QNotes Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2011

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Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011



Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

inside Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2011 Vol 25 No 19

news & features   6 Maintaining status quo 12 News Notes: Regional Briefs 22 Kennedy honored by USA Network 22 Yoga email offends



14 ‘Sissies’ a message of hope 14 Spring A&E Guide: Opera 15 Spring A&E Guide: Stage 16 Spring A&E Guide: Dance 17 Spring A&E Guide: Films 18 Spring A&E Guide: Museums 19 Spring A&E Guide: Concerts 20 Tell Trinity


21 Out in the Stars 23 Drag Rag 25 On Being a Gay Parent 27 Q events calendar

opinions & views   4 Editor’s Note   4 Guest Commentary


5 General Gayety 17 QPoll: Cover of the Year winner


contributors this issue


Matt Comer, Tyler DeVere, Kevin Grooms/Miss Della, Charlene Lichtenstein, Lainey Millen, Leslie Robinson, David Stout, Trinity, Matthew Tsien, Brett Webb-Mitchell


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Actors Justin Younts (T.J.), Josh Bistromowitz   (Andrew) from ‘Southern Baptist Sissies’. Credit: Queen City Theatre Company Graphic Design by qnotes staff

Pride Publishing & Typesetting, Inc. P.O. Box 221841, Charlotte, NC 28222, ph 704.531.9988 fx 704.531.1361 Editor: Matt Comer, x202 editor@goqnotes.com Publisher: Jim Yarbrough Assoc. Ed.: David Stout, x210 editor2@goqnotes.com Sales: x206 adsales@goqnotes.com Production: Lainey Millen, x209 production@goqnotes.com Nat’l Sales: Rivendell Media, 212.242.6863 Printed on recycled paper. Material in qnotes is copyrighted by Pride Publishing & Typesetting © 2011 and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent of the editor or publisher. Advertisers assume full responsibility — and therefore, all liability — for securing reprint permission for copyrighted text, photographs and illustrations or trademarks published in their ads. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers, cartoonists we publish is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or photographs does not indicate the subject’s sexual orientation. qnotes nor its publisher assumes liability for typographical error or omission, beyond offering to run a correction. Official editorial positions are expressed in staff editorials and editorial notations and are determined by editorial staff. The opinions of contributing writers and guest columnists do not necessarily represent the opinions of qnotes or its staff. qnotes accepts unsolicited editorial, but cannot take responsibility for its return. Editor reserves the right to accept and reject material as well as edit for clarity, brevity.

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011



by Matthew Tsien :: guest contributor

by matt comer matt@goqnotes.com

Generational change in the new GOP?

East Charlotte gays could have impact

Last year, as the 2010 census ramped up to count all 300 million-plus U.S. citizens and residents, qnotes delved into old 2000 census information that showed East Charlotte’s 28205 ZIP code — including neighborhoods like Plaza-Midwood, NoDa, parts of Elizabeth and parts of the 7th St./Monroe and Central Ave. corridors — as the most LGBT-populous locale in the entire state (see “Large LGBT presence key to East Charlotte development” at goqnotes.com/6043/). Those demographics might very well change as information from the most recent census is slowly released starting this year, though I expect East Charlotte will still rank highly on the places most populated by LGBT residents in North Carolina. As explored in our March 2010 story, the LGBT community’s presence has been key to East Charlotte development and history. Each of the city’s primarily-LGBT faith congregations make their home in East Charlotte, along with three of the city’s nine primarily-LGBT nightlife establishments. Two of the city’s three largest, local LGBT-oriented organizations or businesses, including this newspaper, are in East Charlotte (and another used to be until moving downtown, another locale with a high population of LGBT residents). Finally, East Charlotte is home to dozens of LGBT-owned businesses that range from coffeehouses and restaurants to art galleries and antique shops. If you’re LGBT and live in Charlotte, odds are likely you make your home in the city’s Eastside. If not, at the very least you work, eat, shop or drink here or have friends who live here. I mention all of this as an LGBT-inclusive primer to this column on Independence Blvd., East Charlotte and public transit. The city has been engrossed in civic debate over the need, value, cost and potential benefits of rapid or reliable public transit systems since local government took it over in the 1970s. The Charlotte Observer’s Mary Newsom hit upon that decades-old debate in her Jan. 14 column, “Can the hated boulevard be tamed?”, in which she discussed a recent panel by the out-of-town Urban Land Institute’s Rose Center and their slate of recommendations for a solution to the Eastside’s public transit and Independence Blvd. woes. Newsom drilled down the Rose Center’s suggestions: “…scrap the idea of light rail

guest commentary

editor’s note

transit down the middle of Independence and instead build a Monroe Road streetcar. Independence would get bus rapid transit along limited-access lanes already planned, part of the state’s decades-long Independence project.” That original proposal for bus transit, Newsom related, caused an avalanche of frustration for East Charlotteans, who have, at least since the late 1990s, dreamt of an extension of light rail to their side of town, similar to the current southern LYNX leg and planned northern leg toward UNC-Charlotte. Though I’d debate the placement of a streetcar line on Monroe Rd. (it should be on Central Ave.), I fervently believe there’s no reason for folks in East Charlotte not to want light rail or some other reliable public transit on their side of town; similarly, there’s little rational basis for why the city hasn’t prioritized and sped up such a streetcar line’s construction. The South End LYNX blue line has proven a success. Before the Great Recession, and even now though to a lesser extent, the blue line has spawned the development of new residential buildings and businesses. Such development is needed on the Eastside and public transit will be key to its success. But the public transit naysayers will never quit. “We don’t have the money,” they say. “Light rail and streetcar systems will never pay for themselves, just as the current public transit system fails to pay for itself.” Those naysayers, the majority of whom live comfortably outside the demographic which stands to benefit the most from public transit, neglect a few key facts when they jump on their “it’ll never pay for itself”ideological train rides of fancy. In modern times no mode of mass transportation in this country or elsewhere around the globe has ever come close to fully paying for itself. Particularly in this country, mass transit as we know it today exists solely because of its subsidization by local, state and federal governments and, by extension, taxpayers. Daniel Baldwin Hess of the State University of New York’s University at Buffalo and Rutgers University’s Peter A. Lombardi write: “At the start of the 1950s, many of the nation’s transit systems — the vast majority of which were

see Editor’s Note on 5

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President Obama created a stir last month when he reiterated that while he doesn’t support gay marriage, he still struggles with the issue. He said his views are “constantly evolving.” In the Republican Party, the fracture over issues concerning homosexual individuals revealed itself more clearly in the vote for repeal of the 17-year-old “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that prevented gays from serving openly in the military. Of the eight Republican senators who voted for repeal, five are among the youngest in the upper chamber — and they’re not all moderates. They are rather right-wing and the type of Republican that the gay press and their activist class reflexively demonized as ultra-homophobic nut-jobs. Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, John Ensign of Mormon Nevada and Richard Burr of Dixie North Carolina — yes, that’s Jesse Helm’s North Carolina — maintain relatively conservative voting records. They are 53, 52 and 55, respectively. Their colleagues Mark Kirk and Scott Brown have been lumped into the more moderate wing of the party, but they, too, are some of the youngest GOP senators. Both are 51. Yet, as far as “gay issues” go, the GOP might be more generational in their views. Nearly all young service members supported the repeal of DADT because it simply doesn’t matter to them what anyone’s sexual orientation is — as long as you can live within the military Code of Conduct — and many happen to know and are friends with gay people. In terms of the recent Senate vote, as we know most U.S. senators are old and many of the Republicans are from a generation that are clinging to old-school thoughts of a time long ago. However, Republicans under the age of 60 tend to be more inclusive, even if they are rightfully labeled “conservative” in their voting records on other non-gay issues. In fact, looking beyond the rigidly left-wing gay world, many people, including centrist and GOP Gays, would argue that conservatives and Republicans in general aren’t any different than anyone else in America. Republicans, over the past number of years, have seen more and more gay people feeling free to come out and to live their lives openly and honestly, within the very ranks of Republican culture, such as traditional

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011 John Arrowood Former North Carolina Court of Appeals Judge Crowne Plaza, 201 S. McDowell St. Cash Bar Social/Heavy Hor d’oeuvres @ 5:30 pm Program starts @ 6:45 pm $20 Call 704.565.5075 by 12 pm Friday, February 11, 2011 or email businessguild@yahoo.com to request tickets for this event



families, churches, Fortune 500 companies, Republican think-tanks and other Republican Party activities. For that reason the younger generations of Republicans are becoming increasingly familiar with issues affecting homosexual Americans. Older generations, generally don’t have that same experience of having as many contemporaries who are openly gay. Yet, the solidly right-wing Republican North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr rationalized inspirationally, his decision to support the repeal of “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell” in generational terms: “Given the generational transition that has taken place in our nation, I feel that this policy is outdated and repeal is inevitable,” he said. Post-vote, there is more evidence that gay issues may continue to show fractures and changes within the GOP: several prominent conservative groups have announced that they will boycott the largest annual gathering of conservatives in the country, the Conservative Political Action Committee Convention, in Washington this February, due to Gay Republicans hosting their own hospitality reception suite and a membership sign-up booth for Gays leaning decidedly to the Right. It will be inspiring and exciting to see if some of the potential GOP presidential contenders who will speak at this famous rightwing conclave, might express more inclusion toward gays in their activist Army. After all, several of the big names being thrown about as the next Republican President are under they age of 60. And that includes right-wing divas Sarah Palin, and Michelle Bachmann, the Queens of the Tea Party movement; and also irreverent, but fiscally conservative, Republicans like the Governors Mitch Daniels (Ind.), Chris Christie (N.J.) and Tim Pawlenty (Minn.). You heard it here first. : : — Tsien is the former public affairs director for the Washington, D.C., chapter of Log Cabin Republicans.


general gayety by leslie robinson :: qnotes contributor

Gay elf says end ‘discriminatory’ policy (Note: In case you don’t read The North Pole Gazette, here’s a reprint of an important story that just ran in that fine newspaper.) by Sven Laplander It’s always quiet at Santa’s Workshop in the first half of January. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus are in Hawaii and the elves are sleeping. But not one elf. Smizzle, the lead choochoo train builder, kept his eyes open long enough to call for an end to “Shut Up, Make Toys” (SUMT), Santa’s long-standing policy on gay and lesbian employees. Under the policy, Santa can’t ask if an elf is gay, elves can’t say they’re gay and jolliness

Editor’s Note continued from page 4

privately owned and operated — were on the brink of fiscal and physical collapse. After a decade of neglect during the Great Depression and being overburdened by an upsurge in ridership during the gas rationing and full employment of the World War II years, many transit systems were in desperate need of a physical overhaul. Plummeting ridership at the start of the postwar era, however, as the nation became more suburbanized and auto oriented, meant that transit systems had barely enough money to cover operating costs and almost nothing left over for capital upgrades.” After World War II, Hess and Lombardi point out, only five major cities across the country — Cleveland, Detroit, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle — had truly publicly-owned transit systems. Come the 1970s, however, most large cities had made the switch from privatelyheld transit interests to publicly-financed and -owned systems. Charlotte itself made the switch from the unsustainable, privately-owned transit services once operated here by Duke Power and Charlotte City Coach, voting to take over the latter’s private fleet in November 1974. I’ve written many a column lamenting the lack of civic involvement and engagement by Charlotte’s LGBT community. This issue of public transit and the potential positive impact it can have on the development of East Charlotte is one area in which this city’s LGBT community members and leaders can speak out and stand up not only for their interests but also in solidarity with a community that is yearning for economic recovery and revitalization. With so many LGBT people living, working and playing in East Charlotte, our civic engagement on this matter should be a no-brainer. Armed with facts and history, which conservative naysayers will ignore entirely or conveniently gloss over, our community and our allies stand to have a real, meaningful and long-lasting impact on the development of some of our state’s most LGBT-populous neighborhoods — spaces we share with natural allies among other minority communities and those of a similar, usually-progressive bent. Reliable public transit, like a East-West streetcar line, is a must for the future development of this city and for the benefit of those who depend on public transit the most. The Eastside, Westside and all of its constituents — black, white, gay, straight, immigrant and native-born — have power in this city, but only if we choose to use it wisely and with solidarity. : :

shall reign. SUMT has been in place since 1854, when Santa and a committee of homosexual elves hammered out the compromise over cocoa and sugar cookies. “I didn’t like it then and I don’t like it now,” Smizzle said, as he sat in the elf cafeteria. “I refuse to hide who I am anymore. It’s unnatural. And, it makes me so cranky I hardly ever whistle while I work.” Smizzle emphasized that, in his view, this is an issue of fundamental fairness. “I do the same high-quality work as everyone else. I work dawn to dusk like everyone else. I wear the same curly felt shoes as everyone else. “I just happen to be gay. And, that’s not something I should have to hide,” said the elf between yawns. He added, “Bottom line, I’ve had it up to my jingle bells with this discriminatory SUMT.” Smizzle admitted his call to end SUMT was inspired by the decision of the United States of America to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT), its well-known policy concerning gays and lesbians in the military. “Look, if they can finally stop discriminating, then surely we can,” said Smizzle. “I mean, that’s a country where a quarter of the people think their president was born in another country. We’re behind them? It’s mortifying.” A survey has never been conducted, so it’s hard to know how other elves feel about “Shut Up, Make Toys.” But a veteran doll-

maker, Duzzle, struggled out of his deep sleep to express the view that SUMT should stay. Duzzle said, “If I know the person handing me doll clothes is gay, it might cause me to lose my focus. I might put a dirndl on a GI Joe and then where would we be?” Smizzle said he’s talked with some of the reindeer and they’re supportive. “Really, all they care about is reindeer games,” he said. Reached by phone at his vacation condo on Maui, Santa said he would deal with SUMT when he got home, “and not a moment before. You’ve already made me miss my stand-up paddling lesson.” Mrs. Claus sent a subsequent email, explaining that SUMT was established in a different era, that the world has changed and she personally believes the policy should be abandoned. But, protocol must be observed, she insisted and any talks between concerned parties must take place over coffee and fruitcake. If SUMT remains in place, Smizzle said he’ll leave Santa’s Workshop. “It’s the last thing I want to do. This has been the only world I’ve ever known. I love my work and being part of something big. But, I gotta be me.” Then Smizzle fell asleep on the table, the elf’s pointy ears almost touching his tea and gingerbread. : : info:

LesRobinson@aol.com . generalgayety.com

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011


‘Maintaining the status quo’ Advocates gear up for tough legislative session by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

RALEIGH — The once-optimistic vito speak up. Immediately following the GOP’s be on the chopping block. If North Carolina — in which one biologically-related parent sion of progress in North Carolina came to victory, leaders like Gaston County Sen. Jim Republicans take their cue from national antiis waived of the requirement to relinquish a screeching halt for many LGBT Tar Heels Forrester and Stam, who will now become LGBT organizations or the anti-equality trajecparental rights when a same-sex partner petifollowing November’s midterm elections. For House Majority Leader, began adding to their tory forged by other states, what other threats tions for adoption — have been put into doubt the first time in a century, Republicans took list of priorities. might LGBT people face this session? and legislative limbo. control of both houses of the North Carolina In two Associated Press pieces published In some states, similar anti-LGBT constiBoth Forrester and Stam spoke out early in General Assembly. No doubt, Republicans less than a week after the election, several tutional amendments have not only banned the case on the need for legislative clarificaacross the state are happy to be back in GOP members of the legislature insisted on recognition of same-sex marriage, but also tion on adoption. power, but at what cost to LGBT people will the passage of the constitutional amendment. the extension of domestic partner benefits “The effect of this is that adoption policy their victory come? One, a relatively new Republican House memfor both public and private employees. Three can now be set by our district court judges,” Though Republicans in North Carolina ber in his 20s, widened his focus to include counties and four cities and towns offer such Stam told The News & Observer following haven’t been the only threat to the Court of Appeals’ initial ruling equality and progress — there are upholding Boseman’s adoption. plenty of anti-LGBT Democrats “All people have to do now is find to be found — the GOP has one district court judge who will do nonetheless been home to some what they want. That’s the lowest of the most ardent anti-equality common denominator adoption proponents this state has ever policy.” seen. Year-after-year, Republicans In the same article, staff writer in the state House and Senate Mandy Locke reported Forrester have led the push for an antithought it “might be time for legislaLGBT, anti-family constitutional tors to explicitly tell judges what amendment that would ban reckind of families can adopt children.” ognition of same-sex marriage. In other states, attempted Leading Republicans, like former gay adoption bans have almost House Minority Leader Paul Stam immediately followed successful (R-Wake) stood firmly opposed ballot initiatives for constitutional to landmark legislation like 2009’s amendments on marriage. After the School Violence Prevention Act onslaught of marriage amendment (SVPA) and Healthy Youth Act successes in 2004, some 16 states (HYA), going so far as to insinuwere considering bans on adoption ate a connection between LGBT by gay singles and same-sex parpeople and pedophilia and ents. In Arkansas, for example, GOP denouncing gays as a danger to legislators proposed a complete children while in the presence of ban on adoption by “unmarried Sen. Julia Boseman (D-Hanover), partners” just four years after the at the time the state’s first and only state passed one of the most strinopenly gay or lesbian member of gent anti-LGBT marriage amendthe General Assembly. ments in the nation. The question Equality North Carolina was placed on the ballot and the Executive Director Ian Palmquist ban passed 57-43 percent. says LGBT community members GOP gets dirty should expect movement on the Extreme anti-gay rhetoric constitutional amendment this doesn’t solely belong to Republican year. Mecklenburg County Commissioner “We’ll have to work harder Bill James. His late December than ever before to stop it,” he North Carolina’s General Assembly reconvenes at the state Legislative Building in Raleigh on Jan. 26. With it comes the possibil- remarks on gays, sexual predators tells qnotes. and pedophilia made waves locally ity of anti-LGBT legislation. Palmquist’s group, which has Photo Credit: Dave Crosby, via Flickr. Licensed under Creative Commons. and nationally, and were quickly for seven years held the amendfollowed up by more outlandment at bay, has planned to hold their annual 2009’s SVPA and HYA, legislation meant to benefits to same-sex partners of their employish statements by state Rep. Larry Brown Day of Action early this year. The event will be curb bullying and extend comprehensive sex ees, along with countless private corporations (R-Forsyth), who’d caused another round of held on Feb. 15. education in the state’s public high schools. and other employers. controversy last October when he called gays “We wanted to make sure we had our “If you look at the last two years when the The potential loss of domestic partner “queers” and “fruitloops” in an email to 60 of supporters there early in the legislative sesDemocrats and the liberals here have pushed benefits has been seen in other states. Even if his Republican colleagues. sion this year to get ahead of any anti-equality their ultraliberal social agenda in Raleigh, that’s North Carolina’s proposed amendment doesn’t In an interview with The Winston-Salem legislation,” he says. what really pushed the grass roots to fight back ban them, GOP legislators could take up meaJournal on Jan. 11, Brown outlined his own This year’s session starts Jan. 26. But, here and helped us win a majority,” Rep. Justin sures to enact such a ban through statute. priorities for the new legislative session. The even before either chamber’s leaders had the Burr (R-Stanly) told the news agency. An impending amendment battle could also constitutional amendment was first on his list, chance to bang their gavels, the controversy Palmquist admits 2009’s pro-equality threaten same-sex parents, and a recent court but he also made room for stripping funding had already begun. legislation could come under threat: “There case involving Wilmington’s Sen. Boseman from current HIV/AIDS treatment programs. GOP priorities are conservatives who would like to see the have given Republican lawmakers plenty of Discussing the issue with a Journal reA little over a month before November’s rollback of the School Violence Prevention fuel for their legislative and rhetorical fires. porter, Brown said the government shouldn’t election, the North Carolina Republican Party Act and Healthy Youth Act,” he says. Adoption case sets tone be funding treatment for those with HIV or announced a 10-point agenda they planned to But, Palmquist also hopes Republican Throughout last year, Boseman faced AIDS who “caused it by the way the live.” implement within the first 100 legislative days leaders will hold true to the feelings of most legal challenges to the adoption of her son “I’m not opposed to helping a child born of the new session. Surprisingly, the GOP’s list North Carolinians. with her former partner Melissa Jarrell. In with HIV or something,” Brown told the paper, of top priorities failed to include any mention “That is so far out of step with where the December, the North Carolina Supreme Court “but I don’t condone spending taxpayers’ of social issues. That was a smart move, conmajority of North Carolinians are,” he says. “I issued the final ruling in Boseman’s case, money to help people living in perverted sidering this fall’s overwhelming Tea Partyreally hope the legislative leadership would voiding her adoption though they left parental lifestyles.” backed upswing in economic and populist not bring those issues to the floor and would visitation rights in place. Brown’s comments were quickly conconcerns among voters and an impending focus on other things, but we are preparing The ruling was limited to Boseman and demned by statewide and national LGBT $3.7 billion budget shortfall. for the possibility that those could come up her partner and doesn’t void other adoptions advocates. While talk about social issues like mareven though it’s so out of touch with where by same-sex parents across the state, most “These comments are completely unacriage equality was muted before the election, the state and country are on these issues.” of them performed in Durham and Orange ceptable,” said Equality North Carolina’s it didn’t take long for leading anti-LGBT proBut, it’s not just marriage, anti-bullying Counties. Despite the limited scope of the see N.C. GOP on 11 ponents among the Republican Party’s ranks prevention and sex ed legislation that might ruling, so-called second-parent adoptions


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Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

N.C. GOP control threatens LGBTs continued from page 6

Palmquist. “Larry Brown is out of touch with the people of North Carolina, who strongly support programs to care for the most vulnerable among us, and he’s out of step with his own party.” Palmquist also pointed out Republican U.S. Senator Richard Burr’s long, outspoken support for funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program. “I think it’s common sense,” Burr said of the program this fall. “The compassionate thing to do is to make sure people get the medications they need. But, if you look at it from a budgetary standpoint, it’s much more cost effective to provide medication than it is to treat the devastating effects for individuals who don’t receive treatment.” The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights organization, has called on Brown to apologize for his remarks. HRC president Joe Solmonese said Brown’s comments were “hysterical, judgemental and inaccurate” and “out of line with the fairminded people of North Carolina.” Republican members of the House, from Brown’s next-door colleague and future House Whip Rep. Dale Folwell (R-Forsyth) to other legislative leaders like Stam, have refused to comment on Brown’s remarks. Speaker-elect Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) has spoken out generally, calling Brown’s October comments an “unacceptable distraction.” Tillis’ office has yet to return qnotes’ requests for an interview. An interview request to Rep. Ruth Samuelson (R-Mecklenburg) also went unreturned.

Advocates reaching out Palmquist says his group is well-positioned to build alliances and work with, instead of in opposition to, the legislature’s new Republican leadership. Several of the group’s heavily-involved donors and board members are Republican including board chair Dan Gurley, a former executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party. “The Republicans involved with Equality North Carolina have really stepped up in engaging their networks with Republican legislators and staff to help us do everything we can to try and block negative legislation and strengthen relationships we have on that side of the aisle,” he says. Though Palmquist says he’s not spoken directly with Tillis, there’s a general sense that the new legislature’s leaders will focus on some priorities other than those related to arch-conservatives’ social agenda. “There’s a recognition that the new majority was elected around the economy and jobs and size of government and not on social issues including LGBT equality,” he says. “So, we’re going to have to remind them of that and hold them to that as we go forward in this session and hold them responsible to the issues voters care about.” Such a strategy will come in handy if rumors of an impending amendment campaign are heavly supported by monies, ads or other resources from groups like the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). “I’ve heard rumors that the National Organization for Marriage or other na-

tional organizations are planning to come in,” Palmquists says. “We haven’t seen any concrete evidence of that, but we anticipate it could happen.” HRC anticipates similar action, not only in North Carolina, but in several other states as well. In an action alert sent to its members on Jan. 13, HRC President Joe Solmonese called on community members to get involved and said NOM could build up a presence in the Tar Heel State, Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. NOM’s 2010 “Summer of Marriage” tour made a stop in Raleigh. The rally, held on State Capitol grounds, was small but speakers — like Mary Forrester, wife of Gaston County Sen. Forrester — were absolute in their support for a constitutional amendment. Equality North Carolina says it’s ready to ensure the continued safety of LGBT North Carolinians. Part of their strategy includes getting constituents to Raleigh for their Day of Action in February. They expected at least 100150 people, though they’d like to see more. The timeline for a constitutional amendment or other anti-equality measures remain unclear, though Palmquist guesses the amendment could be heard as early as this year and placed on the ballot either this November or in 2012. However that timeline progresses, he says this year’s legislative session presents both unique opportunities and critical challenges. He’s anxious to get as many constituents to Raleigh as he can. “It’s more urgent than ever before to have people there from all over the state,” he says. : :

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011




news notes: from the carolinas, nation and world compiled by Lainey Millen :: lainey@goqnotes.com | David Stout :: david@goqnotes.com | Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

Charlotte Church divided on LGBT pastors

GASTONIA — The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) seems to be at a crossroads recently as decisions are being made by its congregations on whether or not to allow LGBT people to be leaders of the church. Dallas’ (N.C.) Philadelphia Lutheran Church and Mount Holly’s Good Shepherd are staying put, but Lincolnton’s Bethel Lutheran Church will be moving its membership to the new North American Lutheran Church (NALC) denomination, which was sprung when churches wished to leave the ELCA. ELCA voted in 2009 to open up its ministry to gay and lesbian pastors, reported the Gaston Gazette. In order to break away from the ELCA, churches need to be released from the N.C. Synod Council. Several church bodies, like Gastonia’s Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, have already begun to migrate to the NALC, either in totality or by creating new churches, like Kings Mountain’s Advent Lutheran Church, from those members who chose to leave NALC affiliates. Churches must take two votes and secure two-thirds majority both times under ECLA’s rules in order to leave. — L.M.

Lesbian couple wins apology

CHARLOTTE — Tracy Thomas and Kelly Johnson just wanted a nice dinner out. What they got was a far cry from that. On Dec. 17, they attempted to have a meal at Dixie’s Tavern on Seventh St., but were the brunt of discriminatory remarks, as well as less-thansatisfactory service. They waited 20 minutes for a waiter to visit them to take their order. Once they got their drink order submitted, 10 minutes passed and then, once they got the beverages, they decided to leave the establishment. A staff member queried whether they were going to pay for the drinks and they said no. Upon their departure, the staffer said, “‘Good, we don’t want to serve lesbians here anyway,’ followed by cuss words and other degrading remarks,” The Charlotte Observer reported. Because of the negative treatment, the couple mounted a Facebook campaign to boycott Dixie’s Tavern with an outpouring of support from across the community. To read more on the issue, as well as an account of the events, visit facebook.com/pages/Boycott-DixiesTavern-for-Discrimination/186327764712262. On Jan. 5, the manager of Dixie’s issued an apology and indicated that the bartender “had been placed on unpaid suspension” and that “staff would be given sensitivity training.” — L.M.

TOY corps highlighted

CHARLOTTE — Time Out Youth (TOY) has instituted a new way to communicate with its volunteer corps as a way to continue its 21year work and its upcoming celebration. Corps members will be sent regular emails and will be notified via its newly created TOY volunteer corps groups on Facebook. Volunteers are asked to complete a basic application and background check. This has been in place for a number of years within



Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

TOY work. Safety is at the top of the concerns for youth participants, as well as maintaining the reputation of TOY. Checks are strictly confidential and are facilitated by Executive Director Steve Bentley and Youth Services Director Laurie Pitts. In other news, TOY’s evening programs schedule is being changed on Feb. 7 to   6:30-8:30 p.m. TOY is also planning a trip on Jan. 29 to the International Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro. Participants will meet at TOY at 10 a.m. and will caravan to the museum. A lunch stop is slated prior to visiting the facility. Admission is $8/students, $10/adults. Volunteers are being sought to drive and/or sponsor a youth’s ticket or lunch. Youth are expected to pay any amount they are able, nonetheless. To volunteer, visit the website and download the Volunteer Application and/or the Background Check forms. For more information, email volunteers@ timeoutyouth.org or visit timeoutyouth.org. — L.M.

Festival will be held on Feb. 16 at the North Carolina State University’s Witherspoon Cinema, at 7 p.m. Featured are Yvonne Welbon’s “Remembering Wei Fung, Remembering Me;” “Rashim Cannad’s “Hit Me;” and Ya’Ke Smith’s “Katrina’s Son.” Welbon is the first out black lesbian filmmaker. The evening will be moderated by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Dante James. Welbon’s has made eight films and produced 12 others in her career. Her work has been featured on PBS, Starz!, Encore and more. She is best known for her “Living with Pride: Ruth Ellis@100” which has won 10 best documentary awards including the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Documentary. Part of the 9th Annual Africana Studies Program, it is sponsored by the African American Culture Center. The series began on Jan. 19 and continues through Feb. 19. Admission is free. For more information, visit ids.chass.ncsu. edu/afs/. — L.M.

Charity dinners scheduled

South Carolina

CHARLOTTE — The Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN) is holding its annual Dining with Friends event on Feb. 19. This key fundraiser for the organization begins with small, intimate dinner parties with a group of friends. Anything goes from barbeque to black tie. Party planners get a host of support from RAIN including invitations, red ribbons, posters and party tips. The evening is topped off with a finale at the McColl Center for Visual Art, 721 N. Tryon St., where participants can enjoy fine desserts from local restaurants, champagne, coffee and cocktails. To host a party, visit diningwithfriends  charlotte.org to learn more. — L.M.

Youth bullied, survey says


COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina Equality, the Palmetto State’s LGBT education and political advocacy organization, has released a landmark survey of 1,000 LGBT residents. The survey exposes several needs and challenges currently facing the state’s estimated 117,000 LGBT citizens, advocates say, particularly among LGBT youth in the state’s public schools. Nearly half (48 percent) of respondents indicated they’d experienced bullying, harassment or discrimination in South Carolina’s public education. “The survey clearly shows that S.C.’s gay and transgender youth experience more than twice the average amount of bullying and harassment,” SC Equality Director Christine Johnson said in a release. “2010 saw a rash of teen suicides as a direct result of bullying. We should be more motivated than ever to enact legislation that promotes safe learning environments for all our children. We look to our elected officials to lead the charge against bullying.” The results of the survey are being distributed to all Palmetto State elected officials, including those in the legislature and the governor’s office. The survey also found participants had a significant commitment to faith. Eighty-six percent of respondents were raised Protestant; most were raised in the Baptist faith. Conducted last summer, SC Equality’s survey garnered participation online through email and social networking. The survey was also distributed via mail and at the statewide SC Pride festival in September. The 1,000 respondents represented people living in 44 of the state’s 46 counties. To read the full story and more on the survey, visit goqnotes.com/9708/. — M.C.

Fest features lesbian filmmaker

Furman mounts ‘Monologues’

Triad Second lesbian pastor hired

WINSTON-SALEM — Wake Forest Baptist Church has hired a second lesbian pastor to join its clergy. Dr. Angela Yarber comes to the Tar Heel state from a spot as associate pastor of San Francisco’s Shell Ridge Community Church of Walnut Creek. Yarber is an Atlanta, Ga., native and has served the denomination’s churches since 1999. She was ordained in 2004. She is also a professional dancer and artist. She combines all the disciplines in her ministerial work. Rev. Dr. Susan Parker was the first lesbian pastor hired at this progressive Baptist church. She was at the center of controversy in 1998 when she and her partner requested permission to hold their covenant ceremony at Wake Forest University’s Wait Chapel, the home to the church. It became a welcoming congregation in 1993 and the only one in the South to have two openly lesbian pastors. — L.M.

RALEIGH — The African Diaspora Film

GREENVILLE — Furman University will

host a presentation of the award-winning “Vagina Monologues” on Marc 3 at 7 p.m. at 3300 Poinsett Hwy. The award-winning play is based on VDay Founder/playwright Eve Ensler’s interviews with more than 200 women. Prior to the production, “Until The Violence Stops” will be shown. It is the story of how “Monologues” was developed, both as a theatrical piece, as well as a grassroots movement against violence against women and girls. A portion of monies raised will go to benefit the Greenville Rape Crisis and Child Abuse Center. Cost is $9. For more information, visit vday.org. — L.M.

Regional Cruise slated

CHARLOTTE — The Lavendar Passport Travel Club has announced that it will be hosting a cruise to the Greek Isles from Oct. 1-8. The ship will depart from Venice, Italy, and will Visit Corfu, Santorini, Kykonos and Katakolon. A deposit of $250 will secure a spot, with the balance due by July 1. There are a variety of rates, depending upon which cabin style is selected. To learn more, visit meetup.com/  The-Lavender-Passport-Travel-Club/  calendar/15510449/. — L.M.

Research Subjects requested

BOONE — Denise Levy, an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work at Appalachian State University is conducting a study on the issue of gender identity and Christian upbringing conflicts and experiences, entitled “Exploring the Process of Resolving Conflict between Gender Identity and Christian Upbringing.” She is interested in talking with participants about experiences of being a transgender, gender queer or gender non-conforming individual with a Christian upbringing. She is interested in the process by which issues were resolved or addressed between gender identity and religious beliefs. In order to participate in the study, all of the following must apply: must be at least 18 years of age; have a high school education, GED or equivalent; live within 120 miles of Boone; self-identify as transgender, gender queer or gender non-conforming; have a Christian upbringing; have experienced and addressed conflict between religious beliefs and gender identity; be willing to participate in a face-to-face interview, lasting no more than 90 minutes; and be willing to participate in a follow-up interview if necessary. This follow-up interview will be by phone and will not exceed 10 minutes. Private and confidential interviews will take place at a site mutually comfortable for both participant and researcher. Audio recording will be used for transcription, but destroyed after the research is complete.

Names and any other identifying information will be removed from the transcripts, and fake names will be used in the report. For more information, call Levy from 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday through Friday at 828262-6934 and leave a voice message with contact information. — L.M.

National Administration defends DOMA

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In December, President Barack Obama said his views on gay marriage equality were “evolving.” However, his personal position stands in stark contrast to his administration’s recent decision to defend in court the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which bars the federal government from recognizing legally married same-sex couples. On Jan. 13, the Department of Justice filed a brief appealing two federal court rulings that found DOMA unconstitutional. The administration claims that it has a duty to defend the laws that are on the books, despite the president’s stated belief that DOMA is discriminatory. The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT rights group, rejected the DOJ’s argument and has called on its 1.3 million members and supporters to urge President Barack Obama to support marriage equality for all Americans. “All families deserve the recognition and respect of their government. We know the president supports us. It’s time for him to help lead the American public toward full equality for all Americans,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “We ask him to fully recognize the dignity of LGBT Americans and their families by supporting marriage equality.” — D.S.

Toughest anti-bullying law enacted

TRENTON, N.J. — On Jan. 6, Gov. Chris Christie signed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, making New Jersey’s law against bullying and harassment the toughest in the nation. The law goes into effect at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, and it applies to all public schools. Portions of the law also apply to public colleges. Both houses of the New Jersey legislature voted overwhelmingly this past November to approve the measure. The bill strengthens New Jersey’s existing law against bullying, which has been on the books since 2002. Whereas certain anti-bullying measures were once recommended, many are now required. Among them: • Specific people in each school and district must be appointed to run anti-bullying programs. • Bullying episodes must be investigated within a day after they occur. • Teachers, administrators and school board members must undergo anti-bullying training. • Superintendents must make public reports twice annually that detail any bullying episodes in each school. Each school will then receive a letter grade that is to be posted on its website. The law also lists harassment, intimidation or bullying as grounds for suspension or expulsion from school. At press time, 45 states have laws against bullying, although none of them is as strong or as detailed as New Jersey’s new law. “Other states have bits and pieces of what this New Jersey law has, but none of them is as broad, getting to this level of detail, and requiring them, step by step, to do the right

thing for students,” said Sarah Warbelow, state legislative director at the Human Rights Campaign. — D.S.

NCLR launches photo campaign

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — In preparation for its 35th anniversary next year, the National Center for Lesbian Rights has launched the “I am NCLR …” photo campaign to reflect and showcase the “clients and supporters who fight alongside us everyday to ensure that every lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender person can live with dignity and security.” Through March 31, 2012, NCLR would like your photos — be they portraits, snapshots or special moments — featuring “a homemade poster or sign in which you fill in the sentence, ‘I am NCLR, and I am…,’ telling us how you reflect our groundbreaking work.” A panel of artists, photographers, and NCLR staff will select some of the best images for use in NCLR promotional and marketing materials throughout the anniversary year. “We will showcase many of your photos that will help tell NCLR’s story through real images from real people,” the group explained in a press release. — D.S.

Global Gov. dept. tops workplace index

LONDON, U.K. — National LGBT rights group Stonewall has revealed its Top 100 Employers 2011 list, showcasing Britain’s best employers for gay workers. For the first time a central government department, the Home Office, has been recognized as the best place to work for lesbian, gay and bisexual people. In second place is Lloyds Banking Group and Ernst & Young ranks third. Home Secretary Theresa May said, “I’m delighted the Home Office is being celebrated as an employer which supports the diversity of its staff. This government will continue to do all it can to tackle discrimination and help make this country a more tolerant and fair place for everybody.” The rankings are based on a range of key indicators which this year included the largest-ever confidential survey of LGB employees, with over 9,000 participants. The Top 100 index, which started in 2005, includes a sports employer for the first time with the inclusion of The Rugby Football League. Similarly, ITV is the first broadcaster to enter the Top 100. — D.S.

Census will count trans people

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Nepal’s national census will include a new category for transgender people when counting begins in May. Two years ago, the Supreme Court in Nepal ordered the government to enact laws protecting the rights of LGBT people. “Earlier, we had only two categories, men and women. But in the upcoming census, we are including a ‘third gender’ category,” said Bikash Bista, director of the Central Bureau of Statistics in Kathmandu. He acknowledged that the High Court ruling prompted the change. “We will send supervisors to each household and get the figures of the household, its members and their gender. This is when we count the number of transgenders,” he said. — D.S. info: Have news or other information? Send your press releases and updates for inclusion in our News Notes: editor@goqnotes.com.

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011




‘Sissies’ sends message of hope Queen City Theatre Company presents regional premiere of Del Shores play by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

Del Shores is perhaps best known for his comedic play, “Sordid Lives.” In it, Shores weaves together the lives of several members of your classic, dysfunctional Southern family. The story centers around a funeral because, after all, no other family event can get people’s emotions as raw and exposed as the death of a loved one. There’s a market for tales of Southern families and the drama that always accompany them and Shores has certainly left his mark in arts and entertainment culture nationally. But, Shores has another play — not as widely known as his “Sordid Lives,” but one no less important. Queen City Theatre Company (QCTC) will present the Carolinas regional premiere of Shores’ “Southern Baptist Sissies” (SBS) on Jan. 21 (a day before this issue’s street date). The performance continues through Feb. 5 at Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square in Uptown Charlotte. The cast of ‘Southern Baptist Sissies’ (l-r): Berry Newkirk (Mark), Justin Younts (T.J.), Josh Bistromowitz Like “Sordid Lives,” Shores’ (Andrew) and Steven Martin (Benny). “Southern Baptist Sissies” brings Photo Credit: Queen City Theatre Company together several different lives and Each of the four primary cast members uses prayer and dedication in an attempt to stories, relating the experiences of agree with Griffin. Berry Newkirk, who plays rid himself of his homosexuality. Bistormowitz four young, gay men who grew up in the lead character and narrator Mark, also thinks says his own upbringing served as an impetus Baptist church. the play has the ability to serve as a sort of to audition for the role. Though it is a comedy, QCTC Artistic “lifeline,” especially for those still attempting “Having a church background I could Director Glenn Griffin says SBS is quite differto reconcile their faith and identity. relate a lot to the characters in the show, ent from Shores’ other landmark production. Griffin says last fall’s spate of gay teen especially the four boys going through the “This is not ‘Sordid Lives’,” Griffin causuicides helped QCTC decide on this show. struggle of growing up gay in the church,” he tions,” where every second you have a laugh. “It seemed like a timely piece and we says. “There are specific situations or things There’s a lot of seriousness and it is very sad wanted to do a show that could tell it in a said [in the play] that you have in fact dealt at a lot of points.” funny way but at the same time still hit on a lot with yourself.” Griffin also strikes back at some points of of important points,” Griffin says. Actor Steven Martin, who plays Benny, also criticism leveled at Shores and SBS in the past. Several cast members, who are themsays his childhood serves as an inspiration. “This doesn’t mock religion,” he says. selves gay, say the show resonates with “The story speaks to me,” says Martin, “Shores really doesn’t want you to lose faith their own lives and experiences, even whose character seeks refuge in his drag perin religion, but maybe not look at everything so as each of the four title characters deal sona Iona Traylor. “I grew up in the South and blindly. Sometimes your leaders or the people with their own identity and faith journey in in a religious home. I understand the struggle you look up to might not always have the right uniquely individual ways. of these characters.” information or might not be right in what they Josh Bistormowitz plays Andrew, who In fact, Martin says so much in the show tell you.”


“Southern Baptist Sissies” Jan. 21-Feb. 5 Duke Energy Theatre Spirit Square 345 N College St. Tickets $16-$24 on sale at Carolinatix.org or queencitytheatre.com or by phone 704-372-1000.

Classic voices, timeless tales

3/25-29 // WINSTON-SALEM 5/12-15 // CHARLOTTE H.M.S. Pinafore This English-language, comic opera by Arthur Sullivan and W.S. Gilbert opened in London just over 130 years ago. Now it comes to the Carolinas, with performances in both Winston-Salem and Charlotte. piedmontopera.org operacarolina.org 4/28 // RALEIGH Faust Experience this classic opera as you’ve always dreamt.


If you go


1/29-2/6 // CHARLOTTE La Traviata With opportunities to catch either glimpses of this masterpiece at “Opera Dinners” or the full performance at Belk Theater Feb. 3-5, you have zero excuse to miss Opera Carolina’s 2011 production of “La Traviata.” operacarolina.org


reminds him of his past he sometimes gets a chill during rehearsals: “So much of the script is like a story in my life,” he says. The play’s fourth title character, T.J., played by straight actor Justin Younts, attempts to cure his “unwanted same-sex attractions” through devotion to Scripture and an eventual marriage to a woman. Though Younts has no personal experience growing up gay in the church, he says the play spoke to him and that it carries an important message. Griffin and QCTC Managing Director Kristian Wedolowski say that message is simply, “Never give up hope.” Such a message, they say, needs to sink in not only with their audience but in the Charlotte community as a whole. In the Queen City, which is not particularly known for its LGBT inclusion, plays like SBS have the ability to open a dialogue much like a local production of “Angels in America” did in 1996, they say. QCTC is also putting their money where the mouth is. A portion of all each night’s proceeds will be donated to the Trevor Project, a West Hollywood-based, national non-profit that operates both online and telephone support and suicide prevention services for LGBT young people. QCTC hopes to raise a total of $3,500 by Feb. 5. Their opening night also raised money for the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network. : : more: Visit goqnotes.com for a special, online-only review of ‘Southern Baptist Sissies.’

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

Conceived by director James Marvel, this North Carolina Opera original, semi-staged version combines original video and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s original masterpiece. Sung in French with English supertitles at Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts. ncopera.org 5/12-13 // DURHAM The Turn of the Screw Credited as partly inspiring “The Others,” starring Nicole Kidman, this English-language opera was first inspired by the spooky, ghost-ridden novella by Henry James and published in 1898. ncopera.org — compiled by Matt Comer

A 2005 production of ‘La Traviata.’ Photo Credit: Opera Carolina


Stage Plays, musicals and comedy shows

Bill Maher in front of The Vatican in Rome during the documentary “Religulous.” Photo Credit: Lionsgate

1/20 - 2/5 // CHARLOTTE ‘Southern Baptist Sissies’ This comedic play written by gay artist Del Shores will take its audiences on a roller coaster ride of emotions. With a plot that cannot fail to intrigue, “Southern Baptist Sissies” is about a group of four gay boys in their excessively religious environment.  queencitytheatre.com 1/21 - 2/6 // CHARLOTTE ‘The Graduate’ Theatre Charlotte brings to stage this classic movie (originally released in 1967 starring Dustin Hoffman) about a love triangle between a college graduate, an older woman and her daughter. theatrecharlotte.org 1/29-3/6 // CHAPEL HILL ‘Angels in America’ The University of North Carolina College of Arts and Sciences’ PlayMakers Repertory Company presents the full staging of Tony Kushner’s “Angels in America.” The production’s Part 1, “Millennium Approaches” and Part 2, “Perestroika,” will be performed in rotating rep. playmakersrep.org 2/16 - 3/5 // CHARLOTTE ‘Blue Door’ This play by Tanya Barfield is about an African-American professor who’s struggling with his heritage. One actor plays three characters from varying periods of history who confront the professor which leads to an exploration of his identity. actorstheatrecharlotte.org 3/3 - 4/2 // CHARLOTTE ‘A Behanding in Spokane’ This Martin McDonagh comedy begins with a man’s search for his own hand. Then, enter swindlers and busybodies, and who knows what will happen? nccast.com 3/22 // DURHAM Wanda Sykes Lesbian comedienne Wanda Sykes will bring her always hilarious and often profane act to the Durham Performing Arts Center. ticketmaster.com

4/6 - 4/23 // CHARLOTTE ‘Dead Man’s Cell Phone’ As the title clearly suggests, the subject of this story is a recently deceased man’s cell phone, and the calls it receives. Jean answers the man’s phone and suddenly becomes somehow responsible for a group of strangers. actorstheatrecharlotte.org 4/8 - 4/24 // RALEIGH ‘The Last Night of Ballyhoo’ Set in 1939 Atlanta, on the relative eve of the outbreak of World War II, a family is concerned about an upcoming party. This is a comedy that “examines matters of assimilation and prejudice,” written by Alfred Uhry. raleighlittletheatre.org 4/21 - 5/21 // CHARLOTTE ‘Agnes of God’ An unwed mother at a convent insists her baby was a virgin birth. The plot of this John Pielmeier play is the investigation of this case and a clash between Dr. Martha Livingstone and the Mother Superior of the convent. nccast.com 4/22 // ASHEVILLE - 4/23 // GREENSBORO Bill Maher The wholly irreverent comedian will be taking his act to the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium and the War Memorial Auditorium where political and anti-religion humor will likely be among Maher’s subjects. ticketmaster.com 5/7 - 5/15 // RALEIGH ‘Hello, Dolly!’ Originally a Broadway musical and then an Oscar-winning 1969 film, “Hello, Dolly!” is coming to Raleigh. North Carolina Theatre recommends this musical show for people of all ages. nctheatre.com 5/19 - 6/11 // CHARLOTTE ‘Chess — The Musical’ Featuring several famous songs, this “cult rock musical” is based around a chess championship match and a love triangle that involves one of the player’s manager. Throw in the backdrop of the Cold War and Queen City Theatre Company’s usual high quality production, and it’s sure to be a great show. queencitytheatre.com — Compiled by Tyler DeVere

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011




Dance Art in motion

2/17-3/6 // RALEIGH ‘Ugly Duckling’ Raleigh’s Carolina Ballet brings choreographer Robert Weiss’ “The Ugly Duckling” to the stage, with a bonus performance of a version by Lynee Taylor-Corbett. carolinaballet.com 2/22-27 // CHARLOTTE ‘Botanica’ Revolutionary dance company MOMIX presents its fantasy piece, “Botanica” at the Levine Center for the Arts’ Knight Theater. blumenthalcenter.org 3/10-12 // CHARLOTTE Director’s Choice North Carolina Dance Theatre celebrates its 40th anniversary with performances from “Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux” bychoreographer George Balanchine, “Satto” by former Dance Theatre Artistic Director Salvatore Aiello and “Le souffle de l’esprit” by Jiri Bubenicek. Performance will also include a centennial celebration of Charlotteborn artist Romare Bearden with a world premiere by choreographer Dwight Rhoden inspired by the work of Bearden. ncdance.org 3/12-13 // CHARLOTTE ‘Little Mermaid’ Cherished by millions of children the world over, “Little Mermaid” takes on a life of its own in this version presented by North Carolina Dance Theatre at Knight Theater. ncdance.org 3/24-4/10 // RALEIGH ‘Carmen’ Carolina Ballet presents this version by Robert Weiss of the classic “Carmen” at the Fletcher Opera Theater. carolinaballet.com



Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

Dance company MOMIX brings its breathtaking “Botanica” to Charlotte Feb. 22-27. Photo Credit: Max Pucciariello

4/28-30 // CHARLOTTE An Evening of Women Choreographers North Carolina Dance Theatre presents an evening of performance choreographed by women, such as “The Golden Section” by Twyla Tharp and “Requiem” by Jacqulyn Buglisi. ncdance.org 5/19-22 // RALEIGH ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ Shakespeare’s classic “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” comes back to life with the revival of George Balanchine’s version of the classic tale, with bonus performance of a new ballet by Carolina Ballet Principal Attila Bongar. carolinaballet.com — compiled by Matt Comer


Films Theatrical releases

Starring Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman, ‘No Strings Attached’ hit theaters on Jan. 21.

1/21 // THEATERS ‘No Strings Attached’ It’s a movie. About sex, friends with benefits… oh, and it has Ashton Kutcher (for the guys) and Natalie Portman (for the gals). Can we say more? The film hit theaters a day before this print issue’s street date, so get movin’ to the movie theaters stat! nostringsattachedmovie.com 3/11 // THEATERS ‘Battle Los Angeles’ This apocolyptic, sci-fi tale of an alien invasion of the globe stars Aaron Eckhart, Michael Pena, Bridget Moynahan and Michelle Rodriguez. Inspired by the 1942 “Battle of Los Angeles,” in which a presumed attack (later a “false alarm”) led to an hour-long anti-aircraft bombardment over the city of Los Angeles. battlela.com

3/11 // THEATERS ‘Red Riding Hood’ Starring Amanda Seyfried (“Letters to Juliet”) and Gary Oldman (“The Dark Knight,” “Harry Potter”), this retelling of the classic “Little Red Riding Hood” children’s tale is anticipated to be a hit theatrical release this summer. redridinghood.warnerbros.com 4/1 // THEATERS ‘Source Code’ Another anticipated sci-fi hit, “Source Code,” stars Jake Gyllenhaal, who plays a soldier whose mind is forced into a civilian’s eight minutes before the victim’s death aboard a train bombed in a terrorist attack in attempts to discover exactly who is responsible for the bombing. enterthesourcecode.com

2010 Cover of the Year The people have spoken! Out of five choices, qnotes readers voted for Nov. 27, 2010 issue’s cover as 2010’s Cover of the Year. Thanks to those who voted!

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011




Museums & Galleries

Still-motion: Art in frames, in statue and on canvass 1/28-6/19 // CHARLOTTE What My Mother Told Me The mixed-media artwork of Cuban artist María Magdalena Campos-Pons explores life, identity and memory, beginning with the personal and reflecting inward and broadcasting outward to explore themes like the lives and history of African descendants living in Cuba. CamposPons’ work displays through June 19. ganttcenter.org Thru 2/6 // CHARLOTTE Under the Same Roof of Stars Created by Anna Gallant Carte, “Under the Same Roof of Stars,” or “Bajo el mismo techo de estrella,” explores the work, lives and perspectives as well as cultural diversity of El Salvador. The exhibit is the result of a strong personal relationships as well as that between Habitat for Humanity Charlotte and Habitat for Humanity El Salvador. museumofthenewsouth.org

A piece María Magdalena Campos-Pons

Ongoing exhibits and other events at: Bechtler Museum Charlotte bechtler.org Charlotte Museum of History Charlotte charlottemuseum.org The Light Factory Charlotte light-factory.org NASCAR Hall of Fame Charlotte nascarhall.com N.C. Museum of Art Raleigh ncartmuseum.org Old Salem Museums & Gardens Winston-Salem oldsalem.org


— compiled by Matt Comer



Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

daily news, blog posts and lgbt community event listings Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter: goqnotes.com/subs


Concerts Music mayhem from punk to pop

1/25 // CHARLOTTE Girl Talk Electronica artist Girl Talk (Gregg Gillis) known for mashups will perform at The Fillmore Charlotte, promoting his new album, “All Day.” livenation.com 1/31 // NORTH MYRTLE BEACH 2/4 // CHARLOTTE NOFX & The Bouncing Souls with Cobra Skulls & Old Man Markley When asked what the band thinks of being on a homophobic website’s list of “gay bands” (groups that support gays), a representative of the band answered it’s “awesome.” NOFX will perform at House of Blues Myrtle Beach and later at The Fillmore Charlotte. livenation.com 2/2 // RALEIGH 2/7 // CHARLOTTE Robert Plant The renowned singer and former lead of Led Zeppelin will perform at the Progress Energy Center Raleigh Memorial Auditorium and five days later at Ovens Auditorium. ticketmaster.com

2/17 // CHARLOTTE Slash with Brand New Sin & The Fabulous Miss Wendy A confirmed advocate of gay rights, Slash (Saul Hudson) made a short video with his wife, Perla Hudson, in 2008 supporting gay marriage and speaking out against Proposition 8 in California. The epic guitarist will rock at The Fillmore Charlotte. livenation.com 2/23 // CHARLOTTE Clay Aiken Gay pop star and “American Idol” 2003 runner-up Clay Aiken’s Tried & True tour promoting his album of the same name will visit the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center. carolinatix.org



2/26 // COLUMBIA 3/1 // DURHAM John Mellencamp Mellencamp’s tour will make stops at the Township Auditorium and at the Durham Performing Arts Center to promote his most recent album, “No Better Than This,” which Rolling Stone called “far-fetched,

Pop phenom Ke$ha comes to Charlotte’s Fillmore April 19.

violent, sexy, played for laughs. It doesn’t get more timeless, or American, than that.” ticketmaster.com 3/29 // CHARLOTTE All Time Low “Dirty Work” is All Time Low’s upcoming album which should be released by the time the band’s tour lands at The Fillmore Charlotte.

livenation.com 4/19 // CHARLOTTE Ke$ha Often controversial, sometimes within the LGBT community, pop star Ke$ha is on tour and will perform at The Fillmore Charlotte. livenation.com — Compiled by Tyler DeVere

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011



tell trinity

him” five minutes after “I pleased myself.” He was an internet date; what did he expect, romance? Thanks, Now Leave, Houston, TX

by trinity :: qnotes contributor

Circuit parties, are they worth it? Hello Trinity, What are circuit parties and would you recommend them? Circuit Queries, Philadelphia, PA Hello Circuit Queries, Circuit parties, typically benefiting AIDS organizations, started in Atlanta, Ga., in the 70s at the Hotlanta River Expo where so many people showed up that the organizers had to create smaller parties to accommodate the crowds, thus a circuit of parties. Events like Montreal’s Black & Blue fill sports arenas, sporting famous DJ’s and entertainers. For $75 to $150 you too can dance next to gorgeous, muscular gay men on drugs (how else do you think they stay up). So, once in your life, down a Red Bull, remove your shirt and dance all night, but, darling, skip the drugs because some people also overdose. Hey Trinity, I invited a guy from the internet over for dinner, which ended up in bed. After I orgasmed, I asked him to leave cause I was tired. Later he called to say how “horrible” I was for “excusing



Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

Hey Thanks Now Leave, Whether he wanted romance or to be treated humanely, it’s never OK to kick out a one-night stand right after you orgasm, including internet dates! Next time “please” your date too, spend a bit of time together, then announce that you’re selfish, I mean tired. Honey, make someone glad, not mad to meet you! (My cartoon shows you how not to act in this situation.” Dearest Trinity, I met this guy who forced me to have sex. I’m gay, but I think I was raped. How do I know? The Rape Rap, Nashville, TN Dearest Rape Rap, I also was raped at gunpoint in the south in the early 80s. I’ll remember it forever and you will too. That’s the first sign you were raped. If you were given drugs that’s the second sign. And, if you feel like it’s your fault, there’s your third sign. Other signs include marks on your body and a fear in your body of being raped again. Yes, sweetie, it takes two to tango, but just because you said yes to a date doesn’t mean you should be forced to mate! Every city has gay helplines. Please call them! Dear Trinity, Two years ago I broke up with my ex also of two years. Now he wants to get back, but we always get back together to see if the relationship will work again. Should I give it another try? Once Again, Cleveland, OH

Dear Once Again, If after four years you’re still not sure, one thing is sure — you both may never be sure. So, pumpkin, before starting up again start reading: Trinity’s Sharp Tips For “When It’s Finally Time” To End A Relationship   1. When every night promises fighting and/or violence, it’s time!   2. When he cancels five out of seven dates (three times he called too late and twice he “forgot”), it’s time to forget him!   3. When, by the fifth date she still treats you like a loser with nothing “important” to say or do…it’s definitely time!   4. When after three months he’s still extremely lazy, rude and selfish, it’s time!   5. When you can’t do or “have never done” anything right, it’s “so long” time!   6. When she doesn’t want to talk, listen or communicate ideas on making things better…guess what!   7. When he cheats in front of you and/or behind your back for the third time, guess what again?   8. When you’ve only seen him a total of one month in the last three because of family, business or blah blah blah, it’s time.   9. When she steals your money, your car and your best friend, do I have to say it? 10. Lastly, when you haven’t had sex in the last years of your four-year relationship, it’s big time to end it! : : — With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend Trinity was host of “Spiritually Speaking,” a weekly radio drama, and now performs globally. info: www.telltrinity.com . Trinity@telltrinity.com Tell Trinity, P.O. Box 23861 . Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307 Sponsored by: Provincetown Business Guild 800-637-8696 . www.ptown.org

out in the stars by charlene lichtenstein :: qnotes contributor

January 22 - February 4


The Sun enters Aqueerius setting us off in new directions and engaging us in a fight for right, justice or whatever. The point here is to pick your battles and wage them after you reinforce your battlements. Don’t allow your flanks to be exposed, unless that is your plan. AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) Your sparking personality is on center stage now, so make the most of it before they bring out the hook. Aqueerians with a bag of great ideas can now take them out and show them off. Try some new things, experience new experiences. Before you know it, important people will gravitate to your orbit. Will you be a shooting star or a heavenly body? Let’s guess. PISCES (02.20-03.20) Hearing voices? Seeing visions? Don’t be surprised if you find that your powers of intuition are enhanced. Go with your gut and use any message to your advantage. Concentrate and focus on what is going on behind the scenes so you can plan your next big move. Guppies are primed for destiny and they can even feel it before it happens. But, watch who you feel. ARIES (03.21-04.20) Anything having to do with friendships take on greater importance and are featured in your most important plans. Expand your outreach, get on the best guest lists and place yourself at all the top events. Gay Rams make a powerful impression on even those most impressive groups and accelerate their social ascent. Will you exceed the speed limit? That is the ticket! TAURUS (04.21-05.21) Queer Bulls find themselves at the top of the heap and maybe even crowned king of the hill. What are your aspirations and how can you get into position to make your ultimate, evil professional plans a cool reality? Planning is everything bubbele. Step back and survey the corporate landscape before you pounce. Then do so with confidence and the backing of the board. GEMINI (05.22-06.21) Legal issues come into the fore and you find yourself embroiled in the last vestiges of some petty argument regarding issues that you have long forgotten. Tie up all loose ends as best as you can. Finish them by compromise, encouragement or threats. Finish them and then go on with your life. It is all too short to sweat tiny annoying things. Go to Maui and sweat other things. CANCER (06.22-07.23) You pack a lot of sexy

zest in your strut. Don’t be shy, gay Crab. Strut it and show it off. This is a great time to get to the bare essence of any situation, whether it’s completely merging with another person or whether it’s ridding yourself of any psychological baggage that has been holding you. It is a purely a personal decision. So, get very personal. LEO (07.24-08.23) Think about what you really need in a relationship and make it happen for you. Proud Lions need adoration and there is nothing like an audience of a certain someone to get you in the mood to roar. For those still prowling the plains, this time period offers plenty of opportunities for happy hunting. But, are you packing the right bait? It depends on what you want to catch. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) Queer Virgos are happy as clams. And, why not? You feel productive and busy. Many long-delayed projects are finally underway or can be launched easily. You are also ensconced in the middle of all the action at work. Every tiny detail needs your scrutiny and everybody seeks your cooperation. So, what will you do with all this localized power? Heh, heh. LIBRA (09.24-10.23) Even though the official party season is over, that doesn’t mean that you should become a home drone. Proud Libras need some festivities to keep their party hearty mood going. This time period provides you with creative ideas that lead to fun events. Make up a powerful invitation list from the A to the Z types and mix and match. Could this spell romance?

SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) Family issues that you thought you had left behind in 2010 are still hanging around. But, this is not a bad thing. Proud Scorps now have the ability to reach across and find commonality with even the most extreme attitudes. Maybe this is because you are more mellow or maybe it’s because you have something sneaky up your sleeve? Whatever works! SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) Gay Archers are not always known for their diplomacy, but there must be something in the water now because you are both graceful and eloquent. Don’t question the fates. Just use what you have to get a few nasty things done. Pour your oily charm on the most irritating people and see what can happen. Then you won’t have to think about these pests again. CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) Money — how to get it, how to keep it and how to increase it — becomes your great obsession now. And, that is not a bad thing. The best way to manage your funds will be to focus on what you expect to get out of it and then proceed accordingly. Do your research, take in lots of advice and do what you need to do to get where you want to go. First class or economy? : : © 2011 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment. info: Visit www.TheStarryEye.com for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.

daily news, blog posts and lgbt community event listings Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter: goqnotes.com/subs

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011




Kennedy receives USA Network award

Yoga studio’s email offends customers

Activist, mother to slain Sean Kennedy, honored with Character Unite Award

Y2 Yoga’s owner issues apology, donation to It Gets Better Project

GREENVILLE, S.C. — USA Network has selected Elke Kennedy, activist and mother of 2007 hate crime victim Sean Kennedy, for their 2010 Character Unite Award. Kennedy sprang into action following her son’s death in 2007, holding vigils and organizing other community events to raise awareness

spoke to LGBT community events and organizations across the country. In 2007, qnotes named her our first Person of the Year. Kennedy received the award, one of eight to be presented this year, on Jan. 15 at a ceremony at Greenville’s Embassy Suites Hotel. The award comes with a $5,000 grant to help continue her work and is being acknowledged online at charactersunite.com/video/awards and on-air and in a special Public Service Announcement (PSA) featuring Reshma Shetty, star of the USA Network hit series “Royal Pains.” Nominations for the Characters Unite Awards were submitted by the public on charactersunite.com. In addition to the awards, USA Network’s Characters Unite Month includes: the original documentary “Tom Brokaw Presents Bridging the Divide”; on-air promotion and Public Service Announcements Elke Kennedy seen here at a June 2007 vigil for her son Sean and vowed (PSAs); extensive digital to work for legislation to combat hate crimes. content, such as the new on South Carolina’s lack of LGBT-inclusive hate Facebook-based game “Social Circle”; star-studcrimes legislation. Her work led to the founding ded community storytelling events and education of Sean’s Last Wish, a foundation dedicated to workshops in partnership with The Moth; and a raising awareness of hate crimes and combating new national poll. : : hatred, bullying, violence and bigotry. Kennedy — Compiled from release has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles and



Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

CHARLOTTE — A message announcing yoga class cancellations turned into a bit of a controversy Jan. 11 after the studio’s owner described snow closings as “gay.” Tanner Bazemore, owner of Y2 Yoga located in the Cotswold shopping center, sent the message via email and Twitter, according to FOX Charlotte. The message read, in part, “Greetings! I know it sounds gay, but we are definitely less gay across the bored (sic) when compared to CMS, BOA, etc, etc.” and “Closing completely because of some white stuff is being uber gay!” At the end of the message, Bazemore included several disclaimers. In one, he said he was using “gay” as defined by urbandictionary.com: “a generic insult. It can mean bad, stupid, whatever you want it to mean.” In a second disclaimer, Bazemore said, “Y2 Yoga is in full support of whatever your sexual prowess might be: straight or homosexual (especially chicks… just kidding…. not kidding…. whatever…). Also, pedophiles be damned or at least contract Ebola die and painful and agonizingly slow death.” Charlotteans have responded to the offensive email. Renae Elam, president of the Charlotte Business Guild, told FOX Charlotte, “All of the disclaimers at the end actually made the meat, or the body, of the email even worse than it was. The disclaimers were more offensive than the actual email itself. In my opinion, it’s never a good idea to use potentially offensive remarks in a business setting.” On Twitter a community member said, “@Y2Yoga Are you 12 years old? Yoga has obviously brought you no enlightenment — only homophobia. How sad. Avoid this ignorant place!!!” And a Y2 Yoga student also responded via Twitter: “I am gay and have always felt safe inside a yoga studio. Now…I feel as though my safety place of peace has been violated. I will be attending a different studio from here on.” Bazemore has apologized for his language. In an apology email, Bazemore said, “First apologies to anyone who took offense to my email last night. I take for granted that the things I say will always be received in the way in which I intended them to be and for some that was not the case. My intentions were light-hearted and I’m sorry if you did not receive it that way.”

see Owner on 23

drag rag by miss della :: qnotes contributor

It’s a star-studded time out there! Happy New Year, kiddies! I hope this finds everyone off to a great start. As 2011 rolled in, I was at The Asylum in Gastonia (which has since closed) with my 2 sisters Brooke Divine LaReese and Brandonna Dupri as they did a show with Serena Nox of Johnson City, TN. Nothing like welcoming a new year in with friends you’ll probably spend much time with in the coming days. The very next night, I attended a show with them called “Under the Big Top” in a huge tent beside Club 316, organized by Buff Faye. It was, in my opinion, the show that will set the standard for the rest of the year — there was so much variety and the place was packed! In the drag-stravaganza were local entertainers Buff Faye, Miss NC America Emery Starr, Kassandra Hilton, Miss East Coast U.S.ofA. Aiesha Parris, Brandi Andrews,

February will benefit my sponsored child Gerardo’s education fund for this coming year. So sweet of the queen to chip in; the January brunch benefits cystic fibrosis. Another fundraiser I’ll attend (still paying for the kid’s schooling!) will be hosted by Jessica Raye and other Myrtle Beach friends at the Rainbow House on Friday, Feb. 18. I’m so lucky and blessed to have friends who want to help. Jessica says there are a limited number of spots left if other girls would like to go down and participate; you know the room rates are super-cheap at the beach in the down season! Check back here next time for the website for Jessica’s Catwalk boutique at the beach; I hear they’re staying busy with e-bay orders for wigs and such! I just heard from my dear friend Larry Edwards in Las Vegas who we all know, love and admire as former Miss Gay America Hot Chocolate. You know, Chocolate is in the Divas revue at the Imperial Palace out there and works with a great cast comprised of Derrick Barry (the Britney impersonator from “America’s Got Talent”), Steven Wayne (whom we remember doing Cher in Raleigh), Kenneth Blake, Crystal Woods, Sammy Gonzalez and the ever-popular Joan Rivers impersonator, Mr. Frank Marino. Always good to hear from my Chocolate! They recently had the Miss and Mr. Chicago journalist Candace Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and the Baton’s Chilli Pepper Holiday contest Photo Credit: chicagonow.com at Warehouse Beth Ann Phetamine, Brooke Divine LaReese, 29 in Greensboro and Crystal Frost and Taylor Lola Lovelace, Lillith Deville, Jessica Jewel Knight-Addams won; their respective runnersAddams, Kiana Lane, Brandonna Dupri, Amber up were London Bacall and Holden Wood. Rachelle St. James and Sierra Santana. Our picture this time is of former Miss And, two of these ladies recently did the Continental Chilli Pepper along with Chicago Miss Noel pageant at Scorpio. Jessica Jewel journalist Candace Jordan and none other Addams won and Lola Lovelace was 1st runthan Miss Chilli’s good friend Oprah Winfrey. ner-up. Congrats, girls! It’s all about the ladies who lunch! : : Speaking of Buff Faye, I’m proud and info: Drop me a line, OK? happy to announce that her drag brunch in TheTeaMissD@yahoo.com

Owner issues apology continued from page 22

He added, “As you can clearly see, that last night I was in no position to write that email as my head was up my own… butt. No more wine while writing drishtis!” Bazemore also sent FOX Charlotte a video message. “I just want to say that there is a difference between Tanner the person and Y2 the yoga studio,” Bazemore told the station. “I’m deeply sorry for anyone that was offended by my email. While I might be a moron, I’m not a hurtful person.” Following his apologies, Bazemore made a $1,000 donation to the It Gets Better Project.

The offensive email from Y2 Yoga is the latest in a recent string of anti-LGBT incidents in Charlotte. In late December, Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James said “homosexuals are sexual predators” in an email to his commission colleagues and later compared LGBT people to prostitutes and pedophiles. The county commission later adopted a resolution denouncing such language. In early January, The Charlotte Observer reported on a bar spat in which employees of Uptown’s Dixie Tavern told a couple, “Good, we don’t want to serve lesbians here anyway.” The manager of that business has also apologized. : :

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011





Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

on being a gay parent

is especially wonderfully thick and complicated by brett webb-mitchell :: qnotes contributor about coming out in our 30s and beyond is the All will be well issue of what is our family. For example, young people struggle and , hopefully, celebrate in their courageous act of telling their Much of our attention in this parents who they are. This very process of coming out as a society is about the “me” that is young person was one of the reasons that PFLAG (Parents of coming out to the world around Lesbians and Gays) came into being. the individual who is LGBTQ. This column is about coming out as a parent of two beautiful The entire coming-out process children, who are now young adults, as well as one’s parents, is a journey that lasts an entire aunts, uncles and grandparents. The entire family system life. This is due, in large part, experienced a shock wave, if not tsunami-like wave, when I, as because in this society, where an older, more established-in-life parent, finally had the courage, being “straight” is still the norm love and desire to live authentically in every aspect of life with and being LGBTQ is considered the “abnorm,” we are called to those whom I love and who raised me. It all took place over a be consistently, patiently and lovingly explaining to those around two-week period around Christmastide (both the day of and the us and strangers: “Yep, I’m gay. It’s part of who I am. And, if you following 12 days of the season). My parents flew in from Oregon don’t mind my asking, you are…?” and were staying with my former wife and me. I sat them all I was recently reminded of the uniqueness of coming out down in our living room, fire in the fireplace, wine glasses filled to my parents. While many stories I’ve read and heard over the with a nice Pinot Noir from Oregon in our hands, snacking on a years are of young people coming out to loved ones, friends and tray of cheese, crackers and vegetables. society, I am one of those who came out later in life. And that, in “Mom, Dad, I’m gay.” What made this more complex and part, makes a world of difference. It is a major shift in other peothick was I had to also say to my former wife, “Honey, I’m gay,” ple’s minds, let alone our own minds, when a person comes out as well as to my children, “Your Dad is gay.” Three generations when they are in their late 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. And, what

in one fell swoop. One of the parts of this story that I am remembering is my Dad’s reaction. Like everyone else, he took a sip of wine, but his glass down and looked in his lap. He was silent for a moment as he took it all in. My Mom spoke up quickly, emotionally, trying to find words to comfort her as she took in everything that could possibly change in her relationship with my former wife, my children and me. But, my Dad is, and was, forever the pragmatist. He asked me, “Will this affect your job?” I said “Most likely” (I was working for a church-related institution of higher education at the time who are unkind toward LGBTQ people on their staff, administration and faculty). Moving forward with the nuts-andbolts of the situation: “But you still have your healthcare and the family is covered and retirement is all right.” I assured him it was. “Well then, why shouldn’t you go on living? Seems to me you thought this through carefully,” he said matter of factly. The reason I am remembering all this is because my Dad passed away during the week of Jan. 9. He was 88 years young. He simply fell asleep one night and never woke up. He told us he didn’t want any fuss when he was dying. He was being practical…again. I remember well that there was no drama that he loved me and was proud of all my accomplishments as his son but he just wanted to be sure that all would be well on a practical basis. It is what we parents do, gay and straight alike. : :

qomunity qonexions u

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011





Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

‘The House of Yes’

Feb. 10-20 • Charlotte Stephen Seay Productions presents their play, “The House of Yes.” It’s Thanksgiving Day, in the middle of a hurricane, and Marty Pascal is returning home for the first time in six months. However, he isn’t coming home alone. He’s bringing his fiancé and hasn’t broken the news to his twin sister Jackie. “Jackie-O,” as referred to by her family, has a long-standing unhealthy obsession with the Kennedys, an inability to cope with change, and was just released from a psychiatric hospital. To Jackie, Marty’s engagement is a threat and as the hurricane grows, will stop at nothing to maintain her own idea of family. Kimberly Butler, Leslie Giles, Brian Hargett, Joey Honeycutt, and Stephen Seay make up the cast; Salvador Garcia (MTA Emerging Artist of the Year 2009, Best Supporting Actor in a Drama 2009) will be making his Charlotte directing debut. Petra’s Piano Bar and Cabaret, 1919 Commonwealth Ave. 8 p.m. 704-332-6608. stephenseayproductions.com. Thru Feb. 5 • Charlotte Southern Baptist Sissies Queen City Theatre Company presents the regional premiere of Del Shores’ (“Sordid Lives”) “Southern Baptist Sissies,” a play following the lives of four gay, young men in the Baptist church. A portion of proceeds will benefit the Trevor Project. Recommended for ages 16 and over. Duke Energy Theatre   at Spirit Square, 345 N College St. Tickets   $16-$24 on sale at Carolinatix.org or   www.queencitytheatre.com or by phone   704-372-1000. Jan. 22 • Charlotte TOY community service Time Out Youth hosts a community service volunteer opportunity for youth, staff and volunteers at Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina from 9 a.m. to noon. Transportation from the TOY offices will be available at 8:30 a.m. For more information contact Sherika Jackson at sjackson@timeoutyouth.org. Jan. 23 • Charlotte Buff Faye’s The Bachelor Three straight guys get up in dresses and wigs, but there’s only one rose. Who will Buff Faye choose? Proceeds benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Hartigan’s Irish Pub, 601 S. Cedar St. Noon-3 p.m. bufffaye.com. Jan. 25 • Durham TGMC open auditions The Triangle Gay Men’s Chorus will hold open auditions for new members. The selection process is relaxed and no prepared pieces are required. Participants must be 18 years old or over. Durham Arts Council, 120 Morris St. 6:45-9:15 p.m. For more information emailmembership@tgmchorus.org or visit tgmchorus.org.

Jan. 28 • Charlotte SCC Barn Dance Southern Country Charlotte takes over Hartigan’s for their January barn dance. DJ Tammy spins the tunes. Hartigan’s Irish Pub, 601 S. Cedar St. Free/SCC Members. $3/nonmembers. southerncountrycharlotte.com. Jan. 29-March 6 • Chapel Hill ‘Angels in America’ Two-part masterpiece exploring America during the first wave of the AIDS epidemic set against the backdrop of the Reagan era. A thearical feast by one of America’s most visionary playwrights performed by the PlayMakers Repertory Company at the University of North Carolina. Center for Dramatic Art, 150 Country Club Rd. Various times. Various prices. 919-9627529. playmakersrep.org. Feb. 4 • Winston-Salem Gay Bingo Equality Winston-Salem presents their first gay bingo, “For the Love of Gay Bingo.” YWCA-Gateway, 1300 S. Main St. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Games begin at 7:30 p.m. $20/general. $10/students. equalitywinstonsalem.org. Feb. 11 • Charlotte Rededication Temple Beth El rededicates their sanctuary during a special Shabbat service. Join the congregation, elected officials, community members and area religious leaders for this special occasion at one of Charlotte’s many LGBT-friendly religious institutions. Temple Beth El, 5101 Providence Rd. 6:50 p.m.   beth-el.com. Feb. 11 • Durham Salacious Launch Event Local writer Kiki DeLovely will read from

we want your who/what/where

and sign copies of Salacious, a new queer, feminist, anti-racist, sex-positive art/literary magazine. DeLovely, who has contributed a story titled “Daddi” to the inaugural issue of Salacious, is a queer femme performer/writer who now calls Durham home. Her work has appeared in “Best Lesbian Erotica 2011” and the forthcoming “Gotta Have It” and “Take Me There.” Regulator Bookshop, 720 Ninth St. 7-8:30 p.m. 919-286-2700.   regulatorbookshop.com. Feb. 12 • Charlotte Men of Petra’s Finale Petra’s concludes their amateur drag competition where the winner will receive $500 cash. Audience votes will decide the winner. Featuring Ryan Deal as “Dee Dee Luscious,” Tommy Feldman as “Miley Virus,” Allison Fowler as “Ashton Moore,” and Jay Russell as “Vivian Russell.” Also featuring guest judges and special guest performances from Sierra Santana and Barbara Burning Bush. Petra’s Piano Bar and Cabaret, 1919 Commonwealth Ave. 10 p.m. 704-332-6608. petraspainobar.com. Feb. 15 • Raleigh ENC Day of Action Equality North Carolina hosts their annual Day of Action lobbying day. Come to Raleigh and meet other LGBT community members and activists from across the state, meet with your elected officials and let them know what your needs are. For more information or to register, visit equalitync.org. Feb. 26 • Raleigh HRC Gala The Human Rights Campaign hosts their North Carolina Gala at the Raleigh Convention Center. For more information, including ticket


events qnotes goqnotes.com/qguide/events

arts. entertainment. news. views. prices, accommodations, advertising and sponsorship opportunities, volunteer sign-up or awards nominations, visit hrccarolina.org.

On the horizon March 5 • Charlotte Amazing Race Bar Crawl The Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN) hosts their annual Amazing Race Bar Crawl. Teams compete through a series of bars to complete the race and race money for RAIN and its services. carolinarain.org. March 25-27 • Charlotte GayCharlotte Film Festival The Lesbian & Gay Community Center of Charlotte hosts its annual GayCharlotte Film Festival. gaycharlotte.com. May 7 • Charlotte AIDS Walk RAIN hosts its annual AIDS Walk. aidswalkcharlotte.org. May 14 • Raleigh OutRaleigh The LGBT Center of Raleigh presents its first OutRaleigh festival at City Plaza and Fayetteville St. lgbtcenterofraleigh.com. Have an upcoming event on the horizon in March, April, May or later? Let us know! Send an email to events@goqnotes.com.

Submitting an event for inclusion in our calendar has never been easier: visit goqnotes.com/qguide/events/submit

Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011





Jan. 22-Feb. 4 . 2011

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