Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
qnotes connect
Jan. 4-17, 2013 Vol 27 No 18
arts. entertainment. news. views.
news & features 6 News Notes: Regional Briefs
a&e / life&style 9 New Year’s finances 10 Readers rate CLT gyms 12 Women’s health 14 Men’s skincare
16 Tell Trinity
twitter.com/qnotescarolinas facebook.com/qnotescarolinas
17 Out in the Stars
contributors this issue
18 Jane’s World
Paige Braddock, BrandPoint, Rosendo Brown, Matt Comer, Charlene Lichtenstein, Lainey Millen, David Stout, Trinity
front page Graphic Design by Lainey Millen & Matt Comer Photo Credit: Fitness Factory
4 HIV, Part 1: Youth rates increase
18 Fabulance 19 Q events calendar
opinions & views 5 Editor’s Note 12 QPoll
Material in qnotes is copyrighted by Pride Publishing & Typesetting © 2013 and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent of the editor or publisher. Advertisers assume full responsibility — and therefore, all liability — for securing reprint permission for copyrighted text, photographs and illustrations or trademarks published in their ads. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers, cartoonists we publish is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or photographs does not indicate the subject’s sexual orientation. qnotes nor its publisher assumes liability for typographical error or omission, beyond offering to run a correction. Official editorial positions are expressed in staff editorials and editorial notations and are determined by editorial staff. The opinions of contributing writers and guest columnists do not necessarily represent the opinions of qnotes or its staff. qnotes accepts unsolicited editorial, but cannot take responsibility for its return. Editor reserves the right to accept and reject material as well as edit for clarity, brevity.
Pride Publishing & Typesetting, Inc. P.O. Box 221841, Charlotte, NC 28222 ph 704.531.9988 fx 704.531.1361 Publisher: Jim Yarbrough Sales: x207 adsales@goqnotes.com Nat’l Sales: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863
Editor: Matt Comer x202 editor@goqnotes.com Assoc. Ed.: David Stout editor2@goqnotes.com Production: Lainey Millen x205 production@goqnotes.com Printed on recycled paper.
charlotteobserver.com/1166/ a local news partner of The Charlotte Observer
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Experts say stigma and silence to blame for youth HIV increases Gay Youth’s New Burden, Part I: HIV/AIDS epidemic’s resurgence among gay and bisexual youth by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com
[Ed. Note — This is the first in a three-part series exploring new data on HIV infection rates and the work of local activists and prevention experts working to address HIV/AIDS issues on the local level. In this first part, we explore new data from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and some efforts by local organizations to address rising infection rates among young people. In parts two and three, to be published on Jan. 18 and Feb. 1, we will discuss the experiences of HIV-positive youth and explore how Mecklenburg County health officials and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools are addressing the topic.]
CHARLOTTE — Local organizations working with young people and those affected by HIV/AIDS took note of new data released by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in December. The new national estimates reveal a sharp increase in the number of new HIV infections among gay and bisexual men and, in particular, among young men ages 13-24. The data, which includes statistics from 2010 and trends from prior years dating back to 2007, showed a 22 percent national increase in new HIV infections since 2008 among young gay and bisexual men ages 13-24. Prevention workers like Jaysen Foreman, the Empowering Positive Youth program coordinator at Charlotte’s Regional
AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN), said it is important to pay close attention to the new numbers. He said it is a sign of crucial changes in how HIV is being perceived nationally, a reality he sees reflected among the young people he serves locally. “HIV doesn’t have this scary face anymore — it’s not the face of 30 years ago,” he said. “There are no sunken cheeks and face, no lesions on the body. HIV is not a threatening or horrible, gruesome thing anymore.” HIV-positive people, Foreman said, are living healthy and long lives. The medical breakthroughs, though, have brought about a new silence. “I think this bit of complacency within our community has really caused the resurgence of people being infected and affected by this and our LGBT youth are bearing the brunt of this burden,” Foreman said. Young African-American men who have sex with men represent the most at-risk population among young people. According to the CDC, they account for more new infections than any other group, coming in near 10 percent — about 4,800 individual cases — of the total number of 47,500 new infections in 2010. Geneva Galloway, who works as RAIN’s director of community services, said stigma and fear continue to be a defining factor in the spread of HIV. “It boils down to this: If we don’t get a grasp on the stigma, HIV-positive people are not going to be willing to speak up about it,” Galloway said, noting the importance of disclosing one’s status. “Our goal should be educating people about the stigma that keeps people from disclosing their status.” Disclosure, Foreman and Galloway said, is becoming a more challenging problem. “The amount of clients we see who disclose their status to others is dropping daily because of the negative reactions and rejection they’ve had
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Jan. 4-17 . 2013
from friends and family,” Foreman said. As stigma and other challenges remain strong, the two RAIN workers said their organization has taken a “prevention for positives” strategy that works to encourage healthy living among HIV-positive people. One program, Empowering Positive Youth, targets HIV-positive young people ages 13-24, the very demographic the CDC reports is experiencing increasing infection rates. “We try to stabilize housing, we use group and peerto-peer support,” Foreman said. “We do a lot of HIV education…and empower our youth to make good decisions and be healthy stewards of their status.” Such lessons include the importance of using condoms, appropriate use and access to antiretroviral medications and regular medical care. “We’re trying to get viral loads down,” Foreman said. “If we can get them down to undetectable levels, the chance of transmission is cut down by 95 percent.” Safer-sex messaging is also an important lesson taught by staff at Time Out Youth, Charlotte’s local LGBT youth support and services organization. “We start every group with condom demonstrations,” said Rodney Tucker, Time Out Youth’s executive director. “We have condoms available for free to all the youth. We do monthly testing now.”
see Rates on 8
editor’s note by Matt Comer matt@goqnotes.com
A new year brings new changes The staff here at qnotes wishes you and yours the happiest in this New Year. As old 2012 calendars come off the wall and are replaced with the new, we, too, are making changes and our own New Year’s resolutions as we continue our commitment to serving you better. Street date changes One of the first things a reader might notice is our newspaper’s new street date. For years, our newspaper has been published with a Saturday street date. Starting with this issue, we’re moving that up to Fridays. We’re excited about the opportunity to get the news and features you expect and enjoy into your hands sooner. A free resource We’re committed to keeping our online news free. Other papers, now including the three largest daily newspapers across the Carolinas, have begun charging for some of their online content. For nearly 27 years now, we’ve taken pride in our ability to publish a community newspaper available to readers for free. At this point, we see no reason to change that tradition by instituting a “pay wall” or online subscription service and recognize that many of our readers would be unsatisfied with such a move. Expanded coverage Over the past several years, we’ve continued an effort to beef up our online news and features coverage. We recognize the face of the news industry is changing, driven in large measure by changes in reading and consumption habits. Many readers still enjoy their printed newspapers, but many others are finding online news easier and faster — much more quickly than our bi-weekly print edition can deliver it. Each day, we’ll strive to bring you relevant news and features on our website at goqnotes. com and work to create a printed news-magazine with progressive, creative, insightful and unique, forward-looking news, analysis, com-
mentary, life and styles coverage and coverage of local arts and entertainment. Our freely-available online news will be expanding. News briefs on local LGBT community organizations’ news and updates across the Carolinas will be available online sooner. Weekly highlights of upcoming weekend events will be published on Thursdays or Fridays each week. Important, interesting and unique LGBT and non-LGBT features alike will also be available, including long-form news and lifestyles features, short news briefs on civic life and entertaining local and regional tid-bits from around the web. Exciting new features We recognize our LGBT and straight ally readers life full lives and we want to reflect life as it is today for LGBT Charlotteans who are loving parents, kind neighbors, local business owners, social leaders, community volunteers and civic leaders. Our editorial calendar this year is fresh and ambitious, meant to reflect the reality of our readers’ lives. Next issue, we’ll profile the local LGBT African-American community. In the spring and fall, we’ll highlight interesting travel destinations across the Carolinas. In April, we’ll profile young LGBT professionals making their mark on local life and in their blossoming careers in the Queen City. An issue afterward, we’ll dig into the issues affecting LGBT seniors and families. In May and June, we’ll premier our first-ever Home and Garden Tour and then our Queen City Restaurant and Bar Guide. As this new year moves forward, we hope we’ll continue to have the privilege and blessing to serve you in new and better ways. Your feedback, comments and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. As always, readers are encouraged to reach out to me and our staff anytime via email at editor@ goqnotes.com or via phone at 704-531-9988, ext. 202. : :
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
news notes: carolinas. nation. world. compiled by Lainey Millen | David Stout | Matt Comer
Lady Gaga’s foundation partners with local non-profit CHARLOTTE — A local non-profit working nationally on LGBT issues on college campuses will be one of several new partners with Pop superstar Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Campus Pride, a Charlotte-based group that works with LGBT college students and organizations to make campuses safer and more inclusive for LGBT students, will be one of nine partners with the foundation and its Born Brave Bus Tour. The tour is described as an interactive, pre-concert tailgating experience for young people ages 13-25. “Campus Pride is thrilled to collaborate with the Born This Way Foundation and its frontline partners to create this unique experience for youth and young adults across the country,” Campus Pride Executive Director Shane Windmeyer said in a release. “The tour will undoubtedly link new students into our national network — empowering youth leaders, creating safer Photo Credit: Aaron Fallon communities and positive change on college campuses. Our mission directly ties with Lady Gaga and the Born This Way Foundation, and we are grateful for their support in creating safer, more inclusive campuses for LGBT students.” Registration for Born Brave Bus Tour events will open soon on Born This Way’s website. Participants do not need a concert ticket to attend the pre-concert tour events. According to a release, the pre-concert events will “promote mental health, mentoring, anti-bullying initiatives, and suicide prevention and inspire self-acceptance, individuality, bravery, and kindness among youth and young adults.” Other partners in the foundation’s efforts include the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Hive & YouMedia, the National Association of School Psychologists, the National Council for Behavioral Health, MENTOR, Mentoring USA, the Trevor Project and Youth Service America. info: campuspride.org. — M.C. & L.M.
Charlotte Org to host forum, panel
CHARLOTTE — Campus Pride will host a community forum and panel on Feb. 12 at The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 617 E. 28th St., 7:30 p.m., that will focus on how to develop meaningful involvement between LGBT youth and local organizations. Because of the misperceptions surrounding LGBT youth, involving them in organizational life has been challenging for adults, organizers say. What seems to be important to note is that these young people’s participation helps to shape them for future leadership within the community. Making them a viable part of the day-to-day organizational functions provides a way to energize them and ignite their passion and commitment. info: RSVP at campuspride.org. — L.M.
Triangle Retreat slated
DURHAM — iNSIDEoUT has announced that it will be holding its Fabufest! 2013 retreat from Jan. 25-27 for all youth ages 13 and older at a to-be-announced location. The event serves as an educational/social/ leadership retreat for LGBT, queer, intersex and straight ally youth. Workshops discussing trans issues, terminology, the media, bullying,
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
intersectionality of multiple forms of oppression and much more will be available. Details were still being finalized at press time. Plans are underway to welcome guests from across the state. The organization is also seeking youth and adult members. For those interested, email insideoutamy@gmail.com. Additionally, iNSIDEoUT started Upsidedown, a new group for those 12 and under which meets twice a month, as well as attending other selected community events. info: insideout180.org. facebook.com/events/449721155090937/. — L.M.
Youth camp seeks support
RALEIGH — The LGBT Center of Raleigh, 411 Hillsborough St., has begun soliciting funds for its ASPYRE Youth Leadership Camp to be held from March 8-10 in Greensboro. This event will feature skills building and expansion in leadership, activism and selfdiscovery with students from across the state. To help make a difference, visit the center’s website to contribute. The center is also making plans to expand its programs and services in 2013, especially in the areas of development assistance with gay-straight alliances, as well as growth of its youth coffee house. In other news, the center is asking the community to share their transformative stories about their relationship with the center and
its activities. Know someone who should be a hero? Then don’t hesitate to visit the center’s website and provide the requested information. Out! Raleigh, to be held on May 4, is in the early stages of organization and the center is looking for volunteers to get involved with the successful venture. They are also seeking sponsors and contributing advertisers for its “Out Guide” to round out the trio. info: 919-832-4484. info@lgbtcenterofraleigh. com. lgbtcenterofraleigh.com. — L.M.
Show back on air
Later on that evening, join Just Twirl as they host Snowball 2013 featuring DJ Luis Perez at the Crestwood from 10 p.m.-4 a.m. Tickets are $40 per person. For those who are planning on attending the entire event, a Black Diamond Pass is available which includes restaurant discounts, 20 percent off at the spa and access to the VIP lounge with complimentary snacks, beer and wine. Cost is $100 per person or $50 per person for students who are 21 and have a valid .edu email address. Accommodations are available at two properties. Crestwood (crestwoodresortand spa.com, 877-836-5046) is the host hotel and serves as the base for the festivities. The adjacent Yonhalossee Resort, 226 Oakley Green (yonahlossee.com, 800-962-1986), may be more suitable for those who wish to book a condo or house for the weekend. Lodging packages include Black Diamond passes. Do not contact the properties directly. All rooms are booked through Go N.C. High Country. To obtain one, call Barb Keffaber at 828-719-9906 or email barb@gonehighcountry.com. She is also the contact person for ski and snowboard rentals and lift ticket arrangements. info: Greg Jung, Go N.C. High Country, 828-719-1703. greg@gonchighcountry.com. ncgayskiweekend.com. — L.M.
RALEIGH — The Gay Christian Network’s radio show, CGN Radio which was on hiatus for two years, is back on the internet via podcast. Hosts are the network’s founder Justin Lee and his co-host “Montana Marty.” The show is available on Fridays and features music, issue discussion, and interviews with guests. Listeners can tune in via XML feed by visiting the organization’s website or by subscription via iTunes at itunes.apple.com/podcast/ gcn-radio/id78760048. Installments so far in the new season are “The Truth about TORN” and “I Wish You Knew.” The pilot episode ran on Jan. 8, 2004, and shows continued until Nov. 23, 2011. These are also available online through the GCN site. info: gaychristian.net. — L.M.
Youth protection law delayed
Skiers take to ‘summit’
BOONE — Get those skis out and waxed. It’s time for “Summit 2013: 5th Annual Gay Ski Weekend” from Jan. 24-27 at Crestwood Resort and Spa, 3236 Shulls Mill Rd. Packages are available for one to three days or for the whole event. Join attendees at the welcome party on Jan. 24, 6-8 p.m., at the Westglow Resort and Spa, 224 Westglow Cir in Blowing Rock. Then head over to the Crestwood for the Avalanche Opening Party, 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Pocket Rocket Guides of Charlotte and Atlanta will serve as hosts. Tickets are $15 per person. Hit the slops on Jan. 25 when the gang heads up to Sugar Mountain from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Then head back for the Apres Ski Party at The Gamekeeper Restaurant, 3005 Shulls Mill Rd., from 4-6 p.m. A Wet the Pool Party takes place on Jan. 25, 9-11:30 p.m., at the Crestwood featuring DJ Little Betty with Buff Faye serving as host. Tickets are $20 each. The fun does not stop there. Justin Utley will headling the Pajama Jam Boxers and Briefs party at the Crestwood immediately following the pool party from 11:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Proceeds will go to benefit Campus Pride. Tickets are $25 per person. Attendees can again hit the powder on Jan. 26 as they head over to Beech Mountain. Can’t get enough of the wintery weather? Then jump into the Winterfest Polar Plunge at Chetola Resort and Spa, 500 Main St. in Blowing Rock, from 10-11 a.m. Or trek over to the Winterfest Chili Challenge at Blowing Rock School Gymnasium, 165 Morris St., from 10-11 a.m. It’s round two for the Apres Ski Party on Jan. 26, 4-6 p.m., at Dawg Star Bar at the Crestwood.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — On Dec. 21, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily delayed the start date of a new California law that protects LGBT youth from therapists who try to change their sexual orientation using discredited practices that medical experts warn can cause serious harm. The new law was set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2013. The decision temporarily postpones that date until the court rules on the underlying appeal of a decision earlier this month by Judge Kimberly Mueller of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. Judge Mueller denied a request by an antiLGBT organization to stop the law from going into effect. The Ninth Circuit has put the case on a fast track and will rule on that appeal “early [this] year.” “Every leading medical and mental health organization has warned therapists and parents that these practices do not work and put young people at risk of serious harm, including depression and suicide,” said National Center for Lesbian Rights Legal Director Shannon Minter (pictured). “No young person should be subjected to these dangerous practices, and no licensed therapist should be permitted to engage in practices that cause such serious harm.” — D.S.
Gingrich favors marriage equality
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an interview with The Huffington Post, former Republican presidential candidate and House Speaker Newt Gingrich indicated that he and other GOP leaders should embrace civil marriage
see next page u
goqnotes.com/to/news equality. Gingrich served as Speaker of the House in 1996, when the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act was passed into law. “Newt Gingrich reflects the experience that has changed the minds of so many Americans in understanding that LGBT people are a part of every family and community — including his own,” said Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin. “His evolution resonates with people on a very personal level and is a quintessential example of why momentum is on the side of equality.” Gingrich is just the latest of those who once opposed marriage equality to move to a position of support. David Blankenhorn, the star witness against marriage equality in the Proposition 8 case, has had a similar change of heart. The Mormon Church, which was the largest funder of Prop 8, sat out the 2012 election cycle and remained silent in the four victorious marriage fights. In all, support for marriage has increased 21 percent in just eight years — a remarkable shift in public opinion over such a short period of time. — D.S.
LGBT leaders: Stop defending DOMA
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leaders of the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights organizations have called on the House Republican leadership to stop funding the legal defense of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act. The law forbids the federal government from recognizing the legal marriages of same-sex couples. Activists issued their call in a Dec. 18 letter to Capitol Hill. “Despite the enormous economic challenges our country is facing, the House of Representatives recently decided to increase government spending to defend this discriminatory law — a law that intentionally harms
thousands of Americans who are legally married,” the letter asserts. “At the same time, voters in three states approved marriage equality and, in Minnesota, rejected writing a marriage ban into their state’s constitution. A strong majority of Americans support marriage for loving, committed same-sex couples — including an increasing number of conservatives. With more states allowing committed same-sex couples to obtain civil marriage licenses, DOMA imposes burdens on hard working, tax paying citizens.” Recently, the contract with Bancroft — the Washington-based law firm hired by Republicans to defend the law in court — was made public, revealing that House Republicans secretly agreed to raise the cost cap to $2 million. Republicans began defending the bill after the Obama Administration announced in February 2012 that it viewed the law as unconstitutional and could no longer defend it in court. — D.S.
Global ‘Kill the Gays’ bill on hold
KAMPALA, Uganda — Activists worldwide breathed a sigh of relief when the Ugandan Parliament adjourned Dec. 14 for its end-ofyear recess without considering the so-called “Kill the Gays” bill that would sentence LGBT people to death. Rebecca Kadaga, speaker of Parliament, had earlier promised to bring a vote on the proposed law as “a Christmas gift” to the nation. However, after weeks of posturing, the bill was officially moved to the bottom of the schedule the day of the recess. Parliament will convene again in February. LGBT and human rights organizations in Uganda celebrated, while vowing to continue the fight should the measure return next year.
“This bill won’t stop us,” said Frank Mugisha, executive director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), an LGBT rights organization. “We will continue to fight until we are free of this legislation. We cannot have oppression forever.” Global gay rights group All Out organized protests worldwide against the AntiHomosexuality Bill that mobilized more than 750,000 people in every region to oppose the law. — D.S.
Appeals court upholds conviction
YAOUNDE, Cameroon — On Dec. 17, the Court of Appeal here upheld the conviction of Roger Jean-Claude Mbédé, who had been found guilty of violating the Cameroonian law against “homosexual behavior” by sending a text message to another man. Mbédé had served more than one year of his three-year sentence and was out on bail for the appeal. He has now been returned to jail to serve the rest of his sentence. The news came as a shock to Mbédé’s supporters. At an earlier hearing, a Cameroon magistrate had stated that the charges against him were “incoherent” and “inconsistent.” “This isn’t just a tragedy for Roger. This is an embarrassment for Cameroon’s justice system,” said said Michel Togué, one of Mbédé’s attorneys, who vowed to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court. “The law criminalizing ‘homosexual behavior’ was used here merely to persecute an innocent man. It’s time to end this law and prevent more injustice.” — D.S.
Share your news with us Does your organization or special interest group have events or great information to share with our readers? If so, be sure to send in your information to specialassignments@goqnotes.com. In the upcoming months, we’ll feature one of you in our news notes section in each issue. Are you a part of a Meetup, Yahoo or Google group and do you do something that’s really newsworthy? Do you provide a service for the community or hold fundraisers for worthy causes? Do you educate the public about LGBT issues or concerns? Of course, this is only a sampling of things we are interested in. It’s the aim of these pieces to inform, enlighten and educate our readers about what we’re doing here in the Carolinas to champion LGBT rights, as well as offer resources for those who may be interested in what your group is doing. We hope to be able to begin this showcase later this month.
Meetings: Program: Time: Membership: Information:
Third Tuesday of every month, except when there is specialized programming, plus monthly socials to promote networking and friendship A wide variety of topics of interest to appeal to the diverse LGBT community After work with a cash bar social and heavy hor d’oeuvres with dinner and program following Visit the website for application options and benefits. Call 704.565.5075 or email businessguild@yahoo.com for more details or write to The Charlotte Business Guild P.O. Box 33371 | Charlotte, NC 28233
www.charlottebusinessguild.org Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Rates increase continued from page 4
Every quarter, Tucker said, the organization discusses safer-sex issues as a topic in youth group discussion meetings. “We’ve had people come in who are positive,” he said. “That puts a face on it and makes it a reality, something different than the rote discussion of safe sex.” Prevention efforts for positives and safer-sex lessons are important, but more should be done to unite and amplify the voices of those most at-risk, said Foreman and Galloway. “It is time to find a voice, especially for the AfricanAmerican community,” said Foreman. “It feels like we are still struggling to find a cohesive voice to speak for us. In
The Common Market
the beginning, people banded together and they got what they needed from the government and from the community. Something has to change. Something has to give and until the people who are being affected by this the most — African-American men and women — until we have a voice of cohesion, I don’t think it will change.” Galloway said young people, and especially young African-American men, need to “stand on the front lines” like many gay men did during the early years of the epidemic. That voice for change will have to come from within, Galloway said: “Now we have a younger generation. Will they be on the front line to represent that unheard voice?” : : more: Be sure to pick up the Jan. 18 and Feb. 1 print editions for parts two and three of this three-part series. You can follow the series online at goqnotes.com/newburden/.
Pl Marketplace az aM idw ood
For those looking for a bit of the unusual, a bit of the hip or a bit of that small-town general store feeling, there’s no other place like The Common Market. Owners Blake and Cress Barnes have run the business for a decade this year, expanding from their one original Plaza Midwood location to a second in South End. The owners say their award-winning deli, their craft beer and wine, cheeky gifts and a warm sense of community keep customers, as diverse as the neighborhood around them, coming back for more. The Common Market recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary party on Dec. 8. Visit Common Market: 2007 Commonwelath Ave. and 1515 S. Tryon St. Learn more: commonmarketisgood.com
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
C harlotte
Store serves Plaza Midwood for 10 years and counting
Other CDC data According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, gay and bisexual men of all ages continue to be most at-risk. Sixty-three percent of all new infections were among gay and bisexual men. The number of new cases grew 12 percent between 2008 and 2010. Other key findings of the new data include: • African-Americans represent 44 percent of new infections. • Latinos represent 21 percent of new infections. • New infections among African-American women are on the decline (21 percent fewer infections in 2010 compared to 2010). However, African-American women still represent 64 percent of new infections among women.
Getting your wallet in shape for the New Year Five basic tips for individuals and couples by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com
Photo Credit: Alan Crosthwaite. Dreamstime.com.
Two things often fall at the top of many people’s New Year’s resolutions lists: Personal health and personal finances. Growing and maintaining both your physical and financial health is important. For coverage on our health tips in this print edition, see pages 10-14. Below, find some basic tips for maintaining your personal financial well-being in 2013, from financial advisor Jenny Sperry, CFP, ADPA, of Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors.
Balance “You’re biggest concern is that you avoid outliving your assets,” says Sperry. This single, most-basic tip is much more important than any other financial advice, she says. “Make sure the whole picture makes sense.” Balance your savings, contributions to an emergency fund, retirement accounts and insurance needs. Create and keep a balanced household budget.
Tackling debt For individuals or couples facing debt or credit issues, Sperry encourages a solid debtreduction plan to go hand-in-hand with a commitment to balance household finances. First, tackle any collateralized debt. “It’s never good to have a car repossessed,” she says. Then, prioritize according to which debt carries the highest interest rate. Sperry warns, however, “The biggest mistake most people make is…paying debt off so quickly that they forget to put money into savings, which puts them in a situation where they get into more debt later. Be disciplined. You want to simultaneously be putting money into savings and do not neglect putting money into retirement.”
Future planning Planning for the future is of the utmost importance once establishing a balanced financial life, especially for couples and those in families. “Do you have an appropriate amount of insurance so that if something should happen your partner is not just out on the streets,” Sperry asks clients. She says one should look to life insurance and disability insurance, as well as plans which can cover long-term healthcare needs. Insurance, she says, can get more expensive as you age, so tackling the need now can save money. Planning for the future also includes education savings if one has children.
Partner agreements For couples, whether new or ongoing, Sperry says it is important to clearly spell out a “domestic partner agreement,” or, the expectations and intentions each partner has for and of the other. Such agreements can stand up in court if made with an attorney. “It spells out all of these intentions [at the start of a relationship] so that it is harder for people to contest if feelings or circumstances change,” Sperry says. “It gives you a road map if anything should happen.”
End-of-life documents Especially for couples, Sperry says, it is important to carefully consider and complete endof-life and other legal documents. She tells clients in relationships to have both durable and healthcare power-of-attorney agreements to allow each individual in the relationship to have final say over the other’s finances and healthcare needs. She also encourages clients to look into wills and irrevocable trusts, which can protect jointly-held assets after a partner dies or becomes incompetent. Her biggest tips for couples: “Don’t use the same estate lawyer as your partner. Do not go to the meetings with your partner. Do not let your partner be a witness. These are one of the things being used by families to challenge end-of-life decisions — that a partner coerced them and that if left to their own devices they would have had [the property] go to their family [instead of their partner].” Sperry also encourages same-sex couples to review and update wills, trusts and other end-of-life documents once every year or two or as circumstances change. : : more info: Jenny Sperry can be reached at 704-553-7220, ext. 127, jsperry.wrfa.com. [Ed. Note – This content reflects general thoughts and expertise on theoretical financial questions and circumstances. For the best and most accurate financial planning advice for you or your family, consult a certified financial planner or advisor.]
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Report card: Charlotte Gyms qnotes readers provide overwhelmingly-positive reviews of their exercise experiences
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Dowd YMCA Score:
It’s January! And, you know what that means. Gyms will be packed! It’s natural and alwaysexpected fact as many of us take on New Year’s resolutions to get into better shape and pay more attention to personal health. This year, qnotes decided to check in with many of our readers who regularly work out at local gyms. Their anonymous reviews and ratings are included here. Their experiences at their gyms are overwhelmingly positive, but not all gyms are cut from the same cloth. Some gyms offer full services like personal trainers and exercise classes. Others that don’t offer classes or trainers might be more fit for those seeking to work out alone and on their own schedules. Comfort level is also a factor in many people’s gym experiences. Some folks like a so-called cruisy gym. Others, meanwhile, seek a fully-stress-free environment. Use the reviews and information about the gyms below to help guide your decisions as you pick out a gym this year.
3025 N Charl . Davidso n o 704-7 tte, NC 28 St. 16-63 205 0 ymca 400 E. Morehead St. charl 0 o tte.or 02 282 NC Charlotte, g/joh nston S c 100 o 6-6 -71 r 704 e d h d/ i dow g es/ o h nch bra f equ est: C ymcacharlotte.org/ acce ipment typ leanliness s e s e, typ memb to perso , equipme , equipmen ss, diversity of equipment n nt m al t ava e a Scored highest: Cleanline son per r l tr to s ess hip af class offerings, acc forda ainer, com aintenanc ilability, d , ent equipment maintenance, nm iro env g iver b min f ffir o ility/c Score rtable e, class comfortable/a ost d low offeri sity /affirm trainer, customer service, ng e ing en st: Cu /cost stome membership affordability vironms, Amen r ent, servic i liness e (4/5 baske ties/Servi availability (4/5), LGBT-friend ), LGB ces: S tball c Scored lowest: Equipment T-frie wimm ourt ndline ing po (4/5) ss (4/ Mem o l , s b 5) a e u r na/ste pool, jacuzzi/ as low ship: Ad ing imm sw e, vic a ser el m Tow j u a r s o s t o ng a Amenities/Services: $30 fo spinni m, b ball court, running track, r one le-rate m sauna/steam room, basket embe adult Revie r and u ships w class room, yoga room p. able- notes: “ based Satisfi rate p on inc r o e on i ed t c d h bas ome, s i hip n e w ers g stru r loca ith me rate memb c t i Membership: Adjustablep m t o u e n b r r s e up. s e , and o lt r b m adu s nal fit one a ness. akes for m sed on in hip cost a income, as low as $30 for n c ” ore c e! omfo ome. Not a d adjustest gym in Charlott gay the r ly t sib a pos uite b “Q le exp s ‘cruisy r.” Reviewer notes: ’ erien n love to look in the showe me ht’ aig ‘str d, ce for as rrie ma Even the
out of 5
Levine Jewish Community Center Score:
ym G e t a m Ulti Score:
out of 5
th St. 401 E. 35 , NC 28205 e tt Charlo 071 0 m 3 3 maintelotte.co 704-3 ymchar uipment ness g q e te t, a n e im m dli ult of equip BT-frien ailability mer service, LG v A t: s e high usto ess to Scored ss offerings, c /5), Acc (3 la e c p , ty e t c nan men of equip iversity D t: s e low al arts Scored trainer (2/5) ny marti a l m a , n s o g s in per boxing r s: Three e ic v r e s/S , $10. Amenitie ay pass D . o s /m a 0 are . $3 fee, $50 ollment r n E : ip rsh ned. Membe cally ow lo d d n a y entl l arts an depend is martia rts classes, s u c fo Extra: In in martial a yms ma Kids : “This g ss, boxing and belly dancing. s te o n r e e n tn e w fi v ie e ly v nd Re eek inining a Many w boxing. yoga, cross tra ailable.” v as as well Ju-Jutso also a d n a o d Ju
Childress Klein YMCA (Uptown) Score:
of 5 4.8 out
out of 5
David Silverman Fitness & Wellness Center 5007 Providence Rd. Charlotte, NC 28226 704-366-5007 charlottejcc.org/webpage-directory/fitness/fitness/ Scored highest: Cleanliness, equipment availability, equipment maintenance, class offerings, LGBT-friendliness, comfortable/ affirming environment
dents (14-21 years of age) to $103.50/mo. for a family. One-time joining fee applies. Daily towel services are $36/mo. for an individual or $60/mo. for a couple.
Scored lowest: Access to personal trainer (4/5), Customer service (4/5), Membership affordability/satisfaction (4/5)
Reviewer notes: “Fitness center offers child care, multiple vending machines including healthy foods, Pilates, video on all stationary aerobic equipment, an indoor track, snack bar in the summer, adult and family lounges, massage. Towel service with permanent lockers is an extra-fee feature. Monthly direct pay, no contract, free one-week trials available.”
Amenities/Services: Swimming pools, jacuzzis and sauna/steam rooms, basketball courts, racquetball courts, outdoor tennis courts Membership: As low as $42.50/mo. for stu-
301 S. College St. Charlotte, NC 28202 704-716-6400 ymcacharlotte.org/childressklein Scored highest: Cleanliness, equipment availability, class offerings, access to personal trainer, customer service, LGBT-friendliness, comfortable/affirming environment, membership affordability/cost Scored lowest: Diversity of equipment type (4/5), equipment maintenance (4/5) Amenities/Services: Towel service, juice bar, swimming pool, jacuzzi/sauna/steam room, basketball court, running track, cardio studio, free parking at select times Membership: Adjustable-rate memberships based on income, as low as $30 for one adult and up. Reviewer notes: “Always clean, friendly, easy access. Closed on Sundays but the Dowd Y is nearby.”
All ratings, reviews and feedback were gathered and compiled by qnotes staff from readers and community members. Ratings, reviews and feedback are published anonymously after being vetted by qnotes staff. The YMCA of Charlotte has an inclusive policy for household memberships, which can be comprised of any two or more adults as well as children living in the same household no matter their blood or legal relation.
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Planet Fitness
4.1ofout5 2200 Coronation Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28227 704-849-4050 planetfitness.com Scored highest: Cleanline ss, equipment availability, equipment mainte nace, comfortable/ affirming environment, me mbership affordability/satisfaction Scored lowest: Class offeri ngs (1/5), Access to personal trainer (2/5) Amenities/Services: Open 24 hours, tanning beds Membership: $39 enrollm ent plus $10 down,
$10 per month Reviewer notes: “A great selection of equipment, very clean and well-maintained. Even during busy times, the re are plenty of machines available. Staff is helpful with any questions on how to operat e equipment. This is a gym for those who like to work-out on their own. You can’t beat the price to join. Not for those who want or nee d classes or fancy dressing rooms, but a gre at value and a great facility for a great price.”
The Fitness Factory Score:
out of 5
1111 Hawthorne Ln, Charlotte, NC 28205 704-371-4660 fitnessfactoryofcharlotte.com
Scored highest: Cleanliness, availability of equipment, equipment maintenance, class offerings, comfortable and affirming environment for health/wellness Scored lowest: Diversity of equipment type (3/5), customer service (3/5), membership affordability/cost (3/5) Amenities/Services: Open 24 hours Membership: As low as $100 down, $42/mo.
Annual memberships $449. Group classes $10/ea., $100/mo. unlimited. Extra: Independently and locally owned. Reviewer notes: “Great gym for cross training and body building. For serious work-out enthusiasts.”
Blast Fitness Score:
of 5 3.5 out
5404 Central Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205 704-537-2600 blastfitness.com of equipment type, Scored highest: Diversity affordability/cost hip ers mb class offerings, me ss (2/5), equipment Scored lowest: Cleanline er service (2/5) tom cus maintenance (2/5), ing pool, jacuzzi/ Amenities/Services: Swimm open late nights e, vic ser sauna, track, childcare until midnight motional membership, Membership: Current pro Platinum member$1 joining fee and $10/mo.
/mo. ship, no joining fee, $19.99 with some aspects Reviewer notes: “Pleased ership cost. Have of this gym, including memb ore this location was been a member since bef ce then, jacuzzi Sin . bought by Blast Fitness d for five months. fixe not and has been broken d but not available. Tanning beds are advertise things will be fixed say Staff and management women’s only area but never are. Advertise a but they don’t have one.”
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
The health secrets that women keep The top five women’s health secrets Secret bottles in the medicine cabinet? Frequent trips to the bathroom? Moodiness, fatigue or changes in social behavior? Everyone has secrets — that’s no surprise. But, whether little or big, secrets can make a real difference in quality of life. When it comes to women keeping their health issues to themselves, the effects can be unnecessary, turning something potentially treatable into a misery to live with. By speaking up about those secret health issues, women can make their lives much more comfortable and enjoyable. Health is a highly personal subject by nature, but there are experiences that almost all women share. Discussing what you’re going through, or even what you don’t understand, with friends, family and, most importantly, your doctor can lead to greater understanding and better treatment solutions. Within families, it’s particularly important for women to talk about their health, as many issues are genetic and carry over from generation to generation. Some of the health secrets women keep and ways to bring them out of hiding: Heavy periods: More than 10 million women suffer — usually in silence — from heavy periods convinced that changing their pad or tampon more than five times a day is normal because it is something they have learned to live with. While not life threatening, many women are unaware of the latest safe, effective and minimally invasive treatment options available to them. Novasure is one such procedure, featured on the popular daytime TV show “The Doctors” in 2009. The makers of Novasure recently created an online resource for women who suffer from heavy periods, changethecycle.com. The site was established as a place where women can share their stories and learn about the different options they have for their heavy periods in the comfort of a girlfriend-to-girlfriend online community. Heavy periods can occur at various stages of your life, and procedures like Novasure are best for women who have decided against having any or anymore children. Be sure to speak with your health care professional, as heavy periods could be a sign of other health concerns. (See more about Novasure from “The Doctors” on YouTube: youtube.com/ watch?v=khg2I_ecHlM.) Adult acne: Nearly 30 percent of women are troubled by breakouts well into adulthood. Adult acne is caused by hypersensitivity or
overproduction of hormones and can happen during pregnancy, perimenopause, and menopause. Too often, women try to treat adult acne like the teen kind and wait to see a doctor for their skin problems. If you have basic acne, treatments with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide should help, but for serious acne, a dermatologist has an arsenal of products to clear up your skin. Bladder leakage: Though bladder issues are common, the majority of people who suffer do so in secret. Approximately 13 million Americans, the majority of whom are women, have bladder issues. These bladder problems in women may be due to childbirth or a natural part of aging. However, these issues effect women of all ages and in most cases, are easily treatable. It may include therapy, behavioral and diet modifications, medicines and in some cases, surgery. Vaginal dryness: Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats. Those are the menopause symptoms we talk about. But, what about the ones we don’t talk about including painful sex? More than 50 million women are in menopause and more than half of them have vaginal atrophy — a chronic and progressive condition characterized by symptoms including vaginal dryness and pain during sex. Whether it’s lack of awareness or lack of empowerment, women don’t tell their doctor, though simple over-the-counter treatments are available. If you experience any of these health issues listed above, please feel free to speak with your doctor. They will listen with an understanding ear and suggest the best treatment plan for you. : : — courtesy BrandPoint
qpoll What kinds of New Year’s resolution or New Year desires are highest on your priority list this year? Will you focus on personal or financial health? Will you be working to buy a new home or other big purchase this year? Will you resolve to be more involved in the community? See all the options and vote atgoqnotes.com/to/qpoll
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
How men can avoid five common skincare pitfalls Dermatologist offers skincare advice to help save guys from irritation and discomfort Let’s face it, skincare isn’t always a priority for most guys. However, the path to healthy, comfortable skin is not as difficult as one might think. For men with skin issues, relief is only a few simple steps away. San Diegobased dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Benabio, a medical advisor and consultant for Unilever, lists five common skincare pitfalls guys face and how each can be easily avoided. 1. Using the wrong stick Half of men experience some form of underarm discomfort or itching and believe this is the price they have to pay for using a powerful deodorant. Those experiencing underarm irritation should try an antiperspirant or deodorant that is specifically formulated to be non-irritating. 2. Wearing inappropriate workout clothes While long workouts are great for your body, they can be tough on your skin if Dermatoligist Jeffrey Benabio you’re wearing clothes that absorb moisture. Change into clothes that wick sweat away so you can avoid the excess moisture, which allows bacteria to thrive and can cause skin problems. 3. Forgetting about the soap Guys don’t usually spend a lot of time in drug store aisles and they
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
often get whatever soap they’ve been using for years or go with whatever is cheapest. Little do they know that those soaps are often too harsh and strip their skin of essential oils. Use an all-in-one body and face wash solution instead of regular body soap. 4. Shaving mistakes Before shaving, try using steam or hot water to help open pores. Also, while there’s nothing wrong with keeping your facial hair under control and maintaining a clean-shaven look, it’s not a bad idea to let your facial hair grow occasionally. This break can help unclog your pores and reduce ingrown hairs. 5. Forgetting the shades Next time you run out of the house without your sunglasses, think again. One of the leading causes of wrinkles around eyes, or crow’s feet, at an early age is sun damage. If you want to keep the skin around your eyes looking younger, get used to wearing your shades in all seasons — squinting is not a good look anyway. While it can simply take a small lifestyle change to solve recurring skin problems, it’s important to see a dermatologist if problems persist. : : — courtesy BrandPoint
Products you can use Dr. Jeffrey Benabio is a medical advisor and consultant for Unilever, the company which makes Dove bodycare products. But, he’s a personal fan, too. Though he’s advised Unilever since 2011, he’s been personally using Dove products since he was 11. Here are a couple products he recommends: • For fighting the sweat, use Dove’s Men+Care Aqua Impact antiperspirant and deodorant. The stick is designed to be sensitive to skin while providing protection against odor and wetness. • In the shower, use Dove’s Men+Care Clean Defense Body and Face Wash, clinically proven to fight skin dryness with less irritation or tightness than soap. For more skincare tips and products that can help, visit dovemencare.com and Dr. Benabio’s blog, thedermblog.com.
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Jan. 4-17 . 2013
tell trinity by Trinity :: qnotes contributor :: trinity@telltrinity.com
What science, religion and history say about sexuality Hey Trinity, I’ve often wondered what your answer would be if asked, “Why are some people gay and some not?” In Question, Orlando, FL Hey In Question, Science says, “It’s the hypothalamus.” Religion says, “ It’s Divine or Undivine.” History says, “It’s been this way since the beginning of time.” And I say, “It’s simply normal and healthy to have diversity.” I’ve also thought that gay people were divinely created for the well being of a culture and to fill the gaps of non-gay people. I also think people are born bisexual with strong or week tendencies toward one or the other. Some find what that “one or the other” is and some stay bisexual. But, no matter what, pumpkin, respect, rejoice and read as many books on
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
sexuality as you can. Hello Trinity, I’ve been trying for months to get the one I love to love me back. I know that I’ve found my soul mate. I send flowers, visit his work and even offer to pay off some of his debts, but still I get, “Not interested!” I’m out of things to do. Help? Not Giving Up, Fire Island, NY Hello N. G. U., Now let me get this right. You’ve done everything you can and still he’s “not interested!” Well, guess what? He’s not interested! Let me say that again just in case you missed it the first time: “he’s not interested” which means, he’s not interested! And, sweetie this also means move on! (Sometimes it takes a bit of pushing to get us to understand things. Just check my cartoon to see how I have done it.) Dearest Trinity, I went on a dinner date where everything went wrong, the food, the service and the way I reacted. What
should I do next time? Dinning Disaster, Albuquerque, NM Dearest Disaster, Just when you think you’ve picked the perfect night, perfect restaurant and perfect menu, a full moon rises and disaster strikes. So, darling, when going on a date with someone new, at least for the first few dates, go to places with atmosphere, with food and with a waitperson you know. Go to familiar places and save unfamiliar dinning adventures for close friends and political enemies. Better luck next time. Dear Trinity, I recently moved to a new town and am trying to make new friends. I’ve made a few great friends, but I keep losing them for one reason or another. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. What does it take to be keep a friends? Friendless, Flint, MI Dear Friendless, It’s really not easy knowing how to make a great friend. There are no books or classes to take, so it’s just trial in error. But, honey, before you end up on trial for looking like a fool here’s: Trinity’s Fine Tips For How To Be A Great Friend 1. Never steal or mistreat each other’s girlfriends, boyfriends or MAC make-up!
2. Share and be kind to each other’s girlfriends, boyfriends or MAC make-up. 3. Take each other to parties, openings, events and family gatherings. 4. Lending each other money is great, but paying back is even greater. 5. Drinking, drugging, clubbing and late night adventures are wonderful reasons to keep a good friend nearby unless they’re the reason you’re doing it. 6. Helping each other through troubles, traumas and triumphs are fine, but being too helpful to the point of caretaking can destroy a friendship as well. 7. Yes, when you do finally get hitched, it’s hard to stay in touch with your friends, but you can make it work. 8. When your friend takes drugs and alcohol too far, you must get them help before saying, “I can’t deal with you anymore!” 9. Teaching each other to be eccentric, generous, adventurous and impractical are the main reason two people become friends. 10. Lastly, fighting, arguing, disagreeing and taking time away from each other is what makes strong, intense and long lasting friendships! : : — With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend Trinity hosted “Spiritually Speaking” a weekly radio drama performed globally and is now minister of WIG: Wild Inspirational Gatherings, wigministries.org. Learn more at telltrinity.com.
out in the stars by Charlene Lichtenstein :: qnotes contributor
January 4 - 17 Let’s see where our emotions take us as Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Armed with boundless love, optimism and a spark of energy, we take a leap of faith off any and all cliffs. Take a risk. Yippee! What a cool and refreshing feeling…all the way down. CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? It must be you, pink Cap. So dress up and take it to town. Turn up the volume on your innate personal charm. The people you meet will have an explosive effect on your activities and projects over the next few months. Choose your groups and make merry. Make a few others, too, while you are at it. AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) Who are those ghouls, the voices from the past who haunt your dreams and every waking hour? Every passing spirit with a gripe chimes in with an opinion. Aqueerians begin to doubt their decisions and prefer to be swept up by the cosmic ebb and flow. But, the secret to success is to listen to your gut and avoid back seat spirit drivers. PISCES (02.20-03.20) Your social card fills to overflowing. Guppies are up for anything and anyone and can get into extreme mischief if they are lucky. Polish those pearlies step into the social epicenter and see who notices. But, before you trot off to new grazing areas, check to see if the resident herd is to your liking. You have quite a few choices. Sample every morsel. ARIES (03.21-04.20) There is a new corporate star on the horizon. It is the confident and magnanimous proud Ram who manages to impress senior staff with a heretofore hidden talent or two. Make your mark now by revealing your best and brightest ideas to those in power. Timing and place are everything. Mumbling to yourself in the restroom has very little corporate impact. TAURUS (04.21-05.21) Your life is suffused with more fizz than actual soda, but what the heck. Float your boat to new adventure and new who-knows-who. Don’t linger in drydock, queer Bull. Pull up your anchor and ride this joyful effervescence to a new port of call. You may find some buried treasure along the way. Just be careful when you walk the plank. GEMINI (05.22-06.21) They say it is not the heat, but the humidity that make things uncomfortably sticky. Pink Twins take it upon themselves to raise the temperature in any steamy interaction and must live with the sticky consequences. Avoid catastrophe by carefully watching the signposts. Will you become slippery when wet or just another falling rock zone? CANCER (06.22-07.23) Gay Crabs wax poetic
about how they cherish relationships above all else. There is some truth to the sentiment. But right now, all best-laid partnership plans take some surprising turns. Emotions run high and you can fall in love with the concept of love. Will you wander from pillar to post with your heart in your hand? Yuk. Pack a paper towel. LEO (07.24-08.23) More can be accomplished at the water cooler than at your desk now. The fates bring a combo of luck, timing and shocking honesty. Proud Lions can use their dramatic flair to capture a few golden nuggets of gossip and other useful information that will make their work easier. Ask the right questions and carefully listen. Then go for the jugular. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) Every now and then an opportunity comes along that is irresistibly tempting. Queer Virgins surrender to the overwhelming urge. Life can become one big party where anything goes. But, how far are you prepared to go? The trick is to balance these impressive offerings and make the most of them. Trick can then lead to treat. Boo! LIBRA (09.24-10.23) Ever-mobile proud Libras find that they are more home centered. Rather than feel hemmed in, the happy-home tides will fuel the fun which is both unexpected
and memorable. More activity and dust are stirred up with all of your domestic activities. Speaking about dust, how about a little housekeeping while you are at it. Hint, hint. SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) Even your whispers can shout volumes, so think before you speak now. Use the time to foment some rather compelling, creative and shocking theories. Who is this otherwise status quo, conservative proud Scorp? This can be a time of change, albeit brief and potentially temporary, if not thought out sufficiently. Revolution! Or, something like that. SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) Money comes and goes. It would be nice to try to harness and divert a bit of it for retirement. An enticing fiscal opportunity presents itself now. Unfortunately, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Protect yourself by carefully examining all monetary schemes, doing your financial homework and reading the fine print. It may take you beyond 2042. Or, maybe not. : : © 2013 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment. info: Visit TheStarryEye.com for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.
daily news,blog posts and lgbt community event listings Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter: goqnotes.com/subs
goqnotes.com Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Community Resources [Ed. Note — Each issue, qnotes will rotate various community resources and list them here. These community groups are here to serve you and we know of no better way to simply inform the public of their good works than by giving you the opportunity to connect with them and get involved. Don’t see your group listed and want to join in? Shoot us an email with “InFocus addition” in the subject line to editor@goqnotes.com.] HIV/AIDS Carolinas Care Partnership 7510 E. Independence Blvd. Suite 105 Charlotte, NC 28227 704-531-2467 carolinascare.org House of Mercy 701 Mercy Dr. Belmont, NC 28012 704-825-4711 thehouseofmercy.org Mecklenburg County Department of Health 704-432-TEST (8378)
charmeck.org/mecklenburg/ county/HealthDepartment/ CommunityHealthServices/ Pages/HIVSTDServices.aspx Planned Parenthood 4822 Albemarle Rd. Suites 103 & 104 Charlotte, NC 28205 704-536-7233 plannedparenthood.org/ health-center/ centerDetails.asp?f=2703 Pozitively Speaking pozitivelyspeaking.com
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network 501 N. Tryon St. 4th Floor Charlotte, NC 28237 704-372-7246 carolinarain.org Rosedale Infectious Disease 103 Commerce Centre Dr. Suite 103 Huntersville, NC 28078 704-948-8582 rosedaleid.com Social & Support Carolina Bear Lodge carolinabears.com
Carolina Transgender Society carolinatransgender society.com Charlotte Bears charlottebears.com Charlotte Black Gay Pride charlotteblackgay pride.com
Charlotte Business Guild 704-565-5075 charlottebusinessguild.org Charlotte Gender Alliance charlottegenderalliance.info Charlotte Tradesmen charlottetradesmen.org Chi Psi Omega Fraternity chipsiomegafraternity.org
PFLAG Charlotte pflagcharlotte.org Prime Timers primetimersww.org/ charlotte/ TransFaith In Color Conference transfaithincolor.org
Human Rights Campaign Gala
Feb. 23 • Charlotte Gala and other events Tickets are now on sale for the 18th Annual Human Rights Campaign North Carolina Gala. More than 1,300 are expected to attend and previous dinners have sold out quickly. The annual black-tie fundraiser is the highlight of the fundraising year for Carolinas supporters of the Human Rights Campaign. Get more information on tickets, the gala event and other related events at hrccarolina.org.
Jan. 5 • Raleigh Open Mic The LGBT Center of Raleigh hosts a special open mic for sharing and performance. Share a song, poem, personal story or more. Hosted on the first and second Saturdays of each month with various themes: Jan. 5 and 12, Beginnings; Feb. 2 and 9, Relationships; March 2 and 9th, Discrimination. LGBT Center of Raleigh, 411 Hillsborough St. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Performance, 7-10 p.m. Recommended for ages 13 and over. 919-8324484. lgbtcenterofraleigh.com. Jan 7 • Charlotte PRISM LGBT young adults Prism is a collaboration formed by Time Out Youth and the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte for young adults ages 18025. Support, networking, social, discussion group. LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, at its new home in January, 617 E. 28th St. 6-7:30 p.m. gaycharlotte.com. timeoutyouth.org. Jan. 7 • Charlotte Men’s Yoga Men’s Yoga returns for the New Year at the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte’s new location at 617 E. 28th St. 7:30 p.m. $10. gaycharlotte.com. Jan. 8-13 • Charlotte ‘Sister Act’ Blumenthal Performing Arts Center presents the latest in their Duke Energy Broadway Lights Series. Join their LGBT fan group, Out on the Town on Jan. 10 for savings up to $20 on tickets and an exclusive pre-show part at Ovens Auditorium from 6-7:30 p.m. Ovens Auditorium, 2700 E. Independence Blvd. Various times. Tickets beginning at $20. More
information available at blumenthalarts.org or at the box office at 704-372-1000. Jan. 8 • Durham Choral audtions Vox Virorum, the Triangle’s newest all-male chorus welcomes new members at open calls. All male voice parts welcome. No prepared selection required. First Presbyterian Church, 305 E. Main St. 6-7 p.m. Contact voxvirorum@gmail.com for details. Jan. 9 • Charlotte Free HIV & Syphilis Testing The LGBT Community Center in Charlotte and the Mecklenburg County Health Department host free HIV and syphilis testing at the center, 617 E. 28th St. 5-7 p.m. For more information contact Hannah Stutts at hannah.stutts@ carolinashealthcare.org. gaycharlotte.com. Jan. 12 • Charlotte Three bands perform Three touring bands perform: Sinners & Saints, The Ramblin Fevers, Pinkerton Raid. Petra’s. 1919 Commonwealth Ave. 8 p.m. petraspianobar.com. Jan. 15-16 • Charlotte Bullying prevention A new organization begun to address bullying in schools will hold events over two days, including a day-long series of workshops on Saturday, Jan. 16. Events include seminars and panels and events with Lee Hirsch, director of the documentary, “Bully.” Saturday’s workshops will be held at the Levine Jewish Community Center, 5007 Providence Rd. Tickets for the day-long conference are $125. More information and registration at joinedineducation.org.
Submit your event to our new calendar!
Jan. 13 • Charlotte Prime Timers The Prime Timers of Charlotte hosts their monthly business meeting and dinner. Wedgewood Church, 4800 Wedgewood Dr. 5-8:30 p.m. 704-236-3775. primetimersww.com/ charlotte. Jan. 21-25 • Charlotte No Name Calling Week Time Out Youth marks the national No Name Calling Week with various events. The national awareness week seeks to solve namecalling and bullying in schools by creating dialogue. Local events to be announced. For local information contact Micah Johnson at mjohnson@timeoutyouth.org. For information on the national movement, visit nonamecallingweek.org. Jan. 23-27 • Atlanta Creating Change The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force hosts its annual National Conference on LGBT Equality, “Creating Change,” the largest LGBT conference of its type in the nation. The event marks the conference’s 25th year, featuring workshops and seminars, appearances by national movement leaders and celebrities and Task Force Executive Director Rea Carey’s annual State of the Movement address. Conference will be hosted at the Hilton Atlanta. Registration is open now with details available at creatingchange.org. Jan. 24-Feb. 9 • Charlotte ‘Next to Normal’ Queen City Theatre Company presents their production of the musical “Next to Normal,” winner of a 2010 Pulitzer Prize and three Tony Awards. The production is described as an
events goqnotes.com/qguide/events
“electrifying and powerful rock musical” telling the story of suburbanite Diana, her husband and her 16-year-old daughter and 17-year-old son as she struggles with bipoler disorder. Recommended for ages 15 and older. Duke Energy Theater at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St. queencitytheatre.com. Jan. 25 • Durham Debut Concert Vox Virorum Men’s Chorus will showcase their voices during the group’s premiere event. Directed by Jeremy Nabors. Blacknall Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1902 Perry St. 7:30 p.m. Free. Donations accepted. 919-3605242. voxvirorum@gmail.com. facebook.com/ VoxVirorumTriangleMensChoir. Jan. 25-27 • Durham Fabufest! 2013 iNSIDEoUT holds its retreat for youth ages 13 and older. Location TBA. facebook.com/ events/449721155090937/. Jan. 30 • Raleigh Polyamory discussion The LGBT Center of Raleigh hosts the Triangle Area Polyamory group for a discussion on polyamory and ethical nonmonogamy. Learn the basics of loving, honest committed relationships with multiple partners, including communication, relationship dynamics, stereotypes and more. LGBT Center of Raleigh, 411 Hillsborough St. 7:30 p.m. 919-832-4484. lgbtcenterofraleigh.com.
You can now submit your event to a special comprehensive community calendar presented by qnotes, the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte and Visit Gay Charlotte. Submit your event at goqnotes.com/eventsubmit/ and get a three-for-one entry. All Charlotte-area events will appear on each of the three calendars at qnotes (goqnotes.com), the LGBT Center (gaycharlotte.com) and Visit Gay Charlotte (visitgaycharlotte.com).
Jan. 4-17 . 2013
Jan. 4-17 . 2013