Vol 8 no 2 winter 11

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VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • wiNtER 2011





BOARD OF DIRECTORS Contact Information

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Official Magazine of the Queensland Justices Association

international Women’s Day 2011 The QJA held its inaugural International Women’s Day luncheon on Tuesday, March 8TH 2011. The day was an overwhelming success and sold out four days beforehand.


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The Board has embarked on a program of expansion in regional areas to extend our Regional Network of Branches and Contact Groups. Several areas will be visited in coming months to meet with local QJA Members and JPs who are interested in coming together to form a Branch or Contact Group.


We are excited to advise that expressions of interest from local QJA Members has resulted in a number of new Branches being formed.



Regional Network Expands




A full report and more photos are available in this Journal.

REGIONAL CONTACTS Helpful Phone Numbers

This has expanded our regional network to 29 locations with plans underway for further locations. If you are interested, or know someone locally who may be interested in exploring the opportunity to form a local Branch or Contact Group with other like-minded JPs, then please drop us a line and one of our Directors would be happy to discuss the opportunities and pay your local area a visit for discussions.

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918


Our Patron The Hon Paul de Jersey, AC, Chief Justice of Queensland

Board of Directors


Telephone (07) 3822 1366 Mobile 0409 499 016 Email ray.burrows@qja.com.au

VICE PRESIDENTS Mr Bob Pilkington JP (Qual) Immediate Past President

Telephone (07) 3812 1865 Mobile 0438 121 865 Email bob.pilkington@qja.com.au

Mrs Marian Vierveyzer JP (Qual)

Telephone (07) 3389 2481 Mobile 0415 418 320 Email marian.vierveyzer@qja.com.au

Mr Raymond Young OAM JP (Qual) Telephone (07) 4927 4155 Mobile 0405 624 648 Email ray.young@qja.com.au

DIRECTORS Mr John Gordon JP (Qual) Mobile: 0415 589 047 Email: john.gordon@qja.com.au

Mr David Read JP (Qual) Telephone: (07) 4152 3318 (AH) Mobile: 0405 252 135 Email: dave.read@qja.com.au

Mr Keith Revell JP (Qual) Telephone: (07) 3803 4337 Mobile: 0411 134 841 Email: keith.revell@qja.com.au

Dr Tony Sahama JP (Qual) Mobile: 0412 453 433 Email: tony.sahama@qja.com.au

Mr Doug Hull JP (Qual) Telephone: (07) 4128 0294 Email: doug.hull@qja.com.au

Mr Christopher Porter JP(Qual) Mobile: 0419 148 189 Email: chris.porter@qja.com.au

QUEENSLAND JUSTICES ASSOCIATION - ACN 009 666 559 The Queensland Justices Association (QJA) is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee operating under the Corporations Act 2001 and is governed by a Board of Directors. Registered Office: Postal Address: Office Hours: Contact: Email: Website: Facebook: Registrar:

751 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102. PO Box 8419, Woolloongabba, Qld 4102 Monday – Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm Free call: 1800 061 423 - Telephone: (07) 3392 2455 - Facsimile: (07) 3392 2955 admin@qja.com.au www.qja.com.au www.facebook.com/QldJusticesAssn Angela Yin BA (Journalism), GradDipSocAdmin, MHumanServ, Cert IV TAA, JP (Qual)

The QJA Journal is compiled by an Editorial Board on behalf of the QJA.


Editor Mr Keith Revell

The views expressed in articles & advertisements published in the QJA Journal are not necessarily the views of the Queensland Justices Association or the Board of Directors.© Queensland Justices Association claims copyright to all material published in this Journal. No material may be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the QJA. All enquiries should be addressed to The Editor at editor@qja.com.au Printed by Zink Group, 48 Butterfly Drive, Kallangur. Phone 0437 777 079


Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • winter 2011

President’s Report Dear Colleagues, Again it has been a very busy period for the Board of Directors with new branches being established in Cairns/Mulgrave and Caboolture. The proposed Caboolture Regional Branch have already negotiated a mentoring session with the Caboolture Magistrates Court for JPs and C.Decs who wish to improve their skills. The South Burnett and Gympie Branches will have meetings in the coming month/s to plan future directions. A new Signing Centre was established at Rosewood on April 6, at the Rosewood Community Centre.

To ensure that QJA Trainers are up to date with course delivery, a workshop was conducted at State Office on Saturday March 26, with 16 trainers in attendance. Mr Dimitri Glianos, Deputy Registrar, JP Branch attended and explained the rationale behind the compulsory examination questions for aspiring Justices of the Peace. To ensure that trainers are qualified to deliver the training, a number of trainers will be upgrading qualifications to the TAE40101 Certificate IV in Assessment and Training before the cut-off date of July 2012.

The Logan Refresher Day was held on Saturday May 21 with further workshops being planned for Rosewood, Bundaberg and Rockhampton. The membership of the QJA is steadily growing and if members living in areas not covered by a branch are interested in seeing one being formed, please let the Registrar at State Office know and the request will be considered.

Members may have noticed changes occurring with the QJA Website with the addition of the Members Page on which a number of professional development presentations and a new face book page have been added. Work is under way as well to further stream line the electronic operation of the office.

The development of the new Constitution and Branch By-Laws are well underway and it is anticipated that they will be available for perusal and comment prior to the Annual General Meeting in November. Election of the Board of Directors will also occur in November the Nomination form is available later in this Journal. Branches should be advised that the current course 39215Qld will run out of accreditation on July 25, 2011. The JP Branch, Department of Justice and Attorney General have developed a new course 30942QLD Course in Community Services [Commissioners for Declarations and Justices of the Peace (Qualified)], which was accredited on February 2, 2011. Branches have been advised that the old course is still relevant and may be offered in time for students to sit for the exam to be held on July 28. The future of Commissioners for Declarations and Justices of the Peace (Qualified) will be discussed at the next quarterly meeting with the JP Branch on Monday May 30.

There is still a lot of work to be done in growing the Association and to provide needs-based, comprehensive services to members. Thank you to all the people who responded to the Member Satisfaction Survey in the Autumn 2011 Journal. We will collate the results and publish them in the next Journal. We would like to thank the Jupiters Casino Fund for funding a significant office upgrade, which included a new photocopier, membership card printer and telephone system. Also thanks to those who supported our application – Hall Payne, Heritage Building Society and the Premier Anna Bligh, Member for South Brisbane.

Ray Burrows


News in Brief Change of Address

State Conference 2011 - Noosa

Given that the QJA contracts out the addressing, enveloping and posting of journals to an external company, there is often a time lag between the period when a member advises of a change of postal address and when the change makes it onto the journal mailing list. All changes of address must be received before the 15th of the month prior to journal publication to ensure that the journal is delivered to the right place. This means that with normal publication months being March, June, September and December, all changes of address must be submitted to State Office by the 15th of February, May, August and November to ensure correct delivery. Members are asked to continue to advise us of changes of email address, as this is becoming a very important form of communication to members. The annual Renewal Notice provides an ideal opportunity to check the details we have recorded and provide any updates.

The time has come to register for the Annual Conference which will be held on the Sunshine Coast at Noosa on Saturday, October 15, 2011. “Planning for the conference is well underway,” said Peter BurbidgeKing, Chairman of the QJA Noosa Branch organising committee. “We have booked the ‘J’ in Noosa Junction for the event which is a purpose built conference and entertainment centre with modern audio and visual facilities and proper auditorium with comfortable tiered seating.” “Ample car-parking is available for delegates and we will be providing a high standard of catering for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. We have secured a number of local sponsors, including the Heritage Building Society who give the QJA huge support. With sponsorship both in cash

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918


News in Brief and kind, we will be able to ensure the delegates are well catered for during the day. “Conference speakers are in the process of being finalised but to whet the appetite, we have been most fortunate in securing the Deputy Commissioner Operations of the Queensland Police Service as one of our keynote speakers. Ian Stewart will be giving us his experiences and insights into the emergency work done during the Queensland flooding and with Cyclone Yasi. Other speakers locked in include a talk on Computer and Fraud related matters, JP Magistrates and their work and, Succession Law as it affects EPAs and AHDs. All are experienced in their subjects and should be of much interest to delegates. Several more have yet to confirm,” he said. Peter went on to say that for those delegates wishing to stay in Noosa over the weekend, the Branch had secured agreement with a number of accommodation providers to offer our members special rates and packages. “Bring your spouses, partners and enjoy some of Noosa’s great attractions. The beaches, restaurants and Noosa River provide a wonderful place to rest and relax. Maybe your spouse would like to go to the famous Eumundi Markets whilst we attend the conference,” he said. Peter went on to say, “On the evening of the conference a dinner has been arranged at a famous local seafood restaurant in Noosaville. If there is enough interest from delegates to attend we will also include a sunset cruise on the river prior to the dinner subsidised by the Noosa Branch,” The QJA Noosa Branch has provided information which has been uploaded to the QJA website at www.qja.com.au where you can find full details of the conference and links 
 to all the Noosa accommodation offers. So have a look and book early was his advice. “We hope to see a great turnout at the conference this year as we can easily accommodate 250 delegates,” Peter said. “The more the merrier. See you all in Noosa in October.” The booking form for the Conference is in this issue and you are urged to complete it early to avoid disappointment and send it in to the QJA with the appropriate fee.

Membership Fee Renewal Notice A renewal invoice is included with this journal. If you are reading this article, then you must have received the invoice, as the address portion of the invoice shows in the window face of the envelope. The top half of the form is your tax invoice and receipt. You should write your receipt number on the invoice if you used one of the electronic methods. If you require a separate receipt, please post a stamped self addressed envelope to PO Box 8419, Woolloongabba, Qld, 4102 and request same. Membership fees are due on July 1, 2011 and the Board is delighted to advise that they remain unchanged.


Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

The fees for 2011/2012 are: • Regular Member $49.20 • Concession $37.20 • Joint $60.00 The payment options available are:– • Use of a 1300 Credit Card Phone Line • Credit Card payment using a secure internet site • Payment at Australia Post Outlets • B-Pay from a cheque or savings account Personal cheques are also accepted, but it is easier for the staff at State Office if you pay using one of the above methods. Please note that if paying by credit card, it is preferred that you use either the 1300 phone number or the secure internet site. Sending us a credit card number by fax or post poses an unnecessary security risk for the cardholder.

Board Elections 2011 At the Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday November 12, 2011, all members of the Board of Directors are required, as per the QJA Constitution, to step down and an election will be undertaken to appoint a new Board – consisting of a President, three Vice Presidents and six Directors. All QJA members are invited to nominate for the upcoming Board elections, with the following restrictions: (1) A member is not eligible for nomination to the Board unless they have been a financial member for at least 12 months (section 15.4 of the QJA Constitution). (2) A member is not eligible for nomination as President unless they have been a Director for at least 12 months (section 15.2 of the QJA Constitution). (3) Associate Members are not able to be appointed to the board, nor are they able to vote (excluded by section 6.7 of the QJA Constitution). (4) Eligible Members may nominate for more than one office but can only be elected to hold one position (section 15.9 of the QJA Constitution). There is a considerable amount of responsibility involved with a board position, as successful candidates are registered as Company Directors with ASIC. Expectations of the job include attendance at monthly board meetings (by teleconference if from regional Queensland), attendance at major QJA events (including the State Conference and a selection of refresher days) as well as some branch mentoring and some sub-committee work. Whilst the position is not a paid one, reasonable expenses are paid to cover the costs of performing these duties. The QJA Constitution does not specify qualifications or requirements of potential directors, however any or all of the following may be advantageous qualities of a potential director:

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • wiNtER 2011

News in Brief • Extensive practical experience as a JP. • Active QJA branch membership. • A legal, training, business, IT or management background. • A commitment to the aims and values of the QJA. • An understanding of a director’s role in corporate governance, financial management and strategic planning. • Access to email and the ability to check it daily. • Good people skills to liaise with new and existing members. If you wish to nominate for the elections, a form is included in this journal. Under section 15.8 of the QJA Constitution, nominations to the Board must to be signed by the nominee, a proposer and a seconder, all of whom must be financial members of the Association. Nominees should provide a photograph and a resume of not more than 200 words. These will be included in the Spring edition of the QJA Journal, which will also contain the ballot papers. All nominations must reach the QJA State Office by 4pm on Friday August 12, 2011.

Change to Privacy Policy The Board has recently approved a minor change to the QJA Privacy Policy. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) which facilitated the exchanging of information. Part of this MOU agreement was the formalisation of the process of keeping JP’s contact information upto-date. The Privacy Policy change was to reflect this agreement. The QJA will provide periodic updates to the (DJAG) of members contact information.

QJA Website & Facebook news Website “Members Only” section continues to grow. I urge all Members to check out the QJA website and register for access to the “Members Only” section.

operational soon. Given we now have nearly 300 Members (and growing) signed up to the Members Only section of the website we believe the website is the appropriate place for any QJA Member specific information.

A new “Community” Facebook page has been created. When you log in to Facebook - search for “Queensland Justices Association” or go to our page directly by typing in www.facebook.com/ QldJusticesAssn to your browser and our page will be listed - connect to this page and click on the “Like” button. That’s all there is to it. Any posts to the QJA page will automatically appear on your own personal News Feed page. This means any news, events or photos we post to our Facebook page will automatically be distributed to all people who have clicked on the “Like” button. Note that this is completely different from our previous “Group” in that anyone on Facebook can see this site. It is like having an advert in the newspaper. So if you do post comments on the wall - be careful. We have already loaded up information on the refreshers and conferences and the AGM, plus photos from recent events such as the International Women’s Day. Those that have Facebook access – have a look at our new page and let us know what you think.

Honorary Lawyers to the QJA Hall Payne Lawyers will be assisting the Board with the review of the constitution and by-laws this year. Further information will be in the next issue of the Journal. Hall Payne Lawyers also offer the following services to QJA Members; • Complimentary attendance to the reasonable legal matters of the QJA, • A free will for QJA Members and their spouses, • A free interview with no time limit in relation to QJA Members legal issues, • A 10% discount for QJA Members on legal fees.

The “Members Only” section (refer menu at right) of the QJA website is being loaded with more and more information. We now have 9 Professional Development Videos for you to watch. Back issues of the QJA Journal going back to 2004 are included, and we are in the process of loading copies of the old pre2004 periodicals. The LNP discussion paper and the QJA’s response are available along with details about the new Queensland Drivers and ID Licences. A new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section has been added and will include selected Q&A’s from previous Journals as well as the more common questions that are raised. A new discussion forum feature is being developed and we hope to have it Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918


ROLL OF HONOUR Members should note that the Roll of Honour recognises the length of Membership of the QJA. Members wishing to receive the official distinguished service certificate as a Justice of the Peace for the State of Queensland should contact their local State Member of Parliament.

The Association wishes to acknowledge the long service given by the following Members.

Bronze - 25 Years QJA Membership Sydney Anderson Hope Ball Deanne Bell Joy Boyle Robert Carey Barbara Cieslak Anthony Cook

Robert Dellar Stanley Elledge Lily Farmer John Heywood Peter Jenkins Rodney Jorgensen Michael Kelly

Silver - 40 Years QJA Membership

Gregory Breckell Phoebe Carter Geoffrey Curry David Davies

Peter Dowling John Goldman Michael Herron James Horton

Gold - 50 Years QJA Membership

William Hardie

Vincent Koch

Matthew Kim Lynette Lane Bruce Loomes David Mayhill Gary McCahon John Miller Peter Milne

Marie Murray Damian O’Carrigan Maria Raineri Dennis Sharkey Rudolf (Rudi) Sokac Ross Stewart Colin Stitt

Jill Temple Merle Thomasson Jacobus Vandenberg Arnold Wissemann Graham Zendler

Ronald Ladner David McBride Thomas Newman Yvonne Nurnberger

Christie Passaris Graham Scott Graham Taylor Oscar Wenzel

Edward Westbury

Giuseppe Rigano

Platinum - 60 Years QJA Membership

Mildred Heck

Welcome to New Members The following have joined the Association since the last Journal:

Soo Alderton John Armstrong Sophie Baek Garry Bagnell James Barclay Richard Barrett Deborah Bates Craig Bell Noeleen Betts Frank Bleakley Jarrod Bleijie Alan Boatfield Heidi Bone Graham Brighton John Broad Jennifer Brooks Darren Buckley Zelma Buxton Anthony Cadet-James Peter Callaghan Michael Chircop Andrew Clarkson Erin Clifford Margaret Cochrane Nannette Colyer Eileen Conley Jeffrey Cornford Patricia Curtis Linda Daniel Zoe De Jersey 6

Stanley De Jersey Joy Dine Susan Dutch Barbara Edwards Barbara Ekstrom Leonard Eldridge Davenal Flanderka Vicki Ford Gordon French Kenneth Gardiner Meredith Gardiner Wendy Geddes Brett Gleeson Maree Goebel Russell Gordon Raymond Greenwood Darryl Gutke Noel Hall Godfrey Hall Gregory Harvey Stephen Haughey Kathleen Hedland Nadine Hickling John Higgins Kay Higlett Tracie Hill Brian Hite Brian Hodge Austin Hogan OAM Karen Homan

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

Winsome Horne Jeffrey Horne Patricia Hughes Barbara Isenring Denise Johnson Victor Kennedy Theresa Lamb James Landsberg Ronald Lane Mary Lawson Tania Lenton Neville Macdonald Josephine Manjaji Colin Marquardt Murial Mc Lean James McCann Elizabeth McEwan Frances McFadzen Helen McMahon Patricia Menhinnitt Adele Moore Robert Moreton Karran-Jayne Moseley Mark Muller Ronald Mullins Elley Mundraby Dorothy Nichols Kylie O’Derry Doreen Omiros Renuka Pande

Sanat Pandey Wendy Parley Christopher Parminter Peter Patty Christine Percy Sylvia Pesch Marian Petersen Colin Portbury Sallyanne Powell Shayne Ralph Jeffrey Ray Kay Ready Leigh-Ann Rex-Hastie Kim Richards Carol Richards Wendy Rix Beverley Rookwood Susan Rose Werner Rossbach David Rye Michael Schultz Lynette Scougall Catherine Scully Peter Shelton Chen Sherlock Sue Sigmund Angela Simic Bradley Smith Luisa Snell Shirley Solly

Rose Steele Elizabeth Stower Kim-Maree Summers Glenda Sydenham Viveca Tamer Kelly Thomas John Thomas Carolyn Tomerini Ian Unicomb Julie Veronese Matthaus Von Schrader Vivian Waller Elizabeth Warburton Peter Watkins Keith Watson Kristy-Ann Waugh Ashley Webster Jason Weir Gladys Weller Leonard Wenitong Deborah West Jocelyn White Spencer White Neil Wicks Bryan Williamson Susan Wilson

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • winter 2011

Regional Roundup Rosewood Refresher Workshop Saturday 6 August 2011 8:30am to 3:30pm

Recognition for 40 years as a JP Peter Bills has been a member of the Queensland Justices Association since 1968 and has also been a JP for as long.

Rosewood State School Assembly Hall, School Street, Rosewood An excellent agenda is planned with sessions and workshops covering many aspects of our work, such as ‘Working with QCAT, RSPCA and DPI documents’, ‘Identity Theft’, ‘Court Registrar’s view of working with JPs’ etc. A light lunch and morning and afternoon tea will be provided. Start planning now for a quiet but interesting day in the country, not too far from home. $35.00 - QJA Members receive a $10 discount includes Morning Tea, Lunch & Afternoon Tea. Registration Form in this Journal and on the website. For further information contact: Brent Storey on (07)3389 5603 or mob 0414 691 374 or email: Ipswich@qja.com.au

Above: Ms Di Farmer MP, Member for Bulimba presenting Peter Bills with his certificate He is an enthusiastic member of QJA, with regular appearances at our Annual General Meetings over the years. We congratulate Mr Bills on his 43 years of service as a JP and as a member of the Association and look forward to many more. Keith Taylor from the Gold Coast received his 40-year JP recognition and Australia Day Award on 18 February 2011. Well done Keith!

Bundaberg Refresher Workshop Saturday 30 July 2011 8:30am to 3:40pm Bundaberg South State School Hall, Walla St, Bundaberg Key Industry speakers present topics outlining critical aspects of being a JP and addressing issues impacting the role we perform.

New Branches Formed South Burnett Branch On Sunday 27 February Director Dave Read went to Kingaroy for a meeting with the view of re-forming a branch for that area or at least a contact group. With the help of President Ray Burrows, Registrar Angela Yin, and Director Doug Hull a part information and part professional development session was conducted with the local JPs.

An excellent agenda is planned with sessions by the Public Trustee, and the Police (the Stock Squad and Support Persons). With workshops on Land Titles, Stat Decs, Oaths and Affidavits. Plus Fraud / Identity Theft and more A light lunch and morning and afternoon tea will be provided. $25.00 - QJA Members receive a $5 discount includes Morning Tea, Lunch & Afternoon Tea Registration Form in this Journal and on the website. For further information contact: State Office on 1800 061 423 or email: Bundaberg@qja.com.au

Above: Director Mr Doug Hull with QJA Members and guests at the inaugural Kingaroy meeting. Following this meeting there were enough willing members to take on the positions to form a branch. This Branch will be known as the South Burnett Branch

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918


Regional Roundup Mulgrave/Gordonvale A meeting was requested by interested QJA Members at Gordonvale with a view to forming a new Branch.

area because there was a need for peer support and mentoring to improve JP practice in the Caboolture region.

Pine Rivers District (Albany Creek) To reflect changing electoral and local Government boundaries the South Pine Branch has suggested changing its name to the Pine Rivers District Branch (Albany Creek). This is still to be approved by the local members.

“Spotlight on the Downs” By Peter Boyes

Above: Director Mr Chris Porter with QJA Members and guests at the inaugural Gordonvale meeting. Chris Porter said, “I drove up to Cairns on Saturday 19th March for a meeting at Gordonvale to meet with JP’s in the area with the intention of forming a QJA branch or group, President Ray Burrows had flown up from Brisbane and met me at the venue. The meeting was attended by 13 interested persons with apologies from a further 17. Ray gave a presentation and from this the group intimated they are interested in forming a group. There were at least three people who were not QJA members and who were interested in joining and becoming part of the group.” Since that initial meeting we are excited to confirm that a Branch has now been formed, and will be known as the Cairns South Branch

Caboolture Regional Branch We are also excited to announce the proposed formation of a new branch for the Caboolture Region.

QJA Toowoomba Branch would like to provide a regular contribution to the QJA Journal with an introduction to a selection of our members with the scope to peak insight into their lives. The purpose of this spotlight is put a human face on the Toowoomba Branch. We hope you enjoy having a good look through the eyes of a fellow JP. In addition to a snapshot of their lives, we will have a bit of fun with some stock questions for the spot lit member to answer. The first cab off the rank is Lawrence “Laurie” Corcoran JP(Qual), QJA member 24831, born on March 6, 1934 in Brisbane, eldest of six children. At 14, Laurie was employed at the Brisbane Telegraph as a copy holder in their proof reading room. After a few months he was offered an apprenticeship as a Maintenance Engineer in the Hot Metal Linotype section, where remained for 16 years before relocating to Mackay. With the introduction of conscription, Laurie served in the Army National Service infantry company before serving in the 11th Battalion, Moreton Regiment Support Company, in a Vickers machine gun platoon. In 1958 married Joan Birrer, together raising four children. All now married, the result being three Grandchildren and three Great Grandchildren. Laurie has been widowed now for 16 years. Laurie’s family involvement in swimming and surf lifesaving saw him honoured with Life Membership of the Mackay Amateur Swimming Club. Laurie’s professional life included terms as relieving General Manager of the Gladstone Observer then Bundaberg News Mail. Laurie was appointed General Manager of the Maryborough Chronicle in 1987. Two and a half years later, he took up the position of Production Manager at the Toowoomba Newspaper Company. Laurie retired in 1997.

Above: QJA Members and guests at the inaugural Caboolture meeting. QJA Members in this area requested a meeting to find out more about forming a Branch to assist QJA Members in the area. President Ray Burrows, Director Keith Revell, and Registrar Angela Yin attended a meeting on Saturday 16 April to discuss with the local Members options for their consideration. The local QJA members said it was necessary to have a QJA branch in the 8

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

As a part of Laurie’s deep connection to the community, he joined Rotary International, Mackay West Club in 1975 where he served as President in 1978-9. Now serving with Toowoomba North Rotary Club, Laurie has served for over 36 years. Laurie has been awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship for his service to the Toowoomba Community and to Rotary International. Laurie initially became a Justice of the Peace in 1981 in Mackay. In 1995, Laurie was upgraded Justice of the Peace (Qualified) and now serves the Toowoomba community at QJA JP signing centre in the Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre.

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • wiNtER 2011

To The Returning Officer Queensland Justices Association : ACN 009 666 559

I _____________________________________________ (QJA Member Number ________) hereby nominate _________________________________ for the position of President, Vice-President, Director (cross out which do not apply).

Signature of Proposer ___________________________________ Date _____/_____/_2011_

I ____________________________________________ (QJA Member Number ________) hereby second the nomination of _________________________________ for the position of President, Vice-President, Director (cross out which do not apply).

Signature of Seconder ____________________________________Date _____/_____/_2011_

I ______________________________________________ (QJA Member Number _________) hereby accept the nomination for the position of President, Vice-President, Director (Cross out which do not apply) at the Annual General Meeting of th Queensland Justices Association to be held on Saturday November 12 , 2011 at 10.00am.

Signed ____________________________________Date _____/_____/_2011_

Return to

By mail to - QJA, PO Box 8419, Woolloongabba 4102 By fax to - 07 3392 2955 Or email to – admin@qja.com.au th

By 4pm Friday 12 August, 2011

Notes from Constitution 15.1

The President is elected every two years. The President cannot hold office as President for more than two consecutive terms.


A Member is not eligible for nomination as President unless they have been a Director for at least 12 months.


A Member is not eligible for nomination to the Board unless they have been a financial member for at least 12 months.


Eligible Members may nominate for more than one office but can only be elected to hold one position


Nominations may be accompanied by a brief résumé of not more 200 words and this résumé will be included with the ballot paper sent to Members.

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918


International Women’s Day 2011 QJA held its inaugural International Women’s Day luncheon on Tuesday, 8 March 2011. The day was an overwhelming success and sold out four days prior to the RSVP date. A full report and more photos are available on the QJA website and Facebook page.

By Angela Yin

In the Judiciary in July 2004, the last statistics available: • In the Supreme Court of Qld 7 out of the 24 justices were women or 29%. • In the District Court, 5 out of the 36 judges were women or 12.2% • In the Magistrates Court 20 of the 80 magistrates or 25% were female • And many of these were appointed only after 1998 An excerpt of the speech is as follows: It was very interesting to read the feedback from some female members, in the initial market research campaign I conducted, at the end of last year. Most was overwhelmingly positive, with the only barrier being distance and time. However, some questioned why we need a women-only event, that it reinforces differences rather than promotes equality.

Olwyn Hodge, June Dunn, Beverley Leggart, Lynette Gierke, Margaret Field. Courtesy of the West End Magazine International Women’s Day was launched in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. In 1870 the first female JP was Esther Hobart Morris in Tioga County, New York. However, it was not until after International Women’s Day and the suffragettes movement had begun to gain momentum that women were allowed to vote and other jurisdictions followed suit. Emily Murphy was the first woman sworn in as a JP in a Commonwealth country in Canada in 1916. The first woman admitted in the United Kingdom was Ada Summers, Mayor of Stalybridge in 1919. Queensland Justices of the Peace came into existence at the establishment of Queensland as a separate state from New South Wales, in 1859. However, women in Queensland were not permitted to hold the office until at least the late 1920s or early 1930s. The most high profile early female Queensland Justice of the Peace is Miss Nessie Chardon of Rockhampton, who was born on July 11,1910 and was admitted to the office on August 16, 1937. Her achievement was acknowledged in the Australian Women’s Weekly on Saturday, December 11, 1937, the highest circulated periodical in the world per capita at the time. QJA found her original Oath of Allegiance at the Queensland State Archives. Another high profile female JP of the era was Josephine Bernard, who was the editor of the Women’s Page in The Queensland Magistrate, a former incarnation of the QJA Journal, published by the Queensland Justices Association. The first edition was released in 1936 and she wrote about issues pertaining to JPs at the time, including the war and women’s safety. Women have come a long way since then and currently make up 45% of QJA’s membership base. Vice-President Marian Vierveyzer’s speech, delivered by the Registrar Angela Yin quoted the following statistics: • 24.8% of Qld State parliamentarians are female. • 34.3% of State Government board positions and • 8.4% of boards of Directors are filled by females.


Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

Not to be offensive or controversial, but I would like to take this opportunity to respond. Men and women are equal AND different. We are equal in the sense that we are just as smart and ambitious as men, deserve equal pay for equal work, although that doesn’t really apply here, as we all get paid equally nothing for being a JP. But most importantly, we are equal in that we should aspire to leadership roles the same as men. The reason we should aspire to leadership roles is because of the differences. We need diversity of perspectives in leadership, such as on Boards of companies, in Government and politics and in the community. Having people from all walks of life aspiring to leadership roles ensures the voices of all are heard that there is better and more robust debate in board rooms and Government ministries, leading to better decisionmaking, outcomes and in profit-driven companies, larger profits. • Men will act on something even though they are only 60% sure of their position. • Women will wait until they are more than 80% sure of their position before acting. Do we sit back and wait for permission to move? Or do we give ourselves permission to act? Being and becoming a JP is one way of aspiring to a leadership role within the community. Leadership is not just about lauding it over others and calling the shots; it is also a role of servitude. Motivating and inspiring others to find their way in the world and to be the best they can be is the mark of a true leader. Women have already been doing this for centuries. Now is the time to harness these qualities and ensure they are heard in board rooms, Government and in the community. Family lawyer from Hall Payne Annette Lakey addressed the attendees about her area of specialty, family law. As JPs are increasingly involved in witnessing documents relating to domestic violence and divorce applications, her speech was very well-received by the audience. An excerpt follows: The changes in family law have revolutionised the area, and have seen many families be able to resolve matters without the need to see us or the courts. However that system is also facing significant delays as is getting any matter on in court at present. Sometimes it is some months before we can secure a court date for a client even though the situation may be

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • winter 2011

International Women’s Day 2011 perilous. The lack of legal aid funding also means that the partner who has more resources often secures strategic benefits or is able to dictate terms of parenting arrangements and property settlement. Hopefully in the future more resources will be available for those in less financially advantageous situations to be able to protect their and their children’s rights. Our legal services offer a wonderful service to those who are unable to obtain legal aid but can’t afford a lawyer. I am a volunteer at the Women’s Legal Service at Annerley and they provide an excellent service particularly where domestic violence is involved. They are a female only service – only women clients and lawyers. It is a place that women are made to feel safe, and can not only obtain advice from volunteers but also be connected to other services. There are even bars to prevent men being able to get in!! Overall the practice of family law is an interesting one. It can be frustrating but overall I find it extremely challenging and rewarding, particularly when we see our clients and their families move beyond what is an extremely distressing time for them. I think that women are very well equipped to be able to balance the emotional side of a separation with providing good logical advice, and it therefore does not surprise that women are so well represented in this jurisdiction.

Most of all, thanks to those who attended, or wanted to attend! Unfortunately, due to popularity, we had to turn away over 50 people. We hope to make next year bigger and better and we hope those who could not attend this year can come next year.

Thank you again for your time, and let’s keep celebrating how wonderful it is to be a woman today.

For more interesting information about women and the law in Queensland, please see this link: -

Dianne Pendergast, the Adult Guardian spoke to the audience about Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advanced Health Directives.


Unfortunately we are unable to print an excerpt of her speech at this time! However, we can assure you that it was a wonderful, moving and informative speech and when it becomes available, we will add it to the website.

Above: Donna Pitt and Sue Koenig

Telair Pty Ltd has agreed to sponsor the QJA Women’s Fund on an ongoing basis, provided QJA refers business clients to them. We have more than halved our phone bill on the intra and interstate components as a result of switching over. If you run a business and are interested in being contacted by Telair, please call the Registrar on 3392 2455 to be included on our referral list.

Special Offers for Queensland Justices Association members As a QJA member simply open a transaction account with a direct pay established to qualify for the following special offers: • 50% discount on Standard Variable home loan, Fixed Rate home loan, and Line of Credit application fees# • 0.15%pa discount on Standard Variable home loan and Living Equity line of credit interest rates • Nil application fee on personal loans* • 7.45%pa one year introductory rate on co-branded Visa Classic and Visa Gold cards+

Above: Dianne Pendergast receiving a thank you bunch of flowers from Angela Yin QJA Registrar. We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters for the event, which include Hall Payne Lawyers, the Queensland Government, Heritage Building Society, Telair Pty Ltd, Perfect Potion, Petals, Diana Plaza Hotel and the Chalk Hotel. Thanks also to Rotary South Brisbane and Hemp Organics for the gift packs. To all those who elected to be on the Women’s Committee to organise subsequent IWD events and perhaps some other exciting projects, we will contact you shortly regarding a meeting. For anybody who can shed any more light on women JPs in Queensland, please contact the Registrar.

• 0.1%pa above the carded rate^ on term deposits

Raise money for your association Commission payments are made to QJA when association members shift to Heritage. This means you can take advantage of Heritage’s great offers and help your association in the process. Your association receives: • $330.00 for each home loan settled • $55.00 for each personal loan disbursed • 20% monthly VISA commissions received • $11.00 for each transaction account opened with a direct pay credit established, i.e. payroll credit, pension credit or superannuation credit

To find out more Visit your local branch 13 14 22 www.heritageonline.com.au

Offers are only available to applications lodged in Heritage branches. You should read the guides to Heritage products (available in branch, by phoning 13 14 22 or at www.heritageonline.com.au) before you decide whether any of these products are right for you. All loans subject to application and approval, fees, charges and conditions apply. #Application fee on home loan usually $600. *Application fee on personal loans normally $105. +At the end of the 12 month period interest rate reverts back to standard rate, currently 16.25%pa. Available on Visa Classic and Visa Gold, excludes no frills products. ^The 0.1%pa term deposit offer applies to the current carded rates and excludes the Hot Term Deposit rates. Information correct as at 05 Mayl 2010 and subject to change without notice. Heritage Building Society Limited. ABN 32 087 652 024 AFS Licence No. 240984 DMS|HBS 1005012C

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918
























Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • winter 2011

Queensland Justices Association ‘JPs in the Country’ - REFRESHER WORKSHOP Hosted by QJA – Ipswich Branch Saturday 6th August, 2011 8:30am registration for 9:00am start to 3:30pm Venue – Rosewood State School Assembly Hall School St, Rosewood Cost:

$25.00 Members & $35.00 Non Members

Includes: Materials, Morning Tea, Lunch & Afternoon Tea


PARTICIPANT DETAILS – (One form per person registering) NaName:

………………………………………….…………. QJA Member No…….………………………





CoContact Phone:…………………………………………………………………………………..………………….…. SpAny special dietary requirements?


PAYMENT INFORMATION – (Please tick payment method) I have enclosed a Cheque for $ _________________ I will pay $ ____________ by Visa / MasterCard (circle one), details below. Credit Card No:

__ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __

Card Expiry date: __ __ / __ __

Cardholder’s name: __________________________

Direct Debit to BSB 638-070 A/C No. 122 909 20 - include your QJA member number and name Follow this with an email to cjw.jp.qual@gmail.com to advise payment has been completed.

Signature: …………………………………………………..…


Date ……………………..………………….


The QJA Ipswich Branch, PO Box 4014, Raceview Qld 4305


Receipts/tax invoices will be available on the day.

FURTHER DETAILS: Contact Brent Storey on (07) 33895603 mob. 0414 691 374 or Ipswich@qja.com.au

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918














 ........................................................................................................................... ..







 I will pay $ ____________ by Visa / MasterCard (circle one), details below. Credit Card No:

__ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __

Card Expiry date:

__ __ / __ __

Cardholder’s name: __________________________

















Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

VOLUME 8 • NUMBER 2 • winter 2011


Is a Lawyer automatically a JP?

printed besides the certified copy statement, and they must be a JP or C.Dec with a seal of office and registration number. Others - such as JP(C.Dec) or Postal Workers etc. - are not acceptable. This was because of the ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING AND COUNTER TERRORISM FINANCING ACT 2006 which proscribed additional documentation requirements.

A(1). No. Although many Lawyers become JPs through the normal process of applying and taking the exam. Lawyers have the same powers as a Commissioner for Declarations under the Oaths Act 1867 s13 (1) and s41 (1):

A person’s declaration/affidavit may be taken by—

(a) a justice, commissioner for declarations or notary public under the law of the State, the Commonwealth or another State; or

(b) a lawyer;

There are some people who are JPs by virtue of their office under the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners For Declarations Act 1991 s19 Justices of the peace and commissioners for declarations by virtue of office:

(1) Every person who holds office as—

(a) a Supreme Court judge or a District Court judge; or

(b) a magistrate;

without further appointment, is a justice of the peace.

(1A) A person who has retired, or resigned, from office as a Supreme Court or District Court judge or a magistrate is, without further appointment, a justice of the peace.

(2) Every person who holds office—

(a) as a registrar of the Supreme Court or of the District Court; or

(b) as a clerk of the court or registrar of a Magistrates Court, not being a police officer;

without further appointment, and for so long as the person holds the office, is—

Increasingly there are requests to certify electronic documents (such as printed bank statements). Technically unless you see the original document on the computer screen you cannot certify it. Similarly if you are asked to certify a transcript of emails, text messages or voice mails – you have to see or hear the original. The official JAG JP Manual covers only original documents, whilst the QJA’s JP Guide offers an option when certifying electronic documents where you cannot see the original. This is for the client to sign a Statutory Declaration attesting to the authenticity of the document. Either way it is entirely up to the receiving organisation whether they will accept any of the above options. The Queensland Department of Transport is an example where they have decided that they will only accept the original document, they do not accept certified copies of drivers licences. Q(3)

Can a Principal certify their own EPA?

A(3) Normally with certifying copies of documents there are no rules. In the case of EPAs though there is an exception in that it is covered by Legislation. In the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 s45 Proof of enduring document it states:

(1) An enduring document may be proved by a copy of the enduring document certified under this section.

(2) Each page, other than the last page, of the copy must be certified to the effect that the copy is a true and complete copy of the corresponding page of the original.

(c) i f the person is an Australian lawyer—a justice of the peace (magistrates court); or

(3) The last page of the copy must be certified to the effect that the copy is a true and complete copy of the original.

(d) if the person is not an Australian lawyer—a justice of the peace (qualified).

(4) Certification must be by 1 of the following persons—


(3) Every clerk of or above the age of 18 who is employed as an officer of the public service in an office of the Supreme Court, the District Court or a Magistrates Court without further appointment, and for so long as the clerk is so employed, is a commissioner for declarations. Can I certify a Bank Statement printed from a PC?.

A(2) A few people have raised questions about certifying copies of documents. It may sound a simple process but the complication is that there is no legislation or regulation governing the certifying of copies. Therefore it is entirely up to the receiving body to determine what (if anything) they will accept. You would have noticed in the past couple of years an insistence by all Financial institutions that the JP or C.Decs name must be

(a) the principal;

(b) a justice;

(c) a commissioner for declarations;

(d) a notary public;

Merchandise Due to space restrictions the Merchandise page has been removed from this issue of the Journal. The Merchandise order form is available on the Merchandise page of the QJA website, or by contacting State Office. Remember when completing the Merchandise Order Form to include the postage and handling fee and ensure your details are included if ordering a personalised stamp.

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918



BUNDABERG BRANCH DAVID DEMPSTER bundaberg@qja.com.au Telephone: 0439 258 770

Caboolture Region Branch Catherine Cooke caboolture@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5428 1321

CAIRNS CONTACT GROUP Annmaree Luther cairns@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4773 4371

Cairns South Branch Margaret Neville Telephone: (07) 4045 2333

CALOUNDRA BRANCH IRENE WHITE caloundra@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5439 7387

FOREST LAKE CONTACT GROUP TONY SAHAMA forestlake@qja.com.au Telephone: 0412 453 433

GLADSTONE BRANCH Fred Golder gladstone@qja.com.au Telephone 0419 796 177

GOLD COAST BRANCH John Gordon goldcoast@qja.com.au Telephone: 0450 553 038

GYMPIE BRANCH Janine Heyer gympie@qja.com.au

Telephone 0407 765 398

HERVEY BAY BRANCH RON JUST herveybay@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4128 3628

INNER NORTH BRISBANE BRANCH John Carpendale inb@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3353 2927

IPSWICH BRANCH Stephanie Payne ipswich@qja.com.au

Telephone: (07) 3281 9114

LOGANHOLME CONTACT GROUP JOHN BAILEY loganholme@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3287 1516

LOGAN BRANCH Helen Townes logan@qja.com.au

Telephone: (07) 3800 0505

MACKAY BRANCH Maria Valena mackay@qja.com.au

Telephone: (07) 4944 1624

MAROOCHYDORE BRANCH Jim Withford maroochydore@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5448 8987

MT ISA CONTACT GROUP MEGAN HOUSDEN mtisa@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4749 0623

NOOSA BRANCH MARGARET LEWINS noosa@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 5471 0617

REDLAND CITY BRANCH RAY BURROWS redlandcity@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3822 1366

Anti-Discrimination Commission Centrelink Consular Assistance (SmartTraveller) Customs Border Protection Hotline Crimestoppers Dept Communities (Families) Dept Foreign Affairs & Trade Dept Justice & A-G - JP Branch Brisbane JP Branch (Afterhours Mobile) Dept Justice & A-G - JP - New South Wales Dept Justice & A-G - JP - Victoria Dept Transport (Queensland) Dispute Resolution Branch Domestic Violence Resource Centre Elderly Abuse Prevention Unit Electoral Commission of Queensland Equity & Fair Trading: Consumer Information Land Titles Office (Dept Natural Resources) Legal Aid Queensland 16

Serving Queensland’s Honorary Justices since 1918

1300 130 670 13 10 21 1300 555 135 1800 061 800 1800 333 000 07 3235 4312 07 3405 4799 1300 301 147 044 773 7692 02 8688 7487 03 9603 9090 07 3253 4744 1800 017 288 07 3217 2544 1300 651 192 1300 881 665 1300 658 030 13 74 68 1300 651 188

ROCKHAMPTON BRANCH JANE COMOLLATTI rockhampton@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4926 1659

Rosewood Contact Group Alan Broughton rosewood@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3892 8871

SOUTH PINE BRANCH PHYLLIS HALL southpine@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3264 4436

South Burnett Branch Debbie-Lee Jackson southburnett@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4162 7977

Tin Can Bay Contact Group Janine Heyer gympie@qja.com.au Telephone: 0407 765 398 TOOWOOMBA BRANCH RUTH ROCHE toowoomba@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4635 6727

TOWNSVILLE BRANCH ANNMAREE LUTHER townsville@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 4773 4371

WESTERN SUBURBS BRANCH GRAHAME TAINTON westsubs@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3279 0185

WYNNUM MANLY BRANCH DON HANN wynnummanly@qja.com.au Telephone: (07) 3390 4278

The QJA’s bylaws distinguish between “branches” and “contact groups”. Branches conduct regular meetings (at least five per year), conduct training, operate signing facilities, have defined revenue streams and a formalised structure. Contact groups meet on an “as required basis” and generally exist to operate signing facilities and to deal with other local issues. For details of what is happening in your local area, including professional development opportunities, please feel free to phone any of the numbers above and your local contact will be happy to assist.

Legal Services Commission Marriage Celebrants (JAG Canberra) Mental Health Orders (JEO’s) National Security Hotline Office of the Adult Guardian (EPA’s & AHD’s) Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Office of the Public Advocate Office of the State Coroner Police Link Police - Traffic Camera Infringement Office Public Trustee Office (Wills) Public Trustee Office (EPA’s) Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Queensland Law Society Registry of Births, Deaths, Marriages (Qld) State Emergency Service State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) Victims Assist Queensland

1300 655 754 02 6141 3111 07 3835 1444 1800 123 400 1300 653 187 1800 673 428 07 3224 7424 1300 304 605 13 14 44 1300 360 610 1300 360 044 1300 651 591 1300 753 228 07 3842 5842 1300 366 430 13 25 00 1300 365 635 1300 546 587

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