Megazine tut

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MZ3-Tool3 User Guide




4. November 2012

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

Content 1. Tips 5 1.1 MZ3-Tool3 5 1.1.1

How to use MZ3-Tool3 5


How MZ3-Tool3 works 6


Hints for PDF Conversion 7


Hints for MAC users 7


Tips for Photo Books 8


Photo Books directly from Images 8


Photo Books prepared with Adobe Lightroom4 10


Adding Audio Files (sound\) 11


Adding Video Files (video\) 11

2. Basics 12 2.1 Documentation 12 2.2

Maintenance, Updates, Customization 12


Folders and Files 12


GUI Adjustments and Localization (language support) 13



Limitations and Restrictions 14

FAQ: Answers on common Questions 15

4. Checkliste 18 4.1 4.1.1

Parameters, Configuration 18 Modifications of the ‚make‘ or ‚details‘ configuration have no effect 18

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

Quicksteps Convert PDF files into MZ3-Titles (Books, Catalogues, Brochures, ...) 1. Download MZ3-Tool3 from our MegaZine3 home page and extract into a new (base) folder.

Execute the MZ3-Tool3 program. In a first step all embedded standard folders and files will be created and this document (MZ3_Beginners) will be converted into an MZ3 Title as first example/demo. 2. Delete the PDF files (this manual), so it is not converted again with the next runs. Another copy is available in the folder _documentation\ 3. Copy your own PDF file into the base folder, i.e. where the mz3_tool3.exe program is located 4. Start MZ3-Tool3 again.

Convert single Photos into a Photo Book 1. Download MZ3-Tool3 from our MegaZine3 home page and extract into a new (base) folder.

Execute the MZ3-Tool3 program. In a first step all embedded standard folders and files will be created and this document (MZ3_Beginners) will be converted into an MZ3 Title as first example/demo. 2. Delete the PDF files (this manual), so it is not converted again with the next runs. Another copy is available in the folder _documentation\ 3. Copy your images into the folder my_photos\images\low\ 4. Copy both configuration files _examples\mz3_photo_make.xml and _examples\mz3_photo_details.xml into the base folder. 5. Start MZ3-Tool3 again. All images will be scaled to make them fit on one page. If the ‘photo’ configuration files are not the first configuration files in alphabetical order, drag and drop the mz3_photo_make.xml file over the program file mz3_tool3.exe to start MZ3-Tool3 with that configuration. What to find where? / The base folder, i.e. where you extracted the downloaded MZ3-Tool3 package, hold all subfolders and the MZ3-Tool3 program mz3_tool3.exe as well as the configuration files mz3_tool3.xml and mz3.xml export_online_fat/ Ready to use books of different type and title, located in their respective folders. export_offline_fat/ All needed files of an MZ3-Title are collected to be used as either an Online version to be export_online_std/ uploaded to your server, or to be copied on media like CD, DVD, memory stick for export_online_stf/ use on a local PC as Offline version. my_PDFs/ Optional folder to hold your PDF files (can be deleted) my_photos/ Optional folder to prepare your photo books (can be deleted) my_mz3_titles/ This folder is kind of database for your MZ3Titles, where the MZ3 Title specific configuration files and all your content are stored. _documentation\ general documentation: manuals, version history, hand books (MZ3_tool3 and MegaZine3) Can be deleted _examples\ Sample configuration files; actually for PDF conversion and photo books; can be deleted. _log\ log files of MZ3-Tool3, temporary file like file lists _software\ under MZ3\ the MegaZine3 software is located; and some optional tools in parallel folders. Any Problems? The last chapter might provide some answers and explain typical problems: „FAQ: Answers on common Questions“ on page 16

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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1.1 MZ3-Tool3 MZ3-Tool3 is offered for download at the download page Unzip the downloaded file into a new folder, e.g. a folder mz3_titles\ on your desktop. There is no installation needed. It is important though that there are no special characters part of the path or folder name! MZ3-Tool3 is a batch command script that only can handle pure ASCII code.(see „No support of special characters“ on page 15). If your user name contains special characters like “ä,ü, è, ß, ...”, please use a folder at the root level of your drive, like c:\mz3_tool3\\


How to use MZ3-Tool3

Everything is controlled with a set of 2 configuration files, the ‘make’ and the ‘details’ configuration files. Default versions are provided with the first run of the program, named • mz3x_default_make.xml and • mz3x_default_details.xml

ATTENTION: If anything goes wrong, please verify that your configuration files match the actual version! If in doubt, please compare against the original configuration files of the actual MZ3-Tool3 version! The parameters in the ‘make’ configuration file define the general options, like Offline/Online titles. The parameters in the ‘details’ configuration file define title specific options; like page colors. There are several options to start MZ3-Tool3 • Without any configuration file with a direct call (double click) The alphabetically first configuration file in the base folder will be used. If not availble, internal default values will be used (identical to those in the default files) • A make configuration file can be dragged and dropped over MZ3-Tool3. Then that ‘make’ file and the related ‘details’ config file will be used. • Start MZ3-Tool3 from the command line, you can provide the path and name of the desired make file in that command line as first and only parameter The configuration files are saved together with the MZ3-Title content in the same folder. This helps to later run the same conversion as last time; with the same book/version specific settings. Example Configuration Files Two sets of 2 configuration files each are available in the _examples\ folder: • mz3_PDF PDF files locaed in the folder my_PDFs will be converted into an MZ3 Title • mz3_photo A collection of photos in the my_photos\images\low\ folder will be converted into a Photo Book

Deleting Folders To get rid of folders that are not needed, those folders like e.g. _examples\ and _documentation\ as well as my_PDFs\ and my_photos\ can be purged. As long as the file do-not-restore.txt is present in the base folder, those folders will not be restored. If you need them again, simply delete do-not-restore.txt, and they will be back after the next start of MZ3-Tool3. You also can delete the _export“ folder and all book-version folders in my_mz3_titles\ if no longer needed; but: Attention: such user data cannot be restored by MZ3-Tool3 Configuring the command window When MZ3-Tool3 starts, a window pops up with status information and warning or error messages. For better readability the size of that window can be adjusted with a right click into the upper bar of that window and the following settings: Properties - Layout - window size - width: 120, and Properties - Layout - window size - height: 80

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012



How MZ3-Tool3 works

During the first run of MZ3-Tool3 all needed folders are created in the base folder, together with all files like the manuals in the _documentation\ folder and this MZ3_Beginners manual in the base folder. MZ3-Tool3 is controlled with a pair of ‘make’ and ‘details’ configuration files. A default version is available in the base folder after the first start of MZ3-Tool3. This pair of mz3x_default_make.xml and mz3_default_details.xml files is used for the first conversion of the MZ3_ Beginners manual into an MZ3 Title. The parameters of the ‘make’ configuration define e.g. where the PDF files are located. The default configuration expects the PDF files in the base folder. The files created by MZ3-Tool3, that define the MZ3_titles, are collected in the ‘export’ folders. The default configuration file saves everything in the folder export_offine_fat\, where also the program can be found (FLASH projector with MegaZine3). Starting that program named megazine-fat.exe presents the MZ3 Title in a new window. All files saved within the folder named after the PDF-File, form a compete package. that can be copied on CD, DVD or any other media. And than transferred to another computer. The program type (Windows or MAC) can be configured in the ‘make’ configuration file.. Example If the name of a converted PDF file is catalogue_2012_en.pdf, then the projector file, that will present the final MZ3Title, can be found here: export_offline_fat\catalogue_2012\catalogue\2012\megazine-fat.exe After MZ3-Tool3 did complete a first run, you can convert your own files. Since all PDF files found by MZ3-Tool3 will be converted, we recommend to delete the MZ3_Beginners PDF files. A copy can is available in the folder _documentation\. If you miss to delete those PDF files, they will be converted again with every new start of MZ3Tool3. As long as you either delete them or change the ‘make’ configuration file and point to another folder, where you saved your PDF files. The default setting is: convert all PDF files found in the base folder. Parametrization of MZ3-Tool3: MZ3-Tool3 can be controlled with several parameters. Each parameter consists of a ‚start‘ and ‚end‘-tag, i.e. the parameter‘s name is enclosed in brackets (‚<‘ and ‚>‘), The end tag is specified with a slash ‚/‘. in front of the parameter name. The value of the parameter goes in between the start and end tag. Example <book_base_path>my_photo_books\</book_base_path> Here for the <book_base_path> a value of my_photo_books is set, changing the folder for the content (images, swf pages, ...) and config files from the default path my_mz3_titles\ to my_photo_books\ Some selected ‘make’ parameters: <UI-language> selection of the language (de or en) for error and info messages <licensekey> in case you purchased a full license, the license key can be provided here <PDF_XML_path> Definition of the path with the PDF files, relative to the base folder. By default this parameter is not set and files are searched in the base folder. <PDF_XML_name> Specification /selection of the PDF files, e.g. „*_en.pdf“ for all PDF files ending with ‚_en <PDF_XML_name> Specification /selection of the PDF files, e.g. „*_en.pdf“ for all PDF files ending with ‚_en <mz3_variant> Selection of the MZ3 variant: either Online (internet, browser) or Offline (local use)

Language selection: The language for the user interface of MZ3-Tool3 can be selected. This allows to switch to either en (English) or de (German) for all information, warning and error messages Example: <UI-language>.en</UI-language>. selects to show messages in English Use of folder my_photos\: This folder serves to collect all data needed for the next (photo book) project: all images (low, high, thumbs, js_fallback), audio/sound and video files can be saved into the prepared folders and will be copied into the appropriate MZ3-Title folders with the next run using a ‘params’ configuration file instead of a PDF file.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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1.2 Hints for PDF Conversion Managing many PDF Files: We recommend to keep PDF files separate from other data like configuration files. For that purpose the ‘my_PDFs’ folder already was created. The location is specified with the <PDF_XML_path> parameter in the ‘make’ configuration file: <PDF_XML_path>my_PDFs</PDF_XML_path> path to the folder holding the PDF files <PDF_XML_name>*.pdf</PDF_XML_name> A full or a partial name can be specified Place holder characters (‚wildcards‘ like * and ? ) are allowed.: Examples: test*.pdf All PDF files starting with ‘test’ in the name *.pdf All PDF files in the selected folder catalogue_2012_*.pdf All laguage versions of ‘catalogue_2012’ Name conventions for PDF Files: To make best use of all features of MZ3-Tool3 and to avoid surprises, the following name conventions for PDF files should be followed: PDF file names should be formed with 3 blocks: book and version name, terminated with a language code 1. Book name: all characters until the first underscore build the book name 2. Version name all characters following the first underscore until the last underscore 3. Language code: the exactly 2 characters after the last underscore Example for a PDF-Name compliant with this rule: catalogue_2012_en.pdf Book: catalogue, Version: 2012, language: en(glish) catalogue_2012.pdf Book: catalogue, Version: 2012, language: en (as per default) catalogue_de.pdf Book: catalogue, Version: 1 (default), language: de(utsch)

Configuration files provided as example for PDF conversions: The folder _examples\ holds two configuration files that are pre-configured for a PDF-conversion, supporting the . my_PDFs\ folder: mz3_PDF_make.xml a customized mz3_tool3.xml configuration file, and mz3_PDF_details.xml a customized mz3.xml file To make use of these 2 PDF configuration files, copy them from the folder _examples\ into the base folder, and: • Either start MZ3-Tool3 directly, if they are the first ones in alphabetical order (the default configuration files start with mz3x_ and will always be last) • Or start mz3_tool3.exe using Drag&Drop, i.e. dropping the mz3_PDF_make.xml. file on the program.

1.3 Hints for MAC users

The projector files for the ‘std ‘and ‘fat’ version are no more included in the download package. In case you build an Offline version for a MAC, a warning will be issued if the respective file is not found. In that case do the following: • Set the make@customization_path parameter to <customization_path>software/my_gui</customization_path>; or any other path. • Run MZ3-Tool3 again, if that path does not exist; MZ3-Tool3 will create that path and the megazine/ subfolders for you, and also copy some files like the source version of the asul files into the megazine/gui/ folder • Download the respective ‘MAC std’ or ‘MAC fat’ available on our Download page • unzip and copy everything into the software/my_gui/megazine/ folder • Run MZ3-Tool3 again. This time the MAC version will be built without further warnings. Remark: MegaZine3 runs on a MAC as Offline version (projector file) as well as Online version (in a browser with Flash support). But MZ3-Tool3 as comfortable help for creating the megazine.mz3 configuration file only runs on Windows. On a MAC the megazine.mz3 configuration file can be modified and created using any editor.

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012


1.4 Tips for Photo Books 1.4.1

Photo Books directly from Images

Short instruction: • Copy all photos that should go into the photo book into the folder my_photos/images/low/ for low resolution images and optionallly my_photos/images/high/ for images with high resolution.. • Then copy the prepared configuraiton files _examples\mz3_photo_make.xml and _examples\mz3_photo_details.xml into the base folder. If the photo conifg files are the only ones or the first in alphabetical order, you simply can start MZ3-Tool3 and these config files will be used. Otherwise drag the photo config file (preferably the make file, but the details file is accepted also) over xml over to start it using these files. Explanation of the photo book presets: The pre-configured files mz3_photo_make.xml and mz3_photo_details.xml define everything needed to create a first ‘OK’ photo book; without any further changes of settings. The defaults for the photo book example are: <PDF_XML_path> <PDF_XML_ name> <index_bgcolor>


<book_bgcolor> <img_width> <img_height> <printpdf>

#0110011 -10 -10

<searchindex> <gallery>





Prepared folder for photo book content, including a ‚params‘ file Nutzung der alühabetisch ersten ‚params‘ Datei Color of the book ‚container‘; background color: dark grey

Page background color of the book: very dark green At least 10 pixel distance to the left and right page border At least 10 pixel distance to the upper and bottom page border Name of a file presented for download with the ‚printpdf‘ button, e.g. all low quality images zipped (leer): no search Making use of the gallery feature, so every image can be viewed in full resolution in full screen mode Use the default page background image

Background information: The mz3_photo_param.xml file has the same structure and data as the ‘param’ file, which, in case of a PDF conversion, is created automatically and filled with data extracted from the PDF files; like book and version name, as well as page size and page count. This file is saved in the book\version\ folder and named after the book_name. In case of photo books, such information is not available and must be provided as a file with the same structure, containing some basic infromation about the poto book to create. The name of that file can be freely chosen. The example file is called mz3_photo_param.xml and is located in the folder <my_photos>.

Folder for Images All images found in my_photos/images/low/, my_photos/images/high/ and my_photos/ js_fallback will be copied into the respective subfolders of the photo book. In case the destination folder is not empty, you can force to overwrite the existing files with those from the my_photos\ folder. More details will be provided regularly in the mz3_tool3 blog Page background images If a border is defined with <img_width> and <img_height>, either the page background color is visible or a special image which us used as page background. In the folder software\pg_bground_img\ three sample files are provided. One for left, right and spreadpages each. Those will be used, if <bground_img> is set to “*”. Own images also can be used. In that case the “base name” and extension of those images must be provided as parameter. Example: If <bground_img>test.jpg is defined as ‘details’ parameter, and the files test_pr_1.jpg, test_pl_1.jpg and test_s_1.jpg are provided in the folder software\pg_bground\, then those images will be used. The cover pages are always without background image. If no file name or ‘*’ is set, no background image will be used and the background color is visible.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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Tips Gallery For photos the gallery plugin is an interesting feature, although the book can be zoomed. All photos of a chapter can be combined in a gallery and viewed in fullscreen mode in high quality. Even resolutions bigger than 2048*2048, a limitation of FLASH for versions before 11.3, are supported. To make use of the gallery, the mz3.xml parameter <gallery> should be set to true. If a spy glass symbol is requested to make te user aware of this feature, this can be enabled in using a character code of 1 or 2 characters. Summary of the codes: • a automatic positioning: bottom left or right, depending on where the image is located the position is close to the gutter/fold of the book to avoid conflicts with the drag area. • l left. • r right. • c center (horizontally) • t top • b bottom • m middle (vertically) Examples:

tl positions the spy glassin the top, left corner of the image bc positions the spy glass in the middle of the bottom border of the image. Pre configured configuration The mz3_photo_param.xml configuration file is available in the folder my_photos/ and provides all parameters that usually are extracted out of a PDF file; like book and version name (e.g. photo_book), page size (e.g. 600*600 pixel) and a scale factor of 1.5 Example: With the zoom factor set to 1.5, images will be used from the images/low/ folder, until zoom becomes higher than that zoom factor of 1.5 For zoom levels higher than that, images from the images/high/.folder will be used; with typically higher resolution than those in the low/ folder. Both single and spread pages are possible (parameter <page_kind>). The images are automatically scaled to fit on a page. Although there will be some fine tuning of the megazine.mz3 file needed, a working photo book can be built very fast and easily. Additional hints will be published regularly in the mz3_tool3 blog

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012



Photo Books prepared with Adobe Lightroom4

The latest version of Adobe’s Lightroom (Version 4, March 2012) supports the creation of photo books. Although the feature to order printed books with Blurb will not work outside US, the option to output a designed photo book as PDF file is very helpful! Since MZ3-Tool3 easily can convert such a PDF file into a digital photo book, and in combination with Lightroom 4 and the new book feature nice digital photo books can be created in minutes. We taped a video that shows the general workflow, which looks like this:

The video show the creation of a PDF file out of a collection of photos and the conversion of that PDF file into a digital photo book with MZ3-Tool3 and MegaZine3.

The final photo book can be viewed here.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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1.5 Adding Audio Files (sound\) Since version of MZ3-Tool3 it is very easy to add sound or music to pages.. Those files must be in mp3 format and located in the folder sound\. The positioning on a page is achieved in adding the page number in front of the original name, separated by the special character sequence ‚_x_‘ : nnn_x_my_music.mp3 the characters ‚_x_‘ separate page number ‚nnn‘ and name. Example: 3 sounds should be added to pages 5, 23 and 112; the file names then must be corrected as follows: Old Name

Page Number

New Name










After the next run of MZ3-Tool3 the tunes will play on the respective pages.

1.6 Adding Video Files (video\) Since version of MZ3-Tool3 adding videos to pages is very simple. The videos must comply with one of the supported file formats, like .mp4, .flv or .f4v. Datei. It is very useful to have preview images for each video. The image dimension will define width and height of the video. The image should be a .jpg images so the dimension can be read as EXIF data out of the preview file. Before the video starts, the preview image will be presented at the video’s position. The assignment of page number and video title is realized in the same way as explained above for the audio files. The first characters of the file name can be coded with the page number, followed by ‘_x_’ as the separator between page number and file name. nnn_x_videotitle.mp4 The characters ‚_x_‘ separate page number nnn from video name. Example: 3 videos should be placed on pages 10, 11 and 13. : Old Name

Page Number

New Name

Name of Preview Image





Superman.f4v KingKong.mp4



11_x_Superman.f4v 13_x_KingKong.mp4

11_x_Superman.jpg 13_x_KingKong.jpg

After the next run of MZ3-Tool3 the Previews are shown on the specified pages, and with a click the video will start

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

Tips Now the following syntax for the size of videos (parameters video_width and video-height) or image size (parameters img_width and img_height) is supported: (empty) If now value is provided, no scaling takes place. The original size of the element (video or image) is used. 0 Automatic mode. Width and height are adjusted to best fit the page size while keeping the aspect ratio. One side fits the page size, the other one is scaled down to keep the aspect ration -nnn If the value is negative, it defines a margin (in pixel). The element’s (image or video) side is decreased by twice this value to achieve a left and right margin nnn A positive value defines the size in pixel (width or height) rr.ppp Two values combined and separated by a decimal point First / left part: as above either a margin (if negative) or the size in pixel (if positive) Second / right part: scaling factor to reduce the size of the element. The value is interpreted as 0.ppp Example: video_width video_height

0 0

video_width -10 video_height -50

Automatic scaling, iIf both width and height are set to “0� the maximum size keeping the Aspect ratio is used On the left and right a 10 pixel margin is used A margin of 50 pixel at the top and bottom is used. If the resulting aspect ratio is different than the original one, the height or width (whichever is too big) will be reduced to achieve the original aspect ratio.

video_width video_height

-10.90 10 pixel left and right margin, the resulting size will be decreased to 90% -10.80 20 pixel margin at top and bottom, the resulting size will be decreased to 80%



The absolute width is set to 400 pixel, but no more than the page width



The absolute height is set to 300 Pixel, but not bigger than the page height

Special case Video preview image: If a JPG image with the same page number as the video is located in the video\ folder, the size of that JPG image dictates the size of the video; all settings (video_width, video_height) are ignored! This only works for JPG images. The size of a PNG cannot be extracted. Therefore all parameter settings of video_width and video_height will be used in case of a preview image in PNG format. Attention: If a vidgui parameter is provided, i.e. a video navigation bar is used to operate the video player functions, that bar will be inserted below the video. This should be taken into consideration calculating the size of the video. The height of that video navigation bar is about 35 Pixel in height.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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2.1 Documentation

• MZ3_Advanced Details about Online and Offline specifics, server uploads, video integration, use of plugins, localization / multi lingual support, use of Google Analytics and JS-Fallback for iPad support, ... This document is not updated yet! It may contain helpful information, but keep in mind that some information is outdated and might even be wrong. We’ll update those documents soon • MZ3_Cookbook How to make best use of MZ3-Tool3 and MegaZine3 will be shown in a special document, presenting most parameters with use cases. This is planned and be built out of articles published as blog • MZ3_Master Details about the internal logic of MegaZine3 and MZ3-Tool3. Not available yet • MZ3_History Details about version changesVersions with some interesting details All documents are or will be available in the folder _documentation For those who look for first details: see below! Please check the Support page of our website; there will be a link to a series of videos soon, starting from the first download , explaining MZ3-Tool3 and MegaZine3 parameters and presenting several use cases and workflows.

2.2 Maintenance, Updates, Customization 2.2.1

Folders and Files

With the first run of MZ3-Tool3 many folders and files are installed. With every new MZ3-Title new files and folders are created and saved in the folder my_mz3_titles\ (this name can be defined as < book_base_path> parameter in mz3x_default_make.xml. Since version it is much easier to maintain those folders: • Folders and files can be deleted now and will not be restored automatically with the next start of MZ3-Tool3 The file do-not-restore.txt controls, if files and folders are restored by MZ3-Tool3 or not. If the file exists, folders are not restored. If this file is deleted, everything is restored; an easy way to reset everything to standard values. Actually following folders and files can be deleted: • documentation\ • examples\ • my_PDF_files\ • my_Photos\ • mz3x_default_*.xml Attention: If the file do-not-restore.txt is deleted, to tell MZ3-Tool3 to restore all files, also the mz3x_default configuration files will be overwritten! Please save your changes before under new names first! Mandatory folders, that cannot be deleted and will be restored automatically with the next start of MZ3-Tool3:: • software\ subfolder MZ3\ for the MegaZine3 software pg_bground_img\ for the bachground image files others like clean_up\ for supporting programs • logs\ although this can be deleted to get rid of outdated log files, the folder will be created again with the next start of MZ3-Tool3 • Very reduced number of redundant files. Before a copy of the MegaZine3 software was kept for every MZ3-Title. Now only the content (images, swf files) and the configuration files are saved.

• Folders now can be named more flexibly. The following folder names can be defined with ‘make’ parameters : • <PDF_XML_path> default: my_PDFs\ • <book_base_path> default: my_mz3_files\ • <customization_path> default: no folder; was my_titles\megazine_c\ in former versions. If customization is needed, a folder software\my_gui\ could be an option

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

Basics Clean-Up Tool If you already built several MZ3-Titles with the former versions, a new tool to clean the mz3_titles\ folder from redundant files could be of help. You’ll find it in the folder software\clean_up\ This batch command file deletes all redundant files in the mz3_titles\ folder (or the folder you drag and drop over the clean_up program. A description can be found in the README file in that folder. Besides a compiled version of that program, also the commented source code (batch command file) is available. This provides the option to check before making use of it or to modify and adjust it to your needs. It should be safe, but this is offered without any liabilities. Better you test it first with a copy of your files....


GUI Adjustments and Localization (language support)

MegaZine3 offers several options for customization, especially the GUI (user interface, „skin“) can be customized to your needs. The fastest and easiest way is to adjust the so called ASUL files; configuration files in XML that define e.g. positions, color, size, behavior, ... of buttons and other control elements. These files are located in the software\MZ3\megazine\gui\ folder, but cannot be modified directly because they are compressed and also will be overwritten by MZ3-Tool3. • The folder with the MegaZine3 software (software\MZ3\) is removed and immediately restored again after every start of MegaZine3; to assure consistency • If a path is defined with the (new) ‚make‘ configuration parameter <customization_path>, a copy of the source code version of the ASUL files is copied into that folder. To make the new MZ3-Tool3 version behave like the old version, you could set the path to my_titles\megazine_c\; assuming the <book_base_path> is set to my_titles\. But for a better separation of your GUI modifications and your MZ3 Titles we suggest to use another location and name for this folder. Something like software\my_gui\ could be an option. Only if a path is defined, the megazine\gui folder and all ASUL files will be copied there. • You then can make all modifications needed in files of that folder. The file names must not be changed, but the data can be completely adjusted. Existing files will not be overwritten in future, but deleted ones will be restored the next time MZ3-Tool3 is started, • WIth every start of MZ3-Tool3 your modified ASUL files will be copied over the original MegaZine3 software. With this strategy your changes are safe, even with a new MZ3-Tool3 version (update safe). And it is very easy to restore a default/original file in case you messed something up: simply delete it and it will be restored. In case of a ‘fat’ version MZ3-Tool3 since version also supports customized files automatically. You can add new languages to the <customization_path>megazine/langs/ folder or modify ASUL files in the <customization_path>megazine/gui/ folder. Actual language packages can be found in the Wiki: In case you defined a path for <customization_path>, MZ3-Tool3 will add the definitions for ‚guipath‘ and ‚langpath‘ in the megazine.mz3 file and set the values (folder names) to ‚gui_c/ and ‚langs_c‘ respectively. The two folders will be added to the megazine/ folder of the final package and the content of these 2 special <customization_path> folders will copied.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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2.3 Limitations and Restrictions

• Windows <-> MAC MZ3-Tool3 is not supported under OSx. MAC users could created and adjust the megazine.mz3 configuration file that defines the books and is interpreted by MegaZine3 directly with an editor. The megazine.mz3 configuration file is a standard XML file. Therefore an XML capable editor will be of big help, since elements are color coded, which makes it easy to distinguish between parameters, values and comments. The MAC versions of the FLASH projector files needed for the Offline variant, are since version no longer part of the MZ3-Tool3 package and must be downloaded separately, in case a MAC Offline version is built. • Performance The mz3_tool3 program is a batch command script; with all it‘s limitations like a pretty poor performance. Especially reading and parsing XMLfiles takes some time. There are also implemented many plausibility checks, which again slow down the system. But in turn this will save significant time if problems arise due to incorrect parameter settings. And those will happen ;-)! • No support of special characters Don‘t use them, you‘ll end up in trouble! Special characters are all language specific characters, usually coded with UTF codes. But also characters like the ‚+‘ or ‚-‘ sign must be avoided. Only accepted special character is the underscore ‚_‘ (no spaces). These limitations also apply on path names. If e.g. the base folder is located on your desktop, the user name is part of the path to the desktop. And if you have a funny name like Müller or Groß, and insisted to that name as your user name... you‘ll have a problem. Placing the base folder at the root level of your system disk or a separate disk will help in such case. • PDF versions and features Most PDF files will convert just fine. But sometimes a page is problematic, e.g. if transparency layers are used or fonts are not embedded. In that case please work with the designer of the document. He will know how to create a PDF file that complies with older PDF versions or avoids such features. A standard technique is e.g. to „flatten“ transparency layers with Preflight, a tool integrated in Adobe Acrobat Pro. • Support of Internet/Browsers (Online use) MegaZine3 uses ActionScript3 from Adobe. Therefor FLASH is requested for use over the internet in a browser. MegaZine3 does not work in Safari on iPads or iPhones. To nevertheless provide basic support for such devices, MegaZine3 supports some basic features with Javascript und HTML5. This so called „JS Fallback“ solution allows to “wipe” through content that is available as JPG images or as h264 video format. mp3 sound also works. But many features are not supported, and the comfort level is low. Features not supported are e.g.: page flips, search, automatically converted links. • Local / Offline use Two options are available for local use; besides using a browser, which also might (!) work under certain conditions: as FLASH-Projector or AIR Application (‚App“) AIR in general also supports iPad and Android tablet computers • Numbering of SWF files During a PDF conversion each PDF page is converted into a SWF file. These files are named automatically following this schema: page_nnnn0.swf with ‚nnnn‘ as page number

The ‚0‘ inserted after the page number results in steps of 10 and allows an easy insertion of pages in between two existing pages. New pages will be considered with the next run; all pages are inserted in alphabetical order..

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

FAQ: Answers on common Questions


FAQ: Answers on common Questions

1. What heppened to the MAC files/folders? The and are since version v2.1.2.71 no longer part of the MZ3-Tool3 package to save download time and space for most users. Those files now must be downloaded separately from our Download web page. The downloaded zip file must then be unzipped and the content copied to the software/MZ3/megazine folder. In case the MAC software is missing while a MAC Offline version is built, a warning will be issued. 2. Why is everything that complicated? MegaZine3 offers a huge functionality, is open and very flexible. This helps to address a broad bandwidth of uses cases, but also requests respective configurations. MZ3-Tool3 will help to make that process a lot easier. In many cases there is no configuration needed at all. Some rules have to be followed though: to manage a big amount of different titles and versions, a standardized folder structure is requested (MZ3-Tool3 will take care about that). And although MZ3-Tool3 is very tolerant, it is advised to follow our naming suggestion/ convention. Hopefully you‘ll see that things became much easier with MZ3-Tool3, but still: it is a compromise between flexibility, easiness, effort and more. 3. Do I have to use the proposed names for the folders? No, you can use your own folder instead of e.g. the proposed my_mz3_titles/ folder. The path to your folder can be defined with the ‘make’ parameter <PDF_XML_path>. The name(s) of the files to be converted can be specified with the parameter <PDF_XML_name>. 4. What parameters exist? How do they work? There are two main configuration files that work together and are used to set parameters: the ‘make’ and the ‘details’ files. The ‘make’ parameters control the program flow of MZ3-Tool3, like the parameters <PDF_XML_path> and probably <PDF_XML_name> The ‘details’ files, which must be named like the related ‘make’ file, define the parameters for the MZ3 Titles, like background color. A third file, the ‘params’ file, is created automatically in case of a PDF conversion and must be provided in case of photo books. Variable data like page size and book and version name are defined with this file. 5. How can I add video and audio files to pages? Video and other „elements“ as sound, area, text can be added manually on individual pages. Since the plugin batchpages does not support individual pages, the conversion should be done with the parameter <page_content> set to images. To define if single r double pages (spreadpages) should be built, the parameter <page_kind> must be set to either p (single pages) or s (spreadpages). MZ3-Tool3 supports the adding of Video and Audio files (page 11). The video and ausio “tags” can also be included manually in the megazine.mz3 file. Example: <!-- spreadpage 29 --> <spreadpage> <img width=‘1750‘ keepar=‘true‘ position=‘center middle‘ gallery=‘chapter-1‘> <src lang=‘de‘>../test/2012/de/images/low/page_0029.swf</src> <src scale=‘0.6‘ lang=‘de‘>../test/2012/de/images/high/page_0029.swf</src> </img> <vid width=‘960‘ height=‘560‘ left=‘765‘ top=“405“ preview=“../test/2012/de/video/pv.jpg“ onlywhenactive=“true“ restart=“true“ loop=“false“ gui=“elements/SkinUnderAll.swf“> <src>../test/2012/de/video/my_video.f4v</src> </vid> </spreadpage> Details about the video tag and other elements can be found in the Wiki.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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FAQ: Answers on common Questions 6. How can I adjust the GUI of MegaZine3? Most GUI adjustments like different positions and sizes of the navigation elements or different icons for buttons can be made with modifications in the appropriate *.asul files. Those files are available in the „standard“ version of MegaZine3. This „standard“ version will be used, if the mz3_tool3 parameter <mz3_kind> is set to std (instead of fat). *.asul files are plugin related and located in the megazine/gui/ folder. To ease Updates and Upgrades of MegaZine3, it is recommended to make changes in the *.asul files of folder megazine_c/. The files of folder megazine_c/. are copied into the appropriate folders located in the book base path (by default mz3_files/) and with this overwrite the original files with the customized ones. How to use .asul files is explained in the Wiki. 7. How can I adjust the form (icons) and shape/size of the buttons? Icons are saved in specific folders by plugin, named after the plugin, e.g. gui/navigationbar/ for icons of the navigationbar. If the new icons have the same size and format, it is sufficient to exchange them in the files located in the <customization_path> 8. How can I re-position the navigationbar or elements like search and zoom? This is configured in the plugin specific .asul files, also located in the megazine/gui/ folder in <customization_path>. In these files the position of elements can be defined with the <anchor> tag. Containers like <box> or <hflow>) can be individually positioned using absolute pixel values, or relatively to the parent container: With pw: page width of the parent container, and pw: page height of the parent container. Example: <hflow anchor(20, pw-20, 30, ph-30) ...> The box Element starts at x=20, y=30 pixel offset from the upper left corner of the parent container. And the right low corner spans to the low right corner, again with a distance of 20 or 20 pixel respectively. 9. How to use different GUIs for different MZ3 titles? Create a new folder, copy MZ3-Tool3 and run it. This will create a complete, parallel structure and you can modify everything. 10. How to deal with problematic PDF files? The file log/*_pdf2swf.log contains all messages, the program pdf2swf creates. The level of details can be adjusted with the parameter <log_pdf2swf> (min, med, max). Be careful; already set to min will result in a many lines of messages. The number of lines depends on the number of pages. You also can analyze the PDF file with the program swfdump (see; it must be started form the command line. With certain PDF files you‘ll run into „transparency layer“ problems. not yet supported by pdf2exe. A solution can be to save the PDF file with a PDF tool like Adobe Acrobat as older version. You also could try to convince the designer to create a more compatible PDF file for digital publishing. 11. I have a MAC, how can I use MegaZine3 and MZ3-Tool3? MZ3-Tool3 actually only runs on Windows computers; or in a Windows VM (virtual machine) an a MAC It is possible to create the megazine.mz3 configuration file needed for MegaZine3 with a simple text editor. There is also a pdf2swf version available for OSx (see A compromise is to create some templates once on a WIndows machine and the copy and modify those templates on a MAC. 12. How many pages of a MZ3 title are supported? In general there is no limit. Customers created catalogues with several thousand pages; with surprisingly good performance. MZ3-Tool3 supports up to 5000 pages per PDF file / MZ3 Title. 13. Why only 3 PDF files are converted in a batch run, and no more than 30 pages? The DEMO version of MZ3-Tool3 does not support more than 3 conversions in a single batch run. The BASIC Version (bundled with the MZ3-BASIC license) supports up to 5, the PRO version up to 100 PDF file conversions per run. The DEMO version is free for MZ3 Titles with up to 30 pages. Although books with more pages can be created editing the megazine.mz3 configuration, a watermark will be inserted on left pages anyhow.

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

FAQ: Answers on common Questions 14. How to update a MegaZine3 or MZ3-Tool3 version? New versions of MegaZine3 will be provided as part of MZ3-Tool3. Once a new Version of MZ3-Tool3 is copied to the base folder and started, the new MegaZine3 Software will be available in the folder software\ MZ3\ and used for new MZ3 Titles. Customizations made in the <customization_path> are not changed and will be used with the new version also. You nevertheless should check if a new version of the modified ASUL file is available. To do so rename your modified version and compare it with the updated original version that will be installed in <customization_path> the next time MZ3-Tool3 is started. 15. How can I create an Offline version (also called CD version)? To view a MZ3-Titel in offline mode, i.e. without browser or network/internet, an offline version must be built. In this case the megazine.swf program is substituted by a megazine.exe or These are executables (stand alone programs) with the FLASH player included. Therefore it can be copied onto a CD or memory stick together with all content like SWF files, jpg, png or gif images, videos , ... and then be distributed. All files and folders needed are prepared by MZ3-Tool3 and available in the respective folders export_offline_std\ or export_offline_fat\ 16. What is the Javascript Fallback? Every MegaZine3 software contains a js/ folder with some Javascript files. These are used to show MZ3 content in a browser with HTML5 only in cases where FLASH support is not possible or accepted. Like with Safari on an iPad. To make use of this, the content must be made available as jpg images. Those jpg files can be located within the suggested folder js_fallback/, or in either images/low/ or images/high/ . MZ3-Tool3 supports this, if the parameter <support_js_fallback> of the mz3.xml file is set to true. Please watch the messages output by MZ3-Tool3 carefully; and/or read the log/mz3_tool3.log file. There you will find hints if the Javascript Fallback could not be enabled. 17. How and what can be tracked with Google Analytics? To enable the tracking of a MZ3 Title, it is sufficient to add the Google UA Code as <ga_UA> parameterExample: <ga_UA>UA-23099664-1</ga_UA> Such a code can be obtained from Google free of charge. Also all reports are free. For data security reasons MZ3-Tool3 did the setup to delete the last digits of the IP adresses. With the next creation of the MZ3 title with the <ga_UA> set correctly in the related mz3.xml file, the googleanalyticsjs Plugin will be added to the list of plugins, the gatrackevent parameter in the megazine.mz3 file will be set to the book and version name of the MZ3 Title and the Google Javascript Code will be added to the index.html. Once the MZ3 Title is published on the server every page visit (local pages of the MZ3 title as well as links to another URL) will be tracked. 18. Why is my Offline MZ3 Titel not shown on my MAC? If the red FLASH-“F“ continues to „jump“ in the is docking bar and FLASH does not start, most probably ther permissions are not set correctly. You can change that in opening the Console and entering these commands to set read-write-execute permissions for all for the respective folder:: • cd path/to/folder • ls –lisa • chmod -R 777 19. Can I delete folders and files that MZ3-Tool3 installed? Yes, some folder and files can be deleted. like _examples\, _documentation\, my_PDFs, my_photos and the PDF files in the bbase folder (the Beginner’s manuals). As long as the file do-not-restore.txt is not also deleted, those folders will not be created automatically again. BÙT: if you need them back, simply delete the do-not-restore.txt file, and everything will appear again. A good practice in case of problems or updates is to delete all folders not containing customized data; after a backup somewhere else. And then to run MZ3-Tool3 again.

MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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If something doesn‘t work, this growing check list hopefully can provide some hints and answers.:

4.1 Parameters, Configuration 4.1.1 Modifications of the ‚make‘ or ‚details‘ configuration have no effect • Did you use the correct files?

• Did you drag and drop the modified files?

• Is your file the first one in alphabetical order? • Did you save your changes?

• Are you working in the correct folder?

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MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012


MZ3_Beginners_v2.1.2.75_en - 4. November 2012

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