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Participants Sought For LGB/Religion Study
If you are an adult who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or pansexual and are currently living in the United States, you are invited to participate in this study investigating queer spirituality and its effect on mental health.
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student Adam Stoker is conducting a research study looking at the effects of spiritual and religious beliefs on the mental health of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or pansexual.
Religious doctrine and beliefs can conflict with a person’s sexual identity, Stoker said.
“Talking about religion and sexuality can be a touchy topic for many people, he said. “Navigating conflicting identities can often lead to increases in such problems as depression and substance abuse.”
Stoker says that there is limited research on the potential differences between affirming and non-affirming religious or spiritual beliefs and how these differences may affect the mental health of people who are attracted to the same gender.
Participation is completely anonymous, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and you can choose to be entered into a drawing for one of three $20 Amazon gift cards The study is at bit.ly/stokerstudy This study has been approved by the Alliant International.
University Institutional Review Board and questions may be sent to astoker@alliant. edu.
Transgender Health Seminar: Trans-Masculine Surgeries
The University of Utah Health Transgender Health Program invites you to a free seminar to learn how plastic surgeons Dr. Cori Agarwal and Dr. Isak Goodwin can help you on your gender affirmation journey. The next seminar is Thursday, February 20, with its topic and discussion on Trans-Masculine Surgeries covering phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and top surgery. Come listen to our patient panel speak about their unique experiences. The seminar will take place at the Utah Pride Center, Feb. 20, 6–8 p.m., 1380 S. Main St. Events will be live streamed to Facebook. Graphic content may be included in presentations. Please RSVP at the link uofuhealth. org/seminartransgenderhealth
Equality Utah PAC Brunch brings first lesbian Nevada legislator
The Equality Utah PAC is hosting its annual PAC Brunch on February 8 with keynote speaker Nevada Sen. Pat Spearman, the first lesbian elected to the Nevada Legislature. Spearman was the force that led Nevada’s efforts to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, and says she is coming to help Utah do the same.
The PAC deploys a team of volunteers, voter mobilization strategies and cash donations to boost endorsed candidates to victory. The Brunch raises the funds to do all that. No matter what happens in D.C., they will work so that Utah elects fair-minded candidates to defend Utah’s LGBTQ community. When: February 8, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: Red Butte Garden, 300 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City
Tickets at one.bidpal.net/pac2020/ticketing
QUAC Ski-N-Swim is Jan. 31–Feb. 2
QUAC’s 2020 Ski-n-Swim extravaganza will be held the weekend of January 31 through February 2.
The opening social will be held Friday, Jan. 31. The swim meet is Saturday morning, Feb. 1 with a dinner that evening, Sunday, Feb. 2 is a skiing and spa day.
The swim meet will be held at Kearns Oquirrh Park, 5624 S. Cougar Lane, Kearns, Utah.
Individual registration is $30 online before Jan. 29. On-deck registration will not be available. The primary timing system will be automatic timing (Colorado Timing System). Times may be submitted for USMS records and USMS Top 10 consideration. The length of the competition course without a bulkhead is in compliance and on file with USMS in accordance with articles 105.1.7 and 107.2.1. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. A single event membership may be purchased if you are not a USMS registered swimmer for $20. Warm-ups start at 8 a.m. and the meet starts at 9 a.m. It is estimated to end at noon. All events are mixed gender and include 50- and 100-yard breast; 50-, 100-, 200-, 500- yard freestyle; 50- and 100-yard backstroke; 100- and 200-yard individual medley; 50- and 100-yard butterfly; and 200-yard free and medley relays.
For more information and to register for the events, visit ski-n-swim.org
Wasatch Roller Derby 2020 Season Opener
Wasatch Roller Derby will host its season opener Saturday, Feb. 1. It will be a mashup bout with players from Wasatch Roller Derby, Wasatch Men’s Roller Derby, and the Beehive Skate Revolution. We all want to celebrate the beginning of a new year of roller derby.
The charity for this event is SLC Air Protectors, a Native American-led inclusive organization founded to address the on-going air pollution crisis in Utah.
Tickets are $10, children 8 and under are free. Doors open at 6 p.m., bout starts at 7 p.m. at The Derby Depot, 1415 S. 700 West, Salt Lake City.
Third Friday Bingo
The Matrons of Mayhem are supporting the Rocky Mountain Great Dane Rescue in February. This is one of the largest bingos of the year..
Regular Admission: $6 for one card or 2 for $10. Party Foul Insurance $5. Flamingo Hat of Shame $5, Drag-in-a-Bag $50 (for a contribution of $50 we will give the person of your choosing a drag makeover during intermission)
Kitchen concessions available for purchase. This is event is family friendly, kids are welcome and encouraged. This is an alcohol-free event
Adolescent Transgender Health
The Adolescent Medicine Clinic offering Gender Management and Support Services (GeMS) will be presenting to parents and youth on the topic Adolescent Transgender Health. This event is hosted by the University of Utah Transgender Health Program and the Utah Pride Center, Jan. 26, 1–3 p.m., at UPC, 1380 S. Main St.
Hear about what the Adolescent Medicine Clinic offers, meet some of the providers, and learn about how our team works with your youth through their transition journey.
Dr. Nikki Mihalopolous and Dr. Adam Dell are happy to answer both parent and youth questions. They will have one provider presenting to parents while simultaneously in another room the other provider will be presenting to the youth.
If you are interested in participating on a youth or parent panel please contact them at transgenderhealth@hsc.utah.edu or message them with any questions.