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There were 5 of the 7 board members present at the meeting and one on Facetime along with Mark Hills from Association Solutions and 5 residents.

Owners asked questions about speeding and parking on the streets and concern for safety and getting by. It was explained that the HROA cannot do anything about general parking and speeding issues. The streets are County owned and it would be a matter for the Sheriff and/ or County.


Last meeting, we discussed the widening of alleyway driveways but decided to table a decision in order to investigate further. Karen Grissom reached out to the county and was told that:

• Driveways cannot exceed 24 feet in width.

• Permits must be attained for both concrete and pavers. If using pavers and the area is less than 200 square feet no permit is needed.

• No alterations to a lot can be made that would result in more than a 70% impervious material coverage.

• You shall not widen the driveway into the 5-foot set back on the sides of the homes.

These rules come from both the County Code and the Harmony Planned Development. The board wanted to clarify a few things before making a decision so this was tabled until next meeting.

The maintenance of the grass area (verge) between the sidewalk and the street on Cat Brier, Schoolhouse, and Five Oaks is now the responsibility of the homeowners. The Board discussed the HROA enforcing the upkeep of these areas. Mark Hills and the HROA attor ney confirmed that the HROA can legally en force the upkeep. A motioned for a letter to be sent to the CDD district manager requesting that the CDD write to all of these owners to inform them that the HROA will be enforcing moving forward and for the district manager to provide proof that this letter has been sent before the HROA begins enforcement.

The Nature and Animal Committee is still looking for help with trapping, neutering, and releasing feral cats to keep the population down. They are maintaining the trails and adding signs and mowing should happen soon.

Mark Hills reported on financials, delinquencies and violations. Mark Hills explained that there are some big cuts to certain areas in the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. This is due to an increase in insurance and our “nest egg” from the original developer running out. In order to reduce the impact of the increased expenses, Mark suggested an option to increase the capital contribution/initial fee collected at the sale of each home. The board discussed this possibility and motioned to increase the Capital Contribution / initial fee to $500, effective immediately. The board motioned to approve the amended proposed budget, restoring some allocation for the Social Committee, Nature and Animal Committee and the Off Duty Sheriff detail and an increase to the annual assessments of 5%. n


JULY 12, 11am–1pm

Summertime Family Scavenger Hunt



August 9, 6pm - Location TBA


October 11, 6pm - Location TBA

Contact information for the HROA: https://myhoasolution.com

407-847-2280 info@myhoasolution.com https://portal.topssoft.com/login

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