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As you will have noticed, the QJA quarterly member publication (previously called the Journal) has undergone a makeover. With the guidance of external advisers, we have given this publication a new name, a new look and a revamp to some of the traditional content. We hope our readers like the changes we have made. Your feedback (to editor@qja.com.au) will be appreciated.



Registrations are filling up fast for the 2021 conference. You can find out more and register on our website at https://qja.com.au/qja-state-conference/ or scan the QR code below

A special twilight Meet & Greet function will be held at the conference venue at 6pm on Friday 14 May and the QJA Conference and Awards Dinner will take place on the evening of Saturday 15 May. More information on the conference is contained elsewhere in this edition. All QJA members are encouraged to register for this high-quality professional development and networking opportunity.


COVID-19 restrictions prevented us from conducting our planned 2020 Conference last November, so we rescheduled to 15 May 2021. At this stage, everything is on target for the conference to take place then.

Regardless of whatever COVID conditions might apply at conference time, management of the conference venue, Mantra on View - Surfers Paradise, have assured us they will be able to facilitate a COVID-safe event that allows our faceto-face conference to proceed as planned.

The theme for our 2021 conference is People, Progress and Professionalism. All the business session presentations will address different aspects of this theme. An exciting array of highprofile speakers has been confirmed, including:

• Tom Tate - Gold Coast Mayor; • Her Honour Catherine Holmes AC - Chief

Justice of Queensland; • Justice Martin Daubney AM - QCAT President; • Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM - QLD nominee for 2021 Australian of the Year; • Christopher Goh - Team Leader, QJD Digital Drivers Licence Project; • Leanne Clemesha - Clinical Nurse Consultant, Office of Advance Care Planning; • Samantha Shipman - Office of the Public




As indicated previously, a QJA Member Accreditation Program will be introduced in 2021. At present, the nomination and assessment processes are being subjected to an exhaustive testing regime. Feedback from the testing phase will allow QJA to refine all aspects of the program before it is opened to the general membership.

The purpose of the accreditation process is to recognise and reward those QJA members who, via an assessment process, demonstrate their proficiency as a practicing JP or Cdec. It is also intended to put arrangements in place that will enable QJA-accredited JPs and Cdecs to be acknowledged and recognised as such by those community members searching for a proficient JP practitioner.

Access to this program will be made available to all QJA members in mid-May and, for the first 12 months of operation, the nomination, assessment, and accreditation process will be free of any charges. More information will be released in the coming months.


Before automatically renewing QJA’s current membership software package contract (which expires in April), a comprehensive internal review was undertaken of its adequacy and effectiveness. At the same time, QJA’s Information Technology consultant undertook a project to research the marketplace and evaluate suitable alternative membership systems.

The outcome of these two reviews and a comparison of the results strongly suggested QJA should seriously consider switching to an alternative package which, in comparative terms, was evaluated as a significantly better match for QJA’s needs.

A more detailed investigation on the alternative system, including reference checks, confirmed its superior suitability for QJA’s requirements. Accordingly, the QJA Board has approved the transition from the current membership software package to the preferred alternative as soon as practicable.

It is anticipated the new software package will significantly improve QJA’s capacity to make changes to meet member needs and to respond more quickly to changing circumstances. Although additional costs will be incurred in the transition between systems, it is expected the ongoing costs will be more stable and manageable compared to the current package.

It is proposed the transition period will stretch from mid-May to mid-September this year. The transition is a huge logistical undertaking which will place significant demands on QJA staff resources over this period. To minimise the impact on ongoing member services during this phase, QJA will look to engage the services of temporary staff and/or volunteers.


Once again in 2021, QJA will continue to reach out and interact with branch communities across the State. The 2021 program will consist of two distinct elements: 1. A series of forum-type sessions where branch committee representatives will be invited to participate, together with representatives of other branches, in sessions organised by a head officer. The dates and details of these sessions are still being developed and branches will be consulted and informed once planning for this component of the program is completed in the coming weeks. 2. Attendance by QJA directors, in their role as branch patrons, at meetings of branch members or branch committees in their patronage. As well, the President has also set a goal to visit each branch and to personally interact with branch members and/or branch committee members in 2021.

The purpose of this program is to ensure the association connects with its branch communities and understand their needs that support the QJA Vision and Objectives.

ACJA 2021

The Australasian Council of Justices Associations (ACJA – of which QJA is a member association) meets annually at different jurisdictions throughout Australia and New Zealand. The 2021 Meeting will take place in Brisbane with QJA accepting the role of host association. This meeting of delegates representing Queensland, interstate (and hopefully New Zealand) JP membership associations will take place on Saturday 9 October.


The QJA Constitution was last amended in 2016. Since that time, several matters have been drawn to the Board’s attention. Suggestions have been made that some of the existing constitutional provisions might not be consistent with QJA’s objective to be a modern and progressive membership association, responsive to the needs and expectations of its membership.

A review of the Constitution will take place in March-April this year and a motion to amend the constitution in certain respects will be included with the notice of the 2021 Annual General Meeting, to be distributed in June 2021 as an insert to the QJA Quarterly. An explanation of the reasons for any proposed amendments will be included with the notice of motion.


The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the QJA Office, 8A/108 Wilkie Street, Yeerongpilly on Saturday 6 November 2021. The next edition of the Quarterly will carry the formal AGM Notice and Proxies.

Members have an opportunity to submit Motions that they would like raised at the AGM. Motions may only be submitted by financial Members, must be seconded by a financial QJA Member, must be submitted in writing with a full explanation of the Motion and be received at the QJA Office no later than 14th May 2021.



Pursuant to Rule 54 of the QJA Constitution, the Board of Directors must stand down and all positions on the Board are declared vacant every two years. 2021 is a Board Election Year. The Returning Officer for elections this year will again be from the office our honorary solicitor - Hall Payne Lawyers.

In accordance with Rules 54(d) and (e), only financial Ordinary, Honorary Life, Life Subscription, and Corporate Representative Members of the QJA are eligible to nominate for and vote in the Board elections.

The positions on the Board that can be nominated for and elected are: 1 x President, 1 x Vice-President and 8 x Board Members.

Rule 54(i) stipulates that only current Members of the Board may nominate a Member for the position of President, and in accordance with Rule 54(k) a Member is not eligible for nomination as President unless they have been a member of the Board for at least 12 months.

A Nomination form for positions on the Board will be included in the Winter (June) QJA Quarterly and be available from State Office upon request. Nominations open on 1st June. Completed Nomination forms must be posted or emailed to reach QJA State Office by no later than close of business on Friday 30 July 2021. The formal AGM Notice and Proxy forms will also be published in the Winter (June) edition of the Quarterly. Prospective Board Members should familiarise themselves with the QJA Constitution relating to their role and duties on the Board. Members of the QJA Board are registered as company directors under the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001. This registration places various legal obligations upon the Board Members who must carefully consider and understand these obligations. For more information about the duties and role of a Director of the QJA, refer to our website: www.qja.com. au/dir.

The resumes of all candidates and the rules for voting will appear in the Spring (September) QJA Quarterly. This election will again be by electronic ballot and more details regarding the voting process will be included in the next edition. Hard-copy ballot papers will also be available for those members unable to vote electronically.


The electronic ballot opens on 1 September 2021. All voting must be completed by, and voting papers must be returned to the QJA State Office, by 5pm Friday 1 October 2021. Results will be announced at the AGM which will be held on Saturday 6 November 2021. Login to the member portal here or scan the QR Code below

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