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Contents Leadership Program Details ................................................................................................................................ 3 QLA Mission Statement: .................................................................................................................................. 3 Vision: .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Objectives of QLA: ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Leadership Development: ............................................................................................................................... 3 Expeditions ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Leadership curriculum ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Concepts .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Integrated Governance.................................................................................................................................... 5 Community and International Service ............................................................................................................. 5 Environmental Awareness ............................................................................................................................... 6 Leadership Sessions ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Assessment – ................................................................................................................................................... 6 QLA Leadership Profile Rubric ......................................................................................................................... 7 Presentation/Public Speaking Criteria: ........................................................................................................ 8 Command Task Criteria: .............................................................................................................................. 8 Attendance Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Discipline – consequences ............................................................................................................................. 10 Battalion Organization and Leadership Positions ......................................................................................... 10
Leadership Program Details QLA Mission Statement: Qatar Leadership Academy aims to promote personal growth in young men by engaging them in an environment that promotes excellence in academics, leadership, athletics, and character to be the leaders of tomorrow. Vision: Shaping tomorrow’s leaders today Core Values: Ambition, Caring, Courage, Cooperation, Determination, Duty, Excellence, Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Mutual Respect, Teamwork, Transparency
Objectives of QLA: Meet the educational needs of students to develop their full potential Achieve academic excellence through variety of strategies Provide well rounded and holistic education including spiritual, physical, social and cultural growth Provide constantly challenging targets Encourage virtues of obedience, honesty, courage, mercy, self‐respect, and respect for others Embrace and utilize Information Communication Technology Provide an extensive range of extra‐curricular and leadership activities Promote appreciation of languages, traditions, and cultures especially Arabic culture, language and tradition Work in partnership with parents, local community and local and international colleges and universities
Leadership Development: Leadership development is a pervasive factor in all that we do at Qatar Leadership Academy. As such, the leadership program consists of a variety of elements designed to teach cadets the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, respect for the environment, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment. One key aim of leadership development is the cultivate self‐esteem, teamwork, and self‐ discipline during each cadet’s time at QLA. This is accomplished through a series of activities, programs, and the daily routine that facilitates important interaction with all members of staff. These elements include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Core values and character development Self‐discipline Collaboration and team‐work Time management Project/task management Initiative Develop leadership potential while living and working cooperatively with others
Graduates of QLA
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Appreciation of the ethical values and principles that underlie good citizenship Ability to think logically and communicate effectively with others, both orally and in writing Appreciation of the importance of education in their future and therefore have the drive to achieve academically in higher educational institutions An understanding of the importance of virtuous conduct and good judgment both in their lives and in the lives of those around them Honor the importance of their wellness, health, and physical fitness Graduate with many practical skills including first aid, map reading and orientation, marksmanship, waterman ship, rock climbing, abseiling, and physical training Appreciate the importance of safety Respect risk and understand ways to evaluate appropriate and responsible levels of risk‐taking.
Expeditions ‐ The expedition content is designed to build on skills learned and practiced in the previous years as well as the present content. There will always be review of skills so that new students joining the program are exposed to the previous material. The content will be as follows: Gr 7 – field craft and general camping routines, developing stamina for hiking followed by setting up camp. Gr 8‐ basic navigation using map and compass, following a bearing and practice taking a bearing, basic FA Gr 9 – advanced field craft skills and map and compass skills involving map interpretation, and survival in the field, basic FA Gr 10 – field command tasks – overcoming obstacles, building bridges, problem solving and strategic planning as well as survival in the elements with basic tools – ie collecting water from condensation, cooking with solar ovens, starting a fire without matches Gr 11 – planning an outing with a purpose – environmental, training specific skill, advanced FA training. The content will be delivered at QLA during leadership classes. The structure of this aspect of the programing is meant to develop leadership. The content and expedition format fall into line with the QLA Strategic Plan strategies for leadership to implement Outward Bound (outdoor experiential education opportunities). Leadership curriculum (Leadership classes)– will be incorporated into project based experiential learning model – ie Student project leaders, and students in charge of specific areas of responsibility (different responsibility positions ie for field trips – like budget, transportation, food, equipment, sign‐up and attendance, etc or for typical in‐school projects – scribe, production editor, content editor, etc) – roles are tailored to each project but area of responsibility is well defined and becomes student responsibility. Each student must fulfill a variety of roles each year (could be designated or self‐appointed). The actual curriculum topics have a different focus at each grade level; beginning with a basic model in Gr 7 and 8, circling back to more extensive and insightful understanding of the concepts presented and practiced in the Gr 11 and 12 years. Each curriculum element would include a brief presentation and then practical scenario application tasks in smaller groups. One assessment piece will be required per term. The expectation is that the curriculum focus would carry on and be referred to in the various areas of application (ie in clubs, cadet corps activities, and in project work). The first set of curriculum standards (based on the LET cadet corp program)/grade is listed below, although the year will start with all cadets 4
becoming familiar with the process of leadership at QLA as well as the evaluation process and detailing exactly how their leadership grade is determined:
Concepts Gr 7 and 8 Leadership Concepts Becoming a team and trusting your team. Interpersonal Communication.
Gr 9 and 10 Leadership Concepts Building a team atmosphere.
Gr 11 and 12 Leadership Concepts Accountability and responsibility.
Communicating with members Format for communicating on your team. Committee structure, Robert’s Rules, Difference between Non‐profit and for profit organizations. Elements of task planning. Long Range and short range planning. Consensus Building. Delegating and Follow‐up. Leaders of the world/the Leaders in different settings/the leader in me. leader in me.
Personal goal setting. Making decisions. Leaders of all ages/the leader in me. Curriculum delivery will be weekly 45 min sessions led by leadership instructors in class groups (ie Gr 7a, Gr 7b, Gr 8a, Gr 8b etc). The delivery of this curriculum will begin in October and run until May and will culminate in a final written exam as well as a practical application/project presentation. Integrated Governance – An important aspect of leadership is responsibility and accountability to constituents, which makes our students more aware of how their actions and character are perceived by others (teachers, peers, and students in other grades). The established governance body within the school is the QLA Student Council whose purpose is to give a student voice through a designated process. As much as possible, all staff and administration must direct cadets to utilize this body for things like student complaints about the status of the barracks, or student initiatives for improving aspects of the school. The secondary purpose of the QLA Student Council is to give ownership of the school t to the cadets. They are encouraged to take initiative to run spirit raising events, fund raising events, school wide events (such as International Day). Staff and administration are encouraged to support these initiatives as much as possible and to help provide advice and guidance to cadets who are working on them. This means redirecting cadet behavior as appropriate if required. Student Council will have the opportunity to meet every two weeks during their leadership time (3:30 – 5:30 pm). Community and International Service – A critical component of a successful program is the development of an on‐going link to local community service projects. QLA must develop and maintain a relationship with one or several local community groups, which would foster responsibility, compassion, and personal reward amongst students. Students will organize on‐going activities as well as yearly or monthly events that tie in with their local community service project (ie monthly beach cleaning). International service can be included on international or other yearly trips, or QLA (or in combination with other QF schools) could actually develop their own project in a foreign country that is visited each year by the school (like building a school in Africa and then maintaining it). 5
To this end, it is the expectation that graduates of QLA will have attended: In their Gr 7 – 9 years – at least 1 regional expedition (Ummrah trip, Sailing trip, 4 day experiential challenge trip) In their Gr 10 – 12 years – at least 1 international expedition (International eco‐service trip or conference) Selection criteria for trips will be based on merit comprising of the following attributes: Academic performance Fitness standards achieved Leadership performance Behavior Students and parents will be expected to participate in pre‐trip and post‐trip meeting presentations. Students will be expected to actively reflect on their expedition experience and to produce a project result which will be trip‐dependent but could include things like reports, presentations, creative artwork Environmental Awareness – Students might be interested in starting their own Environmental Leadership Initiatives program – including awareness campaigns and projects involving recycling, planting, reducing consumption, etc. QLA will run an Environmental Sustainability study group who will follow the Road to Doha program for one semester (the second semester) of the school year. Students will be expected to participate in planning and running QLA Earth Day to Earth Week in April of each year. Leadership Sessions – led by TAC’s as well as contracted to local program providers to be outdoor experiential in nature and built in modules: Navigation, Field craft, Water craft, Rock climbing/abseiling, Sailing, First Aid, Marksmanship Martial arts, Communications Students will progress through each aspect of the program and it will be mandatory to complete module 1 before module 2 of any given sequence and each sequence will have 4 or 6 Modules. Modules will all last either 6 to 8 weeks. Once cadets complete Module 1 of a sequence they will receive insignia to be worn on their rank sleeve. As they progress through the modules, a number will be added to their rank sleeve. The cadet who completes a module with the top score will be recognized in their insignia. Assessment – The master rubric and all criterion within it must be assessed at least twice per year. A full, final assessment of all criterion will be completed at the end of the year. Smaller, more convenient assessment forms and rubrics will be used as necessary (samples provided). Assessment will be conducted by a wide range of personnel in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of the Cadets’ capabilities. These personnel include:
The Leadership Department 6
TACs Teachers Admin Cadets in Command Positions (Patrol Sergeants – Commanding Officer)
QLA Leadership Profile Rubric Name of Student: _______________________ Name of Assessor: ________________________ Class/Subject: ________________________ Date of Assessment: ______________________ CRITERION A B C D F He does not He occasionally He usually He develops Teamwork & He consistently develop and develops and develops and and maintains Cooperation develops and maintains maintains maintains positive maintains positive positive positive relationships positive relationships relationships relationships with others. relationships with others. with others. with others. with others. He usually aims He occasionally He aims to He does not Determination He consistently aims to reach to reach fixed reach fixed aim to reach aims to reach resolutions and resolutions and fixed fixed fixed form form resolutions and resolutions and resolutions and conclusions as conclusions as form form form part of all his part of all his conclusions as conclusions as conclusions as endeavors. endeavors. part of all his part of all his part of all his endeavors. endeavors. endeavors. He occasionally He usually He holds a He does not Duty He consistently holds a sense of holds a sense of hold a sense of sense of holds a sense of respectful respectful respectful respectful respectful moral moral moral moral moral commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment and feels and feels and feels and feels and feels ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership without self‐ without self‐ without self‐ without self‐ without self‐ interest. interest. interest. interest. interest. He usually He does not He displays a He occasionally Integrity He consistently displays a sense displays a sense display a sense sense of displays a sense of fairness, of fairness, fairness, justice of fairness, of fairness, justice and justice and and respect for justice and justice and respect for the respect for the respect for the the dignity of respect for the dignity of the the individual, dignity of the dignity of the dignity of the individual, groups and individual, individual, individual, groups and communities. groups and groups and groups and communities. communities. communities. communities. He usually has He occasionally He has an in‐ He does not Knowledge He consistently an in‐depth depth demonstrate has an in‐depth has an in‐depth knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding across a broad across a broad across a broad across a broad across a broad and balanced and balanced and balanced and balanced and balanced range of range of range of range of range of disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. disciplines. 7
Presentation/Public Speaking Criteria: Section Points system Introduction 5 points max Content 10 points max Conclusion (and questions) 5 points max Conversion to Grades Below 7 = F Between 7 ‐10 = D Between 10 – 13 = C Between 13 – 18 = B Over 18 = A Assessment Names of Cadets 1 2 3 Topic – Name & brief explanation if needed Introduction /5
Conclusion (and questions)
Command Task Criteria: Section of Task Planning of the task Briefing of section/team Execution Conversion to Grades
Task – Name & brief
Points system 5 points max 5 points max 10 points max Below 7 = F Between 7 ‐10 = D Between 10 – 13 = C Between 13 – 18 = B Over 18 = A Names of Cadets/Team name 1 2 3 4 5
Notes Total available = 20 points
Total Score /20
Notes Total available = 20 points
Total Score /20
explanation if needed
Planning of the task – Did the section commander plan effectively?
Briefing of section/team Did the Section Commander Brief the section effectively and clearly communicate his ideas? Did he then ask for any questions and make adjustments to the plan?
Execution Did the section carry out the orders and plan of the section commander? Points should not be deducted if the plan had to change.
Assessment will be based upon the ‘best‐fit’ model and the assessor will take the ‘mode’ of all criterion as the final grade. As it is difficult to say that one Cadet is 3% better than another, final percentages will be the middle of the mark‐band. Each letter grade will correspond to the following mark‐band: GRADE A B C D F
MARK‐BAND 90‐100 75‐89 60‐74 50‐59 0‐48
DESCRIPTION Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Failure
Attendance Policy – the leadership program follows the academic attendance policy. All cadets are expected to participate fully in the leadership program. Grades for leadership are in jeopardy if the attendance policy of QLA is not fulfilled.
Discipline – consequences Cadets who are unwilling to participate or demonstrate poor discipline in leadership are to be put on an “Improvement Program.” The same procedure may be used for poor attendance at Leadership lessons/Activities. Stage 1: As a cadet is identified by leadership training staff as failing short of the standards expected he is to be warned of his poor performance and counseled by the Leadership Coordinator. Put on report card for two weeks. Parents are to receive an email/letter regarding the issues. Notes are also recorded on Powerschool. Stage 2: Cadet fails to improve after two weeks. Data and facts to be presented to the Head of Academics. Cadet is then interviewed by the Head of Academics and Leadership Coordinator. He may have a student council representative present or senior cadet officer to help council him. Then given two more weeks to improve. If he improves he gets back to stage 1 – report card for two weeks. Parents are to receive an email/letter regarding the issues. Notes are also recorded on Powerschool. Stage 3: Cadet still fails to improve. Data and facts to be presented to the Director. The cadet is expected to explain his actions and lack of performance to the Director with the Head of Academics and Leadership Coordinator present. At this stage parents must be present. Also at this stage any rank that the cadet held would be removed until the cadet has proved worthy of wearing it again. Cadet is put on two weeks final notice. If he fails to improve after two more weeks he is expected to find an alternative school. If he improves – he moves back to stage 2 and then stage 1, this would demonstrate commitment to improvement by taking four weeks to show that he is serious.
Battalion Organization and Leadership Positions *– In order to give cadets valuable and realistic leadership experience, they are organized into a battalion format with assigned command appointments. In addition, cadets have the opportunity to fulfill leadership positions that are vital but outside the military structure. This range of leadership opportunities within QLA which are mentored by various staff, the key positions are highlighted: Appointed through Merit Board: The following positions are mentored daily by staff advisors. Battalion Officers (15), CAS Student Leader (2), Sports Student Leader (2), Environmental Steward (2).
Elected by cadet population: Student Council President Gr 11 and 12, Executive Members (6), Class‐ reps (8 – 10)
*More details are located in the Leadership Program Document which includes job‐descriptions for each position as well as an organizational chart of the positions.