ .‬وختاما سنقيم معرضا‬

‫الستقبال الطلبة في األسبوع األول من المدرسة ‪.‬‬

‫في نھاية العام الدراسي ألعمال الطلبة ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬التزام أعضاء القسم بالدوام الرسمي حيث بلغت نسبة‬


‫غياب معلمي القسم صفر بالمائة ‪.‬‬

‫قسم اللغة العربية والدراسات اإلسالمية‬

‫ إعداد مجموعة كبيرة من األنشطة الطالبية بعد اليوم‬‫الدراسي للطالب منھا ‪ :‬نادي الشعر ‪ ،‬نادي الخط‬ ‫العربي ‪ ،‬المناظرات األدبية ‪ ،‬تالوة القرآن الكريم‬ ‫وحفظه ‪ ،‬والتراث القطري ‪.‬‬

‫‪question is how the students can‬‬ ‫‪create a marketing presentation to‬‬ ‫‪sway 15th century merchants to go‬‬ ‫‪to Florence. The students created:‬‬ ‫‪maps of how to walk from Venice‬‬ ‫‪to Florence, brochures that‬‬ ‫‪promote not only the business‬‬ ‫‪opportunities of Florence but also‬‬ ‫‪the wonders of the artist‬‬

‫ عقد مجموعة من االجتماعات الفنية للقسم بھدف‬‫توظيف إستراتيجيات التعليم الحديثة في التدريس ‪.‬‬ ‫ تدريب الطالب على مجموعة من الفعاليات بھدف‬‫المشاركة في المسابقات الطالبية الخارجية ‪ ،‬منھا ‪:‬‬ ‫مسابقة حفظ القرآن الكريم ‪ ،‬المناظرات األدبية ‪،‬‬ ‫البحوث العلمية ‪ ،‬الممارسات المھنية في جامعة قطر ‪.‬‬

‫‪innovations that are occurring‬‬ ‫‪there at the time.‬‬ ‫‪7th Grade: They are doing an India‬‬ ‫‪relief map. We are utilizing the art‬‬ ‫‪teacher’s assistance for this‬‬ ‫‪project. Students collaboratively‬‬

‫‪ -‬ارتفاع نسبة تحصيل الطالب ونسب النجاح في المواد‬

‫‪demonstrate their knowledge of‬‬

‫التي يدرسھا الطالب في قسم اللغة العربية والدراسات‬

‫‪geography through an art project.‬‬

‫اإلسالمية ‪.‬‬ ‫ تقديم دروس دعم أكاديمي للطالب الذين يرغبون في‬‫تعزيز مھاراتھم اللغوية والكتابية ‪.‬‬

‫‪The challenge is to have each‬‬ ‫‪team take a section of the map of‬‬ ‫‪India and build with various art‬‬ ‫‪media, a relief map showing the‬‬

‫ يقوم القسم باإلشراف على الطالب أثناء تأديتھم‬‫لصالة الظھر ‪.‬‬

‫‪cities, rivers and terrain in their‬‬ ‫‪section and then put the map‬‬ ‫‪together into one.‬‬

‫‪Fall Term 2012‬‬


information could help with their own designs. This was summarized with a specification that would give key points for their lamp designs. Career and College Advising: In addition to preparing 11th and 12th graders for entrance to college, we are excited to announce the beginning of a formal Career class for 9th and 10th graders. Once a week cadets focus on the necessary goal setting, exploration and exposure to the world of college and work. Resume writing, guest speakers, and interest inventories are only a few of the items covered in this class. We are also looking at ways for our cadets to get the opportunities for sponsorships, internships, job shadowing and other career possibilities in the future. Stay tuned for new developments in the next few months. International Baccalaureate Program: The 11th graders are now settling into a steady routine within their courses, fully experiencing all aspects of the

Other Updates from QLA

program. The 12th graders have commenced six hectic months, submitting official assessment pieces on a weekly basis. Their final exams will be conducted between May 2nd and 20th. It is essential that IB students attend all their classes and are present for extra afterschool session. Model United Nations: In October, six cadets participated in a MUN

Physical Fitness: Working with a team of

conference. It was a really great environment for beginners. Conducive to

Nutritionists and our own Doctors and

learning the procedures for first-timers and the organizers were very good

Teachers, cadets have been assessed

about guiding students through the process. Everyone in our group prepared

their level of physical fitness and health.

a position paper, opening statement, and resolution on their country's topic.

Part of our commitment is to help

There were opportunities to sit in on some of the discussions and debates. The

educate your son on the idea of a

cadets came out of their meetings feeling confident, and it genuinely

healthy lifestyle that includes: proper

seemed like they were having fun with their peers. Overall, it was a successful

exercise and nutrition. Look for more

learning experience.

updates in the future regarding this program. Design Technology: Grade 11-12

Important Dates: December 9-13 End of Term Exams

Product Design

December 13, 10 am-12 PM Promotion Ceremony

Cadets are focusing on the

December 13, Early Dismissal for Winter Break

development of design. Cadets designed and made a lamp through the introduction of key elements of

January 6, 2013 Classes Resume Important Contact Numbers:

research - collecting ideas for inspiration, analyzing existing products

Academic Affairs Secretary: Mr. Muad Makhool, PH:4454 2268,

and looking into the history of lamps.

Email: mmakhool@qf.org.qa>

Cadets had to decide the point of the research and conclude what

Student Affairs Secretary: Monzer A. Aishi, PH: 4454 2238. Email: maaishi@qf.org.qa

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