6 minute read

Celebrating Our Pets

Kelly and Poodle

During the throws of the first months of Covid, I found myself in a dark place mentally and environmentally. The fact was I needed a purpose so I visited the SL Animal Rescue and saw this dog named Stephen, after trying to get Stephen’s attention by calling him by his name he wouldn’t acknowledge me he just sat there and looked forward. On the way home through some mystical, magical telepathy he conveyed he would like to be called Poodle. This Poodle is my soul pet and he literally changed and saved my life.

Kevin and Cooper

Cooper aka Coopus, Bubba, Sweet Pea, or Little Brown Burrito, came into my life two years ago when he was almost one year old—rehomed because his dog siblings rejected him. He is a Plott hound mixed with who knows what but his two dads love him the way he is. Coopus really loves meeting new people, swimming in the river, chasing kitties, keeping his home squirrel free and singing the blues. Given the chance, he will roll in the stinkiest thing he can find when he’s exploring. He gets the zoomies like crazy when he’s out running around but very chill at home until there’s a knock at the door. He is the perfect dog.

Kayli & Raven

Almost 2 years ago I was about to come home from deployment when I saw Raven’s adoption post. Two days into being stateside I was driving down to meet her. I instantly knew we were meant for each other and I took her home that same day. I can’t even remember what life was like without Raven. She’s the smartest, sweetest, silliest, best little pitty mix a girl could ask for. I love how her ears don’t know if they want to be pointy or floppy. I love her excessive kisses when I giggle. How she greets me with wiggle butts every time I come home. She has the best expressions, she’s mastered the side eye and pouting to get more attention. She loves life and she loves her moms and I’m grateful to be the one who could rescue her and give her this life she loves. Because she rescued me too.


This is me and Lukla.

He “found” me eight years ago as a kitten. I had my other two cats out for their walk (both now passed), and a kitten walked up the sidewalk from Main Street and stopped and meowed. I decided to name him after the village that most folks start the Everest Base Camp trek in. He’s the friendliest cat you’ll ever meet.

Ron Goodsell and Picco

My partner (Robert, now deceased) heard of a lady with a Chihuahua puppy she was selling and called to inquire about it. I said no puppy, as we already had three dogs, the max our lease allowed. The lady and the puppy came over and stayed, and stayed, and stayed, I finally went to bed. In the morning the lady was gone and the puppy was still there! Robert passed away a year later and left me with this wonderful, loving little guy.

Ann and Jack

My grand dog Jack has been the best thing in the world for me. He comforts me, makes me smile, laugh and I just love him so much.

Tony, ScoTT, and Kubo

Kubo came in to our lives almost six years ago. He loves to travel and barks at the Amazon delivery man. He’s a very loving dog and part of our family.

Enke & Issy

My sister in law, Taina, loved her Yorkie babies. Izzy was rescued from a puppy mill and rehabilitated by Taina. One year later, at age 50, Taina died unexpectedly. Izzy was heartbroken, we had just lost our elderly “Pierre” and were distraught ourselves, so I asked my brother if we could have Izzy visit for the weekend. This was January 24, 2019; Izzy stayed permanently. She stays by my side everywhere as a service animal. It was suggested I get an animal to walk and to take care of by my orthopedic surgeon post recovery of 2015 nearly fatal bike accident. Forces me outside every day to continue my recovery. Izzy is a popular figure with the Seniors Out and Proud Utah (SOAP) Tuesday Troopers walking group. Deb Hall suggested Izzy get her own Social media account, so she did!

You can watch Izzy’s daily Greenbike adventures on TikTok: @izzy.the.pilot Some of the videos are posted here as well: facebook.com/gregory.enke

Funny, not so funny story: Izzy’s adorable tongue hanging out the side, took her in to get her teeth cleaned and she shockingly came home with 26 less teeth!

(And much fresher breath)

Eric, Holly, Mani, and Rocks

So my white cat had to be put down the day after Christmas. Her name was Holly Golightly. Mani is the black one who still starts yelling at 5am. Rocks is the weird one.

Max, Hecktor & Regina

Hello, my name is Max and I’m submitting my favorite picture of me and my two cats, Hecktor and Regina. They’re litter mates and best friends (Regina on the left, Hecktor on the right). I was originally going to adopt their sister from a dear friend who fosters cats, but sadly she (the cat) passed away before I could. So when I decided I still wanted to adopt from her, I couldn’t bring myself to get only one. Best decision of my life. Hecktor loves to stand guard in the bathroom every time I take a shower and Regina is always right next to me in the morning waiting for breakfast. They love to explore the roof outside my second story window while chasing bugs and chirping at birds. I love them very very much.

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