The "QUINTÉSSENCE PUNE" user's logo


This is the official issuu space of ‘Q’, which is a social NGO; formed and administrated by socially conscious youth of India. Quintéssence is derived from “ quinta – essentia ” which means the five elements. We have related them to the five elements of the environment : Prithvi, Agni, Jal, Vaayu, Aakash. This is primarily a customised connotation originated form the dictionary, but our intrinsic view, of the pioneers, is an intra – personal thought. Yes, “ Q ” is a thought, which sells a feeling of whatever it perceives around itself. Don’t dare you think that it is a Sales Corporation Company ! Anyway, for instance, if one out of some friends is suggesting to go for a movie, he is trying to seek importance of his idea of going for a movie and making a desirable approach to sell his idea. We intend to evoke a feeling of being one’s own self, provoking a thought, a thought which flows like a positive vibe, curbs the negation and sets a perfect epitome. Visit us at:
