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Rainbow car rally held after Heber City flag decision
The Heber City Council voted unanimously to limit what banners can adorn poles on city streets after community members complained about Pride banners being flown a second year. New rules allow for banners celebrating state and federal holidays, but others require city manager approval and can only be requested by Heber City, Wasatch County, and Heber Valley Chamber of Commerce. Events must be “nonprofit and nonpolitical.”
In response, ally Kevin Mulligan posted in several car and motorcycle Facebook groups a “Heber Main Street Rainbow car cruise of ally vehicles to show support for our town’s LGBTQ population” on Sunday, Aug. 23.
“I’ll be looking to fix a rainbow flag to my rx8. All cars welcome, loud cars recommended,” he wrote.
The group met in Sugar House and drove up to Kimball Junction, where others could join.
About three dozen people joined the car rally.
Heber City resident Jamie Belnap who, along with husband Ben, fought for the Pride banners welcomed the support.
“Today we celebrate good people everywhere. After last week’s disheartening Wasatch County Pride flag decision, a dear ally, Kevin Mulligan, from SLC with zero connections to Heber City arranged a Heber Main Street Rainbow car cruise of ally vehicles to show support for our town’s LGBTQ population. #blesshisbigdamnheart,” she wrote on her Facebook wall. “So we gathered, perched and waiting, with signs and flags, and all sorts of cheers and honks and waves from vehicles passing by.”
“It’s the little things. But sometimes the little things are the biggest things,” she continued.
Project Rainbow leaders Lucas Horns and Dallas Rivas joined the rally in Rivas’ rainbow-bedecked truck.
“Today we went on a mini gay parade and had a humbling experience,” Rivas wrote on his Facebook wall. “I can’t imagine going back to a time where you had to hide your feelings or who you were. Heber City is eager to show their pride!”