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As Scotland enters Phase 2 of the Government’s route map through and out of the crisis, our over-riding priority remains the safety of the people we support, our staff, our volunteers and the communities in which we work. The contribution and dedication of staff who have continued to support people directly has been outstanding. We are grateful to every single one of you. When Phase 1 was implemented and restrictions eased, we published Quarriers’ own document describing what this meant for our staff and volunteers. We have worked in partnership with our recognised trade union UNISON to develop this Phase 2 document and have shared this with the Care Inspectorate. This document provides details on:
How services will continue to adapt or resume support while operating safely.
How we will safely start a process of reopening our buildings.
What each phase means for you and your colleagues.
New regulations to help keep you safe.
How your workplace may look on your return. For those staff whose work can be completed at home, our position remains that you should continue to work safely
from your own home wherever possible. This will be for the foreseeable future, so long as business needs can continue to be met.
This policy is designed to limit physical interaction and movement of people in accordance with Scottish Government advice, and to discourage face-to-face meetings and avoid working in proximity wherever we can. We recognise though that this will not always be possible, so we are implementing new protocols and guidance regarding physical distancing and stringent hygiene measures to ensure that Quarriers’ workplaces are safe, healthy and in line with recommended hygiene principles and practices. We are now operating in Phase 2 of the route map, with Phases 3 and 4 to follow when the criteria are met meaning it is safe to do so. As guidance develops and our own knowledge of what is safe and practical grows, so will this document. Quarriers Phase 1 document included our overarching principles and an agreed plan for services and offices returning to operation across all four phases of the Scottish Government plan. Phase 2 is detailed within this document, and we will update the remaining phases as we approach them. We have developed this document for your safety and wellbeing. Please familiarise yourself with the content, ask questions if you are unsure and suggest areas where we could do better. We remain committed to the safety of people we support, staff, volunteers and our communities. Thank you.
Dr. Ronald Culley, Chief Executive Officer