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أكاديمية قطر للقادة Qatar Leadership Academy
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Qatar leadership Academy conducts 7th Annual Project fair. Qatar leadership Academy, Al Khor celebrated the student success with a project fair on 2nd May 2019. This year has been extraordinary for teachers of QLA, with students achieving many leadership goals. Our students have been bridging the gap by conducting field trips, collecting scientific data and confidently presenting projects in Art, Math, Humanities, Languages, Physical education, Islamic studies and Qatar history. Thanks to our project based learning initiative, our students have been winning national level awards for their projects. Students have demonstrated their responsibility towards environment and society by conducting socially useful and productive tasks. None of these would have been possible if we did not have the support and encouragement of the parents and the staff. Many teachers have spent extra hours of their free time with students for planning events, like Pi Day, Earth week, sports competitions, project fair, and field trips. QLA project fair provided an avenue for our students to show off their 21st century skills. I take this opportunity to thank the parents and staff of QLA for the success of the project fair. Mr. Sunny Joseph Project Based Learning Coordinator
Grade 11 Business Management Field Trip to Blacklist
At the beginning of this academic year, one of QLA’s alumni, Nasser Hemaidi, visited our Grade 11 Business Management class where he guest lectured on entrepreneurship. Nasser graduated from QLA a few years back, and he now runs a burger restaurant called Blacklist, which is located in Gharafa. To end the year, the class visited Nasser’s restaurant where Nasser, his manager, and chef addressed the class on motivation techniques. These presentations were done over lunch at Nasser’s restaurant. We continued with our goal of making sure that students see the connections between classroom content and real world experiences. Students were able to see how motivation techniques such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs can be applied in motivating kitchen and waiting staff in a restaurant. This field trip was also beneficial in preparing students for a the motivation unit test which has a case study of a proprietor who runs two restaurants and was having to motivation challenges with the staff. As a class we also had the pleasure to share a meal together, which helped teachers and students bond and connect beyond the classroom. As teachers we value spending time without cadets outside of the classroom, and continue to help them see connections of what they learn in the real world. We would like to thank Tac Ali Mohannadi for joining us as an additional chaperone. Further, we are forever grateful to the QLA PR and Facilities departments for helping with the logistics of our field trips.
QLA Cloth Donation Campaign Objective - Our Grade 11 Students, as part of their Service Learning project and earth week activities organized by QLA Science Department, run a drive at Qatar Leadership Academy to collect gently used cloths for the charity to needy people through charity organizations (Qatar Charity). Learning Outcome- Global Citizenship and Empathy. The activity encourages students to be compassionate and responsible for fellow human beings. It inculcates cultural values, caring attitude and Global citizenship in them. This campaign teaches to reduce, reuse and recycle materials for the good of mankind and save environment.
زيارة لموقع الزبارة األثري Visit to Al Zubara Archaeological site قام طالب الصف الحادي عشر في أكاديمية قطر للقادة بزيارة للموقع األثري والمسجل في منظمة اليونسكو (قلعة الزبارة) كما أتت الزيارة من ضمن خطة منهاج العلوم اإلنسانية في األكاديمية Grade 11 cadets, visited Al Zubara Archaeological site which is registered at Unesco. The visit came under the plans of the Humanities studies at QLA
مقتطفات من مشاركة طالب األكاديمية في المنتدى التربوي حول التراث والهوية والذي ُعقد في الحي الثقافي—كتارا Highlights for our cadets participation in the Education Forum on Heritage & Identity, Cultural Village– KATARA
! تهانينا
130 حصلت أكاديمية قطر للقادة على المركز الرابع من أصل أوًل" للبيوت مدرسة على صعيد الدولة في حملة "صحتك ا قطر- الخضراء التي اطلقتها جامعة وايل كورنيل للطب Congratulations! Qatar Leadership Academy receives fourth place over 130 schools in Qatar participating in the “Your Health First” Project Greenhouse competition launched by Weil Cornell Medicine - Qatar
في رمضان شهر الخير قام طالب أكاديمية قطر للقادة بتوزيع سالت الطعام على األسر المتعففة والتي تساعد رصيدهم في ساعات الخدمة المجتمعية In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, QLA cadets distributed food baskets for families in need as part of their community service project
QLA Brazilian Jujitsu Competition We are pleased to share highlights from our Qatar Leadership Academy martial arts training program that occurred on Sunday, March 31, 2019; under the instruction of Mr. Jamaal A. CebrunAdams. Brazilian Jujitsu competition amongst the cadets ranging from grades 7- 10. This competition featured a total of 12 cadets. Many cadets began preparation in upwards of three weeks in advance for this event. The cadets that participated in this event showed bravery, tenacity, skills and competitive spirit. The cadets were supported with the attendance of their peers and members of staff. Both the cadets and the staff enjoyed the fierce competition that took place. The participants were Hamad Al Badr; Hussein Al Ashkanani, Mohammed Al Kaabi; Mohammed Al Sherawi; Nasser Al Sayed, Yousef Al Maqhawi; Majid Al Harthy; Mohammed Al Essae; Mohammed Al Hosni; Omar Al Naemi; Saleh Al Obadli and Zayd Khan. There was a total of 3 rounds of matches which featured Ibrahim Al Houri versus Saleh Al Obadli and Zayd Khan versus Mohammed Al Kaabi. The fourth and final round featured Ibrahim versus Zayd. Both cadets displayed high levels of offensive and defensive grappling skills. Ibrahim emerged as the event winner. The sportsmanship and heart of determination displayed amongst all cadets showed that all were champions in their own rights. This was the pinnacle of successful training amongst our QLA cadets.
كان لنا كل الفخر بأن تأدي جوقة أكاديمية قطر للقادة النشيد الوطني خالل حفل تكريم دفعة 2019مؤسسة قطر We were honored to have our Choir perform the National Anthem during the QF Convocation 2019
مقتطفات من المباراة النهائية لبطولة أكاديمية قطر للقادة لكرة الطاولة، كما حصل الطالب فيصل العرفج على المركز اًلول والطالب إسماعيل علي على المركز الثاني Highlights from the final game of the QLA table tennis tournament. Cadet Faisal Al Arfaj got the 1st place and Cadet Ismail Al Ali got the 2nd place
أكاديمية قطر للقادة تحتفل بتخريج دفعتها الـ 11 احتفلت أكاديمية قطر للقادة ،بتخريج الدفعة الثانية عشرة وعددهم 21خريج ،برعاية سعادة الدكتور حمد بن عبدالعزيز الكواري وزير الدولة وبحضور عدد من المسؤولين من مؤسسة قطر وكبار قادة القوات المسلحة القطرية وأولياء أمور الخريجين وذويهم وأعضاء الكادر التدريسي واإلداري باألكاديمية وذلك بمركز قطر الوطني للمؤتمرات. كما تم توزيع شهادات التخرج على الطالب ليتابعوا دراساتهم األكاديمية في الجامعات المحلية والدولية الكبرى. The Qatar Leadership Academy (QLA), graduated its 11th cohort The Qatar Leadership Academy (QLA), graduated its 12th cohort, which consisted of 21 graduates during a ceremony at the Qatar National Convention Center (QNCC). The 21 member Class of 2019 graduated during an eventful ceremony in the presence of the Minister of State H.E Dr. Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari and VIP’s for Qatar Foundation, Qatar Armed Forces, parents and community.
First Day of School/2019-2020
عضو مؤسسة قطر،أكاديمية قطر للقادة مدينة الخور:الموقع الخور – قطر 24421 :ب.ص +974 44242222 :البدالة 11 :رقم المبنى 771 :رقم الشارع 74 :منطقة Qatar Leadership Academy, Member of Qatar Foundation Location: Al Khor City Al Khor Qatar P.O.Box: 24421 Tel: +974 44242222 Building Number: 11 Street No. 771 Zone: 74
18th August 2019