The Quarto Group Spring 2022 Children's Catalogue

Page 59

Nature is magical. Children instinctively understand that wild spaces, woods and gardens are special places. If you open your eyes, and your mind, you might spot something wondrous indeed! That is the theme of our charming spring release, The Fairy Garden, the story of a little girl who goes to great lengths to see fairies in her own garden – and learns about the value of wild places on the way. Also upcoming this season are the Spring and Summer titles in our Little Country Cottage series of seasonal treasuries, containing delicious nature-based recipes, fun crafts and wisdom. Learn how to make strawberry fruit leather and delicious violet syrup; follow the instructions for growing juicy tomatoes from seed, and read about beneficial weeds in the garden. As ever, the Ivy Kids books are all printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, meaning no new trees have been cut down to make them, and less water is needed for their production, too. The press where they are made is right here in the UK, meaning emissions from transport are reduced, and the materials have been carbon balanced through off setting schemes here in the UK, and around the world.

Georgia Amson-Bradshaw Publisher, Ivy Kids

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