WhyisFlutter OvertakingReact NativeinTerms ofPopularity?
Flutter is one of the most popular hybrid mobile app development platforms developed entirely by Google. This cross-platform app development framework was released in May 2017 and has resulted in the development of mobile applications worldwide
Cross-platform environment
Easier and faster development
Live reload and Codebase sharing
No need to rewrite the code across
React Native was launched in 2015, and the Flutter framework was introduced in 2018. So, React Native has a larger community for developers. React Native is one of the frameworks considered to be the most familiar in the community. The framework is based on JavaScript, which is incredibly popular. On the other hand, Flutter is a framework based on Google’s in-house language. This is one of the main reasons why it is the perfect option to choose when trying to begin app development. If you want toHire Dedicated Flutter Developers in USA, there is no doubt that you will have no problem finding the right options. www.qservicesit.com/why-is-flutter-overtaking-react-native-in-terms-ofpopularity