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Better Pride than never
With the madness caused by a pandemic, organizations of all kinds are having to reimagine their offerings this year. While saddening, it is great to see events like Damn These Heels and Utah Trans Pride still maintain their relevance by developing new ways to reach their audience. Thereare silver linings as well, as these events are more accessible to a larger group of people who may never have participated before.
And then there’s Utah Pride. While current feelings about the Utah Pride Center run the gamut from love to hate, I believe everyone knows and appreciates the need for the Center and its life-saving programs.
The Center has had to find new and different ways to reach and support its community. Many are not happy with the way they went about doing that, but many more understand that the decisions were tough and that the survival of the Center was paramount.
When I was approached with the idea of “Utah Pride 2.0 Dragging Main,” I have to say I was giddy that they had found a compelling, fun way to maintain some semblance of a Pride. One that was safe, and one that still brought people together, even if it meant six feet apart at all times.
I will miss the big hugs and kisses that this community loves to dole out. I look forward to seeing the smiles on faces, the creativity of our presentation, my ‘once-a-year’ friends, and this community’s organizations andbusinesses showing themselves and their support.
Yes, this has been a hard year for our organizations that struggle to still meet safely. Some, because of their very nature, have not been able to meet in person at all. That has left a void in many people’s lives and a feeling of emptiness in our community.
So, bedecking our vehicles with Pride drag, painting our faces, waving flags, and enjoying the ability to congregate it is for 2020 — a year which will live in infamy.
So grab your friends and family, your coworkers, your neighbors, and create a Road Rally team. Go to page 26 of this magazine and find out how to get involved. Head to your local LGBTQ-owned businesses and buy your pride wear and accessories.
And enjoy the bejeesus out of Utah Pride 2.0.
For more information on Pride 2.0 and the Road Rally, go to utahpridecenter.org