3 minute read

Welcome to our new HARUs

Dr Victoria (Vicky) Matheson

When did you start with QAS?


I started at the beginning of February this year.

Where were you working beforehand?

I normally work at the Gold Coast as an Emergency Specialist and Paediatrician.

Why did you choose to work with us?

I have been looking froward to the new challenge of prehospital medicine and of course the awesome team of paramedics.

How are you finding the change of work so far?

It’s exciting, but a little daunting moving from 20 years of the safety of the hospital environment to being out and about in the real world.

What are some of the biggest differences you’ve experienced so far from your previous work?

I’m really enjoying not taking a handover of 30 patients and also being on the road.

What do you hope to get out of this role professionally?

I hope to gain further experience in prehospital procedures and a better understanding of how the ambulance service works and interfaces with the hospital.

What do you like to do in your downtime?

I’m usually running around after my three gorgeous kids!

Dr Robert (Robbie) Ley Greaves

When did you start with QAS?

I started early February but we had two weeks of quite intensive induction and training, so I only recently made it onto the road.

Where were you working beforehand?

I have been working between Royal Brisbane Emergency and Trauma Centre and LifeFlight for the last 18 months.

Why did you choose to work with us?

I remember when I first moved here from the United Kingdom, I found the case mix the CCP cohort worked on fascinating and not something I had been exposed to before. I have been interested in pre-hospital care since then. HARU’s reputation for the highest standards and the best care to patients makes it a fantastic opportunity to learn from, for which I am really grateful.

How are you finding the change of work so far?

To be honest even more intense that I expected. I don’t think I appreciated the luxury of time to think in the ED or the helicopter. Now between driving, treating and handover, things move very fast.

What are some of the biggest differences you’ve experienced so far from your previous work?

Other than the intensity and timing really it is the personal side, providing care in people’s homes or in front of their family is a privilege but also more emotive.

What do you hope to get out of this role professionally?

The paramedics and other doctors have such a wealth of experience with the sickest patients, really, I just want to learn as much as I can from them to take it forward to my practice and future patients.

What do you like to do in your downtime?

I’ve got two little boys so between that and shift work not a huge amount else, but I’m pretty happy if I get to cook and do a bit of exercise.

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