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Parent education

pARenT pARTicipATion pReScHool / pARenT educATion

“The happiest sound in the world is that of children laughing.”

online regisTraTion begins Monday, May 2, 2022 at 9:00 am for all Parent education classes. register online at www.abcadultschool.edu click on the Parent education registration link.

WalK-in regisTraTion begins on Monday, May 9, 2022 at the adult school office, 12254 cuesta drive, cerritos, ca 90703. The office hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:30 am – 8:30 pm and Friday, 7:30 am – 3:30 pm. ALL SUMMeR SCHooL PAReNt eDUCAtIoN CLASSeS WILL Be IN-PeRSoN.

Summer School is June 13th – July 7th (No class on July 4).

Learn, Understand and Grow With Your Child!

The Parent Education Program is based on the premise that learning is a natural ongoing process. Classes are designed to train parents to create supportive and positive learning environments for their children that will stimulate their physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth. This is done through participation, observation and discussion. The curriculum is a readiness program that includes pre-reading, math concepts, science, music and motor skill development, in addition to various parenting topics. Children and parents learn together.

Due to limited enrollment, registration is on a first come, first served basis. * choose your classes carefully! There will be a charge of $5 to transfer or $10 processing fee to drop a class before the first day of class. no reFunds Will Be giVen aFTer THe FirsT class MeeTing. THe adulT is THe sTudenT, so THe Person WHo Will Be Bringing THe cHild is THe Person WHo sHould Be enrolled. only regisTered adulTs May aTTend class. addiTional ParenT can Be included For $25.

Animals that Live on Land, Sea & Air!

Let’s make fun animal projects! On land, we will make an elephant, lion, tiger, hippo, and more! In the air, we will make a butterfly, toucan, pelican, eagle, and others. In the sea, we will make a dolphin, starfish, crab, turtle, and more! age section day Time Place room Teacher Fee 1.5-3.5 years 7050552 T/Th 9:00 am – 11:00 am Gonzalves Parent Ed Center Cham $51

Reading Fun with Dr. Seuss!

We will explore the wonderful stories by Dr. Seuss that have delighted parents and children for generations! Get ready for language, math, and art activities for “The Cat in the Hat”, “Green Eggs and Ham” and more! There will be a special emphasis on learning opposites and rhyming words. age section day Time Place room Teacher Fee 3.0-5.5 years 7051208 M/W 9:00 am – 11:00 am Damron Parent Ed Center 1 Hom $45 3.0-5.5 years 7051207 M/W 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Damron Parent Ed Center 1 Hom $45

Let’s Go All Around the World!

Spend the summer traveling” all around the world”! Each session we will learn about a different country’s children and culture with a variety of art, music and social science activities. We will start by making a world map, “suitcase” and “passport”! age section day Time Place room Teacher Fee 3.0-5.5 years 7051650 T/Th 9:00 am – 11:00 am Damron Parent Ed Center 1 Hom $51 3.0-5.5 years 7051651 T/Th 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Damron Parent Ed Center 1 Hom $51

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