Vol 10 no 1 autumn 13

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WEATHER DEVASTATES QUEENSLAND AGAIN!! It was cyclone Yasi in January 2011 which resulted in the worst oods in Queensland s history . On Australia Day in 2013 there was ex-cyclone Oswald that left a trail of ooding devastation across central Queensland that exceeded even the 2011 and 1974 oods and as we go to press even more rain is falling on an already saturated Queensland causing more distress. From the bushres in Tasmania and Victoria to the extreme oods in Queensland and New South Wales ours is certainly a country of extremes. Our thoughts are with all those who once again are suffering from the effects of this cruel weather. Our admiration and thanks goes to all those in the emergency services, the volunteers in the SES, the helicopter pilots and crew who risk themselves to rescue people, and those thousands of community minded people who turn up to form the mud army wherever it is needed. In this issue is a personal story of endurance and strength from our very own Director Dave Read and his wife Debra who were inundated during the recent Bundaberg Floods.

THE GUIDE TO JP PRACTICE IN QUEENSLAND The Guide to JP Practice in Queensland has proven so popular that we have sold over 2,500 copies and sold out of the second re-print. With so many changes to Chapters occurring and a re-print required to replenish stocks we decided to re-launch the publication and print this as the Second Edition. We launch in this Journal the new eBook version of the Guide to JP Practice in Queensland. We believe this will complement the print version and together they continue to be an invaluable aide to every practicing JP and C.Dec in Queensland QJA is also delighted to announce that the ofcial launch of the Second Edition of the Guide to JP Practice in Queensland will be at the Brisbane North Refresher on Saturday 16th March by the Attorney-General the Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP.

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918

Our Patron The Hon Paul de Jersey, AC, Chief Justice of Queensland

Board of Directors


Telephone (07) 3822 1366 Mobile 0409 499 016 Email ray.burrows@qja.com.au

VICE PRESIDENTS Mr Bob Pilkington JP (Qual) Immediate Past President

Telephone (07) 3812 1865 Mobile 0438 121 865 Email bob.pilkington@qja.com.au

Mrs Marian Vierveyzer JP (Qual)

Telephone (07) 3389 2481 Mobile 0415 418 320 Email marian.vierveyzer@qja.com.au

Mr Raymond Young OAM JP (Qual) Telephone (07) 4927 4155 Mobile 0405 624 648 Email ray.young@qja.com.au

DIRECTORS Mr John Gordon JP (Qual) Mobile: 0415 589 047 Email: john.gordon@qja.com.au

Mr David Read JP (Qual) Telephone: (07) 4152 3318 (AH) Mobile: 0405 252 135 Email: dave.read@qja.com.au

Mr Keith Revell JP (Qual) Telephone: (07) 3803 4337 Mobile: 0411 134 841 Email: keith.revell@qja.com.au

Mr John Carpendale JP(Qual) Telephone (07) 3353 2927 Mobile 0419 683 325 Email john.carpendale@qja.com.au

Mr Doug Hull JP (Qual) Telephone: (07) 4128 0294 Email: doug.hull@qja.com.au

Mr Christopher Porter JP(Qual) Mobile: 0419 148 189 Email: chris.porter@qja.com.au

QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION - ACN 009 666 559 ISSN 1839-2784 The Queensland Justices Association (QJA) is a not-for-prot public company limited by guarantee operating under the Corporations Act 2001 and is governed by a Board of Directors. Registered Ofce: Postal Address: Ofce Hours: Contact: Email: Website: Registrar:

751 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102. PO Box 8419, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102 Monday Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm Free call: 1800 061 423 - Telephone: (07) 3392 2455 - Facsimile: (07) 3392 2955 admin@qja.com.au www.qja.com.au Q Angela Yin BA (Journalism), GradDipSocAdmin, MHumanServ, Cert IV TAE, Cert IV Fin Serv, JP (Qual) 

   


Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


President s Report Dear Colleagues The QJA team have hit the ground running in 2013! We have welcomed the decision of the Attorney-General, the Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP, to privatise Justice of the Peace and Commissioner for Declarations training in Queensland. To this end, QJA has taken over from where the JP Branch left off. We are running two classes in State Ofce per month, a Saturday class and a Wednesday class. All our State Ofce classes have had sold-out enrolments since September 2012. We congratulate Cairns, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Townsville, Rockhampton, Mackay, Maroochydore and the Gold Coast for their efforts in marketing our recent courses, nding venues and generally supporting students in their journey in joining the JP community. Classes in those regional towns have reached sold out numbers also. We appreciate the tireless efforts of our trainers and assessors for training students and marking books. Major changes have occurred in a number of areas, which is why those of you who are Guide owners received a larger number than usual of Chapter updates (ve). Commensurate with this, all the Activity and Assessment books have needed to be updated as well, to ensure we are teaching students the most up-to-date information. We welcome new trainee Jenny McPartland to the team. She has put in a tremendous effort in learning new systems and becoming familiar with the workings of a professional ofce. To cope with the demand of the training courses, the Board has decided to create a new position within the ofce team at QJA, Training Program Co-ordinator. This position will alleviate some of the duties that the Registrar Angela Yin and the other ofce staff have been doing. However, it has become clear that we need a dedicated position for our Training Program, as QJA is determined to run a professional, efcient program that best meets the needs of students. QJA exists to serve members and the JP community and we also wish to focus our efforts on engaging our current members with professional development, social and networking events and web resources. We congratulate Brisbane North, Hervey Bay, Rockhampton and Logan on their efforts in organising professional development workshops in those areas.

We congratulate the State Ofce, Bundaberg, Warwick, Ingham and Cairns committees for organising QJA International Women s Day events also. A special thank you must go to Jake Hannan of the JP Branch who assists in getting the word out to JPs and C.Decs who may not be members of QJA. We have created a new LinkedIn page for those new JPs and C.Decs who are professionals and wish to connect with other JPs. Our LinkedIn page details all of our products and services perhaps ones you did not know we provided! Please search Queensland Justices Association under Companies and follow us. We now have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We are proud to publish the Second Edition of The Guide to JP Practice in Queensland. Thank you to Greg Cuthbert for continuing to write the updates, to Angela Yin who runs her aesthetic eye over The Guide as our agship product and to Keith Revell who compiled the new e-book version. We have many exciting things in store for members over the next 12 months, including continuing to develop new and innovative products and services especially for you. We welcome all our new members and all the students who enrol in our classes. We want this to be the beginning of a long and happy association with you! Lastly, of course, our deepest condolences to our Bundaberg and Rockhampton members for the recent ood tragedies. We are very sorry for your losses. To this effort, QJA has donated $1000 to the Red Cross Flood Appeal. I think you will nd Dave Read s story in this edition a true inspiration and a testament to determination and community spirit.

Ray Burrows - President

News in Brief Board Elections this Year

of the new Board, 2 x Vice-Presidents will be elected by the Board from among the Board Members.

Pursuant to Rule 54 of the QJA Constitution the Board of Directors must stand down and all positions on the Board declared vacant every two years. 2013 is the year for Board elections.

Rule 54(i) stipulates that only current Members of the Board may nominate a Member for the position of President.

The Returning Ofcer for elections this year will be our honorary lawyer John Payne of Hall Payne Lawyers. In accordance with Rule 54(e) only nancial Ordinary, Life, Life Subscription, and Corporate Representative Members of the QJA are eligible to nominate for, and vote in the Board elections. This year the election will be slightly different in that the positions on the Board that can be nominated for and elected are: 1 x President, 1 x Senior Vice-President and 8 x Board Members. At the rst meeting

A Nomination form for positions on the Board will appear in the Winter (June) issue of the Journal, and from State Ofce upon request. Nomination forms can be posted, faxed or emailed and must be returned to the QJA State Ofce by close of business on Friday 16th August 2013. The resumes of all candidates, the rules of voting, a voting paper, and an envelope in which to return your voting paper, will appear in the Spring (September) Journal. Voting papers must be returned to the QJA State Ofce by 10.00am Thursday preceding the AGM in November.

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


News in Brief Prospective Board Members should familiarise themselves with the QJA Constitution relating to their role and duties on the Board. Members of the Board of the QJA are registered as company directors under the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001. This registration places various legal obligations upon the Board Members who must carefully consider and understand these obligations.

Update to JP Guide Five chapters have been updated and re-issued for the QJA s Guide to JP Practice in Queensland. There are a number of signicant changes, especially in relation to the new Domestic Violence and Family Protection Act 2012. Chapter 11 has been broadened and renamed to cover relationship issues besides the Marriage of a Minor, as well as changes to procedures relating to summons in the Peace and Good Behaviour Act.

Chapter 4 Witnessing Documents The Basics Chapter 11 Relationship Issues Chapter 15 Powers under the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 Chapter 16 Issuing a Summons under the Peace and Good Behaviour Act 1982 Chapter 24 Bail and Sureties

These updates will aide in keeping you well-informed of your continually changing and expanding duties as a JP. Those Members who have registered their purchase with State Ofce and have an email address should have already been notied. If you haven t then please contact State Ofce as your email address details may be out of date. There is also a notice on the QJA website in the Members Only section. This is a substantial re-write so we urge you all to download these updates and ensure you are correctly following these important procedural changes. In this issue of the Journal we have also announced the launch of the Second Edition of the Guide to JP Practice in Queensland. If you have already purchased a version don t worry, provided you have downloaded each update as it occurred and replaced it in your copy then you have an up-to-date Guide.

Guide launched as an eBook With the Guide to JP Practice in Queensland proving so popular the QJA has now launched the eBook version of the Guide. eBooks are the electronic version of the paper Guide. With the eBook loaded onto your smart-phone, eBook reader, or tablet you can easily view the complete contents of the Guide to JP Practice in Queensland anywhere, anytime. An eBook enables you to quickly jump from Chapter to Chapter using the Table of Contents. You can perform word searches through the whole document and link to the paragraph the word appears in, you can add notes to sections for later reference, you can bookmark pages for easier referral, and most importantly you can carry it with you. So when you go to a signing centre you can use the eBook for


Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918

immediate reference when confronted with that unusual document, or request. eBooks can also be loaded and read on your home PC but that makes it less portable. As chapters are updated new versions of the eBook Guide to JP Practice in Queensland will be supplied at no charge to existing registered Members. The eBook Guide to JP Practice in Queensland is available now from the on-line QJA Shop for only $6.95. The QJA is also investigating the possibility of developing a QJA app for your smart-phones and tablets which will include, as well as the eBook Guide, various fact sheets, guidelines, directory of contacts plus much, much more. So stay tuned.

JP Advisory Council Launched One of the LNP Government s election commitments was to refocus the Justices of the Peace (JP) Branch of the Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) on compliance and support for JPs across Queensland. As a result of this commitment the JP Advisory Council will be reconstituted, pursuant to section 4.1 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991. The Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) has been tasked with re-establishing the JP Advisory Council as soon as possible. The Queensland Justices Association representative on the JP Advisory Council will be Vice-President Bob Pilkington. This Council will meet bi-monthly on the second Monday of the month. The meetings will be held at the JP Branch, Level 6, 154 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. More information on the issues facing the JP Advisory Council in the next Journal.

Visit with our Patron On Monday 11th February the QJA Vice-President Raymond Young OAM, and QJA Director Keith Revell attended a meeting with the QJA Patron the Hon Paul de Jersey AC Chief Justice of Queensland, to discuss various QJA matters.


News in Brief State Conference 2013 The 2013 State Conference is to be hosted by the QJA Bundaberg Branch and will be held in Bundaberg on Saturday 19th October. With experience in hosting the State Conference in 2007, backed by members who can furnish solid project management skills and who agree that Bundaberg is the ideal place to hold the Conference. The Branch s aim is to attract QJA members and their partners from across the state to not only attend the Conference and post conference function but also to stay on and enjoy a day or two on this unique part of the Coast. Not only is the Conference a tremendous learning opportunity for all JPs and C.Decs, but will serve to showcase the Bundaberg region to visitors from across the State, giving exposure to Bundaberg, the Wide Bay and Burnett Districts, potentially providing an economic boost to the community that we serve. Following the devastating oods of January 2013 this is an opportunity for us all to show our support of our colleagues and the businesses of Bundaberg by attending this conference. Bundaberg City has a wide range of accommodation available within the city central area, ranging from International Hotel accommodation to numerous well-appointed motels and Caravan Parks. The Bundaberg Branch can provide relevant information on local accommodation and are happy to eld any enquiries. Be aware that Motels in Bundaberg become very busy in the latter part of the year with out-of-town sporting teams booking large numbers of rooms so to reserve your accommodation it is best to book early.

In the trial, a panel of two Justices of the Peace, one of whom must be legally qualied, will constitute the Tribunal in the trial centres of Brisbane, Southport, Maroochydore, Ipswich and Townsville. The QJA has been advised by the Attorney-General that after consultation with key stakeholders and feedback from participating Justices of the Peace, a number of elements of the JP trial have been revised. The changes, which include a revision of the eligibility criteria for lawyers and JPs and increasing and standardising the remuneration for the participating JPs, will broaden the opportunities for Australian lawyers and JPs to participate in this initiative. A second round of recruiting, opened on Friday 8 February 2013, and was open to Australian lawyers who are either a Queensland JP or who are willing to become a JP and non-legally qualied Queensland JPs. The application period closed on Friday 1 March 2013. It is now anticipated that JP panels will commence hearing QCAT matters in mid-2013. An information kit is published on the QCAT website at www.qcat. qld.gov.au. The information kit includes more details about the trial, QCAT, the eligibility requirements, remuneration, and how to apply. Further information can be obtained by emailing the Project Ofcer, QCAT at qcat.iptraining@justice.gld.gov.au or by telephoning (07) 3225 2668.

JP Branch issues new Technical Bulletins

All QJA members should note this date in their diaries and join the local Branch for what they hope will be a most informative Conference and a great weekend.

New Director General of JAG The Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP Attorney-General and Minister for Justice announced before Christmas the appointment of Mr John Sosso to the position of Director General of the Department of Justice and Attorney General effective from 3rd December 2012. John is a graduate of the University of Queensland in Arts and Law and has extensive experience as a lawyer in both the public and private sectors. Most recently he served for a number of years as Deputy President of the National Native Title Tribunal. He has served as Deputy Director General of the Premiers Department and held senior roles in the Department of Justice and Attorney General. He has also served as Queensland Commissioner for Consumer Affairs.

QCAT Trial recruitment re-opened As noted in previous issues of the Journal the Government intends to commence a JP trial in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) where appropriately qualied and trained JPs are appointed to hear some minor civil disputes.

A number of Technical Bulletins have been released by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) JP Branch over the past few months. Bulletin 03/12: Peace and Good Behaviour complaints and summons . This Bulletin has been issued to provide information to JPs who consider Complaints and Summonses under the Peace and Good Behaviour Act 1982. Recently there has been an increase in the number of incorrectly issued summonses under the Act, where JPs have not carefully considered the grounds of the originating complaint prior to issuing the summons. Bulletin 04/12: Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 . The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 was passed on 16 February 2012 and commenced on 17 September 2012. This technical bulletin highlights changes that will impact JPs and C.Decs who witness Protection Order Applications under the Act. Bulletin 05/12: Alterations to Land Titles Forms . The Department of Natural Resources and Mines Registrar of Titles recently revised Titles Registry requirements regarding changes on completed Titles Registry forms. This bulletin has been issued to provide general information on the minor effect on witnessing procedures for Titles Registry forms. Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


News in Brief Bulletin 06/12: New South Wales Identity Requirements . This Bulletin provides information on the new identity requirements when witnessing a person s New South Wales (NSW) statutory declaration or NSW afdavit. Bulletin 01/13: Witnessing Statutory Declarations for disaster affected victims . In the days following Queensland s recent natural disasters, you may be requested to witness a Statutory Declaration for a person who has been affected by ooding. In some cases, the person who presents the Statutory Declaration may not have any proof of identity documents as they may have been destroyed, this Bulletin explains an acceptable process in handling these situations. Bulletin 02/13: Approved Enduring Power of Attorney Forms . Recently, there have been reported instances where JPs and/or C.Decs have been requested to witness a one page Enduring Power of Attorney form. This Bulletin is to inform all witnessing ofcers that a Queensland Enduring Power of Attorney must be presented to the witness in an approved form. To obtain these and other publications refer to the JAG website www.Justice.qld.gov.au. Please contact JP Branch directly on 1300 301 147 or email jp@Justice.qld.gov.au for further information

QJA Financial Statements 2011-2012 Additional Note The notes to Accounts forming part of the audited nancial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012, did not contain a detailed description of the Intangible Assets of $16,055. This was raised as a question during the Annual General Meeting in November 2012. The purpose of this additional note is to fully disclose the nature and contents of the intangible assets. The intangible assets consist of two items: 1) New Membership Database and, 2) New Company Constitution. In the opinion of the Board and the company s external auditor, both these item satisfy the requirement of a capital expenditure due to the following conditions being satised:

The benet of this expenditure was obtained for more than one year. The expenditure was of a non-recurring nature The expenditure relates to the normal course of the business.

Accordingly, the nancial statements were prepared and published based on this interpretation of the relevant accounting standard. These assets are to be amortised over 5 years commencing 2011-2012.


New Membership Database Base asset value 2011-2012 amortisation Asset value at 30 June 2012

$6,750.00 $1,350.00 $5,400.00

New Company Constitution Base asset value 2011-2012 amortisation

$13,319.20 $2,663.84

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918

Asset value at 30 June 2012 $10,655.36 Total intangible asset value at 30 June 2012 $16,055.36 An alternative approach to the above could be to treat the expenditure on the New Company Constitution as a revenue expenditure based on the interpretation that it related to the normal course of the business. The case for this interpretation was put to the Board at the 2012 Annual General Meeting. This alternative interpretation could have resulted in the losses to be increased by $10,655.36 to $18,667 for the year ended 30 June 2012. The Board of the QJA has always maintained transparency in its operations. The above alternative explanation, which should be read as a part of the nancial statements, reects the Board s commitment to total transparency. The Board maintains that the nancial statements presented to the members do reect a true and fair state of the nancial affairs as at 30 June 2012.

QJA Train the Trainer To illustrate our ongoing commitment to excellence and quality control, we ew down all our regional trainers to attend a professional development and moderation workshop at State Ofce on Saturday, 8 December 2012. President Ray Burrows conducted this very important workshop and briefed all on the training materials, including major changes to domestic violence legislation and ironing out consistency issues. The QJA now assesses the examination of all students, which means we have greater responsibility in terms of making sure our students are properly versed in correct procedures when witnessing documents and understand the context of these within the broader legal system.

Country News By Vice-President Marian Vierveyzer. On 17th November 2012 Directors Dave Read, Bob Pilkington and Marian Vierveyzer travelled to Gatton to hold an open meeting with interested local JPs and C.Decs. 25 Justices attended the Masonic Hall in Gatton, which was graciously offered at no cost for the meeting. Mayor Cr Steve Jones was able to open the meeting although his schedule for the day was very busy. Member for Lockyer Ian Rickuss MP, was able to stay for the meeting and kindly offered his support to the gathering of justices for the initial phase of getting organised. A further meeting will be held in the early part of 2013 to discuss further, the needs of the local community and how the group would best be able to support these needs. Thanks to the Gatton District Girl Guides and especially Vikki Carsburg the District Leader who baked many very nice goodies for the meeting. She was assisted by the girl guides in the group who worked hard in the back ground, setting up, serving and cleaning up afterwards.


Event Calendar Logan Workshop

Rockhampton Workshop

Saturday 25th May 2013 9:00am to 1:00pm

Saturday 13th April 2013 9:00am to 4:00pm

At the Logan City Recreational & Sporting Club, 4 Alba Lane, Kingston, (Off Jacaranda Avenue).

At the Rockhampton Library, Bolsover Street, Rockhampton.

This will be a hands on workshop with two key speakers each followed by working activities to try out your learning. This workshop provides a rare opportunity to practice what you learn in a supported environment with experts available to discuss the documents and process and answer your queries.

Cost: $25 for QJA Members, $30 for Non-Members We plan to update JPs and C.Decs on topics such as: RSPCA warrants, The new Domestic and Family Violence Act, Murri Court, and Customs and Quarantine.

Check out the Logan Branch page on the QJA website for more details: www.qja.com.au/branch/logan

Come along and bring your QJA Guide to JP Practice in Queensland , notepad & pen, and meet fellow like-minded JPs and C.Decs in your area.

For further information contact the Logan Branch.

For further information contact the Rockhampton Branch.

If you require more information regarding a particular event contact the Branch for that event (see the Regional Contacts on the back page of this Journal) check out the QJA website Events page, or contact State Ofce.

To register for one of these events complete the Event Registration Form below, or register and pay on the website in the QJA Shop. Enter the details of the event you are attending (one form per event please), complete your details, and your method of payment.

Refer to the QJA website News & Events page for more information on other Branch events in 2013.

If paying by Direct Debit to the bank then please contact State Ofce for the event organiser s bank details.

PAYMENT INFORMATION (Please tick payment method)

EVENT REGISTRATION FORM WORKSHOP/EVENT DETAILS (enter details of event attending One form per event) Branch Workshop / Event Description: . . Venue . Date of Event: . . Cost $.................................................

I have enclosed a Cheque for $ ............. I will pay by Visa / MasterCard (circle one), details below. Credit Card No / . / .. / . Card Expiry date: . / / .. Cardholder s name: ............ I will pay by Direct Debit to BSB as published. Please include your QJA member number in the reference eld. Follow this with an email to to advise payment has been completed


(One form per person registering) Name: . .................. .. QJA Member No . ........................................... Address: .. . E-Mail .. ................. . . Contact Phones: .......... . Any special dietary requirements?

. .. .. ...

Signature: .. Date .. .

BSB and Contact information available from State published in the Journal

f ce or as

POST or EMAIL registration form to Email address as published.

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


A story from the swamp in Bundaberg By Dave Read QJA Director in Bundaberg The nightly news told of devastation and mass destruction, and for once I agreed with the media, Bundaberg is in quite a bit of trouble. It only took one hour before the rst death was recorded and spread throughout the community. With our members of the branch spreading all over the district the phone lines were running hot checking on each other and offering help where needed. We had members on holidays out of state phoning and wanting to get back to assist which was a mean feat in itself as Bundaberg now was completely cut off from the outside world - nothing in and nothing out.

to Debra, Grab what can t be replaced I am getting you and the kids out of here, no problems! .But that dammed cat was another story!. I came back and started to get everyone up and at 1am I lost power so I thought it was time to get out of dodge. By the time I locked the security screen doors just to let the water ow in and out the ood level got to 8.55 metres. I know this as I was on the mobile phone with the local police station and the ood height was recorded to them at 12.55am, so I took it as current. By the time I got to my Land-cruiser I was wet through (I had to swim to my shed) coming out of my driveway the water was over the bonnet and I was out of there. I brought Deb and the kids back at 5am to see the damage and try to get some more gear out. Well, there was about 3 feet in my house, so the girls and Deb were crying so I tried to lighten the mood sort of thing and said to the kids, I did warn you to keep your rooms clean or I would clean them! , and that they should stop crying as it is not helping with the ood - tears equal water - ood water, so stop crying or the ood will rise. Some words were something I might need an operation for a heart or something - I don t know I, suffer from selective deafness. My new neighbour was having kittens and my older neighbours thought it might be a good time to visit Ayers Rock, only they couldn t get out of town. And the water kept coming at the rate of 200mm in 15 minutes we were told it was a 9.6 metre peak. I had my doubts as at 1am it was 8.55 metres and just wet the carpets and at the peak I had a mark on my walls of 1.5 metres. And the dramas continue

Even by air, we were all just here waiting for somebody to pull the plug out and let the water go. With approximately 8 tornados and only 750 mm of rain in 3 days Bundaberg started to show some signs of wear and tear. What a lot of people don t know is that when we get a ood in Bundaberg we don t need a lot of rain - all the ood water comes from well west of us at a township of Theodore where the Burnett and the Dawson rivers nearly meet. Now the Dawson River feeds into the Fitzroy River that runs through Rockhampton which also ooded again this year.

The beauty of the Bundaberg mob is that we are a hard headed mob and we are ploughing ahead with the International Women s Day Cocktail Party on the 8th of March and the State Conference is still on and the Bundaberg Branch is more determined than ever to make these events more spectacular than before. What I would like to say is the support with the JP community has been astounding and greatly appreciated Quote of the day Although we lost everything there are a lot of other people worse off so grab your own ear and lift yourself up and get on with life. PS I did get time for a spot of shing (in my back yard).

All the reports that we received were that if you were not affected in the 2010-2011 ood you would be right this time so I said to my wife Debra She ll be right mate we can go and help out our mates like last time . How wrong was this thought?. Two hours later, I said 8

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


Roll of Honour Members should note that the Roll of Honour recognises the length of Membership of the QJA. Members wishing to receive the ofcial distinguished service certicate as a Justice of the Peace for the State of Queensland should contact their local State Member of Parliament.

The Association wishes to acknowledge the long service given by the following Members.

Bronze - 25 Years QJA Membership Margaret Brown

Silver - 40 Years QJA Membership Guido Canale

Ian Jeffers

Edward Jones

Gold - 50 Years QJA Membership Raymond Black

Malcolm Pullen

Lewis Matthews

Norma McDonald

Giuseppe Trotta

Harold Weir

Welcome to New Members The following have joined the Association since the last Journal: Danielle Abbott Juanita Adam Maxwell Aisthorpe Muaar Akee Tofono Alaimoana Linda Aldridge Melanie Alexander Rowena Allen Sabrina Ansell Rebekah Anson Glenda Applegarth Marius Archer Carole Argo Malcolm Arnold Sharon Atkins Tiffany Atkinson Jack Atkinson Judith Baker Andrew Baker-Lowe Alexander Barnett Kaitlyn Barrett Will Barrett Sarah Barrett Victoria Barwell Peter Bates Clarence Baxter Sandra Bay Sarah Bell Anita Bellgrove Navin Bhatnagar Andrew Bird Alecia Blanch Joanne Booth Joseph Borg Amara Boustead Robert Bowra Rachel Brown Seeona Brown Heidemarie Brown Tracey Bryen Ian Buck Gavan Bullivant Colin Cameron Judith Capes Vicki Carland Ronda Cartwright Zoe Case Grace Castorina Sonia Chaaya Delisha Chandra Christine Chapand Tracey Charles Zoey Chen Relma Collins Tanya Conole Jennifer Cooper Charmine Cordero David Coulson Ian Cowan Barbara Cowan-Grant John Cray

Stacy Crowley Anne Cummings Jennifer Cush Lyndell Daffurn Tracy Dagan Cheryl Dalton Samantha Dalton Naomi Dan Bryce Davey Amy Davis Madison-Lee Day Sarah Day Darren Debreceny Elizabeth Dee Dut Deng Dut Errol Donovan Kay Dove Kathryn Duff Katie-Ann Dunne Linda Eather Donna Eddy Ozlem Ertan Caprico Erwin Elizabeth Evans Mandy Evans Andrew Ferguson Clint Ferndale Catherine Ferris Deslea Firth Anthony Fisher Jaye Flegg Jarad Fletcher Sharon Frank Andrew Fraser Brett Fratus Hayley Fratus Andrew Gabb Christopher Gaffee Louisa Galagher Jacqueline Ganzer Jonathan Gardiner Mikaela Gardner Cally Gilbert Kaye Gillam Nicole Gillette Phillipa Gilmore Terence Gimpel Peter Glassop Richard Gorey Jacqueline Gorman Kamal Goss Nagammal Gounder Shelley Grambower Barry Green Alisha Green Anthony Greenwood Anthony Grey Barbara Grunert John Guteridge Christine Gwin Elissa Hagean

Rachael Hammond Michael Harris Terrence Harrison Robin Hart Susan Harvey Kathleen Higgs Rae Hodby Shirley Holm Charmaine Howland Robert Howse Tiffany Humphreys Dallas Hure Graham Inskip Luciano Iovanitti Justine Jamieson Lynnette Jamieson Marian Jenkins Laura Johnson Melanie Johnson Mavis Johnston Valerie Jones Courtney Jones Kathleeen Judge Joanne Juszczak Maria Kananghinis John Kersnovski Pauline Keylar Kay Kibbey Megan Kilroy Alice Kirberg Vivienne Kirby Karsten Kobbe Geoffrey Lacey Jared Lane Allan Langdon Goldness Lathouras Ian Lawson Narelle Leard Catharina Lesage Debbie Lincoln Amanda Litn Nawanandana Liyanawaduge Jason Lloyd Grant Loechel Christopher Luckett Genevieve Ludlow James Lui Paul Luxford Kaylene Lynam Jaimie Macklin Christine Malone Katy Marhin Christine Martin Emma Mc Dermott David Mc Grath Stephen Mc Grath Kay Mc Innes David McArthur Shane McDermott

Bradley McDonald Robert McDonald Carmel McMahon Cheryl McMillan Clifford Mearns Marianne Meehan Albert Menere Shanti Mishra Amanda Mizen Peter Mulcahy James Munro Rachael Murdoch John Murray Godefrieda Murray Amarjit Nagi Jessica Nikola Kara Noll Ritha Nugent Lynette Nyilas Barbara O `Hanlon Louise O Brien Sandra Okelly Rebekah Ostby Debra Palmer Emma Parker Diane Parker Colleen Parnell Lynelle Paterson Jacqueline Peall Michelle Pengelly Samantha Perry David Perry Nathan Pholi Alan Pinch Donna-Maree Porter Drewes Posthuma Tia Poutama Craig Power Joshua Pownall Grace Prasad Roma Pregarc Karen Radich Patricia Rauhihi Kelly Reedman Peter Robertson David Robertson Wendy Robinson Rodney Robinson Graeme Rowe Cecilia Rudd Noel Rumble Mary Ryan Brenda Sandr Leslie Schlecht Roseann Schmidt Reinhard Schmidt Kimberley Scott Deanne-Maree Screen Susan Scully Craig Secombe

Lauran Sgroi Blair Shapland Eleanor Sharpe Nicole Shenko Carmen Shepley Joy Shew Joanne Shiell Kerrie Shirley Coreen Small Emile Smets David Smith Bradley Smith Jung Song Ren Song Peter Speare Lee Stacey Selena Standfast Leslie Stewart Meredith Stronach Susan Stubbings Ulrike Sturm Ryan Suthers Amanda Tainton Deborah Tant Stanley Taylor Patricia Taylor Louise Taylor Norbert Tenthy Damien Tessmann Bonita Thomson Lesley Toppin Elizabeth Torres Jodie Tuckett Robert van Beest Anne Vella John Vella Ruci Vincent Skye Von Mucho Noelene Walker Kelly Walz Andrea Wan Neil Ward Rachel Weller Florence White Angela Wieser Christopher Will David Williams Peter Williams Tamara Williams Maree Willis Darryl Wilson Glenn Wode Gabrielle Woodroffe David Woolley Airlie Worrall Cheng-en Wu Irene Zagas Lei Zhou Nathan Zimmer

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918




Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


Powers Under The Customs Act 1901 Excerpt from Chapter 21 of the Guide to JP Practice in Queensland, 2nd Edition.

The suspicion may also be based on evidence produced from use of technology tools such as detector dogs, itemiser, X-ray or street lab.

The role of the Australian Customs Service is to:

Customs ofcers also have the power to conduct a frisk search of a detainee. This involves:

facilitate the legitimate trade and movement of people and goods across the Australian border;

protect the community and maintain appropriate compliance with Australian law;

assist Australian industry through the delivery of Government support measures; and

efciently collect customs revenue

To undertake these functions the Customs Service consists of a diverse workforce employed in a variety of work areas, including international air and sea ports, container examination facilities, international mail centres, compliance groups, detector dog units, marine units and investigation and enforcement operations. Ofcers working in these units may deal with the entry of illegal immigrants or the smuggling of prohibited goods into Australia. To successfully achieve customs outcomes, the service works alongside and on behalf of other government agencies, in particular Federal and State Police departments, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS), the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Justices of the Peace have a judicial role to play in the customs system. A JP (Qual) has the power to:

determine an application for an external body search of a person detained under the Customs Act 1901 (Cth);

issue a summons under this Act; and

determine a bail application for a person charged with an offence under this Act.

External Searches of a Detainee Under section 219 L-ZJ of the Customs Act 1901, customs ofcers have the power to detain a person if they are suspected on reasonable grounds of carrying prohibited goods. Valid reasons for the suspicion are outlined in section 219L(2) and include:

a person s travel itinerary, including plans in relation to places that have been visited or are intended to be visited by the person;

arrival or departure declarations;

documents in the person s possession including passports, visas or tickets;

unusual behaviour by the person observed by or reported to a Customs ofcer; and

contents or appearance of the person s luggage, whether or not it is carried by that person.

a quick search of the person by methodical running of hands over the person s outer garments;

no direct contact with the person s body;

examination of anything worn by the person that may be conveniently removed and is voluntarily removed by the person e.g. shoes.

A frisk search must be carried out by an ofcer of the same sex as the detainee. The Customs ofcer carrying out a frisk search may require the production of any item found to be carried on the body of the detainee, in order to determine whether it is prohibited goods or whether it contains prohibited goods being unlawfully carried by the detainee. A customs ofcer also has the power to conduct an external search in certain circumstances. An external search is more extensive than a frisk search. It is dened in section 4 of the Customs Act 1901 as a search of the body and anything worn or in possession of the detainee to determine whether they are carrying prohibited goods and to recover those goods . An external search does not include an internal examination of the detainee s body. Sometimes an external search can be immediately undertaken by a customs ofcer and in other circumstances it can only be undertaken with the consent of a JP (Qual). The circumstances where the consent of a JP is not required are if:

the detainee consents and

the detainee is not classied as a person in need of protection . A person in need of protection is a person under the age of 18 years or a person who has a physical or mental condition (either temporary or permanent) that makes them incapable of managing their own affairs.

If either of these scenarios exist, or if a person refuses to surrender any goods located during the frisk search, a customs ofcer must apply to a JP for approval to carry out an external search of the detainee. The detainee is given a notice informing them of their rights, including the right to ask for a JP to adjudicate the application for an external search. Should a JP be required to adjudicate on the need for an external search, the JP reviews the circumstances at the place of detention; talks to all concerned, determines if reasonable grounds exist for the search and makes a determination as to whether the detainee should be searched or released. The application for an external search is made in writing on the prescribed form. The applicant must be placed under oath/ afrmation. Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


Powers Under The Customs Act 1901 Important matters to remember for witnessing an application for an external body search:

The applicant for the search must be put under oath or afrmation.

You must quiz the customs ofcer as to what caused the reasonable suspicion.

You must quiz the detainee as to whether they understand the process and ask if there is any reason for the customs ofcers to be suspicious.

If you decide not to authorise the search, the detainee must be immediately released.

Steps for dealing with an application for an external body search. The following is the sequence that is recommended specically for approving an application for an external search under the provisions of the Customs Act 1901. It must be remembered, that in addition to the sequence listed below, you should always keep in mind all of the general tips about witnessing documents discussed in chapter 4. 1. Check that the application is completed on the appropriate form and that all details have beenlled out. There should be an application and an order. 2. Ask the customs ofcer for identication. 3. Give the warning by saying to the customs ofcer, It is my duty to inform you that you must tell the truth.If you don t, it s a serious offence. Do you understand this? (This is not compulsory because you are going to put the ofcer under oath / afrmation, but nevertheless it is recommended). 4. Tell the customs ofcer that you are going to put them under oath /afrmation. Say to the applicant, Do you take an oath on the Christian Bible? If yes go to step 5 or if no, ask further questions as to preference. Consult chapter 12 for further details and go to step 6 after administration. 5. Ask the Customs ofcer to take the Bible in either of their bare hands and then ask, Do you swear that the contents of this application and any further information that you may supply to me, either orally or in writing are true and correct, so help you God? Instruct the Customs Ofcer to say So help me God . 6. Read the application form. Ask the Customs ofcer what caused him/her to form a reasonable suspicion that an offence has been committed. 7. Talk to the detainee to determine if they understand the process that is happening. Explain the circumstances to the person if they do not understand.


Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918

8. Ask the detainee Can you think of any matter that would cause the customs ofcer to be suspicious? 9. Decide whether to grant the application. The sole criterion is whether there are reasonable grounds for the suspicion. If it is considered that the detainee needs protection, some conditions may be placed on the search (e.g. conduct it in the presence of a parent or guardian if under 18 years of age). 10. Make sure that the applicant has signed the application. 11. Complete the order by indicating on the form as to whether or not the application is granted. Sign the order in the appropriate place. 12. If you have consented to the search, you need to also ensure that you sign the Register of Persons Searched . 13. If you consider that the search is not justied you must order that the detainee be released immediately. The decision of the JP is nal. 14. Keep a copy of the application form and the order. (Note that the original of the application and the signed order is kept by customs in the register). 15. Enter any necessary information into your log book, including any questions asked and answers given.

Indemnity Section 219ZL(4A) of the Customs Act gives the same protection to a JP as does the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 (Qld), namely: No civil or criminal action is to be brought against a Justice in respect of anything done, or omitted to be done, in performing the function of, or a function connected with, making an order under section 219R. The only Justices of the Peace that will generally be called upon to perform these duties are those who have undertaken special training with the customs service and who live near international entry points.

Signing Centre Volunteers needed Are you able to help out for a few hours a month? During the day or weekends? We are seeking willing JPs and C.Decs who are able to volunteer at local signing centres and support their local communities. Check out the QJA website Find a JP to locate your local signing centre or contact your local QJA Branch advising days and times you are available.


Position Vacant

Signing Facility Tour QJA members and volunteers at Moorooka, Faireld, Mount Ommaney and Forest Lake recently had the pleasure of VicePresident Raymond Young OAM and Director John Carpendale s company on a visit of our Brisbane South, Western Suburbs and Forest Lake branches public signing facilities. Registrar Angela Yin co-ordinated the visits, accompanied directors and took photographs (or accosted passers-by to take photographs).

WANTED: TRAINING PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR - BRISBANE The Company Queensland Justices Association is the largest peak industry body of Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations in Queensland. Established in 1918, we have provided support, professional development and training to JPs for nearly 100 years. We have been a Registered Training Organisation since 2009.

QJA is supporting the efforts of the Queensland Government to provide easy access to JPs across Queensland. QJA members who co-ordinate rosters and participate at our public signing facilities are to be thanked for their contribution. Vice-President Raymond Young OAM makes a special effort to do just that when he is in Brisbane from Rockhampton, as well as wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.

The Role We require an experienced Training Program Co-ordinator. Essential qualications are that you must already be a JP (Qual) and hold the Cert IV TAE. This is a 25-hour per week position, preferably run over ve days per week. Pay is commensurate with skills and experience.

(L-R, T-B) Ray Young OAM, Angela Yin, John Carpendale, Lorraine Labruiny, Carole Gregory Faireld (Brisbane South)

The Responsibilities Oversee the implementation of a highly professional training program for JPs and C.Decs, including the development of a one-year Project Plan Ensure that courses are effectively marketed, including liaising with QJA s branch network, local media, MPs and local Government authorities Develop relationships with local organisations in collaboration with branches to ensure venue and trainer availability Review QJA s Training Program Policies & Procedures and make recommendations for changes accordingly Schedule training courses in a timely manner to ensure maximum enrolments Data entry into iCare and SMART Prepare training packs for courses Maintain current list of trainers Maintain les on previous courses held, as per RTO guidelines Report to appropriate authorities on QJA s training to maintain RTO status

Please email a covering letter and a CV to admin@qja.com.au - Attention the Registrar by 31 March 2013

(L-R, T-B) A delighted John Carpendale, Ray Young OAM, Jennifer Schloman, Catherine Dean - Moorooka (Brisbane South)

(L-R) John Carpendale, Oscar Wenzel, Michael Grifn, Robyn Micallef, John Goodwin, Hans Schotz, Grahame Tainton, Noelene Kidd, Ray Young OAM, George Stanley, Ian Muller and Garth Stephens - Mount Ommaney (Westerns Suburbs) Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


Regional Roundup Longest-Serving Living JP in Queensland Hilma Hornick of Cannon Hill is the longest-serving living Justice of the Peace in Queensland. Hilma was appointed as a Justice of the Peace in 1948 when she worked in a lawyer s ofce in Gatton as a girl Friday. She has been recognised for 50 and 60 years of JP service by her local MPs over the years. Hilma has actively served the community as a JP and was recognised for her efforts in 2001 when she was the recipient of a Centenary Medal by then Prime Minister, the Hon John Howard AC. Raymond Young OAM visited this distinguished lady at her home in Cannon Hill recently. He presented her with a token of appreciation, a QJA International Women s Day handbag hook. Note in the photograph, Hilma also has a green badge on her collar, given by the Queensland Government for JPs of over 60 years standing.

Since 1977, Peter has continuously offered his free services as a Justice of the Peace to all members of his community without hesitation and with the same vigour and enthusiasm he provides to everything else he does. JPs have historically provided an essential community service to further advance and contribute to the social prosperity of the community. Peter s tireless provision of his service to the community has indeed been an example of how much one person can make such a positive difference. Peter Williams OAM has been a tireless volunteer within the Toowoomba community, not only in his duties as a Justice of the Peace. Other worthy community groups also benet from Peter s time and effort. Peter is keenly involved with Scouts Australia and Rotary Toowoomba. We congratulate Peter on this worthy recognition, it is well past due.

25 Years service QJA Director Keith Revell received another award this month, this time a silver certicate for 25 years as a JP from Hon Michael Pucci MP Member for Logan.

Honouring Toowoomba JP By Peter Boyes (Chairman Toowoomba Branch) Toowoomba QJA member, Mr Peter Williams JP(Qual) was listed on the Australia Day honours list for 2013. Peter was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for his service to the community of Toowoomba as a Justice of the Peace. The citation of the award read: For his continued outstanding and exceptional contribution to the wider community leadership, commitment, support and dedicated service to the duties and role of a Justice of the Peace (Qualied) and the Queensland Justices Association (QJA) Toowoomba Branch. His high standard of professionalism and diligence is a beacon of light who stands out amongst his peers as an example of a justly and procient Justice of the Peace. Peter has held the ofce of a Justice of the Peace for the State of Queensland since being sworn into ofce on 10 November 1977 and has been a continuous member of the Queensland Justices Association (QJA) since 1978. 14

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918

50 Years service Courtesy of The Toowoomba Chronicle. Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts recently presented a certicate and held a morning tea for Mrs Floris Wilson, who has served Queensland as a Justice of the Peace for 50 years. As a newly elected MP, I can only admire the dedication of Mrs Wilson in her service to Queensland as a JP, Mr Watts said. Mrs Wilson was sworn in by Dan Kearney, Toowoomba Magistrate of the time.


Regional Roundup Magistrate Kearney commented at the time that it was unusual to have a young woman sworn into this type of position, Mr Watts said. Not only was she a young woman, but a young married and working woman. Mrs Wilson retired in 2000, although she still does the books for her son and she is still a practising JP. Mrs Wilson is a wonderful representative for the Queensland community and I wish her many more years of witnessing.

Caboolture Branch Meetings By John Geary (Secretary Caboolture Branch) The recent Caboolture Branch meeting agreed to move our monthly meeting around our area this year. Meetings will be held in Caboolture, Morayeld, Burpengary and Bribie Island throughout the year

I am sure that people say thank you to you before leaving your area, however, I know that those thank you s can often sound as if they are said more by habit than by sincerity. Therefore, on behalf of SO MANY people here on the Gold Coast, I would like you to know that your services ARE greatly appreciated. You give of your time. You spend time thoroughly learning what you need to do to enable yourself to do this service very competently, which we need to rely upon because we, ourselves, do not know all of the laws and regulations that are required to perform the services that you do so well. You put our minds at rest, as was mentioned before, often at critical and often emotional times in our lives. Thank you for the caring and thorough services that you do for SO many of us. You TRULY are APPRECIATED by many. Sincerely, A thankful Australian Citizen and a resident of the Gold Coast

In order from front to rear left hand side: Dorothy Court, John Olding, Denise O Connor, John Geary: Then front to rear right hand side: Sara Allard, David Aitchison and Ron Court.

South Pine Branch meeting News from the Gold Coast Branch Lynette E. Brown (Chair - Gold Coast Branch) The JP Signing Centre Team from Runaway Bay Signing enjoyed lunch together again before Christmas. The lunch is becoming a regular event over the last few years. As seen in the photo it is a happy group enjoying friendship, whilst giving the community a service.

By Phyllis Hall (Chair South Pine Branch) Below is a photo of myself (Secretary of South Pine) with Karalise Goodwin of the Land Titles Ofce. Karalise gave us a training session at this week s meeting. We looked at the general witnessing procedures for straight-forward documents but also at more unusual ones like deceased estates and clients claiming to have Power of Attorney.

The Gold Coast Branch also received a complimentary letter from a grateful customer recently. Dear Association Members, I have only had the need for your services twice. However, I often pass you or your colleagues as I am in shopping centres and I often stop to thank them for the time that they give to the community, which is often a time of big importance in their lives. I myself often stop to say a thank you even though I am not in need of your services at the time. Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918


REGIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION BEAUDESERT CONTACT GROUP Valmai Macaulay beaudesert@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5544 6460

FOREST LAKE CONTACT GROUP Karyn McCabe forestlake@qja.com.au Telephone: 0413 432 181

LOGANHOLME CONTACT GROUP John Bailey loganholme@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3287 1516

ROSEWOOD CONTACT GROUP Alan Broughton rosewood@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5464 2007

BOWEN BRANCH Brian Byrne bowen@qja.com.au Telephone: 0409 445 056

GLADSTONE BRANCH Fred Golder gladstone@qja.com.au Telephone 0419 796 177

MACKAY BRANCH Maria Valena mackay@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4977 5609

SOUTH PINE BRANCH Phyllis Hall southpine@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3264 4436

BRISBANE NORTH BRANCH John Carpendale brisbanenorth@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3353 2927

GOLD COAST BRANCH Colleen Pont goldcoast@qja.com.au Telephone: 0431 689 918

MAROOCHYDORE BRANCH Anne Fletcher maroochydore@qja.com.au Telephone: 0420 423 553

SOUTH BURNETT BRANCH Debbie-Lee Jackson southburnett@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4162 7977

BRISBANE SOUTH BRANCH Jan Robbins brisbanesouth@qja.com.au Telephone: 0422 117 225

GYMPIE BRANCH Janine Heyer gympie@qja.com.au Telephone 0407 765 398

MARYBOROUGH CONTACT GROUP Geoff Parsons maryborough@qja.com.au Telephone:(07) 4129 0809

TIN CAN BAY CONTACT GROUP Janine Heyer tincanbay@qja.com.au Telephone: 0407 765 398

BUNDABERG BRANCH Dave Read bundaberg@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4151 1505

HERVEY BAY BRANCH Doug Hull herveybay@qja.com.au Telephone: 0417 746 219

MT ISA CONTACT GROUP Duncan Cunningham mtisa@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4743 0303

TOOWOOMBA BRANCH Peter Boyes toowoomba@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4638 0709

CABOOLTURE BRANCH John Geary caboolture@qja.com.au Telephone: 0407 579 139

HORNIBROOK BRANCH Nobby Clarke hornibrook@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3142 0492

NOOSA BRANCH Margaret Lewins noosa@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5471 0617

TOWNSVILLE BRANCH Lesley Richards townsville@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4779 0617

CAIRNS CENTRAL BRANCH Margaret Neville cairns@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4045 2333

IPSWICH BRANCH Stephanie Payne ipswich@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3281 9114

REDLAND CITY BRANCH Ray Burrows redlandcity@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3822 1366

WARWICK BRANCH Ellen Allen warwick@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4666 3164

CAIRNS SOUTH BRANCH Meredith Gardiner cairnssouth@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4041 6228

INGHAM BRANCH Siobahn Pelleri ingham@qja.com.au Telephone 0438 102 962

ROCKHAMPTON BRANCH Lance Watson rockhampton@qja.com.au Telephone: 0447 021 591

WESTERN SUBURBS BRANCH Grahame Tainton westsubs@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3279 0185

CALOUNDRA BRANCH Irene White caloundra@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5439 7387

LOGAN BRANCH Keith Revell logan@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3803 4337

ROSEDALE CONTACT GROUP Jonathan Brown rosedale@qja.com.au Telephone: 0741569237

WYNNUM MANLY BRANCH Don Hann wynnummanly@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3390 4278

Branches conduct regular meetings (at least ve per year), conduct training, operate signing facilities, have dened revenue streams and a formalised structure. Contact groups meet on an as required basis and generally exist to operate signing facilities and to deal with other local issues. For details of what is happening in your local area, including professional development opportunities, please feel free to phone any of the numbers above and your local contact will be happy to assist. Anti-Discrimination Commission Centrelink Consular Assistance (SmartTraveller) Customs Border Protection Hotline Crimestoppers Dept Communities (Families) Dept Foreign Affairs & Trade Dept Justice & A-G - JP Branch Brisbane JP Branch (Afterhours Mobile) Dept Justice & A-G - JP - New South Wales Dept Justice & A-G - JP - Victoria Dept Transport (Queensland) Dispute Resolution Branch DV Connect Womensline DV Connect Mensline Elderly Abuse Prevention Unit Electoral Commission of Queensland Equity & Fair Trading: Consumer Information Land Titles Ofce (Dept Natural Resources) Legal Aid Queensland 16

Serving Queensland s Honorary Justices since 1918

1300 130 670 13 10 21 1300 555 135 1800 061 800 1800 333 000 07 3235 4312 07 3405 4799 1300 301 147 044 773 7692 02 8688 7487 03 9603 9090 07 3253 4744 1800 017 288 1800 811 811 1800 600 636 1300 651 192 1300 881 665 1300 658 030 07 3405 6900 1300 651 188

Legal Services Commission Marriage Celebrants (JAG Canberra) Mental Health Orders (JEO s) National Security Hotline Ofce of the Adult Guardian (EPA s & AHD s) Ofce of the Director of Public Prosecutions Ofce of the Public Advocate Ofce of the State Coroner Police Link Police - Trafc Camera Infringement Ofce Public Trustee Ofce (Wills) Public Trustee Ofce (EPA s) Queensland Independent Legal Services (QAILS) Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Queensland Law Society Registry of Births, Deaths, Marriages (Qld) State Emergency Service State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) Victims Assist Queensland

1300 655 754 02 6234 4800 07 3835 1444 1800 123 400 1300 653 187 1800 673 428 07 3224 7424 1300 304 605 13 14 44 1300 360 610 1300 360 044 1300 651 591 07 3392 0092 1300 753 228 07 3842 5842 1300 366 430 13 25 00 1300 365 635 1300 546 587

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