QRMart Magazine March 2019

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START YOUR ENGINES! “Children’s games are significant; they have a tremendous role in shaping the child’s life”


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Our Pioneer Generation Deserve To Be Treated Like A Royalty

EXCLUSIVE EDUCATION PARTNER WITH MAKING SENSE Singapore’s Leading Chemistry Tuition Centre


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Learning Is Child’s Play Our Classes:

“Once our instructors have

explained the theore�cal concepts, students build a LEGO model which reinforces the lesson’s topic. Each model is constructed using a custom built Young Engineers kit. Who says learning can’t be fun?

Lesson Structure:

Program Objectives

15 minutes: Overview of the lesson’s scien�fic concepts and the model the class will be building. 40 minutes: Model Building. 10 minutes: Playing and improvements. 10 minutes: Model dismantling, kit arrangement, and lesson summary.

. Provide theore�cal knowledge in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathema�cs. . Integrate theore�cal material and 24 key scien�fic principles into a LEGO based project. . Encourage crea�ve and inven�ve thinking. . Advance the students’ motor skills and spa�al vision. . Develop �me management skills. . Broaden knowledge of physical laws and various natural phenomena. . Helps students build a sense of self-efficacy

For every lesson, they will be building different Lego models that demonstrate different scientific and engineering principles.

Bricks Challenge Objectives: Using LEGO Technic and other exci�ng tools, we teach theore�cal and applied concepts in the fields of Science, Technology, Mechanical Engineering, and Mathema�cs (STEM). Exciting Transportation and Aviation Models . . . .

Racecar Motorcycle Balloon car Tow truck

. Elas�c powered car . Rescue helicopter . Sand buggy And many more!

We provide different programs from age 3-15 years old and 100 over different models.

Main Topics . Angular momentum, Bernoulli’s principle and the law of iner�a. . Newton’s third law. . Centrifugal & Centripetal force . Chain, Power & Speed increasing transmission . Types of Energy: Kine�c energy, Poten�al energy, Elas�c energy. . Gears, Pulley & Lever Principle LEGO is a registered trademark of companies which do not sponsor, authorize or endorse this ad.


WhatsApp to 94405079 Young Engineers Singapore info@youngengineers.sg www.youngengineers.sg

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THE ONLY CENTRE WITH CRITICAL THINKING, QUALITY MATERIALS AND ACADEMIC RIGOUR The only centre with 7am classes High Flexibility in Changing Classes to Alternate Timeslots




H1 General Paper

Distinction VS

24% National Average

H1/H2 Mathema�cs


Distinction VS

50% National Average



H1/H2 Economics


42% National Average

IP English/Mathema�cs /Science Exp English/ Mathema�cs/Science Pri English/ Mathema�cs/Science

Over 50% (Eng) Over 85% (Math) Distinction

‘‘I love Mathema�cs at Indigo. Although the ques�ons are usually challenging, Mr. Lum provides very clear techniques in solving them. I got my A* for Math and Science!”

“I have undoubtedly learnt a plethora of things from the math lesson that Indigo offers. I have a�ended the class for 2 years, and I can reassure any interested students that they will definitely benefit from this tui�on. The teachers are very engaging and will go above and beyond for their students.” Bernice Teo – Zhong Hua Secondary School – Dis�nc�on A Maths, E Maths, English (‘O’ levels)

“The teachers and the curriculum are the highlights of Indigo. They present the informa�on is very easily diges�ble manner that allows me to absorb the content effec�vely.”

Reevaz Rakhit - Stamford Primary School– Dis�nc�on in Mathema�cs and Science

Jus�n Ho – Hwa Chong Ins�tu�on – Dis�nc�on Economics, General Paper (‘A’ levels)

Over 85% Distinction

JOIN INDIGO! The ONLY Learning Centre with Dis�nc�ve Features Indigo Teachers

Indigo Student Demographic


GEP-qualified Trainers MOE trained HCI/ VJC/RI/NJC Top University Graduates

More than 60% of students from top schools HCI/RI/ VJC/DHS/NYGHS/NJC

Designed by award winning ex-MOE trained top JC Teachers

6253 6869 / 6834 4368



Only 8 minutes travel from here to Novena by MRT




March 2019


Education Edition 00 01 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 28 29 30 32 34

Young Engineers Indigo Group Happy Train Pte Ltd HiArt Golden Apple Star River The Shi� of Priori�es towards Fun Learning We Chinese DanceTech Importance of Childhood Enrichment The Music Scien�st Kid’s Educa�on Video Spring Ahead Mint Museum

05 Hi Art

School Comparison Making Sense Amity Global Ins�tute

Home & Living 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27

Envipure Solu�ons Pte Ltd Bencool Services Elite Deco Alco Sunshade Yong He Aircon Lee Curtain Wood World Renova�on Perfect Deco ArbSolu�ons Asia Pte Ltd Proshade Deco Pte Ltd City Ice Air Condi�oning

10 Importance of Childhood Enrichment

Lifestyle & Leisure 14 Elderly Benefit 16 AcecomMedia


29 Mint Museum

Editor Note Gree�ngs

to all Home Owners. Educa�on has always been a topic between parents and there are so much room for discussion. It is a never-ending topic which parents tend to compare and wan�ng their children to be the best. But parents tend to forget about the basic fundamentals when it comes to learning. Learning should be fun and never boring, as it will encourage the children to take more ini�a�ve and value-add to their knowledge. Parents play a crucial role and should always facilitate their problem-solving skills, thinking and reasoning. It will mo�vate them and improve self-esteem and confidence level. I will never forget those days when my mum only focuses on good grades and school a�endance. Especially in PSLE and O’ Level period. It was never a pleasant route. It was only a�er Post-Secondary, where I am able to have the freedom to study something I love, a�end enrichment classes I enjoy and explore ideas I am passionate about, I started to see myself grow and accept learning and educa�on. Enrichment classes should be learning something out from the school context. There are so many things to explore and further hone their learning capabili�es. Examples like, Arts, Music, Mar�al Arts, Drawing, Build a Robot and many more. Parents, just remember that the importance of play and educa�on will cul�vate a healthy brain for the kids. Looking at how the world is progressing, robots will eventually take over some of our roles. It might cause the world unemployment rate to rise. To prevent that from happening, introducing either learning one or two skills that robots are unable to take over or learn to build one. Educa�on shouldn’t be like how our parents had taught us. Having a good grade equate to successful career. It is not the case anymore, especially the near future. In this issue, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce what are some of the interes�ng enrichment classes and how it is able to help your kids to grow and learn at the same �me. There are two classes of skills to learn, Core and Hands-on skills. Core skills refers to, Leadership, Confidence Speaking, Crea�vity, Innova�on and many more. Hands-on skills refer to learning Music, Arts, Sports, Third Language and many more. It will take pa�ence, skills and self-awareness for parents to develop a stable rela�onship with our children. But it is worth every minute of it.


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Happy Train

prepares your child for a journey of lifelong learning.


Happy Train programme is a holis�c brain-training programme conducted in a Bilingual environment to enrich children’s growing minds through a variety of games, hands-on ac�vi�es and guided play. We strongly believe that parents should not miss the “windows of opportunity” in every child, and should make use of this opportunity to create a strong passion for learning. Our s�mula�ng lessons are conducted in English and Mandarin, to help children develop rich neuron connec�ons that are cri�cal for op�mal brain growth. Although we do use flashcards in class. that is just a small component of our curriculum as we include a whole lot more exci�ng ac�vi�es. Unlike other brain development schools that focus only on right brain training, Happy Train believes in the importance of Whole Brain Ac�va�on. Our programme is built on our unique HEART framework. Besides nurturing the intellectual, mental and cogni�ve abili�es, this approach focus on the socio-emo�onal aspect of the brain, the crucial component that provides a strong founda�on for other ac�vi�es:


The core founda�on for whole brain ac�va�on is Happiness. Parents’ love is most important in helping their infants learn about the world around them. When the heart closes, the head stops learning.


Children make sense of the world around them using real objects and things they come across daily. They need to connect to the real world they live in, by internalizing their own experiences.

Ac�vi�es: -

Ac�vi�es of the Happy Train programme are designed to hold the interest of the children’s curious minds and are set to improve their concentra�on skills. In order to develop the brain holis�cally, we must ac�vate the right hemisphere and therea�er connect it to the le� hemisphere of the children’s brains.


Children learn to communicate their feelings and needs from a young age, thus minimizing frustra�ons and misunderstandings. When they learn various expressions and situa�ons of daily situa�ons through roleplaying games, they can learn to clearly express themselves.


Skills such as photographic memory, perfect pitch and high-speed calcula�on are skills that children pick up throughout the course of our programme. They learn to focus & complete each task independently a�er a few tries. Memory games in the Happy Train programme help children to gain the abili�es to recognise and recall objects, pictures or informa�on.

Call us now and discover how you and your child can benefit from the Happy Train programme! www.facebook.com/happytrain.sg www.happytrain.com.sg

Our knowledge hubs:

Happy Train - Bugis 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building #06-02, Singapore 189695 T: 6336 5080 enquiry@happytrain.com.sg

Happy Train - Tampines CPF Tampines Building 1Tampanies Central5 #08-01, Singapore 529508 T: 6781 6788 enquiry-TM@happytrain.com.sg

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r fo le on ss e fe




(21/2 - 4 years old)

According to the features of the brain development at this age, begin early art training, especially focus on the development of visual percep�on. 根据此阶段孩子大脑发育的特点制定课程,进行早期艺术训练,注重视觉感知能力 的发展。



(4 - 5 years old)

Learn drawing skills by using different drawing kits, experience the fun of pain�ng and cul�vate a taste of art. 参加绘画活动,尝试使用不同的绘画工具,学习绘画技巧,体验绘画乐趣,培养孩 子对艺术的兴趣。



(5 - 7 years old)

Learn various basic pain�ng and drawing skills. Develop art crea�vity and innova�on. 学习各种绘画的基本技巧和方法,引导孩子尝试艺术创造,培养他们的创造能力和 创新意识。



(7 - 9 years old)

Begin to learn professional drawing and pain�ng skills systema�cally. Prac�ce crea�ve thinking and show out poten�al crea�vity via HiArt unique teaching methods. 更加系统学习专业的绘画技巧。通过HiArt独特的教学方法,培养学生创造性思维 ,发掘学生的创造潜能。



(9 - 12 years old)


1 Marine Parade Central, #07-04 Parkway Centre, Singapore 449408 Email: marineparade@hiart.com.sg Phone: +65 6440 8700


33 Sengkang West Avenue, #04-08/09 The Seletar Mall, Singapore 797653 Email: seletar@hiart.com.sg Phone: +65 6702 4400


302 Tiong Bahru Rd, #04-104 Tiong Bahru Plaza, Singapore 168732 Email: �ongbahru@hiart.com.sg Phone: +65 6352 0400

Learn drawing skills by using different drawing kits, experience the fun of pain�ng and cul�vate a taste of art. 为那些有一定绘画基础,并希望学习更多绘画技巧的学生所设计。学生将开始接受 立体和写实的训练。鼓励学生发展自己的风格和创作手法。

PORTFOLIO PREP COURSE HiArt - NAFA Authorised Education Counsellor & Scholarships Donor This course is designed to assist the students in pu�ng together a por�olio of work applica�on to DSA to local art schools, art ins�tu�ons or similar course of study around the world.

www.hiart.com.sg HiArt Singapore


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Let’s Go

For more informa�on please contact +65 64720209 or goldenapple.edu@gmail.com

Why Choose Us?

We will provide children a good environment. We also will teach the children how to focus on their homework, so that the children's performance will be improved. It will also let your children's enjoy even you are working. Here the children have a lot of co-curricular ac�vi�es and DIY, so that every child can enjoy their own happiness.

How We Work?

At Golden apple you don’t have to worry, you can be assured that they are in good hands. Upon arrival they will need to shower, take their lunch and have a short break. 3pm to 4.45pm they need to do their Homework, Spelling and Revision Exercises. From 4.45pm- 5.15pm is a refreshment break of 30mins. Once homework is done, they can read on their own.

What We Do?

· Homework & dicta�on help · Online homework guide · Extra tui�on sessions · Arts sessions and Crea�ve ac�vi�es

Education Services?


We have the most professional teacher team and useful techniques. We are the best choices for you to take care of your children.

· Customized Learning Materials · Rivision For Examima�ons · Having All Examina�on Paper of Best Singapore Primary Schools · Online Homework Guides · Extra Tui�on Sessions

Before & After Student Care . . . . . . . . .

Cosy and Secure environment Free English, Maths, Chinese & Science exam papers from Best Primary Schools Tui�on for all level students Homework Supervised by our responsible teacher Moral Educa�on, Character Building program & Reading, Wri�ng program General Knowledge Enhancement, tables, indoor & outdoor Ac�vi�es Provide students with a wide variety of DIY handicra�ing Wholesome home-cook meal, snack and warm shower Sending & Fetching : Queenstown Pri School


ADDRESS: Blk 171, S�rling Road, #01-1105 (S140171) TEL: 6472-0209 WEBSITE: www.goldenapple.com.sg

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Our Principal and author of the best-selling Chinese assessment book used by MOE schools island wide is finally opening a centre near you!

Star River principal Mdm Li

Xiurong has spent the last 20 years teaching students to not only ace their exams, but also to love the Chinese language beyond the classroom. This dedica�on has culminated in Mdm Li authoring a Chinese assessment book so BENEFICIAL that it is the go-to book for many Chinese department HODs in MOE schools island wide!

At Star River Language Center, we pride ourselves on having:

. An in-depth understanding of MOE curriculum and how best to score A*s for Chinese . A strong track record, where 90% of our students improve within 3 months . Passionate teachers who help students to not only excel in exams, but also to love the Chinese language . A proven methodology of helping weak students improve quickly and to help A studennts gain that elusive A*

Our Speciality

. Pre-School Fun Learning 幼儿乐园 . Primary & Secondary School Composi�on, Comprehension and Oral Class (CCO) 中小学写作,理解与口实课程 . Composi�on Skills and topic Discussion 写作课程 . Comprehension Skills 阅读理解 . Oral Skills 口试课程

Composi�on is easy! 作文很简单! Comprehension needs skill! 理解有技巧! Oral prac�ce makes perfect! 口试需练习

Holiday Programme 假期课程

Trial Class Available Now TEL: 6271 0064 EMAIL: info.starriver@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.starriver.sg


Pre-School Chinese Fun Camp 幼儿华文趣味营 Han Yu Pin Yin Prepara�on Class 小一汉语拼音预备班 Composi�on, Comprehension & Oral 作文,理解,口试班 PSLE Chinese Drilling Class 小六会考冲刺班 Sec 1 Prepara�on Class 中一预备班

Author of Singapore’s Best-Selling “阅读理解我最强” Chinese Assessment Book

OUR ADDRESS: 302 Tiong Bahru Road, #02-144 Tiong Bahru Plaza, Singapore 168732 1 Marine Parade Central #10-03 Parkway Centre, Singapore 449408


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The Shift of Priorities towards Fun Learning SINGAPORE

Commonly described as Asia’s KIASU Parents, we are imbedded with a mindset and belief that achieving good grades equalize and secures us a stable and good career. Ironic isn’t it. The fact Ministry of Educa�on (MOE) made a bold move last September in reducing our grading systems.

The hidden joy of this to us students is that we now GET TO HAVE FUN and not forge�ng of the vast space to grow and develop our crea�vity. Just recently, Senior Minister of State for Educa�on, Mr. Chee Hong Tat highlighted that the recent enhancements in enhanced junior division compe��ons will encourage our young athletes to enjoy their spor�ng experiences and exposures, have more opportuni�es to par�cipate in compe��ons and most importantly, to develop good and reliable character and values through playing sports. In May 2018, MOE also focused on the importance of role educators in helping to nurture future-ready and responsible digital learners where approximately 1,500 local and overseas prac��oners gathered to exchange crea�vity and bright ideas, insights and prac�ces in embracing innova�on in learning; leveraging technology to enable students to explore and discover their interests and passions; fostering a culture of lifelong learning in a digital world, and helping students exercise responsibility and thrive in the digital space. An inaugural design challenge was held where students developed innova�ve ideas on how technology can shape the future of learning. This sparked a high rise in demand of parents reaching out to various robo�c, coding and STEM schools where children are exposed and taught of the fundaments and founda�ons of robo�c-relevant studies and groomed into bright brainers. Just recently, the Commi�ee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL) and Mandarin edutainment channel – MaxToon has recently organized the inaugural Chinese Street Dance Compe��on (爱上华文街舞比赛) hoping to increase addi�onal students’ interests in learning the Chinese Language and Chinese history. Aspiring young dancers, aged 7 to 12, were invited to par�cipate in this compe��on to not only cul�vate their love for the Chinese language and culture through music and dance; but also deliver an oral introduc�on of their dance in Chinese and demonstrate their interpreta�on of the lyrics of “爱上华文” (the theme song of the compe��on) through their dance moves. The concept of fun learning was embraced and developed by crea�ng a pla�orm in helping young students develop and strength an interest in Chinese through something they like and enjoy like dancing.

Last week, MOE highlighted on the new move in our educa�on system is to be�er support students in developing the joy of learning and preparing them for lifelong learning. Posi�ve and meaningful school-home partnerships will help to ensure that our children get the most benefit from these changes. MOE has thus developed a set of Guidelines for School-Home Partnership where the central feature of the guidelines is how schools and parents can work hand- in-hand so that our children develop self-management skills, take responsibility as well as ownership of their learning, and build resilience.

Looking ahead, times have changed. Haven’t it?

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Chinese Dance


Designed for 3-12 years old children, Chinese Classical Dance is a technique that encourages fun learning while building a strong founda�on and passion towards Chinese history and characters.


March, we spoke to WE CHINESE DANCETECH in sharing with us the benefits of Chinese Dance. The essence of Chinese Dance covers vivid whirling ribbons, hand-held fans, lanterns with delicate moves, ethnically-designed diverse costumes along with historical China stories offers a tantalising glimpse of their ancient culture. WE CHINESE DANCETECH designs and choreograph moves which has successfully brought mythical beasts and myths to life whilst celebra�ng a rich ancient history. STEP UP now and get ready to immerse yourself in the Chinese culture and history through gracious moves and classical music. Behind every Mandarin-character entails a story. During classes, students display gentle beauty and restraint in their temperament while possessing elegance. With each move, expression or pose; one displays a character forming an essence.

Chinese Dance is a technique that equates both mar�al arts and acroba�c movements. Learning Chinese Dance is a knowledge worth exploring. At We Chinese DanceTech , students will be able to relate every dance moves with maximum joy and fun.


Learning Chinese Dance allow us to increase our body movement, flexibility, motor skills and teamwork. STEP UP NOW! Let’s learn Chinese gracefully today with WE CHINESE DANCETECH. To enrol, engage Ms. Cindy or Mrs. Goh at 8166-1298 or 9092-0621 now. Check out their dance studios at Bukit Timah, Bugis and Choa Chu Kang area now!


Chinese Dance bonds friendship, reduce shy behaviour, improve mental health, increase overall flexibility and boost self-confidence. Children learn the different type of dance move to each Chinese ethnic Culture. We encourage children to sing and dance along to the move .


We teach an Interna�onally recognise syllabus, our instructors are qualified and experience. A joyful method of teaching Chinese Dance with the usage of Chinese vocabulary encourages the learning of Chinese language, Culture and History.

8166 1298 / 9092 0621 wechinesedancetech@gmail.com WuXuanSG www.wechinesedancetech.sg


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ENRICHING YOUNG MINDS FOR LIFE The degree of necessity of early childhood enrichment has been widely and o�en discussed in Singapore. This term broadly refers to ac�vi�es or classes that amplify learning. Despite being o�en used together, it is not to be confused with tui�on, which focuses on boos�ng academic performance, rather than a passion and enthusiasm for lifelong learning. Such enrichment classes typically widen learning scopes beyond the tradi�onal subjects taught at schools. They can include art, sports, e�que�e, speech and drama, music, foreign languages, ballet and more. The ever-growing demand of enrichment classes has been evident. In fact, there has been a rising trend of parents sending young children who have yet learnt how to walk to these classes.

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Because parents, educators and the children themselves see and understand the benefits they offer. It is recommended that the children are sent with the mindset of wan�ng to be given the best, for their young minds to explore their early interests, instead of being afraid to lose out in the rat race. Of course, there are parents who wish to develop their children at home as well, but do not have the �me to do so because of work commitments. This also contributes to the growing demand. It is true to say that early childhood is a special period for children. Indeed, in the first two years of a child’s life, his or her brain develops at ligh�ng speed. When the child reaches three years of age, intelligence and emo�onal growth come into play. They experience a con�nuous learning curve that sets the founda�on on which they shape the rest of their lives.

And how do children learn?

They learn and widen their world through social interac�on, play, crea�vity and other s�muli. Therefore, it is impera�ve that kids must be appropriately and

sufficiently s�mulated during that �me. This will place them in desirable posi�ons for future development as they grow. Instead of only building academic excellence, enrichment classes fulfil the need to shi� to enhancing a different set of skills and abili�es: those that make us unique and improve our personal quali�es. Think leadership, manners, teamwork, confidence, language, social skills, crea�vity and the all-important cri�cal thinking; because we want to develop thinkers, not blind followers. Research has suggested that such enrichment ac�vi�es are connected to a child’s improvement in asser�veness – and yes, even academics. Let us use robo�cs as an example to further exemplify our points.

The Rise of Robo�cs

Today, we have robots that can speak, dance and interact. Tomorrow, who knows what will be invented, and how that will change our world? Robo�cs has remained �meless throughout the years with skills that are future-forward and suitable for the ever-growing world of science, technology and innova�on. It is a wondrous process learning how to build robots from scratch and discovering what it takes to make them move. This is exactly what young and inquisi�ve minds look for and what opens their world to more. Melding robo�cs into the curriculum does not limit the learning to only understanding how to build robots from bo�om-up. It can trigger lifelong passion in the respec�ve areas that it involves, with skills including coding, programming, engineering and more. It has proven its effec�veness and consistency in coaching children the concepts of STEM - an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathema�cs. Robo�cs also forges solid team work. To make that robot raise its hand, it needs to be injected with a variety of skills and applica�ons, from programming to coding and more. A child who excels in a par�cular area works together with others who have their own capabili�es. It also encourages the children to communicate with each other in order to convey necessary informa�on. By working together and communica�ng their ideas, children develop social and communica�on skills - skills which follow them throughout life. They enjoy the lessons and have an exci�ng �me with their peers, building development skills in the process. These are all valuable takeaways children can get from a robo�cs class. So, think deeply and ask yourself – are enrichment classes necessary?


e ducation Sign up for a trial class for you and your baby now at The Midtown @ Hougang! Having a grown-up kid to be interested in Science is just brain racking isn’t it?! Fear not! Check out The Music Scien�st’s Music and Science Classes! Specially designed to cater for 5 to 8 years old, they name it as the <Scouts and Virtuosos> program. This is an enrichment that encompass both Music and Science learning. If your baby is aged between 2 months to 4 years, you MUST enrol for Music Scien�st’s <Tenderfeet & Groovers program> this Summer! This Music & Sensory Play Class focuses on the different development milestones of our infants and toddlers which includes baby exercises, music and movement activities, multi-sensory exploration and play, stimulating the growth of the child holistically! (Sounds fun and exci�ng!) Furthermore, this class covers a comprehensive baby massage sharing session for parents of 2 to 12 months old, which is an excellent parent and child bonding ac�vity that strengthens the child's immune system! Watch on more about Music Scien�st baby/toddler classes via this weblink now! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ot9qw6FYQE8

Designed using a blend of Music and Science ac�vi�es which including singing and dancing to songs. The Music Scien�st made sure that every song/tune/ac�vity is embedded with Science facts, interac�ve visuals and hands-on ac�vi�es like games, experiments and demonstra�ons. This helps to supplement and reinforce our children’s learning points. PLUS! This programme also builds on a strong Music founda�on which our children are guided to learn and eventually they will be able to perform a huge variety of unpitched and pitched instruments! Furthermore, <Scouts and Virtuosos> cover science topics like Human Anatomy, Ocean, Space and Universe! What can be more exci�ng and interes�ng THAN playing with science? Register now for their Human Anatomy Workshop for 5 to 7 years old, this March School Holidays. Looking for a fun learning method for Science? Call The Music Scien�st @ 6909 6350 today! Visit below on how the programme is conducted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeOoK48v6 7s&t=6s

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“Really cute Nursery Rhymes for your kids to sing along with!”


Don’t miss this live stream! Today #DaveAndAva are going to help your li�le ones learning ABC’s! Let’s sing along to ABC Song, spell Oscar the Ki�en’s name, hop on the Alphabet Train to learn all the le�ers and the way they are pronounced. Enjoy your #DaveAndAvaTime!

Lo�y Learns offers free Kids Learning videos that are designed to give every child a jump-start in their educa�on. Our goal is to let children progress through lessons at their own pace, while they learn the basics in reading with ABC Phonics, colors, and numbers. We hope that our lessons will teach these fundamentals in a fun and engaging way. Along with educa�onal videos, we also have a collec�on of nursery rhymes videos for your li�le ones to enjoy. Thanks for watching!

Dave and Ava - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs Suitable for kids age: 1 - 6


“Have you wonder how a Fire Truck looks like? Jungle Animals? Or even, how to fly a seaplane? Blippi’s videos will be able to take you through. ”

Videos for Toddlers with Blippi | Learn Colors and Numbers for Children Blippi takes you on a journey to learn colors and learn numbers at the play place. In the Blippi compila�on Blippi will also teach you about Blippi Buses for children, LAPD Helicopters, Blippi Go Karts, and your toddler will even learn colors and numbers! Blippi makes educa�onal videos for toddlers,

Blippi Suitable for kids age: 5 - 12 *image taken from google

“Jump-start your kids’ education with Lotty Learns! Play with Phonics and numbers!”


“Are your kids always curious about human bodies, animals or science? Dr Binocs will help you understand them easier!”

The Dr.Binocs Show Learning will now be fun with Dr. Binocs as he takes you through a variety of interes�ng topics like Shadow, Magne�sm, Solar Eclipse, Photosynthesis and many more subjects that will surely help you understand them more easily.

Peekaboo Kidz Suitable for kids age: 7 - 12

Lotty Learns Suitable for kids age: 1-6


“Short vidoes for your kids to learn about Science like, Ecosystem, Planets, Pollutions and Food Pyramid!”

"Planning an elephant's party" - If you're planning a birthday party for your elephant, be sure to do things an elephant will like. Lesson includes prac�cal exercises. Recommended for all grades. In this video you will learn the meaning of the words: heavy, huge, compare, approximate, size, equal, es�mate, weigh, exact, length, check, and many others.

KidsEduc – Kids Educational Games Suitable for kids age: 3 - 12


life sty l e & l eisure

Our Pioneer Generation deserve to be treated like a Royalty Without our parents, there would not be a

place like Singapore today. Years of hard work was ins�lled in their mind. From a developing country to be developed country in less than 50 years, we have count ourselves lucky and should be grateful of those who helped us built it. There are a lot of elderly benefits ac�vi�es in the market to pamper our parents. Having said that, Singapore government rolled out a lot of benefits for them, examples are, Pioneer Genera�on Package, CHAS, increase spending in Healthcare Schemes, Grants and Subsidies. It is also to curb the aging popula�on. There are many Public Sectors rolling out benefit, which it can be found online. But how about Private Sectors? For example, previously the big 3 hypermarkets in Singapore, namely NTUC, Sheng Siong and Giant are giving out 3% off their purchase once they flash their Pioneer Genera�on card and introduce priority queue. Even Singapore Telco companies jumped in the bandwagon as well. With all this cash discount, but how about entertainments? There are also plenty Private Sectors giving out benefits for our elderlies. Example Esplanade has

a membership programme name, JOYears. It is open for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents 55 years old and above. With that, elderlies are able to apply for free and enjoy Esplanade’s performance like “A Date with Friends”, which elderly is able to bring their friends along to join the fun. Other than the above, by signing up JOYears can also enjoy, 1. Ticket specials for Coffee Morning & A�ernoon Tea and A Date with Friends 2. Senior concession �cket pricing for all Esplanade Presents programmes where available 3. Priority queue at Esplanade Box Office 4. Special promo�ons at selected outlets at Esplanade Mall 5. Quarterly newsle�ers about events at Esplanade that you are interested in Source from www.esplanade.com/joyears What’s more interes�ng is that, Esplanade pride themselves to have something for all 3 Gens in the family, including kids! Which Esplanade has PIP’s PLAYbox, a dedicated space for children and families to discover, imagine and play! Therefore, let’s not forget our parents and by now, they should be living to their fullest and enjoy every moment they have. Thank you, our Parents, Pioneer Genera�on and people who had sacrifice to build Singapore. We appreciated what you have done for us.

h om e & l iv ing Think the home cleaning and personal care products are safe? “Many Singaporeans assume that the chemicals in their shampoos, detergents and other consumer products have been thoroughly tested and proved to be safe. This assump�on is wrong.”

Many of us who, as best we can, feed our families organic food and follow organic gardening prac�ces have been concerned about the chemicals, many of them uniden�fied, in the products we use on our bodies and around our homes every day. You can always choose products made from natural ingredients and without harmful or dangerous chemicals. But everyone should have the knowledge and ability to protect themselves.


a r t Ex ngth e r t S

Enzyme Wizard represents a true supplier of plant-based enzymes and enzyme products. As a result, we are able to guarantee the ingredients that go into the products we produce. We are not dependent on any one supplier for any single ingredient. We pass these savings on to our customers. As we bring new products on-line, our customers have the ability to experience addi�onal savings. It is our corporate value to have the best performing products on the market in each industry. Developing a growing and sa�sfied customer base is our number one marketing strategy. In the ultra-compe��ve cleaning solu�on marketplace, Enzyme Wizard’s future is seemingly boundless. There is a need for a high-quality enzyme solu�on, and an equal amount of markets in need of our products. By its very nature, our products can be used to eliminate odours and organic ma�er, from blood stains,

to cleaning carpets and counter tops, removing wallpaper, and even used as a high-quality cleaner/degreaser.


The products are manufactured using all four (4) different types of enzymes. The “magic” is derived from the fact that when manufacture, able to u�lize all four enzymes in one formula�on, under normal condi�ons they would a�ack and destroy each other, with one dominant one remaining intact. The technology behind our formula�on is in its ability to allow each one of the enzymes to co-exist together without destroying each other. Our proprietary formula�on u�lizes a Stabiliza�on process, to achieve this. With this Technology we are able to eliminate the en�re stain or odour with one applica�on.


Products do not contain any soap so there is no build up over �me • Enzymes are plant based - they won’t upset the natural bacteria • Enzymes accelerates the destruc�on of organic material • pH Neutral wont damage surfaces • Powerful and Eco-Posi�ve • 100% Biodegradable • No Chemical Agents, CCF Approved. • No phosphates

Cruelty Free CCF Accredited

Call Now Distributorship:

Envipure Solu�ons Pte Ltd

65 Ubi Road 1 #03-76, Oxley Bizhub S408729 envipuresolu�ons.net envipure.solu�ons@gmail.com EnvipureSolu�ons



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AceCom.Media provides you one-stop solu�on for your marke�ng needs. From start-ups to corporate. We offer a range of small to big scale marke�ng services. Call us now to enquire more about it!

Contact Us for More Informa�on info@acecom.media 6228 2588- JANICE CALL / WHATSAPP - 9459 5886

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Magazine Advertising

Web / Mobile Development

Singapore Leading Household Directory. We work together with SingPost to distribute 50,000 monthly copies. Addi�onally e-magazine and QRMart Directory with sizeable numbers of subscribers. Our targeted audience are Landed, Condo, BTO, Retails, F&B Café and ETC.

Website represents your business online image and it has the poten�al to be globalized. A posi�ve website can generate quality and valuable leads. Since the commercializa�on of the web, a website/e-commerce/ apps helps to establish credibility as a business and create strong brand iden�ty

Digital Marketing

Media Services

With nearly one-third of the world’s popula�on- 2.34billion people accessing social network on a regular basis, the impact of digital media is undeniable. We know how to use these channels to distribute content, engage right customers and drive traffic on behalf of you. Digital marke�ng is crucial to business success.

Customer will prefer to see visual images. It will give them a be�er idea of what you can provide. Hence, increase the confidence to contact you. Having said that, a video will enchance your corporate image and adver�se on mu�ple pla�orms. This will enble your company to reach out to your targeted audience via mui�-channel.

Customised Strategics

PR Services

Start working with a company that can provide everything you need to generate awareness, drive traffic, connect with customers, and increase sales. Our specialists have vast amount of knowledge that comes with years of experience, dealing with a broad area of industries. With our sales experience, we will bring our best solu�ons to you.

We will tell your story to the world. We provide you to design and maintain a custom list of interna�onal distribu�ons. Let us help you create a cost-effec�ve method regardless of countries, languages and industry ver�cals to meet your company needs.



h om e & l iv ing

TEL: 68584589 / HP: 91188483 Email: bencoolservices@gmail.com Facebook: Bencool Services Office: 10, Anson Rd #05-16 Interna�onal Plaza (S) 079903 Workshop: BLK 3014 Ubi Rd1 #02-310 (S) 408702 Website: bencoolservices.com.sg Appointment �me slot (Mon-Fri): 9.30am/ 11.30am/ 1.30pm/ 3.30pm / 5.30pm Sat last appointment �me slot is 3.30pm)

1. Removal of air-con unit cover

2. Vacuuming of drainage pipe

3. Vacuuming of evaporator coil

No. of Air-cond unit (wall-mounted)

1st Trial (1 Time Service)

Contract Package (4 �mes)



















4. Wipe clean the air-con unit area

5. Removal of filters

6. Spray sani�ser on filters

7. Wash filters

8. Sani�se air-con cover

9. Put filters and cover back into place

10. Cleaning of CU

11. Checking of gas volume


General aircon service process: Service report (Detailed, Easy to reference for Landlords, Agents & Tenants) www.bencoolservices.com .sg Timely automated SMS reminders

Our Por�olio:

Clean room (VRVSystem) Computerised diagnosis error codes for faulty system.

*Addi�onal $10-$20 surcharge for CBD areas (e.g Sentosa / The Sail @ Marina Bay)

MCST (Foyer, Func�on Room, Gym) Change pipes from Foyer to Roo�op.

Commercial (Ceiling Suspended) Reloca�on of ceiling suspended aircon and chemical overhaul.

Condominiums (Conversion of ducted aircon units to wall-mounted aircon units) Project at Cuscaden Residences: Full installa�on with pipings.

h om e & l iv ing

Retractable Awning


Blk 4025 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 1 #01-295 S(569636) Tel: (65) 6281 3113 Fax: (65) 6281 3213 Email: sales@elitedeco.com.sg Facebook: @elitedecopteltd Website: www.elitedeco.com.sg

Loop Awning System

Fabric Canopy

Aluminium Composite With Metal Structure

Glass Canopy

Bamboo Screen

Polycarbonate Canopy

Outdoor Roller Blinds

Wooden Trellis with Decking


We are a ONE-STOP SERVICES SOLUTION PROVIDER that consults,Design,Build,Supply and Install as well as Maintain. So if you have a query on outdoor shading or would simply like to know more about what other crea�ve solu�ons we can come up with for you.

Contact us today! 6281 3113


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Your Shades Alliance: We shelter with care and in style

+65 6242 6696

Loop Blinds System

Roller, Vene�an Blinds & Curtains


Aluminium Composite Roof

Tempered Glass Roof

Our Shades Solu�ons

Indoor Roller Blinds | Curtains | Vene�an Blinds (Aluminium, PVC, Timbre) Outdoor Retractable Awning | Zip Blinds |Heavy Duty Roller Blinds | Loop Blinds System Roofing (T. Glass , Polycarbonate, Aluminium Composite Panel, Metal)

Pssst.. We provide repair services too!

Ver�cal Drop & Roller Blinds

Zip Blinds

For extended living space


30 Kaki Bukit Rd 3 #03 -16 Empire Technocentre Singapore 470819

h om e & l iv ing

YONG HE AIRCON AT YOUR SERVICE Yong He Aircon Engineering team has technicians to service all the brands. Our technicians are cer�fied, well trained and have years of exper�se in dealing with the complexi�es of the cooling systems. We place a strong importance on con�nued training and customer care.



Cleaning of the indoor fancoil and outdoor condenser Clearing of the drainage piping (to prevent leaking) Checking of your air condi�oning system


3 aircon servicings per year (for Tri-yearly Contract) 4 aircon servicings per year (for Quarterly Contract)


Needed when general cleaning of the aircon unit does not improve the condi�on


Provides advice to customers on the cost of repair for air condi�oner breakdowns Helps to evaluate the condi�on of the equipment Advise on the most economical solu�on

69693731 / 83820865 (Pierre Chin)

Contact Us Now Fax Email

: :

+65 6362 2991 sales@yongheaircon.com.sg

Website :



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Ziptrak Blinds

Austrian Blinds


6292 5115


9367 0535


Laminated Flooring

Smart / Uni Slat Curtains


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Roman Blind

Ripple Fold Curtains


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9889 3020


9363 5394

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Ziptrack Blind



M-Space 6D Mandai Estate #10-08, Singapore 729938 Tel: (65) 6463 3235 Fax: (65) 6463 3237 Email: sales@perfectdeco.com.sg Website: www.perfectdeco.com.sg

Seh Yee 9226 2212


Outdoor Sunscreen

Wooden Decking

Victor Lim 9005 2212

Polycarbonate with Composite Panel

Roma Umbrella


Whatsapp 9669 2212

Cassette Awning


Composite Panel Trellis

Perfect Deco is one-stop solution for the finest shades and shelters under sun. To find out how we can cater specifically to your requirements, give us a call today.


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THE TREE SPECIALISTS Singapore’s premium landed property tree specialists providing the highest quality Arboricultural services island wide. Our team of interna�onally trained climbing arborists are able to provide our clients with the highest quality tree management. We specialize in restricted access tree work within landed proper�es where the use of large machinery is imprac�cal. Our professional teams use state of the art equipment and techniques to deliver the best possible outcome for you and your trees. •


Deadwood removal

Crown reduc�on

Tree assessment

Hazardous Tree removal

Mature tree transplan�ng

All work carried out to ANSI A-300 pruning standard.

HOTLINE: +65 9051 8187 CALL FOR A TREE ASSESSMENT TODAY ArbSolu�ons Asia Pte Ltd Blk 10a Boon Tiong Road #14-525 Singapore 160010 E-mail: lee@arbsolu�onsasia.com h�ps://www.facebook.com/ArbSolu�onsAsia/


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PROSHADE DECO PTE LTD 6388 6311/ 9455 6388


25 Kaki Bukit Road 4, #07-26 Synergy@KB, Singapore 417800

Motorized Zip Blind

Motorized Roller Blind

Outdoor Roller Blinds

Retractable Awning

Glass Shelter

Outdoor Roller Blinds

Aluminium Composite Panel


Polycarbonate with Wooden Frame

WE OFFER . . . .

Your Cool And Reliable Sunshade Specialist

Polycarbonate Awning Aluminum Composite Panel Awning Glass Awning Fabric Canopy

. . . .

Outdoor Roller Blind Retractable Awning Parasols Motorised Zip Blind

. Replacement of Awning Fabric


h om e & l iv ing

City Ice Air Conditioning Your one-stop air con servicing company admin@cityiceaircondi�oning.com 7030 Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 #02-27, S 569880

Reg: 53195915E

9768 7248 / 9748 4712 63390692


2 units 3 units 4 units 5 units 6 units

$60 $80 $90 $100 $120

Package (1 year 4 �mes)

$240 $300 $340 $380 $460

Top Up Gas

Every part of the air condi�oning will be throughly clean by chemical wash.

Term & Condi�ons • City area $10 addi�onal • A�er office hour $10 addi�onal • Sunday & Public holiday $10 addi�onal

Free assessment (with service package) Responsive Auto reminder every 3 to 4 months Hassle free and reliable

House call service (Indoor unit)

• Remove and wash covers • Wash filters • Brush clean cooling coils • Clear drain-pipes (Prevent water leaking) • Check opera�ng pressure (Condensing unit) • Check drainage system • Check wiring connec�on • Test system • Free 20psi R22* gas top up

Chemical Wash

. . . .

Are you uncertain about the price if R22 gas is needed? Not to worry, we will only charge $50 (With other services) to gas up to each system. We will make sure the system is properly cooled.

More pictures and videos for our services.

www.cityiceaircon.com.sg h�ps://www.facebook.com/cityiceaircondi�oning539215/


e ducation 8661 6482 springaheadsingapore@gmail.com Spring Ahead Educa�on Centre

AFTER-SCHOOL CARE PSLE LOWER SECONDARY N-LEVEL O-LEVEL . Quality lessons for Primary English Language, Mathema�cs, and Science, and Secondary School Mathema�cs and Science . Small group classes to ensure your child gets the a�en�on they deserve . Differen�ated instruc�ons to cater to diverse learning needs

CALL NOW TO JOIN US 86616482 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH #01-1629 Tiong Bahru Orchid Singapore 160116



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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)



Mobile and Search Engine Friendly Web Design

Social Media Marketing (SMM)



Web Development


In today's business landscape, it has always been a challenge for many business to gather prospec�ve leads. Moreover, the growth of the business depends on the growth of the customers as well. Which include us, AceCom.Media. With an increase in demand for Digital Marke�ng, we ensure our services surpass all our compe�tors, equipped with Advance Sales Tools and knowledge of various markets. Contact us now to know how we can help you grow your business.

Web Analytics

SHAWN KHOR - 65 9618 3848

08 Video Production

07 Email Marketing


FIONA TAN - 65 9189 1621 fiona_tan@acecom.com.sg

KAYDEN LEE - 65 9012 9739 kayden_lee@acecom.com.sg

ESTHER NJOO - 65 9225 5223 esther_njoo@acecom.com.sg

e ducation

NA NA NA NA BATMAN ! This March marks the 80th anniversary of the famous comic book character and toy, Batman.

This year Batman turns 80, and to celebrate we invite you to Make & Play – Adventures of Batman. Join us for an exclusive tour of the museum's collec�on of Batman toys, comics and memorabilia on 31st March 2019. The adventure begins at MINT Museum of Toys with a special look at the life and �mes of this iconic superhero. Fly into MINT Museum of Toys for a unique look at this classic character, his friends and the world they live in. Find out more about the adventures of Batman through ac�on figures, cars and comics. And make your own Batman-inspired toy!

What will your child learn?

Children will learn about the history of Batman, one of the world's first superheroes, and about the DC comic universe. They will learn about the many representa�ons of Batman from around the world and how Batman became a symbol of perseverance and hard work. Enquire to sign up at ticketing@emint.com today!

About Make & Play

Through a specially curated tour and workshop, Make & Play welcomes all families with children a bonding session at the Asia’s largest toy museum, MINT Museum of Toys. Together, we learn about basic toy-making techniques such as paper cra�ing, clay modelling and many more! Be equipped with the skills to reinvent everyday materials into your own playthings. At MINT Museum of Toys, this is also where li�le ones can learn about their parents’ childhood experiences and memories.

With its exci�ng line-up of workshops and tours that vary from month to month, Make & Play brings you on a journey of rediscovery, making history come alive through everyone’s favourite medium – toys!

MINT Museum of Toys

As the world’s first purpose-built museum for toys and Asia’s largest toy museum, MINT’s collec�on is made up of an extensive series of toys and items – most in mint condi�on - from over 40 countries and up to 8,500 pieces. The collec�ons vary from wind-up toys to games, and so� toys to vehicles. Today, MINT Museum of Toys serves diverse and expanding audiences, including tourists, families, collectors, ar�sts and students. It con�nues to fascinate and inspire the imagina�ons of audiences, taking them to on a journey of rediscovery to rekindle that Moment of Imagina�on and Nostalgia with Toys (MINT).


e ducation

A Normal, Arts and Sports-Based Education – What Are the Differences? “Every child has a passion, an interest, a love for something.” Be it arts, sports related or more, it is a young mind's hopes and dreams. Once upon a �me, it seemed that for parents and kids alike, the main conceivable op�on a�er PSLE was premium further educa�on in an elite school. To pursue a career in the arts or sports would be to invite tough �mes, future unemployment and no place in society. These cynical labels a�ached to such careers discouraged others from following suit. It is safe to say that the s�gma, or fear of doing that s�ll exists today. However, what is different today is that our future genera�on has greater freedom to choose what they love, what inspires and what mo�vates them.

Both ar�s�cally and sports inclined students are given greater opportuni�es to shine. The Government has gone all-out in its arts-sector funding, more so than those in many other countries. It recognises the long journey ahead to support the local arts sector in reaching new heights. From 2014 to 2018, the Ministry put forth a funding scheme, part of which aimed to develop local ar�sts and ins�tu�ons. Late last year, they also launched the “Our SG Arts Plan”, mapping out the various areas of focus for the local literary, performing and visual arts divisions, spanning between 2018 to 2022.

Yes, it is not completely so, but they have less boundaries, limita�ons and fear of social norms. Children can opt to go into an arts school or sports school, whichever fulfils their pursuit for passion.

This plan aims to give arts professionals improved support and boost the accessibility of the arts for everyone. Since its debut, record-breaking figures rela�ng to the performing arts ac�vi�es have occurred, signalling a posi�ve start.

Singapore is gradually opening its doors to the prospect of different paths for different talents and skills. The arts and sports scene in Singapore are slowly evolving and shi�ing.

The enrolment figures for Singapore’s local art ins�tu�ons have also steadily risen, proving that there is demand for an arts-focused educa�on here.

e ducation Huge technological advances over the years have also contributed to the blooming arts scene. For example, the Internet and social media have helped many local ar�sts expand their reach to the rest of the world. In similar fashion, sports funding has also climbed yearly. Early last year, the Government injected huge funds into a local sports system and grants for the na�onal spor�ng fund. The much-lauded wins of local athletes have also further boosted confidence and determina�on of the younger genera�on in the sense that they can find a sustainable future in sports. In today’s genera�on, it also helps parents are more open and suppor�ve of their children’s aspira�on and passion in the arts and sports. This is a no�ceable contrast to those of a decade ago. As you can imagine, a regular school has its own perks, as is with the art and sports school. The former will prepare the students to excel academically for a be�er headstart. But perhaps with the la�er, they offer greater exposure and direc�on to the young, ins�lling within them a different set of thinking to last them through life. There are various benefits associated with these different paths. An arts-based educa�on allows students to build cri�cal thinking and inculcates crea�ve expression. It also promotes self-development, leadership quali�es and enrich other academic subjects. They are influenced to seek out their passion, develop and plan what they want to achieve of it. They expand these young minds and their line of sight, beyond what is usually taught in a normal school.

A sports-based educa�on teaches teamwork, problem-solving skills, offers physical health benefits, and goes out of the classroom to engage and educate students. Both curriculum types promote self-esteem and confidence, relieves academic pressures and in turn, transfers determina�on and goal-se�ng abili�es to the classroom. Even in pre-schools, they are beginning to see the importance of developing children’s interests and likes from young. This is in-line with the na�onwide movement of fostering lifelong learning.


e ducation


A PASSION for Chemistry


you like doing something, you naturally become good at it.” This is the policy that Mr William Lin abides by at Making Sense Learning Centre. He founded the tui�on centre in 2011 offering A Level Chemistry tui�ons with the aim to help students ‘make sense’ of seemingly complex concepts. By elimina�ng the fear factor associated with the subject, he believes any and every student is capable of achieving academic excellence in Chemistry.


“I s�ll remember the days when I felt lost in every lesson, unable to keep up with tutorials at school. Then, I started tui�on with William. Chemistry suddenly went from being my greatest source of worry to the subject I had the most confidence in. I was blown away by the ease with which Mr William helped us to realise concepts, link topics together and remember things be�er.” These are the words of Felix Tseng, enrolled into Making Sense to be guided under the able tutelage of Mr William. Felix started out on a U grade, but a�er his enrollment to Making Sense he went on to achieve an A grade in his GCE A level. The secret? Mr William’s innova�ve teaching strategies! He claims, “Lecturing is like a performance. You need to find a way to deliver content in the most interes�ng way. Part of me wants to teach, while the other part wants students to be entertained and enjoy coming for class. When they find Chemistry interes�ng, that is half the ba�le won.” At Making Sense, teaching and enjoyment do not stand exclusive of each other. By inser�ng relevant and interes�ng factoids as well as well-�med jokes into his lessons, he ensures that students enjoy a�ending his lessons enough to a�end his classes willfully and regularly.


With overwhelming quan��es of concepts and theories for students to recall, it can o�en become difficult for them to effec�vely apply these theories via conven�onal learning prac�ces. Sheer hard work is not always enough to see them through the examina�ons. The trick is to learn effec�vely. In his early years of teaching, Mr William realised that students are o�en “paralysed by the sheer amount of concepts.” He believes that students must fully comprehend the ra�onale behind concepts in order to apply them effec�vely. The idea is to ensure that students go beyond the syllabus and retain a proper chain of thoughts that enable them to completely grasp theore�cal concepts.


Making Sense takes their commitment to effec�ve teaching to a whole new level by developing customized study material that translates their teaching strategy on to textbooks. “Every year, we match our materials against those of the best colleges and try to be�er them. Our notes are well-structured, detailed yet concise, and many of our students rely heavily on our notes to ace their examina�ons. This is one of their most powerful tools to help them stay ahead of the na�onal average.”

e ducation

Ace Your


Singapore’s Leading Chemistry Tui�on Specialist



Integrated Program (IP)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Extended Help Beyond Classroom Our students are welcome to seek extra help outside classroom hours. Feel free to contact our tutors through Whatsapp, SMS and email. You may also arrange for FOC.

William Lin Top Quality Materials Our study materials are known to be top-notch. It is comprehensive, clear, concise and well-structured, giving you an extra edge to ace your examina�on.

Dynamic Learning Environment Lessons are fun, engaging and insigh�ul. Teaching aids such as interac�ve smart board, tablets and YouTube videos are incorporated to be�er engage students.

Crystal Clear Delivery Be enlightened by our tutors as they expertly link up all the intricate concepts in a way that simply make sense. O�en, we go beyond the syllabus to give you a complete understanding of things.

Singapore’s Most Sought A�er Chemistry Super Tutor. Coached over 500 students in 2017 Featured on Channel NewsAsia

Excellent Results

Flexible Schedule We offer mul�ple �me slots within the same week. If you cannot make it for your usual slot, don’t worry, as there is always a makeup class available for you.

Regular Class

1-to-1 Coaching

Over 97% of our students see improvement in their grades. Approximately 90% of our students achieve ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade or their ‘A’ Level & over 90% achieve at least a B3 for their ‘O’ Level.

Small Group Classes Holiday Program


116 Middle Road, ICB Enterprise House, #09-02 S(188972) (Next to Bugis & Bras Basah MRT)

Tel: 6908 2980 / 9475 6362


144 Upper Bukit Timah Road, Beauty World Centre, #03-12 S(588177) (Next to Beauty World MRT)

Email: info@makingsense-sg.com



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