Vol 5 no 3 spring 08

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Official Magazine of the Queensland Justices Association











New Members & Vale













From left to right, QJA Director Raymond Young OAM, QJA Patron, The Honourable Paul de Jersey, AC, Chief Justice of Queensland and Bob Pilkington, President of the Queensland Justices Association at the Law Week Church Service.

The most Senior Justice of the Peace in Queensland today. Mr Herbert Moreton Olm was appointed as a Justice of the Peace in 1931 at Gatton and became a member of the Queensland Justices Association May 5th 1948. Mr Olm celebrated his 100th Birthday on 7th August 2008. Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland



Our Our Patron Patron The Hon ThePaul HondePaul Jersey, de Jersey, AC, Chief AC, Justice Chief Justice of Queensland of Queensland

Board Board of of Directors Directors PRESIDENT PRESIDENT & CHAIRMAN & CHAIRMAN OF THE OF THE BOARD BOARD Mr BobMr Pilkington Bob Pilkington JP (Qual) JP (Qual)

Telephone: Telephone: (07) 3812 (07)1865 3812 1865 Mobile:Mobile: 0438 121 0438 865 121 865 bob.pilkington@qja.com.au e-mail: e-mail: bob.pilkington@qja.com.au

VICEVICE PRESIDENTS PRESIDENTS Mrs Bernice Mrs Bernice Lippiatt Lippiatt JP (Qual) JP (Qual)

Telephone: Telephone: (07) 3802 (07)2557 3802 2557 0411757 663 757 Mobile:Mobile: 0411 663 bernice.lippiatt@qja.com.au e-mail:e-mail: bernice.lippiatt@qja.com.au

Mr Doug Mr Hull DougJPHull (Qual) JP (Qual)

Telephone: Telephone: (07) 4124 (07)4214 4124 4214 Facsimile: (07)7939 4124 7939 Facsimile: (07) 4124 doug.hull@qja.com.au e-mail:e-mail: doug.hull@qja.com.au

Mr Garry Mr Franke Garry Franke JP (Qual) JP (Qual)

Telephone: Telephone: (07) 3376 (07)3375 3376 3375 Mobile:Mobile: 0418 740 0418694 740 694 e-mail:e-mail: garry.franke@qja.com.au garry.franke@qja.com.au

DIRECTORS DIRECTORS Mr Roger Mr Kelly RogerJPKelly (Qual) JP (Qual) Telephone: Telephone: (07) 3279 (07)9710 3279 9710 Mobile:Mobile: 0430 028 0430 601 028 601 e-mail: e-mail: roger.kelly@qja.com.au roger.kelly@qja.com.au

Mr RayMr Burrows Ray Burrows JP(Qual) JP(Qual) Telephone: Telephone: (07) 3822 (07)1366 3822 1366 Mobile:Mobile: 0409 499 0409 016 499 016 e-mail: e-mail: ray.burrows@qja.com.au ray.burrows@qja.com.au

Mrs Marian Mrs Marian Vierveyzer Vierveyzer JP (Qual) JP (Qual) Facsimile: Facsimile: (07) 3288 (07)1262 3288 1262 Mobile:Mobile: 0415 418 0415 320 418 320 e-mail: e-mail: marian.vierveyzer@qja.com.au marian.vierveyzer@qja.com.au

Mrs Yvonne Mrs Yvonne Jex JP (Qual) Jex JP (Qual) Telephone: Telephone: (07) 4057 (07)9070 4057 9070 Mobile:Mobile: 0449 043 0449 100 043 100 e-mail: e-mail: yvonne.jex@qja.com.au yvonne.jex@qja.com.au

Mr Raymond Mr Raymond Young OAM, Young OAM, JP (Qual) JP (Qual) Telephone: Telephone: (07) 4927 (07)4155 4927 4155 Mobile:Mobile: 0405 624 0405 648 624 648 e-mail: e-mail: ray.young@qja.com.au ray.young@qja.com.au

Mr David Mr Read DavidJPRead (Qual) JP (Qual) Telephone: Telephone: (07) 4152 (07)3318 4152 3318 Mobile:Mobile: 0405 252 0405 135 252 135 e-mail: e-mail: dave.read@qja.com.au dave.read@qja.com.au

The QJA TheJournal QJA Journal is compiled is compiled by an Editorial by an Editorial Board Board on behalf on behalf of the QJA. of the QJA. EditorEditor Mr RayMr Burrows Ray Burrows Sub-editor Sub-editor Mrs Bernice Mrs Bernice Lippiatt Lippiatt Sub-editor Sub-editor Mr Garry Mr Franke Garry Franke The views Theexpressed views expressed in articles in articles & advertisements & advertisements published published in the QJA in theJournal QJA Journal are not are necessarily not necessarily the views theofviews the Queensland of the Queensland Justices Justices Association Association or the Board or the of Board Directors. of Directors. © Queensland © Queensland JusticesJustices Association Association claims claims copyright copyright in all material in all material published published in this in Journal. this Journal. No material No material may bemay copied be copied or reproduced or reproduced withoutwithout the written the written consentconsent of the QJA. of the QJA. All enquiries All enquiries shouldshould be addressed be addressed to ThetoEditor The Editor at editor@qja.com.au at editor@qja.com.au PrintedPrinted by JT Press, by JT Telephone Press, Telephone 07 3283 070100, 3283 17 0100, High 17Street, High Street, Redcliffe Redcliffe Qld 4019. Qld 4019.



751 Stanley 751 Stanley StreetStreet Greg Greg Cuthbert Cuthbert JP(Qual) JP(Qual) BA, BA, Adult Adult Guardian Guardian Woolloongabba Woolloongabba Q 4102 Q 4102 PG Dip PGEd Dip Ed Customs Customs WatchWatch PostalPostal Address: Address: Consular Consular Assistance Assistance PO Box PO 8419 Box 8419 OfficeOffice Hours: Hours: Dept of Dept Families of Families 24 hour 24 crisis hour line crisis line Woolloongabba Woolloongabba Q 4102 Q 4102 Mon –Mon Fri –8.30am Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm to 4.30pm Dept Foreign Dept Foreign AffairsAffairs & Trade & Trade Telephone: Telephone: (07) 3392 (07) 3392 2455 2455 Free call: Free call: 1800 1800 061 423 061 423 Facsimile: Facsimile: (07) 3392 (07) 3392 2955 2955 Website: Website: www.qja.com.au www.qja.com.au E-mail: E-mail:admin@qja.com.au admin@qja.com.au

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

Dispute Dispute Resolution Resolution CentreCentre Mental Mental HealthHealth OrdersOrders (office(office hours)hours) National National Security Security Hotline Hotline PublicPublic Trustee Trustee

1300 653 1300187 653 187 1800 06 1800 1800 06 1800 1300 555 1300135 555 135 (07) 3235 (07) 9999 3235 9999 (07) 3405 (07) 4799 3405 4799 1800 017 1800288 017 288 (07) 3835 (07) 1444 3835 1444 1800 123 1800400 123 400 1300 360 1300044 360 044

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President’s Letter This edition of the Journal is larger than usual as the Association has much information to pass on to members. Included in this issue is: 1. The financial report for the year 2007 – 2008; 2. Proposed changes to the constitution, to be voted on at an Extraordinary General Meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting which will be held on the 1st November 2008 at State Office. The Board of Directors endorse all of these changes and I would ask for your voting support to ensure that they are accepted; 3. Update on the State Conference that is being held in Townsville on 11th October 2008.

The introduction of the electronic banking options for members to pay their annual subscription has enabled the Association to process all payments within 24 hours; this is a vast improvement on previous years and also reduced the paper workload at State Office. Vice President Doug Hull and I will be attending the Annual Conference of the Australian Council of Justices Associations in Adelaide on 17-18 October 2008. I am looking forward to meeting many of you at the State Conference in October.

The Board of Directors is pleased to report that the Association finished the year with a surplus. Thanks must go to our Registrar Greg Cuthbert and his able assistant Julie Frail for this. It is pleasing to note that membership of the Association continues to grow at a steady rate.

Bob Pilkington President



The Association is conducting its annual state conference this year in Townsville, on Saturday October 11. This is the first time in many years that the conference has been held in North Queensland and Chris Porter (Conference Convenor) and his hard working committee have put in a lot of effort to ensure that the day will be a success.

Rockhampton and Toowoomba branches have established a local branch site attached to the QJA page. The addresses are www.qja.com.au/rockhampton.htm www.qja.com.au/toowoomba.htm.

Registrations are now being accepted for the conference. The day will feature a range of guest speakers who will educate JPs on topics relating to their duties of office (see flyer elsewhere in this journal for a list). The association views this as a fantastic opportunity for Justices to update their skills and to network with others from around Queensland. The cost for the day is $30 for QJA members and $35 for non members. This includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. The venue is the Ryan Community Centre at Kirwan. All attendees must pre register with the State Office by completing a registration form and submitting payment by Friday 26th September. The registration form is available from our website www.qja.com.au (follow the link to State Conference) and also appears in this journal on page 10. Occupational health and safety considerations will mean that we can only accept a maximum of 250 attendees. The Board of Directors and the Conference Committee look forward to meeting as many of you as possible on October 11.

TIES AND LANYARDS Two new merchandise items have been introduced. The QJA has designed a tie which will retail for $27.00 + $3.00 postage (if required). The Australian made tie has an intricate navy and gold design with the QJA crest displayed in the bottom right hand corner. The tie design can be viewed on the news page of the QJA web site. Also we have a navy QJA lanyard, which comes with a plastic card holder for the member to be able to display their membership card. Those who attend the Townsville State Conference will receive a lanyard as part of the registration fee, otherwise they will retail for $4.00,

REFRESHER COURSES AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The QJA has received very positive responses to refresher courses provided this year to members in Brisbane and Rockhampton. These courses were offered at a rate that enabled us to cover costs and will again be offered in a number of locations across the state next year. In the next edition of the QJA Journal we will announce those locations, as well as the venue for next year’s State Conference. Members are reminded that professional development for QJA members is provided all over the state, free of charge, at every local branch meeting. Almost all of our branch meetings have expert speakers on specific topics from the local community, including members of the police force, court system and various government departments, not to mention QJA directors. Members are urged to take advantage of this by making contact with the secretary of their local branch to find out what is happening at the next meeting in their area.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The QJA is a public company limited by guarantee, and as such is required under the corporations law to hold an annual general meeting of members. This year the AGM will held on Saturday 1st November at QJA House, 751 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba, Brisbane. The business to be transacted is outlined on page 11. Proceedings will commence at 10.00am sharp and refreshments will be served afterwards. Whilst formal RSVP’s are not required, those members considering attending may wish to drop us a line so that we can cater effectively. Country members who cannot attend have the right to appoint a proxy and the procedure for this explained on page 13.

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland



News in Brief – continued COMPUTERISED MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT SYSTEM The new membership payment system worked well with minimal problems. Approximately 70% of QJA members took advantage of the new payment options, which was a pleasing outcome. A small number of members have still to renew and final notices will be sent to those in this category in the next week. Your prompt attention to these notices would be appreciated.

HERBERT MORETON OLM Born on 7th August 1908 at Ropeley, Queensland. Herbert has recently celebrated his 100th Birthday and is the oldest member of the Queensland Justices Association and also the oldest JP in the State. He has lived in Ropeley all of his life. He has farmed all of his life – dairy in the early days and vegetables in the latter years. He was actually a trainee teacher for two years around 1920 under the guidance of the then principal at the Tent Hill Upper School. He was offered a teaching post in the northern tropics, but his mother talked him out of taking it because of the fear of tropical diseases. So he settled down to become a farmer. Herb applied to be appointed as a JP through the Gatton Court House. He filled out some easy forms and waited about 3 months. He was sworn in as a JP by a visiting Magistrate from Brisbane at the Gatton Court House on 30th January 1931. He became a JP at the insistence of many people, particularly those living in Ropeley and surrounds, as he was always helping them with legal forms and would save time if he could help them fill them in and also witness signatures. A lot of people applied for naturalization, and registered for voting. Most of the Ropeley residents were of German descent and couldn’t read English. So Herb was required to translate the forms to German and then fill them in.

Director Ray Burrows presenting Herbert Olm with his Life Membership Certificate at Herbert’s 100th birthday function, Gatton.

He became quite well known in the Gatton area as he was always willing to witness documents. There were two JPs in Gatton at the time (a saddler and a blacksmith). They were often busy working away, so people sought Herb out. He was also well known for being exacting about reading everything before witnessing documents and he prides himself on that. Herb sat on the bench several times and remembers one instance where he was required to sentence a mischievous drunk one morning. So he gave him a fairly lenient sentence. The next time this person saw Herb in town, he addressed him as ‘Sir’, as he thought he was of great importance. He also said he married a few couples in the 1930’s. He is quite emphatic that he had spent time in a solicitor’s office completing the necessary forms, and then performed the ceremony. Herb also spent many years manning voting booths, and helped many people sort out how to register to vote, fill out absentee votes etc. He used to assist with counting votes until the early hours of the morning. The Queensland Justices Association approached him in the 1940’s, as he had become known to them because of the amount of documents he completed and witnessed. He was known in Ropely as “The Olm Kid” because he was so young and so knowledgeable about legalities. People took their formalities to The Olm Kid. Congratulations to Herbert from the Board of the Queensland Justices Association for such meritorious service to the people of Queensland.

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

Herbert being presented with his 50th year Certificate by the local MP Mr Peter Prensler in 1999. Herbert at that time had been a JP for 68 years.

TOOWOOMBA BRANCH FORUM On Monday 20th October, the QJA Toowoomba will be conducting a forum evening starting at 6.00pm. Attendance is free and there will be a range of guest speakers including the Attorney General Mr Kerry Shine, Senior Constable Rod Shelton (who will be speaking on identity fraud), Mr Damien Mealey (JP Branch registrar from the department of Justice & Attorney General). QJA Director Marian Vierveyzer will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about the QJA or your JP duties. A flyer can be downloaded from our website http://www.qja.com. au/tbaforum.pdf and RSVPs are required by 10th October. Please contact Carolyn Athanitis e-mail: carolynathanitis@bigpond.com or mobile 0427 743 331. The location of the forum is St Marks Annexe, High Street (off Tourist Drive), Rangeville, Toowoomba.

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News in Brief – continued

Miss Fiona Simpson, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Shadow Minister for Main Roads and Transport presents Syd Snowsill with his Justice Department 25 Year Certificate of Distinguished Service. Kallah Hutchinson being presented with her Certificate of Appreciation for her dedication as Tutor by Jim Withford, Treasurer of the Maroochydore Branch.

Maroochydore’s Robin Hansen presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Councillor Paul Tanton, Sunshine Coast Regional Council for providing assistance with the Rapid Response Grant for signs at the Library Signing Centre.

Introducing Jan Tunks, the new JP Tutor for the Maroochydore Branch.

Ivy Gadenne being presented with her Certificate of Appreciation for her dedication as Tutor by Jim Withford Treasurer, Maroochydore Branch.

Important Notice to Members: The Newsletter “JP’s in the Community” is available on line at www.justice.qld.gov.au under JP Publications.

QJA Volunteers at the Cleveland Magistrate’s Court. From left to right, Ray Burrows, Secretary QJA Redland City Branch, Derek Hill, Chris Trevor-Jones, Damien Mealey, Registrar JP Branch (JAG), The Right Honourable Mr Kerry Shine, Attorney General and State Member for Toowoomba North, Beth Thompson, Allan Tennent, Chairman QJA Redland City Branch, Donna Pitt, George Dodds, Mr Phil Weightman, MP, State Member for Cleveland and Tony Roser, Registrar Cleveland Magistrate’s Court. Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland



News in Brief – continued

QJA Director Marian Vierveyzer with Damien Mealey, Registrar, JP Branch and Brett Storey, Chairman Ipswich Branch. Certificate of Appreciation being presented to Clifford Gardens owner of Muffin Break by Peter Boyes President of QJA Toowoomba Branch.

Members of the Mt Isa Branch. From left to right, Gordon Sparks, Kerry Sipos, Megan Housden Branch Secretary, Elaine Hardwick, and Barbara Fisher.

Damien Mealey, Registrar, JP Branch (JAG) presents Frederick Kleimeyer (Ipswich Branch) with his Certificate of Appreciation for 50 years of dedicated service to the community looked on by Bob Pilkington, President of the QJA.

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

Noel Cain and QJA Director Raymond Young OAM at the Rockhampton Refresher Course.

Members of the Gladstone Branch. From left to right, Dulcie Benn, QJA Director Raymond Young OAM, Fred Golder Branch Chairman, Sandy Walsh Treasurer, Judith Rowarth Secretary and Greg West.

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Roll of Honour õ

The Association wishes to note the long service given by the following Members under their commission.

SILVER – 25 YEARS OF SERVICE Michelle Yarrow

Welcome to New Members The Following have joined the Association since the Winter 2008 Journal: S Abell I L Absalom M Alvis M E Anderson A Armstrong M A Avery T A Baker B Balderson A M Barker A Beardmore K J Bebbington L Benn K M Bennett K T Bishop K T Black D Blanch A J Bone A Borey A J Boyce R C Brazel A D Broadbent N D Brown V A Brown J A Brown C L Bryson S Buksh L G Bull K J Bull T J Bunn P G Burns A P Butwell J L Cameron S A Cash T N Cater L E Chapman F L Chatham F Cheng J W Cheong G D Christophers

C D Cochrane R CohenCramp V M Colley W A Connors D T Cook M V Corr K Craperi D S Crawford M A Creed K D Cribb P A Cubitt C B Cunnington P Cutting P T Dallas J M Davidson C Dean T Dearden I G Dillon C W Donovan M A Doolan A J Dowling K Drummond J M Duffy R J Elliott N J Evans P R Evans W C Exelby M Fewtrell S D Finn D G Fleming A Fletcher D A Frarricciardi V T Gardner A D Gartlan B K Gear K S Glynn A Goli R D Grant W Green

K A Groves S C Groves K N Hall C Harding BJ Hewitt D Hill S Hillman D H Hobbs J G Hocking M J Hogan S C Holmes-Evans M Holzberger P Hopkins S A Horwood M Houten K L Hrstich G A Hyslop M E Irving H J Jeffrey D J Jenner K M Jessop P Johnson D S Johnston K J Jones D S Jung A M Kelsey C M Kerr A L Knyvett M E Laman H M Lander JC Last D Lawson A C Leishman L M Leotta F M Lindner K L Lowe G D Manning E Marsh P A Marshall

J W Marsterson K A Mason A Masters A J Maxwell R M McCall S P McCann A G McCarthy T M McCulloch S D McDonald P T McDonald E C McGuinness J McKinnon A K McNamara L E Melvin F S Minge G M Moore M J Mudge J Mullins T G Neumann K L Newlove T Nguyen L M Nitz M J Noon T Norris M B Obarzanski V G Ockford K S Oleinik T M O’sullivan S K Pandey P Paolini M J Parker M A Pattinson J Pearson B H Penny J L Peoples M T Perren B R Port-Louis K J Power M A Purcell

J B Quinn G D Rankin S Rao D J Rees C W Reid G W Reid J M Reiffel L Richards J D Richardson J Robbins B L Roberts N A Rogers J Roots C A Sawyer C J Scafe F L Schmacker J A Schmidt D E Schmidt A Sepuloga L A Seymour B A Shearer E F Shepherd J O Sheppard A Siarni S P Siegmeier D R Sim M Simpson G R Sinclair L G Singleton L Smith K D Soldatenko A J Spence L S Spence K J Stapleton B J Stefanidakis EJ Stevenson K Stewart S M Storer W Strafield

L D Strappaton L Summers R F Taylor L L Taylor C Telegaru J A Thorn J H Tiernan R Tingle R L Trimble-Roles L I Turk E Tyris A D Underhill G G Velli B L Verco J A Verney K Viles R J Waldron M C Waldron P F Weekes J N Weir S A Wellington M L Wells M L West M Whelan G Whitbourn E Whitbourn T Williams W A Williams V L Winter J R Yost R J Young H Young W Zeller M K Zenel N L Zischke

Ivan Rado Roy Shearer E. Ross Smith OAM Ian Stewart Norman Thorpe

Gloria Tonkin Ranald Winks

Vale We have received with sadness notice of the passing of the following Members: George Baldwin Henry Bestmann Norma Billiau Keith Brady Gary Cahill

Raymond Carter Kyriacos Charalambous Lesleigh Cran Vivian Dagg Dulcie Freyling

Olive Hamilton Henry Howell Gillian Hurst Eric Jones Paul ` Knoblanche

Raymon Lackey William Learmonth Raymond Macoun Raymond Middleton Peter Nicholls

Members should note that the Roll of Honour for 25+ and 50+ relates only to length of QJA Membership. Members wishing to receive the 25 years of distinguished service certificate as a Justice of the Peace for the State of Queensland should contact the Justice and Attorney Generals Department, JPs’ Branch on telephone (07) 3259 6098 or 1300 301 147 or email jp@justice.qld.gov.au.

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland


Q.J.A. JOURNAL QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION AUDITOR’S INDEPENDENCE DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 370C OF THE CORPORATIONS ACT 2001 TO THE DIRECTORS OF QLD JUSTICES ASSOCIATION I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, during the year ended 30 June 2008 there have been: (i) (ii) Name of Firm Name of Partner Date

no contraventions of the auditor’s independence requirements as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 in relation to the audit; and no contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit. Bennett Partners Christopher Lee Sammut 29th day of August of 2008 Level 3, 400 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000 QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT 30 JUNE 2008 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION

Report on the financial report We have audited the accompanying financial report of the Queensland Justices Association which comprises the balance sheet as at 30th June, 2008, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the year ended on that date, a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes and the directors’ declaration of the consolidated entity comprising the company and the entity it controlled at the year’s end or from time to time during the financial year. Directors’ responsibility for the financial report The directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Act 2001. This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These Auditing Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Independence In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001. We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Corporations Act 2001, provided to the directors of Queensland Justice Association would be in the same terms if provided to the directors as at the date of this auditor’s report Auditor’s Opinion In our opinion: a) the financial report of Queensland Justice Association is in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including: i. giving a true and fair view of the company’s and consolidated entity’s financial position as at 30 June 2008 and of their performance for the year ended on that date; and ii. complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations Regulations 2001. b) Other mandatory professional reporting requirements in Australia. Bennett Partners Chartered Accountants Brisbane

Christopher Lee Sammut Dated this 29th day of August 2008

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

Continued on Page 14

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QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION ANNUAL STATE CONFERENCE 2008 “SERVING THE COMMUNITY” An open invitation is extended to all Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations to attend the 2008 QJA State Conference on

Saturday 11th October, 2008

Hosted by QJA Townsville Branch Venue: Ryan Community Centre, Morindo Drive, Kirwan, Townsville, Qld. Registrations commence 8.30am. Conference commences 9.00am sharp and concludes at 4.30pm.

Guest Speakers include

Townsville City Council Mayor, Les Tyrell The Hon Mr Justice Keiran Cullinane, Judge of the Queensland Supreme Court A representative from the Justice Department JP Branch Police Domestic Violence and Mental Health Coordinators Regional Manager Magistrates Court Office of Adult Guardian Police Department Prosecutor Department of Customs QJA President Mr Bob Pilkington QJA Vice President Mr Doug Hull

Cost $30 for QJA Members $35 for Non Members

Includes Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea Numerous Lucky door prizes and raffles

RSVP to QJA State Office by FRIDAY 26th SEPTEMBER.

A registration form must be completed (available in the Spring edition of the QJA Journal or downloadable at www.qja.com.au follow link to State Conference). Payment can be made by cheque or credit card. The registration form must be returned to PO Box 8419 Woolloongabba, Qld, 4102. Fax 07 3392 2955 or scan and email to admin@qja.com.au Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

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QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting of the Queensland Justices Association will be held at 10.00am on Saturday 1st November, 2008 at QJA House 751 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba. The business to be transacted at the meeting is: 1. Ordinary Business - Members Present, Proxies Received and Apologies 2. Ordinary Business - Minutes of the Annual General meeting 3 November 2007and business arising from the minutes 3. Ordinary Business - President’s Report 2007- 08 as distributed at the meeting 4. Ordinary Business - Approval of Directors’ Annual Report 2006-2007 as distributed at the meeting and published in QJA Journal, Spring Edition 2008 and at www.qja.com.au 5. Ordinary Business - Approval of Financial Statements 2007-2008 – concise report as published in The QJA Journal, Spring edition 2008 and full version at www.qja.com.au 6. Ordinary Business - Appointment of an appeals committee. Those members wishing to nominate must complete the form found in this journal and return it the QJA State Office by 10.00am on Thursday 30th October, 2008. 7. Ordinary Business - Appointment of an Auditor – Chris Sammut, Bennett and Partners. 8. Special Business – The Constitution of the Company to be altered by substituting the Queensland Justices Association Constitution endorsed at the EGM 2005, with the constitution labelled draft SGM 2008, which can be viewed at www. qja.com.au or supplied in paper version free of charge to members upon request made to the registrar. An explanatory memorandum explaining the constitution changes appears on the following page. 9. General Business Refreshments will be served following the meeting. As per section 19 of the QJA Constitution, members who cannot attend the meeting have the right to vote by proxy. Valid proxies must be completed on the form found in this journal and as per section 19.2 of the constitution, be returned to the QJA State Office by 10.00am on Thursday 30th October, 2008.

EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM RELATING TO CONSTITUTION CHANGES Throughout this year, the QJA has undertaken a consultation process with branches and members in an attempt to correct anomalies and to make the constitution more reflective of current practice. The changes proposed are: • Payments made to directors or members by the association are tightened in section 5.2 to only relate to out of pocket expenses relating to QJA business • Payments made by the association can now be by electronic means e.g. internet banking as outlined in section 5.6. • The naming of various positions has been altered throughout the document to reflect current practice. • All membership categories have been more accurately redefined in section 6. • Concession membership eligibility has been redefined as “full time students or concession card holders” not just pensioners. • Clause 7.4, which states that joint membership relates only to those who are married has been removed, due to the possibility of the Association being in breach of discrimination laws if it does not allow other types of joint memberships. The new clause is that joint membership relates to two persons living at the same address. • The process for awarding and revoking life membership has been redefined in s 6.2. Previously life membership was conferred “by the Members in general meeting on the recommendation of the Board to a Member who has been a continuous financial Member of the Association for not less than 20 years”. This created the expectation that once a member attained 20 years membership that there was an automatic expectation that life membership would be conferred. The board is of the view that Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland



Q.J.A. JOURNAL life membership should be reserved for those who demonstrated all of – service to the association – which is above and beyond the call of duty and – the service must have been performed for an extended period of time. • There has been some feedback from members that the “extended period of time” has not been defined. The board feels that the length of time needs to be weighed up in conjunction with the other criteria when members are nominated for life membership. • Life membership can now be revoked by the board if a member is considered to be in breach of the misconduct clauses of section 9.1. A member whose life membership is terminated because of such a breach has the same rights of appeal as a member whose membership is terminated i.e. a right of appeal to the independent appeals committee, whose decision is final. • The liability of all members in the event of a winding up is limited to $1. This was a typographical error from when the constitution was previously amended. • Section 9.7 states that members who are not financial after 31 August will not be able to assume any office and will not be able to conduct business on behalf of the association. Holding a position of office (director, secretary, QJA accredited trainer) is considered a privilege and members in these positions need to set an example by paying membership fees in a timely manner. • The role of, and selection processes for an appeals committee, has been more clearly defined in s10 and s18. The changes are – The role of the appeals committee extended to include appeals over life membership being revoked, as well as memberships that are terminated by the board – The appeals committee to consist of five members, of which any three will hear a particular case – Specification that the appeals committee act independently of the board of directors • The question of which vice president acts in the absence of the president, has been less clearly defined in s11.3 so as to be dependant on the decisions that need to be made at the time of absence of the president. • The board’s powers to interpret silent areas of the constitution has been reduced to those areas where both the constitution and the corporations law are silent. • The quorum for a board meeting has been increased from 4 to 6 directors, two of whom must be a president or a vice president. • The registrar is to attend all board meetings, but is not allowed to vote. This has been amended because the Registrar is the Executive Officer of the company and needs to be present to brief the board on operational matters. • Various changes have been inserted to include email and electronic means as a valid form of communication to members. • The minutes of board meetings will not be made available to members unless there is a genuine reason for a particular member to see them (i.e. there is a matter involving that member). This brings the QJA in line with Corporations Law and established legal precedent. The minutes of all general meetings will still be available to all members. • Alterations have been made throughout to more clearly define who is allowed to vote at meetings. Proxies will now be allowed on all matters, whereas previously they could not be used for an election of members to the board. This change was implemented so as to not disadvantage country members from voting on board elections. • Allowance has been made to incorporate into the QJA structure interest groups that may not have the structure of a branch – s20.3. • A new section 20.4 has been inserted to recognise QJA ownership of intellectual property. The term “intellectual property” has been defined in section 2. This has arisen because of some disputes with members in branches about sharing material with State Office that would be beneficial to members across the state. These proposals will be voted on either whole or separately at the AGM on November 1st 2008. Members with concerns are urged to attend the meeting or to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf, using the form on the following page. The amended constitution can be viewed at www.qja.com.au or supplied in paper version free of charge to members upon request made to the registrar. 12

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

PROXY FORM PROXY FORM To The Chairman QJA Annual Meeting To TheGeneral Chairman Saturday November 1, 2008 QJA Annual General Meeting

Saturday November 1, 2008 I ……………………………………………………..…………………… (Full Name) of I ……………………………………………………..…………………… (Full Name) of …………………………………………………………………..……………………………… (Address) …………………………………………………………………..……………………………… (Address) hereby appoint ……………………………………………..……………………. as my proxy for the Insert Bob Pilkington (President) or full name of another financial member

hereby appoint ……………………………………………..……………………. as my proxy for the Insert Bob Pilkington (President) or full name of another financial Association member Annual General Meeting of Queensland Justices to be held on Saturday November 1, 2008. Annual General Meeting of Queensland Justices Association to be held on Saturday November 1, 2008. Signed……………………………………………. Signed……………………………………………. ……./………/2008 (………………………..) Membership No.

……./………/2008 (………………………..) Return toMembership No. Return to By mail to - QJA, PO Box 8419, Woolloongabba 4102 By PO fax to - 07 3392 2955 By mail to - QJA, Box 8419, Woolloongabba 4102 Or scan and email to – admin@qja.com.au By fax to - 07 3392 2955

Or scan and email to – admin@qja.com.au THIS FORM IS TO REACH THE ABOVE BY NO LATER THAN 10.00am on THURSDAY 30th OCTOBER, 2008. THAN 10.00am on THURSDAY 30th THIS FORM IS TO REACH THE ABOVE BY NO LATER OCTOBER, 2008.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------APPEALS COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM APPEALS COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM To The Chairman QJA Annual Meeting To TheGeneral Chairman Saturday November 1, 2008 QJA Annual General Meeting

Saturday November 1, 2008 I ……………………………………………………..…………………… (Full Name) of I ……………………………………………………..…………………… (Full Name) of …………………………………………………………………..……………………………… (Address) …………………………………………………………………..……………………………… (Address) hereby nominate for the position of Appeals Committee Member for the two year period commencing at the Member for the two year period commencing hereby nominate for the position of Appeals Committee Annual General Meeting of Queensland at the Justices Association to be held on Saturday November 1, 2008. Annual General Meeting of Queensland Justices Association to be held on Saturday November 1, 2008. Signed……………………………………………. Signed……………………………………………. ……./………/2008 (………………………..) Membership No.

……./………/2008 (………………………..) Return toMembership No. Return to By mail to - QJA, PO Box 8419, Woolloongabba 4102 By PO fax to - 07 3392 2955 By mail to - QJA, Box 8419, Woolloongabba 4102 Or scan and email to – admin@qja.com.au By fax to - 07 3392 2955

Or scan and email to – admin@qja.com.au THIS FORM IS TO REACH THE ABOVE BY NO LATER THAN 10.00am on THURSDAY 30th OCTOBER, 2008. THAN 10.00am on THURSDAY 30th THIS FORM IS TO REACH THE ABOVE BY NO LATER OCTOBER, 2008.




The financial statements and notes, as set out on pages 4 to 10 are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001: a.

Comply with Accounting Standards and the Corporations Law; and


Give a true and fair view of the Company’s financial position as at 30 June 2008 and of its performance for the financial year ended on that date.

In the Directors’ opinion there are reasonable grounds to believe the Company will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due and payable. This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Bob Pilkington, Director

Bernice Lippiatt, Director

Dated this 29th day of August 2008 Queensland Justices Association INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 Notes

2008 $ 266,570

2007 $ 238,014

33,044 75,254 134,539

32,207 72,130 113,165

Operating Profit(Loss) before income tax Income Tax Expense

23,733 -

20,512 -

Profit Attributed to Members of the Entity



2008 $

2007 $

200,294 5,535 6,486 212,315

94,850 1,976 5,273 102,099

3,543 3,543

902 902










EQUITY Retained Earnings





2008 $

2007 $



Occupancy Expenses Employment Costs Other Costs

BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2008 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Trade & Other Receivables Inventories TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS

Notes 10(a) 4






TOTAL EQUITY CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 Notes CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from Customers Payments to Suppliers and Employees Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities


Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland


266,570 (156,713) 109,857

163,542 (217,501) (53,959)

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CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities

(4,413) (4,413)

(902) (902)

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net Cash provided by (used in) investing activities


Net increase (decrease) in cash held Cash at the beginning of the year Cash at the end of the year









The above should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY AS AT 30TH JUNE, 2008 2008 Retained Profits

2007 Retained Profits

2006 Retained Profits

Opening Balance




Profit/(Loss) attributable to members




Dividends paid or provided for Closing Balance






Queensland Justices Association NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Group Interpretations, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Corporations Act 2001. The financial report covers the economic entity of Queensland Justices Association. Queensland Justices Association is a company limited by Guarantee. The financial report of Queensland Justices Association complies with all Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS) where necessary. The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the economic entity in the preparation of the financial report. The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated. BASIS OF PREPARTION (a) Reporting Basis and Conventions The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based on historical costs modified by the revaluation of selected non-current assets, financial assets and financial liabilities for which the fair value basis of accounting has been applied. (b) Income Tax The Company is exempted from income tax under section 50-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. (c) Inventories Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and the net realisable value. Costs are assigned on the First In First Out basis. (d) Property, Plant and Equipment Each class of property, plant and equipment is carried at cost or fair value less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation. The carrying amount of property is reviewed annually by Directors to ensure that it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from these assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cash flows which will be received from the assets employment and subsequent disposal. The expected cash flows have not been discounted to their present value in determining recoverable amounts. Depreciation/Amortisation All non-current assets with limited useful lives are depreciated over their estimated useful lives using the diminishing value basis of depreciation.

Continued on Page 16 Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland



Q.J.A. JOURNAL (e) Leases Leases of fixed assets where substantially all risks and benefits incidental to the ownership of the asset, but not its legal ownership, are transferred to the Company are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalized, recording an asset and a liability equal to the present value of the minimum lease payments, including any guaranteed residual values. Leased assets are amortised over the estimated useful life of the asset or the period of the lease, whichever is the shorter, where it is likely the Company will obtain ownership of the asset. Lease payments for operating leases, where substantially all risks and benefits remain with the lessor, are charges as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. Lease incentives under operating leases are recognized as a liability. Lease payments received reduce the liability. (f) Employee Benefits Provision is made for the Company’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefits expected to be settled within one year together with entitlements arising from wages and salaries and annual leave which will be settled after one year, have been measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled, plus related on-costs. Other employee benefits payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits. Contributions are made by the Company to employee superannuation funds and are charged as expense when incurred. (g) Accounts Payable Accounts Payable have been recognized as a liability for the year ended 30 June 2008 at the time when the amount owed can be measured reliably and when it is probable that the account will have to be paid. This is the time of the goods being received or the service being performed. The amount recognized for each creditor is based on purchase or contract costs. The amounts are unsecured and are normally settled within the time limits of normal terms of trade. (h) Cash For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes: Cash on hand and at call deposits with banks or financial institutions, net of any bank overdrafts; and Investments in money market instruments within three months. (i) Members’ Subscriptions Members of the Company are Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations who pay an annual subscription fee. Subscriptions paid in advance are treated as current liabilities. (j) Financial Instruments Recognition Financial instruments are initially measured at cost on trade date, which includes transaction costs, when the related contractual rights or obligations exist. Subsequent to initial recognition these instruments are measured as set out below. Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss A financial asset is classified in this category if acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the short term or if so designated by management and within the requirements of AASB 139: Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments. Derivatives are also categorised as held for trading unless they are designated as hedges. Realised and unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of these assets are included in the income statement in the period in which they arise. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market and are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Held-to-maturity investments These investments have fixed maturities, and it is the company’s intention to hold these investments to maturity. Any held-to-maturity investments held by the company are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets include any financial assets not included in the above categories. Available-for-sale financial assets are reflected at fair value. Unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are taken directly to equity. Financial liabilities Non-derivative financial liabilities are recognised at amortised cost, comprising original debt less principal payments and amortisation. Derivative instruments Derivative instruments are measured at fair value. Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are taken to the income statement unless they are designated as hedges. Fair value Fair value is determined based on current bid prices for all quoted investments. Valuation techniques are applied to determine the fair value for all unlisted securities, including recent arm’s length transactions, reference to similar instruments and options pricing models. Impairment At each reporting date, the company assesses whether there is objective evidence that a financial instrument has been impaired. In the case of available-for-sale financial instruments, a prolonged decline in the value of the instrument is considered to determine whether an impairment has arisen. Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement.


Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

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(k) Impairment of Assets At each reporting date, the company reviews the carrying values of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have been impaired. If such an indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset, being the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to seel and value in use, is compared to the asset’s carrying value. Any excess of the asset’s carrying value over its recoverable amount is expensed to the income statement. Impairment testing is performed annually for goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives. Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the company estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. (l) Revenue Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised upon the delivery of goods to customers. Interest revenue is recognised on a proportional basis taking into account the interest rates applicable to the financial assets. Dividend revenue is recognised when the right to receive a dividend has been established. Dividends received from associates and joint venture entities are accounted for in accordance with the equity method of accounting. Revenue from the rendering of a service is recognised upon the delivery of the service to customers. All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST). (m) Good and Services Tax (GST) Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office. In these circumstances, the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition on the asset or as part of an item of the expense. Receivables and payables in the balance sheet are shown inclusive of GST. Cash flows are presented in the cash flow statement on a gross basis, except for the GST component of investing and financing activities, which are disclosed as operating cash flows. NOTE 2: REVENUE Operating Activities Members’ Subscriptions Sales of Merchandise Sundry Income Training Fees Received

2008 $ 210,781 29,741 21,214 4,834 266,570

2007 $ 200,818 18,224 15,176 3,796 238,014

NOTE 3: PROFIT(LOSS) BEFORE TAX 2008 The profit/(loss) before income tax is arrived at after charging and crediting the following specific items $ $ Charges: Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment 1,772



2008 $ 3,328 2,207 5,535

2007 $ 1,876 100 1,976

2008 $ 5,315 (1,772) 3,543

2007 $ 902 902

Sundry Debtors Security Deposit – Energex Prepayments NOTE 5: PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Office Equipment - at cost Accumulated Depreciation


(a) Movements in carrying amounts: Movements in carrying amounts for each class of property, plant and equipment between the beginning and end of the current financial year. Opening Carrying amount $ Plant and Equipment


NOTE 6: TRADE & OTHER PAYABLES Accounts Payable Subscriptions in advance GST Payable PAYG Withholding Superannuation Payable Employee Entitlements

Additions $ 4,413


Depreciation Expense






Carrying amount at 30 June 2008

3,543 2008 $ 1,645 129,525 10,415 3,046 1,427 4,901

2007 $ 1,303 54,694 2,497 3,319 981 1,706

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland



Q.J.A. JOURNAL Sundry Creditors and Accruals

6,015 156,974

3,350 67,850

NOTE 7: EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE There were no significant events which occurred after the Balance Sheet date. NOTE 8: COMPANY STATUS The Company does not have a share capital as it is a company limited by guarantee. The liability of the members is limited to $1 in the event of the Company being wound up. At the 30th June, 2008 the number of members was 5,432 (2007 = 5,031 members). NOTE 9: RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURE The Directors of the Company during the year were: Bob Pilkington Garry Franke Marian Vierveyzer Raymond Young OAM Doug Hull Val Macaulay (Resigned 03/11/07) Bernice Lippiatt

Roger Kelly Ray Burrows Yvonne Jex David Read (Aptd 03/11/07)

NOTE 10: CASH FLOW INFORMATION (a) Reconciliation of Cash Cash at the end of the year is shown in the statement of financial position as: Bank of Qld – Cheque Account Bank of Qld – Investment Account Petty Cash (b) Reconciliation of Cash Flow from Operating with Profit after Income Tax Profit (Loss) after income tax Non-cash flows in Profit: Depreciation of Fixed Assets Changes in Assets and Liabilities Decrease(increase) in Trade and other Debtors Decrease(increase) in Inventory Increase(decrease) in Trade Creditors and Accruals Increase(decrease) in Employee Provisions Net Cash provided (used) by Operating Activities

2008 $ 58,474 141,642 178 200,294

2007 $ 42,307 52,350 193 94,850

2008 $ 23,733

2007 $ 20,512



(3,559) (1,213) 85,929 3,195 109,857

(1,601) (3,240) (62,880) (6,750) (53,959)

NOTE 11: SEGMENT REPORTING The Company operates in one geographical location, being Queensland. The principal activities of the Company are fostering the education of Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations, to disseminate information to members to assist them to carry out their duties under these positions and to support and protect the status and interests of Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations. NOTE 12: COMPANY DETAILS The Registered Office of the Company is:

Queensland Justices Association, 751 Stanley Street, WOOLLONGABBA QLD 4102


2008 Total Compensation 2007 Total Compensation

Salary & Fees









NOTE 14: AUDITOR’S REMUNERATION Remuneration of the auditor of the entity for: auditing or reviewing the financial report

2008 $

2007 $



NOTE 15: FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (a) Interest rate risk: The Company’s exposure to interest rate risk, which is the risk that a financial instrument’s value will fluctuate as a result of changes in market rates and the effective weighted average interest rates on those financial assets and liabilities, is as follows:


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Weighted Average Effective Interest Rate 2008 % Financial Assets Cash at Bank Deposits at call

0.15 5.86

2007 % 0.15 5.88

Total Financial Assets

Floating Interest Rate

2008 $

2007 $

58,474 141,642

42,307 52,350



(b) Credit Risk The maximum exposure to credit risk, excluding the value of any collateral or other security, at balance date to recognised financial assets is the carrying amount of those assets, net of any provisions for doubtful debts, as disclosed in the statement of financial position and notes to the financial statements. The company does not have any material credit risk exposure to any single debtor or group of debtors under financial instruments entered into by the Company. (c) Net Fair Values The aggregate net fair values and carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities are disclosed in the statement of financial position and in the notes to the financial statements. No financial assets or liabilities are readily traded on organised markets. The net fair values of financial assets & liabilities approximates their carrying value.


Branch Secretaries & Contacts

BEAUDESERT - VALMAI MACAULAY beaudesert@qja.com.au Telephone: 5544 6460 BEAUDESERT - VALMAI MACAULAY



beaudesert@qja.com.au BUNDABERG Telephone: 5544 6460 - DEBRA READ


BARRY TODD IPSWICH - ROBYN ROBERTSON inb@qja.com.au ipswich@qja.com.au Telephone: 3354 1098

proserpine@qja.com.au REDLAND Telephone: 4947 5187 CITY - RAY


IPSWICH - ROBYN ROBERTSON ipswich@qja.com.au LOGANHOLME - ]OHN BAILEY Telephone: 0416 065 888 loganholme@qja.com.au


LOGANHOLME - ]OHN BAILEY loganholme@qja.com.au LOGAN WEST - KEITH REVELL Telephone: 3287 1516 loganwest@qja.com.au


LOGAN WEST - KEITH REVELL loganwest@qja.com.au MACKAY – STATE OFFICE Telephone: 3803 4337 mackay@qja.com.au

Telephone: 4152 3318 BUNDABERG - DEBRA READ Bundaberg@qja.com.au Telephone: 4152 -3318 CAIRNS YVONNE JEX CAIRNS - YVONNE JEX9070 Telephone: 4057 cairns@qja.com.au Telephone: 4057 9070 – IRENE WHITE CALOUNDRA CALOUNDRA – IRENE WHITE Telephone: 5439 7387 caloundra@qja.com.au Telephone: 5439 LAKE 7387 - ROGER KELLY FOREST FOREST LAKE - ROGER KELLY Telephone: 0430 028 601 forestlake@qja.com.au Telephone: 0430 028 601 GLADSTONE – JUDITH

ROWARTH GLADSTONE – JUDITH ROWARTH gladstone@qja.com.au gladstone@qja.com.au Telephone 4979 4448 Telephone 4979 4448

GOLD COAST - MARIA GOLD COAST - MARIA ROSSEEUW ROSSEEUW goldcoast@qja.com.au goldcoast@qja.com.au Telephone: 5526 3481 Telephone: 5526 3481

Telephone: 0416 065 888

ROCKHAMPTON - JANE COMOLLATTI COMOLLATTI rockhampton@qja.com.au rockhampton@qja.com.au Telephone: 4926 16594926 1659 Telephone:

Telephone: 3803 4337

SOUTHSOUTH PINE - PHYLLIS HALL PINE - PHYLLIS HALL southpine@qja.com.au southpine@qja.com.au Telephone: 3264 44363264 4436 Telephone:

Telephone: 1800 061 423

MACKAY – STATE OFFICE mackay@qja.com.au MAROOCHYDORE - ]UELL Telephone: 1800 061 423

TOOWOOMBA - RUTH ROCHE TOOWOOMBA - RUTH ROCHE toowoomba@qja.com.au toowoomba@qja.com.au Telephone: 4635 6727

Telephone: 4635 6727

BOOTH maroochydore@qja.com.au MAROOCHYDORE - ]UELL BOOTH Telephone: 5445 6825

TOWNSVILLE - GRAHAM TODD TOWNSVILLE - GRAHAM TODD townsville@qja.com.au townsville@qja.com.au Telephone: 4773 2614

MT ISA - MEGAN HOUSDEN MT mtisa@qja.com.au ISA - MEGAN HOUSDEN Telephone: 4749 0623 mtisa@qja.com.au


maroochydore@qja.com.au Telephone: 5445 6825

Telephone: 4749 0623

NOOSA - MARGARET LEWINS NOOSA - MARGARET LEWINS noosa@qja.com.au noosa@qja.com.au Telephone: 5471 0617

HERVEY BAY - RON JUST HERVEY BAY - RON JUST herveybay@qja.com.au herveybay@qja.com.au Telephone: 4128 3628

PACIFIC PlNES - PEARL DRIVER PACIFIC PlNES - PEARL DRIVER pacificpines@qja.com.au pacificpines@qja.com.au Telephone: 5502 7031 (A/hrs)

Telephone: 4128 3628


Telephone: 3287 1516

GYMPIE – JOCK YDE GYMPIE – JOCK YDE gympie@qja.com.au gympie@qja.com.au Telephone 54826212

Telephone 54826212


redlandcity@qja.com.au REDLAND CITY - RAY BURROWS redlandcity@qja.com.au Telephone: 3822 1366 Telephone: 3822 1366

Telephone: 5471 0617

Telephone: 5502 7031 (A/hrs)

We encourage you to contact the Branch nearest you.

Telephone: 4773 2614


WYNNUM MANLY -3279 DON0185 HANN Telephone: wynnummanly@qja.com.au Telephone: 3390 4278 MANLY - DON HANN WYNNUM

wynnummanly@qja.com.au Telephone: 3390 4278

contact We encourage you to u. the Branch nearest yo Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland





The directors have prepared this report for the for the company’s financial year ending 30th June, 2008

2. DIRECTORS The Directors of the Company during the year were: Bob Pilkington Bernice Lippiatt Doug Hull Garry Franke Raymond Young OAM Roger Kelly Marian Vierveyzer Ray Burrows Yvonne Jex David Read (Appointed 3/11/07) Valmai Macaulay (Resigned 3/11/07) The Directors have been in office since the start of the financial year unless otherwise stated. 3. OPERATING RESULT The operating surplus of the company for the 2007/08 financial year was $23 733. 4. REVIEW OF OPERATIONS A review of operations of the company during the financial year is as follows Membership The company continued to provide professional services to members. At the 30th June, 2008 the number of members was 5432 (2006 = 5031 members). Branches The Association continues to oversee the operation of 24 affiliate branches across the state. These provide ongoing support for JP’s to manage their needs on a local basis. Training The association continues to provide training for Justices of the Peace in locations throughout Queensland. This training is operated by local branches, who share revenue with the State Office. Signing Facilities The company continues to support the establishment of signing facilities, whereby JP’s work voluntarily in local shopping centres and libraries providing JP Services on a voluntary basis. QJA Journal The Company continues to print and distribute to members a quarterly journal which provides professional updates and items of interest to members. 5. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE STATE OF AFFAIRS There have been no significant changes in the state of affairs during the financial year. 6. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS Membership of the association is growing and further positive developments are expected in this area. The association sees the training and professional development of members as important and increasing this training is seen as a critical way of moving the Association forward. 7. DIVIDENDS The company does not have any share capital, as it is a company limited by guarantee and therefore does not pay dividends.


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VO LU M E 5 • N U M B E R 3 • S P R I N G 2 0 0 8 8. OPTIONS 8. options OPTIONS No have been issued by the company. No options have been issued by the company. 9. INDEMNIFYING OFFICER OR AUDITOR 9. indemnities INDEMNIFYING OFFICER OR AUDITOR No have been given or agreed to be given or insurance premiums paid or agreed to be paid, during or No indemnities been givenfinancial or agreedyear to be or insurance paid ororagreed toof bethe paid, during or since the end of have the company’s to given any person who haspremiums been an officer auditor company. since the end of the company’s financial year to any person who has been an officer or auditor of the company. 10. PROCEEDINGS ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY 10. person PROCEEDINGS ONleave BEHALF OF No has applied for of court toTHE bringCOMPANY proceedings on behalf of the company or intervene in any No person has forcompany leave of court to bring proceedings behalfresponsibility of the company or intervene any proceedings to applied which the is a party for the purpose ofontaking on behalf of the in company for all proceedings which the company is a party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the company for all or any part oftothose proceedings. or any part of those proceedings. 11. DIRECTORS PARTICULARS 11. DIRECTORS None of the directorsPARTICULARS had any particular qualifications, experience or special responsibilities that are required to be None of the directors had any particular qualifications, experience or special responsibilities that are required to be disclosed. disclosed. 12. MEETINGS RECORDS 12.Directors MEETINGS RECORDS 11 Meetings were held during the financial year. Attendances were as follows 11 Directors Meetings were held during the financial year. Attendances were as follows Total Possible Total Attended Total 11 Possible Total Attended Bob Pilkington 11 Bob Pilkington 11 11 Garry Franke 9 Garry 11 98 BerniceFranke Lippiatt Bernice Lippiatt 11 8 Doug Hull 10 Doug Hull 11 10 Raymond Young OAM 11 Raymond Young OAM 11 11 Roger Kelly 8 Roger Kelly 11 8 Marian Vierveyzer 10 Marian Macaulay Vierveyzer(resigned 3/11/07) 11 10 Valmai 4 4 Valmai Macaulay (resigned 3/11/07) 4 Ray Burrows 11 94 Ray Burrows 9 Yvonne Jex 11 YvonneRead Jex (Appointed 3/11/07) 11 David 7 79 David Read (Appointed 3/11/07) 7 7 Signed in accordance with a resolution of the board of Directors Signed in accordance with a resolution of the board of Directors

Bob Pilkington Bob Pilkington Director Director

Bernice Lippiatt Bernice DirectorLippiatt Director



become of ‘refusing bail’. I recorded I received a call from police asking me to witness an Objection to the Bailrealm application. I have never been the details I received a call from asking me to witness an Objection toregister Bail application. I have never been asked to complete onepolice of these. I perused the JP Manual but only found reference to bailTo applications in my as an affidavit. be on the safe side, I asked to complete of these. JP Manual only found reference to bail applications before two Justicesone of the Peace Iinperused a court the situation. Uponbut reading the police paperwork, I read it as took photocopies. Is this a reasonable course aof action or before two Justices thewith Peace in a court situation. Upon comprising reading the of police paperwork, it as ait sworn Objection to of Bail a sworn Annexe ‘A’ affidavit the facts in issue.I read As I read iscomprising there something I should haveAs done? sworn Objection to Bail withaffidavits a sworn Annexe ‘A’ affidavit of theelse facts issue. readnot it simply as simply two sworn and no actual order or warrant requiring myinapproval, itI did simply as simply sworn affidavits no actual order or requiring my approval, didthe not become the realmtwo of ‘refusing bail’. I and recorded the details in warrant my register as an affidavit. To beiton (A.1) The full title of the document is Affidavit for Objection to become realm of ‘refusingIsbail’. recorded the details my register as an affidavit.else ToIbe on thehave safe side,the I took photocopies. this aI reasonable course of in action or is there something should Bail. TheorJP witnesses the document the same way as an safe side, I took photocopies. Is this a reasonable course of action is there something else I should have done? affidavit. As to keeping a copy this could be seen as a breach done? (Q.1) I received calltitle from police askingisme to witness an (A.1) Thea full of the document Affidavit for Objection to Bail. The JP witnesses the document the same way of privacy. The JP is only witnessing the signature under Objection Bail application. I have isnever to seen to (A.1) The title of the document for Objection TheofJPprivacy. witnesses theJPdocument the same way asto anfull affidavit. As to keeping a Affidavit copybeen this asked could be as Bail. a breach The is only witnessing the oath. as an affidavit. As to keeping a copy this could be seen as a breach of privacy. The JP is only witnessing the signature under oath. complete one of these. I perused the JP Manual but only signature under oath. (Q.2) Why would a solicitor send land title documents to be found reference to bail applications before two Justices of (Q.2) Why would a solicitor send land title documents to be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or a witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or a Commission for the PeaceWhy in awould court asituation. Upon reading thecan police (Q.2) solicitor send land titlethey documents be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or a Commission for Declarations when do ittothemselves? Declarations when they can do it themselves? Commission fora Declarations when paperwork, I read it as sworn Objection to they Bail can withdoa it themselves? (A.2) As the‘A’ solicitor hascomprising been involved in facts preparing the documents, it would be seen as a conflict of interest to sworn Annexe affidavit of the in issue. (A.2) As the solicitor has been involved in preparing the documents, (A.2) As the solicitor been involved in preparing the documents, it would be seen as a conflict of interest to witness the samehas document. As I read it simply as simply two sworn affidavits and no it would be seen as a conflict of interest to witness the same witness the same document. actual order or warrant requiring my approval, it did not document.

Members Questions & Answers

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland





Members Questions & Answers Continued (Q.3) There has been a lot of talk in the media about Justices’ Examination Orders and where criticism has been levelled at JPs’ for not making correct decisions. Is there a criteria that JPs’ could follow to help in this area? (A.3) There is a criteria available and can be found under the Mental Health Act of 2000, s 10 34 s 12, Part 4, Division 2, Key Definitions. 12 What is mental illness Mental illness is a condition characterised by a clinically significant disturbance of thought, mood, perception or memory. (2) However, a person must not be considered to have a mental illness merely because of any or more of the following (a) the person holds or refuses to hold a particular religious, cultural, philosophical or political belief or opinion; (b) the person is a member of a particular racial group; (c) the person has a particular economic or social status; (d) the person has a particular sexual preference or sexual orientation; (e) the person engages in. sexual promiscuity; (f ) the person engages in immoral or indecent conduct; (g) the person takes drugs or alcohol; (h) the person has an intellectual disability; (i) the person engages in antisocial behaviour or illegal behaviour; (j) the person is or has been involved in family conflict; (k) the person has previously been treated for mental illness or been subject to involuntary assessment or treatment. (3) Subsection (2) does not prevent a person mentioned in the subsection having a mental illness. Examples for subsection (3) 1 A person may have a mental illness caused by taking drugs or alcohol. 2 A person may have a mental illness as well as an intellectual disability. (4) On an assessment, a decision that a person has a mental illness must be made in accordance with internationally accepted medical standards. 13 What are the assessment criteria (1) The assessment criteria for a person, are all of the following, based on available information (a) the person appears to have a mental illness; (b) the person requires immediate assessment; (c) the assessment can properly be made at an authorised mental health service; (d) there is a risk that the person may (i) cause harm to himself or herself or someone else; or (ii) suffer serious mental or physical deterioration; (e) there is no less restrictive way of ensuring the person is assessed. (2) Also, for chapter 2, the assessment criteria for a person include (a) lacking the capacity to consent to be assessed; or (b) having unreasonably refused to be assessed. 22

Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

(Q.4) I have been approached by various people who have received a letter from a foreign country asking them to prove that they are still alive and eligible to receive a pension from that country. As this an international document I have been advising them to find a notary public or the embassy in question. Is there a way that the average JP could help these people? (A.4) The Justice Department has advised that they simply have the person make a declaration on a Statutory Declaration containing the following Statement: “I am still alive on this date ............../.............../ 200............ and That the contents of the attached documents are true and correct. ( Marked “A”). On the original document the following statement is written: These are the particulars marked “A” Referred to in the annexed DECLARATION of .................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... Declared before me at..................................................................... This ............ /....................../200........ ....................................................................................................... Justice of the Peace

17 High Street Redcliffe PO Box 3029 Clontarf M.D.C. Queensland 4019

Phone: (07) 3283 0100 Fax: (07) 3284 1477

www.jtpress.com.au Email: zoe@jtpress.com.au Mobile: 0411 709 546

Dedicated to


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Qty Req Cost

Membership Pin Description

Red Ink for Membership PinStamp Pad ToteStamp Bags Pad RedQJA Ink for Rubber Name/JP Type QJAStamp Tote Bags Stamp Self Name/JP Inking Name/JP Type Stamp Rubber Type Stamp CertifiedType Copy with Name/JP Type Stamp Self Rubber Inking Name/JP Stamp Self Certified Inking Certified Copy with Name Stamp Rubber Copy with Name/JP Type /JP Type Replacement Card Photo Stamp Self InkingMembership Certified Copy withNo Name /JP Type Replacement Membership With Photo Replacement Membership Card Card No Photo

Stamp SelfMembership Inking – Self Conversion of Seal of Office Replacement Card With Photo CarSelf Sticker C.Dec Stamp Inking – Self Conversion of Seal of Office Sticker JP(Qual) Car Car Sticker C.Dec Car Coffee Sticker Mug JP(Qual)

Qty Req


$8.50 $6.50 $4.50 $7.50 $27.00 $4.00 $38.50 $25.00 $27.00 $37.50 $38.50 $25.00 $6.60 $37.50 $12.50 $6.60 $27.00 $12.50 $0.80 $25.00 $0.80 $0.75 $8.00 $0.75 $2.00 $7.50 $16.00 $2.00 $16.00 $16.00 $6.00 $16.00 $15.00 $1.00 $30.00 $6.00 $39.50 $9.50 $30.00 $19.50 $27.00 $30.00 $38.50 $35.00 $109.00 $30.00 $15.50 $25.00 $7.80 $37.50 $6.00 $99.00 $1.00 $14.90 $27.00 $7.40 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00

Scribble Coffee Mug Pads

Magnetic Name Badge (white background + crest) Magnetic Name Badge (blue background + crest) Magnetic Name Badge (white background + crest) Deluxe Pen Magnetic Name Badge (blue background + crest) QJA Cap QJA Pen Mens Polo No Pocket (Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL,4XL) Deluxe Pen Mens Polo With Pocket (Limited Stock) Fabric Pocket Badge Ladies Polo (Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20) QJA Cap Rubber Stamp Custom Made Mens Polo No Pocket (Sizes S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL,4XL) Self Inking Stamp Custom Made Mens Polo With Pocket (Out of Stock) Wall Plaque – Embroidered (Includes Postage) Ladies Polo (Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20) JP(Qual) Manual Rubber Stamp Custom Made C.Dec Manual Self Inking Stamp Custom Made Log Book Wall Plaque - Embroidered QJA Pen JP(Qual) Manual QJA Tie C.Dec Manual QJA Lanyard with plastic card holder Scribble Pads


JP(Qual) Log Book

Postage Stickers & Fabric Badge $0.50, Stamps $4.50 each QJA24 C.Dec Log Book Other Small Items $3.00, Large or Heavy Items $8.00 Postage Stickers & Fabric Badge $0.50, Stamps $4.50 each Two or More Heavy Items $10.00Items per order Other Small Large Items or $3.00, Large or Heavy $8.00

Total Cost Total Cost

Two or More Large or Heavy Items $10.00 per order TOTAL $ TOTAL $


If ordering a polo shirt please indicate size(s):

Delivery details and payment information Name: Postal Address: Town / Suburb:



QJA Membership No: Please circle how you will pay – Credit Card – Cheque/Money Order Credit Card payment details – Visa & Mastercard only (AMEX and DINERS are not accepted) Card Number:




Expiry Date:


Name on card: Signature:

Post Box 8419, 8419,Woolloongabba, Woolloongabba,Q,Q,4102 4102 Postto toThe TheRegistrar, Registrar,QJA, QJA, PO PO Box or fax to (07) 3392 phone (07) 3392or2455 (1800 061 423) for more information or 2955 fax toor(07) 3392 2955 email admin@qja.com.au Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland




Want Wantto tobecome becomeaaaMarriage Marriage Marriage Celebrant? ge Celebrant? Want to become Marria Celebrant? QJA QJA QJA Members Members Members receive receive receive 5% 5% 5% discount. discount. discount. Funeral, Funeral, Funeral, Naming, Naming, Naming, Renewal Renewal Renewal ofof of Vows ofVows Vows Vows &&& Commitment &Commitment Commitment Commitment courses courses courses also also also available. available. available. QJA Members receive 5% discount. Funeral, Naming, Renewal courses also available. QJA Members receive 5% discount. Funeral, Naming, Renewal of Vows & Commitment courses also available. Ever Ever Ever wanted wanted wanted toto to know toknow know know how how how toto to become tobecome become become a aMarriage a Marriage Marriage Ever wanted how Ever wanted to know how to become aaMarriage Marriage Celebrant Celebrant Celebrant inin in Australia? inAustralia? Australia? Australia? Would Would Would you you you like like like toto to try totry try try somesomesomeCelebrant Would you like someCelebrant in Australia? Would you like to try something thing thing different different different and and and provide provide provide a avaluable a valuable valuable service service service toto to atoaa thing different and provide service thing different and provide aavaluable valuable service to aa range range range of of people? of people? people? The The The Attorney-General's Attorney-General's Attorney-General's Department Department Department range of people? The Attorney-General's Department range of people? The Attorney-General's Department isisis responsible isresponsible responsible responsible forfor for for the the the administration administration administration ofof of the ofthe the the CommonCommonCommonthe administration Commonis responsible for the administration of the Commonwealth wealth wealth Marriage Marriage Marriage Act Act Act 1961. 1961. 1961. The The The Marriage Marriage Marriage Celebrants Celebrants Celebrants wealth Marriage Act 1961. The Marriage Celebrants wealth Marriage Act 1961. The Marriage Celebrants Program Program Program was was was established established established inin in 1973. in1973. 1973. 1973. It Itenables It enables enables the the the apapapProgram was established the apProgram was established in 1973. ItItenables enables the appointment pointment pointment of of suitably of suitably suitably qualified qualified qualified people people people to to perform to perform perform marmarmarpointment of suitably qualified people to perform marpointment of suitably qualified people to perform marriages, riages, riages, providing providing providing couples couples couples with with with a ameaningful aameaningful meaningful meaningful alternaalternaalternariages, providing couples with alternariages, providing couples with a meaningful alternative tive tive toto to Registry toRegistry Registry Registry Office Office Office and and and mainstream mainstream mainstream church church church wedwedwedtive Office and mainstream church wedtive to Registry Office and mainstream church weddings. dings. dings. The The The Department Department Department also also also authorises authorises authorises Marriage Marriage Marriage dings. The Department also authorises Marriage dings. The Department also authorises Marriage Celebrants Celebrants Celebrants who who who dodo do do not not not belong belong belong toto to atoarecognised a recognised recognised dededeCelebrants who not belong deCelebrants who do not belong to aarecognised recognised denomination. nomination. nomination. nomination. nomination. Once Once Once appointed, appointed, appointed, Marriage Marriage Marriage Celebrants Celebrants Celebrants can can can perform perform perform Once appointed, Marriage Celebrants can perform Once appointed, Marriage Celebrants can perform ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies inin in any inany any any state state state ofof of Australia. ofAustralia. Australia. Australia. One One One requirerequirerequireceremonies state One requireceremonies in any state of Australia. One requirement ment ment toto to be tobe be be considered considered considered asas as as a aMarriage aaMarriage Marriage Marriage Celebrant Celebrant Celebrant inin inin ment considered Celebrant ment to be considered as a Marriage Celebrant in Australia, Australia, Australia, isisis for isfor for for a acandidate a candidate candidate toto to have tohave have have successfully successfully successfully Australia, successfully Australia, is for aacandidate candidate to have successfully completed completed completed nationally nationally nationally recognised recognised recognised training training training for for for the the the completed nationally recognised training for the completed nationally recognised training for the course course course unit unit unit CHCMCEL401A CHCMCEL401A CHCMCEL401A (Plan, (Plan, (Plan, conduct conduct conduct and and and course unit CHCMCEL401A (Plan, conduct and course unit CHCMCEL401A (Plan, conduct and review review review a marriage a a marriage marriage ceremony). ceremony). ceremony). The The The Academy Academy Academy of of review a marriage ceremony). The Academy of review a marriage ceremony). The Academy ofof Celebrancy Celebrancy Celebrancy Australia Australia Australia provides provides provides the the the necessary necessary necessary nationnationnationCelebrancy Australia provides the necessary nationCelebrancy Australia provides the necessary nationally ally ally recognised recognised recognised course course course and and and Statement Statement Statement ofof of Attainment ofAttainment Attainment Attainment ally recognised course and Statement ally recognised course and Statement of Attainment onon on on completion completion completion that that that isisis is aisarequirement aarequirement requirement requirement byby by the bythe the the AttorneyAttorneyAttorneycompletion that Attorneyon completion that a requirement by the AttorneyGeneral’s General’s General’s department department department inin in considering inconsidering considering considering registration registration registration ofof of General’s department registration General’s department in considering registration ofof anan an an aspiring aspiring aspiring Marriage Marriage Marriage Celebrant. Celebrant. Celebrant. The The The Academy Academy Academy of of of aspiring Marriage Celebrant. The Academy of an aspiring Marriage Celebrant. The Academy of Celebrancy Celebrancy Celebrancy Australia Australia Australia believes believes believes inin in ethical, inethical, ethical, ethical, skilful skilful skilful and and and Celebrancy Australia believes skilful and Celebrancy Australia believes in ethical, skilful and compassionate compassionate compassionate Marriage Marriage Marriage Celebrants. Celebrants. Celebrants. compassionate Marriage Celebrants. compassionate Marriage Celebrants.

Complete Complete Complete the the the mandatory mandatory mandatory training training training atat at at home home home inin inin Complete the mandatory training home Complete the mandatory training at home in your your your own own own time time time for for for just just just $435. $435. $435. your own time for just $435. your own time for just $435. Alternatively Alternatively Alternatively attend attend the the the next next next Brisbane Brisbane Brisbane oror or or Gold Gold Gold Alternatively attend the next Brisbane Gold Alternativelyattend attend the next Brisbane or Gold Coast Coast Coast class class class for for for just just just $880 $880 $880 ($250 ($250 ($250 to to to enrol, enrol, enrol, the the the Coast Coast class class for for just just $880 $880 ($250 ($250 to to enrol, enrol, the the rest rest rest prior prior prior toto to to beginning). beginning). beginning). Our Our Our courses courses courses run run run for for for 555 rest prior beginning). Our courses run for rest prior to beginning). Our courses run for 55 days days days on on on weekends. weekends. weekends. Funeral Funeral Funeral &&& && Naming Naming Naming courses courses courses days on weekends. Funeral Naming courses days on weekends. Funeral Naming courses also also also available. available. available. QJA QJA QJA members members members get get get 5% 5% 5% discount. discount. discount. also also available. available. QJA QJA members members get get 5% 5% discount. discount. HOW HOW HOW TO TO TO ENROL ENROL ENROL HOW TO ENROL HOW TO ENROL

This This This course course course can can can bebe be be completed completed completed byby by by distance distance distance education education education This course can completed distance education This course can be completed by distance education for for for just just just $435.00 $435.00 $435.00 atat at your atyour your your own own own pace pace pace and and and inin in the inthe the the comcomcomfor just $435.00 own pace and comfor just $435.00 at your own pace and in the comfort fort fort ofof of your ofyour your your own own own home home home oror or in orin in aina5 aa5day 55day day day class class class program. program. program. fort own home class program. fort of your own home or in a 5 day class program. We We We believe believe believe education education education should should should bebe be be available available available toto to all toall all at allat at aataa We believe education should available We believe education should be available to all at aa fair fair fair price, price, price, and and and that that that assisting assisting assisting extremely extremely extremely high high high quality quality quality fair price, and that assisting extremely high quality fair price, and that assisting extremely high quality celebrant’s celebrant’s celebrant’s from from from becoming becoming becoming skilled skilled skilled and and and practicing practicing practicing inin inin celebrant’s from becoming skilled and practicing celebrant’s from becoming skilled and practicing in our our our community community community should should should not not not be be be a aa costly acostly costly costly exercise. exercise. exercise. our community should not be exercise. our community should not be a costly exercise. Please Please Please note: note: note: Completing Completing Completing the the the required required required course course course does does does Please note: Completing the required course does Please note: Completing the required course does not not not guarantee guarantee guarantee automatic automatic automatic acceptance acceptance acceptance asas as a asaMarriage a Marriage Marriage not guarantee automatic acceptance not guarantee automatic acceptance as aaMarriage Marriage Celebrant. Celebrant. Celebrant. There There There are are are some some some other other other requirements requirements requirements (see (see (see Celebrant. There are some other requirements (see Celebrant. There are some other requirements (see http://www.celebrancy.edu.au/mcp.asp) http://www.celebrancy.edu.au/mcp.asp) http://www.celebrancy.edu.au/mcp.asp) set set set byby by by the the the http://www.celebrancy.edu.au/mcp.asp) set the http://www.celebrancy.edu.au/mcp.asp) set by the Attorney-General’s Attorney-General’s Attorney-General’s Marriage Marriage Marriage Celebrants Celebrants Celebrants Section Section Section Attorney-General’s Marriage Celebrants Section Attorney-General’s Marriage Celebrants Section which which which are are are covered covered covered inin in the inthe the the course, course, course, and and and some some some areas areas areas which are covered course, and some areas which are covered in the course, and some areas have have have waiting waiting waiting lists lists lists of of up of up up to to 2007/2008. to 2007/2008. 2007/2008. Visit Visit Visit have waiting lists of up to 2007/2008. Visit have waiting lists of up to 2007/2008. Visit www.celebrancy.edu.au www.celebrancy.edu.au www.celebrancy.edu.au for for for more more more details. details. details. www.celebrancy.edu.au for more details. www.celebrancy.edu.au for more details.


Date Date Date ofof of Birth: ofBirth: Birth: Birth: Name: Name: 1:1: 1: By 1:By By By completing completing completing this this this enrolenrolenrol-Name: Date Name: completing this enrolDate of Birth: Name: 1: By completing this enrolment ment ment form, form, form, and and and faxing faxing faxing toto toto ment form, and faxing ment form, and faxing to Address: Address: 1800 1800 1800 079 079 079 983 983 983 oror or by orby by mail. bymail. mail. mail. Address: Address: 1800 079 983 Address: 1800 079 983 or by mail. Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: Suburb: State: State: State: Postcode: Postcode: Postcode: Suburb: State: Postcode: State: Postcode: atat oror or 2: or2: 2: Securely 2:Securely Securely Securely online, online, nonline, line,atatat oonline, or 2: Securely AH: AH: AH: Mobile: Mobile: Mobile: Phone Phone Phone BH: BH: BH: AH: Mobile: Phone BH: www.celebrancy.edu.au www.celebrancy.edu.au www.celebrancy.edu.au www.celebranc y.edu.au AH: Mobile: Phone BH: www.celebrancy.edu.au Email: Email: Email: Sex Sex Sex M/F: M/F: M/F: Email: Sex M/F: Sex M/F: oror or 3: or3: 3: By 3:By By By calling calling calling us. us. us. We We We also also also Email: calling us. We also or 3: By calling us. We also have have have extended extended extended hours! hours! hours! have Course: Course: Course: CHCMCEL401A CHCMCEL401A CHCMCEL401A bybby Distance Distance oror or or Classroom Classroom Classroom ) ))) ) haveextended extendedhours! hours! Course: CHCMCEL401A Distance Classroom y(by((( ( Distance Course: CHCMCEL401A by Distance or Classroom Payment Payment Payment Visa/Mastercard Visa/Mastercard Visa/Mastercard (preferred (preferred (preferred forfor for for instant instant instant enrolment) enrolment) enrolment) oror or Payment Visa/Mastercard (preferred instant enrolment) Payment Visa/Mastercard (preferred for instant enrolment) oror Phone: Phone: Phone: 1800 1800 1800 079 079 079 801 801 801 Method: Phone: 1800 079 801 Phone: 1800 079 801 Method: Method: Method: Cheque Cheque Cheque sent sent sent to to National to National National Office Office Office or or or Method: Cheque sent to National Office or Cheque sent to National Office or Fax: Fax: Fax: 1800 1800 1800 079 079 079 983 983 983 Fax: 1800 079 983 Fax: 1800 079 983 Direct Direct Direct Deposit Deposit Deposit into into ANZ ANZ ANZ BANK BANK BANK 013433 013433 013433 496851174 496851174 496851174 Direct De into ANZ BANK 013433 496851174 positinto Direct Deposit into ANZ BANK 013433 496851174 Address: Address: Address: PO PO PO BOX BOX BOX 368 368 368 Address: PO BOX 368 Address: PO BOX 368 Flinders Flinders Flinders Lane Lane Lane VIC VIC VIC 8009 8009 8009 Flinders FlindersLane LaneVIC VIC8009 8009


Serving JPs and C.decs Throughout Queensland

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