QLA Newsletter Issue No.45 Feb 2019

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‫أكاديمية قطر للقادة‬ Qatar Leadership Academy

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Camping Trip – Al Jasasya Barracks

On the 27th, January 2019, grade 12 cadets took leave from their studies to attend a camping trip at the Al Jasasya barracks located north of Al Khor on the east coast of Qatar. The location is isolated and home to unique ecological systems. As a result, the area is off limits to civilian vehicles due to the wildlife. Over the course of 4 days, our cadets were put through a number of different regimes. Every day at the break of dawn, our cadets would wake up for the ‘Fajr’ prayer. This was followed by early morning exercises including a 3 kilometer jog in the surrounding areas. Cadets then prepared for breakfast in the Mess Hall. Later on in the day, cadets received firsthand training on the use of GPS compass and map devices. As well as learning how to use electronic maps, cadets were instructed on how to navigate using traditional methods such as a sun compass and celestial navigation using the stars. Throughout the day, cadets observed the daily prayers as well as preparing and sharing meals together. The following day, cadets were instructed on techniques for camouflaging the face using mud. The benefits of this was twofold, namely camouflaging oneself from the enemy and protecting the skin from the glaring rays of the sun. As well as mud, cadets used foliage to further camouflage themselves and blend in with the local terrain. On the third day, cadets faced their main challenge of the trip; they had to navigate and locate four markers located over a six-kilometer radius using their GPS devices. The cadets were grouped into four teams and each team had a different map to follow. Cadets had to input the coordinates into their GPS devices while keeping a visual out for the markers. This challenge was very challenging given the long walking distance involved, the blazing midday sun and the barren landscape. In all, our cadets performed extremely well. They were responsible for their own organization, sleeping arrangements, preparing meals and cooking, and completing the tasks and challenges assigned to them.

In preparation for the New York National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN), Our QLA student and teacher met with the Qatari IAEA United Nations Representatives. This year our QLA student will be on the MUN IAEA committee and will be representing his own country of Qatar. The IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency, is an autonomous international organization within the United Nations system that regulates the use of Atomic Energy around the world. We were first honored with H.E. Brig. Gen.(Air) Hassan Salah AlNesf. The Brigadiers wealth of knowledge and experience greatly added to what was needed in writing a position paper and resolution for our student’s committee. He gave a view of how the student can stand in with a strong Qatari view. The Brigadier General has completed various international courses, including courses on multilateral investigation to prohibit proliferation of atomic weapons (Vienna), program safety in managing and treating of hazardous residuals (Egypt), and an IAEA training course on nuclear safeguards. The Brigadier General furthermore chaired the workshop on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1440 in Doha in 2004. The Brigadier General has been a member of the delegation of the State of Qatar at NPT Review Conferences, Arab League Meetings on Nuclear and Disarmament Activities, Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy for the Gulf Co-operation Council, IAEA Board of Governors, OPCW Executive Council and Conference of States Parties, and CTBTO, PTS and Working Groups activities. We then met with Prof. Salwan K. J. Abbood, PhD, a Radiation Expert in the National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons (NCPW) in Qatar. With great kindness and courtesy he offered a wealth of knowledge in how to lead through the committee and Qatar’s position through vast educational experience and how the committee is led. Furthermore, he encourage QLA students to seek knowledge and experience through these types of activities. After, we met with Captain Abdulaziz Hamdan Al-Ahmad who took another approach in guiding and teaching our student. Captain Al-Ahmad asked questions and guided the student to seek and understand his countries position and how decisions are made. This was an educational trip that assisted our student in preparation for MUN, but added so much more. He has gained knowledge on how his country works within the international community and how each of the members play their own part. At the end of each of the meeting the Brigadier, the professor, and the captain were incredibly generous to invite us to return and to review the position paper and resolution of the student prior to submission. They encouraged him to seek knowledge and to do his best while in New York and within his studies. QLA would like to thank the NCPW, the Ministry of Defense, Brig. Gen. AlNesf, Captain Al-Ahmad, and Prof. Abbood for their time and generosity. Their knowledge and experience was transferred to QLA students into a one of a kind educational experience.

‫ف ي إطار التحضير لنموذج األمم المتحدة للمدارس الوطنية العليا في‬ ‫ التقى طالب ومدرس من أكاديمية قطر للقادة مع‬، ) NHSMUN( ‫نيويورك‬ ‫ في هذا‬. ‫أحد ممثلي األمم المتحدة القطريين في منظمة الطاقة الذرية‬ ‫العام سيتواجد طالب في لجنة األمم المتحدة للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية‬ ‫ علما بأن الوكالة الدولية للطاقة‬.‫ويمثل بلده قطر‬، ‫يمثل أكاديمية قطر للقادة‬ ‫الذرية هي منظمة دولية مستقلة داخل منظومة األمم المتحدة تعمل على‬ .‫تنظيم استخدام الطاقة الذرية في جميع أنحاء العالم‬ .‫أوال من قبل سعادةالعميد الركن الطيار حسن صالح النصف‬ ً ‫لقد تم تكريمنا‬ ‫إن خبرات ومعارف العميد الركن أضافت لدينا ثروة ساعدتنا كثيرا في كتابة‬ ‫ كما قدم لنا وجهة نظره‬. ‫ورقة موقف لجنة طالبنا وقرارها في هذا المؤتمر‬ ‫ هذا وشارك العميد‬.‫حول كيف يمكن للطالب أن يقدم وجهة نظر قطرية قوية‬ ‫ بما في ذلك دورات تدريبية بشأن التحقيق‬، ‫النصف في عدة دورات دولية‬ ‫ وبرنامج السالمة‬، )‫المتعدد األطراف لحظر انتشار األسلحة النووية في (فيينا‬ ‫ ودورة تدريبية‬، )‫واألمان في إدارة ومعالجة المخلفات الخطرة في(مصر‬ ‫ كما ترأس العميد ورشة‬.‫للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية بشأن الضمانات النووية‬ ‫ وكان‬.2004 ‫ في الدوحة عام‬1440 ‫العمل المتعلقة بتنفيذ قرار مجلس األمن‬ ‫عضوا في وفد دولة قطر في مؤتمرات مراجعة معاهدة عدم انتشار‬ ‫العميد‬ ً ‫ واجتماعات جامعة الدول العربية حول نشاطات نزع السالح‬، ‫األسلحة النووية‬ ‫ واستخدامات الطاقة النووية السلمية في مجلس التعاون الخليجي‬.‫النووي‬ ‫والمجلس التنفيذي لمنظمة‬، ‫ومجلس محافظي الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية‬ ‫ وأنشطة‬، ‫ ومؤتمر الدول المتعددة األطراف‬،‫حظر األسلحة الكيميائية‬ ‫معاهدة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية والصواريخ التتبعية الثابتة ومجموعات‬ .‫العمل‬ ‫ خبير اإلشعاع في‬، ‫ عبود‬.‫التقينا بعد ذلك مع األستاذ الدكتور سلوان ك‬ ‫ وكان في غاية اللطف‬.‫) في قطر‬NCPW( ‫اللجنة الوطنية لحظر األسلحة‬ ‫ وقدم لنا معارف غنية في كيفية قيادة اللجنة وموقف قطر‬، ‫واللياقة األدبية‬ ‫ فإنه‬، ‫ وعالوة على ذلك‬.‫من خالل الخبرة التعليمية الواسعة التي يمتلكها‬ ‫شجع طالب أكاديمية قطر للقادة على البحث عن المعرفة والخبرة من خالل‬ .‫هذه األنواع من األنشطة‬ ‫نهجا آخر في‬ ً ‫ التقينا بالكابتن عبد العزيز حمدان األحمد الذي اتبع‬، ‫بعد ذلك‬ ‫ وأرشد‬، ‫ طرح النقيب األحمد مجموعة من األسئلة علينا‬.‫توجيه وتعليم طالبنا‬ .‫الطالب إلى البحث عن موقف دولته وفهمه وكيفية اتخاذ القرارات‬ ‫كانت هذه رحلة تعليمية ساعدت طالبنا في التحضير لـمؤتمر األمم المتحدة‬ ‫ فقد اكتسب الطالب معرفة‬.‫ لكنها أيضا أضافت أكثر من ذلك بكثير‬،‫المصغر‬ ‫ وكيف يلعب كل عضو من‬، ‫حول كيفية عمل بالده داخل المجتمع الدولي‬ ‫ واألستاذ‬، ‫ وفي نهاية كل اجتماع كان العميد النصف‬.‫أعضائها دوره الخاص‬ ‫ والكابتن األحمد كريمين بشكل ال يصدق لدعوتنا للعودة ومراجعة‬، ‫عبود‬ ‫ كما شجعوا الطالب على طلب‬.‫ورقة الموقف وقرار الطالب قبل تقديمها‬ .‫مزيد من المعرفة وبذل قصارى جهده أثناء وجوده في نيويورك وفي دراساته‬ ، NCPW ‫تود أكاديمية قطر للقادة أن تشكر اللجنة الوطنية لحظر األسلحة‬ ‫ والبروفيسور عبود‬، ‫ والنقيب األحمد‬، ‫ والعميد الركن النصف‬، ‫ووزارة الدفاع‬ ‫ حيث تم نقل معرفتهم وخبرتهم إلى طالب أكاديمية‬.‫على وقتهم وكرمهم‬ ‫قطر للقادة في تجربة تعليمية فريدة من نوعها‬

English as a Second Language (ESL) Academic Support ESL Department launched a new initiative to support weak students in English Language proficiency. This program is designed to bridge the gap while using English Language in classes and daily life. ESL students will develop and maintain listening, speaking, reading and writing competency in English as outlined in the WIDA (World-class Instructional Design and Assessment) – Level 1 – Basic. Data from WIDA assessment will be used to determine students’ exact competency in each of the four areas. Working in collaboration, regular education teachers will design units and lessons to meet the needs of ESL students using the framework of WIDA standards. Additional resource support for pre-teaching and post-teaching students will help to achieve this goal. Once a student achieved the expectations of the basic level. Then he will be transferred to the higher level accordingly to match with his abilities and capabilities. Students attend this program 4 days a week for one hour each. Mr. Muad Makhool ESL Teacher

Qatar Leadership Academy wins food sustainability Award from Quranic Botanic Garden Qatar Leadership academy, Al Khor has won the first place in prestigious food sustainability program conducted by Quranic Botanic Garden. This concludes two years of intense food sustainability campaign organized by the school. Students of Qatar leadership Academy implemented the knowledge and skills leant through various farming programs conducted at Quranic Botanic Garden. The winning components of the school include a greenhouse, which is in its fifth year of operation. QLA also boasts of an herbal garden with variety of herbal plants. Students have conducted scientific researches to test the efficiency of herbal medicines .In addition to working with various herbal medicines, students also compared antibacterial property of miswak roots to commonly available toothpastes to prove its efficiency. Students also have designed a vertical garden to grow herbal pants in kitchen. QLA Project Based Learning Coordinator, Mr. Sunny Joseph said that, the award was made possible by the teamwork of students, teaching staff and nonteaching staff of the school. QLA Green house has been active for the last five years . Students enjoyed working in green house using multidisciplinary projects, harvest festivals, visits from experts in the field etc. QLA director, Brig. Ali Al Kuwari has always shown a keen interest in sustaining the environmental and food sustainability programs of QLA. He has guided and participated in social forestry and sustainability projects of QLA. The facility management team of QLA has been instrumental in starting and maintaining the green house. A team of students from service learning class led by the teacher, Mr. George Chempalathara installed and maintained the automatic drip irrigation system used in the herbal garden. Students have harvested a large quantity of tomato and used in QLA cafeteria. Lettuce, Green Chili, cucumber, eggplants, and bell pepper etc. are also grown in the green house. Award winning student , Nasser Saheem F Z Al-Sheraim, a student of grade 11 commented that , he started working in the green house while he was in grade 7. In the last five years, he has, grown loving organic farming. The project helped him to sustain his interest in farming and learn the importance of growing vegetables in an organic way.

Traditional Rowing and Sailing This month has been an exciting and challenging one for cadets at Qatar Leadership Academy. In total, twenty-one cadets have been competing on a weekly basis in the traditional rowing and sailing races organized by Doha Marine Sports Club. The races take place on the Corniche, Doha next to the Sheraton Hotel. In celebration of Qatar National Sports Day (12th February, 2019), our resident GCC cadets and teachers formed a team of eleven to compete in a 1.4 kilometer traditional rowing race. Our team secured 2nd place! The following day, two of our cadets, Ali Mohammed al Boainain (gr.12) and Yusef Abdulla al Amri (gr. 12) competed in the traditional sailing competition. This race was extremely challenging as chaotic winds saw their sailing boat at times come to a complete halt and within a moment’s notice the sails would catch an upwind driving them to speeds of between 4 – 8 knots. Our team secured 2nd place with just inches between them and the leading team. Our cadets took QR13000 in prize money. Later on that day, two teams from QLA competed in a grueling 3-kilometer traditional rowing race. Our teams secured 4th and 4th places and were awarded prize money of QR22,000. On Saturday 16th February, cadets Ali Mohammed al Boainain (gr. 12) and Yusef Abdalla al Amri (gr. 12) again competed in a traditional sailing race. They secured 4th place and prize money of QR7000. In the afternoon, two teams from QLA competed in the traditional rowing races securing 4th and 6th places winning QR22,000. This coming Saturday, 23rd of February 2019, our cadets will again represent QLA in the traditional rowing races. Our cadets continue to show the necessary dedication needed to compete in these prestigious sports. All cadets have shown remarkable punctuality needed to participate successfully including turning up for the events up to three hours prior to the race, wearing the correct uniform, preparing their boats and paddles, and attending meetings with officials from Doha Sports Club and the National Coastguard to discuss race routes as well as safety issues. Our cadets have displayed true leadership skills and we are proud of them all.

The next traditional rowing and sailing races will be held this coming Saturday 23rd February on the Cornich in Doha next to the Sheraton Hotel. All parents are welcome to attend and support our cadets. Below is a list of participating cadets:

Grade 9 Tameem Yousef M A Al-Tamimi Mohammed Bilal S B Al-Abdulla Mohammed Sultan M N Al-Essae Ibrahim Abdulrahman S M Al-Hoori Majid Ahmed Al-Harthy Omar Hassan M S Al-Naimi Mahmood Ahmed Al-Harthy Grade 10 Mohammed Saleh Al Siyabi Jaber Ghanem S A Al-Sulaiti Saleh Houd S A Al Obaidli Mohammed Ahmed-Al Harthy Zayd Abdullah Khan

Grade 11 Ismaeil Ibrahim Al-Ali Falah Ali S A Al-Badi Mohammed Abdulla Y A Mahmoud Nasser Saheem F Z Al-Sheraim Ali Mohammed R B Al-Boainain Jarah B J M Al-Butti Yousuf Hassan Y A Alamri Faisal A H al-Hasan Grade 12 Ali Saeed Y K Al-Sulaiti G12 Yousef Abdulla Y H Al-Amri G12

‫طابور تكريم وترفيع طالب‬ ‫قياديا‬ ‫أكاديمية_قطر_للقادة المتميزين‬# ً ‫والمشاركين في دورة الصبر والتحمل‬ ‫ يمكنكم زيارة صفحتنا‬،‫لمشاهدة جميع اللقطات‬ ‫عبر الرابط‬Facebook ‫الرسمية على تطبيق‬ :‫التالي‬ https://goo.gl/cYcVL2

Promotion and Award ceremony for #QLA cadets, who are the best in the leadership and also completed the patience & Endurance Course For more photos, kindly visit our official Facebook page, through the below link https://goo.gl/cYcVL2

2019-2018 ‫لقطات من اجتماع أولياء األمور الثاني للعام االكاديمي‬ Highlights from the Second Parent- Teacher Conference for the academic year 2018-2019

‫طريق_المجد وذلك بتنظيم مع هيئة األشغال العامة‬# ‫طالب أكاديمية قطر للقادة خالل مشاركتهم في حفل افتتاح‬ Qatar Leadership Academy cadets during their participation of the opening ceremony of #Almajd_road, organized by Qatar Public Works Authority #Ashghal

‫اليوم_الراياضي_للدولة‬# ‫أكاديمية_قطر_للقادة بمناسبة‬# ‫مقتطفات من احتفال‬

Highlights from #QLA celebration of the #NationalSportDay #NSD

‫طالب الصف الحادي عشر خالل حضورهم الورشة المقدمة من قبل مركز نماء األجتماعي‬ ‫‪Grade 11 cadets during their participation to the workshop organized by Nama center‬‬

‫يقوم طالب الصف التاسع والعاشر بعرض مهاراتهم بالتصميم ذات الطابع اإلسالمي لطائراتهم الورقية وتحضيرها لتكن جاهزة للطيران‬ ‫‪Grade 9 & 10 displaying their design skills with an Islamic Art theme for their kites and to be ready for flying‬‬


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NHSMUN Conference NY QLA Information Session—Kuwait QLA Information Session—Jordan 8th Annual QLA Pi Day

‫ عضو مؤسسة قطر‬،‫أكاديمية قطر للقادة‬ ‫ مدينة الخور‬:‫الموقع‬ ‫الخور – قطر‬ 24421 :‫ب‬.‫ص‬ +974 44442222 :‫البدالة‬ 16 :‫رقم المبنى‬ 776 :‫رقم الشارع‬ 74 :‫منطقة‬ Qatar Leadership Academy, Member of Qatar Foundation Location: Al Khor City Al Khor Qatar P.O.Box: 24421 Tel: +974 44442222 Building Number: 16 Street No. 776 Zone: 74


2—11March 4-7 March 10-12 March 13 March

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