Field force innovation rationale – five mega trends Dos and don'ts – challenges and opportunities for pharma companies Field force innovation options – routes to improving the field force Developing of a more future-oriented field force – managing challenges and opportunities Structured approach – discovery, exploration, evaluation and implementation Quartz+Co core beliefs – strategic approach to field force innovation
The future of Pharma’s field force Innovate or become extinct
Field force innovation rationale
Five "mega" trends are affecting the pharma field force playing field … 1
Healthcare sector struggling
• Increased burden of diseases leading to cost containment measures and increased focus on price • Emergence of more co-ordinated/patient-centric treatment schemes • Consolidation and regionalisation of care systems
• Increasing pressure from payers and policy makers, etc. – e.g. more administration, higher costs, pay-for-results/outcomes
Patient engagement – "out of control"
HCPs "under siege"
• More patients per day per HCP
• Older HCPs replaced by the individualistic generation X and Y • Nurses playing a bigger role in patient handling and treatment
• HCPs increasingly frustrated with missing engagement • Greater demand for patient support
• Many smaller practices are driven into bigger super clinics
• From Caucasian male doctors to more female – and ethnic – doctors
• More patients in poor control of their disease
• Public information about outcomes available
HCP diversity increasing
Information "multichannelisation"
• Information access becoming easier and faster – from unbiased sources • Amount of available information growing exponentially • Doctors and patients increasingly going online, mobile, etc.
Field force innovation rationale
… offering serious challenges – but also new opportunities to pharma industry players 1
Healthcare sector struggling 2
HCPs "under siege"
• Price pressure
• New collaboration models emerging
• Increased demands for delivering outcomes
• Partnering with payors, caregivers, community, etc.
• Reps' access increasingly restricted – by HCP and by law
• Regaining relationships by being relevant for – and adding value to HCPs by helping them battle constraints
• Decisions on what to prescribe elevated to committees/payers 3
Patient engagement – "out of control" 4
HCP diversity increasing 5
Information "multichannelisation"
• –
• Helping HCPs by assisting them in getting their patients in better control
• Diminishing returns of "one-size-fits-all" approaches
• Matching individual HCP (or segment) characteristics better
• Reps are no longer HCPs' key source of (unbiased) medical information
• Providing relevant information to HCPs – through existing and new information channels
• Devaluation of individual reps knowledge and dialogue 3
Field force innovation options
Pharma players are facing a choice: pursue the traditional sales excellence route, or pursue the development of a more future-oriented field force Routes to improving the field force 1
Traditional sales excellence, i.e. "Operational Renovation" • Impact through improved efficiency of current operational model • Focus typically on identification and leverage of best practices
Two routes to improving the field force
Future field force, i.e. "Strategic Innovation" • Focus on addressing structural opportunities and challenges in the current and future market place • Impact through amended operational model designed to realise high returns in the future market place
Quartz+Co perspective on the two routes
This is a required hygiene factor to compete in today's pharma market. However, it will not allow pharma companies to break away from the crowd
This is a required to be truly differentiating – and it must : i. be "one-of-a-kind unique" ii. bring real value to stakeholders iii. be commercially viable
Field force innovation options
Developing of a more future-oriented field force should be pursued to manage key field force challenges and seize major field force opportunities ‌ Challenges and opportunities
How to manage challenges and seize opportunities?
A more relevant and "holistic" field force value proposition is needed
A more flexible selling model should be pursued
The future rep should take on a broader role – and be supplemented with new profiles/capabilities
The eChannel should be used as a key communication channel vs HCPs and patients
Tighter co-ordination of sales, marketing and personal/non-personal selling will be critical
Field force innovation options
… offering serious challenges – but also new opportunities to pharma industry players Opportunities 1 A more relevant and "holistic" field force value proposition is needed
• Providing the product alone will not be enough to remain relevant to HCPs • Companies who support improving patient engagement and provide timely and relevant information/insights/support will be attractive partners for HCPs
A more flexible selling model should be pursued
• Retaining and improving customer relationships will require more customised approaches and offerings to individual HCPs/segments, and to different customer types (payers, providers, etc.) • New/upgraded segmentation models will be essential
3 The future rep should take on a broader role – and be supplemented with new profiles/capabilities
• Additional/different kinds of skills – and training – of current reps and redefinition of future rep profiles and roles will be required to match more diverse/new customer profiles and types • "Extended" Field force organisation should include other customer-facing profiles such as doctors, health economists, nurses, etc.
The eChannel should be used as a key communication channel vs HCPs and patients
• Targeted use of the eChannel (e.g. online, phone, mobile, video, social media, etc.) should be used as a key lever in reps drive for supplying relevant insights to HCPs • Also, eChannel should be considered a tool for supporting HCPs efforts to improve patient engagement
5 Tighter co-ordination of sales, marketing and personal/nonpersonal selling will be critical
• Use of new channels and technologies will be important levers in satisfying the need for customisation (and speed) • But, these levers must be deployed in concert with existing/upgraded personal selling approaches and marketing tools/initiatives, i.e. not viewed as stand-alone initiatives
Field force innovation approach
To be successful field force innovation must follow a structured approach … Discovery and exploration phase
Evaluation and implementation phase Opportunity identification
• Identify opportunities – short/long term • Identify key factors for success
• Develop perspective on emerging market/industry • Explore trends emerging customer/stake • Create scenarios -holder needs • Set focus, (articulated scope and plan and • Kickoff • Initial discovery unarticulated)
Strategic alignment
• Engage and involve key stakeholders • Orchestrate alignment around new insights • Identify potential directions/strategies
• Prioritise opportunities • Develop concepts to address prioritised opportunities
• Build and evaluate business cases • Define • Conduct pilots implementation • Follow up and plan and refine concepts KPIs/metrics • Implement concepts
• Create basis for implementation success • Facilitate decisions and short-term action • Create foundation for sustainable innovation going forward
Field force innovation approach
‌ with focus on working in concert on three core elements Core elements
Customer/ stakeholder insights
Customer/stakeholder insights
"Development of a "bottom-up" perspective, a deep understanding of both the articulated (explicitly stated) and unarticulated (latent or unrecognised) needs of existing and potential customers/ stakeholders"
Industry trends and foresight
"Development of a "top-down" perspective that seeks to understand the complex forces driving change that impact the field force, including emerging and converging trends, new technologies, competitive dynamics, potential dislocations and alternative scenarios"
Strategic alignment
"Establishment of cross-functional understanding of emerging trends, customer needs and potential opportunities – creating organisational support and alignment around strategic direction and implementation requirements"
Strategic field force innovation
"Creation of a new field force model that changes the game in the industry and generate significant new value for customers/stakeholders and the company pursuing the innovation
Industry trends and foresight
Strategic alignment
Field force innovation approach
How to approach strategic field force innovation 1
Strategic field force innovation entails identifying break-through opportunities with measurable impact – both in the short and long term
To make strategic field force innovation happen, you must apply equal amounts of art/creativity and science/analytical rigour
Field force innovation should go hand in hand with capability building, field force governance/organisation, systems/policies and incentives
Approaches and levers should be adapted to each major step in the sales process to make it real for the sales (field force) organisation
Piloting is key for testing concepts and solutions "live" – subsequent roll-out should be done in waves to facilitate improvements along the way
"Lead-from-the-line" – the sales (field force) organisation must play a key role in driving pilots and implementation/roll-out