Sport Nation nal Day y propos sal 201 13/2014 4 ضي للدولة مقترح اليوم الرياض ٢٠١٣/٢٠١٤
Public relaation office 2013
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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 The Vision .................................................................................................................................................. 3 The Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 3 The official logo: ........................................................................................................................................ 3 When it will be happening? .......................................................................................................................... 4 QLA soccer tournament ............................................................................................................................ 4 Soup playing area: ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Jumping games a bouncing castle:............................................................................................................ 6 Tug of war: ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Face Painting, Cottons candy and popcorn machine: ............................................................................... 8
Public relation office 2013
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Introdu uction The Vission To adopt the best prac ctices and me eans in prom moting the pra actice of sporrt and physica al activities a among members of the society y.
The Objectives 1 1. Widen the t scope of commu unity partic cipation in n sport an nd physicall activities and increase e the averag ge of active participatiion. 2 2. Provide all membe ers of QLA QF and Qa atar Society y with the o opportunity y to particiipate in enterttaining actiivities. 3 3. Promote e a sport culture in the societty in orde r to increa ase awaren ness aboutt the importa ance of sporrt and phys sical activities. 4 4. Establish h criteria fo or measurin ng the leve el of social and individ dual particiipation in ssport and phy ysical activities. 5 5. Promote e the sporrting and recreationa r al activitiess and mak ke participants enjoy y the activities organized d during th he National Sports Day y.
The offi ficial logo:
Public relaation office 2013
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When iit will be happenin ng? IIn each sec cond week of Februa ary of each h year and for this itt will be h hosted in Q Qatar th L Leadership Academy in the 12 Feb F 2013. A Activities:
QLA socccer tourn nament A soccer to ournament provided by b the PE department d in QLA an nd that willl be distrib buted ffor all the schools s as an a invitation.
T This tourna ament will be b started earlier e befo ore the sporrt national day and it will be use ed by tthe main fo ootball pitch h of QLA. F For more in nformation about the full f schedu ule for this ttournamen nt please see appendix x.1.
Public relaation office 2013
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Soup pllaying area: T This type of service will w be used for a certa ain age grou up with a ccontrol from m the volun nteer sstaff memb ber with a su upport from m the ambu ulance from m Hamad H Hospital.
T The size of this service will optio onal later on nce it is ap pproved as one of the activities in n the ssport nation nal day.
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Jumpin ng games a a bouncing g castle: A As all the normal n sociial events in n the state is always h having this kind of ga ames and allso it w will be the best b games s for the kid ds who willl be coming g with theirr families su uch as the staff ffamily mem mbers , Al Khor K commu unity or alll Qatar Foun ndation cen nters.
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Tug of w war: As it is one o of the known k gam mes within the t society is the Tug of war ,in tthe sport nationall day can be e provided by doing some compeetitions bettween the sstaff memb bers , cadets , students frrom other schools s and d the norm mal audience e in Al Khor communiity.
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Face Pa ainting, Co ottons cand dy and pop pcorn macchine: This will be helpful for all the e kids to be e part of thee joy of this occasion.
Public relaation office 2013
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Viewed & approved by:
Public relations coordinator Date: ……………………………………………….. (Signature)……………………………………….
Administration Supervisor Date: ……………………………………………….. (Signature)……………………………………….
Head of Administrative affairs Date: ……………………………………………….. (Signature)……………………………………….
Public relation office 2013
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