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Many branches have struggled to keep members engaged and continue with activities during these uncertain times where gatherings are restricted. But some branches have embraced 21st century technology and soldiered on. Many have taken up the free Zoom option for a 40-minute meeting and found this time frame quite adequate.

Caboolture Branch


Secretary Sara Gault found that holding meetings via Zoom turned out to be ideal for Caboolture members. At the last branch meeting 18 numbers ‘Zoomed’ in and discussed, among other things, how to deliver COVID safe JP services. For the foreseeable future meetings will continue to be held via Zoom, and, may include the AGM, which is scheduled to be held in August. Like many other branches, the Caboolture branch had to postpone workshops and other community engagement, but these activities will be up and running again when it is safe to do so. Sara says the Caboolture members are keen to return to their community signing duties and that she has purchased a safety screen to protect the volunteers at her local signing site.

Hornibrook Branch


The award-winning Branch of the Year 2019 is looking for a branch secretary. Contact Bev Nicholls on 0416 342 488 for details.

Bev Nicholls, who is carrying the dual roles of Branch Chair and Secretary, has been very busy keeping engaged with her branch colleagues. She has done some ringing around to say a personal ‘hi’ to quite a few members. Bev says “many of our members live alone and rely on the friendship of fellow QJA members for social interaction” Bev has also sent out branch newsletters and organised a branch meeting via Zoom with mixed success. The nine members who attended hoped to hear from a local Police officer from the Domestic Violence Unit, however, she was not able to proceed as the QPS has technology restrictions and does not enable meetings via Zoom.

Gold Coast Branch

Gold Coast Executive committee held a couple of practice runs with ‘Zoom’ before inviting the branch members to participate. Thirteen members linked in at the regular meeting date and time. Despite some minor technical glitches initially, the meeting settled in to a good interactive event. Members commented that this is the way of the future and that we will get better at holding electronic meetings as we progress. The Branch will hold the next meeting on 9 June via Zoom. To keep engaged with members a newsletter has been distributed as well as short and simple ‘quick tips’ which are delivered to members on a fortnightly basis.

Bundaberg Branch

Bundaberg branch has found that while signing centres are closed, the general public have been able to access JP services via a variety of local community Facebook pages. Clients are advised that they can put in a request through a private message and the branch will help to find a JP willing to provide the service. The branch will resume regular meetings and activities when it is safe to do so.

Mackay Branch

Mackay Branch executive committee had a successful Zoom meeting to discuss the cancellation of their refresher session and pre-appointment training, which will be rescheduled when normality returns. The committee is comfortable with this technology and has used it before so discussion turned to using Zoom for a general meeting. However, no decision was made about this as they are aware that some of the older members may find it challenging to adapt to the technology or not have the appropriate devices to participate. Food for thought.

Western Suburbs Branch

Another Zoomer is Western Suburbs branch executive. Once connection was established a great interactive meeting followed. They are cautiously thinking about extending it to accommodate a branch meeting but are still in the wait and see phase. Keeping members engaged via a monthly newsletter which includes a ‘member spot’ where an individual member shares a little be about themselves. Feedback shows these ‘member spots’ have proved to be very popular with branch members who keenly await the next edition.

Brisbane South – Farewell

There is a changing of the guard in Brisbane South Branch. Secretary Di Rippon, is heading back to her home town of Canberra after 16 years living in Brisbane’s southern suburbs. Di became the branch secretary in 2016 and has been one of the driving forces behind running such a successful branch. Di has been instrumental in organising community engagement activities as well as organising guest speakers and other professional development activities for branch members. Of her time as secretary, Di says “I have really enjoyed this role and will miss the friends and colleagues I have met along the way.” Di was a member of the 2018 Centennial Year Conference Planning Committee with special responsibility for organising

the conference venue volunteers. The QJA and Brisbane South Branch would like to thank Di for her service to the organisation, to her branch colleagues and to the local community. Good luck with your future endeavours. Myrna Stephens will take up the role of branch secretary until elections are held at the 2020 AGM.

Featured Branch - Pine Rivers

On Saturday 7 March around 40 QJA members and guests joined the Hon. Yvette D’Ath (Attorney General for Queensland) at the Eatons Hill Community Church hall in celebrating our ‘new look’ and bright future under a new name (formerly South Pine Branch) and with our new Committee. The Attorney General (pictured) gave an inspirational address including many stories from her own volunteering experience, reinforcing the pivotal roles of JPs and C.Decs in the Justice system and the community in Queensland and the tremendous value of community service in our busy lives. The Attorney General also acknowledged two of our original members John Sheraton and John Whitlock who between them have over 100 years of service, and QJA membership, along with one of our younger members, Ben Willson. Other special guests included Mike Charlton (Acting Lord Mayor, Moreton Bay Regional Council), Damian Mealey (Registrar and Manager JP Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney General), John Carpendale (QJA President) Graeme Moorhouse (QJA Vice President), and Wendy La Macchia (QJA Registrar).

Bev Nicholls (Hornibrook Branch Chair), Wendy La Macchia, Don Scott & Ben Willson

The Branch is adjacent to QJA Brisbane North, QJA Hornibrook in the east and QJA Caboolture to the north. Historically, the branch can be traced back to 4 November 2004. An initiative by Peter Campbell OAM of Albany Creek, who unfortunately has since passed away. The South Pine Justices Group was set up to provide witnessing services directly to the South Pine District community. The Branch gratefully received a QJA seed funding of $200 grant to help set up. Interest in the group was stimulated by advertising in the local paper seeking Justices with mutual community interests. Brian Carpenter, Phyllis Hall and John Sheraton, all of whom are still practicing today, played an important role in the development of the Group. Phyllis Hall ran a variety of training courses for prospective JPs and C.Decs which encouraged and developed new members to the Group. Councillors of Pine Rivers Shire Council (now Moreton Bay Regional Council) Brian Battersby and Mike Charlton provided the group with funds to cover administration costs for several years. Initially community JP Services were conducted for 2 hours on Saturday afternoons in the Real Estate office of Peter Campbell. In 2005 Peter Campbell approached the Centro Group in Albany Creek with an offer to establish of a public signing site. This proved very successful as services were provided to 30 to 40 clients on Thursday evenings. Later, in 2008, with the assistance of Greg Thompson (Community engagement Officer DJAG) the service was relocated to the Albany Creek Library.

Warwick King JP (Qual) pictured here with our very first client at the Albany Creek Library.

This venue provided a more private, personal and confidential environment for our clients. This has been a successful community service ever since, with our sincere thanks to the Library staff for their kind and supportive assistance over this time. In 2013, Peter Campbell OAM was appointed Patron of the South Pine Justices Group in recognition of his exemplary services to the group. In 2016 the branch delivered a refresher course for JPs and C.Decs which was held at the Community Church at Eatons Hill and attracted approximately 50 participants. Not only was it a success with members, it also proved to be a great fund-raiser for the branch. The Branch now supports a signing site at the Warner Shopping Centre on Monday mornings. Members recognised that the Branch covered a greater area than just South Pine so in June 2019 the Branch voted for a name change to better reflect the expanded area of coverage. QJA Pine Rivers Branch came into being in August 2019. The new 2019/20 Pine Rivers Branch Committee is: David Orr (Chairperson), Peta Doyle (Treasurer), Kyra Griffiths (Secretary) and committee members Neil Doyle, Gary Midgley, Gordon Farmer, Tam Malley, and Tony Mainstone. In conclusion ‘We are proud of our history, grateful to all those who helped us on the journey so far and excited by the plans and opportunities we hope to further raise QJA’s profile in our local community’. Submitted by David Orr.

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