17 minute read
Decade in review
Utah AIDS Foundation Executive Director STAN PENFOLD is sworn in as a member of the Salt Lake City Council. � Rep. JASON CHAFFETZ introduces a bill to prohibit Washington, D.C. from legalizing samesex marriage. � Documentary 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION about the LDS Church’s role in passing Proposition 8 is a hit at the Sundance Film Festival. � Lesbian Democrat Rep. CHRISTINE JOHNSON announces a compromise to table all pro- and anti-gay bills on the Hill to save Salt Lake City’s ordinances that protect gay and transgender people from housing and employment discrimination. � Sen. ORRIN HATCH goes back on his support for repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. � Salt Lake County DA SIM GILL files felony charges against seven individuals accused of assaulting gay couple David James “DJ” Bell and Dan Fair in 2008, after accusing Bell of abducting two children from a neighborhood party. � SALT LAKE CITY’S ordinances that protect LGBTQ residents from employment and housing discrimination go into effect. Sandy and Logan enter into discussions with EQUALITY UTAH. � PARK CITY passes anti-discrimination ordinances. � Openly lesbian progressive candidate CLAUDIA WRIGHT forces incumbent Rep. Jim Matheson into a primary at the State Democratic Convention. � Rep. Christine Johnson announces that she will be leaving Utah for a job as the executive director of Equality South Carolina. � WASHINGTON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT changes its school club policy to allow all high schools to form gay-straight alliances. � Sandra Bernhard and Martha Wash headline the UTAH PRIDE FESTIVAL which draws 25,000 participants � WEST VALLEY CITY passes anti-discrimination ordinances. � Utah Sen. ORRIN HATCH says gays and lesbians “don’t pay tithing, their religion is politics” during a campaign stop in Southern Utah. He later says he intended the comment to praise gays and lesbians for their ability to organize and support political causes they found important. � SUMMIT COUNTY, LOGAN, AND TAYLORSVILLE pass antidiscrimination ordinances. � The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California OVERTURNS PROPOSITION 8. That night, Utahns rally in celebration of the decision. � SALT LAKE COUNTY bans job discrimination against transgender employees. � More than half of Team Utah brings home medals from GAY GAMES VIII in Cologne, Germany. � Rally for Equality speaker RICHARD MATTHEWS calls for the resignation of Utah AIDS Foundation Executive Director Stan Penfold for “dismantling” UAF’s HIV prevention program. � A sign for CAFÉ MARMALADE, the Utah Pride Center’s in-house bistro, is vandalized with an anti-gay slur. � Gov. Gary Herbert hosts the gay-friendly LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS at a reception at the Governor’s Mansion. � Students at WEBER, BONNEVILLE, SYRACUSE, WOODS CROSS AND CLEARFIELD high schools receive permission to start gay-straight alliances. � Thousands rally around Temple Square and the Ogden Temple in protest of Ogden LDS Apostle BOYD K. PACKER’S remarks during General Conference that homosexuality is immoral, similar to addiction and that gay people can change their sexuality � HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN delivers a petition signed by 150,000 people to LDS headquarters, which called Packer’s remarks harmful and potentially deadly to queer youth. � INTERMOUNTAIN HEALTHCARE announces it will offer health benefits to the unmarried partners of employees. � ARLYN BRADSHAW becomes the first openly gay man elected to the Salt Lake County Council. � MURRAY CITY and MOAB pass nondiscrimination ordinances. � After much debate, the SALT LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT narrowly passes ordinances protecting students, faculty and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity — though not gender expression. � Burglars steal computers from the Utah Pride Center’s cyber center. � The U.S. House and Senate repeal the military’s anti-gay DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL policy.
Change.org names EQUALITY UTAH as a top 10 “Gay Rights Heroes of 2010” � Utah polls dead last in support of gay marriage at 22 percent. However, since 1994, that number nearly doubled. � Gov. GARY HERBERT received the annual United Families Utah “Champion of the Family” award for his opposition to civil unions.“Champion of the Family” � After a last-ditch effort by Sen. BEN MCADAMS to move a statewide nondiscrimination bill onto the floor for debate failed, all gay-related legislation was killed, including three bills sponsored by Rep. LaVar Christensen which were seen as threatening to Utah queers. � OGDEN unanimously passed two anti-bias ordinances to pro tect against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation in housing and the workplace. � Health insurance benefits were approved for domestic partners of employees of the SALT LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. � Four people charged in connection with the beating of DJ Bell and Dan Fair were sentenced after pleading guilty to aggravated assault, aggravated burglary and rioting charges. � ROSEANNE BARR was the grand marshal of the 2011 Utah Pride Festival was the largest on record with 28,000 participants and 100 parade entries. � Utah’s first openly gay legislator JACKIE BISKUPSKI stepped down from her House District 30 seat after purchasing a home outside her district. � JIM DABAKIS was elected to lead Utah’s Democratic Party, making him the first openly gay head of a major party in Utah. � BRIAN DOUGHTY was selected to fill the House District 30 seat vacated by Biskupski � The number of reported same-sex couples living together in Utah jumped to 5,814, up from 3,360 in the year 2000 according to the U.S. Census. � An HRC poll showed 77 percent of Utahns, and 73 percent of Mormon Utahns, want laws protecting against discrimina tion in the workplace and housing. � After nearly a decade of operation, CONNEXION.ORG shut down � The murder investigation of a young, black, gay man in 1978 was reopened for investigation. TONY ADAMS was stabbed to death in his Salt Lake City apartment and no arrests were made in the original case. The case is still open. � “DON’T ASK DON’T TELL” is repealed. � Hundreds gathered at the Spring Mobile Ballpark to form an enormous pink dot. The PINK DOT event, sponsored by the Support. Love. Courage. council, included celebrity ambassadors Kurt Bestor, Hope Woodside and The Anser. � Redistricting eliminated House Dis trict 30, represented by Utah’s only openly gay representative, Brian Doughty. � The first MOAB PRIDE Festival at tracted more than 700 people.
HARRISVILLE became the 14th municipality in Utah to pass an anti-bias ordinance. � An abstinenceonly bill sponsored by Rep. Bill Wright, R-Holden, would allow schools to opt out of sex education. After extreme public pressure, Gov. Gary Herbert vetoed the bill. Holden lost re-election later that year. � In California, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal court ruling declaring California’s ban on gay marriage unconstitutional. � SPRINGDALE, Utah’s Town Council unanimously passed an ordinance protecting against bias based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace and housing. � BARACK OBAMA voiced his support for marriage equality for all Americans. � The Utah Pride Parade made national headlines as hundreds of current and former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints with the banner “MORMONS BUILDING BRIDGES” followed grand marshal DUSTIN LANCE BLACK at the head of the procession. � The Advocate declared Salt Lake City the gayest city in America, sending shock-waves around the state and country. � A picture book depicting a family with two moms was removed from school library shelves in Davis County after more than 20 parents complained. � After KSL refused to air NBC’s THE NEW NORMAL, which featured a gay couple, CW30 announced it would air the show. � The 11th Equality Utah Allies Dinner attracted an estimated 2,000 people and honored former Utah GOV. JON HUNTSMAN and his wife, MARY KAYE for their outspoken support of civil unions in Utah � Shortly after decrying the bullying of gays and lesbians, Mormon Apostle DALLIN OAKS called same-sex parenting a “social experiment” and said it left children at a disadvantage. � The Mormon Church launched a website, MORMONSANDGAYS. ORG, that detailed beliefs about homosexuality. The site is a compilation of teachings and was not a reversal of policy.
In a race to replace outgoing Sen. Ben McAdams, who was elected as Salt Lake County Mayor, 150 Democratic delegates elected JIM DABAKIS over Peter Corroon 67 to 61 as state senator. � Equality Utah was ranked the 7th most impactful local equality group in the country by Philanthropedia, a division of GuideStar which reports on U.S. nonprofits. � UTAH PRIDE leaders released a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the justices to strike down California’s Proposition 8 and to dismantle all systems of legal discrimination against queer people. � Utah Attorney General JOHN SWALLOW signed on to two amicus briefs asking the court to overturn rulings in California’s Proposition 8 case and the U.S. Congress Defense of Marriage Act. “Traditional marriage is the bedrock foundation for families and society,” he wrote. � Utah State Sen. STEVEN URQUHART, R-Washington County, sponsored an Equality Utah bill that would have expanded protections against bias based on sexual orientation and gender identity in workplace and housing statewide. The bill made it through committee — the furthest it’s ever gone in a legislative session, but never made it to the floor for a vote. � OUTreach Resource Centers volunteer coordinator JACKSON CARTER made it as one of the top three contestants of the reality television show “The Biggest Loser” Starting out at 328 pounds, the 21-year-old Carter lost a total of 138 pounds through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. � About 300 people went to celebrate marriage as a union between a man and a woman at the Utah State Capitol, but more than 500 LGBT and allied people showed up to celebrate marriage in all of its forms. Same-sex marriage proponents far outnumbered those invited by the conservative SUTHERLAND INSTITUTE to a “Celebration of Marriage: Every Child Deserves a Mom and a Dad.” � Three Utah couples filed a lawsuit in federal court in March challenging Amendment 3, Utah’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. The complaint argues that the constitutional amendment passed in 2004 denies gay and lesbian citizens the basic right to marriage as affirmed in the interracial marriage case Loving vs. Virginia. The three couples brought the lawsuit on behalf of RESTORE OUR HUMANITY, a coalition of community members that solicited attorneys James E. Magleby, Jennifer Fraser Parrish and Peggy A. Tomsic of Magleby & Greenwood, to represent them. � Sen. ORRIN HATCH told a Logan radio station he would support civil unions as a way to stave off the advancement of gay marriage. He said, while he does not believe sexuality is a choice, marriage equality should not be legalized. � Joe My God blogger Joe Jervis was invited by Utah Pride Center Executive Director Valerie Larabee then disinvited because of the opposition of “one young gay man” on Utah Pride’s board of directors, who felt that Jervis would be an insult to Mormons. Headliners of the festival included Glee star Alex Newell, Drag Race’s Pandora Boxx and Ivy Winters, and disco diva Thelma Houston. Out soccer player David Testo was the parade’s grand marshal. Salt Lake Men’s Choir was awarded the Best Overall float at the parade. Scoutmasters Dave McGrath, Peter Brownstein and Neil Whittaker along with boy scouts and cub scouts, walked in the parade as the official color guard. � Salt Lake County Councilmen ARLYN BRADSHAW and RANDY HORIUCHI sponsored an ordinance to create a “mutual commitment registry” in the county, mimicking Salt Lake City’s registry, which passed with just one nay vote. MOAB passed a similar registry the following month � Due to a filming conflict, SEAN PENN found himself unable to be the keynote speaker of the 12th annual EQUALITY UTAH Allies Dinner as promised. Actor ROBERT REDFORD stepped in and addressed the crowd of 2,000 at the Salt Palace Grand Ballroom. � PROVO held its first festival at Memorial Park in the city’s downtown with booths, entertainment, and music. � While the Internal Revenue Service ruled that same-sex couples may file a joint federal income tax return, the UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION announced same-sex couples must file a Utah income tax return with a filing status of single or head of household. � The UTAH PRIDE CENTER announced two layoffs, salary reductions and other cost-saving measures in light of funding shortfalls. A community outcry ensued for weeks after the announcement, opening other issues within the Center, prompting execute director Valeria Larabee to resign. � MARCIA WHITE won a seat on the Ogden City Council with 64 percent of the vote. She pulled in endorsements from the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, the Utah AFL-CIO, Good Government PAC, and Equality Utah. She remains on the council to this day. Openly gay candidate TURNER BITTON outraised his opponent, knocked on every door of the district, was endorsed by the local newspaper and put together a series of ideas to improve the neighborhoods in Ogden. But he lost to the incumbent by 116 votes. � U.S. District Court Judge ROBERT J. SHELBY struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying it violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and due process. Utah is the first federal case ruled on since the U.S. Supreme Court struck California’s Proposition 8 and parts of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Same-sex couples across the state began flooding county clerk offices to marry, fearing a stay from the state. A stay didn’t happen for 11 days, meaning thousands of couples were able to marry.
The LDS CHURCH found it necessary to issue a statement that they would not allow the performance of same-sex marriages in their churches or by their clergy. � QSaltLake, Le Croissant Catering and The Rail Event Center held a “Love Elevated: Mass Wedding Reception” for the hundreds of samesex couples who dropped everything to run to their county clerks’ offices to get married, fearing the window of opportunity would be short. Over 1,500 people attended, raising $25,000 for Restore Our Humanity. � A poll released by The Salt Lake Tribune showed 60 percent of Utahns surveyed supported a statewide law that would prohibit discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens in the workplace and housing market. � Utah House and Senate leaders decided not to hear any lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender-related bills for fear that rhetoric on both sides of the issue may affect the pending appeal of the Dec. 20 ruling by Judge Robert Shelby striking down the state’s prohibition of samesex marriage. � Thirteen protesters who were at the Utah State Capitol Building demanding passage of SB 100 were arrested as they blocked access to a legislative committee hearing. The bill would enact a statewide nondiscrimination law protecting LGBT Utahns from discrimination in the workplace and in housing. The group became known as “The Capitol 13.” � HOLLADAY CITY become the 20th municipality in the state to ensure that gay and transgender residents can live and work without fear of unfair discrimination. � Sen. JIM DABAKIS announced that he was resigning as chair of the state Democratic Party for family reasons and medical issues. � The University of Utah Department of Communications presented the “Service to Journalism” award to QSaltLake publisher and editor MICHAEL AARON at their 59th Annual Communication Awards Banquet April 2. � MORMONS BUILDING BRIDGES was rejected by the Days of ’47 Parade � Utah Pride selected six grand marshals of the Utah Pride Festival: the three couples of Utah’s Amendment 3 marriage equality case — MOUDI SBEITY AND DEREK KITCHEN, LAURIE WOOD AND KODY PARTRIDGE, AND KATE CALL AND KAREN ARCHER. The Festival drew 34,608 people and the parade was estimated by police at 35,000. � SLC police officer was put on paid administrative leave for refusing an assignment at Utah Pride, citing religious convictions in asking for reassignment rather than participating directly in the parade. He ultimately resigned his position over the incident. � The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby’s Dec. 20 ruling that Utah’s Amendment 3 and other laws that restricted marriage to male-female couples violates the U.S. Constitution. � BYU moved from 6th to 4th in the most “Gay-Unfriendly” university In America according to the Princeton Review. � Gay former WSU football star Wade Davis II spoke at the Ogden Diversity Symposium � Yesco and Reagan Outdoor Signs reject billboards proclaiming “God Loves Gays.” � The United States Supreme Court officially rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin on marriage equality cases, immediately ending the previously imposed stays on appellate court rulings and making same-sex marriage legal in 30 states and the District of Columbia. � Equality Utah names TROY WILLIAMS as executive director. � Utah Sen. Mike Lee was inducted into the inaugural HRC Hall Of Shame for his “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act”
‘MY HUSBAND’S NOT GAY’ airs on TLC. � Provo Mayor JOHN CURTIS called for inclusion and compassion for the city’s LGBT citizens in an open letter. � PARK CITY HIGH SCHOOL opened ‘all-gender’ restrooms. � Former governor Jon M. Huntsman signed on to a conservative appeal for same-sex marriage � After weeks of late-night negotiations between LDS Church representatives, legislators on both sides of the aisle, representatives of Equality Utah, The National Center for Lesbian Rights, Human Rights Campaign and a civil/ religious rights legal specialist, the Utah Legislature overwhelmingly passed a joint ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM BILL, and Gov. Gary Herbert signed it in a rally at the Utah State Capitol Building rotunda. The bill has been hailed across the country as a “great compromise.” � Gallup declares Salt Lake as the 7TH-MOST LGBT METROPOLITAN AREA in the U.S. per capita. � LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles L. Tom Perry warned against acceptance of ‘COUNTERFEIT LIFESTYLES’ at the semi-annual general conference. � Trans writer, TV host and advocate JANET MOCK was the grand marshal of the UTAH PRIDE PARADE. � Two young men on GRINDR who agreed to meet someone they thought was an 18-year-old man traveling with his parents were booked into Davis County Jail after finding the blank profile was actually a 13-year-old boy. � In what was called “a cry for help,” a 21-year-old Delta, Utah man claimed he had been jumped as he closed up the family pizza restaurant, forced to drink bleach, and had “die fag” carved into his arms. Rick Jones confessed that the attacks were untrue and that he, alone, was responsible. � Exactly two years after the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in United States v. Windsor, invalidating much of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, the Court announced its 5–4 ruling DECLARING SAME-SEX MARRIAGE THE LAW OF THE LAND. June 26 is also exactly 12 years after the Lawrence v. Texas ruling invalidating sodomy laws across the country. � BOY SCOUTS voted to allow gay leaders, and the LDS Church threatened to leave. � Ogden held its first Pride Festival at the Municipal Gardens. � A parade of anti-LGBT speakers participated in the World of Congress of Families IX, held at the Grand America in Salt Lake City. Organizer Stan Swim told KTVX News, “The best thing I can say to anyone who has concerns about this event is just come be with us, come walk the halls...” QSaltLake publisher Michael Aaron was escorted from the hotel when he tried to do just that. Media credentials were also refused by the organization. An inclusive ‘Faith & Family LGBTQ Power Summit’ was held by LGBT organizations days before the Congress. � Jackie Biskupski, who served in the Utah House of Representatives for over 12 years as the first openly gay legislator in the state, won election as Salt Lake City Mayor by a three percent margin against incumbent Ralph Becker. She became the second female mayor and first lesbian mayor in the city.
After a tough several years at the Utah Pride Center, MICHAEL RAMON AGUILAR was elected president of the board. He named CAROL GNADE as full-time executive director and announced new vision and mission statements and increased transparency. Later in the year, the Center announced that their building was sold and that they were looking for a new home. � The Salt Lake City Council unanimously voted to make 9th South, from 9th West to 11th East, HARVEY MILK BOULEVARD. � Gunman kills 49 and injures over 50 at the PULSE NIGHT CLUB in Orlando, Fla. � Political newcomer MISTY KATHRINE SNOW became the first transgender candidate in Utah to be on the ballot in a statewide race, and one of two transgender candidates making history across the country. � The Salt Lake County Council passed a proposal to provide healthcare coverage for transgender employees.
ENCIRCLE, an LGBT youth resource center opened in Provo. � A bill repealing language in a Utah law that prohibits the discussion of homosexuality in schools was passed almost unanimously and put into law. A 12-yearold girl named Savannah came out as a lesbian in front of her Eagle Mountain Mormon church ward and was told to sit down midway through a speech in which she said she was not a “horrible sinner.” � A Native Two- Spirit couple from Utah was disqualified from a “Sweetheart Special Dance” at a Powwow competition.
Story continues at qsaltlake.com