QNotes Sept. 3-16, 2011

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Gay program chairs at Charlotte Art Institute talk school, local art, culture

Above: Ron Crider, Charles Easley and Richard Withem. Photo Credit: Art Institute of Charlotte

by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

It’s not uncommon to see LGBT people involved in art. We are, after all, a creative bunch. Take just a quick glance at the art world: in every genre, we’re there. And, you can’t really have a good art school without some gays, can you? Ron Crider, Charles Easley and Richard Withem have each worked with the Art Institute (AI) of Charlotte or at other AI locations for several years. Each chairs a particular program area, having worked their way up from faculty. In all, four of the school’s seven programs find these three gay men at their helm. Crider heads up the school’s fashion marketing and management program. Easley chairs the digital filmmaking and video production program. Withem leads two: graphic design and web design. The Art Institutes, a system of more than 45 arts

schools nationwide, specializes in several focus areas ranging from fashion and culinary arts to advertising and TV and film media. The Charlotte school was founded in 1973 as the American Business & Fashion Institute; in 1999, it joined AI and changed its name. It now has about 1,200 enrolled students each year. The three program chairs each say AI is unique in its almost singular focus on career and success. “The number one difference between our school and traditional four-year campuses is that we have a much more blended program of theory plus practicum; by that I mean we have a much more hands-on approach to learning,” says Crider. “Graduates from our programs leave with a portfolio that evidences they actually know how to create industry-standard material.”

Witham agrees that AI has a unique difference with traditional colleges. “We are an arts school,” he says. “That’s our demographic. That’s our people. That’s our faculty. It’s about the fine and applied arts. We’re all like-minded people; you’re not going to find a cheerleader or a football team here. If you do find an Arts Institute with a sports team, you let me know.” Like Crider, Easley thinks AI’s nature is specifically beneficial to students. “We don’t have a liberal arts education,” he explains. “We’re specifically career-based, in that students who come here will learn specific skill sets see Leaders on 10

Sept. 3-16 . 2011



Sept. 3-16 . 2011

inside Sept. 3-16, 2011 Vol 26 No 09

Dancers Marcelo Martinez and Lilyan Vigo star in Carolina Ballet’s presentation of “Dracula,” Oct. 13-30. See more in this issue’s Fall A&E Guide: Dance, page 18. Photo Credit: Chris Walt Photography.

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Graphic Design by Lainey Millen Photo Credit: Art Institute of Charlotte

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Sept. 3-16 . 2011



editor’s note by matt comer matt@goqnotes.com

Charlotte candidates are friendly, but need education


In the past few years, and especially after the election of incumbent Democratic Mayor Anthony Foxx, Charlotte has seen substantial changes in the way LGBT citizens and residents are treated and recognized by city government. First, the chief of the CharlotteMecklenburg Police Department held an open forum at The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte. He was soon followed thereafter by Mayor Foxx. Both forums were historic achievements in the civic life of the city and its

LGBT community, representing the first time both the police chief and mayor had openly and publicly met with our community to discuss issues important to us and our families. In addition, we’ve seen — for the first time — official inclusion of “sexual orientation” in city policy. Though there is a long way to go (preferably inclusion of both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in an ordinance), City Manager Curt Walton’s change to the city’s current employment policies was a welcome sight.

Charlotte Primary Endorsements

During the end of July and beginning of August, qnotes collected responses to a detailed questionnaire from candidates running for Charlotte City Council. A total of 29 candidates are running for re-election or are challenging incumbents. Questionnaires were also sent to incumbent Democratic Mayor Anthony Foxx and his challenger, Republican Scott Stone. qnotes issues our endorsement of several candidates in their Sept. 13 primary elections below. We have also listed candidates we could not endorse, but who we think are receptive to broader questions and conversations on particular issues asked in our candidate questionnaire. Please, note that these endorsements, along with indications that a candidate is “receptive,” reflects only their positions as outlined in their questionnaire responses and, occassionally, any past statements or actions on specific LGBT issues. In cases where two candidates are endorsed in the same race and district, we encourage readers and voters to explore each candidates’ positions on other important, but non-LGBT issues.

At-Large David Howard (D) (i) Edwin B. Peacock III (R) (i) Alexander G. Vuchnich (L) Receptive: Claire Fallon (D), Curtis Watkins (R) District 2 Cameron Webb Gardner (D) District 3 LaWana Mayfield (D) Receptive: Svend H. Deal (D) District 4 Receptive: Larry Shannon (D) District 5 John Autry (D) Darrell Bonapart (D) Receptive: Dennis Peterson (R) qnotes’ endorsements for the general election will be published in our Oct. 1 print edition. Read each of the candidates’ full responses online at goqnotes.com/clt111/.


(D) - Democrat. (R) - Republican. (L) - Libertarian. (i) - Incumbant. Endorsements were not made in races where incumbents face no challenger.

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This progress is quite astonishing given that this city was, until relatively recently, a place in which LGBT people were officially ignored and where all but a rare handful of brave elected officials dared to be seen publicly with LGBT people. Fourteen-year veteran Mayor Pat McCrory couldn’t even bring himself to undertake as simple and routine a task as writing a welcome letter to LGBT community events like the annual Human Rights Campaign Carolina Gala or annual Pride activities. Charlotte is moving forward, though the journey continues to look like a long one. Our slow march toward equality is caused by none other than ignorance and a lack of education and a need for broader conversations and dialogue on issues important to LGBT citizens and residents. This education problem became overwhelmingly apparent when our staff set out to collect responses to a four-question candidate questionnaire sent to each of the individuals running for Charlotte City Council and for mayor. Candidates’ answers and participation were used to form the basis of our primary election endorsements; we’ll use the same responses to inform our decision for the general election. The primary is scheduled for Sept. 13; the general election will be held on Nov. 8. Of 29 council candidates and two mayoral candidates, only 12 returned their surveys and neither Foxx nor Stone participated. Several candidates’ answers to our questions were shockingly absent of the understanding we had hoped they might have about our issues. Some seemed not to recognize the importance of an on-the-record vote of the council on an issue like an equal employment ordinance (as opposed to a policy) and one candidate in particular told us she thought federal and state laws already forbade discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. But, it was candidates’ answers to the fourth question in the questionnaire that intrigued us the most. Candidates were asked their position on several potential items that could be added to the city’s legislative agenda, the council’s list of prerogatives and priorities they’d like to see state and national lawmakers address either on the city’s behalf or for the betterment of city policy. We asked

qpoll Do you plan to vote in this year’s primary and general elections for Charlotte City Council and mayoral races? See the options and vote: goqnotes.com/to/qpoll

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Sept. 3-16 . 2011

about public accommodations and public housing law changes, opposition to the state’s 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, a statute that bans marriage rights for same-sex couples, and opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships and, potentially, other types of both legal and private relationship statuses for same-sex couples. Many candidates had answers that were overwhelmingly positive to these legislative agenda items. Among those, however, who were opposed to these proposals, there was a common theme: “These are not local government issues and therefore not appropriate items for the City’s legislative agenda,” wrote one incumbent Democratic candidate. The reality is quite different and we disagree wholeheartedly with candidates who believe these are not important issues for the city. Though the city has no power to change public accommodations and housing ordinances absent permission from the General Assembly, it has every right to make such a request with the city’s and county’s state legislative delegation who could, on behalf of the city, seek to change state law or provide exceptions or exemptions through a local bill for the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Similarly, requests that the delegation and other lawmakers work to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and oppose a proposed, anti-LGBT constitutional amendment are both fair game; both the law and the proposed amendment affect Charlotte citizens and residents and have an effect or potential effect on the city’s ability to operate as a truly world-class city where all of its residents are treated equally under law and fully included in civic and public life. Our endorsements for the primary election appear on this page. On Oct. 1, we’ll publish endorsements for the general election. In the meantime, we hope constituents will reach out to those candidates and incumbent council members who could benefit from more conversation and discussion on these issues. Education will be the key to permanent and lasting changes for our local LGBT community. : : more: Read each of the candidates’ full responses online at goqnotes.com/clt11/.


general gayety by leslie robinson qnotes contributor

Same gender means some problems


You might enter into a same-sex relationship thinking you know all the troubles that lie ahead. Discrimination, rejection by family and friends, spending eternity in hell — none of that is news. But, I’ll bet you never considered the bundle of difficulties caused by being in a relationship with someone who’s a lot like you. Someone with whom you share everything from chromosomes to conditioner. Here’s an example of what I mean: My partner and I have the same name. Her first name is Anne, which is also my middle name. It took me a while to get comfortable saying her name. I felt like I was calling myself and having attacks of egomania. Opposite-sex couples can experience this trouble too, of course. A woman named Jordan can marry a man named Jordan or a Jean can connect with a Gene. But, the chances of twin names are much increased with gay couplings. We all know a Mike and a Mike or a Sarah and a Sarah. The other day I heard a lesbian couple referred to as “the Rachels.” Anyone who’s adamant about maintaining individuality might have to rethink this gay thing. I suppose preventive action is a possibility. A lesbian could legally change her name before starting a relationship, pick a name that no other woman is likely to share. Like Augustina. Or Pittsburgh. Or Cementmixer. Then there’s the issue of clothing. Back when I was in a straight relationship, my boyfriend was too tall and too male to borrow my clothes. Now all bets are off. Anne has borrowed everything from bras to hats. She so covets a shirt of mine she whimpers a little when I wear it. I’ll soon know what it means to give someone the shirt off my back. She and I aren’t the same size, nor do we have identical taste. For these reasons, I know my entire wardrobe won’t go missing.

But, I can imagine what it must be like for, say, a femme couple with similar proportions where one woman is constantly pilfering and the other can never find what she planned to wear. On a morning when the latter can locate nothing to wear to work but pumps and a nightgown, the fur will fly. I’d be remiss if I didn’t note that sometimes it’s a boon, clothing-wise, to be in a same-sex couple. You can double your wardrobe. But, only if you have like builds and taste. I suppose there are women out there who assess a potential partner for kindness, respect and to-die-for pencil skirts. Turning to accessories, our friend Susan recently told Anne and me that she has begun carrying a purse again. The problem is her partner Joyce uses a purse that looks the same. Now each woman can find herself leaving the house with the wrong life. Straight couples don’t have this trouble. On another subject, while anti-gay activists argue that male and female genitalia were meant to go together, they’re ignoring a more compelling biological argument. Two women going through menopause should never live together. Between us, Anne and I have every menopause symptom going. When she’s having a hot flash, I’m too busy obsessing over my weight gain to notice, let alone sympathize. In straight households where the woman is experiencing menopause, it’s the man’s job to be sympathetic — when he isn’t driving his girlfriend around in his new Ferrari. Anne and I don’t get sympathy, but we aren’t being cheated on, so I guess it’s a wash. Overall, though, I feel it’s only right for young people to be alerted to the complications inherent in same-sex relationships. If the prospect of hell doesn’t scare twinks, the prospect of sharing hair gel might. : : info:

LesRobinson@aol.com . generalgayety.com

talkback Letters to the editor and comments from goqnotes.com. Web comments are not edited for grammar or punctuation.

Mayfield a fierce, tireless advocate I’m a 30-year old lesbian who grew up in the state of Maine. My decision to attend law school in Charlotte and make Charlotte my home was, in part, because I was looking forward to living the “city life.” Only after moving here did I realize that living in Charlotte is difficult for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Not only does the city lack basic protections against discrimination for based on sexual orientation and gender identity, but the LGBT community has little representation on the city council and local boards. LaWana Mayfield is running for city council in District 3 in southwest Charlotte. If

elected, LaWana would be the first openly gay LGBT council member, and one of possibly two women on city council. LaWana has been a community organizer and active advocate for LGBT, HIV/AIDS and racial justice issues for over 15 years. I urge anyone in District 3 who cares about LGBT issues in Charlotte to get out and vote in the Sept. 13 primaries. It is critical that we elect people who care about making Charlotte a better and easier place for LGBT people to live. LaWana would be a fierce and tireless advocate not just for our community, but for the community as a whole. I urge you to get out and vote for LaWana on Sept. 13./ : : — Sarah Demarest, Charlotte, N.C., letter

Sept. 3-16 . 2011



Gay Christian Network provides safe harbor Struggles make for a stronger community by Lainey Millen :: lainey@goqnotes.com


n 2001, little did Justin Lee, a recent graduate from Wake Forest University and 23 at the time, realize what a monumental contribution he would make to LGBT Christians around the globe. Born in Marietta, Ga., his family moved to Raleigh when he was four. He came from a loving and supportive Southern Baptist family. When he was 19 he came out, but felt confused and tried to go straight. He had felt for years that gays should be straight and took a sojourn in the “ex-gay” movement, but felt it was alien to his upbringing. He shared that the “ex-gay” leaders’ stand was that kids who came from overbearing parents were more inclined to be gay or lesbian. This was totally not true for him. His were the complete opposite. He had tried to get answers from his church and friends. His background had been along the evangelical lines. So, he abandoned this ship and set sail for other ports. He began to write on the internet about issues. He wanted to make sure that there was a place that was welcoming and provided a sense of community for gay and lesbian Christians and their allies. And, this grew into a worldwide attention-grabbing phenomenon. From that seed, the Gay Christian Network (GCN) was born. Participants came from a wide range of people. Ministers wrote to him

asking questions for their own use and to support their clerical responsibilities. A decade later, this religious support group is doing its part to help bring about change within Christian communities. They do this by bridge-building and changing mindsets about being gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Christians. With 18,000 members and growing, it works with individuals, faith communities, families, friends and the broader church to garner support for more acceptance. Over the years, it developed a documentary (“Through My Eyes”), YouTube videos, podcasts (which is coming back online soon through GCN Radio) and conferences targeted at providing a positive experience for those who utilize these tools. On Aug. 17, GCN, a non-profit ministry, celebrated its 10th anniversary. Lee says that his work is vital to the health of people and church bodies. With the use of the documentary, he is working to get it out to every church across the country. It tells the story from those who have wrestled with the issues surrounding self discovery. He feels that working on the local church level will help them write inclusivity into their bylaws. This falls in line with GCN’s mission, “Sharing Christ’s light and love for all.” They have a five-core component direction: Promoting spiritual growth; cultivating safe community; supporting family and friends; educating and

encouraging the church; and engaging the wider LGBT community and the world. Staff includes Lee who serves as executive director, along with board of directors Bill Caldwell, Ling Lam, Mark Lawrence, Ryan Kuseski and Michael Zwiers. With the support of a director of operations, community manager and a plethora of volunteer team leaders, it covers the gamut of Christian communities worldwide. They abide by the group’s statement of faith, which includes: “We believe that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Christians are full participants in God’s kingdom, and that the ways of holiness and the ways of sinfulness are equally available to them as to others.…” GCN uses its website to disseminate information and serve as a point of contact for those who are seeking answers or support. They also are engaged in social media through Facebook and Twitter. As far as the type of response they get from fellow Christians who are not gay and may not fully understand why inclusion is important for the church, Lee says that he hears that people think that they can’t be gay and Christian, don’t understand the issues, are frustrated over the level of dialogue that they have found, experienced antagonism in respective churches and want to learn more in open dialogue. Even parents are jumping into the fray and getting the support they have been searching for. The organization reaches out to both potentially welcoming and unwelcoming faith institutions. They send representatives to conferences and work on coordinated efforts. They are constantly engaged in private conversations behind the scenes with unwelcoming groups to help bridge build. This year they received an Arcus Foundation grant so that they could go to 20 universities, mostly

in the Bible Belt, to provide training to create change in these communities. This will be their pilot program. Next year they hope to be able to go to Christian schools and hope to get funding to achieve this expansion. They also set up at public events, such as NC Pride and Wild Goose, and work to network with affiliate groups. They have been in touch with Rev. Mel White over the years and want to do more with Faith in America. Currently, there are no projects on the table, but Lee says that there is mutual respect among all of them. The website is the best place to gather information, Lee states. It includes daily Bible passages and Bible study, book recommendations, audio and video resources, message boards, calendar, a store and giving options. Being headquartered in Raleigh makes sense for GCN, Lee says. He feels that since North Carolina is not as progressive as other states, it helps to keep them connected, grounded and aware of the work that needs to be done. For more information, visit gaychristian.net and facebook.com/gaychristiannetwork. To keep up with dialogue follow GCN at twitter. gaychristiannetwork. : : From Jan. 5-8, 2012, an annual conference will be held DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld in Orlando, Fla. Last year over 400 attended. Speakers include blogger Misty Irons, former ex-gay organization founder Jeremy Marks and Lee. Until Sept. 30, cost is $115, $135 until Dec. 3 and $160 onsite. Scholarships are available by request only. Family and friends may also attend at $35 each.

Somber memorials Tenth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks approaches by Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

As Sept. 11 approaches, the nation prepares to hold remembrances and memorials for those lost during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks 10 years ago. For those too young to remember Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy or King assassinations and other tragic dates now seared into national memory, the attacks a decade ago have served as watershed life- and culture-defining moments for an entire generation. Above and beyond those killed that day, thousands of young men and women have ventured into Afghanistan and Iraq never to return home. Nearly every person in the nation has been touched by 9/11; many lost friends that day and others have lost siblings, children, friends or parents to the battlefield. For the LGBT community, in particular, the decennial anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks gives us pause to reflect on those of our own who died that day. We also reflect on those LGBT servicemembers who served and died in the line of duty, fighting bravely for a nation that refused to give them full rights of citizenship. In the days and weeks following the attacks, LGBT media and organizations began reporting on LGBT victims. Among the most high profile were a Catholic priest, Father Mychal Judge, and Mark Bingham, who helped to thwart United Airlines Flight 93’s hijackers. Judge, 68, was a chaplain with the New York Fire Department.


Sept. 3-16 . 2011

Through the 1980s, he worked to comfort AIDS victims and presided over many funerals. He was also an ardent support of Dignity, an LGBT Catholic organization. On Sept. 11, 2001, Judge died while ministering to injured firemen at the World Trade Center. His memory lives on in the Mychal Judge Act, signed by President George W. Bush in 2002, which granted federal money to survivors of 9/11 victims, including same-sex partners. Bingham, 31, was a public relations executive. On Sept. 11, 2001, he was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 93 and aided in stopping hijackers from taking over the plane. The flight ended tragically in Shanksville, Penn. A resident of San Francisco, he played on the city’s Fog Rugby Football Club team. In 2002, the club founded the Bingham Cup in honor of 9/11 hero. The cup is a biennial, international, gay rugby tournament. Judge and Bingham have certainly been among the most well-known gay 9/11 victims, but there are others. David Charlebois, a member of the National Gay Pilots Association according to the Washington Blade, was the copilot of American Airlines Flight 77. Charlebois’ plane was flown into the Pentagon. A gay couple, Ronald Gamboa, 33, and Dan Brandhorst, 42, and their three-year-old son, David, were also among the victims. The couple and son were passengers on United Airlines Flight 175 heading from Boston to their home in Los Angeles.

Fifty-one-year old Shelia Hein, an employee at the U.S. Army’s management and budget office was killed when the Pentagon was attacked. Her partner, Peggy Neff, was among the first same-sex partners of 9/11 victims to be recognized by the government and receive survivor benefits, after being refused recognition as anything other than “friends” by Virginia’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund, according to 365gay.com. These victims were just a handful of dozens of gay and lesbian people killed on Sept. 11, 2001. Many of our LGBT brothers and sisters who died 10 years ago or those who have died in service since then will likely remain unknown to all but their closest friends and family members. Regardless, their memory lives on collectively as each of remember that day and its events in our own individual and unique ways. Our nation has faced many challenges in our history; without doubt, we’ll continue to face more. As we do, however, we move closer and closer to a society that values, respects and includes — legally, civically, socially, culturally and religiously — each of its members, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. In that, we are the victors; radical terrorists attempted to destroy us from the inside out, but we have proven that even in the face of tragedy, America’s values and ideals live on to prove that our “great experiment” can continue to produce good results. : :


Wells Fargo to celebrate community, culture Event on Oct. 29 features free museum admission, performances Fall A&E Guide

Wells Fargo is getting ready to make its grand entrance into the Charlotte market. Though a past sponsor of Pride Charlotte, you didn’t see Wachovia’s name anywhere at the Aug. 27 event in Uptown. Wells Fargo, it seems, is here to stay. But, that isn’t a bad thing. The new kid on the block is introducing itself in various ways. On Oct. 29, the bank will help to present the Wells Fargo Community Celebration, marking the conversion of Wachovia signs and banking locations to Wells Fargo in North Carolina, as well as the opening of the Wells Fargo History Museum in Charlotte. The event will transform Center City Charlotte into a free arts and cultural festival, as well as provide free Saturday admission, underwritten by Wells Fargo, to many of CharlotteMecklenburg’s arts, science and history institutions. “We are excited about Wells Fargo taking the lead on this important celebration and being one of their partners,” said Arts & Science Council President Scott Provancher. “The Wells Fargo Community Celebration shows their commitment to the cultural sector and

will provide amazing arts, science and history experiences that will entertain and educate thousands of individuals,” said Provancher. “Plus, with the opening of the Wells Fargo History Museum, Charlotte’s ‘cultural mile’ along Tryon Street has gained another attraction.” The celebration’s major highlight will include free Saturday admission on Oct. 29 to Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, Discovery Place, Levine Museum of the New South, The Mint Museum, McColl Center for Visual Art, The Light Factory and more. A free outdoor concert, live art demonstrations, LEGO sculptures, chalk art and more will also be available. In addition, be sure to catch free performances by the Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte, Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, Carolina Voices, Charlotte Chamber Music, Charlotte Children Choir, Charlotte Youth Ballet, Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, Maha’s Dances of India, Many Voices, North Carolina Dance Theatre and more. For more information about the Wells Fargo Community Celebration, visit CharlotteCultureGuide.com. : :

More online:

See more from our Fall A&E Guide online at goqnotes.com, including upcoming museum exhibits, our Out in Print book review column and, of course, continuous and regular event updates, news and features exclusive to goqnotes.com!

Sept. 3-16 . 2011



news notes: from the carolinas, nation and world compiled by Lainey Millen :: lainey@goqnotes.com | David Stout :: david@goqnotes.com | Matt Comer :: matt@goqnotes.com

Charlotte Foundation makes changes

CHARLOTTE — The Wesley Mancini Foundation has changed its grant application requirements. Beginning this year, the Foundation will pick an annual theme for which the LGBT community has a current need to address. Only grant applications addressing the year’s theme will be considered. “With the resources that we have to give back to our community, we wanted to make sure we target a specific issue each year,” said Wesley Mancini. “The ‘theme’ will change from year to year based on the needs of the LGBT community. Our board is very excited about our new direction and what it can mean to not only the Charlotte LGBT community, but also the community at large.” Grant applications must develop a project that will raise the profile of the local LGBT community in front of a national audience during the Democratic National Convention Sept. 3-6, 2012 and partner with at least one non-LGBT organization to accomplish the grant’s goals. The Foundation is a non-political entity. Applications must not deal with politics, but focus on the awareness that the local community exists during this time when the world’s eyes will be upon Charlotte. Applications are being accepted until Nov. 15 for the grant cycle of Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2012. Foundation grants are awarded to fund specific projects and are not awarded to cover general operating expenses. Federally-tax exempt organizations or those with tax-qualified sponsors interested in receiving a grant application should contact Bob Scheer at 704-375-4275, ext. 11 or by email to bscheer@wesleymancini.com. — L.M.

Coastal Protest held at church

WILMINGTON — On Aug. 14, a protest was held outside Sea Gate Community Chapel to challenge that church’s decision to place an anti-gay message in it’s church sign. The sign read “God loves gays, but He hates perverted life style, turn or burn” and had ba een erected the prior week. Vandals removed the last portion of the wording and left it reading, “God loves gays, but He hates sin” and spray painted a heart over the “but He hates sin” portion. This “turn or burn” instruction had been omitted. Pastor David Heuring was not happy. Church members then added the “but He hates sin” back onto the sign. Wilmington Pride organized the peaceful protest, saying that they wanted the people who attended the church to know that if they were struggling with their sexuality, there was hope. Afterward, a man driving a Ford Taurus took a hammer and smashed the sign,


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according to witnesses. According to the WWAY-TV 3 website, Wilmington Pride President T.R. Nunley posted a comment saying that when they left that morning from the protest, the sign was okay. When he returned at 6 p.m. for a station interview, it was destroyed. He shared his regret that this had been done and said that his organization did not “condone the actions.” Heuring and protestors dialogued during the protest and he shared drinks with them. — L.M.

Gay-friendly list ruffles feathers

WILMINGTON — The University of North Carolina at Wilmington’s LGBTQIA Resource Office issued a guide in July that listed gayfriendly businesses, health clinics, churches and other institutions. This publication was passed out by the resource office’s Amy Schlag to staffers. Now, Professor Mike Adams is taking the initiative to task saying it was silly and a “government waste,” FoxNews.com reported. This atheist-turned-Christian teaches criminology. Adams ridiculed this action in an article for TownHall.com entitled “Separation of Gay Church and State.” He went on to say that “homosexuality…It is unequivocally sinful … God wants you to avoid homosexuality…” He even has gone so far as to ask that LGBT groups be abolished on campus. Time will tell if his wishes will be taken into serious consideration. The school felt validity in publishing its list. — L.M.

Triad New exec hired

GREENSBORO — Guilford Green Foundation has announced the appointment of Shane Burton as executive director. Burton replaces Ivan Canada, who has been serving as interim executive director and will remain in a transitional role working on special projects over the next year. Burton most recently served as director of development with Triad Health Project. He brings a wealth of experience in both the public and private sectors, having worked in various administrative capacities with area non-profits and in senior sales positions with Belgian-owned Unilin Flooring and U.S.-based Mohawk Industries. His civic involvement includes serving on the Community Advisory Board of the University of North Carolina Center for AIDS Research; the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Community Advisory Board for the Office of Leadership and Service Learning; two-term president of the Guilford County Directors of Volunteers in Agencies; and a one year appointment on the Board of the North Carolina Association of Volunteer Administrators. For more information, visit ggfnc.org. — L.M.

Triangle Kids program slated

DURHAM — iNSIDEoUT, a youth-led organization that serves lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, queer and allied youth in Wake, Durham, Orange, Vance, Person, Franklin, Granville and Warren counties, will be starting a program in the Triangle for children ages 7-12 years old this coming fall. The program is especially for children of diverse gender identities and expressions and children of same-sex parents or other alternative families. The group will hold bi-monthly meetings every other Sunday afternoon from 3-5 p.m. beginning in the Fall of 2011. Meetings will include a variety of fun, social, educational, activist and support-related events and occasional outings to fun places around the Triangle. Children will also have the option to participate in an indoor overnight retreat. Cost is $30-60 per child based on a sliding scale. Meeting location will be sent to registered participants. A parental release form which can be downloaded online must accompany payment via mail to iNSIDEoUT, 1303 Clarendon St., Apt. B, Durham, NC 27705. To register or for more information, call 919-923-7884, email insideoutamy@gmail.com or visit insideout180.org. — L.M.

Western Philanthropists honored

BLOWING ROCK — Two gay philanthropists were honored on Aug. 17 for their longtime advocacy on behalf of North Carolina’s LGBT community. Bob Page, founder and CEO of Greensboro-based Replacements, Ltd., and life partner Dale Frederiksen were the guests of honor at a luncheon sponsored by Faith in America and the Human Rights Campaign and hosted by Bonnie and Jamie Schaefer at the Westglow Resort & Spa. Page and Frederiksen are vast supporters of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights group, and Faith in America, a Hickory-based non-profit organization working nationally to educate the public about the personal, social and religious pain and trauma that is inflicted upon LGBT individuals, Dr. Jack McKinney, a national spokesperson for Faith in America and former Southern Baptist minister who today counsels LGBT youth and families, told luncheon attendees that the commitment shown by people like Page and Frederiksen is key to countering the emotional and psychological toll LGBT people and their families experience as a result of the moral and religious stamp of disapproval placed on them by anti-gay leaders. Mitchell Gold, founder of Faith in America and longtime civil rights advocate, told guests that the couple’s passion for improving the lives of LGBT Americans has been an inspiration to him and others who are working toward honoring human dignity and full equality for LGBT people. Chely Wright, country singer and songwriter and member

of Faith in America’s board of directors, performed at the event. — M.C.

Regional Gala looking for champs

STATEWIDE — Equality North Carolina is seeking nominations for its Equality Champion Awards to be given out at the Equality NC Foundation’s 2011 Equality Conference & Gala held at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s Elliott University Center (conference) and at the Empire Room (gala). Know someone who exemplifies what it means to be a champion? Nominees should embrace the ideals of working toward securing equality across North Carolina. Along with the Legislative Leadership Award, these will be a surefire way to recognize those who are digging deep into the trenches to lead the cause for freedom. Nominees may come from the Western, Charlotte, Triad, Triangle and Eastern regions. Beat the Sept. 15 deadline and send in nominations via email to Kay Flaminio at kay@ equalitync.org. In the subject header, write Equality Champion. Be sure to include your name, email address and phone number, as well as that of the nominee, along with the regional designation. Finally, tell the selection committee about the nominee in 250 words or less. — L.M.

Campus Scene Blue Devils welcome students

DURHAM — Duke University’s Center for LGBT Life has announced a host of activities for returning and new students to campus. “Our Lives: Up Close and Personal” discussion groups will take place at the center on Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8, 6:307:30 p.m., at 2 West Union Building. This is being held in conjunction with the Blue Devil United blog to augment LGBT and ally student life, which is a first for the community. Membership and topics are confidential. Additionally, two presentations are planned for the first week in September. On Sept. 6, 4-6 p.m., Justice Edwin Cameron will share “Constitutionalism and Diversity: Sexual Orientation in South Africa” in Smith Warehouse, Bay 4, C105. Cost is free. South African Constitutional Court Justice Cameron will speak on efforts in South Africa to guarantee rights for LGTQ citizens post-apartheid. He will refer to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Activism in South Africa” by Ryan Richard Thoreson. For more information, call Robin Kirk at 919-668-6511. The next day, Sept. 7, Cameron will deliver a global health seminar, “Stigma and AIDS: The Personal and the Political” from 4-5 p.m. in the John Hope Franklin Center, Room 240. Cameron is a sitting justice on South Africa’s Constitutional Court. His legal work and personal experience as an HIV-positive public figure have been instrumental in improving access to antiretroviral therapy and de-stigmatizing the disease in his home

country. A catered reception will follow the talk. For more information, call Emma Finley at 919-668-4036. To keep up with the latest news on the center, visit studentaffairs.duke.edu/lgbt. — L.M.

National Deportation policy a step forward

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama Administration is implementing new procedures for assessing deportation and removal cases. The changes are expected to aid immigrants with U.S. citizen spouses and children who pose no threat to national security or public safety. Gay equality activists say this prosecutorial discretion may provide some protection and relief for LGBT immigrants and their families. Homeland Security will conduct case-bycase reviews of the nearly 300,000 current deportation and removal cases. “Too many of these cases involve LGBT immigrants who have U.S. citizen spouses and children. The new procedures, which are LGBT-inclusive, should keep immigration officials from unnecessarily tearing apart bi-national same-sex couples, and provide an opportunity for LGBT immigrants to emphasize their ties to a U.S. citizen spouse in removal proceedings,” said Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, a staff attorney with Lambda Legal “This is a step in the right direction, but the new procedures do not change the legal landscape for most LGBT immigrants. Because of DOMA, bi-national same-sex couples are still unfairly denied the right, afforded to differentsex couples, to request immigration protection and relief for a foreign-born spouse. Next step: DOMA should be declared unconstitutional or repealed.” — D.S.

Youth home settles trans lawsuit

PHILADELPHIA — Lambda Legal has settled the discrimination complaint it filed with the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations against the city’s Department of Human Services and the Youth Study Center among others. The group filed the complaint on behalf of L.P. a now 18-year-old transgender woman who was physically attacked by other residents and verbally abused by staff every day for almost a year and a half when she lived in the youth facility. Despite a 2008 Family Court order mandating that L.P. be given access to appropriate medical treatment for Gender Identity Disorder and that her female gender identity be respected, YSC staff and administrators continually subjected L.P. to ridicule and degrading treatment. Even worse, they allowed abuse by residents on a daily basis. — D.S.

Catholic Charities rebuffed by court

CHICAGO — On Aug. 18, the Circuit Court for the Seventh Judicial District held that the State of Illinois could decline to renew its contracts with four dioceses of Catholic Charities that refuse to place foster children with same-sex couples. On June 1, the Illinois Religious Freedom and Civil Union Act took effect, providing couples who enter a civil union the rights of marriage on a state level. The dioceses of Springfield, Peoria, Joliet and Rockford refused to recognize the law on religious grounds. They filed suit June 7 in a bid to force the state to continue funding their foster care services. The court issued a swift decision on procedural grounds that the state

acted within its rights. About the decision Lambda Legal Marriage Project Director Camilla Taylor stated, “This is the right result. … Illinois correctly determined that this practice was bad for kids, could deny many of them their best opportunity for a better life, and that the state’s obligation was to make the transition to other providers as seamless as possible.” — D.S.

Trevor honored by Administration

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Aug. 25, the Obama Administration honored The Trevor Project as a leading innovator in the realm of suicide prevention as part of its “Champions of Change” initiative. The Trevor Project was the leading organization selected for this honor specifically representing youth suicide prevention and crisis intervention among LGBT and questioning youth. Accepting the honor and speaking with Administration officials about priorities for improving suicide prevention nationally was David McFarland, interim executive director and CEO of The Trevor Project. The ceremony was held 10 days prior to National Suicide Prevention Week, Sept. 4-10, 2011. — D.S.

College admission question lauded

ELMHURST, Ill. — Elmhurst College, a private four-year liberal arts college, is the first U.S. institution of higher education to ask a demographic question about identity on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity on a college admission form. Their decision reflects a conscious choice by administrators at the college to actively include LGBT students in the broader life of the college and its campus. “The move by Elmhurst administrators to include this question represents a distinct and unique paradigm shift in higher education to actively recognize out LGBT youth populations and to exercise greater responsibility for LGBT student safety,” said Shane Windmeyer, executive director of the Charlotte-based Campus Pride. “For the first time, an American college has taken efforts to identify their LGBT students from the very first moment those students have official contact with them. This is definite progress in the right direction — and deserves praise.” — D.S.

Global Dutch fund major AIDS plan

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands — The Netherlands has launched the world’s largest international HIV/AIDS program aimed at LGBT people, drug users and sex workers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reserved 35 million euros to help the three targeted groups in 16 countries access information, condoms, antiretroviral treatment and care. The program will start in September and be implemented by seven Dutch organizations. Along with the government grant another 11.7 million euros has been raised for the campaign from other sources. Supporters said The Dutch government’s decision to reserve funds for the project is critical because it means a continuation of the “Dutch approach” to international AIDS relief, where access to prevention and care in combination with the decriminalization of drug use, homosexuality and sex work is central. The 16 targeted countries include territories in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America (Brazil, Costa Rica and Ecuador). — D.S.

Sept. 3-16 . 2011



Stage Plays and musicals Fall A&E Guide 10/28 - 11/12 // CHARLOTTE ‘For the Love of Harlem’ This acclaimed musical documenting the best and brightest African-American and LGBT artistic geniuses of the 1920s and 1930s Harlem Renaissance makes its return to Charlotte. Written by Jermaine Nakia Lee. Produced by On Q Productions. “For the Love of Harlem” celebrates the courage, achievement, frailty and hardship of these creative ones; whose artistic contributions have had profound impact not only on African-American culture but redefined how America, and the world, views the African-American. “For the Love of Harlem” takes us on a musical journey that shadows these brave artists who refused to be inauthentic, no matter what the black public or white public thought. Duke Energy Theater. Various prices. blumenthalarts.org. 9/9-25 // CHARLOTTE ‘The Music Man’ An affectionate tribute to Smalltown, USA, this acclaimed Broadway classic follows fast-talking salesman Harold Hill as he cons the citizens of River City, Iowa into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he vows to organize. His plans to skip town with the cash are spoiled when he falls for Marian the librarian, who transforms him into a respectable citizen. Theatre Charlotte. Various prices. theatrecharlotte.org.

9/14 - 10/1 // CHARLOTTE ‘In The Next Room’ Humorously called “The Vibrator Play,” “In The Next Room” won a 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama finalist and was a 2010 Best Play Tony Award nominee. A funny, touching, and dare we say, stimulating story set at the dawn of the age of electricity! In a seemingly perfect Victorian home, Dr. Givings innocently invents an extraordinary new device for treating “hysteria” in women (and men!). While treating his patients, his wife wonders exactly what he is doing “In The Next Room.” This play is a provocative, laugh-out-loud look at love! Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte. Various prices. actorstheatrecharlotte.org. 10/11-16 // CHARLOTTE ‘The Addams Family’ The weird and wonderful family comes to devilishly delightful life in “The Addams Family.” This magnificently macabre new musical comedy is created by “Jersey Boys” authors Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, Drama Desk-winning composer/lyricist Andrew Lippa (“The Wild Party”), choreographer Sergio Trujillo (“Jersey Boys”) and Olivier Awardwinning director/designers Phelim McDermott and Julian Crouch (“Shockheaded Peter”) with creative consultation by four-time Tony Award-winner Jerry Zaks. This is definitely not the same old song and dance. Ovens Auditorium. Various Prices. blumenthalarts.org. 10/19-29 // CHARLOTTE ‘Cloud Nine’ Set in Victorian Africa and contemporary London, Caryl Churchill’s comic, inventive and surrealistic look at sexual and racial oppression and role conditioning broke ground when it premiered in 1979, winning Churchill an Obie Award in 1981. Clive, a white man,

imposes his ideals on his family; Betty, his wife, is played by a man because she wants to be what men want her to be; and Joshua, their black servant, is played by a white man because he wants to be what whites want him to be. The play confronts sexual taboos and gender stereotypes head on, flaunting extreme behavior for both its humor and its instruction. For mature audiences. Presented by UNC-Charlotte. Various Dates. Various prices. performances. uncc.edu. 11/1-6 // CHARLOTTE ‘West Side Story’ More than 50 years ago, one musical changed theater forever. Now it’s back, and mesmerizing audiences once again. From the first note to the final breath, “West Side Story” is the greatest love story of all time. Directed by David Saint, using Tony Awardwinning librettist Arthur Laurents’ Broadway direction, “West Side Story” remains as powerful, poignant and timely as ever. The new Broadway cast album of “West Side Story” recently won the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album. The Bernstein and Sondheim score is considered to be one of Broadway’s finest and features such classics of the American musical theatre as “Something’s Coming,” “Tonight,” “America,” “I Feel Pretty” and “Somewhere.” Belk Theater. Various prices. blumenthalarts.org. 11/3-5 // CHARLOTTE ‘The Tempest’ Prospero, Duke of Milan, is exiled to an enchanted island with his daughter Miranda, where he harnesses the powers of magic and masters the spirits and creatures that dwell there. With the help of the spirit Ariel he raises a storm at sea, bringing within his grasp the enemies who robbed him of his dukedom. This

culminating masterpiece of Shakespeare’s career pits the desire for revenge against the demands of love and forgiveness. The production features five actors who play multiple roles from the touring company Actors From The London Stage and is co-sponsored by the Shakespeare-In-Action Center. Presented by UNC-Charlotte. Various prices. performances.uncc.edu. 11/10-27 // DURHAM ‘Radio City Christmas Spectacular’ The grandest holiday show of all time comes to the Triangle for the first time ever! Fill your heart with Christmas as the world-famous Radio City Rockettes travel to Durham. Adults will love the precision of the Rockettes in numbers such as Parade of the Wooden Soldiers and Christmas in New York. Children will love Multiplying Santa’s and the elves in Santa’s Workshop. Everyone will be inspired by the stunning reenactment of the very first Christmas in The Living Nativity. Durham Performing Arts Center. Various prices. dpacnc.com. 11/29 - 12/7 // CHARLOTTE ‘25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’ This hilarious story of overachievers’ angst chronicles the experience of six adolescent outsiders vying for the spelling championship of a lifetime. Even in the throes of puberty, and overseen by grown-ups who barely managed to escape childhood themselves, they learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. A Tony Award-winning show, it features a quirky yet charming group of young people for whom a spelling bee is the one place where they can stand out and fit in at the same time. Presented by UNC-Charlotte. Various dates. Various prices. performances. uncc.edu.

Leaders of the pack continued from page 1

that will hopefully help them have a seamless transition from being a student to a being a professional.” Easley, Crider and Withem all say they’ve experienced a culture of welcoming and affirmation at AI. That celebration of diversity also makes AI special, they say. “We celebrate diversity of all kinds and I prefer not to boil it down to just the LGBT community,” Crider says. “We have a diverse group of professors, staff, faculty and students. I think that reflects the spirit of the creative world which sees things through multiple lenses and not just a single lens.” The school’s welcoming culture has always been a constant, but Withem and Easley say they’ve seen progressive change in their time there. “It’s been an evolution,” Easley says. “I think we and other people have been able to begin to shift and create a culture of not only being inclusive, but being open in terms of your life and lifestyle and partners, which was something that was kind of ironic that you were an arts school, but maybe were not as progressive.” “Six years ago when I got here it was welcoming, but people would ask, ‘Are you married?” and I’d look at them and say, ‘No,’” Withem recounts. “The three of us have done a better job in terms of educating the general public.” Easley add, “What’s wonderful is that it’s not only changed the culture for faculty and staff, it’s also created a kind of openness and willingness for students to again step into their own and walk in their own truth.”



Sept. 3-16 . 2011

AI’s career-minded focus for students means that faculty like Crider, Easley and Withem are constantly pushing community involvement to their students, though in a city like Charlotte that can be easier said than done. The art scene here, they say, is lacking some of the unique features that make other cities’ arts communities more vibrant and dynamic. Withem says the city lacks an all-important street culture. In return, the city loses out on the collective creativity it might otherwise experience. Easley, a former board member for the now-defunct OutCharlotte LGBT arts and cultural festival, says the local art scene has always felt corporate and mainstream. “On paper it all looks good, but when you begin to dig down it all comes down to accessibility,” Easley says. “To me that’s when a city has truly embraced its commitment to art, when it’s politics and culture aren’t just about those who are Uptown and who live and work in that environment. It’s when you can be a student at Garinger and grow up on the eastside in a marginalized community and feel that not only am I a part of this culture and contributing to it but that I also have access to it.” That mix of art, culture and politics is reflected in the movement for LGBT equality, the three men say. Crider, in particular, feels as though social affirmation and dynamic creativity go hand-in-hand. “I do think they are directly correlated; cities that offer a lot of artistic freedom tend to be cities most accepting of LGBT people,” Crider says. “The community tends to gravitate toward centers where they do feel an ability and freedom to express

themselves as out and proud people. A lot of artists and creative people fall into that category.” Easley says Charlotte’s local arts scene and the level of acceptance for LGBT people will continue to shift and change, especially as the city continues to experience an influx of new residents moving from the northeast or the west coast. Withem agrees and says those newcomers are bringing more open ideas that are becoming a part of a new city-wide culture. “There are so many people here from everywhere else,” he says. “Major corporations are bringing people in from large metropolitan areas who have a different take on the issues. It’s not unusual for people to come in and ask, ‘Are you gay?’ or ‘Do you have a partner?’ or ‘When can I meet him?’” Crider, too, already sees much positive groundwork already laid. Equality and vibrancy are here, he says. Like the best of all grassroots movements, it’s starting at the bottom and growing its way to the top. “I think of all the cities I’ve visited, Charlotte at its core is a very accepting city,” he says. “It’s just Charlotte’s governing powers are the ones who aren’t quite as accepting.” Crider adds, “This place has seen huge changes. We’re just at the cusp and we’re not even beginning to understand how much better Charlotte can be as we become more open to different ideas and more people move here from different parts of the world. All that makes Charlotte a great place.” : :

Sept. 3-16 . 2011



Positive Profile

People who are taking the negative out of being positive by Dale Pierce ~ Practice Manager

This installment of Positive Profiles, as always, talks about a person living the most positive life with their HIV diagnosis. Usually, we honor our patient’s privacy and keep their name private, but this person you may already know: my friend and business partner, Olympic Gold Medal diver and activist, Gregory Louganis. In 1988, several months before the Olympic games in Seoul, Louganis had himself tested for the HIV virus. Greg’s test was positive, and at the time he even considered giving up on his Olympic hopes. Thankfully, for all of us, Greg went on with training, sought sound medical advice, started medication and went on to win two gold medals, despite his infamous dive during trials, when he hit his head on the board. After that moment in Seoul, Greg came to the realization that he could no longer hide his lifestyle or his disease from the public that so adored him. Like many of us, Greg’s struggles



Sept. 3-16 . 2011

with HIV were not just those that were medical. He has openly admitted that he felt alone, had a feeling of “who will want to be with me” — fears that many of us face. Greg rebuilt his confidence after leaving an abusive relationship and got himself out in the public eye in other ways, including acting. He publicly acknowledged his sexuality for the first time at the 1994 Gay Games in New York City. Greg went into great detail about all his struggles in his New York Times best-selling autobiography, “Breaking the Surface,” released in 1995. Since then, Greg has used his celebrity, passion and determination to achieve so many great things in many fields. Greg feels that dogs are man’s best friend. Since his “retirement” from diving in 1988, although he is still active in training and coaching and diving, Greg focused on a new passion: dog training and agility. Greg has written books on the subject, traveled around the country with his dogs competing and now he is embarking (no pun intended) on a new canine passion. When I met with Greg in 2008, we immediately struck a friendship that I am so thankful for in my life. Greg came to Charlotte to deliver the keynote speech at AIDS Walk Charlotte and together he and I produced “An Evening with Greg Louganis,” a question and answer stage forum here in Charlotte at the Booth Playhouse.

Greg, his partner Daniel, myself and my husband Ed had some long talks over dinners about our desires and passions for a charity that could help people with HIV and their pets. We all strongly believe that pets bring healing, and anyone who has HIV and is suffering and struggling financially should not have to choose between medications for themselves or taking care of their best friend. Just this last month, our dream became a reality! The Greg Louganis Positively Pet Fund is now an official non profit and will be kicking off fund raising and services in the fall of this year. We are hoping to start small in the area, with the assistance of our first “supporting” partner, Rosedale Infectious Diseases, PLLC. Our goals are to establish a baseline of “need” in the area and develop a strategic plan that will help us in meeting the area. It will most likely begin with basic vet care, medications, and food. We have high hopes that the project will grow to include walking/visitation services, grooming, and even adoptions. Currently Greg hopes to come to the Charlotte area in the fall to do as much promotion and “hands-on” research as he can to help make this a successful project for the HIV community in Charlotte. We will update you here when volunteer

opportunities present themselves, where you can start making donations, and possibilities of city wide fund raising events to come. Don’t forget to visit our website at rosedaleid.com and friend us on Facebook for community and clinical updates. — Sponsored Content —


In song Concerts & operas Fall A&E Guide

9/21-23 // CHARLOTTE Die Roten Punkte Back by popular demand to “Rock-Bang” Charlotte, Die Roten Punkte (Otto and Astrid Rot) pump up the musical intensity in their high-powered “return concert.” At least they would, if they could ever get all the mikes, guitars and stools working at the same time. Otto and Astrid’s attempts to perform numbers from their first album are constantly interrupted by technical hitches, and it’s impossible to figure out which are real and which are feigned. Whatever the truth, the brother-sister act is always amusing, trying to keep up a rock ‘n’ roll appearance while endlessly bickering. There’s something intensely funny about their German accents, their suspiciously close relationship, Otto’s lipstick and eye shadow, and Astrid’s antics with drumsticks. Duke Energy Theater. blumenthalarts.org. 10/7 // CHARLOTTE Celtic Thunder Following the success of their last four shows, the new Celtic Thunder show Heritage accentuates the musical culture of Ireland. Celtic Thunder features performances by fan-favorites Damian McGinty, Keith Harkin, Ryan Kelly, George Donaldson and the newest member of the ensemble, Emmet Cahill. Delivering stirring and showstopping performances, Celtic Thunder returns to their distinct Irish roots with this inspired collection of songs, including the sweet and tranquil “Kindred Spirits,” the rousing jig, “A Place In The Choir,” the seductive “Black Is The Color” and the upbeat “Whiskey In The Jar,” to name a few. Belk Theater. blumenthalarts.org.

woman whose mother, at the behest of di Luna’s father, was burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft. Bent on revenge she stole the count’s younger brother at birth and raised him as her son. Little does the impassioned and honorable Manrico know that he will be the chief agent in a vow of vengeance that will destroy everything he holds dear. This is a tale where sweet romance is devoured by a force far more rapturous. This time it is the bitter promise that rests beneath every tongue, lingers on every lip. Various prices. Belk Theater. blumenthalarts.org. operacarolina.org. 11/11-12 // CHARLOTTE Mozart: Requiem The text of Mozart’s Requiem reads “Death and nature will be astounded, when all creation rises again, to answer the judgment. A book will be brought forth, in which all will be written, by which the world will be judged.” The final piece the composer wrote before death, this stirring work speaks of eternal rest and final judgment. Featuring the Oratorio Singers of Charlotte, join the Charlotte Symphony and conductor Christopher Warren-Green for this allMozart performance. Belk Theater. charlottesymphony.org.

10/15-23 // CHARLOTTE ‘Il Trovatore’ Opera in Italian with English subtitles. On opposite sides of a political conflict, and rivaling for the affections of the same woman, the Count di Luna and the troubadour Manrico have no idea they are brothers. Lady Leonora is the woman of their dreams but another would be the sibyl of their inescapable nightmare — Azucena: a gypsy

Sept. 3-16 . 2011




out in the stars by charlene lichtenstein qnotes contributor

September 3 - 16

Actions create lucky, and even lovely opportunities, that are expansive and full of possibilities. Your cup overflows as lovely Venus trines lucky Jupiter and sextiles zesty Mars. What will you do with all that spillage? Maybe you should dive right in. VIRGO (08.24-09.23) The world is your oyster. So, why are you sitting around in a stew? Gather up some good friends and take off on a jaunt to see some new places and people. If money and time are tight, explore around your neighborhood. Try a new restaurant, see a foreign film, take a class. The important thing is to get out of your old skin and into someone elses. LIBRA (09.24-10.23) There is someone powerful who is secretly working on your behalf. And, their actions can take you to new impressive professional heights. Deservedly so. Keep up the pressure and continue to do what you need to do to get ahead in your career. But, anticipate a lucky break along the way. Are you ready for your close-up? Better check your teeth for spinach. SCORPIO (10.24-11.22) If you are seeking a special love connection, you might find that connection electronically either through an online matchmaker or through social media. But, those gay Scorps who are currently in a relationship find that there is nothing quite so wonderful as having your special someone to share special moments. Sharing expenses is not too bad either. SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.22) Feisty, gay Archers attract a few admiring glances from a few new admirers. So, strut your stuff at the gym or around the office or wherever life takes you. As hard as



Sept. 3-16 . 2011

it might be to do, look sharp and wear your very best. There is someone who will figure prominently in your life whom you will first encounter now. Don’t encounter in orange polyester sweat pants. CAPRICORN (12.23-01.20) Strive for cooperation. You need the help of others to get what you want. That means compromise, a sunny disposition and the ability to find a common purpose. Pink Caps are “do-it-yourselfers,” but, unless you prefer parties for one or vacationing alone, you will want a bit of congenial company for your assorted antics. How congenial is entirely up to you. AQUARIUS (01.21-02.19) Combining work with pleasure can make the work part a little more pleasurable and almost like fun. It will also have great impact on any long-term projects. Aqueerians benefit from exercise and a change to their diet. That, in turn, can increase your sexiness and make you the apple of someone’s eye. That is great, unless you prefer cherry. PISCES (02.20-03.20) Find something creative to do. And, that can mean anything from the arts to accounting. Amuse yourself with your gay muse and ramp up the romantic possibilities. Let your mind expand and soar. Get creative and experimental. Too, too soon the planets move on and your stardust turns to dust bunnies. For now however, all is magical and delightful. ARIES (03.21-04.20) Jealous folks have made it clear that they think that all your hard work around the office is just apple polishing and grandstanding. But, now you find that your actions are rewarded in meaningful, profitable ways. Ha! Build that home extension, get yourself an in-ground pool or new media center. Let the bad mouthers press their noses on your window from the outside. TAURUS (04.21-05.21) It isn’t what you say, but how you say it that has everyone talking. Queer Bulls can become the doyennes of the party scene who can make even a tired event exciting and buzz-worthy. So, how does all of this benefit you? The secret is to place yourself right out in front. Gather in all the attention and let the press in. It guarantees your place on the party season A List. GEMINI (05.22-06.21) New revenue streams that might have been percolating in the background suddenly burst forth and cascade into your wallet. How lucky is that? However, it is even better for you if you channel some of this largess into charitable causes. You never know who will notice your generosity. They may even contribute to the “Take a Gemini to Dinner” charity cause. CANCER (06.22-07.23) Gay Crabs are eloquent and charming. Make the most of your fleeting, glib gift of gab. Get in front of important and powerful people and maneuver yourself into new and important social circles and organizations. You have a short window of opportunity before the winds change. Now you are a fresh new breeze. Ah, but who knows about tomorrow? LEO (07.24-08.23) Proud Lions have been careful with their money and have been very adept at sussing out the political landscape at work to their advantage. Everything is in place. Now, you have to do a bit of back-office, behind-thescenes arm twisting to get exactly what you want and go exactly where you want to go. Is there someone trying to trip you up? Now, you can trip them back! : : © 2011 Madam Lichtenstein, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Entertainment. info: Visit www.TheStarryEye.com for e-greetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. My book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.


tell trinity by trinity qnotes contributor

Why can’t we all just get along?

You know Trinity, All this complaining and inside fighting between the gay men, lesbian and bisexual community over the “transgender” community makes gay rights so much less powerful! Don’t you agree? Transgender Rights, Portland, OR You know T.R., Long ago, there was a time when gays, lesbians and bisexuals wouldn’t even talk together, never mind fight together. And, being frightened of transgender people was also the norm. Today, the LGBT movement is still young, trying to sort out the queens from the kings, trying to find itself and fight together to fight the enemy. Yes, inside fighting makes “gay” rights less powerful, but, at least, we’re together fighting! Aren’t we all transgender in some way, anyway? Thus, G plus L Plus B equals T!

don’t hide for too long. Be proud, patient and read them plenty of those educational children’s books, which focus on gay themes. P.S.: I adopted triplet boys when they were 14, in 2005. And, it has been a great journey! (Check out my cartoon to find out about what’s heads and tales on this subject!) Dear Trinity, When dating someone you really like, can you tell them “too much” about yourself? Too Much, Miami, FL Dear Too Much, Yes, yes and yes again! The biggest challenge of dating is to keep coming up with new and interesting things to do and say about yourself, otherwise, if you give it all away too fast, there’s nothing to keep someone interested. It’s always best to keep a bit of mysteriousness about yourself. Mystery evokes intrigue and excitement! Remember, adults have secrets, children tell their parents everything! Now Shush!

Hello Trinity, You have written before about raising children as gay parents. But. do you have any suggestions as to how to teach children about gay culture and life? Rainbow Parents, Hartford, CT

Dearest Trinity, My best friend does not want to be friends anymore because he’s now “gay” and I’m not. He says, “Were not compatible anymore.” Do you think gay and straight people should teach each other or always stay in our own communities? Together But Different, Columbia, SC

Hello Rainbow Parents, Children only know what we teach them. They sense what’s innately right and wrong within themselves and within you. So,

Dearest Together, I definitely think that gays and straights were put together on this planet for a reason. Besides decorating and fixing

cars here’s: Trinity’s Savvy Tips For What Gay Men Would Advise Straight Men And Visa Versa About Life Gay Men Advising Straight Men:   1. At least 3-5 times a week, hit the gym, have a fabulous brunch or meet your friends (ex-lovers) for happy hour.   2. Once a week, go to a play, ballet, opera, Broadway show or cruise area.   3. Once a month, have a male cosmetologist wax, shave and groom your eyebrows, legs and or genitalia.   4. At least every few months, travel to a foreign destination, i.e., Thailand, New Zealand or Fort Lauderdale.   5. Once a year, do drag, attend a circuit party, take your mother on a trip and have a makeover.   6. Lastly, at least once in your lifetime, get really high and sleep with all your (good-looking) friends. Straight Men Advising Gay Men:   1. At least 3-5 times a week, watch ESPN, have your buddies over for poker or down a brewsky after work.   2. Once a week, go to a bowling alley, pool hall, car wash, sports bar or strip joint.   3. Once a month, have a barber give you an old-fashion shave, a trim and top it off with his special aftershave.   4. At least every few months, stay home and watch the Home Improvement, Discovery or Travel channels.   5. Once a year, do a rodeo, a rock concert, take your wife and kids to Disney and have your baseball hat cleaned.   6. Lastly, at least once in your lifetime, get really drunk and sleep with your wife’s (young) girlfriends. : : — With a Masters of Divinity, Reverend Trinity was host of “Spiritually Speaking,” a weekly radio drama, and now performs globally. info: www.telltrinity.com . Trinity@telltrinity.com Sponsored by: Provincetown Business Guild 800-637-8696 . www.ptown.org

Sept. 3-16 . 2011




drag rag by miss della qnotes contributor

Sure are a boat-load of pageants!

Oh, kids, I swear. This Rag is going to look like a list of Who’s Who in contests, I guess. It shall be chocked full of info. I wonder what I save for the next time? Let’s see. I’ll start with the two most recent contests with national prelims — the EOY ones — and the Miss & Mr. Unlimited. Congrats are going out to a most gorgeous Aurora Sexton who won the Miss Entertainer of the Year. Just a knockout she is, my gosh! Her runners-up included Trinity Taylor and the painted, bodacious Kristina Kelly. Others in finals were Sabin, Paris Campbell, Jadein Black, Savannah Stevens, Nikki Chin, ObSINity and Tatianna de la Rouge. Hats off to Vanessa DeMornay for a great year! I am bitter I missed Tasha Kohl who made an appearance. Yes, in drag! That same weekend,



Sept. 3-16 . 2011

they had the Mr. contest. Mykul J. Valentine won (what a cutie patootie!) and his RUs were Xavier Cole and our own David Bryant from Greensboro (and an EOY promoter). EOY also introduced their king contest this year (for male impersonators) and Spacee Cadet won the first-ever! His RUs were Richard, Victor/Victoria and Joey. All hail the EOY royal court! And, speaking of EOY, a former Miss by the name of Dee Ranged recently won the Universal Show Queen pageant in Hawaii. Aloha, mama! Their RUs are named differently, so bear with me: World Showqueen is Jaiyah West Williams, National Showqueen is Bebe J. and Island Showqueen is Lupita Amparo. As for the Unlimited contests, I spent another weekend in Hickory, where I was

treated like gold. That Glenn Moore and Jeff Reeves know how to treat a queen. I wanted for nothing, basically, and they know I will try to go back anytime I get the chance, for sure. The new Miss is our own Raven Wood and her RUs were a stunning Takiya Valentino Winters (wardobe down) and a new dancing queen on the scene, San Antonio’s Odyssey Nicole Whitney. For the guys, Cielo Whitney won and his RUs were Rocky Graziano and Troy Michael. Troy is a new favorite of Miss Della’s, you see. You’ll be seeing and hearing that name again, my sweeties. Trust! Imagine the surprise my neighbors felt when a big black limousine pulled up recently in the barrio and Brooke Storm-LaReese Divine yelled at me, Get in, mama! She treated Tiffany Storm and company to dinner at a nearby establishment and there I was with those two ladies, Tara Storm, Mikey Rhinehart, Brooklyn Dior and Kiana Lane pulling off into the sunset. Now, that was a great night! Some of you may know there was filming of a movie recently here in Charlotte initially called the “Artemis Project.” As it turns out, Kristen Collins was named head make-up artist on the set and there was Jami Michaels working by

her side. All right for the Hickory girls getting some exposure and movie credits! Hell-O! On the U.S.ofA. scene, the 10 dancing toes of Luscious have taken her recently to two havens of the brown-skinned men for prelims: Puerto Rico and Texas. Kim Moore won Miss Puerto Rico and Angel Saez Amador won the Mr. A former Miss Scorpio and an honorary North Carolinian LaWanda Jackson won Miss Texas. Her RU was Adecia Iman. I am just coming off a busy weekend here since we had the 33rd Miss NC America at Scorpio. I served as auditor/tabulator for the 3rd year in a row. Don’t ask me about the pageant — I was locked in a closet, looking at numbers! Ha! Jessica Raynes Starr won. Her RUs were Angela Lopez, Brittney O’Brien, Starla DaVinci and Valarie Rockwell. Other finalists included Jade Paris, Paris Nicole Brooks (never got to mention her as winner of Raleigh America!), Carmen Banks, Carmendy Starr Sinclair, Andrea Carlisle, Felicia Monet and Jayda Clyne. Next go ‘round, we’ll talk more prelim winners. : : info: Drop me a line, OK? TheTeaMissD@yahoo.com


on being a gay parent by brett webb-mitchell qnotes contributor

My children, your children

Good news from my home: My 18-yearold son has begun his first year of college and loves it, finding his groove among a new group of friends, new course of activities and discovering the joys (and drawbacks) to living in a dorm. One fraternity has approached him about joining (no way) and he is making time in his schedule to join the lacrosse “club� (not quite an official team, yet). He is supposed to find a very part-time job to help pay for additional expenses. He misses his girlfriend, though they remain in touch once a day, if not more often (she is at school in North Carolina). He sends out an occasional request for more money (normal), as well as weather forecast

for the Miami area, just in case Hurricane Irene suddenly swerved inland as it passed by Florida and headed straight for NC! My son is in my daily thoughts as I begin another semester of teaching at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) . My English composition and ethics classes are filled with students who are around the age of my son and daughter. In my students I can only wonder what is going on in the life of my children and vice versa. This sense of wonder was most pronounced in the first days of the fall semester, as the university welcomed the sons and daughters of straight and LGBTQ parents, grandparents and guardians. The first opportunity to meet the

incoming students was over a “welcome party� of sorts, hosted by NCCU’s LGBTQ student group, COLORS. The first year students were welcomed by the COLORS current members, with the lure of free Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and a T-shirt that had simply-drawn human figures reflecting all the various relationships that are present in this world: male with male; female with female; and female with male. What was fantastic was not only the incredible turnout of students (around 50 or more, in which I simply lost count), but also the number of faculty, administrators and staff, straight and LGBTQ alike who were there. Still new to this school, I was emotionally moved by the powerful witness of so many of my colleagues present and out, letting new students who may or may not be self-identifying as LGBTQ know that they are not alone. This is especially helpful for those students who may be first generation college students, who are literally heading out on their own, a first for their family of origin. On the first day of my English composition and ethics classes, I also tell students who I am,

without apology. In English, this comes about as I regale the students with my background as a writer, letting them know my writing background. In ethics, I discuss the moral quandary that the modern world finds itself in, denying most LGBTQ people the basic human right of living healthy, life-giving relationships as they demonize us at the same time. Amid opening day parties and first day of classes, I keep thinking of my son, hoping that someone in his university is being equally transparent and passionate in his or her teaching, making his learning experience richly rewarding. Likewise, I see my son in the eyes of my students, hoping that I am creating an atmosphere of safety and hope in my teaching and advising, so that my students will grow to love learning for the sake of learning more about the world in which they play a vital role. My hope? That the next generation of adults will live in a world that is more open, accepting and celebratory about the incredible diversity of ways of being in this changing world than my contemporaries. : :

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Sept. 3-16 . 2011




Dance Art in motion Fall A&E Guide

10/7-8 // CHARLOTTE Streb: Forces STREB began in 1985 with Elizabeth STREB’s stubborn investigation of Action, ranging from every day movements to the Extreme Action of sports, the circus and thrill rides; the impulse to action that is in our souls. Since then the company has evolved into a world class entertainment phenomenon that remains true to its scientific and populist roots. STREB invents action ideas that are daring, yet understandable, that soar past our critical senses and land in our hearts. Now, in FORCES, STREB bands together with a whole new cadre of . . . theater specialists to create a show based on all the questions STREB has historically asked; questions that are Newtonian in nature and that veer into quantum mechanical impossible zones. Knight Theater. Various prices. blumenthalarts.org. 10/13-30 // RALEIGH Dracula Carolina Ballet presents “Dracula” and “The Masque of Red Death,” just in time for Halloween! When the “Prince of Darkness” and the “Master of Horror” debuted last season, the double feature played to soldout houses and left audiences anticipating the pair’s next visit. Both will return this



Sept. 3-16 . 2011

season for a strictly limited Halloween engagement with J. Mark Scearce’s music performed by a live orchestra conducted by Music Director Alfred E. Sturgis. The Tony-nominated Broadway and television star Alan Campbell reprises the role of Dr. Seward in Dracula. Progress Energy Center, Fletcher Opera Theater. carolinaballet.com. 11/3-12 // CHARLOTTE NC Dance: Innovative Works New works in a new venue! Experience NC Dance Theatre in an all new way at the 200seat, 701 N. Tryon Theater at the Company’s home in Uptown Charlotte. This intimate theater is the perfect venue for Innovative Works, giving audience members an upclose and personal view of the dancers’ athleticism and passion. Hear the dancers breathe and feel the intensity of their movements as they perform new ballets by choreographers Mark Diamond, David Ingram and Sasha Janes, and an existing work by Dwight Rhoden. This performance not only includes contemporary dance, but audience members will also be treated to culinary delights throughout the evening, concluding with dessert with the dancers. Various prices. blumenthalarts.org. ncdance.org.

Rally in Raleigh

Sept. 13 • Raleigh Equality North Carolina rally The statewide LGBT advocacy and education group Equality North Carolina teams up with a coalition of partnering organizations from across the state to host a special rally on Halifax Mall, 300 N Salisbury St., noon-1:30 p.m. at the North Carolina Legislative Building. The rally, slated for the second day of the legislature’s special September session, aims to give LGBT and ally citizens the chance to speak out against a proposed anti-LGBT constitutional amendment on marriage. For those who can’t make it, special hometown vigils are planned the night before in cities across the state. For more on individual vigils, see our calendar listings below. For more details on the Raleigh rally, visit equalitync.org. Sept. 3 • Columbia SC Pride The annual SC Pride Parade and Festival lights up downtown Columbia and Finlay Park. For more information, visit scpride.org. Sept. 5 • Charlotte Labor Day Parade Come see the annual Charlotte Labor Day Parade uptown on Sept. 5 at 11 am, featuring unions and politicians. Tryon St. 11-11:45 a.m. charlottelabordayparade.shutterfly.com. Sept. 7 • Raleigh Gay Bowling Equality North Carolina hosts a special night of bowling for members, friends and supporters. AMF Pleasant Valley, 5501 Commercial Ave. For more details, visit equalitync.org. Sept. 8 • Charlotte Candidate Reception The Mecklenburg LGBT Political Action Committee (MeckPAC) hosts a special reception for local mayoral and city council candidates. The organization will announce their endorsements for the Sept. 13 primary election. Morehead Inn, 1122 E. Morehead St. meckpac.org. Sept. 8 • Research Triangle Reducing Harm & Building Communities: Addressing Drug Use in the South The South’s first comprehensive Harm Reduction conference, focusing on advocacy strategies for individuals and communities impacted by drug use, sex work, HIV, Hepatitis and overdose, including LGBTQI communities. Sept. 8-9. RTI International, 3040 E. Cornwallis Rd. For more information on the conference, visit nchrc.net/NCHRC/Conference_on_Drug_ Use_in_the_South.html. Sept. 10 • Hickory Pop Star Bingo Not Your Mama’s Bingo is an HIV/AIDS awareness and fundraising event benefiting ALFA. Participants are encouraged to dress

up to match the theme. Consider yourself warned; players must pay attention to the hostesses and follow the “unique set of rules.” If not, you will find yourself called out and on stage before you know it. Tickets to Not Your Mama’s Bingo are $20 and include admission, game sheets and daubers. A special 50/50 game sheet is an additional $5 and is the only game played for money; all other game winners will receive prizes. 470 Hwy 70 W. 7-10 p.m. notyourmamasbingo.com. Sept. 16 • Greensboro True Bingo Guilford Green Foundation’s “Green Queen Bingo” celebrates HBO’s acclaimed drama, “True Blood.” The Empire Room, 203 S. Elm St. 6-10 p.m. ggfnc.org. Sept. 17 • Charlotte Off White Party Sponsored by Charlotte Pocket Rocket and presented by Just Twirl, this White Party after party features DJ Seth Cooper. Celebrate with this years theme, “Fire & Ice.” Visulite Theatre, 1615 Elizabeth Ave. 10 p.m.-2:30 a.m. $20. justtwirl.com. Sept. 17 • Hickory ALFA Dining for Friends Finale Dining for Friends (DFF), traditionally held in June, is now planned for the month of September. DFF is a combination of highenergy individual parties and a community celebration benefiting ALFA. All of the proceeds from Dining for Friends support ALFA’s mission to improve the lives and health of those affected by HIV/AIDS while preventing transmission through education and testing. Dining for Friends has two major fun factors: Individual parties and a community celebration, the Dining for Friends Finale. Market on Main, 335 Main Ave. SW. 8 p.m.-midnight. alfadiningforfriends.org. Sept. 20 • Charlotte Center: Mara Keisling Mara Keisling, executive director of the

National Center for Transgender Equality, hosts a reception and community forum at The LGBT Community Center of Charlotte, 820 Hamilton St. Suite B11. 6:30 p.m. gaycharlotte. com. Sponsored by The Center, Campus Pride, Carolina Transgender Society and the Human Rights Campaign. Sept. 23-25 • Charlotte Campus Pride 10-year Anniversary Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Charlotte-based national non-profit Campus Pride with BeBe Zahara Benet, winner in season one of Logo’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race”. More event details TBA. For more details, visit campuspride.org. Sept. 24 • Dallas Piedmont Pagan Pride Day Come out and enjoy foot races, children’s activities, music, workshops, rituals, divinations, demonstration altars and shrines, martial arts demos, a roundtable discussion with leaders in the Piedmont area Pagan community, and tons of fun. The Piedmont Pagan Pride Day strives to foster pride in Pagan identity through education, activism, charity and community. Biggerstaff/Dallas Park, 144 Leisure Ln. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. churchofwicca.org/ppd/index.htm. Sept. 24 • Durham NC Pride The annual NC Pride Fest and Parade takes over Duke University’s East Campus. Join thousands of LGBT North Carolinians for the parade and hang out throughout the day with vendors from across the state. ncpride.org. Oct. 8 • Winston-Salem ‘Circumstance’ Screening OUT at the Movies, Winston-Salem and North Carolina’s GLBT film series will screen the 2011 drama, “Circumstance.” UNCSA School of Filmmaking, 1533 S. Main St. 7-8:30 p.m. For more info, visit OUTattheMoviesWinston.org.


events qnotes goqnotes.com/qguide/events

arts. entertainment. news. views.

ENC Vigils for Equality On Sept. 12, Equality North Carolina and community organizations across the state will partner to present vigils and demonstrations in opposition to a proposed anti-LGBT constitutional. Check the listings below for your community’s event. For the most up-to-date information and listings, see equalitync.org. (New cities and events might also be added; check the organization’s website.) Asheville Vance Monument, Pack Square 7-8 p.m. Charlotte Marshall Park 800 E. 3rd St. 7-10 p.m. Fayetteville Cross Creek Park 216 Green St. 6-8 p.m. Greensboro Guilford County Courthouse Plaza Greene St. side 201 S. Eugene St. 6:30-8 p.m. Raleigh Bicentennial Plaza 1 E. Edenton St. 7-10 p.m. Wilmington UNC-Wilmington clocktower 601 S. College Rd. 6-9 p.m. Winston-Salem Grace Court Park 931 W. 4th St. 7-8:30 p.m.

Sept. 3-16 . 2011





Sept. 3-16 . 2011

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