Another Trans Woman Murdered Marquiisha Lawrence Lived in Greenville, S.C.
arquiisha Lawrence, a 28-yearold Black transgender woman, was found by family members fatally shot in her home on Loop Street in Greenville, S. C., on Nov. 4. Her death marks the 46th violent killing of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in 2021. Crime reports and obituaries often list individuals who identify as trans as their gender assigned at birth, so the numbers are likely much higher. According to her Facebook page, she listed her current profession as “exotic dancer.” She had previously resided in Spartanburg, where she posted that she studied at a local beauty college to become a stylist. Other posts on her profile indicated she worked as a cook at the Copper River Grill in the nearby town of Greer and had lived in Baton Rouge, La. at some point. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has now officially recorded more violent deaths of transgender and gender nonconforming people in 2021 than any year prior. Previously, the highest number of fatal deaths of trans or gender nonconforming individuals reported over a 12-month period was last year in 2020, when 44 deaths were officially reported. “Marquiisha, like so many who have gone before her, fell victim to a senseless
by David Aaron Moore murder,” said Eboni life as Marquiisha. A fuSinclaire, Lawrence’s neral service was held friend, who also for Lawrence by her identified as her trans family in Greer, S. C. on mother. “Quii was a Sunday, Nov. 14, with young trans woman, at interment following at the beginning of this Brown Eternal Gardens game called life, as we in Greer. know it in the trans “With 45 recommunity. She was corded deaths, we’ve a very humbled free– reached yet another thinker who was loved tragic milestone this by many. She will foryear. Marquiisha ever be remembered was clearly loved by Marquiisha Lawrence, found by her infectious smile so many,” said Tori dead in her home by family and her heart of gold. Cooper, HRC Director members, was just 28. Her favorite thing to do of Community was to cook because Engagement for the she felt it filled the belly and fed the heart. Transgender Justice Initiative. One of our last conversations she said to “She deserved to live, but her life was me, ‘I’ve not always been the best I could stolen from us far too soon. We must combe, but thank you for caring enough to still mit to honoring trans lives and ending the be here for me.’” horrific epidemic of violence that plagues From all indications, Lawrence was our community. Marquiisha deserved largely accepted and supported by her nothing less than our full commitment to immediate family. A post on her older building a better future for trans people.” brother Jeffery Martin’s Facebook page Although additional specific details are confirmed the two were close: “I love scant, the Coroner’s Office of Greenville you to the moon and back,” he wrote on County has confirmed Lawrence was Facebook, with a picture of the two of found dead in her home after an “altercathem together, his arm around her clearly tion with one or more individuals” and that after she had made the decision to live her she died as a result of multiple gunshot
wounds. The case has been labeled as a homicide and the investigation is continuing. Lawrence’s death follows recent reports of the slaughter of three other trans people. Jenny De Leon, 25, was found dead outside of a home in Tampa, Fla. on November 2. De Leon’s sister said she was “a wonderful person with a beautiful soul who touched the lives of those around her.” De Leon attended PFLAG Tampa meetings and sought their help when she began transitioning. Rikkey Outumuro, a 39-year-old Latina transgender woman, was shot to death in Centralia, Wash., on Oct. 30. Her boyfriend, Cristopher Allen Gaudreau, has been charged with murder and is being held without bail. The body of Jessi Hart, a 42-yearold trans woman, was found dead near Portland, Ore on Oct. 27. Investigators reported she had been dead for two weeks at the time her body was recovered. She is survived by a 13-year-old son, Caleb. The two had reportedly been living in a nearby motel. As we go to press with this print issue, we learned of yet another trans woman murdered. Read the tragic story of Danyale Johnson, 35, of Memphis Tennessee in “When Does the Slaughter Stop?” on
Nov.26 -Dec. 9, 2021