LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT QNET INDIA Formerly known as QI Limited, GoldQuest, and QuestNet, QNET Ltd is a direct selling irm based in Hong Kong and owned by the QI group. The firm sells a diversity of products such as fashion accessories, luxury goods, home care, personal care, nutrition, weight management, and energy. Vijay Eswaran founded the company in 1998 in Hong Kong. The firm advertises its products on its official website with the claims “that would not pass official muster in much of the world.” Vijay works as a passionate speaker with the purpose to motivate those who sell QNET products, to hold sessions featuring pyrotechnics, dry ice, and lasers. The marketing strategy of the company follows a multi-level marketing model based on independent representatives in order to refer it services and products to clients and obtain compensation depending on the volume of sales of their referrals. The marketing strategy based also on the sales volume of other independent representative in their group r or team who are arranged in a binary fashion. The company uses also an aggressive campaign through newspaper ads and lawsuits for shutting down the opponents. The company had offices in some countries of Asia such as Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, and Indonesia. There are franchise companies in Turkey and India. The company also operates or operated in other countries including Rwanda, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. QNET is still the principal subsidiary of the QI group. When the company was known as GoldQuest, it was making custom-commissioned coins. In 2002, the company experienced its first diversity into vacations and travels through a partnership with QVI Club brand holidays. QI acquired, in 2005, QI comm which was a British company of telecommunication. One year later, QNET began making nutritional products, the brand of watches Bernhard H. Mayer. In the same 2006, QI Group acquired Prana Resorts and SPA which was a vegetarian holiday resort located in Koh Samui. One year later, in 2007, the QI group acquired a vegetarian organic health store chain based in Hawaii. The direct sales of QI Group moved up to 70% from 2017 to 2012. In 2013, the group made it public that the management was moving its manufacturing processes to India and the company announced to open an office in Russia. As mentioned before, the marketing strategy of the company is based on a multi-level marketing model depending on a group of independent representatives. These representatives refer the products of the company to consumers. In exchange, the company rewards them through compensations depending on the volume of sales of their referrals and the volume of sales of other independent representatives arranged in a binary fashion for attracting customers. The company operates the compensation plan by the recruitment of clients. When the company was called QuestNet and GoldQuest, It sold primarily gold collectible coins as an item of investment. One of the company products is the Amezcua Bio Disc. The company said the product is able to redefine and harmonize the energy of water.