4 minute read


What is…

Your name? Lisa McKee Your spouse’s name? Scott McKee Your child’s name? Anthony McKee Your grandson’s name? Dante McKee Your pet’s name? Winston — a Teacup Yorkie with an attitude!


When did you move to Harmony? January 2018.

What street do you live on? Schoolhouse Rd.

What do you love most about Harmony? The sense of community. I especially love all the kind and thoughtful things that you see/read about neighbors doing for each other.

What are your kids’ favorite things about

Harmony? Dante loves playing in the park and especially the splash pad.

Where did you move from? East Lake Reserve.

What do you miss most? Nothing, we love it here!

What is your background? I was a nurse for 25 years and a Director of Education in tech college for five years. Scott is retired from the U.S. Air Force after 22 years and has worked for the VA for eight years. He was born and raised in Winchester, VA and I was born in Oklahoma and raised mostly in California. What is a good story about Harmony? We were not looking specifically for a house here…our house just popped up on Scott’s search one day. We had been here when the community was first under development and thought we would never be able to live there, as the houses were mostly too large and very expensive at the time. So when he told me that there was a house available, I was very excited. We love the location across from the park and the lake. It gives so much for the grand kids of all ages (we are up to 13 now). We were also really trying to find a “Church Home” and nothing was the right fit. We went to Harmony Community Church and instantly felt like it was The Perfect Fit! We feel like we were meant to be here!

What is unusual or unique about Harmony, in

comparison to your previous home? We love being able to sit on the front porch and watch all the parades go by and all the kids play at the splash pad. It’s so much fun sitting there and hearing all the kids laugh and squeal with delight!

What is your favorite weekend activity? We are pretty much homebodies, so we just hang out here and relax most weekends.

Is there a neighbor experience you are most

proud of? When the hurricane hit the Bahamas last year, we helped organize a “relief supplies” drive with Harmony Community Church, and so many people from the neighborhood who didn’t go to our church brought supplies to donate. I see these acts of kindness all the time here between neighbors. It really warms my heart to see so many people helping each other.

Are there any recommendations for other

neighbors? Remember to be kind. Check on your neighbors often if you see their yard not looking right or something. Before you complain, see if they need help. This neighborhood does so many kind acts for each other that are often not recognized.

Do you do any charity or non-profit work? We do a lot of things with our church, Harmony Community Church. I work with the 4:12 Student Ministry and hold meetings weekly at the house. These kids are truly amazing. It is so special to be able to see the students coming to know God better and learn skills for dealing with all the curveballs life may throw at them, from a biblical perspective.

Do you have a cause or business that you would

like to promote? I would love to invite all the Harmony Middle and High school students to join us on Wednesday nights at 7pm for the 4:12 Student Ministry Meetings. We have a great time with fun games, a great discussion and FOOD! We have a great group and would love to see more students come to know God better and learn skills for living in today’s world in a way that brings glory to God.


What do you do for fun? We like to go to trivia at the Tavern on Monday nights and hang out with friends on the porch.

What was the last movie that you have seen in

the theatre? I took four of the grandkids to see “Avengers: Endgame” last year.

What is your favorite TV Show? We have a lot, which include Yellowstone, the Chicago trilogies, the Grays Anatomy/Station 19 crossovers, This Is Us.

Who is your role model and why? Scott’s dad…he was so selfless. He owned a gas station when Scott was young, and when he passed away, they found thousands of dollars worth of “IOUs” in his things. He had serviced vehicles for people and given gas away to people that needed it but couldn’t afford it, and never said a word to anyone. We both try to keep that level of love for others alive in our lives. Scott lost his dad when he was 16.

What else should we know about you or your

family? We love God, our country, and our family. We love others as much as ourselves and hope that when we leave this world we will leave a mark that shows people how to treat others well. We have a large blended family and tell people we don’t have a family tree—we have a “Family Bush.” We believe the way we treat others is a direct reflection on how God loves us. We love having family and friends in our home, and hope that everyone that walks in our door will feel comfortable and at home. n

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