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QSaltLake's 2020 book holiday gift guide
The holidays this year are going to be, well, unique.
Some family members won’t be there. Others are coming, regardless of whatever’s going on in the country. Still, others are sending their regards and a box of presents, which is something you might do, too. And here’s the good news: books are an easy wrap, easy to box, and easily shipped. So try one of these great books for that person who can’t make it to your table this holiday season?
For the person who craves a thriller, THESE VI- OLENT DELIGHTS, by Micah Nemerever, is the gift to give. It’s a novel of two young men who meet at college and soon become obsessed with one another in different ways. But one is cruel, the other fearful, and you know that ain’t good.

The person on your gift list who loves drag will enjoy THE COCKETTES: ACID DRAG & SEXUAL ANARCHY from the archives of Fayette Hauser. It’s a lavishly-illustrated 50-year anniversary look at drag and the counterculture.
If your giftee is a die-hard, conference-attending, never-miss-an-appearance fan, then slip CONVENTIONALLY YOURS, by Annabeth Albert under the tree. It’s the story of a road trip, two fierce hate-fests, one romance, and two fanboys, but who’s the biggest? Pair it with DATE ME, Bryson Keller, by Kevin van Whye for double the love.
Here’s something unique: THEY SAY SAR- AH, by Pauline Delabroy-Allard is a best-seller in France and a skinny book that your giftee won’t be able to stop reading. It’s the story of a single mother who’s living in Paris with her child. The woman has a boyfriend but one New Years’ Eve, she meets a woman who changes everything. Pair it with something nonfiction, like I’ve Been Wrong Before, by Evan James, a book of essays on life, coming out, relationships, and more.
The Fans of biographies will want to unwrap MAMA’S BOY, by Dustin Lance Black. Black, a screenwriter, and activist tells the story of his childhood, having been raised by a single mother who suffered a lifetime of almost-insurmountable issues, and how they came to terms with everything they’d endured together. Pair it with DADDY, by Michael Montlack, a book of essays on this and that and the other.
Another great memoir, LATER: MY LIFE AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, by Paul Lisicky, is the story of finding a place to settle down, and watching an epidemic as it changes that newly-beloved place.

The star watcher on your list will love Inside the HOLLYWOOD CLOSET: A BOOK OF QUOTES, by Boze Hadleigh. It’s a who’s-who and a whatwas-what that looks back at who said what about life as a gay star, and it’s fun!
The reader who wants something unique will enjoy THE LAST ALIAS: TRUE STORIES AND A TALE THAT MIGHT BE, by Ste7en Foster (and no, that’s not a typo). As humans, we are many different things. This book will make you think: who are YOU?
Give your historian something a bit different this year with KENT STATE: FOUR DEAD IN OHIO, by Derf Backderf. Written entirely in graphic-novel style, it’s a look at the event that changed America more than 50 years ago. Pair it with THE HARDHAT RIOT, by David Paul Kuhn, a book about a little-remembered event that happened four days after the Kent State shootings.
What do you get for the person who loves reading about boats and submarines? A recommendation is UNDER PRESSURE: LIVING LIFE AND AVOIDING DEATH ON A NU- CLEAR SUBMARINE, by Richard Humphreys. When the author was eighteen, he joined the Royal Navy and served underwater. What more can an adventure-lover want to read about? Can’t go wrong when you pair it with WHAT- EVER IT TOOK, by Henry Langrehr and Jim DeFelice. It’s a story of an American paratrooper at the end of World War II.
For the person who would love something a little unique this holiday, look for THE NEW WITCH, by Marie D. Jones. It’s a book about Wicca, spells and potions, magic, and all things that today’s spiritual practitioner needs to know. Wrap it up with EARTH MAGIC, by Marie D. Jones, a guide for the sorceress in you.
Is there someone on your list who craves a good scare? Then look for DEMONIC FOES, by Richard Gallagher. He’s a psychiatrist who specializes in the paranormal, particularly in demonic possession. You will feel the shivers.
For the parent of older kids, ribbon-tie WHAT GIRLS NEED, by Marisa Porges, Ph.D. The book is about raising strong, resilient future women; pair it with AND THEN THEY STOPPED TALKING TO ME, by Judith Warner; a book about surviving middle school amongst mean kids.
It’s been an unusual year. So show your book lover that it’s possible to buck up and survive with WHY FISH DON’T EXIST, by Lulu Miller. It’s the story of an early 20th-century scientist and the day he watched his life’s work shatters. What he did was astounding, and a great lesson for 2020. And possibly include MONSTERS OF THE DEEP, by Nick Redfern. This book is more cryptozoology than a biography, but for fishing fans, that’s fine.
Here’s a fun read: SEALAND, by Dylan Taylor-Lehman, the story of a micronation named Sealand, off the British coast, and on which the Royal Family rules it. With a little of everything in this book — history, pirates, battles, kings, and an attempted coup — your historian and the travel fan will love it. Pair it up with WE HAVE BEEN HARMO- NIZED: LIFE IN CHI- NA’S SURVEILLANCE STATE, by Kai Strittmatter. A book that’s a little more serious, and adds a nice balance.

The reader who loves quick essays will enjoy THIS IS MAJOR, by Shayla Lawson. It’s a funny and serious look at racism from a Black woman who shares her thoughts on work, celebrity, names, “Black Girl Magic” and more. Pair it with WHY DIDN’T WE RIOT?, by Issac J. Bailey, about being Black in America today.
Here's an idea from dad to son or vice versa: A BETTER MAN, by Michael Ian Black. It takes a look at masculinity and what it means to "be a man" in the 21st century. Give it to your son or son-to-be, who'll get there someday. Or proudly gift it to Dad, to thank him for the guidance, and pair it with THE TOUGHEST KID WE KNEW, by Frank Bergon, a story of the "New West," California, and life in small towns and ranches.
Armchair scientists will be happy to flip through the pages of THE HANDY PHYSICS ANSWER BOOK, Third Edition by Charles Liu, Ph.D. This Q-and-A format is easy to read and browse, and fun to use. Don’t be shy and include the science book: THE HUMAN COS- MOS: CIVILIZATION AND THE STARS, by Jo Marchant, a book about how looking at the night sky makes us human.
For those who are a conservationist or activist, MILL TOWN, by Kerri Arsenault is perfect under the tree. It’s a story of a town in Maine, where the local industry may or may not be hurting the locals and life near the mill. Consider adding these titles to your gift-giving: BARNSTORMING OHIO: TO UNDERSTAND AMERICA, by David Giffels, and PERILOUS BOUNTY: THE LOOMING COLLAPSE OF AMERICAN FARMING AND HOW WE CAN PREVENT IT, by Tom Philpott for an understanding of our country now. Since this subject runs deep, you also might look for DEATH IN MUD LICK, by Eric Eyre: shedding light on the opioid epidemic in coal country.
Do you have a person on your list who has a serious case of wanderlust? Then wrap up SPIRITS OF SAN FRANCISCO: VOYAGES THROUGH THE UNKNOWN CITY, by Gary Kamiya, drawings by Paul Madonna. It’s an easy-to-browse book of ideas for when you’re looking for somewhere different to visit. Pair it with THE CHANGE: MY GREAT AMERICAN, POSTINDUSTRIAL, MIDLIFE CRISIS TOUR, by Lori Soderlind, the story of one woman, one elderly dog, and a road trip to remember.

The DIY woman on your gift list (and the one who craves self-sufficiency) will love having GIRLS GARAGE, by Emily Pilloton. It’s a super-helpful book about using tools, fixing things, understanding doit-herself language, tackling projects, and getting it done. Bonus: it’s great for women ages 16 to 96. Add it with A LAB OF ONE’S OWN, by Rita Colwell, Ph.D., and Sharon Bertsch McGrayne. This book is about women in science and how inequality and sexism have hurt the industry, and what women can do about it today.
If there’s a traveler — physically or of the armchair sort — THE WOMEN I THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT: TRAVELING THE PATHS OF MY HEROES, by Mia Kankimaki is what you’ll want to give this year. It’s a story of 10 historical female pioneers, and the author’s journey from continent to continent to get to know them. Pair it with OLIVE THE LION- HEART, by Brad Ricca. It’s the story of Olive MacLeod, who went to Africa by herself more than a century ago, in search of her fiance, who’d gone missing.
Is there a scientist in your family who also loves to be in the kitchen? You’re in luck with SCIENCE AND COOKING, by Michael Brenner, Pia Sorensen, and David Weitz. It includes recipes. How can you go wrong? Consider adding THE RISE: BLACK COOKS AND THE SOUL OF AMERICAN FOOD, by Marcus Samuelsson with Osayi Endolyn, Yewande Komolafe and Tamie Cook, photos by Angie Mosier. It’s a look at Black cooks, heritage, and soul food. Be sure to volunteer as the taste-tester.
For the giftee who is addicted to TV, SUN- NY DAYS, by David Kamp is perfect. It’s a look back at children’s TV in the 1970s, but not of the cartoon genre; think Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. Nostalgia + TV = a great gift.

If there’s someone on your list who loves gardening will love to see THE LANGUAGE OF BUTTERFLIES, by Wendy Williams under the tree. It’s the story of butterflies, why we love them, what scientists are learning about them, and how the world would be the lesser without them. Pair it with NATURALIST, by Edward O. Wilson, adapted by Jim Ottaviani and C.M. Butzer. It’s a graphic-novel-type biography about Wilson, who is a science-expert on ants and bugs.
The giftee who looks toward the future, always, will love to unwrap A WOMAN’S INFLUENCE, by Sheri Gaskins and Tony A. Gaskins, Jr. It’s a book for women who want to take better control at work, at home, and in their relationships. Pair it with READY FOR ANYTHING, by Kathi Lipp, a book about resilience amid crises of any size.
Is your political animal a little sorry to see the election over? Watch the animal glow with FIGHT HOUSE, by Tevi Troy, a book about the back-stabbing, fang-baring tumultuousness and rivalries inside the White House in the last century or so. Pair it with another great history book: UNION: THE STRUGGLE TO FORGE THE STORY OF UNITED STATES NATION- HOOD, by Colin Woodard.
For the writer on your gift list, you want to choose right… so choose MASTERING THE PROCESS: FROM IDEA TO NOVEL, by Elizabeth George. You may know George as a novelist — and if you do, you know the advice in this book is solid.

Wanna see your scientist smile? Give the gift of THE NEXT GREAT MIGRATION, by Sonia Shah. It’s a sweeping, vast look at us: where we’ve been, where we went, when we left, and how we got to where we are. For your armchair biologist, this is a no-brainer. Pair it with THE SUM OF THE PEOPLE, by Andrew Whitby, a book about why countries take a census and how it’s shaped the world.
And if you’ve got a science-minded someone you’re looking to gift, look for Exploring the ELEMENTS: A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE PERIODIC TABLE, by Isabel Thomas, and pictures by Sara Gillingham. It’s seriously lighthearted and makes this branch of science easy and fun to understand. Add to it CAN PEOPLE JUST BURST INTO FLAMES?, by Larry Scheckel, a great book of science trivia, questions, and answers for any scientist (or anyone curious), age 12 and up.

Does anybody need another book about a natural disaster? Ha, of course, they do! So that’s why you should look for THE 2084 RE- PORT: AN ORAL HIS- TORY OF THE GREAT WARMING, by James Lawrence Powell. Yes, it’s set in the future. You can hope so, anyhow.
If your giftee loves a good, multilayered novel about family and best-forgotten memories, then look for HIEROGLYPHICS, by Jill McCorkle. When Lil and Frank move back to Frank’s childhood hometown, their past moves with them. Wrap it up with True Story, by Kate Reed Petty, a story of childhood trauma, and the chance for those who lived to recover from it.
For the giftee who’s ready to pack up and move across the country, THE EXILES, by Christina Baker Kline might be a good choice for a gift. It’s a novel about three women who are exiled to Australia more than a century ago when exile was punishable. Fans of Orphan Train, listen up. Wrap it up with this: FLYAWAY, by Kathleen Jennings, a dark twisted tale of vanishings and family horror in Australia.
Surely, someone on your gift list has wished this year to be cloned. WRAP THE MIRROR MAN, by Jane Gilmartin with a “careful what you wish for” note. And include The Operator, by Gretchen Berg, the story of a woman who wishes she’d never overheard what she did.
For your loved ones to be surprised, add under the tree THE BOOK OF HIDDEN WON- DERS, by Polly Crosby. It’s a book about a girl whose father entertained her with a story in which she’s a character, and it becomes a big bestseller. Good for her, right? Or not so much. Perhaps include THE FALLING WOMAN, by Richard Farrell,a story about a woman who supposedly died in a plane crash — only she didn’t, but she wants to stay “dead.”

The person on your list who loves a good family drama will want THE LOST ORPHAN by Stacey Halls under the tree this year. It’s the story of two women and one little girl, and a secret that won’t be able to be kept for long. Pair it with THE END OF THE DAY by Bill Clegg, a novel of friendship, relationships, and the resolution of long-buried secrets.
No doubt, there’s a historical fiction fan on your list, so there’s no doubt that you’ll want to wrap up BONNIE: A NOVEL by Christina Schwarz. Yep, it’s a fictionalized tale of Bonnie Parker, and how she became one of the early 20th-century’s most iconic outlaws. Wrap it up with THE BIG FINISH by Brooke Fossey, a novel about two outlaws that you’d never put together and their great escape.

If you’ve got a big reader on your list, it’s hard to find something they haven’t already seen. That’s why you should wrap up LAYOVER- LAND, by Gabby Noone. It’s the tale of a woman who lives a life she’s not proud of, so when she dies, she goes to purgatory. There’s a chance for her to go to heaven, but it involves helping the guy who killed her. Pair it with THE MIDNIGHT LI- BRARY, by Matt Haig, the story of a possible place that offers a redo of life. It’s a spot between living and dying, but it’s not what your giftee thinks.
The short-story lover will enjoy CAT PERSON AND OTHER STORIES, by Kristen Roupenian,that’s a collection of creepy, odd tales that doubles as a gift of shivers. You can’t go wrong if you pair it with THE FACELESS OLD WOMAN WHO SECRETLY LIVES IN YOUR HOME, by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. The title should tell you everything you need to know?
Is there someone on your list who loves a good sink-your-teeth-into novel? Then surprise a loved one with WHEN THESE MOUN- TAINS BURN,by David Joy. It’s a tale of two men wrapped up in the drug trade — one, a father with a son who’s an addict; the other, an addict himself. And the DEA is asking for help… You can’t go wrong if you sneak it under the tree with NINE SHINY OBJECTS by Brian Castleberry — a novel of (supposed) UFOs and the legacy the sightings left behind.
For the novel-lover who professes to hate their job, you can’t go wrong with HENCH, by Natalie Zina Walschots.It’s a super-witty story of a woman with an unusual job (hey, somebody’s has to do it!) and what she does to remain gainfully employed after the next-to-worst thing happens. If you’re charmed by it, you should it with LIES LIES LIES, by Adele Parks, which is a story of a family and the party that changes absolutely everything.
Lovers of family-drama novels will whoop when they open LOUISI- ANA LUCKY,by Julie Pennell. It’s the tale of three sisters and a big lottery payout that makes all their dreams come true. Or not. Pair it with BETTY, by Tiffany McDaniel. It’s a lovely novel of family and what happens when you learn things about them you don’t want to know.
And for the science-fiction-fantasy reader, you couldn’t find a better gift than TO SLEEP IN A SEA OF STARS, by Christopher Paolini.It’s a story of new worlds and a journey to make sure that the universe survives. It’s thrilling and edgy. Note: It’s over 800 pages, so add a bookmark to this great gift.
Many more books are listed on our website at qsaltlake.com, including books for young readers and mystery, thriller and true crime books.