FAL L 2 01 6
+ JET SET: + +
Ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction for Interior Paints” in the U.S. Ranked “Highest in by J.D. Power. Customer Satisfaction for Interior Paints” in the U.S. by J.D. Power.
how much paint do i need?
… plus 4 more questions to ask before going to the paint store
nce you’ve chosen a color scheme, you will need to estimate the amount of paint you should buy. By calculating this before you head to the paint store, you’ll save yourself time
and additional trips. Before calculating the amount of paint, you’ll have to ask yourself the following questions, which will help determine the type of paint you need and how many coats may need to be applied:
What’s the right finish for my project? Paints come in a wide range
Should I apply more than one coat? Many factors, including the
of sheens describing the glossiness of its finish – the higher the
quality of paint, the color being applied and the nature of the
sheen, the higher the shine. It’s important to choose the right paint
surface area will determine the number of paint coats required.
sheen based on the visual look you want to achieve. The five levels
Again, ask your local paint retailer for their expert advice.
of sheen, from least reflective to most reflective are: matte, eggshell, satin or pearl, semi-gloss, and finally gloss or high-gloss finishes.
What should I look for in paint quality? You want to choose paint that will last, add beauty and enhance the value of your home. It is
Do I need a primer? While there are some 2-in-1 paint and primer
important that the color remains vibrant for years to come. For the
products that are terrific, it’s good to know ahead of time if you
wellbeing of the people and pets in your home, choose paint that
need primer. Priming ensures better adhesion of paint to the
has low or zero VOC to reduce emissions and odors. Finally, choose
surface, increases paint durability, and provides additional
a paint that delivers good coverage, is durable enough to stand up to
protection for the material being painted. Your paint retailer will
daily use and is washable.
be able to answer specific questions and let you know if priming is necessary.
a n d , n o w , f i n a l l y… h o w m u c h p a i n t d o i n e e d ? 1. First, measure the dimensions of the surface area you will be painting, then multiply the height by the width. Do the same calculations with the areas that won’t be painted over (doorways and windows), then subtract the non-paint areas from the overall surface area. 2. Once you choose the paint you will be using, look at the paint can label to determine the “spread rate” of the paint, which is the number of square feet of surface each coat of paint will cover. For many paints, this will be 400 square feet per gallon. 3. Divide the total surface area by this number to determine the number of gallons you need for each coat.
EXPERT TIP: It is always recommended that you buy a little more paint than you need, rather than risk running out before your project is finished. Purchasing all your paint at once will help to ensure color consistency between cans. Leftover paint can be stored for future touch-up jobs.
8 CONTRIBUTORS Great friends and talents who have given of themselves to make Quarters.
10 THE PAINT GUIDE News and information from your neighborhood paint dealer.
STYLE DEFINED — A design lesson. A period, style, or piece explained.
“ The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.” ~Henry Beston
TIPS O’ THE TRADES — Expert advice. You didn’t solicit it but we’re giving it to you anyway.
A peek inside beautiful homes and cottages completed by interior design talent or design-savvy homeowners.
36 HOW SWEDE IT IS An IKEA kitchen that works smarter and harder for a busy young family.
42 PRAISING THE PHASING OF RENOVATION CONSUMMATION A dramatic main floor renovation proves that slow and steady wins the race.
48 VAN CITY VERSATILITY A gold medal-worthy design overlooking Olympic Village.
GET CRAFTY — We can get into good craft projects, and love the satisfaction creating something brings.
INCH BY INCH Rustic growth chart.
INSIDER — Behind-the-scenes scoop on all things wonderful you need to know.
CARAVAN — Hot spots where great places, glorious faces and amazing artisans all come together (no passport required!).
30 TRUE COLORS The Duha Group
54 MIDCENTURY MODERN IN MINNESOTA Even Frank Lloyd Wright would envy this home’s airy design and connectivity to nature.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
ta b l e o f co n t e n ts
FALL 2016
Bahia Taylor Editor in Chief Co-founder Leigh McKenzie Creative Director Co-founder Barbara Chabai Managing Editor
Graphic Design Hinge Design www.hingedesign.ca Styling Envy Paint & Design www.envypaintanddesign.com Owned and Published by: Paint and Decorating Retailers Association For inquiries, please contact us at info@quartersmagazine.org Paint & Decorating Retailers Association 1401 Triad Center Drive St. Peters, MO 63376 636.326.2636 www.quartersmagazine.org info@quartersmagazine.org Cover Photography - Scott Zeilke While every effort has been made to ensure that advertisements and articles appear correctly, QUARTERS Magazine cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. All material is intended for informational purposes only. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of its publisher or editor. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part prohibited.
Sonny Abesamis
FEAST — Food, glorious food and everything to go with it.
60 LA COCINA MEXICANA Authentic Mexican cuisine from Chef Brian Johnston.
QUARTERS TALKS — Yup, we’re chatterboxes… and you’re gonna love who we chat up.
TRAVEL — We’ve got a case of wanderlust and we’ll tell you where to go!
LIVING WELL — Reviews, ideas, a little form and a little function.
END NOTE — A bit more information…because we just have to have the last word!
84 NOW BOARDING: Shiplap and other wood siding.
TOOLS — Great gadgets, tools and task-busting tips you should know about.
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BARB CHABAI bccreativehouse.com ANDREA DANELAK andreadanelak.com JAMIE DECK shift-interiors.com MICHELLE FRIES bededesign.com BRIAN JOHNSON gooddogphotography.ca ARTHUR LIFFMANN envypaintanddesign.com STEPHANIE MIDDAGH artfulowl.ca JULIE PEDERSEN store.juliepedersen.com TIFFANY SHELDON tiffanysheldon.com KIMBERLEY SELDON kimberleyseldon.com
LAURA DRAKE l.drake@benjaminmoorekelowna.com
KRISTINA SCHMIDTKE k.schmidtke@benjaminmoorekelowna.com
TODD TAVENDER t.tavender@benjaminmoorekelowna.com
JORDAN STRILAIFF j.strilaiff@benjaminmoorekelowna.com
w e lco m e pag e
ith summer in the rear view mirror, we’re looking forward to harvesting some new ideas for fall. And whether it’s because the whole family is back to its whirlwind routine or because vacation memories are fading faster than tan lines, we are now shifting focus to freshening up the places we feel most at home. In a matter of weeks, we’ll be spending a lot more time indoors than out, so it seems fitting that this issue is about redefining and redesigning interior spaces. Kitchens and dining rooms come to mind as we think about gathering together to tuck into fall comfort foods and seasonal holiday feasts, but then again, feeling pampered in a spalike bathroom or sharing a snuggle inside a chic but cozy bedroom sounds pretty tempting too. Where to start? If you need inspiration to get those decorating senses tingling, it’s right here. We’ll take you inside real family homes professionally redone into amazing spaces – and each of these gorgeous looks is as attainable as it is sigh-worthy. After all, the only thing better than a good makeover is a makeover you can steal ideas from to recreate in your own home. Once you receive your decoration revelation, make a beeline to your local paint and decorating retailer for all the expert advice, products and design services needed to take the project from blah to brilliant. With all of its rich colors and textures, fall can be the creative muse that opens up your imagination and gets you envisioning new possibilities. As always, we’d love to see what you’re working on this season and how your local paint and decorating retailer has helped you get your home design project completed. Send us your before and after photos to info@quartersmagazine.org and we just may feature your success story in an upcoming issue.
p. 42
Happy dreaming and designing!
p.72 from the cover FALL 2016
FALL 2 016
FA LL 2 016
p. 36 p. 72
You’ll find Benjamin Moore exclusively at locally owned and operated paint and decorating retailers, including:
C O T TA G E S U P P LY C O M PA N Y 701 21st Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205.345.6080
3990 Lorna Road South Hoover, AL 35244 205.987.6777
2996 Pelham Parkway Pelham, AL 35124 205.664.1800
Visit us at benjaminmoore.ca ©2016 Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited. Benjamin Moore, Green Promise, Paint like no other, REGAL, and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks of Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited.
BEAUTY + + +
Bring this ad in to one of our stores and receive $6.00 off a gallon of any premium paint or stain.
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Cottage Supply Company Tuscaloosa 205.345.6080 Pelham 205.664.1800 Hoover 205.987.6777 www.cottagesupplycompany.com
Stop by and learn more about premium Benjamin Moore paints today. ©2016 Benjamin Moore & Co. Arborcoat, Aura, Benjamin Moore, Color Lock, Green Promise, Paint like no other, Regal, and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks licensed to Benjamin Moore & Co.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
How to use a standard color wheel to paint your home
very color bears some relationship to all other colors. By becoming familiar with the color wheel and its handy principles, you will gain a better understanding of those relationships – which will help you create
p ri m a r y c o l ors Pure red, blue and yellow.
This color scheme employs only one basic color but in
several different tints and shades (think silver-gray in light, medium and dark tones). The effect of using a monochromatic palette can be sophisticated, subtle or daring, dependent on if you use a soft color or opt for a rich hue.
se c on d a r y c o l ors Combinations of two primary colors: orange (red + yellow), green (yellow + blue) and purple (red + blue).
ADJACENT OR ANALOGOUS (2 TO 6 COLORS): This system combines two or more colors that are located next to each other on the color wheel (blue, blue-violet and bluegreen for example). To get the best results, use one color more prominently than the other two colors.
COMPLEMENTARY (2 COLORS) : You’ve heard that opposites attract? That’s the principle behind this eye-pleasing scheme, using colors that are opposite each other on the wheel
terti a r y c o l ors A combination of a primary and a secondary color, such as red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet and red-violet.
(red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet). Choose which will be the dominant color and which will be the subtle color to prevent two equally-strong colors from clashing.
This color scheme employs three colors that form an equally-
spaced triangle on the color wheel. For example, yellow-orange, blue-green and redviolet. For best results, use the colors in varied proportions, meaning one dominant color, one secondary hue and one accent color for pop.
Remember that warm colors (reds, oranges and yellows) tend to create energy, stimulation and activity in a room while condensing the space. Cool colors (blues, greens and violets) open up a room into a calming, expanded space just as the serenity of the oceans and mountains do in nature.
consult with the experts at benjamin moore kelowna and west kelowna to help you pick out the right color for your space or project .
b en j a m in m oore k e l o w n a a n d w est k e l o w n a ' s st a ff f a v orites
From inspiration, to preparation to application: Different projects require creative problem solving and knowledge, and that’s where the staff at Benjamin Moore Kelowna/West Kelowna can help. Come see us with your idea, or let us help you come up with one! In the meantime, here are some of our staff ’s favorite features. LAURA DRAKE: IN-STOCK WALLPAPER Wallpaper has made a comeback recently and I love our selection of instock wallpaper. Wallpaper is an easy way to create an interesting focal wall, add whimsy to a nursery, drama to a powder room, or texture to a bedroom. From grasscloth to toile, from rich silvery textures to dogs (yes, dogs!), we have a wide variety of styles. Try using a combination of different papers together to create a layered and sophisticated look.
KRISTINA SCHMIDTKE: VINTAGE REVIVALS CHALK PAINT So, you want to repaint some furniture? During endless Pinterest binges, I’m sure you’ve seen those beautiful “shabby chic” pieces all attributed to a “Chalk Paint” miracle cure. The paint we sell can be tinted to thousands of Benjamin Moore paint colours! It’s called Vintage Revivals, and is made in Airdrie, Alberta specifically for re-vamping old furniture. It is high adhesion, which means you can put it directly on many surfaces without worrying about a primer and has a chalky flat finish that is traditionally coated with wax for protection. You can layer colours. You can paint designs. The applications and permutations are endless.
TODD TAVENDER: ADVANCE WATERBORNE ALKYD This is one of the finest products available for re-finishing cabinets or doing trim and doors. It’s slow drying as well as self-leveling, so it gives a professional sprayed look even when you apply it by brushing and rolling. You can get it in any colour and in any of three sheens, from pearl to semi-gloss. I am currently using Advance to re-do my kitchen cupboards and love it!
m ist a k es to a v oi d w hen p a intin g c a b inets
ainting your cabinets is a fairly simple task and a cost-effective way to update the look of your kitchen with a fresh new paint color. But before embarking on this project, be sure to put in
the necessary prep work and avoid these potential pitfalls: Not allowing enough time. This isn’t a project to rush through before your in-laws arrive. You need to give yourself at least four to seven days for the entire process, from prep to letting the paint dry. Not removing the hardware. Some people try to save time by painting everything – knobs, hinges and all – while they’re still in place. Bad idea! The cabinets and hardware will surely start to chip and show signs of wear in less than a month. Save the hassle and remove all hardware at the start of the project. Not labeling where things go. Label each door and drawer with a piece of masking tape indicating where it belongs. This will ensure that everything goes back in the same place after painting. Not properly cleaning the surface. Your kitchen may appear spotless, but your cabinets have absorbed years of greasy fingerprints and cooking splatters that can leave a layer of grime. When you try to apply a water-based paint to an oil-covered surface, the paint will not adhere properly. Be sure to wipe it all down (twice if needed) with a paint-prep degreaser and rinse, rinse, rinse!
Not roughing up the wood. Buff the surface with a 100- or 150-grit sandpaper to help the paint stick. You want to sand down just enough to take the surface from glossy to matte. After sanding, be sure to vacuum up any dust and debris because even a bit can spoil the look by giving it a gritty finish. Not picking the right primer. Talk to your paint expert about the right stain-blocking, high adhesion primer for your project, otherwise you could discover in a few weeks or months that knots in the wood start to bleed and blotch through your paint job – or that your hard work isn’t adhering. Not keeping doors and drawers flat as the paint dries. Make yourself a drying rack by drilling screws up through several pieces of scrap wood. This makes it easy to flip the door or drawer over as soon as it’s dry to the touch. You can also screw cup hooks into the edges so you can grab hold and move the piece without getting fingerprints in the paint. Not choosing a quality paint. Choose a high quality paint with a smooth finish. Most factory finishes for cabinetry is a satin sheen. Satin sheen is forgiving to brush strokes, so it is less time consuming to apply, is durable and also very resistant to scrubbing, making it a perfect choice for kitchen cabinets. Not being patient. Don’t risk smudging the paint by jumping the gun to get your kitchen reassembled. Let the paint cure properly before putting the cabinets back up and the hardware back in. It’s worth the wait!
shop sansin , locally
djoined with our Benjamin Moore Kelowna location, we are thrilled to open the first Sansin showroom in Canada! This line of interior and exterior enviro-stains bills itself as “Naturally Perfect Wood Protection” and we are inclined to agree. Sansin stains are really the perfect marriage of technology, environmental solutions, and beautiful colour choices. The system is also extremely flexible, offering a range of gel, penetrating and film-building stains which can work together to create many different effects, all of which offer extreme protection from environmental stresses. From docks to decks, from wood to fiberglass, ask the experts at Benjamin Moore Kelowna how Sansin can help you finish and protect your next project. You can check out the full range of Sansin stains at www. sansin.com or drop by the store and we would be happy to give you a tour. Our very own Jordan Strilaiff has been working with stains for over 11 years in the industry and here is what he has to say about Sansin’s Purity Interior 0-VOC stain: I have years of familiarity with oil based stains and clear coats, and, prior to now, have never been very impressed with waterborne interior products. This all changed once I had some time to play with our Sansin stains. One of the first things I noticed about them was their depth of colour. Even hardwoods which are normally difficult to stain, such as maple, take the stain extremely well, and I was able to recreate
and match very dark colours on all species of wood. The second thing I noticed was how similar the application method was to the products I had been using. All I had to do was wipe on the Sansin stain with a rag and, depending if it was gel or penetrating, wipe it off again after a period of time. Sansin also offers three lines of interior top coats, so whether you would like a flat, satin or gloss finish, there is a good choice. You can also tailor your choice of clear coat to whether you would like a more traditional ambering quality, a lacquerlike absolutely clear finish, or an extremely hard, gymnasium floor grade, finish. My biggest takeaway: I really can’t stress enough what great products these are to work with. They have little to no smell, dry quickly, and most importantly, they can give you beautiful results for any project.
Naturally Perfect wood protection, inside and out. ™
What protects wood better, water-based coatings or oil-based ones? With Sansin Enviro Stains, you can have the best of both worlds. Modified natural oils and resins are carried deep into the wood’s cell structure using one of nature’s commonplace miracles – water. As the water evaporates, Sansin bonds directly with the wood substrate, forming a tough durable barrier that won’t crack peel or blister. For details, visit sansin.com
Benjamin Moore Kelowna - West Kelowna 1768 Springfield Road, Kelowna | 315-3021 Louie Drive, West Kelowna (250) 763-5333 | benjaminmoorekelowna.com
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
What You Need To Know About VOCs
hen choosing interior paint, you may notice that some brands say their finishes have low or no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). But what exactly does this
mean and how does choosing a can of low- or no VOC paint better protect your family? VOCs refer to a group of chemical-based solvents that get released into the air (also known as “off gassing”) at room temperature. These VOCs can come from building materials such as certain paints, carpets, adhesives, composite wood products, upholstery fabrics and vinyl flooring, or they can come from household products like air fresheners, disinfectants, cosmetics, plastics, electronic devices and gasoline. Studies have shown that the level of VOCs indoors is generally two to five times higher than the level of VOCs found outdoors. Concentration depends on many factors, including the amount of VOCs in a product, the rate of which they are released, ventilation and the volume of air in the room or building.
HEALTH EFFECTS OF VOC EXPOSURE The risk of health effects from inhaling any chemical depends on the concentration in the air and the amount of exposure. Breathing in low levels of VOCs may increase some people’s risk of health problems, ranging from headaches, dizziness and eye, nose and throat irritation to more severe cases of asthma and increased risk of liver and kidney damage. People with respiratory problems, as well as young children, the elderly, and persons with heightened sensitivity to chemicals may be more susceptible to acute irritation or illness from VOCs.
HOW TO REDUCE THE LEVELS OF VOCS IN YOUR HOME The most effective way to cut down on the levels of VOCs released in your home is to remove or reduce the number of products that give off VOCs. You can also increase ventilation by opening doors and windows or using fans. Keep the indoor temperature and relative humidity as low as possible. Plus, if possible, perform renovations when your home is unoccupied or during seasons that allow for windows to be open to maximize fresh air brought in from the outside.
WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN PAINT To meet consumer demand and industry regulations, several manufacturers have developed paints with reduced VOCs. Read paint can labels carefully, starting with the VOC content – the lower the number, the better. The number generally accepted for a low-VOC paint is less than 50 grams per liter; a zero-VOC paint has fewer than 5 grams per liter. Every paint formula variation is different, but lower VOC amounts tend to be found in paint that is latex with a flat (rather than glossy) sheen, and is light in color. Be on the watch for brands from major manufacturers who have already moved to low- or zeroVOC colorant.
thin k b e y on d b l in d s
id you know that at Benjamin Moore Kelowna/West Kelowna, we offer a full range of window-covering options? We carry all major blind lines, including Hunter Douglas, Shade O Matic, Graber, Habitat and Altex. Dawn Devlin works full time in the Okanagan area to help you choose the right window coverings for your home.
HERE IS A MESSAGE FROM DAWN: Every day I meet people who have just moved to the Okanagan, are renovating or downsizing, building or just updating – every home has unique needs. People will often say, “we will just get what we had in the old house” without realizing that every home has different factors to consider, and window coverings that worked well in the old house may not be appropriate in the new one. For example, the old house
may have had lake views, no privacy issues, and strong sun so solar roller shades protecting furniture and floors were the best option. The new house has neighbours close by, no view, and strong sun, so solar roller shades may not provide enough privacy. A better solution might be a top-down bottom-up or a horizontal window shade to preserve privacy, protect from sun damage, and still let in some light. My passion is decorating and window-coverings. Whatever your window-covering needs are or budget is, I will bring my years of experience in the industry into your home. Consultations are free, and we work with builders, designers, and home owners. You can contact me by email at d.devlin@benjaminmoorekelowna.com or call me directly at 250-864-2302.
Pool Party
PowerView™ Motorization
It moves your shades, so you don’t have to. Introducing PowerView™ Motorization from Hunter Douglas. A remarkable new system that automatically moves your shades throughout the day, according to your schedule and activities. Just program your personalized settings with your smart phone or tablet, and let PowerView do the rest.* You can even activate a pre-programmed setting with a touch of our brilliantly designed PowerView Pebble™ Scene Controller. How smart—intelligent shades that simplify your life. To see PowerView in motion, contact us today.
The PowerView Pebble is available in seven colors. *The PowerView App and additional equipment required for programmed operation. © 2015 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
emoving old wallpaper is one of the most cost-effective ways to makeover and update a room, and yet it’s still one of the most feared home improvement chores. With a little
preparation and a few easy tips, you’ll find it isn’t so frightening to change your walls from bland to grand!
Do not take a shortcut by attempting to paint over existing
wallpaper. While a few coats of good paint can conceal a particularly bold pattern, it inevitably leads to problems when the seams show through, a corner comes loose or a panel starts to peel. Trust us, proper wallpaper removal is worth the effort and really, it’s not that hard to do.
STEPS FOR REMOVING WALLPAPER: 1. Put down a plastic sheet or drop cloth to cover the flooring or carpet. Test a small area by lifting off a small section of wallpaper in an inconspicuous corner. If you’re lucky, there will only be one layer of wallpaper; if not, the job will take you longer to finish. 2. Some wallpapers are considered “strippable,” meaning they are easy to remove. For example, vinyls are usually easier to strip off a wall. To find out if your paper is strippable, pry a seam edge loose using a utility knife and tug gently. Pull down at an angle, keeping both hands close to the lifting edge. If it comes off easily in a long sheet without adhesive residue, your job should be relatively simple.
solution on the area and let it soak in. You may need to apply it
several times. Another trick is to mix liquid detergent (or fabric
softener) in a bucket of warm water, then sponge some water
3. If the wallpaper does not come off easily, spray the remover
onto the wallpaper to help soften it. After five minutes, use a scraper to lift off the paper. 4. If it appears the water solutions aren’t penetrating, use a scoring tool to make tiny punctures in the material so that the mixture can saturate the wallpaper faster. Be very careful not to gouge the drywall! 5. After several minutes, try stripping the wallpaper by hand. If the backing is left, it can be scraped off with a broad putty knife. 6. For particularly stubborn paper or multiple layers of paper, consider using a steam wallpaper stripper. It may make your job faster and easier. 7. Once the wallpaper and backing are removed, spray the wall with the remover solution one last time and scrape off any spots that may have been missed. Wipe down the wall with a damp sponge and let it dry for a few days. 8. Lastly, be sure to sand the walls with 80 or 100 grit sandpaper, then dust them off before painting. This will allow the new coating to adhere better.
CUSTOM HOMES Every edition of Quarters will include a feature about a local business, person, or event. In this inaugural issue, we are focusing on a local company which has been designing and building quality custom homes for forty decades: SanMarc Custom Homes. You’ve seen their homes if you’ve ever driven around the Lakeview Heights area around Mission Hill Winery in West Kelowna, but may also have seen their homes in Whistler, Vancouver, Langely, Abbotsford, and throughout B.C. We recently sat down to ask Rick Jaheny, owner of SanMarc, some questions.
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS? Individual and exceptional homes designed and built for the needs of each client. The key is that each home is client-specific and constructed with every attention to detail.
HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN THIS BUSINESS? I went to buy my first house and quickly decided that I didn’t want to have the same cookie-cutter home as everyone else when, for the same mortgage, I could design and build exactly what I wanted. I’ve been doing the same thing for my clients ever since and I’ve never built the same house twice.
WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE OKANAGAN’S BEST FEATURE? The vast choice of recreation activities such as snow and waterskiing and mountain-biking. It’s an amazing place to raise a family.
WHAT IS UNUSUAL OR UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, IN COMPARISON TO YOUR COMPETITORS OR SIMILAR BUSINESSES? Our team and the fact that we do it all, from designing plans, building, and even choosing interior finishes and features. We are truly based around a team effort and we’ve had the same team for decades; they do their job like it’s their home.
WHAT IS THE BIGGEST MISCONCEPTION ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? That we are too expensive. Apples for apples, we are the same price as a conventional builder.
IS THERE A CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE YOU ARE MOST PROUD OF? We built a beautifully-designed and executed home on Whitworth Road in West Kelowna (see photos). The client originally wanted a big-budget renovation but we decided to start from scratch in order to achieve their vision. In the end, the clients were extremely happy that I talked them into a new build, and we remain good friends to this day. To get in touch with Rick, you can email him at sanmarc@shaw.ca or call him at 250-862-6576.
p roj ect p ro f i l e
Left: Abundant white cabinetry, furnishings and accessories with classic
walnut and gray accents call for a modern white to play a strong supporting role. The slightest gray undertone perfectly nods toward mod and sets the stage beautifully for the natural and organic flavor of the variation in wood tones and the many textures utilized throughout the home. Below: A deep and moody gray anchoring the fireplace wall in this cozy corner is the perfect counterpoint for the changing autumnal foliage surrounding the room. The use of a dark color surrounding an already dark feature, such as a fireplace or television, allows it to fade away when not in use but accentuates the amber glow or picture screen when lit or powered on.
GRAVEL GRAY 2127-30 P.54
Above: Fresh as the first snowfall, this clean, fresh,
multi-purpose white is a perennial favorite for trim, Color accuracy is ensured only when tinted in quality Benjamin Moore(R) paints. Color representations may differ slightly from actual paint
ceilings, and walls. The beauty of this white lies in its ability to be crisp but not stark and to be bright without committing to any definite undertone. It carries a subtle warmth which makes it a winner for spaces both modern and traditional and everything in between.Â
P.42 Right: A trick of the eye, or pure magic? This mystically-toned hue gives the illusion of another dimension. The same color is used throughout the entire great room in this home, allowing the eye to take in the pattern, mix of materials and unique accessories that have been carefully curated over time. The complex yet neutral back drop has subtle nuances of gray-beige with a hint of green that makes everything else in the home look its best.
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ell known today for its architectural and decorative uses, the history of wrought iron actually traces back thousands of years; it has been used to create weapons, shoe horses, erect historical landmarks and collect keys and junk mail as baker’s racks in 1990s kitchens. The term "wrought iron" derives from the past tense of the verb "work"; because the malleability of this particular form of metal allowed it to be worked into a multitude of shapes and forms, wrought iron is essentially "worked iron." In contrast to cast iron, wrought iron has a very low carbon content; it is tough, resistant to corrosion and easily welded, characteristics which allow the alloy to be used in a multitude of applications. Simply put, wrought iron is the "iron" that is referred to throughout Western history. While examples of iron work date back to 3500 BCE Mesopotamia and Egypt, the first recognized wrought iron work that used smelting and purification techniques are the iron swords forged by the Hittite army in 2000 BCE. The knowledge about the use of iron combined with the vast availability of the raw material spread across Europe from the Middle East; by
500 BCE, entire armies were equipped with the iron weaponry that had replaced bronze swords. By the Middle Ages, the use of wrought iron had expanded to include tools and construction components; during this period, architectural applications for wrought iron began appearing in Western Europe. While initially used to cover doors and windows of important buildings to provide protection against attack from raiders, the decorative wrought ironwork we’re familiar with today first debuted. Beautiful examples of work from this period still exist today, including England’s Canterbury Cathedral and Winchester Cathedral, and in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. By the beginning of the 16th century, decorative ironwork was sweeping Europe; ornate wrought iron hit its zenith during the Baroque and Rococo periods. Highly detailed and sophisticated new designs including scrolls, scallops, twisted pickets and crests were created for screens and grillwork that towered up to nine metres tall on Spain’s new cathedrals.
The distinctive and spectacularly executed stair railings, balconies and gates throughout France, Austria and England were also born of this period, and by the 18th century wrought iron had jumped the pond – fine examples of early decorative ironwork in the Americas can be found in Quebec, New Orleans and Buenos Aires. Demand for household use of iron reached its peak in the mid-nineteenth century, by which time it was commonly used for locks, hardware, grates, kitchen wares and outdoor furniture. However, with advancements in refining, mass production and the growing availability of mild steel, use of wrought iron began to diminish, and the world’s last production plant shut down in 1974. Today, the vast majority of products produced and described as wrought iron – including furniture, lighting, ornaments, railings, grates and fences — are actually made of mild steel. But the craft of handworking metal with a hammer and an anvil continues with steel – essentially, nothing more than a newer and stronger form of metal – and still delivers the beauty and detail of hand-worked metals that’s been appreciated for centuries.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
tips o' the trades
12 steps to creating one little pillow and why you need professional design help to successfully decorate or renovate your home. by KIMBERLEY SELDON
Interior design looks easy? HA! Ever waited in vain for a repairman to arrive or had difficulty reaching a live customer service rep when something’s broken? A design professional deals with such stresses daily so the client doesn’t have to. The work design and decorating professionals do is not only complex it’s fraught with challenges. Don’t believe me? Check out the steps for producing a custom pillow. One little pillow. 1. Select fabric(s) – chenille, velvet, cotton, patterned, plain, red, blue? 2. Select trim(s) – self-pipe, rope, braid, bullion, tassel, rosette? 3. Determine size – 18 inches square, 24 x 18-inch rectangle, 16-inch bolster? 4. Choose filling – 100% down, polyester, polycotton blend, density? 5 Choose edge detail – knife, box, Turkish, tasselled, beribboned? 6. Create purchase orders for fabrics, trims, forms and pillow maker. 7. Order CFAs (cutting for approval) to ensure ordered fabric looks like the sample. Ninety per cent of the time, it’s accurate; however, in approximately 10 per cent of cases, it’s
the wrong fabric color. Why? Because the fabric company had the wrong number written on the sample, the firm discontinued the fabric, or the dye didn’t turn out exact. 8. Receive fabrics, trims and forms and check for accuracy. 9. Send all items and detailed instructions to pillow maker. 10. Review finished pillows to ensure they’re made to specification. 11. Ship pillows to client’s home. 12. Receive pillows and present to client for approval. These are the steps for producing one little pillow. Now, imagine building a new kitchen, renovating a bathroom or decorating the whole house. I think we can all agree that everything is more complicated than a single pillow. Right? Don’t be fooled into thinking that watching interior decorating shows on TV prepares you for project management in the real world. Hire a professional design expert to bring your renovation or décor project to life. With offices in Toronto and LA, Kimberley Seldon is a writer, publisher, educator, speaker and an award-winning designer with more than 20 years’ experience in full-service interior design-build projects. Projects range from urban condos to country manors with a client list that includes such well-known names as Erin Brockovich and President Bill Clinton. For more information visit kimberleyseldon.com.
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get crafty
rowth charts make a perfect and personal gift for a new baby or for measuring your own kids through the years. They become a cherished keepsake for each child and can easily make the move to a new home. As a design bonus, they fit great on that wall that nothing else seems to work on. These growth charts are not only quick to make, they are very inexpensive as well. For our kids, I used reclaimed wood from an old shed in our backyard; when designing gifts for others, I purchased six-foot fencing boards from a local hardward store, costing a little over $2 each.
t h e o n ly ot h e r s u p p l i e s yo u w i l l n e e d a r e : - measuring tape - black pen - stickers (craft stores have great selections) - stain - triangle hanger for the back - screw & screwdriver
First, take a look at the height of your baseboards and how high you want to hang your growth chart (remember, your little one’s feet will be flat on the floor with their back to the chart). For my project, I started 7 inches up from the floor. Using a measuring tape and black pen, mark a short line at every inch. To indicate each foot mark, make a slightly longer line. I prefer using a pen because it is crisp and accurate. I have tried painted lines and it becomes tedious and imperfect. I used cardstock to make a pattern to mark the length of the lines I wanted. For each of those marks you made, extend them to their actual length all the way down the board. When you get to each foot, draw them in slightly longer and thicker. There is no right or wrong length, only what looks good to you.
There are many examples on Pinterest to draw inspiration from. Next, I chose a stain that was not too dark; after all, you want to be able to see what you write on afterwards. I painted just one coat of stain for this reason. At the craft store, I purchased a sticker package of numbers and letters in cute colors and patterns. You can choose black to make them appear more “ruler-like.” Starting from the bottom, add a “1” to the one-foot marker and work your way up to a “6” at the six-foot marker. For simplicity, I put an initial in the upper left corner to distinguish which child it is for, but you can add full names, birthday, etc. To finish, add the hanger on the back and mount the chart, matching the one-foot marker one foot up from the floor.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
A MEXCELLENT FINISH Highly adorned floors, bathing spaces and backsplashes are back in a big way. With an array of colors, sizes and shapes available, adding Mexican flair to your style scheme will make your space muy caliente.
While Spanish-style homes naturally call for terracotta floor tile designs, there is a place for a Mexican tile in a variety of personal style genres. Perhaps you desire the intense turquoise of the Caribbean, some Latin-inspired pattern play, or the rustic beauty of a countryside vista. Maybe the salt air and beachside dĂŠcor stimulates your design senses. Even if you are embracing a strict whiteon-white-on-white mantra, your home may be the perfect backdrop for a dose of Mexican tile. Handcrafted tile is a vital expression of Mexican culture, and one of its most original contributions to the world with Mexican, Spanish, Moorish, and Mediterranean influences. Earthen tones and a mosaic of deep, rich colors like red, cobalt blue and dark yellow are the hallmark of Mexican tile. It comes in a size and shape for every space, from basic squares and rectangles to hexagons, octagons and beveled botella. Whether you incorporate an authentic handcrafted artisanal tile, a porcelain reproduction or even some of the latest and most modern glass tiles that take inspiration from centuries-old designs, we know your space will surely be fiesta worthy!
e n cau st i c t i l e
Tiles crafted using cement and wax dyes, termed encaustic tile, emerged from Catalonia, Spain in the 1850s. By 1886, the art form travelled overseas to Latin America where it was considered a high-end luxury item. For decades, Europeans regarded it as a creative and durable floor covering until it lost favor as people gravitated toward vinyl in the 1950s. Today’s tiles can be made of cement, as they were originally crafted, or from layers of natural minerals that undergo intense pressurization from a hydraulic press. Encaustic is a wax-based paint made from beeswax, resins and pigments which is kept on a hot palette and then applied to the porous tile. The tile is then reheated to fuse the paint to the tile making it extremely durable.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
s a lt i l lo t i l e
Saltillo tile is an unglazed clay floor tile made in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. The tile is made from regional clay sourced from one of the finest natural clay deposits in the world. Once the clay is excavated from the earth, cleaned and sifted, it is mixed with water and formed into shapes. The tiles are left to dry in the sun and are then gathered and stacked in cave-like structures that act as kilns. Saltillo tile is made entirely by hand, giving each piece its own unique character. The tile is primitive and features inherent irregularities like small chips, cracks and bumps. These blemishes, imperfections and marks (like small animal footprints) add distinctive charm.
ta l av e r a t i l e
Handcrafted, hand glazed and hand painted, this tile has its origins in 17th-century Mexico with the arrival of the Spaniards, who introduced new methods of tile and pottery making. The name Talavera honors the Spanish craftsmen, who were from the town of Talavera De La Reina in Toledo, Spain, and introduced the ceramics industry to Mexico. Talavera tile has been used extensively in Mexican cities since its debut in 1656, embellishing cathedrals, public spaces and privately-owned luxury haciendas. A recent resurgence in its popularity has architects, designers and homeowners choosing Talavera tile to decorate private homes and a variety of commercial spaces. Talavera tile is utilized primarily on backsplashes or countertops, and in bathrooms and showers.
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ca r ava n
Discover the exact science behind matching color swatches with the paint that ends up on your wall
here’s a rainbow in every paint and home improvement store: that vivid wall display of hues that help homeowners choose a paint color before they commit to buying the whole can. Beyond taking the guesswork out of color matching, it’s unlikely you’ve given much thought to where these paint chips come from or how they’re made. Yet, the process of creating color systems is fascinating and far more intricate than a simple swatch of Blue Dragon or Raspberry Truffle would appear at first glance. Let’s start by dispelling the myth that paint chips are made by paint companies. In actuality, major paint manufacturers work closely with companies such as The Duha Group, a global leader in the production of high quality, value-added color marketing tools. Based in Winnipeg, Manitoba but serving customers worldwide, Duha specializes in the coating, striping and chip mounting of precision color-matched paints. Originating as a family-owned printing company in the 1940s, Duha was one of the first to apply printing technology know-how to precision color matching. Today, Duha employs 600 people on four continents to help paint companies visually represent their products’ entire color range to consumers in the decorative (residential and commercial), industrial (manufacturing and marine coatings) and specialty (auto) markets.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
The reason paint companies don’t make their own paint chips or samples is simply because they don’t have the technology. The latex paint they manufacture is water-based and therefore, not suitable for applying directly to paper. Digital printing is not a viable solution either; even advanced printers are still unable to replicate color without some perceptible disparity. To achieve the truest visual representation of individual colors, The Duha Group developed its own proprietary application process for the paint industry. Here’s how it works: Step 1: The paint company will send a sample of the color they want replicated into paint chips, fan decks, albums or more elaborate color systems. Duha is not given a formula to achieve that color – their technicians must recreate it in a lab using a precise chemical formulation of colorant, bases and binders. Meticulously adding colorant by hand, the technician uses a scale to measure each ingredient by weight. It often takes several iterations to get the color mixture just right – so imagine the work required to perfect a color palette containing more than 2,000 different hues! Step 2: A color test is conducted by a technician, who deposits and spreads the paint sample across a piece of paper. Convection heat dries the sample before it is visually and numerically inspected and compared to the color standard. If it does not match, the formula goes back for reworking and the process is repeated.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t
d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
Step 3: Once the color replication is accepted, the job moves to the dispensing and coating process. The approved paint formulation is mixed in a much larger quantity and is poured into specially-designed pots above the coating machine. Massive paper rolls fed into the machine are coated with flowing paint, which is then spread evenly in the sequence of striped colors needed for the customer’s paint swatches. Step 4: The paper travels through a long oven which slowly bakes the colors on at a high temperature. Through evaporation the color bakes, leaving a smooth, dried skin on the surface. When the paper reappears at the end of the oven, it is sheeted off by blades, cutting it down to size for the printing process.
Step 5: The sheets are separately fed face down into an offset printing press so that the color name and number can be printed on each card. Duha uses a wide variety of inks to ensure the printing stands out from the paint colors on the sheet. Step 6: Mechanical blades slice the sheets to the customer’s specifications, depending on whether they will be used as individual cards, fan decks or color systems. From there, they will go to an assembly line to be bagged in groups of 10 or 20, or, in the case of fan deck displays, they will go to a station to have attachments applied manually by workers. Step 7: The color systems are packaged and shipped to customers all over the world (the Winnipeg plant alone ships to 140 countries!) for distribution in paint, hardware and other home improvement centers. Samples from each production run are catalogued and kept in Duha’s colossal warehouse so that once a customer’s palette has been color matched, they can reorder without having to repeat the color matching process. With a focus on innovation and environmental sustainability, Duha’s production process is grounded in the principles of lean manufacturing, a systematic method for the elimination of waste and the assurance of efficiency within the manufacturing system. Its workplace culture encourages employee engagement and fosters entrepreneurial thinking from everyone who plays a part in the 24/7 operation. The meticulous care shown by staff is one of the many reasons consumers should feel confident that a paint chip made by Duha is the exact same color as what is under the lid of paint they buy. “Quite simply, we don’t cut corners because we believe people deserve better than ‘close enough’ color accuracy. We’ve been in this business for a long time and we know what it takes to create an exceptional product efficiently and competitively without compromising on quality,” explains Duha sales and marketing associate Simon Scott. “Color drives everything in our world – fashion, consumer products, automobiles, architecture. It’s important to the people who create the color, the people who sell the color and the people who buy the color – and that’s why it’s important to Duha that we maintain our high standards for getting it right.”
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
A collaboration with Ikea turned a small, outdated kitchen into the hub of the home
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
An intimate tablescape adjacent to the garden windows offers a secondary dining area.
t first blush, a 69-year old house does not seem like it would be compatible with a contemporary Ikea kitchen, but it turns out they’re a match made in home décor heaven. “We wanted the kitchen to become central command for our family, and that meant opening up the space, making it brighter and creating a thoughtful layout that included a more efficient workspace,” the homeowner says. “Our first instinct was to go with Ikea because they have solutions for everything. We also liked Ikea’s approach to environmental responsibility. It’s good to know that customers don’t have to choose between sustainability and style, function or price.” They turned to a professional interior designer to help bring the plan together and execute their vision. From a design perspective, many designers are perfectly happy to help clients with Ikea kitchens as the company offers a myriad of design options, internal customization features and storage solutions which would be pricy if custom ordered elsewhere. In addition, Ikea kitchens can also be turned around very quickly for those that don’t want to wait for custom work and best of all, from a quality standpoint, Ikea is every bit as good as many custom kitchen companies. The designer intentionally planned the kitchen in distinctive zones, with a full wall of storage on one side and the work area on the other side. Between them, a massive, eight-foot long peninsula with a wood countertop takes up the most space because it does most of the heavy work as the family’s workspace, eating station and clean up area. To make the peninsula stand out as its own feature, it was made as large as possible. The sink was placed right inside the wood
Ample seating at the generous peninsula is a comfortable place to perch and converse with the chef while still leaving plendy of space in the work zone.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
abode countertop, which is very common in European design and can last for years if installed properly with the right products. With its serene walls and matching white-on-white backsplash featuring textured tiles interspersed among the smooth, the kitchen’s sleek, ebony Ikea storage wall is a classic study in dramatic contrast. Bringing them together is a dark grey luxury vinyl tile flooring – solid in construction, very little movement, and is kid and pet friendly. “We couldn’t be happier with our Ikea kitchen and love how bright and functional the space is now. It really works for us and suits our lifestyle, especially being a two-career family with two small children keeping things hopping around here,” the homeowner says. “We had an excellent experience working with Ikea, and I would highly recommend that anyone considering a kitchen makeover use Ikea’s resources to get it done.” Top: A lovely blend of flat with textured over-sized subway tile elevates the simple white backsplash to a new level. Bottom: Wood and glass pendant lights add a vintage patina to the modern space.
THE WISH LIST • Open up the space and make it brighter • Introduce a large, multifunctional workspace • Create more storage solutions, including space for kitchen gadgets, oversized dishes and items not used on a daily basis • Blend modern design with touches of rustic décor
THE PROCESS 1 After the designer came up with a layout for the kitchen, it was sent to Ikea for consultation on the right cabinetry solutions. “I’m glad we worked with professional designers to execute our vision. Their job is to consider things that we never would have thought of on our own,” says the homeowner. 2 Once the homeowners had finished gutting the old kitchen and removing a wall to open up the space, they enlisted the Ikea installation team to take precise measurements, which were then inputted into Ikea’s planning tools system. “Ikea’s tools make the process go smoother, whether they are installing or you are doing it yourself. It’s worth every penny to get their expertise.” 3 Although Ikea kitchens are suitable for DIYers, the homeowners once again used the company’s installation team to put in the cabinetry including cabinets, door fronts, drawers and drawer fronts, interior shelving, hinges and cover panels. “They were meticulous and awesome.” 4 The designer helped choose all of the finishing touches: wall paint, quartz countertops, the pendant lighting over the kitchen peninsula and luxury vinyl tile flooring.
7. 4.
2. 1. LH Imports/Crossback rattan chair, 2. IKEA/Ingatorp, 3. Split P/Ribbed glass pendant, 4. IKEA/ Ringhult and Tingsryd, 5. Armstrong/Alterna/Enchanted Forest/Night Owl, 6. IKEA/Hammarp, 7. Ceratec/Qunitessenza Genesi/ 3 x11/ matte, 8. IKEA/Senior, 9. IKEA/Romantisk, 10. IKEA/ Begarlig
a ab bo od d ee
A study of contrasts: in the family room, low-slung furnishings emphasize the height of the vaulted ceilings and a spectacular bookcase; soft velvets and a to-die-for sheepskin rug soften the exposed wood-framed sofa and the concrete-topped coffee table.
PRA IS I N G T HE P HASI N G OF R EN OVATI ON CON SUM M AT ION A dramatic main floor transformation proves how slow and steady wins the race design by ENVY PAINT AND DESIGN photography SCOTT ZIELKE text by ARTHUR LIFFMANN
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
sk any associate of the design firm Envy Paint & Design, and you’ll get the same response: a conversation with clients Rita and Bryon Duncan is always a pleasurable diversion on a busy day. Whether it’s a final design approval from Rita or a witty one-liner from Bryon, the Duncans are consistently full of positive energy… but since the completion of the most recent phase of renovations to the main floor of their home, conversations with the Duncans are downright merry. “Every time I turn around, there’s something beautiful to see,” laughs Rita Duncan, “but that’s been the case ever since we first started working with Bahia. At this point, she understands us so well, and we trust her design suggestions… and the end result of the renovations is so much more than we could have ever expected.” That understanding and trust is the result of a collaboration that first began in 2009, when the Duncans engaged Bahia Taylor of Envy Paint & Design. “Initially, we selected colors for the interior and exterior of the house,” says Taylor, “but we quickly began discussing the potential that existed for improvements that could significantly improve the way Rita and Bryan used their space.” Initial projects included revamps of three bedrooms and a complete renovation of the principal ensuite bath, but it wasn’t until planning began for the renovation of the kitchen that the clients began to recognize how their designer’s plans would dramatically improve the flow of their home. The original kitchen, with its dated finishes and awkward layout (including an angled island and a sink buried in a dark corner) was gutted. In its place, Taylor installed custom crafted graystone bamboo millwork with contrasting end-grain bamboo. While the perimeter cabinets are topped with luxurious polished quartz and backed with stunning iridescent glass tiles, the massive two-tiered island is covered
This page: Custom made wrought-steel and glass shelves and bespoke cabinetry anchor the main dining area and echo the materials used throughout the entire main floor. Opposite: In the front sitting area, an intimate arrangement of leather and steel sling chairs surrounding a mirror-topped round table creates a cozy spot for drinks and conversation.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
with the same stainless steel that bands the wall cabinets. The raised portion of the island serves dual purposes, notes the designer. “The cabinetry facing the family room provides a home for the various audiovisual components, including a television mounted at a comfortable viewing height directly in line with the seating area. It also shields the integrated stainless steel sink from view, which is an important consideration often overlooked in open concept spaces.” A spectacular slab of ribbed glass, suspended by two base cabinets and surrounded by brushed steel Navy chairs, elevates casual kitchen dining to a stylish urban experience. “Not only is the kitchen a dream to work in,” says Rita, “ but now we actually sit at the table to eat our dinner!” Taylor’s plan to remove a dividing wall between the dining area and family room was initially met with some resistance from her clients, who worried the loss of spacial delineation might leave the house feeling too open and cavernous. However, the designer’s plans – including custom cabinets and one-of-a-kind steel and glass shelving for the niche in the dining area - neatly created distinct zones for the space, which spans some 40 feet from the front to the back of the house, with a lounge-like sitting area in the front and the family room at the back bookending the formal dining space. With the phased work of the main floor renovation completed, the Duncans are thrilled with both the process and the results. “Every time we come home, we still can’t believe that this beautiful design Bahia gave us is actually ours. We’ve had this feeling each time another step was taken in the renovation; everything is now so warm and comfortable.” Well, everything on the main level, that is. Preliminary discussions for the lower level are now underway.
Opposite: A massive slab of 1.5” thick Crystal Lino-textured glass at one end of the kitchen provides a large and sturdy surface for both casual meals and additional prep area, while still allowing light from the adjacent garden doors to flood the space.
GE T T H I S LO O K 5. 6.
2. 1.
10. 8.
1. 7. Barcelona drapery and cushions/Split P, 2. Uttermost/Gironico pendant light, 3. Deny Designs/Victorian Star Wars, 4. Kravet/Highbridge sofa, 5. LH Imports/Precia expandable dining table, 6. LH Imports/Black cross back chair, 8. Luanda Bay/Martini Pearl tile, 9. Mercana/Gaiola nesting table, 10. Mercana/Traro bookcase
Monochromatic design elevates the perfect space for relaxation or a fabulous evening with friends design by JAMIE DECK photography TRACEY AYTON text by BARBARA CHABAI
alse Creek is a short inlet in the heart of Vancouver which separates downtown from the rest of the city. It also happens to be the idyllic spot for this exceptional home – which separates a creative, multifunctional space from cookie-cutter condominiums. Located five storeys above street level in Vancouver’s Olympic Village, this 1,273-square foot, new construction condo was never lived in before its owners contacted Shift Interiors to elevate its design and introduce more character and comfort. “Our clients are a successful young couple that were expecting their first child at the time. Both were very busy, so they wanted a space that offered flexibility and a modern, multifunctional design,” says Shift’s creative director and designer Jamie Deck. The owners requested that their home be a comfortable place to come back to after a cross-country work trip, be ready for entertaining at the drop of a dime, and be a safe place for the new baby. “Their goal was to create a long-term look, something that would last,” Deck explains. “So we created a classic foundation that uses a neutral palette and soft monochromatic design scheme. Once again, that offers flexibility – they can change out the art or the accents to reflect the season without having to redo the entire room.” Adding more storage space was one of the main considerations in the two-bedroom condo, but Deck was up to task. “I love the challenge of designing small spaces; condos are actually my favorite to work on. It requires a certain amount of problem-solving skill and a willingness to adapt to what you have to work with. Sometimes you need to put the kitchen pantry inside the front entry closet because that’s where it works best.” The master bedroom has a clever, custom-built TV and shelf unit that allows the television to be hidden away when not in use. Beneath are two sliding dresser drawers for storing clothes.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
In the case of the False Creek condo, the kitchen pantry didn’t need moving; in fact the kitchen didn’t need much redesigning at all. Deck helped to reorganize the existing storage to optimize space and added a few conveniences, such as installing wall hooks and a clever stepladder, which serves as an attractive architectural piece as well as a practical implement for reaching tall shelves. The open concept living room and dining room is the heart of the home. Perfect for entertaining, it comfortably seats eight dinner guests, but can easily accommodate up to 30 people circulating with cocktails. “The owners enjoy having friends over, so we gave them an extra-large, custom built walnut dining table for meeting or parties. It is over 80 inches in length with a custom veneer,” Deck says, explaining that she wanted to build the perfect table to fit the expanse of the room. Next to the table is a massive wall mirror that redirects the outside in. “The mirror reflects both light and the ocean view. When you’re standing in the kitchen, you cannot necessarily see it out of the window, but you can see the water reflected in the mirror. It’s a wonderful effect.” After dinner, guests will be surely drawn to the sumptuous Nathan Anthony sectional sofa in the living room. “It was an investment in quality and comfort. I love the way that you can sit on it from so many angles and be able to enjoy the space. It was the perfect piece of multifunctional furniture for the room,” she says. Custom millwork extends to the coffee table and to both the ceiling-height display shelves and the cabinetry tucked behind the sofa. “The cabinets are at least 21 inches deep, so it’s ideal for secondary storage – Christmas decorations, photo albums, vases and other items not needed on a daily basis.” Across the room is the television and the built-out electric fireplace, which the clients specifically requested as a homey touch, but received the benefit of additional storage as well. Running the length of the build-out are storage drawers that serve as a toy box. They are at child’s height so that little hands can reach in for toys but deep enough so that more sizable items can be put away at bedtime. The hallway leading to the bedrooms, bathroom and laundry room is a place to stop and admire the people that make this house a home. “The photo gallery really personalizes the space. The homeowners loved being able to showcase individuals who are important to them – their circle of family and friends, the people in their community,” Deck says, adding that the frames are accentuated by the alluring paint choice. “Vancouver is a very grey city, so you have to be mindful of how you use color in reflecting that. You don’t want to use grey with too much blue tone or else it can come off as cold,” she says. “The grey we chose had quite a bit of warmth to it. We also integrated elements and textures of nature into the design – warm woods, lush green plants, cool concrete and marble surfaces, jute and natural fiber carpet and white shelving to make it all the more cozy and inviting.” Deck says that the condo’s owners were “over the moon” about the final results – as was their designer. “I think this project proves that it’s very possible to design on a budget and still give clients a long-lasting, comfortable space where they can live luxuriously.” Top: Simple white shelving, tucked into a niche is the perfect place to display treasures collected from near and far. Bottom: A gallery wall of all white frames showcasing friends and loved ones is the perfect punctuation against a charcoal-gray backdrop.
A timeless wooden dining table, hand crafted, locally in Vancouver and designed by Jamie fits perfectly into the open concept dining area in the condo.
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Sturdy and comfortable stools provide the perfect perch at the hardworking island for the family as well as guests invited to a casual get-together.
GE T T H I S LO O K 6.
2. 5.
4. 1. 3.
1. Trica Stool/Bocca 2. Nuevo/Dome/white 3. Muuto/Tveit & Tornoe/dots 4. Soho Concepts/Eiffel Tower 5. Vangogh Designs/Frazer storage 6. Laurentian/Bentley/Ice White/Brushed
MI D C E N T U RY MODERN IN M I N N E SOTA With an open design and connection to nature, this suburban home is updated to get back to basics design by MICHELLE FRIES photography SUSAN GILMORE text by BARBARA CHABAI
Without hiding the unique character of the home, the homeowners added a metal roof, painted the exterior in a deep almost-black and added elements of concrete and steel to the landscape design.
id-century architecture arrived in America’s postwar suburbs in the late 1940s. Characterized by clean simplicity and integration with nature, this forward-looking style, made famous by Frank Lloyd Wright and his contemporaries, emphasized generous windows and open floor plans to create breathable living spaces and bring the outdoors inside. “I love mid-century design and had my eye out for the perfect place,” says Michelle Fries, lead interior designer at BeDe Design LLC. She and her husband David purchased their home in Edina, Minnesota three years ago with the intention of introducing an industrial mid-century modern style without tearing down any of its nostalgic charm. “The home had been updated throughout the years in an attempt to bring it from a bland suburban rambler to a midcentury style home,” she explains. “We wanted to take that a bit further from both a design and a lifestyle standpoint.” With function being as important as form, they worked with builder Mark Peterson of MA Peterson to remodel the home’s interior and exterior as well as putting on a spacious addition housing a fun sport court for their active family to enjoy year round. Above it sits a peaceful, airy master suite with a private screened porch and fireplace. “The addition was the perfect solution because we felt the house needed a proper owner’s suite but we didn’t want to add on a second floor to the home. The home we previously lived in was very vertical with a lot of stairs, and I just wanted much easier living as well as to respect the home’s existing rooflines.”
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“At the same time, we thought each of our two teenagers should have their own bathroom, so now each bedroom has an ensuite,” says Fries, noting that the addition introduced 2,000 square feet of living space to the home, bringing its total to 5,200 square feet.
For design inspiration, Fries looked no further than the works of Wright, Richard Neutra, William Krisel and Oscar Niermeyer, as well as her experience at Modernism Week in Palm Springs. “It’s one of my favorite weeks of the year,” she says.
Opposite top: Existing oak bookshelves in the family room were technique-painted to complement the adjacent kitchen cabinetry. The homeowners furnished the room with an eclectic mix of new furniture and antiques collected from around the world. This page: The driftwood-colored kitchen cabinetry is a U.K.-sourced laminate product featuring a wood grain. A contrast in finish and color, the cool, aqua blue tile hung vertically along the backsplash and continuing along the wall reflects gleams of light and movement in the room.
oedco e rrnat l iivnig n gr ew i ti lhe r aspa r sasi r t wi o i snt t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t &md ta oice i at
The home’s interior had already been updated with contemporary ceiling lines and lots of glass walls. “The entire back wall of the house is glass and much of the front is as well. We don’t need the lights on much,” Fries says. To reflect the natural light, Fries chose white on all the walls and ceilings. “I chose that for its crispness and ability to allow my artwork to shine.” As a contrast to the bright sunlight and green foliage of the outdoors, Fries wanted to bring in more raw, industrial texture as evident in the concrete floors throughout the home as well as its metal exterior roof. The flat roof, a signature feature of the mid-century era, reminiscent of an old galvanized barn roof, it is durable enough to withstand Minnesota’s unpredictable weather. To create visual drama and emphasize the industrial motif, the wood siding was painted in a dramatic, almost-black. Mid-century modern design encourages people to go outside and engage with nature, and these happy homeowners need little motivation to spend time out in their beautiful yard. The homeowners brought in talented landscape architect Jeff Gaffney of Tabor to create an idyllic walk-out retreat; the
secluded patio’s living and eating area is perfect for hosting an evening with family and friends. “The truth is, we use every inch of the house and thoroughly enjoy it for its bright airiness, connectivity from room to room and, of course, the backyard,” Fries says. “It’s inviting, interactive, livable and just easy – it’s easy living here. You know where everyone in the house is, but at the same time, we all have our own place to retreat and enjoy our own privacy. I love that everything’s on the same level and that we were able to achieve one-level living without it being just another boring rambler.” Top left: Bed and bath areas keep in tune with mid-century style. The master suite is comprised of a bedroom, office, walk-in closet and a screened-in porch with a wood burning fireplace. Bottom left: The sophisticated ensuite bathroom has heated concrete floors with matching shower tiles set in a herringbone pattern. Above: Clerestory windows created an opportunity to put a top bunk in the youth bedroom. A ladder made from plumbing pipes gives it a cool vibe.
GE T T H I S LOOK 3. 4.
2. 5. 1.
6. 7.
1. SubZero Wolf six burner gas range 2. EQ3/Swivel tub chair in Jet Leaf 3. Amerock/Creased Bow/polished chrome 4. Surya/Laural area rug 5. Calacatta marble countertops/honed finish 6. Centura Tile/2x10 Miki-Glass/Aquamarine/Europa Collection 7. IKEA/Koldby cowhide 8. Eero Saarinen for Knoll Arabescato
f e a st
Tacos are delicious, messy and great fun to eat, so it’s no wonder they’re a big smash. The assembly job that makes everyone’s taco a custom affair for the palate also makes them a great hit with the kids!
L A COCIN A M EXICANA Mexican cuisine is a fusion of flavor created mostly with ingredients native to Mexico. Rooted in Spanish influence hundreds of years old, Mexican food is a taste evolution of ideas, ingredients and cooking methods incorporated by past and present generations of Mexicans.
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Specially marinated flank steak is loaded with Mexican flavors.
Representing the colors of the Mexican flag, these super-quick and easy condiments are not only wonderfully fresh but also incredibly versatile and make a great accompaniment to various Mexican cuisine. t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
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Fresh ingredients make everything better! Chef Brian’s Sayulita Salad recipe is an easy, excellent chopped salad that makes for an amazing first course but doubles as a wonderful lunch salad for weekday brown baggers.
1 large flank steak (approximately 2 lbs) 2 dozen small corn tortillas 3 Mexican condiments (Cumin Sour Cream, Avocado Sauce & Pico de Gallo recipes on this page) 2 cups of finely chopped cabbage 1 tablespoons rice vinegar 1 cup of Cotija cheese, crumbled (feta would work well also)
1 chicken breast, cooked and shredded 2 poblano chile peppers, roasted, peeled, seeded and sliced 4 corn tortillas, cut into ½ inch squares ¼ cup of canola oil 8 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced 1 medium onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped 2 tablespoons tomato paste 5 cups chicken stock ½ cup hot sauce (Chalula recommended) 1 ½tablespoons cumin 1 ½ teaspoons oregano (preferably Mexican) 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper
(serves 6)
½ medium onion, roughly chopped 4 cloves garlic 1 whole canned chipotle pepper in Adobo sauce 1 teaspoon Adobo sauce ½ cup cilantro 1/3 cup lime juice and zest of 1 lime 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon cumin powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon chili powder Combine all marinade ingredients in a food processor and puree. Score steak on both sides and place in a large freezer bag. Pour entire marinade mixture into the bag, zip tight and massage the outside of the bag so that the steak is thoroughly covered with marinade. Refrigerate for 2 to 8 hours. While the steak is marinating, make the Mexican condiments if not made already. Combine cabbage and rice vinegar. Set aside. Wrap tortillas in foil and warm in oven. Take steak out of the fridge and bring to room temperature. Heat BBQ to high temperature. Grill steak until medium rare, approximately 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat and rest steak for 10 minutes more. Slice steak against the grain into thin strips.
(serves 4-6)
MEXICAN CONDIMENTS Representing the colors of the Mexican flag, these three condiments are not only fresh garnishes for most of the dishes listed, but they are incredibly versatile for all Mexican cuisine. Tip: putting the Cumin Sour Cream and Avocado Sauce in squeeze bottles makes serving easier and is handy for nachos or breakfast burritos the next day!
1 cup sour cream 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons cumin powder Add all ingredients into a small bowl and mix well.
Heat oil over medium high heat in a large pot. Add corn tortilla squares. Fry until golden and crispy for approximately 4-5 minutes.
Add all ingredients into a food processor and puree until smooth.
4 tortillas cut into thin strips and toasted until crispy Cotija cheese (Monterey Jack is a fine substitute) handful of chopped cilantro sour cream 1 diced avocado 1 lime cut into wedges
Add tomatoes and onion, stirring occasionally until tomatoes become soft and onions become translucent. Add garlic and poblano chiles. Stir and cook for 3 minutes. Add tomato paste and mix well. Add chicken stock, stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Add hot sauce, cumin, oregano, chili powder, salt and pepper. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Add shredded chicken and cook for 10 minutes more.
1 ripe avocado 3 green onions chopped into thirds 1 jalapeno, seeded ¾ cup plain yogurt ½ cup roughly chopped fresh basil ¼ roughly chopped fresh cilantro 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice ¼ teaspoon salt
5 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced 1 jalapeño seeded and diced ½ cup finely diced onion ¼ cup finely chopped cilantro ½ lime juiced ¼ teaspoon salt Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and gently toss until fully mixed.
To serve, divide into bowls and top with array of garnishes.
Assemble tacos by doubling up the tortillas. Start with a base of flank steak strips and top with cabbage, Mexican condiments and the Cotija cheese.
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When autumn nights are closing in, it’s great to tuck into a full-flavored, hearty dish and what could be better than a hot bowl of hearty soup with a kick?
SAYULITA SALAD (serves 4-6)
2 cloves of garlic crushed and chopped ½ jalapeño, thinly sliced into discs ¼ cup lime juice and zest of 1 lime 3 tablespoons of brown sugar 2 tablespoons of fish sauce (substitute soy sauce if you prefer) 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon hot sauce (Chalula preferred)
2 English cucumbers 20 medium sized cooked shrimp 4 cups thinly sliced Napa or Savoy cabbage
3 green onions sliced into matchsticks 1 red pepper cut into matchsticks ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro ¼ chopped fresh mint Toasted tortilla strips for garnish Combine all dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Reserve. Peel one English cucumber and slice lengthwise and remove seeds. Dice into cubes. Then, slice other cucumber lengthwise and remove seeds. Cut into slices. Put cucumbers into a strainer, sprinkle with salt and set aside for 15 minutes. This draws out excess moisture from cucumbers. Combine remaining salad ingredients into large bowl. Add cucumbers and dressing to salad bowl and toss. Garnish with toasted tortilla strips just before serving.
Be brave with the lime juice and hot sauce in this Mexican salad. t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
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These chocolatey churros are dangerously easy to make and are the ultimate little bundles of sweet joy!
Vegetable oil (enough for frying churros) 1 cup of water 1/3 cup butter 2 tablespoons brown sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup flour 2 eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla ¼ cup sugar + 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon for dusting churros (combine)
1 disc of Abuelita hot chocolate chopped into chunks 2 tablespoons heavy cream 1 tablespoon butter Preheat 1.5-2 inches of vegetable oil to 375°F in a 10-12” frying pan. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, add water, butter, brown sugar and salt. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in flour to form a ball of dough. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and vanilla together. Add this mixture to the dough until completely combined. Fill a star-tipped piping bag with this mixture. When oil is at desired temperature, pipe 4-inch strips of dough into the oil. It’s a good idea to use scissors to cut the desired length of dough from the piping bag tip. Cook for 1-1½ minutes, then flip over to cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Remove churros and place on paper town to absorb excess grease. While still warm, roll in sugar and cinnamon mixture. To make the chocolate sauce, melt chocolate in a double boiler. Once melted, add cream and whisk until smooth. Add butter, continuing to whisk until creamy. Transfer to a bowl for dipping.
t’s fitting that Brian’s first food feature in QUARTERS Magazine is Mexican, as it was after his first adventure across the Pacific Coast of Mexico that he came home and began to replicate the recipes of the meals he had along the way. His first experience of authentic Mexican cuisine came far off the typical tourist path from a little abuela (grandmother in Spanish) who served up her homemade Tortilla Soup from the back of her home full of hanging chiles, delightful aromas wafting from her large cast iron cauldron, and rogue roosters walking around the yard. She was gracious enough to give him a handwritten copy of her recipe, and although many of the ingredients can only be found local to that region, Brian has been able to create a variation of the soup which is quintessential Mexican cuisine. Look for Latin-American supermarkets, restaurants and grocers in your city for leads on where to find the best ingredients to recreate authentic flavors.
rian Johnson is a self-taught cooking enthusiast. He cooks for his three children and culinarily challenged wife, as well as a large community of friends and family who after every meal beg the question, "Why don’t you open up a restaurant?” While his dreams of opening an eatery are manifesting, Brian spends all his free time in the kitchen trying out different recipes from all across the board and experimenting with different flavors along the way. Refining and learning constantly as his kitchen, in the interim, becomes his restaurant and his family the regular patrons. While he loves to be adventurous, he truly appreciates a simple meal made of quality ingredients and thoughtful preparation. “Good food brings people together in such a meaningful way. Life nowadays is especially busy, so it’s nice to take the time to prepare a meal and gather around the table to ‘break bread’ with your family and friends as a way of genuinely connecting. Enjoying one another’s company over delicious food is such a vital part of healthy living.”
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
q ua rt e r s ta l ks
I’m a cerebral designer. I use the architecture, setting and then preferences to make informed decisions—whether the project is for me or a client. I would make very different decisions for a beach house in Vancouver than a ranch house in Wyoming, but I’d have fun doing either.
Typical? That doesn’t exist for me and I like it that way. An ideal day looks like this:
1. Plan or die.
8am Yoga 10 am Cityline shoot 12 pm Lunch with client or supplier 2pm-5pm Client work 6 pm Dinner with the family
2. A change order is often an indication you didn’t do your work up front.
Of course, few days run like this! WHEN DO YOU SPLURGE AND WHEN/WHERE DO YOU SAVE?
3. Beige isn’t a color. It’s a way of life.
I splurge on artwork. I’ve always believed in supporting original thought. I will also splurge on travel. I’m not inclined to splurge on technology. There is such a thing as a TV that’s too large for the room and I think my music sounds great coming out of my little wireless speaker. My husband completely disagrees with the last two points.
YOUR CAREER HAS GIVEN YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE DESIGN IN MANY DIFFERENT MEDIA. HOW HAVE THOSE EXPERIENCES INFLUENCED THE DESIGNER YOU ARE TODAY? Every design professional should have an opportunity to style for a magazine. Seeing your work through the lens of the camera changes your perspective and improves the quality of the finished project. WHAT IS SOME GREAT DESIGN ADVICE YOU’VE BEEN GIVEN?
WHAT ARE SOME STYLING TRICKS YOU USE REGULARLY? I look at a space through the lens of a camera. I also like to create rhythm through repetition. Using the same shape several times, or lining up like objects for impact.
When in doubt, go bigger. I think too often, designers get a great idea and then fear causes them to dial it back. Make a statement. Set the tone with a big idea.
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t r av e l
SO CA L MIRAGE A shimmering desert oasis, Palm Springs is still the place to get your chill on
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t r av e l
ou’ll be tempted to swig a martini and tip your fedora to the Rat Pack when visiting Palm Springs. This California desert city still swings with the delightful decadence Sinatra and the boys were notoriously known for when they owned weekend havens in this alluring Hollywood playground. Legend has it that after Ol’ Blue Eyes signed a million-dollar movie contract with MGM in 1947, he approached architect E. Stewart Williams and commissioned a sprawling home to be built in Palm Springs. The sleepy desert town would never be the same. In fact, the city continues to pay tribute to that glamorous 50s heyday – Palm Springs still has the largest concentration of fabulous mid-century modern architecture. Forward-thinking architects were first drawn to the desert in the 1920s and, influenced by the laid-back lifestyle and intense climate, designed homes, hotels and commercial buildings that embraced their surroundings. Sleek and elegant in design, the structures featured modern construction with clean lines, plenty of glass and open, airy floor plans. Not surprisingly, Palm Springs was named as one of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s list of Distinctive Destinations, making it a cultural tourism destination for architecture. Every year, the city hosts Modernism Week, which celebrates and fosters appreciation of midcentury architecture and design by encouraging education, preservation and sustainable modern living as is represented in Palm Springs. While in town, there is an indulgence for every visitor’s inner celebutante – oasis-like hot springs, stylish hotels, lavish casinos, luxurious spas and world-class golf courses (Palm Springs is known as the Golf Capital of the World, in part thanks to its popularity with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby and subsequent celebrity tournaments). The stylish shopping district on Palm Canyon Drive features art galleries and vintage shops along with chic interior design shops, fashion boutiques and must-try alfresco dining options. Beautifully lined with majestic palm trees and home to the Palm Springs Walk of Stars, the street is closed to all but foot traffic on Thursday nights, transforming it for one of Southern California’s most popular weekly events – VillageFest. Also known as the Palm Springs Street Fair, VillageFest invites pedestrians to partake in a vibrant array of artists, artisans and entertainers along with purveyors of fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, jewelry, snacks and sweets. Looking for clear blue skies and sweet desert air beyond the city limits? Within an hour’s drive is where the Mojave and Lower Colorado deserts join to form the 800,000-acre Joshua Tree National Park. Whether hiking or biking, a sightseeing excursion along the main park roads, on one of the park’s five palm oases or on a self-guiding nature trail will take you on an unforgettable adventure amidst this giant desert mosaic of immense beauty and complexity. It’s been said that on a clear day, the panoramic vista from Keys View extending beyond the Salton Sea to Mexico is all the reward you need. A less action-intensive alternative for enjoying the mountainscape is to take Palm Springs Aerial Tramway
If you are looking for a hip and happening place that rates high on the swank-meter, we confidently recommend The Parker. The Parker, formerly known as Le Parker Meridien, has a star studded history with former owners that include Gene Autry who used the hotel to house his baseball team, the California Angels and Merv Griffith who attracted some of the biggest-name celebrities of the 1990s and early 2000s. In 2003 Jack Parker purchased the Merv Griffin Resort and hired famed interior designer Jonathan Adler to make it over in his signature mid-mod style. Behind its iconic orange doors is a fresh and fun mood that is luxurious-yet-tongue-in-cheek and exudes a lavish and fantastical vibe. Beautiful and elegant gardens, perfect for a stroll, a wedding, or private party are hidden behind high walls and hedges offering privacy suitable for the likes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, or Robert Downey Jr. and all the well-heeled and style conscious guests.
t r av e l – the world’s largest rotating tram car. Offering breathtaking views of the Coachella Valley, the tram carries passengers two and a half miles up the cliffs of Chino Canyon. Once you reach Mountain Station– elevation 8,516 feet – there are restaurants, observation decks, a natural history museum, two documentary theaters, gift shops and over 50 miles of hiking trails. Despite its storied stardust legacy, Palm Springs is no stagnant time capsule. Fresh, innovative minds in the form of talented artists, emerging musicians and gifted architects are continually drawn to make their imprint in the sand. Annual events like the aforementioned Modernism Week, the Palm Springs International Film Festival and the Coachella music festival attract a hip demographic of coolseekers to follow their bliss in this sun-drenched jewel. Sinatra may have famously sung about New York and Chicago, but it’s little wonder he chose to call the desert paradise of Palm Springs home.
M O D -S H O P ‘ T I L YO U D RO P ccording to Wayfair.com, the nation’s largest online-only retailer for home decor and furnishings Palm Springs is ranked as the most stylish city. Designers and décor enthusiasts alike flock to the mecca of mid century modern design in droves all year round and in especially high numbers for Modernism Week. And for good reason, Palm Springs is home to the world’s largest collection of intact modernist architecture. Rest assured the remainder of the year leaves no shortage of cool stores, consignment shops and brick and mortar boutiques that offer the brand new for the consummate shopaholic. Palm Springs overflows with one-of-a-kind stores brimming with hard-to-find vintage décor, knock-offs and updated reinterpretations while fleeting pop-up shops dot the extensive retail scene. Visit the Uptown Design District, Downtown, Sunny Dunes Vintage Row, The Curve District, and The Backstreet Arts District.
ParamountParamount Theatre, Cedar Rapids, IA - Main Street Studio, Courtesy of Conrad Schmitt Studios Theatre, Cedar Rapids, IA - Main Street Studio, Courtesy of Conrad Schmitt Studios Paramount Theatre, Cedar Rapids, - Main Studio, Courtesy of Conrad Paramount Theatre, CedarIA Rapids, IA Street - Main Street Studio, Courtesy of ConradSchmitt Schmitt Studios Studios
Interior Designer: Robert Angell International Interior Designer: Robert Angell DesignDesign International Photo Courtesy of Robert Angell Design International and Aqua Restaurant Group Photo Courtesy of Robert Angell Design International and Aqua Restaurant Group
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ristling over whether to use a paint brush or paint roller? The solution, quite simply, depends on what is being painted and the type of paint being applied. A paint roller is designed for efficiency, making it more suitable for painting large, flat areas such as interior walls and ceilings. Not only do they allow for easy pick up from the paint tray and an easy release of paint onto the surface, they provide a uniform application and a smooth finish. On the other hand, a brush is great for working in small areas like corners, or for the precision required of woodwork,
trim, window frames and molding. Sometimes, brushes are used to create a special effect, or when painting antiques or a historic home to get a more authentic look. If a paint brush is well made and properly cleaned and stored after use, it can continue to apply paint smoothly and uniformly for years to come. High-quality paint application tools will not only give you a consistent, long-lasting finish, they will speed up and simplify the work at hand. Here are some guidelines for choosing the right brushes and paint rollers for your job.
To cut in and do small areas such as trim, edges and corners.
Use only synthetic (nylon or polyester) brush bristles. They hold their shape and maintain proper stiffness.
Use either natural or synthetic brush bristles. Natural bristle brushes work best when applying enamels.
Walls, ceilings and other large, flat areas.
Use either synthetic or natural Use roller covers made with a synthetic “nap� or fiber covers. fiber surface.
PAINT BRUSHES SIZE GUIDE Angled edge 2” wide (50mm): To cut in at the corners of exterior and interior walls. Flat 1” wide (30mm) and 2 1/2” wide (60mm): For exterior and interior woodwork and molding. Angled 1” wide (30mm) and 2 1/2” wide (60 mm): For precise painting of window frames and trim. Flat 3” wide (75mm) and 4” wide (100mm): For fences, deck boards and large trims. SELECTING A QUALITY BRUSH Make sure the brush feels comfortable in your hand. Test the quality by tugging on the bristles. If more than one or two bristles can be pulled out, it is probably poorly constructed. A good brush will have split ends to create a more even finish and it will have a definite flex to spring back into shape. PAINT ROLLER SIZE GUIDE Standard widths: 7 ½” and 9½” (190 mm and 240mm). The 9½” (240 mm) is suitable for most interior walls and ceiling jobs. Mini rollers are also convenient for trim and narrow areas. Short naps (1/8” to 1/4” or 5-10mm): Best on wallboard, smooth plaster, wood or metal. Medium naps (3/8” to 3/4” or 15-20mm): Best on light-textured stucco, poured concrete and rough wood. Long naps (3/4” to 1” or 25-30mm): Best on heavy-textured stucco, concrete block and brick. The thicker the nap, the more paint it holds. SELECTING A QUALITY ROLLER Test the quality of a roller cover by squeezing it. A high quality cover will quickly return to its original shape. It should have no obvious seams (which tend to leave streaks as you apply paint). Invest in a high quality roller that will not leave nap fibers on the surfaces being painted.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
living well
5 IDEAS TO STEAL Fresh looks for an easy update to your bathroom.
T HE FO R MU L A : BASIC BAT HRO O M Starting with classic white fixtures and brushed nickel hardware, we’ve given basic the boot and kicked up powder room style with five designer treatments. What’s your look?
B OLD AND BR IGH T Begin with high contrast: simple white walls and flooring get energized by punches of black accents and accessories. But what really takes this scheme to the next level is the drop-dead pendant lighting and one wall of an over-the-top wallpaper in a gorgeous vivid geometric print.
GOLDEN ERA With the revival of gold hardware and accessories, mixing metals is so du jour! Go bold with a David Hicks wallpaper and dark polished tiles, and then inject glam and sparkle with a statement mirror and showstopping '70s inspired lighting.
Rather than shouting, Modern Traditional decorating whispers a quiet and timeless style. In this powder room, classic finishes like Carrara marble tile and brass accents and lighting are updated with clean lines and hexagon patterns. Deep navy walls and strong art add a fun shot of drama.
t h e d e s i g n m ag a z i n e o f t h e pa i n t & d e co r at i n g r e ta i l e r s a s s o c i at i o n
living well
M O RO CC A N S PIC E A culmination of centuries of Arabian and European influences, nothing says exotic Mediterranean quite like Moroccan style. In this scheme, mixing patterns and colors with classic shapes and warm metal finishes delivers the feeling of a Souk in Marakhesh.
Despite current trends, rustic doesn’t always have to feel industrial or unrefined. Starting with a sensational pattern of wood-look ceramic hexagon floor tiles in a variety of worn hues, we’ve added in vintage-inspired milk glass pendant lighting, a wooden mirror that evokes the shape of a barrel and soothing blue-green walls. Just be aware that you’ll have to share the mirror with that stylishly-maned horse.
e n d n ot e
raditional in its roots yet right on trend, wood siding is hugely popular in interior decorating right now. The visual interest that well-preserved paneling adds to bed, bath, kitchen or living area walls is indicative of its staying power all these years. Once reserved for use on barns, sheds and outbuildings, salvaged or new wood siding can be applied in all sorts of incarnations starting with verticals (remember that dreamy Hamptons beach house set in Something’s Gotta Give?) and continuing with chevrons, horizontals and alternating widths. Thanks to its versatility as well as its wide availability, the interior siding trend should be around for quite a spell. So if you’re swooning over a laid-back, yet modern farmhouse look and are ready to climb aboard the good ship(lap), here are a few things you should know:
• Wood siding boards come in rough-sawn or milled pine or similarly inexpensive wood in various widths between 3” and 10”. • While painted wood siding is all the rage for a beachy and time-worn look, be sure to prime your boards and any knots appropriately to avoid a different kind of rage! Pine especially requires specific primer to keep knots from bleeding through. • Remember, not all paneling is created equally when it comes to style and design:
Clapboard is a type of siding made from wedge-shaped boards which are designed to overlap with each other.
Shiplap is milled lumber that consists of simple interlocking boards, where the top and bottom form an attractive wood siding.
Board-and-batten is a treatment of vertical boards with battens covering the seams.
Rustic V is a lap jointed affair with chamfered edges that meet at the seams to form a “V”.
You’ll find Benjamin Moore exclusively at locally owned and operated paint and decorating retailers, including: BENJAMIN MOORE KELOWNA 1768 SPRINGFIELD ROAD, KELOWNA
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