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Classes for Older Adults



The City of West Hollywood’s Aging in Place, Aging in Community Strategic Plan launched the “be Well WeHo” program to promote wellness at any age. The Mindfulness Series is part of “be Well WeHo” and is designed to support mental and physical health. The Mindfulness Series meets virtually via Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm.

About the Instructor: Maggie Thomas is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has a private therapy practice. She is also a Reiki Master and Shamanic Practitioner.

Everyone over 18 is welcome. Free Virtual Workshop. Registration required.

To register, please visit: weho.org/recreation, for any technical registration issues (Active Net), please contact recreation staff at Recreation@weho.org


Join us as we paint terracotta pots and plant succulent arrangements that you get to decorate and take home! You will learn the basic steps on how to take care of your succulent. Materials are included.

Location: Great Hall Courtyard

Staff: Haylee Min: 3 | Max: 8

*Must have a smartphone, tablet, or computer and internet to access and download the Zoom app. Once you have registered for the workshop, you will receive an email with a Zoom link. Attendees should have writing materials available for exercises and note-taking. Participants will be encouraged to actively engage in group exercises.


Participants will learn the importance of letting go of items they no longer need and how organizational skills contribute to their mental health. Various tools and techniques will be discussed to identify how to create and maintain a more organized environment.

Virtual How To Deal With Grief

Grief is part of human life experiences. During this workshop, participants will learn how to identify grief state of mind by recognizing the signs and symptoms of grief. Practical tools will be shared to learn effective techniques to improve coping skills.

Virtual Love Is The Answer

This class will discuss the tremendous power of love to heal and connect. Learn how to harness this powerful emotion to create a better relationship with yourself and those around you – adding to the meaning and joy in your life.

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