March 15-28 . 2013
March 15-28 . 2013
qnotes connect
March 15-28, 2013 Vol 27 No 23
arts. entertainment. news. views.
contributors this issue Paige Braddock, Rosendo Brown, Matt Comer, Kevin Grooms/Miss Della, Charlene Lichtenstein, Lainey Millen, David Stout, Trinity, Brett Webb-Mitchell
front page
Graphic Design by Matt Comer & Lainey Millen Photo Credit: Wilmington and Beaches CVB; Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce; JEB Images, via flickr, licensed CC; Graphics Factory CC
news & features 6 News Notes: Regional Briefs 8 New city manager progressive ally 9 900,000 LGBT immigrants in U.S.
a&e / life&style 10 Southern sabbatical 11 Asheville beckons non-coastal types 12 20 Questions 14 Drag Rag 15 Gospel trio to perform 16 Tell Trinity 17 Out in the Stars 18 Fabulance 18 Jane’s World 19 Q events calendar
9 11
opinions & views 4 4 5 5 5
Editor’s Note On Being a Gay Parent Staff Editorial TalkBack QPoll
Material in qnotes is copyrighted by Pride Publishing & Typesetting © 2013 and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent of the editor or publisher. Advertisers assume full responsibility — and therefore, all liability — for securing reprint permission for copyrighted text, photographs and illustrations or trademarks published in their ads. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers, cartoonists we publish is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or photographs does not indicate the subject’s sexual orientation. qnotes nor its publisher assumes liability for typographical error or omission, beyond offering to run a correction. Official editorial positions are expressed in staff editorials and editorial notations and are determined by editorial staff. The opinions of contributing writers and guest columnists do not necessarily represent the opinions of qnotes or its staff. qnotes accepts unsolicited editorial, but cannot take responsibility for its return. Editor reserves the right to accept and reject material as well as edit for clarity, brevity.
15 Pride Publishing & Typesetting, Inc., dba QNotes Editor: Matt Comer P.O. Box 221841, Charlotte, NC 28222 x202 ph 704.531.9988 fx 704.531.1361 Assoc. Ed.: David Stout Publisher: Jim Yarbrough Sales: x207 Production: Lainey Millen x205 Nat’l Sales: Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Printed on recycled paper. a local news partner of The Charlotte Observer
March 15-28 . 2013
editor’s note by Matt Comer ::
Spring renewal, rebirth and support Spring is upon us. Or, at the very least, we’re hoping it is. Daylight Savings Time has come. The days seem longer, as the sun shines later into the evenings. The temperatures are rising, though one last freeze isn’t out of the question. As spring showers descend upon us, the dogwoods blossom and all that is green and happy returns to this part of the world, we are reminded of rebirth and renewal. It’s fitting, then, that spring should also bring so many community events and fundraisers here in the local LGBT community. Organizations a plenty are throwing fundraising parties and events and they’re
asking for your much-needed support. Groups like House of Mercy and the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network will soon hold their annual AIDS Walks. On April 6, RAIN kicks it off with the Amazing Race Bar Crawl. On April 13, House of Mercy raises awareness and funds in Belmont. Other groups, too, are readying themselves for the year ahead. Charlotte Pride, on whose executive committee I’m privileged to serve, will hold its first fundraiser of the year on March 29 at The Scorpio. On March 22, Southern Country Charlotte holds a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, all
on being a gay parent by Brett Webb-Mitchell :: qnotes contributor
Taxes and death
“Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed” wrote the 18th century writer Daniel Dafoe. This truthful statement comes to mind once a year like clockwork during February when I file my federal and state taxes. I file early because, as a father, I usually get a tax credit for my son. The rest of the taxes I file as a single man, though in reality I’m not a single man. I’m a divorced man. And, I’m a man with a partner of 17 years and counting. While we are not recognized as husband and husband or in a civil union in the eyes of the federal or state government, there was the feeling of permanence to the relationship when we bought our first house years ago. Because we’ve never lived in a state in which we could celebrate a civil union or domestic partnership, e.g., Oregon, or marry, e.g., Massachusetts, we’ve never had a ritualistic ceremony of union in which we exchanged rings; no jumping the broom; and no chup-
pah or canopy over us as one or both of us broke a glass in a dainty napkin. Instead, we bought a house and every year I am reminded that it is the one thing that we did to more-or-less “cement” our relationship in the eyes of the state and federal government. This is also especially true when I mark that I am the head of the household (I’m older, so there). As I filed my taxes, this is the reality that I must tell you about: I am paying taxes to governments — federal and state — that treat my partner and me as second class citizens. I pay into a social security system in which I will not be able to inherit my partner’s share if he were to die first (unlike my mom who still gets my dad’s social security check). We do not get the option to file jointly as my brother and his wife do in their state and federal taxes, thus seeking any other tax credits. And, if he were to die first (God forbid), I would not directly inherit his share of the wealth we
These rates only cover a portion of our true cost, however, our goal is to serve our community Mailed 1st class from Charlotte, NC, in sealed envelope. Subscription Rates:
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March 15-28 . 2013
leading up to their April 19-21 Queen City Stomp, an annual tradition that’s plenty of fun, but also an important fundraiser for the center, Time Out Youth and One Voice Chorus. These aren’t the only organizations presenting events this spring season. There are many, many more. You’ll hear about them in later issues of the newspaper. Take a look at this issue’s Q Events calendar and others in forthcoming issues, as well as our online calendar at for more on these events and others. What each of these organizations all have in common are the people — just like you and me — who work tirelessly, mostly as volunteers, to ensure our local LGBT community continues to move forward and grow. Each of the groups supports a wide array of other causes or provides muchneeded services to those in need. Your generous support of the organizations that make the Queen City a truly LGBT-friendly and welcoming place is important.
As March fades away and the warmer April and May months give way to the heat of summer, I hope you’ll mark these events and others on your social calendars. Though the economy is improving, we all know it’s still tough; so, if you can’t give financially, I encourage you to volunteer a few hours here and there where our community organizations need your person-power to keep their services and operations running smoothly. When we, collectively, speak of our “community,” we speak of a full spectrum of individuals, community groups, businesses and more which bring fun to our lives, stability, safety or healthcare. These people and organizations are what make me proud to be the editor of this newspaper, the chronicler of LGBT life in Charlotte and North Carolina. Join with me this spring in dedicating your time — and, if possible, your money — in supporting our own local LGBT community. As always, we’re in this together, and, united, we will all prosper. : :
have accrued, but would have to pay a tax for it. I cannot check the box “married” on either tax form, but mark “single,” when I am anything but single, tethered as I am into so many relationships. And, what don’t we get in return? We don’t get the right to marry. We don’t get the right to share medical or joint retirement benefits from our respective employer (we both work for the state of North Carolina as public employees).We don’t get to legally inherit each other’s earnings or belongings. We don’t get the right to make medical decisions at the hospital were one of us sick. We are figuratively and literally two individuals who are treated as roommates in the eyes of the federal government and the state of North Carolina. Nothing more and nothing less.
There is something within me that wants to pull a Henry David Thoreau and mount an act of civil disobedience. Maybe I should withhold my taxes until I can honestly report who and whose I am on my tax return. Maybe I should conduct a “sit in” at the N.C. Department of Revenue building as a protest, with a big sign simply saying “unfair!” by my Occupy Raleigh tent. Or, I could perhaps lead a pilgrimage of protest, gathering other LGBTQ people who are not able to honestly mark who they are on their tax returns from Chapel Hill and Durham to Raleigh. Count on this: when DOMA is over-turned, we will be ready to mark our tax returns just like my straight parents and straight brother and sister-in-law do every year until the next sure thing in life finally hits us both: death. : :
qpoll How frequently do you donate volunteer time, financial resources or in-kind gifts to local or regional LGBT community organizations? See the options and vote:
staff editorial by qnotes staff
A time of transitions and thanksgiving This issue marks a special moment of transition for qnotes, our staff and our community as we say goodbye to the years-long service of two dedicated members of our qnotes family. Both associate editor David Stout and “Drag Rag” columnist Miss Della give their parting adieus with this issue. Hired as qnotes’ interim editor in Feb. 1992, David took on the full reins of editorship in June 1992, serving until December 1999. Since then, he’s served as associate editor, stepping in again occasionally as interim editor when needed. In his more than two decades with the paper, David has proven an invaluable resource, determined journalist and passionate advocate for Charlotte’s and the Carolinas’ LGBT communities. His unique writing style and immaculately-researched, in-depth features brought substance to the newspaper and helped mold and shape this publication during some of its most formative growth years during the mid-to-late 1990s. Though David is departing from his regular role at the newspaper, where he will be greatly missed, we hope to see his byline again from time-to-time for feature stories or
other commentaries as he feels moved to contribute. Della, too, has been a dedicated member of our qnotes family, providing us with insight, news and stories about the Carolinas’, and even the national, drag community for nearly as long as David has worked with us. Della joined the newspaper as a contributor during David’s tenure and, since, has proven herself the all-knowing chronicler of all that is drag in North Carolina and South Carolina. It will be difficult, indeed, to forget Della’s witty style, humorous asides and folksy, familiar tone. Her contributions will be missed. The staff here at qnotes wishes David and Della the absolute best as they part ways with us and transition into the next part of their careers and lives. Their fellowship has been rewarding, their service and skills outstanding and their pure loyalty to the LGBT community and all that is right and just and fair has been inspiring. Good luck, good fortunes and happy travels on life’s path! : : — Publisher Jim Yarbrough, editor Matt Comer and production director Lainey Millen contributed.
talkback Letters to the editor and comments from and qnotescarolinas. Web comments are not edited for grammar or punctuation. CIAA coverage lacking I am reading qnotes’ March 1-14, 2013 issue (Vol. 27, No. 22) and I am disappointed that you have no coverage of the CIAA 2013 and Gay Black activities during the tournament in your paper. How can we work together to change that? I’ve seen your online CIAA coverage online. I am new to Charlotte area, and I will continue to support your paper. — Anthony Newby, letter, March 8. (From editor Matt Comer: “We did include one CIAA event in our events calendar for the March 1 issue. We would have included a second but organizers had yet to announce a location by the time we had to send the printer to press. We appreciate your feedback and will look toward doing more comprehensive CIAA coverage next year. Thanks again for sharing; reader feedback makes us better.”) What southern progress? Call me a cynic, but I think you’re exaggerating the strength of the gay community in North Carolina. We’re talking about a state where, less than a year ago, two thirds of residents voted to amend the constitution to bar us from any form of legal relationship protection. There may have been no discussion of southern victories because there haven’t been any worth mentioning. I’ll grant that the national
organizations need to spend more time on the southern states, but most of them have constitutional amendments in place and no indication of a desire to lift them. What reason have we given to indicate we would be a good investment for these national organizations to sink money into? — Patrick,, March 5, in response to Joshua Burford’s ‘Community Voices’ column, ‘Who’s left to Create Change in the South?’ at Change comes from the inside As far as change in our state it will have to be done with local people, not outsiders. I feel we can overcome the fears just through education and socializing. — Janice Covington,, March 7, in response to Joshua Burford’s ‘Community Voices’ column, ‘Who’s left to Create Change in the South?’ at Want to see your comments or letters here? Participate in the discussion at our website at, on Facebook at qnotescarolinas or on Twitter at qnotescarolinas. You can also send letters to the editor (200 words or less) to letters@
join the discussion We welcome your letters to the editor (200 or words or less) and guest commentaries (600 words or less). Submit them to
March 15-28 . 2013
news notes: carolinas. nation. world. compiled by Lainey Millen | Matt Comer
Festival now flying solo
Marigny’s Peter Presta spins the tunes prior to headliner Trina’s performance at the 2012 Pride festival in Uptown Charlotte. Photo Credit:
CHARLOTTE — Charlotte Pride (formerly called Pride Charlotte) has spread its wings and is now operating as an independent organization, it was announced earlier this year. Under the auspices of The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte for six years, it saw tremendous growth. However, as a project of a center and not as a self-governed entity, there were limits. With the new organization steering its ship, it hopes to further the visibility and awareness of the Queen City’s LGBT community. The Executive Committee of Charlotte Pride, Inc., a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of North Carolina and led by several volunteers responsible for past Pride festivities held under the auspices of the Center since 2006, will endeavor to be supportive of a wide range of LGBT community organizations. The center had taken on the mantle of the Pride celebration when its former steering committee disbanded. It was formed as a response to the turbulence of the 2005 event, challenged by an “overwhelming presence of local anti-LGBT protesters,” Charlotte Pride said. The Pride event grew with a record-breaking attendance of 45,000 in August 2012 in the Uptown Charlotte venue. Prior to that, the event was held in more private settings, like Bank of America-owned Gateway Village in Third Ward and the N.C. Music Factory. “Pride Charlotte has reached the point where the current Pride committee is ready to be independent,” Scott Coleman, chair of the Board of Trustees for the LGBT Community Center, said in a release. “In order for the annual Pride event to continue its growth momentum, and be taken to the next level, it makes a lot of sense for it to be an independent organization focused on delivering a consistently amazing annual festival. The LGBT Community Center Board wishes the Pride event well, and is excited to see what the new organization, led by members of the community that have helped to deliver the successes of past Pride events, will present in 2013 and beyond. The Charlotte LGBT community is truly fortunate to have such a dedicated group of Pride volunteers willing to assume such an undertaking each and every year.” The 2013 festivities have been slated for August 24-25 in Uptown Charlotte. It will be the culmination of a week-long slate of events highlighting the social, cultural, ethnic, artistic and political diversity of the Charlotte-Metro area’s LGBT communities. Charlotte Pride Co-Director Richard Grimstad shared, “We are building upon our astounding successes after our phenomenal year of public growth and recognition at our twoday festival last year.…There can be no doubt that our community is making visible progress and change. Our festival is the largest LGBT Pride event between Atlanta and Washington, D.C. We are proud to call Charlotte home and proud the city has embraced its LGBT community with such fervor and acceptance.” After raising nearly $100,000 for the center, Charlotte Pride organizers are excited to extend their support to a wider array of community organizations. A new community grants program to assist local organizations’ programming and projects will be funded by proceeds from each year’s festival. Details for the new grants program will be made available later this year. On March 7, the organization announced its 30-day fundraising challenge. They are asking individuals and small businesses to join in. They want to raise $5,500 for a variety of needs. . More information on sponsorship and vendor opportunities are available online at info: — L.M. and news releases [Ed. Note: This publication’s editor serves as a volunteer member of Charlotte Pride’s board.]
March 15-28 . 2013
Charlotte Twelve races to raise funds
CHARLOTTE — J.D. Lewis and his sons are taking to the streets in a fundraising 12K race to benefit their Twelve In Twelve Foundation on March 30 beginning at the U.S. Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Center Pkwy. The immediate goal of the Twelve In Twelve Foundation is to raise awareness, funds and supplies for 12 of the organizations that the Lewis family worked with while on their recordbreaking journey to all seven continents. On race day, a 1.2-mile fun run and Easter egg hunt will also take place. Prior to the race, a launch party will be held on March 28, 7 p.m., at The Saloon, 900 NC Music Factory Blvd. Participants should be at the race site at 8 a.m. for registration. The 12K race begins at 9 a.m., with the fun run/walk/bunny hop at 11:30 a.m. Hunt for Easter eggs at 12:30 p.m. Registration fee is $50 for the 12K, $25 for the fun run and Easter egg hunt. To register, visit Race registration includes a T-shirt, gift bag and raffle tickets for door prizes and entrance into the Whitewater center. Fun run/hop registration includes a gift bag for children and Easter egg search, plus raffle prizes which include parking and entrance to the Whitewater center. info: — L.M.
Farewell party slated
CHARLOTTE — Time Out Youth has announced that a “Pretty in Pink Farewell to Laurie” will be held on March 22 at 1900 The Plaza. Laurie Pitts, director of programs and services, is leaving to assume another position. A drop in and hang out begins the festivities from 3-6:30 p.m., followed by a pot luck dinner from 6:30-7:15 p.m. A variety show begins at 7:15 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to wear pink or orange — Pitts’ favorite colors. info: — L.M.
Batter up for softball season
CHARLOTTE — The Carolina Softball Association’s Charlotte Softball League will hold its pre-season clinics on March 24 and April 7 at 2 p.m. at Revolution Park, 2425 Barringer Dr. New players to the association must attend a minimum of at least one clinic, but all players, both returning and new, are encouraged to be part of both. Registration is available online. Fee is $40 per player and must be paid prior to hitting the field for the first game on April 14 at 2 p.m. info: — L.M.
Wise songs brought by chorus
CHARLOTTE — One Voice Chorus, along with the Charlotte Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, will present its “Songs of Wisdom & More” concert on April 6, 7:30 p.m., at First United Methodist Church, 501 N. Tryon St. Choral and organ works by British composers and “Song of Wisdom from Old Turtle” will be featured during the concert. “Turtle” is a children’s story with a message about
peace and will be narrated by Charlotte City Councilmember LaWana Mayfield. A special children’s show will precede the main event at 6:45 p.m., as well as a craft show at 1 p.m. and family matinee at 2 p.m. The matinee is free to families with children and supervised groups and churches. info/tickets: — L.M.
Walk teams forming
CHARLOTTE — AIDS Walk 2013 to benefit the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (RAIN) is slated for May 4 from Gateway Village Atrium, 800 W. Trade St. Already individuals and teams have begun to raise monies for this annual fundraising event. Goal this year is $175,000. In its 17th year, it is the largest HIV awareness and fundraising event in the Carolinas. Organizers expect close to 3,000 to walk the two-mile route through historic Fourth Ward. Registration and check-in begins at 8 a.m., followed by morning programs and awards. Participants hit the streets at 10 a.m., with closing ceremonies beginning at 11 a.m. Matching gifts will be made by numerous companies and are listed online. Incentive programs are also available for participants. Registration, along with toolkits and other valuable resources can be accessed through RAIN’s website. info:
Triad Grant season in full swing
WINSTON-SALEM — The Adam Foundation will hold a grant orientation session on March 26, 5:30-7 p.m., at New Winston Museum, 213 Marshall St. The informal event gives interested grant applicants the opportunity to discuss the process, ask questions and obtain assistance. One person from each project should attend to interface with the foundation grant committee. Only qualified 501(c) 3 organizations are eligible. Grant application deadline is April 19. Submit via mail to P.O. Box 21113, WinstonSalem, NC 27120-1113 or via email to grants@ by the deadline date. In May the applications will be reviewed internally and externally by a panel who will visit sites and conduct interviews. On June 16, the foundation board will vote on their finalists. And, announcements will be made at Martini Night on July 10 at 6th & Vine, 6-9 p.m. info: — L.M.
Church celebrates anniversary
CHAPEL HILL — The Community Church of Chapel Hill Unitarian Universalist is celebrating their 10th anniversary as a welcoming congregation with a concert, “Music Gayla: A Night OOUUT!” on March 16, 7 p.m., at 106 Purefoy Rd. LGBT composers’ works across time will be featured. Proceeds from the event will go toward lighting and sound enhancements for the church. Suggested donation is $20. info: — L.M.
National/Global Clinton: I signed DOMA to prevent ban
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Writing in an op-ed in The Washington Post on March 7, President Bill Clinton said he signed the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 in order to “defuse a movement to enact a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, which would have ended the debate for a generation or more.” Clinton’s op-ed comes barely a month before the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments against DOMA. “On March 27, DOMA will come before the Supreme Court, and the justices must decide whether it is consistent with the principles of a nation that honors freedom, equality and justice above all, and is therefore constitutional,” wrote Clinton. “As the president who signed the act into law, I have come to believe that DOMA is contrary to those principles and, in fact, incompatible with our Constitution.” Clinton also wrote that the bill he signed has become a tool “providing an excuse for discrimination.” He wrote, “It should be overturned.” Log on to to read the full op-ed. — M.C.
“We are thrilled for Chris and for the people of Chattanooga, who will benefit from his passion, drive and leadership skills. This is also a huge victory for the LGBT community in southeast Tennessee, who finally have an authentic voice for equality in government,” said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Victory Fund.
Anderson is one of only two openly LGBT elected officials in Tennessee. — M.C.
Poll: Texas voters on marriage
AUSTIN, Texas — Support for marriage equality continues to grow in Texas, as a new poll of 1,000 voters shows a minor plurality of
Mexico court: slurs not protected
MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled on March 6 that two words commonly used as anti-gay slurs in the nation are not a protected form of freedom of expression. The court ruled 3-2 in favor of a journalist who in 2010 sued another reporter who had written a column in which the writer called the journalist and others a “puñal” and “maricones.” The words can be translated “fag” and “faggots,” respectively. The ruling will likely apply only to the words’ use in media. — M.C., LGBTQ Nation contributed
Gay councilmember elected
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Chris Anderson has become Chattanooga’s first openly gay city council person, winning an election on March 5. Anderson beat a two-term incumbent to represent the city’s seventh district.
voters now favor legalizing same-sex marriage. By a margin of 47.9 percent to 47.5 percent, Texas voters now support the freedom to marry, according to the poll, conducted by Glengariff Group and commissioned by Equality Texas, a statewide LGBT advocacy organization. The percentage represents an increase of 5.2 percent in support since September 2010. Support for the freedom to marry increased by 11.3 percent among Independents, increased by 15.7 percent among African Americans, increased by 14.3 percent among 18-29 year-olds and increased by 11.1 percent among those over age 65. — LGBTQ Nation
President Barack Obama with former President Bill Clinton and Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, right, pictured here during a meeting on jobs in 2010. The Obama Administration has come out opposed to the Defense of Marriage Act, which Clinton recently wrote should be overturned by the Supreme Court. Photo Credit: Pete Souza, The White House/Public Domain.
Some national and international news content provided courtesy of and reprinted in partnership with LGBTQ Nation. Reprinted with permission. For the latest national and international news, visit
March 15-28 . 2013
Arlington official: New city manager is progressive ally Openly gay Virginia politician offers praise for new Charlotte City Manager Ron Carlee by Matt Comer ::
CHARLOTTE – In April, Charlotte will have a new city build on whatever they have, he’s just a perfect candidate for manager, replacing longtime city employee you guys.” Curt Walton, who served as city manager Fisette had served as the county board’s chair from 2007 until his retirement in December. when Carlee was hired there in 2001. His replacement, former Arlington County, Carlee’s work in Arlington was marked by a comVa., manager Ron Carlee, the first outside mitment and openness to LGBT issues, Fisette said. candidate to hold the post in 30 years, is “In terms of gay issues, it’s a non-issue,” Fisette a staunchly progressive ally, says one said. “He will embrace and completely respect the Virginia politician who worked with Carlee. gay and lesbian community in Charlotte.” “You guys are really fortunate. Ron is On other matters, too, Carlee was an ally. In fabulous. He’s an outstanding public serparticular, Carlee was instrumental in helping vant,” said Arlington County, Va., Vice Chair Arlington County navigate controversial immigraJay Fisette, who in 1997 became the first tion proposals during his tenure. openly LGBT person elected to any office “Issues of immigration were huge between two in Virginia. “I read the position description and four years ago,” Fisette said. “Republicans in that was put out by the city, what they were Richmond must have put forward over 100 bills in looking for, and it’s like it was tailored to Ron Carlee the legislature to rescind the rights of foreign born him. If it’s true what they’re looking for and Photo Credit: Knight Foundation, residents. Our community and our board leadership via Flickr. Licensed CC. made some very strong public statements about the what they want to create in Charlotte and
Marketplace Charlotte
March 15-28 . 2013
rights of immigrants and the police chief and others in the community were trying to assuage some of the anxiety. Ron played a very strong leadership role in ensuring we all handled that well and the staff of 3,600 people who work for this county were all on the same page in terms of sending that same message.” Fisette said Carlee spoke at several community and regional forms. “He very strongly defended and explained why the county felt as it did and why he felt as he did,” Fisette said. Diversity was a key ingredient in Arlington’s community values — a standard Carlee not only respected, but helped promote. “It’s part of our mantra here,” Fisette said. “Our value system is to tap into these differences as a source of community strength and not to allow it to be a divisive element.” Ultimately, Fisette believes Carlee will be a net-positive for the Queen City. “It sounds like your council is at a place where they are really ready to keep building on the progress they’ve been making,” Fisette said. : :
Plaza Midwood
Study: 900,000 LGBT immigrants in U.S. Local immigrant youth protest family separation, new N.C. driver licenses by Matt Comer ::
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Organized by the Latin American Coalition and United 4 the Dream about 60 people gathered around the statue of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Marshall Park and then marched up 3rd St. to Tryon St. and then to the Square at Trade and Tryon in uptown Charlotte Saturday March 9, 2013 where they rallied for immigration reform. Photo Credit: John D. Simmons/Charlotte Observer.
A new study from the University of California Los Angeles’ School of Law’s Williams Institute has found that 900,000 individuals within the adult immigrant population in the U.S. identify as LGBT. The number includes approximately 267,000 LGBT people who are undocumented. “An estimated 900,000 adults in this country are LGBT immigrants, among whom more than 48,000 are in a same-sex couple in which one or both spouses or partners are not U.S. citizens,” researcher Dr. Gary Gates said in a release. “Under current immigration policies, many of these couples, along with the 24,000 children they are raising, may face separation if same-sex spouses or partners are not able to sponsor each other for a work visa.” The report found that 3.1 percent of undocumented immigrant men identify as LGBT compared to percent of women. The report further found that LGBT undocumented immigrants are younger than the broader undocumented population, with 49 percent of LGBT undocumented immigrants estimated to be 30 years old or younger. The new report came as a national coalition of immigrant and LGBT groups held their “11 Million Coming Out Week of Action” during the second week in March. Organized by the Washington, D.C.-based Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project (QUIP) and United We Dream, the campaign seeks reform to current immigration laws. The campaign’s slogan is “Legislation Must Recognize Our Humanity.” “Undocuqueer leaders across the country are calling for a pathway for citizenship that doesn’t leave anyone behind. We will not choose one issue over the other,” Jorge Gutierrez, United We Dream’s Queer
Undocumented Immigrant Project coordinator, said in a release. “Protecting the unity of our immigrant families and dignity of our LGBTQ communities is at the center of our organizing and advocacy efforts.” Activism on the local level has been building, too, with youth and allies organized by Charlotte’s Latin American Coalition. The group has held several outreach activities, demonstrations and protests over the past several years, including a recent 60-person march in Uptown Charlotte on March 9. Undocumented immigrant youth in North Carolina are protesting immigration rules that could separate their families, as well as new driver license requirements for those young people who have received deferred action under an executive order from President Barack Obama. The new North Carolina driver licenses are colorcoded in bright pink and include the words “No Lawful Status” printed largely along the bottom of the license. Advocates say the licenses could lead to confusion and discrimination against young people living lawfully in the U.S. under Obama’s recent deferred action program. National LGBT immigrant youth leaders say their movement is working to bridge two unique yet allied struggles. “As a person of multiple identities, I want to ensure that the different facets of my life no longer have to be divided and made to settle,” Alma Leyva, a QUIP leader from Orange County, Calif., said in a release. “Winning immigration reform that is not inclusive to LGBTQ community would uplift one identity while continuing to marginalize another. I want immigration reform to recognize all of my humanity.” : :
March 15-28 . 2013
SOUTHERN SABBATICAL Spring and Summer Travel Guide: Events, Attractions, Dining, Nightlife by Matt Comer ::
Cobblestone streets. Waterfront boardwalks. Riverboats. Spring and summer are just around the corner. We’re still shaking off some chilly weather, but before we know it, spring showers will be giving way to warmer temperatures, longer days and more opportunities for you to cast off your winter blues. Fortunately, those blessed to have made our way to the Carolinas have plenty of nearby options for quick and affordable, yet fun and captivating, getaways to some of the most charming and romantic cities the South has ever made. Use this issue’s spring and summer guide as your introductory starting point for exploring all that Wilmington, Charleston and Savannah have to offer in the months ahead.
Photo Credit: Wilmington and Beaches CVB
Set on the banks of the Cape Fear River, Wilmington’s charming and historic downtown provides the perfect setting for early-evening strolls along Front St. or intimate meals and drinks with friends or family. With more than 60 bars, pubs and other entertainment venues, nearly 130 different and unique stores and shops and more than 70 restaurants, downtown Wilmington is the place to be. Each Friday, the Downtown Sundown concert series brings local and regional bands to Riverfront Park along Front St., a perfect evening delight after dinner and before heading out for the night. Starting early this year, Wilmington Pride kicks off their 2013 activities with a “Stash for Cash” fundraiser and yard sale on March 23, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at Riverfront Park. The main event takes over this riverside town June 8-16, with the Wilmington Pride festival slated for June 16. In April, Wilmington hosts its annual North Carolina Azalea Festival, a truly-southern celebration of spring if there ever was one. Events this year, scheduled April 10-14, feature art shows and a coin show, garden tours, home tours, a parade, street fair and more, including featured concert performances by Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Avett Brothers. For more information, visit In the mood for some sun? Wrightsville Beach, Kure Beach and Carolina Beach are just a short drive away. In May, Kure Beach and Fort Fisher host the second annual Pleasure Island Blugrass by the River. In June, the 28th annual Carolina Beach Music Festival brings the best of beach music and more. For more on both events, visit
Nightlife Ibiza Nightclub . 118 Market St.
Photo Credit: Muffet, via flickr. Licensed CC.
Photo Credit: Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce
If history is your thing and you think you’d like Charleston, you’d better plan on making a trip to Savannah, too! Cobblestone streets, magnificent architecture and more awaits. Situated right on the Savannah River, this Georgia coastal town is replete with fine shopping, entertainment and wining and dining. The downtown historic district features dozens of restaurants, bars and other venues to whet your appetite and thirst. Early in the season, March 20-April 6, be sure to visit the Savannah Music Festival, featuring performances by Old Crow Medicine Show, Dr. John and the Nite Trippers, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and more ( In May, be sure to check out Savannah Riverfront’s Seafood-fest on the River, with three days of exhilarating seafood tastes ( Also in May, the 37th annual Savannah Scottish Games brings out the best in Celtic culture and fun (savannahscottish While you’re in town, you’d be remiss if you didn’t pay homage to the Lady Chamblis, performing May 4, June 1, July 6 and Aug. 3 this summer season at ClubOne, Savannah’s sole gay nightlife attraction. Though it stands solitary, Club One doesn’t leave you disappointed. The three-floor complex offers drag, cabaret and theatre performances, as well as some of the best clubbing around.
One of the oldest cities in the U.S., Charleston is a history-lover’s dream come true. Historic homes and some of the nation’s oldest churches and other historic sites, including the famous Fort Sumter, await, as dining, nightlife, museums and more beckon. In July, Charleston Pride lights up this quaint southern town with rainbows ( The annual Spoleto Festival, with the best in performance art, hits May 24-June 9 ( Other events worth checking out this season include the French Quarter Art Walk on May 3, a free tour of Charleston’s French Quarter art galleries, with fine wine, food and amazing art (frenchquarterarts. com) and the June 1 Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival celebrating the Gullah Geechee culture and history ( In downtown, fine restaurants dishing up the best in southern cuisine await your tasting with a dizzying array of delectable seafood restaurants, including those specializing in oysters. Historic tours include those of Old Charleston, ghost and graveyard tours, the USS Yorktown, carriage tours and harbor tours. For more visit /tours.aspx. Want the absolute best local info on music events and concerts, restaurants, bars and other events? Check out Charleston City Paper at
Nightlife Club Patrick’s . 1377 Ashley River Rd.
Costello’s Piano Bar . 211 Princess St.
Dudley’s on Ann . 42 Ann St.
The Toolbox . 2325 Burnett Blvd.
Club One . 1 Jefferson St.
Club Pantheon . 28 Ann St.
March 15-28 . 2013
Not the coastal type? Asheville beckons: Website pitches LGBT-friendly travel by Lainey Millen ::
Tourists and visitors pack into Bele Chere, an annual street, music and arts festival held in downtown Asheville each July. Photo Credit: anoldent, via Flickr. Licensed CC.
In the mood for a spring or summer getaway, but not turned on by the sand and water of the coast? Never fear, Asheville is here! This charming, LGBT-friendly city has much to offer any traveler on any budget. According to, “the beautiful mountain town is eclectic, artsy and very diverse with so many things to do. Within a few blocks, visitors can dance with hippies at the drum circle, browse galleries for exquisite art, dine at world-class restaurants and sample 50 local craft beers. All of this could be after a day of seeing waterfalls.” They share their findings in a 600-page online travel guide with photos, tips and more and provided a top 10 favorite outings for gay and lesbian visitors. The Biltmore House is one of the many key attractions that visitors flock to see and the area has a host of bed and breakfast, mountain cabin, hotel and other accommodations to satisfy almost every palette. Libations are aplenty from hometown breweries to mountain wineries. To go along with that, live music and theatre provide a cozy backdrop to this gay and lesbian friendly location. Club Hairspray, 38 N French Broad Ave., and O.Henry’s , 237 Haywood St., provide a spot for LGBT visitors to hang out. For those who enjoy the out of doors, there are miles of hiking trails, zip lines, whitewater rafting and more along the Blue Ridge Mountains or nearby Great Smoky Mountains. The city also hosts a variety of unique antique shops and other shopping experiences,
including more than 200 locally-owned stores. suggests Malaprops, a funky, alternative and LGBT-friendly bookstore named a “Best Bookstore in the Southeast.” Thirty galleries in downtown are within walking distance. Full detail on the full top 10 list is available on the RomanticAsheville site.
Asheville Summer Events Bele Chere July 26-28 Music and arts festival hosted annualy in downtown Asheville, featuring local, regional and national entertainment, art and antique vendors and more. Gay 5K Rainbow Romp July 13 Blue Ridge Pride presents a 5K competitive fundraising run and a non-competitive “Rainbow Romp.” Annual Pride Hosted each October, Blue Ridge Pride will be held Oct. 5 in downtown Asheville’s Pack Square Park. For more information, visit — Matt Comer contributed
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March 15-28 . 2013
20 Questions David Aaron Moore, Charlotte by David Stout ::
David Aaron Moore is the author of “Charlotte: Murder, Mystery and Mayhem.” From 2003-2007, he was the editor of qnotes. Since that time, his writings have appeared in multiple publications throughout the U.S. and Canada. Regionally his work can be found in the pages of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Charlotte magazine and Creative Loafing, where he pens the column “Question the Queen City.” Who’s DILFier: Mike Brady, Heathcliff Huxtable or Ray Barone? I’m gonna have to opt for none of the above, step back a few decades into TV Land and choose outer space dad John Robinson (played by Guy Williams) on the old “Lost In Space” series. Who wouldn’t wanna take a spin in the Jupiter 2 with that dude? Which deep-fried carnival foods have you tried? That stuff scares me. Deep fried ice cream and snickers bars? Uh-uh. I guess the closest I’ve come to deep fried carnival food is a funnel cake. How many sides of a Rubik’s Cube can you complete? None. I’m usually too busy chewing on aluminum foil. Can you remember your first crush? I had two at the same time! There was a girl named Angela and a boy named Chuck in my first grade class. They were both funny and smart with dark eyes, dark hair and really fair skin. Guess I liked that vampire look way before it was cool. It didn’t take long for me to figure out I preferred Chucks over Angelas and that there are a multitude of non-goth types that are cool, too. LOL. Have you ever completed a work of paint-bynumbers art? No. I was always too busy chewing on aluminum foil. How do these films rank based on the number of times you’ve seen them: “Hedwig And The Angry Inch,”“The Phantom Of The Paradise,”“The Rocky Horror Picture Show,”“Xanadu” I’m almost embarrassed at how predictable the answer to this one is for me: “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” “Hedwig and The Angry Inch,” “Xanadu” and “The Phantom of the Paradise.” I think I preferred Paul Williams as an orangutan scientist in “Battle for the Planet of The Apes.” Are you currently any straight woman’s best gay pal? I guess. My friend and assistant Victoria Westbrook might say so. But, you’d really have to ask her. I wouldn’t want to be so presumptuous. How long do you typically wait between haircuts? A couple of months, at most. Or, until my
March 15-28 . 2013
widow’s peak looks like Eddie Munster. I used to think that was cool until somebody pointed out it also looked like Paul Ryan. Would you rather spend an afternoon at a circus, a carnival, a fine art museum or a zoo? Stop with the limited choices already! I’d prefer a historic cemetery or a junkyard full of rusty vintage cars, but museums and carnivals are quite cool, too. Who’s the better TV vixen: Joan Collins, Heather Locklear or Morgan Fairchild? All three of those are good, but as actors they’re pretty gifted comedians, so it’s difficult for me to label them as vixens. Damn. I’m gonna step out of the box again and say Jeri Ryan, who played the rehumanized Borg Seven of Nine on “Star Trek Voyager.” One look at her and you knew resistance was futile. Do you think mimes are entertaining? Shields and Yarnell had great bowl cuts. If 8 is great and 9 is fine, what would 10 be? Exhausting? Who wants to date somebody so hot everybody else wants them all the time? Too tiresome. Which U.S. city that you haven’t been to would you most like to visit? I’ve traveled all over and been just about everywhere I’ve wanted to go, except for one in the U.S: San Francisco. Why do you ask? Are you giving away free trips? [Ed. Note: No.] What’s the sexiest non-sexual part of a man’s body? Eyes. They can tell you so much about a man. Grilled cheese, cheese pizza or pizza bites? Pizza bites. Not messy — especially when you have a beard. Who is your all-time favorite female music artist? Nina Hagen. In her younger years she had a crazy out-of-control vocal range. Today, she continues to address issues of global importance and entertain in a way no one else can. Are there any bobby pins in your home? Yup. I live in a house that has been in my family for many years and every once in a while an old bobby pin that belonged to an aunt or my mom pops up in a corner somewhere. It’s kinda freaky and funny, actually. The jury’s still out for me on the existence of paranormal activity, but I usually find ’em when the dust bunnies have gotten a little on the heavy side. It’s like mom’s letting me know I’m not keeping the place as clean as she did. Which person (living or dead) would you most like to interview? Difficult question. It’s too late now, but one person I wish I could have had the opportunity to interview is former Pakastani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Can you recite from memory the license plate number of your current vehicle? I cannot. Have you ever given a sex toy as a gift? Hmmm. I picked up some cucumbers for a friend the other day, but I think she just used them in a salad. Does that count? : :
March 15-28 . 2013
drag rag by Miss Della :: qnotes contributor
Pageant results are overflowing everywhere across America! Ah, my dear readers, we come together again and celebrate all that is good (and sometimes not so good) in the world of drag pageantry. I’ve got so much damn information, there’s no time for idle chit-chatter! I’ll start off and tell you how happy I am that the Continental system is doing a great job on their website these days, updating it with prelim tea and such. Of course, just a week or so after this comes out, they will hold Miss Elite and PLUS in Chicago and if you know me, you know I am hoping that my baby Kelly Raye, the reigning Miss Heart and Soul Elite, will squat and become the new Miss Continental Elite. I am trusting and believing that she will “go right” and remove all doubt with those judges. She would be such an excellent representative for them, and she’s such a fantastic person. I hope her cheering crowd will be there from NC and Hawaii. Kelly, you know I am with you in spirit! I was almost brought to tears when my baby sis Brooke Divine told me about the sponsorship she gave Kelly to make the win a little easier. Kelly will compete against such lovely impersonators as Miss Carolina Elite Joanna James, Illusion (held in San Antonio) Dina Jacobs (another queen with Hawaii ties), Illinois, Dominique Mahon and Chicago, Cee Cee LaRouge. Also that weekend, as Tanisha Cassadine gives up her PLUS title/crown, there will be such fabulous illusionists competing like Miss
March 15-28 . 2013
Florida Icon Jasmine Pierce; Illusions, Layne Matthews; Illinois, Savannah San’Teigo with alternate Terri DaMoore; Virginia, Sandra Lopez (there will be good hair and make-up in the house on this night!); Chicago, Milena Lane Kier; NC, Ginger Minj; and SC, India Chanel Braxton. Later on in the year, for the Labor Day ex-dragga-ganza (my term, don’t try it!), we’ll see Miss NC Continental Victoria Grantly compete, along with Miss SC Stasha Sanchez and her alternate Fontasia L’Amour. They will be preceded in competition by their guy counterparts, Mr. NC Khalil Valentino and Mr. SC Jose Vega. Damn, it sounds like Miss Alyson Thomas had one (l-r) Tracy Morgan, Tiffany Bonet, Ashley Alexander, and Kerri Nichols. more bloodbath at Club Mekka in Miami this go ‘round! and alternate Chanel Cavalier Van Cartier; Pennsylvania, Tiffany In other pageantry news, on the U.S.ofA. Richards and alternate Jolie Starr; Tri-States, Alexyeus Paris; at Large scene, our national titleholder Miss Dorae Saunders Lonestar, Loretta Armani and runner-up Armani Davenport; has been to one more prelim, Miss Louisiana, which The Lady Oklahoma, Bebe Adams and RU Londenn Raine; and Miss PhatKat won and her alternate was Starr Alexander. For the U.S.ofA. division, we have qualifiers ready to compete in Dallas see Drag Rag on 18 over Memorial Day weekend, like Miss Iowa Chanel Savage
Gospel trio to perform Lesbian woman, transgender woman and gay man breaking through Gospel barriers by Matt Comer ::
Micah’s Rule, a Christian Gospel trio hailing from Wilmington, N.C., will perform at the Metropolitan Community Church of Charlotte, 1825 Eastway Dr., on March 23, 7 p.m. The trio, which formed in January 2012, is breaking barriers, aided by the three members’ past musical experience. The group is comprised of Greg McCaw, Chasity Scott and Mary Ann Hewett. Each grew up singing in the church. McCaw performed bass with Southern Gospel stars like Bill and Gloria Gaither and the Gatlin Brothers. Scott has a doctorate in music education from Harvard. Hewett has enjoyed the inspiration of music her entire life. The group recently cut an album produced by Mark Moseley, a Nashville producer who has created albums for Dolly Parton, George Jones, Vince Gill, Patty Loveless and Willie Nelson. One of their singles, “Your Cries Have Awoken the Master,� in their new album, “Walk the Road,� is particularly powerful, speaking to the struggles of LGBT people of faith. For more information on the vocal group and their upcoming performance, visit : :
Photo Credit: Courtesy Micah’s Rule.
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March 15-28 . 2013
tell trinity by Trinity :: qnotes contributor ::
I love her, I love her…knot Dearest Trinity, I rented out my spare room to this great girl and then started spending a lot of time with her. Now it’s time for her girlfriend to move in and I think I’m falling in love. Did I screw up? Renter’s Love, Des Moines, IA Dearest Renter’s Love, Yes, you did, and how! I assume you knew about her girlfriend, which means you need to wake up and fast. First, stop allowing these
March 15-28 . 2013
feelings to take over you. You can’t change your feelings, but you can control what you do with them, i.e., stop acting on them. Second, go looking for other girls. You’ll love a thousand times in your life, so don’t stop now. Third, get over it, move on, about face and forward march. Oh, and honey, if you don’t stop you’ll end up living in a house full of drama and deception and that only makes for a good novel. Dear Trinity, If a man sleeps with 12 different men in one year, one a month, is he a slut? Moreover, if he sleeps with 12 different men in one month and no one else for the rest of the year, is he also a slut? And, lastly, am I a slut? Slut Worries, Atlanta, GA Dear Slut Worries, To the first man I would say, what the hell are you doing for the rest of the month, living off blow up dolls and Ben & Jerry’s? To the second man who’s spending 11 months on his knees praying for forgiveness, I’d say, get up and start accepting your biological urges. Darling, one-night stands are acts of survival and pleasure, not religious
persecution! Feeling like a slut means not respecting your instincts or your mates. So, respect both of them. Oh, and even though you may not be a slut, you may be a hypochondriac. (My cartoon shows you how “visions of sugarplums” have danced in my head when it comes to sex!) Hey Trinity, I’m about to break up with my boyfriend. It’s my first boyfriend and it’s going to kill him. Help! First Break, Pittsburg, PA Hey First Break, This is so not fun so just accept that. This also is very much part of life like a very cold winter or a very delayed plane flight. So, remember baby, be patient and kind, be direct and clear and for your own protection prepare financially, emotionally and physically in advance for any backlash. Hello Trinity, The other day, this gorgeous guy started flirting with me, but for some reason I got a sense that he wasn’t single. How do you know if someone’s partnered? Flirting Woes, Kansas City, MO Hello Flirting Woes, I know exactly what you went through, especially if you’re single and easy, I mean easily thrown by the kindness of strangers. Pumpkin, I think I can help with:
Trinity’s Sly Tips For Finding Out If You’re Dating A Married Or Single Man 1. If he invites you to dinner 100 miles away from where he lives, married! 2. If he says, “I only have e-mail, I don’t have a cellphone,” married 3. If he plays hard to get with an attitude, single. 4. If he plays eager to get with a nervous twitch, married. 5. I f his forth finger on his left hand has a sun burn in the shape of ring, married and deceptive! 6. I f he says, “I’d like to invite you to a party,” single. 7. I f he says, “I don’t like parties or I’m afraid of crowds,” married and/or psychotic! 8. I f he says, “I don’t talk about my relationships until after a few dates,” married or an FBI agent! 9. I f he says, “I’m married, but we’re not sleeping together, married and trouble! 10. L astly, if he says, “I live in the suburbs in a big house with two dogs,” married or marriage material. You’ll have to find out for yourself! : : info:With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend Trinity hosted “Spiritually Speaking” a weekly radio drama performed globally and is now minister of sponsor, WIG: Wild Inspirational Gatherings, wigministries. org. Learn more at
out in the stars by Charlene Lichtenstein :: qnotes contributor
March 15 - 28 The Sun pushes into energetic Aries and even the laziest of us can feel a caffeinated, creative spurt. The secret to your success is to keep focused on your goals. Rev your engines as the energy ramps up over the next few weeks. ARIES (03.21-04.20) Proud Rams have a rather unorthodox way of forging first impressions and seem more exotic to others now. Maybe it’s the flowing scarves, maybe it’s your tattooed head. Whatever fashion statement you decide to make, wear it with confidence. Strangers will seem to understand your need to dress in cellophane and chiffon and will bring the scotch tape and stapler. TAURUS (04.21-05.21) Gay Bulls are inspired to get involved in community outreach. You want to make your personal mark for a worthy spring fling. And now, everyone wants to get into the act. Don’t consider it an infringement: The more the merrier! It is amazing what a little creative thinking and a brat pack of volunteers can achieve. Who will be the best and who will be bratwurst? GEMINI (05.22-06.21) If you are suddenly thrust into the social epicenter, claim your fame now. Everyone wants to include you in their plans. Survey the menu and take your choice. It all seems too good to be true. Compadres want to play, but balance off your platonic pastimes with partnership needs. Pink Twins may be pulled in two different directions. Hey, whatever turns you on. CANCER (06.22-07.23) This time period provides a bushel and a peck of strategic career moves that are inspired and right on. You see what is happening above and below the surface and intuitively make the right decisions at the right time. Add all of this to your career plans and gay Crabs become a force with whom to be reckoned. Grab the key to the corner office. Demand your rightful due. LEO (07.24-08.23) This is a perfect time for all proud Lions to escape to wild and wooly faraway destinations. The question is just how wild and wooly do you want to get? You are highly stressed now. How about something dreamily romantic and fabulously luxurious instead? Recharge and pamper both you and your better half. Add cream and whip it up into a frenzied froth. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) Sex holds you in its spell and you are mesmerized. Is it safe for fresh queer Virgins to drift a few feet off the ground? Only if they can avoid falling into the boiling cauldron and becoming just another quick snack. This time period brings all this zesty activity to any creative enterprise. Resolve to add more fun to your life. We sure could use that. LIBRA (09.24-10.23) The fates add a hopelessly romantic rose-colored tinge to all relationships. Proud Libras are in love with love. But will mere mortals measure up? Don’t rush to topple the applecart of domestic harmony based on a careless offhand remark. Before you find yourself yearning for applesauce, remember to let actions speak louder and prouder than words. SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) Queer Scorps feel invincible now. Will you be tempted to over-eat, over-drink and generally over-indulge? You
may not know when enough is enough and you’re tempted to go for the gusto at every opportunity. Regulate and modulate. Even take it easy in your exercise regimen. Many muscles can also be over-indulged. Most, but not all, of course. SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) Fun has a way of getting dreamy, creamy and totally out of hand. Lucky you. A gay Archer parties with a vengeance and becomes the one to see and the one to be seen. You may find yourself placed in lucky circumstances where you can make even your wildest dreams come true. You add zip to your hard drive. But, are you working with the latest operating system? CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) Pink Caps won’t be able to contain themselves. Suddenly, you are an open book with all of your fears, secrets and hidden passions sprawled out there where everyone can see them. A weight has been lifted! Catharsis! Make the most of this freedom, especially around family and close friends. And, hurry — the planets will soon move on and the world can’t wait. AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) Seemingly small, off the cuff comments cause a nuclear explosion and can forever alter your life course. Good thing. Frankly, your social life needs a bit of jump start. Chalk up the ensuing chain of events to the fates which give Aqueerians
a combination of great confidence and prescience. Jump into the social swim, put your best moves into motion and don’t get seasick. PISCES (02.20-03.20) Money issues combine with burning career needs now. If you feel like your bottom line doesn’t measure up, add a little zest to your conservative green salad. This is the time to do your fiscal homework and invest in gay-friendly ventures. As you amass your personal fortune, it will be easier to claw your way to the top of the professional heap. Are you on top yet? : : © 2013 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment. info: Visit for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.
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March 15-28 . 2013
Drag Rag continued from page 14 South Central Shae Shae LaReese with RUs Sunny Dee Lite and Sasha Andrews. Say what? I guess Miss Shae Shae had really showed out on that night. All right, sis! Also, the newest Miss NC is Macaria Rage and her RU is Aida (maybe Ieeta?) Addams. Congrats to Jamie Monroe on her relinquishing the crown! Diva! Where the Classic prelims are concerned, my good sister Miss Layla LaRue is in and out of the airports these days, reigning elegantly over prelims like Miss Pennsylvania, which Victoria Lace won with RU Morgan Wells; Lonestar, Edna Jean Robinson and RU Sybil Ann Storm; Arkansas, Adrian Keriocus and RU Lisa Laws; Arizona, Marina Del Ray and RU Lady Ashley; South Central, the lovely Denise Mykels and equally gorgeous Amy DeMilo; Kansas, TeeKee LaRue with
March 15-28 . 2013
runners-up Mackenzie Carmichael and Brittney Brooks; and Oklahoma, former EOY Roxie Hart with RUs Martinique Bouvier and Shantel Mandalay. Miss Layla, if Edna Jean is competing, I wanna judge! I’d like to see that talent, damn! Finally, just a few qualifiers for the Miss Newcomer U.S.ofA. contest: Arizona, Adriana Galliano with RU Malina Rae; South Central States, Vivica Perry and RU Kai Lee Mykels; and Kansas, Aria Crawford with runners-up Eartha Quake and Ginger Rose Carmichael. I’ll close with a few local tidbits. Miss Charlotte America was held a few weeks ago at Scorpio and I must tell you how proud I was of our Miss NC Ariel Knight-Addams. Even with a cast on her foot, she exuded class and sophistication and embodied our local “Symbol of Excellence.” I hear she may be planning a trip
back to Miss Gay America in the near future. I certainly wish her the best. That night, the Mouth of The South and one of the original good time girls Valarie Rockwell won and her RU was Brittney O’Bryan. I am thrilled for Valarie who has come a long way in just a few short years and has really come into her own. To my knowledge, no one has held the Miss Scorpio and Miss Charlotte titles at the same time since Renee Rollins back in 1993. Way to go, girlfriend! I still say that Honey Boo Boo presentation at Miss Scorpio was a riot! Call your Aunt
Ree, gal — she wants to congratulate you! In closing, I dedicate this column to Ashley Alexander, a sweet queen from Hickory, NC who performed and judged back in the day and competed at Miss Gay America. She won Miss East Coast America at Scorpio years ago and did “Baby, I Can Cook” complete with a diner counter on stage. It was fabulous! I will miss this queen — she was a “good egg” as the old saying goes. : : info: Drop me a line, OK?
Sing it out! March 30 • Charlotte Big Gay Sing The Gay Men’s Chorus of Charlotte joins with over 100 performers from a variety of groups like the Charlotte Pride Band, Charlotte Roller Girls, Charlotte Royals Rugby Team, Southern Country Charlotte, Time Out Youth and others for “The Big Gay Sing.” Halton Theater, Central Piedmont Community College. 8:04 p.m. $20-30.
March 16 • Charlotte St. Patrick’s Day Join thousands of Charlotteans for annual St. Patrick’s Day festivities, including the parade and Charlotte Goes Green Festival in Uptown Charlotte. For more detailed information, visit If you’re in the mood for some Irish-themed fun before official festivities kick off on Saturday, check out Buff Faye’s “Get Lucky?! St. Patty’s Day Friday Night Party Bus.” More details and tickets at Stay tuned to for more information on upcoming St. Patrick’s Day events and activities in the Queen City. March 16 • Charlotte Sexy St. Patty’s L4 Lounge hosts a special St. Patrick’s Day party for the ladies. 2906 Central Ave. Free before 11 p.m. $5 after. Doors open at 9 p.m. March 16 • Charlotte PINK Pre-Party Takeover Friday hosts a pre-party welcoming PINK to Charlotte. Pop in for drinks and light appetizers before the concert at Time Warner Cable Arena. Hyatt House Charlotte Center City, 435 E. Trade St. 6-8 p.m. Free. March 19 • Charlotte Greek Night The Charlotte Business Guild hosts a night to meet, chat and get to know more about PanHellenic, collegiate and non-collegiate fraternities and sororities. Dinner provided by the Roaming Fork. The Bar at 316, 316 Rensselaer Ave.
March 20 • Charlotte HIV Support Different Roads Home hosts a men’s HIV support group with a goal to focus on individuals that are HIV positive, how they can live a positive lifestyle and interact and connect with other positive people. Meetings will often be topic driven, encouraging healthy behaviors from eating habits to dating. Different Roads Home, 15905 Brookway Dr., Suite 4203. 6:307:30 p.m. 704-237-8793. March 22 • Charlotte Spaghetti Fundraiser Southern Country Charlotte hosts a spaghetti dinner fundraiser before their monthly barn dance. Spaghetti, salad, bread, tea and water served. Wine available. $10 donation suggested. LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St. 8-9:30 p.m. Afterward, join the group for their monthly barn dance at Hartigan’s Irish Pub, 601 S. Cedar St. 10 p.m. March 22 • Charlotte Colors Exhibit The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte holds its opening reception for its exhibit, “The Colors Exhibit,” concluding the year-long photography Colors Project sponsored by the Center and Charlotte Gay & Lesbian Fund. LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St. 7-10 p.m. March 22 • Charlotte Pretty in Pink Farewell Time Out Youth hosts a variety show and potluck to say farewell to departing youth
Submit your event to our new calendar!
services director Laurie Pitts. Time Out Youth, 1900 The Plaza. 6:30 p.m. March 23 • Charlotte Micah’s Rule Christian gospel vocal trio Micah’s Rule, comprised of a gay man, lesbian woman and transgender woman, hold a concert at Metropolitan Community Church of Charlotte, 1825 Eastway Dr. 7 p.m. March 26 • Charlotte Youth Host Home Program Time Out Youth’s Host Home Program is designed to assist LGBTQ homeless and displaced youth. Shelters and other emergency housing options are not always safe for LGBTQ youth and space is limited, leaving youth on the streets. Learn more about the program and how to get involved at this information session. LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St. 7-8 p.m. Free. For more information email Sarah Alwran, Time Out Youth’s director of youth services, at salwran@ March 29 • Charlotte We Are Pride Charlotte Pride teams up with sponsor The Scorpio for a benefit night raising funds for this year’s 2013 Charlotte Pride Festival. A portion of entry fees and your donations will benefit Charlotte Pride. Featuring shows from former Miss Charlotte Pride title holders. The Scorpio, 2301 Freedom Dr. Doors
10 p.m., showtime Midnight. April 6 • Charlotte Amazing Race Bar Crawl Supporting AIDS Walk Charlotte. Cost is $150 per team. For more information or to register, visit April 13 • Charlotte Walk for AIDS House of Mercy hosts its 20th annual Walk for AIDS, raising awareness and funds for House of Mercy’s services. For more information, entry and support, visit April 19-21 • Charlotte Queen City Stomp
Southern Country Charlotte presents its annual Queen City Stomp, with weekend dance lessons, evening parties and their Saturday “Cattle Call Ball” fundraiser for the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, One Voice Chorus and Time Out Youth. Main events at Hartigan’s Irish Pub, 601 S. Cedar St., and host hotel Residence Inn, 404 S. Mint St. For registration and more information visit,
You can submit your event to a special comprehensive community calendar presented by qnotes, the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte and Visit Gay Charlotte. Submit your event at and get a three-for-one entry. All Charlotte-area events will appear on each of the three calendars at qnotes (, the LGBT Center ( and Visit Gay Charlotte (
March 15-28 . 2013
March 15-28 . 2013