QNotes Aug. 1-15, 2013

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Aug. 2-15 . 2013





Aug. 2-15 . 2013



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Aug. 2-15, 2013 Vol 28 No 07

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contributors this issue

Paige Braddock, Rosendo Brown, Matt Comer, Maria Domingues, Charlene Lichtenstein, Jess McDonald, Lainey Millen, Trinity, Brett Webb-Mitchell

front page Graphic Design by Lainey Millen Photo Credit: Jill Lang North Carolina Photography. Stock image. Glass: cliparts101.com. Beer Mug: Art Explosion

news & features   6   6   8 10 12 25

News Notes: Regional Briefs Legislative update Org offers ‘help in the right direction’ Maddalon takes District 1 seat Center elects new board leadership Trans group offers safe space

a&e / life&style 14 16 18 20 23 24 26 27

Fall into the Foothills Fogarty gives voice to voiceless Charlotte Black Gay Pride wrap up Lohse talks song and sport Tell Trinity Out in the Stars Jane’s World Q events calendar


18 12

opinions & views   4   4  4   5

Editor’s Note On Being a Gay Parent QPoll Guest Commentary

Material in qnotes is copyrighted by Pride Publishing & Typesetting © 2013 and may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent of the editor or publisher. Advertisers assume full responsibility — and therefore, all liability — for securing reprint permission for copyrighted text, photographs and illustrations or trademarks published in their ads. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, writers, cartoonists we publish is neither inferred nor implied. The appearance of names or photographs does not indicate the subject’s sexual orientation. qnotes nor its publisher assumes liability for typographical error or omission, beyond offering to run a correction. Official editorial positions are expressed in staff editorials and editorial notations and are determined by editorial staff. The opinions of contributing writers and guest columnists do not necessarily represent the opinions of qnotes or its staff. qnotes accepts unsolicited editorial, but cannot take responsibility for its return. Editor reserves the right to accept and reject material as well as edit for clarity, brevity.

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Aug. 2-15 . 2013



editor’s note by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

With one step forward, Charlotte must not stop journey to equality “Charlotte is not a friendly place for LGBT people.” That’s what I wrote two years ago in a commentary in The Advocate explaining Charlotte’s political culture and the state of LGBT equality here. The Queen City had just been chosen to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention, despite the city’s lack of any pro-LGBT and inclusive record. There were no LGBT-inclusive employment policies, no domestic partner benefits, no openly gay or lesbian officials. Today, much has changed in an astonishingly quick time. Now, the city has LGBTinclusive employment policies and domestic partner benefits. Councilmember LaWana Mayfield became the city’s first openly gay or lesbian elected official when she won election in November 2011. On July 22, Charlotte took another brilliant step forward. City Council voted 7-3 to appoint openly gay Plaza Midwood businessman Billy Maddalon to fill now-Mayor Patsy Kinsey’s vacant District 1 seat. Maddalon becomes the city’s first openly gay man on City Council and he joins Mayfield in representing the LGBT community to our broader community and in the larger civic space. In two short years, Charlotte has managed to pull itself up and into the modern era. LGBT inclusion is at a high point. Yet, we shouldn’t be tempted to think our work is over. Charlotte City Council has yet to vote on any single LGBT-inclusive measure, so we’re still stuck without a true voting record from

which to judge our representatives. The last time City Council considered an LGBTinclusive measure was when it soundly defeated an inclusive public accommodations ordinance in November 1992. We must have a solid, up-or-down vote from the dais. Our elected officials must use the one privilege they’ve been given — their representative votes — to effect change on behalf of their LGBT citizens. Hiding their stands and managing such changes through the city manager smacks of ineffectiveness. Why should the LGBT community continue to endorse you, donate money to your campaigns and vote for you if you can’t vote for us? Many other items are left undone, the city’s Commercial Non-Discrimination Ordinance chief among them. The city is spending millions upon millions of dollars each year with local and regional businesses. Many, if not most, of these businesses do not include employment protections for LGBT people. The city must bring their ordinance in line with their own standards and stop sending taxpayer monies to companies that can’t commit to treating all their employees fairly and equally. Mayfield’s and Maddlon’s service on City Council is historic. Our city policies have been radically transformed in an LGBTinclusive way. But, members of City Council must now themselves show their commitment to equality. Now is the time to move forward with further inclusive ordinance changes in a public, transparent way. If incumbents on Council plan to seek our vote this November, it’s high past time they show us theirs.



Is the appointment of a second openly gay member on Charlotte City Council a sign of progress for the Queen City? See the options and vote: goqnotes.com/to/qpoll


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Aug. 2-15 . 2013

on being a gay parent by Brett Webb-Mitchell :: qnotes contributor

The second generation of LGBTQ parenting In the last two days, I’ve received phone calls from three different casting agents who are “looking for LGBT parents with a unique parenting style. We are starting a new reality-show cable series. Are you a spoiler? An authoritarian? Permissive? Free range? Unschooler? Or, have a style that is all your own? We’re looking for moms and dads with unique perspectives on parenting for a new series on a top-rated national cable network” (read “Bravo,” “TLC,” and “MTV”). They contacted me because of my writings on gay parenting and LGBTQ advocacy, both through my blogs and this column in qnotes. Initially, the inquirer wants to know the age of my children (both are over 20 years old) and whether or not the children are living at home. Because both children are now young adults and are no longer living at home, the inquirer then wants to know if I know any unique lesbian or gay couple who are parenting children under the age of 18 years old and living at home. I take down their phone number and email addresses politely, but that’s where it usually stops. All the lesbian and gay couples I know are not willing to place their families under the constant glare of klieg lights for a reality show that produces an Andy Warholtype “15 minutes of fame” motif that may leave the family destroyed after the fame is over and the darker side of the family exposed for the world to witness. Why all the interest in our families? We are the new “rave” item in terms of modern society’s attention. With all the focus on marriage equality in the context of the states here and the world around us, the next logical line of inquiry after we get married is the one which is true for opposite sex couples as well: When are you going to have a baby? With surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, home remedies and adoption as the primary means of bringing children into our LGBTQ

lives, having a baby as an LGBTQ individual’s or couple’s life is not far-fetched. Instead, my hunch is that it will soon become the norm — dating, engaged, married, then we welcome children into our lives (though not necessarily in that order, so create your own sequence of events). As I write this column, I smile at this sudden rush of attention on our families and the safety of identifying our families as “unique.” When I told my immediate and extended family members that I was gay 18 years ago, my daughter was seven and my son was three. It was news not to be shared widely, but only shared among those whom I loved. It was news to be kept within and among a small cadre of people I trusted. Around me, there were no television shows with gay dads on any of the main channels, just the fabulous life of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” and “Queer as Folk” on cable channels. There was no “Modern Family” or the now defunct “The New Normal,” with storylines involving gay dads who only kiss and never have sex. There was an episode on “Will and Grace” in which the characters of Jack and Will took care of one of their gay friends’ children, showing how inept gay men were supposed to be at raising children (even the children’s gay dads on “Will and Grace” were constantly bickering). No one was calling me with a possibility of being on a reality television show. Our kind of family was to be “seen and not heard” from. We were the first generation of out LGBTQ parents. Times change. Attitudes are changing. The second generation of LGBTQ parents is now the focus of society’s attention. They are the new darlings of the media’s attention. It is wonderful to see that who’s was once “new” and a “threat” to society’s “ideal” of being family is slowly becoming part of the American mainstream way of being family. : :



guest commentary by Jess McDonald :: guest contributor

Act now to prevent UNC System ban on gender-inclusive housing On Thursday, Aug. 8, the University of North Carolina (UNC) system Board of Governors Governance Committee will meet in Chapel Hill to decide the fate of genderinclusive housing (also commonly referred to as gender non-specific or gender-neutral housing) in the statewide public university system. The meeting follows a long campaign by UNC-Chapel Hill students and faculty that began in August 2011; after Chancellor Holden Thorp initially rejected gender-inclusive housing in February 2012, students continued lobbying and the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees unanimously approved the initiative in November 2012. In response, North Carolina state legislators filed a bill in April 2013 to prohibit gender-inclusive housing with the exception of students who are married or siblings. The bill died in committee, but has since resurfaced as a proposed policy to ban gender-inclusive housing across the system by the UNC Board of Governors at their upcoming Aug. 9 meeting. Campus Pride, a Charlotte-based national organization working to create a safer college environment for LGBT students, is calling on all North Carolina college students and alumni to make their voices heard by contacting the UNC Board of Governors and attending their Aug. 8-9 meeting. The meeting will take place at the Spangler Center (also known as the General Administration Building) on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus and a large turn out in support of gender-inclusive housing would send a clear message to the Board of Governors and the state at large. Students and alumni are urged to share their stories with the Board of Governors via email, phone calls and signs at the meeting, as well as ensure their friends and family do the same. Despite denied requests to speak during the meeting, student and alumni voices deserve to be heard. Shane Windmeyer, Campus Pride executive director, has spoken out in favor of gender-inclusive housing as a way to address campus climate and student safety issues. He says, “Banning gender-inclusive housing on the seventeen UNC system campuses does not serve the safety of any student. It is dangerous and reckless to take such a broad sweeping action. Research shows that LGBT students experience heightened rates of harassment and discrimination at our colleges

and universities, including in campus housing. Students should not have to feel unsafe or be fearful where they eat, sleep, and live on campus.” According to Campus Pride’s “2010 State of Higher Education for LGBT People,” less than seven percent of institutions of higher education have inclusive non-discrimination polices with regard to gender identity and expression of transgender students, faculty and staff. More than a third of all transgender students, faculty and staff experience harassment (39 percent) and fear for their physical safety (43 percent) and over half attempt to hide their transgender identity to avoid intimidation and harassment on campus (63 percent). Additionally, one-third of LGBT students, faculty and staff have seriously considered leaving their campus due to the challenging climate. Barring a statewide ban, UNC-Chapel Hill is poised to become the first public university in the state to institute a gender-inclusive housing program this fall, following in the footsteps of approximately 100 schools nationwide, including nearly half of Chapel Hill’s peer institutions. UNC-Charlotte students are also working with administrators to create a plan for gender-inclusive housing on their campus. Instead of supporting these studentled efforts to improve campus climate and student safety, the UNC Board of Governors is threatening to highlight the shortcomings of UNC system universities as they knowingly put transgender and gender non-conforming students in campus housing at risk. Campus Pride demands more from the UNC Board of Governors leaders in creating safe campus learning environments. Enough with the excuses from North Carolina state legislators and the UNC Board of Governors. The right thing to do has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the safety of students on campus. Learn how you can speak out on this issue at campuspride.org. : : — Jess McDonald recently served as the Media, Communications & Programs Manager of Campus Pride and graduated from Elon University in 2012. Campus Pride, based in Charlotte, is the leading non-profit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create a safer college environment for LGBT students.

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Aug. 2-15 . 2013



news notes: carolinas. nation. world. compiled by Lainey Millen | Matt Comer

Dems seek volunteers

Charlotte PFLAG presents ‘Laramie’

GASTONIA — The Gaston County chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) will present a staging of “The Laramie Project,” a three-act play retelling the events of Matthew Shepard’s 1998 death in Laramie, Wyo. Originally written by Moisés Kaufman and the members of Tectonic Theatre Project, the play will be staged for two days at Events on Main, 326 W. Main St., in Downtown Gastonia. Performances are Aug. 3 at 7:30 p.m. and Aug. 4 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets, $5, may be purchased from any cast member, PFLAG members or by emailing pflaggaston@yahoo.com. info: facebook.com/pages/Gaston-CountyChapter-of-PFLAG/76006788191. — M.C.

National group to host book discussion

CHARLOTTE – Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, a national organization working on LGBT workplace equality, will host a book reading and panel discussion with top LGBT and ally executives. Out & Equal Founder and CEO Selisse Berry will be joined by Renee Brown, senior vice president, director of social media at Wells Fargo; Julie Hogan, vice president North America services, NCR Corporation; and Cynthia Martin, former president of global services, Eastman Kodak. The four will discuss the book, “Out & Equal at Work: From Closet to Corner Office,” an anthology of 37 stories edited by Berry. The event will be hosted on Aug. 4, 2 p.m., at Park Road Books, 4139 Park Rd. info: outandequal.org. — M.C. Film, discussion slated CHARLOTTE — The Human Rights Campaign North Carolina and Time Out Youth are teaming up to present a series of film screenings and talk back sessions about LGBT issues and elementary schools as part of their Welcoming schools initiative. The first one will be held on Aug. 6, 7 p.m., at the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson. Welcoming Schools, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, offers tools, lessons and resources on embracing family diversity, avoiding gender stereotyping and ending bullying and name-calling in elementary schools. qnotes reported on the partnership in its “Schools program partnership formed” story on June 7 (goqnotes. com/23371). info: timeoutyouth.org. welcomingschools.org. — L.M.



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

CHARLOTTE — The LGBT Democrats of North Carolina are coming to the Queen City for Charlotte Pride on Aug. 24-25 and are in search of volunteers for its booth. District Chair Roy Smith serves as coordinator and can be reached via email at southernboundaries@gmail.com. The group is also setting up at other upcoming Pride events across the state. Volunteers are needed at Triad Pride, Sept. 14, Greensboro; NC Pride, Sept. 28, Durham; Blue Ridge Pride, Oct. 5, Asheville; and Pride Winston-Salem, Oct. 19, Winston-Salem. info: lgbtdemocrats.org. — L.M.

Theatre group mounts production

CHARLOTTE — Queen City Theatre Company (QCTC) is bringing “Les Liaisons Dangereuses” (“Dangerous Liaisons”) to the stage from Aug. 8-24 at the Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 N. College St. Times are 7:30 p.m. on weekdays and 8 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. The play is a complete reinvention of the French classical novel by Pierre Choderlos de Lacios. QCTC’s Artistic Director Glenn T. Griffin serves at the shows director. It was adapted to the Broadway stage by playwright Christopher Hampton. The story delves into exploration of decadent sexuality, morals and manipulations fleshed out as the ultimate game of lust and revenge. Pepper in a bit of deceit and lies and you have a recipe for all-out intrigue. It is intended for mature audiences. The cast includes theatre veterans Kristian Wedolowski and Cynthia Farbman Harris in the roles of Valmont and Merteuil. Also starring are Amanda Berkowitz, Grant Zavitkovsky, Emma Curtis, Aubrey Young, Johanna Llambias, Robin Tynes and Ginger Heath in the role of Rosmonde. Directed and conceived by Glenn T. Griffin. Tickets are $22-24 and can be obtained by calling 704-372-1000, online at carolinatix. org or in person at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center box office, 130 N. Tryon St. Student and senior discounts are available, as well as group rates for 10 or more. A special discounted performance will be held on Aug. 14 which is audio described. info: queencitytheatre.com. — L.M.

Charlotte Pride seeks honor guard, Pride Week events

CHARLOTTE — Organizers of Charlotte Pride are partnering with the Charlotte Pride Band and members of the Citadel and Virginia Military Institute Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GALA) to present an honor guard that will march in this year’s inaugural Bank of America Charlotte Pride Parade on Sunday, Aug. 25. The honor guard will also be present at Charlotte Pride’s opening ceremony on Saturday, Aug. 24. Current and former servicemembers, police, firefighters, EMT,

N.C. servicemembers at helm of new LGBT military group CHARLOTTE — A new organization for LGBT servicemembers and veterans is seeking to fill new needs as a long-established national LGBT servicemembers group continues to address challenges and changes in their national leadership and structure. Two North Carolinians are among the 11-member board of the new group — SPARTA (Servicemembers, Partners, and Allies for Respect and Tolerance for All) — which announced its formation this week. Mark Mazzone, who serves with the North Carolina Army National Guard in Wilmington, and Tania Dunbar, stationed with the U.S. Army at Fort Bragg, say they want to form a new type of LGBT military organization. “The equality movement is evolving,” Mazzone said in an email. “It takes an agile and innovative organization to Mark Mazzone tackle on the new issues for the LGBT military community and its supporters since ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and [the Defense of Marriage Act] are no longer battles for us to fight. In order to stay relevant in our role, our mission and strategic goals must align with the shifting tide of issues, from Equal Opportunity to Transgender Equality.” SPARTA, said Dunbar, will draw on the strengths of its Tania Dunbar members. “The military is comprised of people who think and work as a team. So an LGBT military organization needs to empower its members and allow them to do what they are good at, which is working as a team,” Dunbar said in an email. “We wanted to create something that worked for us as much as we worked for it.” SPARTA’s formation follows leadership changes and controversy at OutServeServicemembers Legal Defense Network (OutServe-SLDN), a group created by the merger of two existing LGBT servicemembers’ groups last year. In June, news broke that OutServe-SLDN’s executive director, Alyson Robinson, was being forced to resign. Communication breakdowns led to several other staff and board resignations. Robinson, the first openly transgender executive director of a national LGBT organization, later announced her resignation on July 12. The organization also announced it was near bankruptcy. As a result, it closed its national headquarters, whittled down operations to basic support services and said they would begin paying off its accrued debt. Read a more in-depth version of this story online at goqnotes.com/24160/. info: spartapride.org (under construction). facebook.com/SPARTAArmedForces. — M.C Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, along with JROTC or ROTC cadets, are encouraged to participate. For more information and to express your interest, visit charlottepride.org/colorguard/. The organization is also looking for community organizations and businesses who are presenting special events during the lead-up to the festival and parade. Charlotte Pride will help publicize special Pride Week events held between Aug. 16-25 on their website and elsewhere. For more information on how to submit your event, visit charlottepride.org/ events/#prideweek. — L.M.

Org offers volunteer opportunity

CHARLOTTE — Campus Pride will bring its College Fair to Charlotte Pride on Aug. 24-25. In order to ensure its success, it welcomes prospective and current college/university students to help staff this annual event. The Southeast Region LGBT College Fair Program partners host Campus Pride with Charlotte Pride. The fair program is unique, in that LGBT and ally prospective students can ask LGBT-related questions and get answers

from numerous colleges and universities from across the country. The next day will find Campus Pride taking part in the Charlotte Pride Parade. It is encouraging students from surrounding colleges/ universities to join in the event and wear their college apparel to display Pride for their campuses. Email ally@campuspride.org to reserve a spot and join the parade contingency. info: campuspride.org. — L.M. info: Have news or other information? Send your press releases and updates for inclusion in our News Notes: editor@goqnotes.com.



National/Global Teen couple swaps genders

TULSA, Okla. — The story of a transgender teenage couple swept through the internet in late July. Arin Andrews and Katie Hill have both undergone remarkable transitions. Two years ago, Arin, 17, was known as a girl named Emerald and Katie, 19, was known as a boy named Luke. Britain’s The Sun carried the remarkable story of the transgender couple. Read more about their story, see several photos and a short video at bit. ly/13b0i67.

Conversion therapy ban considered

team is working diligently on.” more: /bit.ly/13aYWIN

N.Y. to issue refunds

ALBANY, N.Y. — The State of New York has announced it will issue refunds to same-sex couples who were forced to pay high estate taxes upon the death of their partner. The decision, announced by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on July 23, comes after the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down part of the Defense of Marriage Act. more: bit.ly/1bKpHMy

BOSTON — State legislators in Boston are considering a proposal to ban controversial “ex-gay” and “conversion therapy” on minors. A bill under consideration would prohibit any licensed professional in Massachusetts from engaging in any practice that seeks to impose a change in the sexual orientation or gender identity of anyone under 18. more: bit.ly/1c0AQao

Turing to receive pardon

Gay search tags blocked on Tumblr

Russia arrests first gay tourists

SUNNYVALE, Calif. — The now Yahoo!-owned Tumblr began filtering pornography-related posts from its search in mid-July. Problem is, Tumblr is filtering posts tagged as #gay, #lesbian and #bisexual. The tags do not appear when users are using a safe search mode. “The reason you see innocent tags like #gay being blocked on certain platforms is that they are still frequently returning adult content which our entire app was close to being banned for,” Tumblr explained. “The solution is more intelligent filtering which our

LONDON — Famed British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing, who was chemically castrated after a 1952 conviction for homosexualiy, will finally receive a formal pardon. Turing’s conviction and castration came after his famous work breaking the German Enigma codes during World War II. more: bit.ly/1c0BB3r MURMANSK, Russia — Under new laws banning the promotion of gay “propaganda,” Russian officials have arrested their first foreign tourists. Officials in the northern city of Murmansk took four Dutch filmmakers, including a local city councilor from Groningen, The Netherlands, into custody on July 21. They were released the next day and each were fined 3,000 rubles. The tourists were filming a documentary exploring the LGBT community in Mumansk. more: bit.ly/141HUTK

Legislative session ends with dramatic changes RALEIGH – The North Carolina General Assembly closed out its session this year on July 26 with a bevy of new legislative initiatives that many say will alter the state. Republican House and Senate leadership have said their changes — including lower corporate tax rates and a lowered flat tax for individuals — will make the state stronger. Their critics charge that the state has taken a dangerous turn to the right. The GOP majority passed a budget that included significant cuts to public education and healthcare, including $8 million in cuts to the state’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program. Other initiatives included a stringent voter-identification law that regional and national voting rights advocates have called “mean-spirited” and a “full-scale assault” on voting. New abortion restrictions may also result in the closure of some women’s clinics. Since April, the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP had led nearlyweekly “Moral Monday” rallies and protests, including civil disobedience. Nearly 1,000 people had already been arrested in the demonstrations before the group’s last planned rally on July 29. The NAACP and other progressive groups have said the Republican legislative initiatives will harm the unemployed, low-income people and children. Be sure to pick up the Aug. 16 issue of qnotes for a more in-depth wrap of this year’s legislative session.

Aug. 2-15 . 2013





Org offers ‘help in the right direction’ Travelers find a home of support, compassion for those with chronic diseases by Lainey Millen :: lainey@goqnotes.com

HUNTERSVILLE – Thirty-two years since the outbreak of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, more than 650,000 people across the nation have fallen victim to the disease. The deaths cross lines of gender, age, race and sexual orientation. Countless others are still alive – both the survivors of the 1980s’ AIDS Crisis and the thousands who become infected with HIV each year. Amidst all this, organizations across the country and the Carolinas have stepped up to the challenge in assisting those affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. Different Roads Home was founded on Jan. 7 in Huntersville by Dale J. Pierce who has served as practice manager and Ryan White Care Act program director for Rosedale Infectious Diseases in Huntersville for several years. Dale said he had dreamed of helping people ever since he was a boy. Different Roads Home was inspired by Janet Paschal’s book, “The Good Road.” In it Paschal wrote: “We all take Different Roads Home. Each of us

Different Roads Home CEO/President Dale Pierce shares a moment with author Janet Paschal and Vice President Ed Harrell at the organization’s open house held earlier this year.,

is heading for the same destination, but face our own variety of twists and turns and narrow places, as well as a few stretches that are all downhill. You and I encounter differing relationships, experiences and challenges, only to realize that somewhere along the way we arrive at the same impasse. It is a summons that will change our past, present, and future.” A breast cancer survivor herself, Paschal’s message rang loudly to Pierce. He knew that he wanted to do something important and meaningful to help others during challenging times. “No matter what you are battling, you can get support from Different Roads Home,” Pierce said.



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

Several HIV/AIDS organizations exist in the area, but Pierce felt there was a need for a different type of resource agency providing support and mentorship. Pierce’s organization also assists doctors in dealing with a shortfall in medical home support and wading through the changes and challenges of healthcare, especially with the Affordable Care Act’s arrival. No one is certain on how healthcare reform will really pan out and Different Roads Home wants to be there to make the transition a little easier for its clients. Pierce said Different Roads Home differs itself from other local organizations, many

see Support on 21

Aug. 2-15 . 2013





Business owner Billy Maddalon chosen for District 1 seat Maddalon sworn into office; Council now has two openly gay members by Matt Comer Editor editor@goqnotes.com

Billy Maddalon was appointed, 7-3, to fill a vacant seat on Charlotte City Council.

CHARLOTTE — The Charlotte City Council voted 7-3 on July 22 to appoint business owner Billy Maddalon to fill current Mayor Patsy Kinsey’s vacated District 1 seat. “There’s a lot to be done,” Maddalon told press after the vote. “The shop’s on fire. There’s just so many really important issues in front of our community. My goal would be to get up to speed as quickly as possible and become a contributor on City Council in the short four months I’ll have to do that.” Maddalon, 46, is the owner of the Morehead Inn and the VanLandingham Estate. He was among 11 citizens who had filed to replace Kinsey, who was herself appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of former Mayor Anthony Foxx. He left Charlotte on July 1 after being confirmed as the new secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Kinsey, Maddalon said, has served District 1 well. After her temporary stint as mayor, Kinsey has said she will run for her district seat again in the fall. Maddalon won’t be running against her and hopes to rely on her experience through the rest of the year. “I will trust her counsel,” he said. “She’s always been a mentor and a counselor to me in my business and a number of other issues in our community, gay and lesbian issues particularly. I think I’ll rely on Patsy Kinsey’s advice to the extent that she’ll offer it to me.” Maddalon becomes the second openly gay or lesbian person to serve on Charlotte



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

City Council. The first, incumbent District 3 Councilmember LaWana Mayfield, was elected in 2011. His appointment is a sign of progressive movement by the city, said Maddalon, who will now represent a district with some of the most heavily LGBT-populated neighborhoods in the city. “Sometimes government is behind its people,” he said. “The people of Charlotte are so far beyond that. Council demonstrated tonight that it is a non-issue to them.” Maddalon said other more pressing issues were facing the city, including unemployment, economic development challenges in the East, West and Northeast Corridor, homelessness and affordable housing. “All those issues are very real and then you start talking about gay and lesbian issues and it just doesn’t seem relevant anymore because we’re just a regular, normal part of the community,” Maddalon said. “I think Council thinks that now, gladly, as much as our community does.” Maddalon said he was transparent throughout the appointment process and never hid his sexual orientation. “I received nothing but thumbs up, including from the two Republicans [on Council],” said Maddalon, who also said two current Council members had approached him earlier about the appointment.

see Maddalon on 13

Aug. 2-15 . 2013



Charlotte LGBT center elects new board leadership Roberta Dunn becomes group’s first transgender board chair by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

Charlotte City Manager Ron Carlee, left, and LGBT Community Center of Charlotte Chair Roberta Dunn at a town hall in May.

CHARLOTTE — The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte has elected new board leadership, including the organization’s first transgender chair. The group’s board voted on July 17 to elect Roberta Dunn as its new chair, according to a press release on July 26. Dunn, who previously served as vice chair under former Chair Scott Coleman, becomes the group’s first transgender chair. Dunn has been an outspoken leader for transgender inclusion and LGBT equality. She leads the Carolina Transgender Society and is a liaison to the University of North CarolinaCharlotte’s Trans Inclusion.



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

Dunn also volunteers with other community groups, including the Human Rights Campaign Charlotte Steering Committee and the Mecklenburg LGBT Political Action Committee. She is the recipient of Equality North Carolina’s 2010 Champion Award for the Charlotte Region and a 2012 Human Rights Campaign Leadership Award. Creative Loafing named her Best Political Activist of the year in 2011. She was also named a qnotes Person of the Year in 2011. A native of Buffalo, N.Y., Dunn came out as transgender after 40 years working in the computer/telecommunications industry. She

see Center on 19



Maddalon takes council seat continued from page 10 Maddalon, who was sworn into office on July 23, comes onto Council in the midst of a continuing fight over ownership of CharlotteDouglas International Airport. He said he supports the actions of Council to protect the city’s interests. “I am very supportive of the Council’s move to protect our airport, which is an asset to the people of this community,” he said. “I don’t think this is a ‘Who’s right?’ I think this is a ‘What’s right?’ And, if [the state legislature] can take our airport then they can go to any city in North Carolina, particularly the smaller communities that don’t have the resources that Charlotte has, and take their assets away from them, and I don’t think that’s fair or equitable and I don’t think that’s how the American process is supposed to work. So, I will be supporting what the unanimous majority on Council have already started.” A formal and public swearing-in ceremony was held on Monday, July 29. Maddalon was nominated by Republican Councilmember Warren Cooksey (District 7), who said he once served with Maddalon on the board of the Charlotte Convention and Visitors Bureau. Cooksey praised Maddalon’s experience as a small business owner and his experience with historic renovation. “His connection with the VanLandingham Estate and the Morehead Inn…covers, I think, in action, the breadth of a lot of what this Council does, some of which I obviously disagree with,” Cooksey said during the meeting, “but that’s not going to stand in my way of acknowledging that a guy who has been through that sort of process also brings a good deal of expertise for four-and-a-half months to help this Council.” Democratic Councilmember John Autry (District 5) also supported Maddalon’s nomination. “I, too, was going to nominate Mr. Maddalon,” Autry said after Cooksey. “The experience I’ve had working with him in the East over the last couple of years has been very rewarding and it has been great to get to know him and I just have a real appreciation for his commitment to the City of Charlotte.” In addition to his service as a business owner, Maddalon currently serves as co-chair

of Charlotte EAST, a group that has been pushing for renewed development and attention on the Charlotte’s Eastside. He said in an earlier interview with qnotes that he has a desire to serve his communities and see to their improvement. “I’m very aware there are lots of opportunities to make a difference in our community,” said Maddalon. “I can’t say elected office was ever something I necessarily saw myself doing. … This is a unique opportunity for me.” Maddalon said that renewed focus on East Charlotte development is key. “I would say in recent history the city has been underwhelming in the way it has handled Eastland,” he said. “There were numerous opportunities to keep what happened at Eastland from happening, in my opinion, which is to say total collapse.” Maddalon, who also supported the controversial East-West Gold Line streetcar extension, also thinks city officials are on a better path to development in East Charlotte. “Ultimately the city did the right thing,” Maddalon said. “Now the city is doing great work.” Maddalon lives in Plaza Midwood with his spouse, Brooks, and their two school-aged sons. James Hildreth, 23, a senior political science major at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, was the second openly gay candidate up for consideration for the appointment. “I think that [Maddalon] is well-deserving of the position,” Hildreth said after the vote. Other qualified candidates for Kinsey’s replacement included Arturo Cardenas; Jenifer R. Daniels; Larken Egleston; Alex Heroy; Terry Lansdell; Hollis Nixon; Larry Springs; Nathan Taylor; and James Lee Walker. Daniels, Egleston, Heroy and Hollis each received nominations from various Council members. In the final vote, Maddalon received 7 votes from Councilmembers Autry, Cooksey, Republican Andy Dulin and Democrats David Howard, Mayfield, Mitchell and Pickering. Democrats Michael Barnes, Patrick Cannon and Claire Fallon voted for Heroy, a civil litigation attorney with James, McElroy & Diehl, P.A., who also serves as treasurer of the Plaza Midwood Neighborhood Association. : :

Aug. 2-15 . 2013






he summer heat is still beating down on North Carolina, but August will soon fade away to September and October — that special moment in the year when all of the foothills’ and Blue Ridge’s colors come to life — will soon be upon us. There’s no better time than now to begin planning your fall and winter travels to some of the cutest places that only a land like North Carolina can create. This year, we’re focusing on craft breweries. They’ve been getting an awful lot of attention in recent years and their momentum seems to continue growing. People are falling in love with craft beers, especially here in North Carolina. According to the Brewers Association, North Carolina has the highest number of craft breweries per capita of all southern states. Seventy craft brewers have set up shop in North Carolina. Why not get out and explore some while you’re off on your autumn and winter excursions this year? North Carolina’s Foothills and Blue Ridge Mountains are full of exciting places to go and things to do for a week, a weekend or even a simple day trip!

In the highlands

As autumn and winter approach, plan your excursion to North Carolina’s foothills and Blue Ridge

Asheville — that quaint little town full of lesbians (and gays, too!) — seems to fall on just about every LGBT-friendly travel guide ever created. Most focus on by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com the art and the LGBT-friendly nightlife and dining. Everyone mentions Biltmore (we will, too; keep reading). But, Asheville and the surrounding In the foothills highlands hold more treasures we haven’t seen often discussed — beer and wine. Where North Carolina’s Piedmont begins to gently roll upward toward the Blue Ridge, you’ll find Winston-Salem and, to the immediate west WINERIES

For Blue Ridge wine, the most iconic is Biltmore Estate, where winery experiences and tastings can be rolled into a full weekend’s worth of estate touring and activities. But, with nearly half-a-dozen other wineries in Asheville, there’s plenty to keep you busy. Addison Farms Vineyards is a bit northwest of Asheville. Family-owned, the winery was once a tobacco and cattle farm. Other nearby wineries include Overmountain Vineyards, Green Creek Winery, South Creek Winery and Lake James Cellars. More information at romanticasheville. com/wineries_winery_tours.htm.

Photo Credit: Humongo Nation, via Flickr. Licensed CC.


Asheville’s official travel website credits itself as the “craft-brewing center of the Southeast.” We’re sure some other towns would like that to be up for debate, but what’s for sure is Asheville is home to some mighty fine breweries — more than a dozen, in fact!

Breweries As rated by Yelp.com users, out of 5. French Broad Brewing Company 4.5 stars 101 Fairview Rd., Asheville, NC 28803 828-277-0222. frenchbroadbrewery.com. Green Man Brewing 4.5 stars 23 Buxton Ave., Asheville, NC 28801 828-252-5502. greenmanbrewery.com. Highland Brewing Company 4.5 stars 12 Old Charlotte Hwy., Asheville, NC 28803 828-299-3370. highlandbrewing.com. Wedge Brewing Co. 4.5 stars 125B Roberts St., Asheville, NC 28801 828-505-2792. wedgebrewing.com. Wicked Weed 4 stars 91 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC 28801 828-575-9599. wickedweedbrewing.com.



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

Bonus: Asheville Brews Cruise Visiting 14 breweries, the Addison Farms Vineyard and Troy & Sons Distillery. With mobile and walking tours Tuesday-Sunday. Private tours available. Four-person minimum for all tours; $50 per person. ashevillebrewscruise.com. Events Asheville Beer Fest, Jan. 25, 2014 Featuring local, regional and national craft breweries. ashevillebeerfest.com. Brewgrass Festival, Sept. 21, 2013 The perfect mix of good brews and bluegrass music. brewgrassfestival.com. Oktoberfest, Oct. 12, 2013 Presented by the Asheville Downtown Association. ashevilledowntown.com.


In between all your brewery and winery tours, be sure to stop in at some of these iconic and favorite places and events. Blue Ridge Pride, Oct. 5, 2013 Annual LGBT Pride festival in Pack Square Park, Downtown Asheville. blueridgepride.com. Malaprop’s Bookstore & Café 55 Haywood St., Asheville, NC 28801 Asheville’s favorite little indie bookstore, featuring regular book signings and author events, a book club, music and more. The Malaprops Café includes local goodies and organic, fair-trade coffee. malaprops.com. LaZoom Comedy Bus Tours Featuring two guided bus tours through Asheville (one for 13 years old and up, another for 17 and up) hosted by laugh-outloud guides. lazoomtours.com.

Charlotte breweries In the mood for some good craft beer? Don’t have the time or budget to make it up to Asheville or Triple C Brewery elsewhere? The Queen City, too, is home to a blossoming craftbeer movement. Three of them are in the NoDa area and many are decidedly LGBT-friendly, supporting local LGBT organizations like Charlotte Pride. Check out these establishments: Ass Clown Brewing Company 10620 Baily Rd., Suite E & F, Cornelius, NC 28031 704-995-7767. assclownbrewery.com. Birdsong Brewing 2315 N. Davidson St., Charlotte, NC 28205 704-332-1810. birdsongbrewing.com.

and south, the Yadkin River Valley, home to a rich and long-established local winery scene. Winston-Salem, a city roughly three times the size of Asheville, has all the offerings of a large metropolitan city with the quaintness and humility of a small southern hamlet. The city’s commitment to the arts is renown and its history is storied, offering the intellectual traveler a chance to enjoy modern amenities, exciting new tastes and sounds and more engaging attractions that inspire the mind. Along with its neighbor, Greensboro, the Triad area is your gateway into North Carolina’s foothills.


The local brewery scene in the Triad is still growing and blossoming. Unlike Asheville, the Triad is home to but a few local breweries. Each are loved by their respective cities’ natives.

Breweries As rated by Yelp.com users, out of 5. Natty Greene’s Brewing Company 3.5 stars 345 S. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27401 336-274-1373. nattygreenes.com.

Four Friends Brewing 10913 Office Park Dr., Charlotte, NC 28273 704-233-7071. fourfriendsbrewing.com.

Red Oak Brewery 4 stars 6901 Konica Dr., Whitsett, NC 27377 336-447-2055. redoakbrewery.com (Red Oak isn’t a pub or tap room. It distributes its beer to other establishments, but tours and tastings are available each week.)

Heist Brewing 2909 N. Davidson St., Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28205 704-375-8260. heistbrewery.com.

Foothills Brewing 3 stars 638 W. 4th St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101 336-777-3348. foothillsbrewing.com

NoDa Brewing Company 2229 N. Davidson St., Charlotte, NC 28205 704-451-1394. nodabrewing.com.

Opening soon Small Batch Beer Co. Downtown Winston-Salem will get a second small craft brewery this fall. Slated to open in August or September, Small Batch will take over the hold Kopper Kitchen location on 5th St. The owners say they’ll also serve craft wines and cocktails, including small-batch whiskeys and other liquors. For more information, visit them on Facebook or at their website: smallbatchws.com.

The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery 215 Southside Dr., Charlotte, NC 28217 704-525-5644. oldemeckbrew.com. Triple C Brewing Co. 2900 Griffith St., Charlotte, NC 28203 704-372-3212. triplecbrewing.com.


The craft-brewery scene may just be settling in among Foothills communities, but they have long been no stranger to local and indepenent wine-making. To Winston-Salem’s west and south sits the famed Yadkin Valley. For decades, the valley was known for its tobacco farming. But, for nearly half a century now, enterprising farmers have begun to focus on more, shall we say, fruitful endeavors with wineries and vineyards now dotting the landscape. The area’s native grapes, as elsewhere across the Southeast, are Muscadine and Scuppernong — two wines that have been a fixture in North Carolina wine-making for centuries. The Scuppernong is even mentioned in the state’s official toast. According Our State magazine, historian Alexia Jones Helsley was able to trace North Carolina’s

wine-making tradition to the early 1700s. By 2010, the state had 90 wineries, ranked eighth nationally in wine production and ninth nationally in grape production. Wineries The Yadkin Valley American Viticultural Area is home to 35 vineyards and wineries. Many have restaurants, tasting rooms, tours and even hotel accommodations! Childress Vineyards 1000 Childress Vineyards Rd. Lexington, NC 27295 336-236-9463. childressvineyards.com. Hanover Park Vineyard 1927 Courtney-Huntsville Rd. Yadkinville, NC 27055 336-463-2875. hanoverparkwines.com. Raffaldini Vineyards 450 Groce Rd., Ronda, NC 28670 336-835-9463. raffaldini.com. Ragaplle Lassie Vineyards 3724 RagApple Lassie Ln., Boonville, NC 27011. 336-367-6700. ragapplelassie.com. RayLen Vineyards and Winery 3577 Highway 158 , Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3100. raylenvineyards.com.

Shelton Vineyards 286 Cabernet Ln., Dobson, NC 27017 336-366-4724. sheltonvineyards.com. Westbend Vineyards & Brewhouse 5394 Williams Rd., Lewisville, NC 27023 336-945-5032. westbendvineyards.com. Bonus: Wine tours Several tour operators provide guided wine tours to artisan wineries. Learn more at yadkinvalleywinecountry.com/wine_trails/ wine_tours.asp. Events Yadkin Valley Grape Festival, Oct. 19, 2013 Tenth annual event with wine tastings and more events. yvgf.com. Yadkin Valley Wine Trail Mini Festivals Mini-festivals at Sanders Ridge (Aug. 4), Cellar 4201 (Sept. 1) and Flint Hill Vineyards (Oct. 6). 336-699-4455.

Westbend Vineyards’ original vine planted in 1972 in Lewisville.

Photo Credit: Amy C. Evans, oral historian, August 2008 Southern Foodways Alliance, via Flickr. Licensed CC.


In between all your brewery and winery tours, be sure to stop in at some of these iconic and favorite places and events in and around the Triad and Foothills Old Salem Historic home and garden tours, museum and other attractions in Downtown Winston-Salem. oldsalem.org. Downtown Arts District Packed with art galleries, bars and pubs, live music and fine food in Downtown WinstonSalem. dadaws.org. Triad Pride, Sept. 14, 2013 Downtown Greensboro. triadpride.org. International Civil Rights Center & Museum Step back into historyand learn more about the movement for equality at the historic Woolworth in downtown Greensboro. 134 S. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27401 336-274-9199. sitinmovement.org Mayberry Days, Sept. 26-29, 2013 Celebrating all that is Mayberry, Mount Airy and the Carolina Foothills! surryarts.org/mayberrydays/ Out at the Movies Winston-Salem Monthly LGBT-themed film series hosted on the campus of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and other venues across town. outatthemovieswinston.org Pride Winston-Salem, Oct. 19, 2013 Downtown Winston-Salem. pridewinstonsalem.org.

Aug. 2-15 . 2013





Departing Morgan Fogarty gave voice to Charlotte’s voiceless Charlotte anchor leaves for new position in New York City at Al Jazeera America by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

CHARLOTTE –Morgan Fogarty has been a fixture on local TV for eight years. As a reporter and anchor at WCCB, formerly Fox Charlotte, Fogarty rose in popularity as one of the city’s most wellknown media personalities. But, at the end of July, her presence in the local media scene came to an end. Fogarty now moves to New York City to take a position with Al Jazeera America, the worldwide news service’s new U.S. network. She leaves Charlotte with plenty of memories and strong friendships. “I’m going to miss so many things about Charlotte,” she told qnotes in an interview at WCCB’s newsroom during her last few days in Charlotte. “I’m going to miss the relationships I’ve built over the years. This town has been incredible to me and my family. It’s the place where I began my marriage. It’s the place where I had my first baby.” Building a career Fogarty grew up in Pennsylvania and attended college at Penn State University. “I was actually a psychology major,” she said. “I started taking some course in that and realized the math and science requirements were beyond my scope of interest.” She filled in the extra time with journalism courses and her passion for TV journalism was stoked in an early broadcast class. “It was early on when I was a freshman and I really loved it and it sort of grew from there,” she said. She came to Charlotte in 2005 by way of Hagerstown, Md. There, she worked for two years as a producer and anchor for WHAG. Fox Charlotte picked her up, where she initially worked for the station’s morning show, Fox News Rising. “I was the Ann Curry of the morning show,” Fogarty joked, referring to her role as a news reader during the morning broadcasts. Later, Fogarty was promoted to a weekend anchor position and then spent four years co-hosting the station’s nightly entertainment show, “Fox News Edge,” with Brotha Fred. For three years, Fogarty served as one of station’s main anchors — a role she had eyed when she was first hired. “When I got here, I had two years of experience under my belt, which was decent but, by no means, setting the world on fire,” she said. “I just looked at that role and said that’s incredible, I hoped one day I can step into that role.”



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

that are really cool to do, that make you want to come to work.” Her coverage of the LGBT community has been prompted by the same desire to serve. “It just seems it is the right thing to do,” she said. “It is what we’re supposed to do – it is a part of our profession, again, giving voice to the voiceless. I wouldn’t call the LGBT community voiceless anymore, but I think there was certainly a point where it was a community that was not heard, particularly in the South. Thankfully, I do believe that is changing.” That change, perhaps, has come in part due to fairer and more balanced coverage of the LGBT community. Fogarty’s balanced and inclusive coverage was recognized in 2010, when the Charlotte Business Guild presented her with their annual Bridge Builder Award. “It’s easy to cover the big story of the day — the big murder case everybody’s working on [or] the airport shuffle,” Fogarty said. “Those are incredibly important stories but everybody is covering them. I like covering the unique stories that maybe not all the stations are going to cover.” At each step, Fogarty focused on doing her work well. “I just really wanted to focus on being as good as I was in that moment in that role,” she said. “It all sort of developed and evolved and opportunities arose.” Inclusive coverage Fogarty, whom many have considered a strong ally of the LGBT community, often included stories about the community in her newscasts, even when other stations chose not to cover some of the same issues. “The stories I like covering are the stories that make an impact in people’s lives…stories that give voice to the voiceless — stories that people wouldn’t otherwise know about,” she said. Journalism, Forgarty said, means making an impact. “You meet these people and you hear their story and you feel what they are going through and you in some small way can help them, even if it’s just the therapeutic exercise of talking about it,” she said. “Ultimately, if your story can bring about some sort of change for that family or that person or whatever the case may be, those are the stories

Moving forward Fogarty’s move to New York City will take her away from the city she and her family have called home for eight years. “In terms of quality of life and great places, I think Charlotte is pretty hard to beat,” she said. But, New York City offers her family new opportunities, especially her young son. “I’m most looking forward to having my son grow up closer to family,” she said. “He will be about two-and-a-half hours away from everybody versus about nine. That’s going to be important.” Fogarty said she’ll keep tabs on Charlotte — though most would probably excuse her focus on her new job in a new city. Through July, Fogarty spent time saying goodbyes and thanking her friends and colleagues. “There have been tons of friendships that I’ve built and amazing people that I’ve worked with,” she said. “This newsroom has a lot of talent, and I’ve been lucky to be a part of it for so long.” Fogarty’s position with Al Jazeera America begins almost as soon as she gets in New York City. The network will launch on Aug. 20. Learn more at america.aljazeera.com.

Aug. 2-15 . 2013



Charlotte Black Gay Pride Charlotte Black Gay Pride held their annual community expo on Saturday, July 20 at the Naomi Drennan Community Center in Charlotte. Dozens of community members attended to interact with and learn more about the several businesses and non-profits in attendance. Entertainers also took the stage on Saturday afternoon, along with elected officials and candidates. Charlotte City Councilmember LaWana Mayfield, the city’s first openly gay or lesbian elected official, was present and gave a short speech welcoming the community to the event. Also present were North Carolina state House Rep. Marcus Brandon (D-Guilford), City Council District 2 candidate Al Austin, District 4 candidate Will Russell and representatives for City Councilmember and mayoral candidate James Mitchell and City Councilmember David Howard. The community expo was one of several events staged by Charlotte Black Gay Pride this year. The events kicked off with a town hall hosted by Mayfield; Mayor Pro Tem Patrick Cannon, who is running for mayor this year, attended briefly. Other events included social mixers, parties, an “old school” field day and nightlife parties planned by a variety of local promoters. : : info: cgbp.org

A town hall meeting was held during Charlotte Black Gay Pride at the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte. City Councilmember LaWana Mayfield hosted. File Photo

Charlotte Black Gay Pride volunteers were in full force as they welcomed attendees during the July 20 Charlotte Black Gay Pride. File Photo



Aug. 2-15 . 2013



Charlotte Black Gay Pride board members were on hand for the July 20 event. File Photo

Samantha Mercer (left) and Nel Dixon were happy to represent their Chi Psi Omega Fraternity at Charlotte Black Gay Pride. File Photo

Charlotte City Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield (left) and state House Rep.Marcus Brandon addressed the attendees at Charlotte Black Gay Pride. File Photo

Center gets new leadership continued from page 12

has been married to her wife for 29 years and has four children. The board also elected longtime board member Bert Woodard to serve as vice chair. The leadership changes come as the organization continues to meet new challenges and to grow its activities and fundraising efforts. Earlier this year, the center relocated from the NC Music Factory in Uptown to a more than 4,500-square feet facility in Charlotte’s NoDa neighborhood. As a result, the Center has seen a significant uptick in events held at the facility and in attendance for the services offered there, which include weekly HIV screenings, community meetings and support and education groups. In April, the group announced it had hired Glenn Griffin as its new operations director. Former Chair Coleman said at the time that cost considerations prevented the group from hiring a full-time executive director. The center, founded in 2001, has begun new fundraising activities, including a monthly drag bingo event. The center’s budget over several years has been relatively small, according to year-end financial data surveyed by qnotes. In January, the center and organizers of the city’s annual Pride activities decided to

form an independent Charlotte Pride organization. [Ed. Note — This writer is a volunteer on Charlotte Pride’s organizing committee.] “In order for the annual Pride event to continue its growth momentum, and be taken to the next level, it makes a lot of sense for it to be an independent organization focused on delivering a consistently amazing annual festival,” Coleman said at the time. The Pride event had been the center’s largest annual fundraiser. Dunn said her new role will allow her to continue building support for the center as it works to serve the local LGBT community. “It is a great honor to be elected Chair of the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte Board of Trustees,” Dunn said in a release. “I have learned a great deal from our past two chairs, John Stotler and Scott Coleman, and I hope to continue to take our Community Center in new directions to meet our Community’s needs.” She added, “I look forward to meeting with our community leaders to help the Center to better serve our community. We have a new Director of Operations and dedicated volunteers to guide us through these new challenges.” : : info: gaycharlotte.com.

Aug. 2-15 . 2013





Openly gay UNC athletics staffer talks song and sport Dave Lohse sang Canadian anthem at recent lacross championship by Maria Dominguez :: maria@goqnotes.com

CHARLOTTE — Dave Lohse, an openly gay man on the athletics department staff at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, was chosen to sing the Canadian national anthem at the 2013 Major League Lacrosse All-Star game held in Charlotte on July 13. Lohse, though born and raised in the U.S., said he was very excited to have the honor of performing. Lohse has a particular affection for the Canadian anthem. “The range is simple but the words are beautiful, and the thoughts expressed are beautiful, because it’s about the beauty of their land and the pride of their land,” Lohse told qnotes. “If someone can sing it well, there are notes and places in that where it just can give you goose-bumps if someone sings it right. It’s a very powerful anthem.” Lohse works as UNC-Chapel Hill’s associate athletic communications director. He began his collegiate athletics work 39 years ago and began working at Chapel Hill in 1977. For 21 of those years, he’s been openly gay. His coming out in 1992 was controversial, Lohse said. At the time, the LGBT community was much less visible, particularly in sports. “In all honesty, I was possibly the first male coach or administrator type at a Division One school to come out of the closet,” Lohse told qnotes. “It was sort of a big deal…Twenty-one years later I thought we would be further along in terms of the number of out athletes and coaches, administrators, support staff.” LGBT inclusion in high school, collegiate and professional sports has gained some trac-

Dave Lohse, left, is all smiles as he shows off the 2013 NCAA Women’s Lacrosse National Champion trophy with University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill athletic department coworker Glenda Jones.



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

Wick Watson (left), University of North CarolinaChapel Hill Class of 1989 and president of lacrosse. com, a sponsor of the NCAA Women’s Lacrosse National Championship, with Dave Lohse.

tion in recent years. NBA center Jason Collins came out as a gay earlier this year, bringing more national media attention to the issue. The sports industry is growing in its acceptance, but Lohse still sees room for improvement. “I think there is still a fear amongst folks who work in the industry or even student athletes, of what’s going to happen,” Lohse said. “Another thing that’s hurt us for higher visibility in athletics is the inability to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act on a national basis…If there was a national ENDA where people knew that it would be much harder for universities to fire you for being openly gay, I think that would help encourage people to be a little more open about their sexual orientation.” ENDA, which would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, received approval from a U.S. Senate committee on July 17. The All-Star Game was hosted at Charlotte’s Memorial Stadium and broadcast on ESPN2. : :



Support found at ‘home’ continued from page 8

of which receive federal or state funding. Pierce’s group doesn’t have the same restraints others might have when deciding programming or outreach services. In the future, he also hopes to provide similar services to people affected by other chronic diseases like cancer. Different Roads Home is also the first organization of its kind in the North Mecklenburg area. Before, clients had to travel into Charlotte to receive services. Now they can receive a plethora of them through a comprehensive menu ranging from support groups, The Good Road Home Mentoring Project, Jeannie White Ginder Food Pantry, testing initiatives and resources and referrals. The group is currently hosting four support groups meeting at various places across the area. They all begin at 6:30 p.m. The Women’s Positive Group is open to women who are HIV positive. These meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 5501 Executive Center Dr., Suite 109, in Charlotte. Likewise, its Men’s counterpart meets on the third Wednesday at the same location. The co-ed Inclusive Positive Group meets on the second Wednesday, while the Friends and Family Group is held on the fourth Wednesday. Both are located at the Different Roads Home offices. Visit Different Roads Home’s website at differentroadshome.org for exact dates. One additional highlight of the organization’s first year is its mentoring project. Through this initiative, experienced clients are paired off with those who have been newly diagnosed. Teams are matched based upon similarities, thus making it more amenable for both parties. Having a partner that can relate to and provide for the emotional support that is sorely needed makes for a more successful endeavor. The food pantry was housed at Rosedale, but it seemed like a better fit for Different Roads Home, so it moved there when the offices opened early this year. A complete list of resources is also available online, spanning medical care, testing, case management, housing, hospice, financial and food assistance and substance abuse facilities. Pierce shared that one of the biggest challenge he faces is funding. Across the country contributions are down from where they were 10 years ago. So, he is relying on volunteers to drive Different Roads Home to help keep costs down. Currently, Different Roads Home is not supported by grants, but they obtained their 501(c)(3) in March. They expect to do grant writing to help subsidize their programs and they are working on obtaining corporate and private contributions. Rosedale was its first corporate sponsor and provided the capital investment for the startup. Blue Sun Photography has also contributed its services in the in-kind category. On June 22, Different Roads Home celebrated its half-year anniversary at a fundraiser at Petra’s Piano Bar. And, on Nov. 23, the organization will sponsor the Annual Evening of Hope and Inspiration gospel concert that helps to bring awareness to the organization, its service and community involvement, as well as serving as a fundraiser for the food pantry. Although Different Roads Home does not

have appointments, Pierce suggests that potential clients call ahead to secure a suitable time for both parties. The office is open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Pierce added that the group’s formation could not have been possible without the love and support of his partner of seven years, Edward Harrell. Harrell understood what Pierce’s aspirations were and was there to help him make it happen. The organization has already established an assembly of staff members, as well as a full board. Pierce is its CEO. Kareen Strong serves as the director of programming and Will Ward heads up administration and marketing. The board is comprised of Pierce, president; Lesa Kastanas, vice president; Harrell, Visa, treasurer; Roseanne Sanders, Rosedale, secretary; Charlotte DeLavalle, AbbVie; Natasha Fetterson, N2 Potential; Robert Higgins, Fulcrum Capital Partners; and Kenneth Lin, Oak Realty. Pierce wanted to make sure that the board was diversified and not filled with “yes people.” He also felt that the board should be able to deal with constructive criticism while developing ideas for good programming. : : — Different Roads Home is located at 15905 Brookway Dr., Suite 4203, in Huntersville. For more information, visit differentroadshome.org or facebook.com/DifferentRoadsHome.

Aug. 2-15 . 2013



Ask Dr. C…HIV and healthcare advice

Helping to keep you in the know with up-to-date information by Frederick Cruickshank ~ Medical Director

After many successful installments of “Ask Dr. C” in the past, Rosedale wants to bring back this opportunity to offer our readers information about HIV from basic questions to in-depth explanations. The questions have provided us a forum to debunk myths and remove stigma from those living with HIV and AIDS. It is important to educate yourself, get tested, and protect yourself! Send your questions to info@rosedaleid.com. Dr. C looks forward to responding to as many emails as possible. I have heard that diseases like West Nile are transmitted from person to person by mosquito bites. Can I get HIV from a mosquito bite? — Larry from Charlotte Larry, thanks for asking this question. It is true that mosquitos often aid in the transmission of certain diseases. In the case of the West Nile Virus,



Aug. 2-15 . 2013

the mosquito is infected with the virus after a blood meal and spreads the infection by injecting its salivia in its next victim. In warmer climates where mosquitos flourish, people often use mosquito nets and insect repellant to protect themselves from bites. However, there is no need for you to worry about becoming infected with HIV from a mosquito bite. When a mosquito bites, it injects its own saliva as a lubricant for the blood meal it receives from you. It does not inject blood or fluids that would contain HIV from its last blood meal. You will most likely just experience temporary irritation of the skin. I suggest a topical antihistamine, such as Benydrl cream, for relief. If you have a severe reaction to an insect bite resulting in a rash or swelling, I would suggest that you go to your doctor to let him/her check it out to be safe. I have sex regularly, but do not always use a condom. How effective is a condom in preventing me from getting HIV? — Bob from Charlotte Bob, it is extremely important to protect yourself every time you engage in sexual activity. Condoms are proven to be highly effective in the prevention of not only HIV, but also effective in the prevention of STDs. Also, condoms are usually available for free at a clinic in your neigh-

borhood or the local health department. You can also come visit us here at Rosedale if you need condoms. It is important to keep an open dialogue with your sexual partners and talk about the importance of using protection. If a partner is resistant to using a condom, you should explain the risks involved. You can go to the website for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at cdc.gov to get facts about sexually transmitted diseases and tips on how to talk to your partners about prevention. It’s important to be aware of the long-term effects of risky sexual behavior. It only takes one sexual encounter to transmit HIV from one partner to another. Dr. C, I am a lesbian and only have sex with other women. I have heard that women who only have sex with other women are not at risk for HIV infection. Is this true? — Kim from Gastonia This is an important question, Kim. I have been asked this many times. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) female to female transmission of HIV is much less likely to occur as compared to transmission in which a male is involved. However, it is possible! HIV transmission could potentially occur if vaginal secretions or menstrual blood

enters open sores or cuts in or around the mouth, such as those caused by canker sores or blisters, vigorous teeth brushing or flossing, or some form of trauma. This could allow for the exchange of potentially infected blood or body fluids. In order to protect yourself, you can use a dental dam (a thin, square piece of latex) or a non-lubricated condom when having sex with your female partner. Female to female transmission also occurs often by sharing needles. At any time if blood from one partner can enter the other through a breakage in skin, infection can occur. Always remember that this is an advice column based on your questions and the best possible knowledge out there. We need your questions to help educate the community, so email them to info@rosedaleid.com and be sure to include a first name and location. All respondents will remain anonymous. We will try to do our best to answer, educate, and inform from your responses to this column. Don’t forget to visit our website at rosedaleid.com and friend us on Facebook for community and clinical updates. Visit us at Facebook or on our website at rosedaleid.com for all the latest updates on our facility and services. — Sponsored Content —



tell trinity by Trinity :: qnotes contributor :: trinity@telltrinity.com

Dining with the finest of queens Dear Trinity, My lover says I eat like an animal and won’t dine out with me anymore until I learn how to “act like a cultured man.” What’s the big deal? Dining Dutch, Annapolis, MD Dear Dining Dutch, Whether you’re on a date, a business luncheon or dining out with anyone who has good table manners, it’s very important to know how to properly use a fork and knife. It often means the difference of keeping a

job, a group of friends and sometimes even a boyfriend. Dining out is an art just like dressing, being witty or using good social skills. Remember, pumpkin, it’s about social graces as an adult, not about being stuck on how you did things as a nine year old! Dearest Trinity, I try and try and still I can’t seem to have the right pick-up moves. I’m good looking, smart and funny, but I keep getting rejected. What am I doing wrong? Getting Rejected, Omaha, NE Dearest Getting Rejected, When making a move, you must remember that single people have very specific agendas and are often blind to anyone not possessing the qualities on their agenda. You must also understand that no one can reject you, however, people can look right through you when you’re not on their agenda. It’s not that you’re being rejected or disrespected, but rather you have been overlooked, which feels like rejection. Sweetie, making a move is about trial and error, not about who thinks they’re better! (Exercise caution when approaching would-be suitors. My cartoon shows you why.)

Hey Trinity, I met someone in my travels who is coming to visit me for the first time. But, I’m not sure how to deal with a visiting date. Help! Visiting Date, Honolulu, HI Hey Visiting Date, With a visiting date, it’s natural to want to spend a lot of time together, but you must schedule time apart, to do your own things and to get your daily chores met in between doing things together. Darling, this will keep you excited about getting together rather than excited about killing each other. Good luck! Hello Trinity, What’s so important about keeping in touch with family? Aren’t good friends enough? Family Or Friends, Washington, DC Hello Family Or Friends, It’s great to have supportive friends who come and go in your life, but, honey, family has ties to your life, your genealogy and your medical history. If you don’t believe me then read… Trinity’s Risks, I Mean Reasons, For Keeping In Touch With Family   1. When holidays come around, you don’t have to cook because someone else is there to make you eat their food, I mean make food for you.   2. If you have emotional, financial or an automotive problem, there’s always someone

to hang up the phone, I mean help you so you’re not alone.   3. Being around people to whom you don’t always have to explain yourself can be oh so neurotic, I mean nice. 4  . When you’re old, frail or sick and in need, your family is there to take you for everything, I mean take care of everything for you.   5. Friends come and go, but family is always there like a thorn in your side, I mean always by your side.   6. Friends don’t suck the blood out of you like family, I mean blood is thicker then friendship.   7. It’s nice to be in a longing and selfish, I mean loving and supportive environment.   8. There’s no one in the world that will torture you, I mean teach you about life better than a killing, I mean caring family.   9. Without family there would be no one to push you off a cliff, I mean give you a truly loving lift. 10. Lastly, who else would put up with your crap, your drunken stupors or your barking dog like friends, I mean family. info: With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend

Trinity hosted “Spiritually Speaking,” a weekly radio drama performed globally, and is now minister of sponsor, WIG: Wild Inspirational Gatherings, wigministries.org. Learn more at telltrinity.com.

Aug. 2-15 . 2013




goqnotes.com/to/arts out in the stars by Charlene Lichtenstein :: qnotes contributor

August 2 - 15 Chatty Mercury makes a move into Leo. Your words pack a powerful and compelling punch. Show your pearlies to the world and see where it gets you. Hmmm. LEO (08.24-08.23) Proud Lions are thrust into the center of attention and rub their elbows with the high and mighty. The fates bring you into serendipitous contact with important movers and shakers, albeit briefly. Strike while the iron (and you) are hot. You are the master of glib conversation with crates of unctuous charm and a very oily wit. Don’t drip your oil on your shirt. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) Queer Virgos are a bit more intuitive now. They realize that they can no longer sweep the cosmic dust under the rug and need a good cleaning of their closet. If you can manage to tone down the static and really listen to your inner voice, you now discern the answers to many pressing questions. Rub your crystal ball and see what manifests. Ha. Any excuse. LIBRA (09.24-10.23) As much as you try to hide and fade into the background, there will be someone or something that pulls you back into the social whirlpool. Don’t be shy and retiring, proud Libra. Find yourself a bevy of gay compadres and spread yourself thin. Don’t hang around with the same old crowd though.



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Go beyond your regular posse and gain some new posse-bilities. SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) The powers-that-be are watching your every move. Give them an eyeful of your considerable talent. Queer Scorps can make good use of time by squeezing the lumpen proletariat and finding strategic opportunities to present the best ideas to senior staff. You will charm the corporate sharks. And, if all else fails, go shark fishing with a speargun. SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) If the routine is grinding you down, change your focus to vacationing. Gay Archers yearn for relaxation, recharging of energies and a bit of adventure in faraway lands. Consider a more exotic destination and don’t scrimp on the arrangements. You will coordinate your plans with a certain someone. The summer sizzle captures your imagination. Is it hot in here or is it you? CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) What is it about this time period that makes pink Caps so lusty and sexy? Why ask why? This can be a great time to surprise lovers with your alluring zest and verve. You can even attract a gaggle of admirers. But, don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. Mystery and a bit of aloofness makes you even more seductive. Play hard to get and hard to hold. Ahem!

AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) If there has been an unspoken wall between the two of you, this is the time to break down any communications barrier. Aqueerians sometimes avoid confrontation. In fact, there is no need to argue. Careful diplomacy will work wonders. And, if you are seeking new liaisons, you will find successful come-on lines are a real come on…if that is your thing. PISCES (02.20-03.20) If your thoughts turn to healthy activities, don’t push them away as idle time wasters. They may prove to be very useful and impactful. Guppies benefit by a review of everyday habits including exercise (or lack thereof) and diet (or too much of). Tend to the body politic and vote for improvement. Yes, it is possible to improve on perfection, as strange as that seems. ARIES (03.31-04.20) Although the term “creative genius” is overused, gay Rams find a way to make it all fresh and relevant now. There is something about you that is sparkling, exciting and cutting-edge. Your efforts reap big rewards and loads of accolades. But, don’t let it all go to your head. Remain down-toearth, humble and highly sensitized to others’ feelings. Yeah, yeah, yeah. TAURUS (04.21-05.21) There is more than just a little cynicism circling around conversations with family. But, even a stubborn queer Bull can’t help but become more open. This may

be your chance for getting to the heart of the matter and in doing so, solve a few long-burning domestic issues. Don’t compromise. Just find a way to bring them charmingly around to your way of thinking. GEMINI (05.22-06.21) You are brimming with grand and dramatic opinions that cannot be contained or edited. Pink Twins are pressed to get a few things off their chests. Does it matter that you have a very short window to get your message out? Be sure to prioritize and don’t delay on the most important points. Intense conversations can become prickly, if you’re especially lucky. CANCER (06.22-07.23) Although you are usually impractical and a bit of a spendthrift, this time period gives you new perspective on old financial positions. Whether you are a bull or a bear, it is possible to reassess how you approach money and what you need to do to strengthen your fiscal foundation. Gay Crabs currently spend to feel happy. Why not happily feel someone else instead? : : © 2013 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment. info: Visit TheStarryEye.com for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.

join the discussion We welcome your letters to the editor (200 or words or less) and guest commentaries (600 words or less). Submit them to letters@goqnotes.com.



New transgender group provides safe space by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

CHARLOTTE — Organizers of a new social and support group for transgender people held their first meeting of Trans* in the City on in mid-July. The Trans* in the City group was founded by Constance Brooks and Mel Hartsell. Brooks said it will fulfill a previously unmet need. “There are a couple of different trans spaces in the city, but there is not a space specifically geared to younger people who aren’t in college,� said Brooks. “We’re specifically geared to that younger generation, but we are welcoming to anyone who agrees with our mission and purpose to create a safe space for trans people within the city.� Hartsell said the group was an outgrowth of community members’ desires.

“Many folks in the trans* community in Charlotte have expressed a desire for a community with a progressive understanding of what it means to be trans*, such as a group that is open to non-binary identified individuals,� Hartsell said. “Also, many trans* people struggle with isolation, so it is important to have a group that prioritizes socialization in and out of the group, building community and relationships.� The term “trans*� is used by some as a more inclusive adjective than “transgender.� Brooks said the group will also fill social and civic needs for transgender people.

see Trans on 26

On left, Mel Hartsell. Right, Constance Brooks.

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Trans group continued from page 25

“There are not a lot of safe spaces for trans people to go to and it’s safer to go as a group,” Brooks said. “We’ll also be getting involved in trans* activism.” For Brooks, the group represents an opportunity for transgender people to form their own community. “The LGB community doesn’t often include the ‘T,’” Brooks said. “It is generally left out.” Brooks also believes transgender people face an entirely different set of obstacles and challenges. “The trans* community needs to be its own community because there’s so much within trans,” Brooks said. “Gender identity and sexual orientation are two very specifically separate things. It’s very important to have trans* space as well as LGB space. Having them together is grouping two different groups dealing with two separate issues.”



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Members of the group must be 18 years old or older and must identify as a gender other than the one assigned at birth. Organizers also say members must be inclusive of “binary and non-binary trans* identities.” They request those interested in joining first make contact with a leader of the group in an effort to keep the space safe and inclusive. Contact information for the group’s leaders can be found on their website at transinthecity.word press.com/about/become-a-member/. The membership requirements seem restrictive, but Brooks and Hartsell said they are there for a purpose. “As a social worker, I have a lot of experience with group formation and facilitation,” Hartsell said. “Open and closed groups, both, have their purposes. We had several conversations discussing whether we should have an open or closed group, but we ultimately decided that it should be closed. While we look forward to partnering with allies in various programming opportunities, we understood that trans* people

were in need of safe spaces where we could speak about the different experiences we have.” The group will meet every Wednesday at the LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Ultimately, the two organizers hope the group grows and becomes an influential space for transgender community members’ support, activism and voice. “I hope that our group becomes a go-to place for trans* folks in Charlotte, a place

they know is safe and fun and that will work to meet their needs as they arise,” Hartsell said. “Some days will be more direct: providing peer support and referrals, and some days we will be working towards policy changes for trans* people and other marginalized groups.” Hartsell added, “We look forward to meeting and getting to know the strong and diverse people in this community and moving forward to make Charlotte a safer place to be for everyone.” : :


events goqnotes.com/qguide/events

Aug. 3-4 • Gastonia ‘Laramie Project’ The Gaston County chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) will present a staging of “The Laramie Project,” a three-act play retelling the events of Matthew Shepard’s 1998 death in Laramie, Wyo. Events on Main, 326 W. Main St., in Downtown Gastonia. Performances are Aug. 3 at 7:30 p.m. and Aug. 4 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets, $5, may be purchased from any cast member, PFLAG members or by emailing pflaggaston@yahoo.com. Aug. 4 • Charlotte Book reading Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, a national organization working on LGBT workplace equality, will host a book reading and panel discussion with top LGBT and ally executives. Read more details in our local news briefs on page 6. Park Road Books, 4139 Park Rd. 2 p.m. outandequal.org. Aug. 6 • Charlotte Film: LGBTQ Issues and Elementary Schools Time Out Youth presents a special screening of the award-winning film “What Do You Know?” The film features young people ranging in age from 6 to 12 and their thoughts on gays and lesbians. The event will also feature a talk-back session with Welcoming Schools, a national program of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The program’s associate director, Kisha Webster, will be in Charlotte for the event. LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St. 7 p.m. timeoutyouth.org. gaycharlotte.com. Aug. 8-24 • Charlotte ‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ Queen City Theatre Company presents a reinvention of the classical French novel, “Dangerous Liaisons,” by Pierre Choderlos de Lacios. Read more details about the play in our local news briefs on page 6. Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Squire, 345. N. College St. Various Days/Times. Various $22-24. For ticket purchases call 704-372-1000 or visit carolinatix.org or queencitytheatre.com. Aug. 9-18 • Durham NC Gay & Lesbian Film Festival The Carolina Theatre hosts this iconic state film festival with dozens of LGBT-themed films, including feature-length dramas, documentaries and shorts. For more information on the film festival, tickets and attendance, visit carolinatheatre.org/ncglff/. Aug. 9 • Charlotte Gender Outlaw Night Petra’s hosts a benefit party to help raise funs for cancer treatments for transgender author Kate Bornstein. Her book, “Gender Outlaw,”

inspired the theme for the event, according to organizers: “Come dressed in the threads you probably wouldn’t wear to work be we all know is in your closet, or just come as you are.” Performers will include Collette Ellis, DJ Play Play, HollyWood, Lea McLaughlin and Zoe Vette & the Revolvers. Donations can also be made online at gofundme.com/2cxb6w. Petra’s, 1919 Commonwealth Ave. 9 p.m. petraspianobar.com. Aug. 10 • Charlotte Charlotte Pride Package Auction Join Charlotte Pride for a special night of hot auction action and fundraising for a good cause. Charlotte Pride models will showcase a variety of special package items, like gift cards, get-aways, artwork and more! Place your bid on the hottest package! Cathode Azure, 1820 South Blvd. #106. 8-11 p.m. Free cover/donations before 11 p.m. charlottepride.org/events/auction/. Aug. 16 • Charlotte LGBTQ Law Center The Freedom Center for Social Justice LGBTQ Law Center will host its grand opening and silent auction. The center aims to eliminate barriers to justice and assist marginalized community members by providing direct legal services, community education and community resources to the LGBTQ community in North Carolina. LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 2508 N. Davidson St. 6:30-8:30 p.m. fcsj.org. facebook.com/fcsjlaw. Aug. 16-25 • Charlotte Charlotte Pride Week Charlotte Pride partners with community organizations and businesses to present 10 full days of activities culminating with its Charlotte Pride Festival and inaugural Bank of America Charlotte Pride Parade on Aug. 24-25. Events include a “Rocky Horror” gender-bender show, Buff Faye’s Drag Brunch, an interfaith Pride worship service, speed dating, a basketball tournament, nightlife events and more. More details on Pride Week events to be announced soon at charlottepride.org. Aug. 24 • Charlotte LGBT College Fair Campus Pride presents its Southeast Regional LGBT College Fair with LGBT-friendly colleges and universities from across the nation and region. Presented in collaboration with Charlotte Pride at the PNC Bank Festival Zone, S. Tryon St. between 3rd and Stonewall Sts. on Saturday, Aug. 24, 1:30-4 p.m. For more information or to register, visit campuspride.org/CollegeFair. Aug. 24-25 • Charlotte Charlotte Pride Join thousands of LGBT and ally Charlotteans and others from across the region for the largest LGBT Pride event between Atlanta and Washington, D.C. Special live entertainment from national and regional performers on the Wells Fargo Stage at the Charlotte Pride Festival, Aug. 24-25, in the PNC Bank Festival Zone, S. Tryon St. between 3rd and Stonewall Sts., including stars from “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” presented by The Scorpio. On Sunday, Aug. 25, 1 p.m., partake in the inaugural Bank of America Charlotte Pride Parade. Passes to the Charlotte VIP Experience, presented by Time Warner Cable, are still on sale. Learn more about the events, the entertainers and VIP pass purchases online at charlottepride.org.

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Aug. 2-15 . 2013

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