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The Myers-Brig ggs Type Indicator ® is a perssonality pro ofiler based on the wo rk of Carl G. G Jung

Created d by the Am merican motther-daugh ter team off Katharine Cook Brigg gs and Isabe el Briggs M Myers, the MBTI M was developed d o over a perio od of 20 yea ars. It was tthen researc ched for an additional 20 ye ears and fin nally release ed for public use in 197 75. The MBT TI is now the most widely u used person nality indica ator in the w world.

It measures individ dual prefere ences on the ese four sca ales 1.

How w people are energised d: whether p people are more energ gised by the e external or o internal world (E ( – Extroversion, or I – Introversiion)

2. How w people prrefer to take e in or perce eive information (S – Sensing S or N – iNtuition n) 3. How w people prrefer to mak ke evaluatio ons and dec cisions (T – Thinking o r F – Feeling) 4. How w people orrient their liv ves; whethe er they are organised and a seek clo e osure or are spontaneous and open (J – Judging or P – Perceiving) erson can be b typed by four letterss indicating g the combination of p preferences from Each pe each of the above pairs of tra aits. A perso on who preffers Extrove ersion, Senssing, Thinking and g is referred d to as ESTJ J. There are e sixteen po ossible combinations. Judging

















gh we use all a eight preferences, o ne in each pair tends to t be more developed. It is Althoug believed d that we are born with a prefere ence for one e alternative e within eacch of the fo our pairs above. Everyone's personality y reflects al l aspects off the Myers Briggs mo del. You use ersion as we ell as Introversion, Senssing as well as Intuition, Thinking as well as Feeling F Extrave and Jud dging as we ell as Perceiving.


Howeve er, the Myerrs Briggs model implie es that each h person naturally tend ds to choose, if the opportu unity allowss, one of each of the fo our preferen nces, though the stren gth of that preference may va ary. For example: an EN NTJ prefers s Extraversion, Intuition n, Thinking and ment and is likely to fee el energised d by having g lots of thin ngs going o on (E). S/he e will Judgem tend to interpret events by se eeing patterrns or overv views (N). S/he S will ten nd to make e ns on the ba asis of logic c (T). And ss/he organises life on a logical bassis (J). decision What are the bene efits of knowing your ttype?  Grea ater undersstanding of yourself

Grea ater undersstanding of others

Improved communication skills

Ability to unde erstand and reduce con nflict

Improved time manageme ent

Kno owledge of your y manag gerial style and its stre engths and drawbacks

Kno owing your contribution in a team m

ve satisfacttion Iden ntifying the tasks and jobs that giv

At Quarrtz+Co we believe in openness, o d ialogue, div versity and delivering tthe best vallue to our clients. This we e do throug gh a holistic c approach to people and a consult ing – we strive to nderstand th he full cont ext we inte eract in befo ore we makke a really lissten and un recomm mendation to t a client. And A in a tea am setting, we explore e the differe ences in persona alities and le everage the e strengths of all team members. MBTI is a n natural part of our civilisation and the e way we work. And by y being curious, appreciative and explorative e about evelop even n stronger relations, r ev ven higher p performanc ce and others’ preferences we can de o do: help our o clients b become eve en more suc ccessful. do what we love to TI profiles in n the civilisa ation includ de the follow wing divers ity and split in Our collective MBT preferences

E/I d dimension: 80% E and 20% I

S/N dimension: 55% S and d 45% N

T/F dimension: 70% T and d 30% F

J/P dimension; 60% J and d 40% P


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