QQ 1691492197
QQ 1691492197
SONGUL LIGHTING COMPANY has been one of the leading companies in the domain of illumina on products in Turkey, specializingincrystalchandeliertrimmingsince1984.
Ourcompany'sprofessionalstaffcarefullycra modern,classic,andcustommadechandeliersandvariouslightfixturesbasedonthe customers'vision,allmadewithimpeccablyhighqualitymaterialsinour91,493.00squarefeetfactory.SONGUL'sworkforceconsist of some of the best ligh ng designers, engineers and workers. Each member of SONGUL's team works toward exquisite and unique productsfortheirclients,fulfillingtheirimagina onbytransformingthecrea vevisionintounforge ableligh ngexperiences.Our main goal is to remain as the best op on for our clients who are mainly from hospitality, avia on, nau cal, corporate and retail industries.
With the vision of making our name a globally known and trusted brand, Songul Ligh ng exports only domes cally manufactured productstomanydifferentloca onsaroundtheglobe.Ourcollabora onwiththelargestcrystalmanufacturerintheworld,ASFOUR Crystalandinnova veandsustainablelighttechnologiescompanyOSRAM,supportourcausearoundtheworld.
ASFOUR, established for over fi yfive years, a leading firm in the domain of crystal manufacturing, globally. Every single piece of crystal that is released from ASFOUR Crystal factories undergoes rigorous inspec on and tes ng before it receives the ASFOUR emblem trademark.Each piece is guaranteed to never change color and spectrum of light, contain absolutely no blurs, bubblesorstreaksandwillremainluminousandradiantforlife.
OSRAM,ontheotherhand,offersabroadpor olioofspecialtylightop onsforabroadrangeoftechnicalandprofessional applica ons.OSRAMsolu onsdeliverunforge ableligh ngexperiencesforasustainableandenergyefficientworld.OSRAMranks th11 in the Global 100 Ranking of Corporate Knights (CN is an awardwinning business and society media, research and financial informa onproductscompanyfocusedonpromo ngacleancapitalism)andawardedasthemostsustainablecompanyinGermany.
SONGUL LIGHTING values customer sa sfac on and product quality above everything else. We me culously create the mostpleasantligh ngwithouthavingtocompromiseaesthe csandfunc onality.Thisisachievedbyourteamwhokeenlyanalyzes eachprojectbeforeitisbroughttolife.
With many outstanding projects signed in Turkey and around the world, we have a variety of products, equipment and experiencetomeetallkindsofdemands.Ourcompanycloselyfollowsthechangingworldwithitssixbranchesabroad.
Righ ully so, SONGUL LIGHTING is respected around the world. We have been involved in reputable projects in countries suchasCanada,Mexico,Germany,Serbia,Austria,Russia,Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan,Uzbekistan,Qatar,andUAE.
Anothermajoraccomplishmentwasdesigningandmanufacturingtheen retyoftheligh ngproductsinsideoftheTurkish Presiden alComplexanditsrecentlycompletedpubliclibrarythatisoneofthebiggestlibrariesintheworld.
SONGUL's other proudest successes were the three award winning projects where SONGUL LIGHTING COMPANY designed, produced and installed all the illumina on for Mangal Steak House, Rixos Thermal Eskisehir Hotel and Kazan Palace by TasigoHotel.
Luxury Lifestyle Awards is one of the most pres gious and global awards in selec ng, recognizing,celebra ng and promo ngthebestluxurygoodsandservicesawardedMangalSteakHouseinBaku,Azerbaijan,notoncebuttwicein2015and2018. The World Architecture Fes val (WAF) is an annual fes val and awards ceremony which is the most pres gious events dedicated to the architecture and development industry. Rixos Thermal Hotel in Eskisehir,Turkey is amongst the top 10 hotels and awarded in 2015.
During the 20182019 European Property Awards, the Kazan Palace by Tasigo Hotel received the award for “The Best Hotel Construc on and Design” in Russia. The European Property Awards iden fy the highest levels of achievement in real estate, development, architecture, interior design and marke ng in both residen al and commercial sectors, focusing on services, sustainability,highlivingstandards,ergonomics,originalityandcrea vity.
Following the globalizing world and technological developments closely, SONGUL LIGHTING is advancing confidently towards providing the best service to our valued customers with the awareness of being upto date in design and quality. We sculpt withlighttodrama zearchitecturalspacesandelevateinteriordesign,shapemoodandambiance,perfectlybalancingprac caland aesthe c concerns. Our dynamic and architectural solu ons provide the tools to ignite your crea vity and expand your ligh ng vocabulary.
SONGULLINI LIGHTING COMPANY is now proudly established within the United States under SONGUL LIGHTING COMPANY,carryingoverthesameowners,designers,engineers,quality,crea vity,agilityandvaluestoprovideandserveourclients intheAmericasaswell.
“L ght up your mag nat on”
NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网
QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34321 / 54 Ø67" H 110" E12 - Max. 40 W Price : 0 4 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
SGL- 34322 / 8+8+4 Ø41.5" H 90.6" E12 - Max. 40 W 5 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
SGL- 34323 / 10+5 Ø35.4" H 35.4" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34324 / 10 Ø33" H 30" E12 - Max. 40 W 6 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34325 / 8 Ø30" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34326 / 6 Ø26" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W 7 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34327 / 12+6 Ø35" H 27.5" E12 - Max. 40 W 8 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34328 / 8 Ø30" H 25" E12 - Max. 40 W 9 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34329 / 10+5 Ø39" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W 10 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
SGL- 34330 / 8 Ø33" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34331 / 6 Ø28" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W 11 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34332 / 10+5 Ø 35" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W 12 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34334 / 6 Ø 28" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34333 / 8 Ø 30" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐13 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34335 / 10+5 Ø 37" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W 14 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐SGL- 34336 / 8 Ø 31" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34337 / 6 Ø 26" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W 15 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34338 / 10+5 Ø 41.3" H 26" E12 - Max. 40 W 16 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34339 / 8 Ø 29.5" H 19.7" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34340 / 6 Ø 27.6" H 19.7" E12 - Max. 40 W 17 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34341 Ø 27.6" H 63" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐18 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
19 SGL- 34342 Ø 35" H 24" E12 - Max. 40 W
SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK SGL- 34343 Ø 28" H 17.7" E12 - Max. 40 W 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34344 Ø 30" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34345 Ø 24" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34346 Ø 20" H 14" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐20 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
21 SGL- 34347 Ø 30" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34348 Ø 26" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34349 Ø 20" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34350 Ø 31" H 22" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐22 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
SGL- 34351 Ø 26" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34352 Ø 22" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W 23
SGL- 34353 Ø 20" H 31" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34354 Ø 39" x 14" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐24 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34355 Ø 24" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34357 / APL Ø 10.2" H 23.6" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34356 Ø 19.7" H 15.7" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐25 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK
QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34358 Ø 47" x 22" H 7.9" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34359 Ø 26" H 6.7" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐26 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
27 SGL- 34360 Ø 33" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34361 Ø 26" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W
Products can be custom designed ‐SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34362 Ø 39" H 55" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐28 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34363 Ø 28" H 39" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34364 Ø 18" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐29 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34365 / PLF Ø 26" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐30 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34366 / PLF Ø 26" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34367 / PLF Ø 16" H 12" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐31 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34368 Ø 35" H 24" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐32 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34369 Ø 47" x 18" H 14" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34370 Ø 28" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐33 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34371 Ø 31" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W 34 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34372 Ø 26" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34373 Ø 20" H 14" E12 - Max. 40 W 35 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34374 Ø 28" H 7.9" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐36 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34375 Ø 22" H 7.9" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34376 Ø 16" H 7.9" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐37 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34377 Ø 31" H 22" E12 - Max. 40 W 38 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34378 Ø 24" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34379 Ø 16" H 14" E12 - Max. 40 W 39 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐SGL- 34380 Ø 31" H 24" E12 - Max. 40 W 40 SGL- 34381 Ø 28" H 22" E12 - Max. 40 W SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed
Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34382 Ø 24" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34383 Ø 20" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34384 Ø 16" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W 41 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34385 Ø 35" H 82.7" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐42 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34386 Ø 25" H 30" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34387 Ø 19" H 19" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐43 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34388 Ø 31" H 20" E12 - Max. 40 W 44 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
SGL- 34390 Ø 20" H 16" E12 - Max. 40 W
SGL- 34389 Ø 26" H 18" E12 - Max. 40 W
QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐SGL- 34391 Ø 31" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W 46 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34392 Ø 26" H 22" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34393 Ø 18" H 22" E12 - Max. 40 W 47 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
‐ Products can be custom designed ‐
SGL- 34394 Ø 39" H 37" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐48 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34395 Ø 31" H 33" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34396 Ø 26" H 28" E12 - Max. 40 W SGL- 34397 Ø 20" H 22" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐49 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197
SGL- 34398 Ø 43.5" x 15.7" H 19" E12 - Max. 40 W ‐ Products can be custom designed ‐50 SONGULLINI LIGHTING DESIGN NEW YORK 灯艺灯饰设计资源网 QQ 1691492197